On today’s episode of UFC Unfiltered, Jim Norton and Matt Serra are joined by newly-crowned UFC women’s bantamweight …
she’s winning this fight it seems pretty clear that she’s winning this fight I have climbed mountains to get back here and for everybody who’s chasing a dream and you have people telling you you can’t do it stay believing because that’s exactly what I did Rael [Applause] Rocky scary power there from Drew Dober and that’s why I’m the number one lightweight knockout artist in the world right now so we brought back the setup I’m smooth I’m natural and I’m having fun out here [Applause] true welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of here [Music] welcome to UFC unfiltered I am very my back hurts my knee hurts I don’t know what’s happening to me maybe it’s from from uh Jiu-Jitsu or Muay Thai I don’t know but I’m very very sore everywhere hey welcome to UFC unfilter let’s just start the show bitching that’s right no no letting everybody know that like um like most Champions I take my bumps that’s what I wanted people to know yeah well listen man I I think we have what we have in common is we uh we were both on the match today I open over into camores into open guard tripod sweeps into smash passes into arm locks did you get annoyed did you get annoyed when you lost and the guy told you that you’d get the eye of the tiger back it was second he said it I I paused I paused and with a Southern accident he goes I’m sorry he knew he knew but God I bring that up often whenever you know what I mean so stupid to say that it makes me laugh you know because that means I at that point I lost not only did I lose a fight but I lost the eye of the tiger yeah yeah you get the eye of tiger back yeah speaking of the eye of the tiger sorry I have it Matt is that what you’re gonna say no but we have somebody in the waiting room that has it and had it and oh yes she did the world are you talking about the new bantamweight champion yes Raquel Pennington let’s bring her in let’s bring her in we got we got this show down to a Pat the way we got this down we do yeah thank you hi Jimmy Jimmy I I taught a couple classes today that was fun you know there’s roel hello Rael what’s up Champion how are you how does that feel to be called Champion if all this time like doesn’t it feel great I mean it has to feel great it does it’s uh you know I mean it just kind of brings together all that freaking hard work and now it’s recognized was there a was there a time where you thought like I might not get another shot like were there moments where you thought like after especially Amanda and then Germaine something turned around for you and I don’t know what what it was but there was one point where you had dropped three out of four and then it’s six straight I mean did you do something different or did you have a moment or what happened um um I figured it would be you know I figured another time would come around you never know how long it’s going to take um so for me it was just kind of focusing on I’ve said it in a million interviews and it was just about having fun I had to learn how to go back and actually have fun um you know you can go in and you can do all the workouts you could take all the vitamins you could eat all the food but if your head and your heart ain’t right like it doesn’t matter sorry guys let’s bring your kid to um work day today is back in the gym and so I’m on Mama duties no that’s that’s cute but uh how old is your daughter by the way now she’s gonna be eight months on February 1 well that’s nice because like around the six month Mark or a little bit earlier you get that they start to get their personality now you notice that right oh yeah she’s so much fun she’s just like she’s like in this we’ve been cracking up the past couple days cuz she talks like a little minion and then like she’ll like she’s just doing all these gestures she learned how to say bye and hi but like her wave is like this so we’re like oh very royal family very Queen that’s nice exactly yeah it’s cute yeah that’s so much fun and uh watching the uh fight what was your corner telling you were you did they want you to get off when you were pressing her up against the cage I was watching that cuz you were striking so well like I was like oh I was loving watching Strike and then you you grab her I’m just let her God just I was panicking for you um and you certainly weren’t panicking but I was watching it what were they telling you I actually was panicking the morning of the fight like I don’t know if you can still hear it but I’m actually pretty congested I woke up um super sick that morning uh I kind of questioned everything so I had a great like fight week things were going all right you know well going well um when we first started to travel to Canada um I started getting a little sick and I was like okay so I called UFC um ask them like what I can take and stuff to kind of get things under control and then I think from just going through the weight cut and breaking down my body I woke up so sick and um the morning of the fight I was actually on the treadmill sprinting I felt like