Following UFC Vegas 75, tune in to the Post-Fight Press Conference to hear the athletes take questions from the media.
we didn’t have a choice that’s why you know we I offer I like said okay let’s do that fight in many ways but he got he got injured and then they couldn’t find anybody in top 15 but they said uh Sean Shelby said I’m trying to find someone you know but nobody wanna fight with you and we offered I know from I know this information from my managers not from uh Sean Shelby they offered good money for for everybody you know to fight with me but this guy they’re scariest of me um it’s been a few minutes since your fight how did you feel about your performance you know I did some mistake but I’m so happy I finished him you know because if if I didn’t finish him guys nobody nobody gonna talk about me and that’s why you know I went forward you know like pressure pressure like non-stop working I wanted to make him tell I wanted make him Talent uh make him tired first round and knock him out second round so it was Game Plan you know we we have been working so much so so much for for this you know it was our good game plan with my coaches and uh but he was super tough you know I couldn’t I couldn’t stop him in second round and I said no way this is third round and uh it just started I gotta I gotta do something I gotta go forward I gotta like you know okay I said it Harmon let’s go because you want decision uh your own decision uh damiris magu of damiris magu of one of the best fighter in our division I won him decision you guys you guys even don’t say good words to me a word to me because I don’t know I beat him like three rounds super easy and even like I stayed in the same position but it so disrespectful uh I think this fight I think they gotta put me on top five you know because I deserve it he hurts you in that second round um was that the first time in your career that you felt hurt in a fight uh when I was 18 years old I felt same same like hurt but it wasn’t so bad you know I was on my feet and yeah I felt that punch you know guys he has a like very hard punches I I had eight opponents in UFC and nobody like like especially his knees in the on the on the clinch it was like super hard and like his elbow he’s super strong and uh I think he’s the most the most strong guy I’ve ever like fought you know like like a physically like you know his strengths is so so good yeah but technically yeah he’s not high level fighter but you know yeah it is what it is what’s good guys it was good fight good point um so I think the most logical fight that makes sense is benildario you you mentioned that um is that who you want next in in in Abu Dhabi yeah if uh if that was uh can fight in Abu Dhabi in October definitely I want to fight with him if not you know guys you know me I’m gonna fight with everybody but everybody from like top five whatever Chandler Darius or whatever but yeah I think uh fight with that usually it makes sense but if if you want to ask me for sure that uh I want to fight with Michael Channel because it looks like he’s uh fight with uh Conor McGregor is over you know and he got a fight with someone and I’m here you know I have a good win streak you know and you know let’s let’s do it let’s do this this fight because I’m the youngest guy in top 15 and he’s the older one and uh you know I think for fun it’s good like new generation fight with uh like all the generation or Michael Chandler or is this who you want yeah congratulations thanks so much oh no oh man congratulations um you’ve got a long list of high-level Fighters after your fight tonight where do you rank Joaquin Silva amongst your opponents say again please I said you have fought a long list of high-level Fighters throughout your career after your fight tonight where do you rank Joachim Silva amongst your opponents human he’s a rank like where do you rank him amongst uh I don’t know guys you know I on my list I have a lot of good Fighters uh you know like high level Grapplers high level Strikers he’s he’s on Middle from my list and you you mentioned that you believe that the Chandler McGregor fight might be over um did you get any award on that or where would you hear about that one more time please uh you just mentioned that you think you thought that Chandler’s fight with McGregor might be over um what’d you hear about that because I saw what uh what his uh what McGregor is doing you know he’s like relaxing on his yacht you know like drink alcohol like you know goes to the beach you know like smoke weed you know but with like trains like a crazy guys I live in the in the gym you know train like three two times a day you know he doesn’t he does I think he’s he’s not he’s not he’s not gonna fight you know uh we don’t know yet all right thank you and congratulations thanks so much very good and uh guys I wanna I wanna say thank you for you of uh for my team for American top team you know they give me a lot of opportunity to stay there to train their you know like then Lambert thank you so much thank you so much my old coaches my friends you know they’re over there and um from Russia a lot of coaches who helped who helped me I just want to say thank you so much I really appreciate it foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you thank you a lot of that stuff is foreign thank you foreign thank you foreign foreign thank you foreign thank you thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign Jared congrats man great win great great fight he made you work for it though what uh what’s going through your mind in round two I honestly man I can’t believe he made it out of that round what’s going on in your mind when you’re hitting him with everything he just won’t go down let’s do that again do it again round three and see if he can survive you know so I’ll keep the pressure on um listen to my coaches don’t go South Park uh uh but uh yes keep the pressure on don’t give them any room to breathe and recover more than you know that one minute allows for and um keep building off of the damage I was doing you know keep building off of the openings of vulnerabilities I was creating so uh keep getting better keep doing better let’s get that finish yeah the announcers were saying like oh he might have you know over committed and you know he might he might gas himself out but I didn’t see it that way I felt you were very controlled um you know you’re picking your shots you kind of hit a stride it was almost like you were just at a nice brisk Pace just sort of picking your shots or was there ever time when you went back around like okay I might have pushed it on the gas a little too much no absolutely not I say it all the time I am lab ready you know again I’ll give I’ll give it up to Jared a key at the MMA lab he gets us ready for these fights he got me he’s this is my fifth uh Main Event you’ve not guys have never I mean rarely seen me slow down and uh Peter out and gas out in