I had razor blades in the back of my throat so I was really nervous to go into a five round fight um and you know I’m prepared I’m conditioned but then having a cold on top of that not really able to breathe so much pressure in my uh sinuses already and then waking up and having a headache like to think of going into a fight with a headache like really freaked me out out um and so uh it was it was an interesting day to say the least and then when we got in there um you know my coaches they were yelling at me to obviously let my hands go and just trust in my striking and to finish the fight um but I just kept like that was my frustration but that’s the cool thing about fighting right like I went out there I got the job done and I’m super proud of myself in that aspect I had to overcome some mountains um but then you know the next fight go out there and just let your freaking hands go I know I have great hands were you feeling a little weaker or more tired you think because of the cold were you holding on or was it were you feeling it in the cage yeah I felt a little like uh my muscles felt really fatigued um I felt like you know how like when you’re just starting to get sick and you have like those body aches and everything going on like I told my coaches I was like this is gonna hurt like I already felt like I had the body aches and stuff going on and then I’m getting ready to go get into a fight and I don’t know how many times I told them I was like this is going to hurt you know what’s you know what’s hysterical about that like whenever you’re tired and this is the truest thing I think Raquel you could uh first of all super cute Raquel my wife my wife sees her oh hi hi she does not look happy to see us she’s like who are these two monsters babies love they think I’m a big baby because my bald head okay uh you could probably attest to this when you’re tired you know everybody gets tired but when you’re tired and you see a a training partner or in this case the your opponent Silva having I don’t know if they could I don’t know how you translate this of the Portuguese Poker Face she’s got to learn to get one because at the end of the third round she looked defeated sitting I counted the two Mississippi before she got up staring at the space did not look did not and then tried to psych herself back up on the stool by yell Hy it was Amateur hour in that sense and I respect her I think she’s a a great fighter yeah did that give you extra like in other words if you’re tired you see that also look I got more in the tank because I know she’s done does that make sense yeah absolutely no I uh you know I definitely seen it I actually didn’t even pay attention to the part where she was screaming everybody told me about it afterwards and I was like did she really and they’re like yeah but you know I seen it in her eyes um there was a point in the second round and like that’s the frustrating part from what I did in my performance as far as like I seen it in the second round where um I hit her pretty hard and I can see it in her eyes and she just kind of turned to the side and like at that point I should have kept striking but then I like fell into like the whole clench game and stuff um there was just different moments that like yeah I kept seeing it and it was just like all right like I’m just G to for me it was making sure I was in the dominant position at all times just staying above like even though I felt the way that I felt like I had to keep grinding like she wasn’t going to win the fight she wasn’t going to take it from me stay away from like the submissions and everything and then there was one point um I don’t know if it was going into the third or fourth round I want to say it was going into the third we clenched up I couldn’t even hold her and they’re like oh yeah she dumped a bottle of water on her but it actually makes for some really when I punched her and you just see all the everything spray everywhere I mean that made it cool but I was like dang like I couldn’t even hold her and when she was moving it sounded like when you’re like squishing in wet shoes and clothes it was wild so when you when you’re your congestion is such an awful thing when you can’t breathe out of your nose and I live with it uh I got a great suggestion from uh actually from Amanda nunz suggested the nage have you ever used that that that uh weird thing it’s like you put in distilled water and it kind of goes through your nose I’ve never used that I uh it’s lifechanging try it it’s really good yeah should try it because yeah I have a lot of congestion going on right now um I’ve been on some prescription medicine now that I got home and stuff trying to just kind of clear up everything I have an ear infection and everything but yeah in Canada it was just like all right like we got on the treadmill and my coaches are like sprinted out so I’m trying to like Sprint and I’m spitting up all this stuff and coughing up everything and it’s like okay and then um I kept grabbing uh the baby’s Vick rub and just like trying to smell it and so there was little things that I was like trying to do to feel better but I was just I just said a whole lot of prayers and I was like all right it’s in the mind like we got to change the mind and I could do anything that my mind says so how was your breathing when you when you like walked into the cage were you a little clearer I was a little clear the adrenaline and stuff was going so my mind wasn’t really focused on that um it was just I I really felt it more so throughout my body like just a lot of muscle fatigue I didn’t feel like my natural strength that I normally have um you know I’m throwing punches and I felt like my shoulders were getting extremely tired really fast um so that was more of the fact that was really bothering me all right well listen Jimmy can if you bring up nostrils Jimmy can stay on that for 45 minutes we could talk about that two hours Jimmy stuffy head I gotta get off that I love nose talk rck I love it you opened up a can of worms with that but listen uh Hey Juliana Pena she gets a lot of hate a lot of people get annoyed with Juliana she the mouth to people just like ah and I I you know I don’t dislike her but she’s she’s um what was she yelling what we got something in notes I think she’s you know yelling for a fight with you what do you what do you think of Juliana as an opponent um you know she’s tough Juliana’s tough she’s a gamer um she’s gonna go out there and put everything she has into it uh I do believe I honestly thought she was gonna be the fight when it came to the world title and then she’s been battling her injury or whatever is going on with her so then they called and they’re like hey it’s going to be mayabono Silva which is perfectly fine um and so you know I expect that as my next fight Juliana I don’t know I Juliana is an interesting character I didn’t know anything of Juliana um and when I went into the ultimate fighter you know you have this girl and we’re all locked in a house and honestly I felt bad for her the guys and other girls were like bullying her and it was just like I wasn’t raised that way so you know I try I’m like okay we’re on the same team and on top of that were roommates like I try to befriend Juliana and real quick I learned that our personalities are just very different and so it was like you know you stick to your side I’ll stick to mine like stay away from me and now all these years like she’s just being typical Juliana and she she’s she’s out there trying to play this part you know ever you know when you first started fighting like MMA wasn’t all this it feels like WWE like everybody’s got to talk crap to each other it’s got to get all intense people are attacking each other’s families like it’s just nonsense now you know before it was like having mutual respect for your opponent um you know and then you would hype yourself up or however that was and now it’s like let’s belittle everybody and talk down to everybody and talk crap about everybody and I feel like that’s just I don’t know Juliana is trying to play this part that like she’s honestly annoying doing it and it does sell tickets too and that’s the I’m sure the frustrating part I I think it was Colby I don’t know now he may have exaggerated the numbers but after he said that awful to Leon Edwards pay-per-view buys went up I mean it’s a natural thing people want something invested I’m not saying it’s right but I mean it’s it’s a hard thing it’s like what do you do if you don’t do it then you might not get the fights because the ticket it’s it’s got to be put a fighter like yourself in a tough position who that’s not your nature to do that it’s not what you enjoy doing yeah it’s interesting I mean that’s the way that things have definitely turned and that’s where the entertainment’s at and you know the world loves seeing that they want to see the hype behind it all but the same way that I told W Silva at the press conference you know at the end of the day our fists are going to do the talking so I personally am not the type person to go out there and just run my mouth and do everything because a fight’s a fight and then you know you have these athletes who they run their mouth and then they spend the next year of their life having to make up for what they said and that’s just wasted energy I don’t have time to waste my energy like that um I think it’s more to get the Casual fans to buy too like people who are kind of the fence don’t really know much about the fight like you don’t need to to to to do things to get people who really watch fighting to buy that fight you know but it’s people who are like on the fence who might they might know Connor and Ronda but they’re not a huge and then oh these people hate each other all by that fight that seems like an interesting thing I can invest in yeah no I definitely agree with you on that and you’ve uh who do you fight after I mean you want to look past Julian Peno I but I mean Silva Vieira aldana kianzad like you you’ve gone through I think uh with the exception of Holly you’ve beaten everyone in the top uh six except for uh Juliana so I know you don’t want to look past her but uh is there anybody if things go and that that you would be interested in