there you guys will never see me gas out so um no I wasn’t thinking that my my uh only thing I was thinking was keep going keep putting the pressure on it doesn’t matter if I got tired I didn’t feel tired you know what I mean um breathe and uh beat the out of this man so you did you took out a guy who was uh previously ranked above you and now you really got Bobby Knuckles Alex baheda between you and in the championship so what do you see as your your path back to Israel out of Sonya or a title fight whoever that champion may be at that time the way I see the immediate future going um Robert is going to fight dracus I know Israel wants to fight Drake it’s so bad but I feel with my performance as far as the guys who make that decision go I’m sure that puts my name well up there in the uh in that uh in that area you know what I mean so um I’m not really concerned myself with um with what may or may not be I’m just gonna focus on the next fight I’m gonna get back in the gym get back to uh making myself better get back to improving on my skills and um worry about the next fight thanks for leaving it all out there that was uh it was a hell of a fight thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it hey Jared um would you be open to welcoming Hamza to the division is that fight gives me a title shot possibly yeah you think so I think so I don’t know he’s not even ranked in middleweight is he he’s not so I mean I know he’s popular everybody wants to see him do his thing and stuff like that if they call me and say hey hamzat for contenders match that’s a yes so if it is so if it’s not if it’s not a contender fight and if it’s not doesn’t get you totify you’re you’d pass I’m trying to get to the title I’m not just fighting to entertain you people you know what I mean I know you guys want to see it I know it would be a good fight you know what I mean if that fight gets me the title shot yes I’m right I’m Number ranked I just beat number three I’m Not Looking Back I’m looking forward I’m looking at the champion so if he if Dana and Hunter and them say he’s between you and the champion that’s something we can talk about but if you saying would you fight Harm’s art and welcome in the division I’m like does that give me to the title that’s the question I’d have for you gotcha um you said in several interviews that this was the best fight Camp you’ve had can you reveal why that why this was the best Camp I’ve just continued building on all the things I’ve been building on you know and I’ve culminated into this in this fight Camp into a bunch of good performances a bunch of good days some happy times you know what I mean um a lot of uh what’s the word Revelations made about myself things that I’m capable of um wrinkles I’d added to my game and um I’m really proud of myself I’m really happy with the work that I get at the MMA lab I’m really happy with the uh results that I’ve gotten from my strength and conditioning program at the lab and at Air Sports Medicine so um all that stuff together you know made it this one of the best camps that I’ve had at the MMA lab congratulations thank you congrats on the win tonight Jared um you had your opponent hurt in a lot of sequences tonight he did show how tough he was but in your opinion is there anything you believe you should have done differently in the attempt of achieving the Finish wants to fight to give you a straight A good answer on that um hit the man a lot more uh maybe rest a little bit harder you know step on the gas a little bit more um but it’s hard to say you know I think I did very well I broke the record in significant strikes I hit him with some hard shots a lot of hard shots so um what more can what more can you do man hit him hit him more more hard shots right break the record again like you said you broke the record for significant strikes what do you make of that and how special is that for you um not something I was trying to do you know I wasn’t thinking okay I hit him with 50 significant strikes this round let me get him with 50 more you know I wasn’t thinking that I was just trying to put this man away hit him um with some hard strikes that he couldn’t uh stand up to but um but towards a different animal he was able to stick around for him you know he even hit me with a hard shot and almost uh had a chance to get me out of there so um yeah it’s definitely an Accolade a feather in my cap is a good thing to have on your record in your uh in my back pocket if you will and it for me approves the improvements that I’ve been wanting to make you know I’ve said it since my Israel fight I wanted to increase my output increase the pressure I put on my opponents and um breaking that record is proof of the road that I’ve been on the journey I’ve been on since that day and I’m sure you got a lot of takeaways from tonight what is a key takeaway from this fight that will help you in preparation for your next fight against whoever may be against um you guys better watch out I can grapple too you know so um I haven’t even shown you on my submission game yet that’s just me taking you guys down and you know Weighing on you guys hitting you guys I’ve been studying these dagestandis and stuff you know what I mean that’s the mountain that I’m clan that as far as I’m concerned you know that’s the mountain That I’m Climbing personally I want to be as good as those could be as good as those Islams in there um um good as all those guys as far as uh grappling goes so I’m gonna keep working on my grappling them keep getting better you know so um this is the first I guess this is my first fight I guess this is my second fight I’ve gotten to take down but my second my first fight that I’ve actively gone for take Downs so um improvements I just want to keep showing Improvement the next fight I want to show even more improvements and uh there seems to be a trend lately of some Fighters willing to be the backup at the next title fight in their division is that something you’re willing to do next time the middleweight belt’s on the line yeah I mean we could pay for those moments you know so uh I’m more than happy to take uh to step in for that opportunity you know get paid even if I don’t fight them you still get paid a little bit so I’m happy with that you know what I mean and I wouldn’t mind a trip to Sydney I’ve never been to Australia before I’ve always wanted to go so um yeah thank you and congratulations thank you uh you got the 50k bonus yeah excited about that anything you know plan to spend it on well I’m in the process of buying a house you know I got kids I got family my mom wants to buy a house my mama needs to retire so I just got to be smart with my money um I got to put my money away so so that my money makes money so I’m not just spending money so there’s different things I got to think about with this um not just the bonus just my paychecks in general so um yeah it’s getting cold in here too congratulations thank you