uh a rematch with even though you already beat them yeah you know everybody’s constantly evolving they’re constantly growing uh everybody brings a different challenge to the table and so I personally I thrive on that I love that I love to challenge myself and so I’m not you know I’m not opposed to any fight like I’m down for whatever comes my direction um but like you said first and foremost my focus is on the next fight which is most likely Juliana um and then we’ll see what that looks like from there and what’s your thoughts on on Kayla Harrison signing with the UFC you and you think she could cut to 135 how big howy fight at that’s I I don’t know I I mean she’s got some M huh I was going to ask do we know what weight she fights at what does she fight at 155 155 yeah that’s all right well and to I don’t know my that was my number one question when I seen the um the fight announced it was like you know how is she GNA make the weight but I mean it’s doable so we shall see um you know I was curious if they were actually ever gonna sign her um and so to see that happen I mean good for her and I mean it’s going to bring a lot of attention especially for UFC and that’s what they love um I feel like it’s kind of I feel like Kayla’s kind of in the position that buenos Sila was in you know you guys sat here and just listed my resume I fought in the top of the top and the best in the world um and Bueno Silva like she didn’t face anybody yet her true challenge was Holly home and like for me I don’t feel like Holly has that it anymore and she’s been kind of on her her way out but I do feel like with this fight with Kayla like if Holly is to be that Holly that came into the UFC and she strikes she will win this fight um I feel like it’s definitely going to be a challenge for Kayla but then the same time you have Kayla who’s young and she’s hungry and she has a new opportunity in front of her so I mean I think it just goes back to me like a fight’s a fight but it goes back to me and I want to see how she’s going to make this weight yeah to 145 seems like a much to fight featherweight but there’s just nobody there unfortunately um going going up for some Fighters maybe uh that want to go up 10 uh might be possible uh but yeah that that division just never really took off there’s just not enough uh I think the division that they just honest they had for cyborg you know and then once cyborg left it was just kind of like Amanda went up she won the championship there and so they had it for the champ champ but other than that like there’s nobody there right it’s there if they need it like if if there’s uh uh uh somebody like this comes in and then there’s a couple of women that say I want to go up and fight then you can possibly do that and it is another championship fight yeah uh did you what does it feel like like when you become Champion like does it change anything and how and how you obviously how you feel but like what is it like the next morning or when does it hit you that you’ve actually done it honestly it’s been surreal like it’s been 14 years of hard work like the UFC belt to go out there and become the world champion like that’s the ultimate goal I remember when I first started back in 2010 I said I was going to be one of the first women to ever sign to the UFC and people literally laughed in my face because it was not an opportunity back then and then when it became a thing you know and I was one of the first 10 women to ever sign with the UFC and then now I was like the next goal I’m going to be a world champion again people laughed and here I am I’m a world champion and so to just constantly see my career and the things that I’ve achieved and what I’ve overcome like it’s been a lot and you know I mean it’s still a surreal feeling I think it’s started to hit me a little more when I actually came home and when I got off the plane and was coming out of the terminal there was tons of people family friends fans like the news all kinds of people and just to see the little kids like the little kids are what really make a difference for me to see their excitement and like just how inspired they were like it actually started to kick in my emotions a little bit but then of course like coming home and I’ve just been yesterday was the first day I actually got out and tried to go like do something and it was probably a bad idea being out in the mountains in the snow being sick but you know I’ve just been home and not feeling well so it’s still like settling into me I was talking to Dana yesterday a little bit and it’s just like man like the emotions keep hitting but I’m definitely processing it a little bit slower and just like it’s really it’s still surreal to me wild even and you’re very tough I mean even in the uh the fight with Amanda I mean the thing that people say is you’re just extremely difficult to put away extremely difficult to stop uh and that that that toughness or that whatever it is that get you through those moments where you just don’t stop is probably what enabled you to walk into the cage feeling like you felt uh and and and and still win the Bell yeah absolutely I it’s funny because my dad and I we speak all the time and we’re just like he’s like I don’t know where you got it from but you have like a granite chin you’re just super tough like I don’t know where it came from either cuz I didn’t grow up just like fighting and being all crazy um so I don’t know it’s just something that is in My DNA and I was born with and I found out 14 years ago when I went in to first attempt this that I was naturally good at it and you know I mean I think a lot of it too comes in your mind like strong mind strong body um and so you know now that I’ve kind of just made up my mind and start of having fun with things again like sixf fight win streak just out there doing the things but what’s really cool for me is you know each and every fight is a little bit different or um you know my coaches are like you have this huge toolbox like you have got to start using it you need to do things Dana since the ultimate fighter has been on my case and has yelled at me and he even the night after the fight he was just like you know let your hands go and you’re going to be amazed at what happens um and so that’s the cool part is like you know people could look at my fights and they can say different things athletes can look at my fights and try to figure out different things but I feel like I’m constantly adapting or I have a little bit more that I can go in there and just reach for so now my my goal as an athlete is just bring out my maximum potential and fully focus on that um because I still have yet to do that you feel like you still have some more like like you’re not at your Peak yet you feel like there’s a little bit more to do until you get to your Peak absolutely I need to bring the girl from the gym into the octagon and that’s going to be 100% game changer that’s interesting I’ve I’ve heard guys and and women say that before bringing the the gym into the Octagon what is it that you think happens from I mean obviously the level of competition is very high but what is it is it is it something that you hold yourself back or is it uh nerves or your your mentality what do you think it is uh competition for one plays a part but for me I’m honestly like fighting being on The Ultimate Fighter really drug it out of me but I’m actually really shy um you know having the cameras in my face all the time and living this life that we live and being on this platform with you C uh it pulled out a different side of me but I’ll tell you what for weigh-ins for press conference getting ready walk out into the big crowd I love fighting all day I can go out there and fight all day but going out doing that like I don’t know I’m stage fright and so it kicks in a different level of nerves that I have to learn how to navigate and work through and you know I conquer it each and every time but I feel like it holds back my performance isn’t it funny how because you know I know what it’s like to fight in there and sometimes you feel more comfortable fighting in a cage in front of thousands and millions watching over you know online and then you feel more comfortable being that center of attention than you do in a room of like 20 people or 30 right like just it’s isn’t that strange I because I understand how that is it’s yeah it’s like the weirdest thing um you know like I mean I have days that I like to be an extrovert and I can go out there and be the life of the party and then other times I’m like I’m this introvert I want to hang out I want to be super quiet I want to be to myself uh but growing up like you know I used to hide behind my mom’s leg and she’s like go talk to them my brother was polar opposite like he’s running everywhere and doing things and then I’ve always been a team player I grew up on team sports and even then you know I’m out there on the basketball court or on the softball field and we’re there’s multiple of us out there but it was just like I was still nervous because I felt like everybody’s just kind kind of like staring at me and I just would get shy and then somehow going into fighting I have no idea but I think because I love the challenges and you know growth is uncomfortable and I constantly love to like I’m ambitious I love to grow and I like to be in the uncomfortable which is really weird because I’m just like I tell my dad every time I’m like I don’t know why I do this to myself it’s so stressful but at the same time I feel like myself constantly progressing and growing and achieving different things and then you know that that achievement feeling is something that’s like rewarding and addicting and then the adrenaline there’s so much emotion that goes behind it right and so I think all of that kind of plays a part but yeah I don’t know when they’re getting ready to announce us for WS I’m like I don’t want to go up on that stage like I’m freaking out and all I’m doing is going up there and getting on a scale and like we Flex We face off like it’s really not a big deal but like somehow it’s a big deal it stresses me out it’s so funny because there’s more at stake obviously when you’re there’s you know when you’re fighting there’s way more at stake but yet yeah you looked very comfortable and I don’t know if Silva is the life of a party but she looked incredibly uncomfortable ground and you looked as that party as that party in the cage went on you looked more and more comfortable I’m the same way I could be quiet or sometimes Jimmy likes to call me a chatty Maddy and I go Jimmy don’t say that I know I say it often people don’t like what I say call me a chatty M I don’t know it’s a it’s interesting like I I will tell you what though I felt like you know she was sitting here she was saying a bunch of stuff and like I have respect for Silva I have respect for all athletes out there you know going out there being a warrior and stepping into that cage like it takes something special it’s something different and so whether you know I like your personality or not like I have respect for every athlete that’s in the sport and trying to give it their best um but you know I felt like she was like playing this part and she was saying all these things and she was just yapping all fight week and running her mouth and then uh it was weird because this fight like I felt the way I felt and like I don’t know if like my adrenaline or what was going on just felt a little bit lower but I took in the crowd I took in their Arena more than I ever have I can tell you like details that like I’ve never been able to tell before a fight and like it was just I remember remember being in the octagon and I looked at my coaches and I was like man my body hurts this is going to hurt I said I don’t know where my adrenaline’s at right now that’s not going to feel good when I first get hit and they’re like listen you need to flip that switch and I was like okay and then you know she’s trying to stare into my soul and then when they called us to the center like oh I seen something different in her eyes and then when they started clearing out that octagon I was like oh I got your number like I just seen it written across her face but I did I felt so comfortable but then at the same time still like uncomfortable but it was it was almost I don’t know that’s the most comfortable I’ve actually been in the Octagon but then my mind like had its own emotions going from how I actually physically felt well you fought the best of the best I mean you’ve been you’ve been there before you fought a man you fought a Germain you fought Holly like you fought so many good Fighters uh that you’ve seen every level of pressure you’ve been through the whole press run before you’ve you’ve done all this stuff before so for you you you know a little bit more about the the way the feelings are going to be for her it was probably all a little overwhelming and can I and Rael with the fight IQ that’s a perfect example of you weathering some storms bad positions And yet when you did weather it it’s not like your energy bar took a nasty hit with oh my God I survived that but I’m I’m worse to wear no you weren’t worse to wear it’s like you’ve been there before what I don’t recommend for some people and in this case with Silva is jumping up on people’s backs when they’re St like listen there’s different type of body types Alaine Sterling he jumps on your back he puts a body triangle he’ll you know what the whole round stay up there he’s probably no worse to wear with his legs you know Chris Wyman when he jumped on Luke rockhold’s back not a good it wasn’t he never even did that before in sparring he was a little odd and it’s not a great thing and just same thing with silver I think that did not help her case with as far as her endurance goes with a five round fight you know she really put everything on getting you out of there by jumping on your back yeah feel like when it kind of came to everything she was putting everything she had behind it and to a certain degree it’s important to like you’re saying balance some of that and so she spent a lot of time up there and it was just like all right like I mean you’re carrying your body weight and I’m just hanging out and so I feel like that did take a wear and tear on her and not to mention I mean I don’t think it was really in her benefit either I mean she’s had she’s on a four-fight win streak and her other fights didn’t go past what the second round like she’s she hasn’t had the experience going in there um for me you know it benefited me just I trained high altitude I’ve lived high altitude my entire life and then you know I focus a lot on recovery and hyperbaric chamber and different things um and that’s one thing that the coaches always say like everybody’s always been like you’re a slow starter at the beginning but then it looks like by the time the third round comes you can fight plenty more rounds so then going into a fifth round it was like it wasn’t a big deal for me and so um yeah I think uh I think she should have definitely reserved some of that energy because she was squeezed in she was squeezed in with her arms she’s trying to fight my hands she has herself she’s holding herself up like that’s a lot and you know people constantly criticize and they’re like oh fights up against the fence or the different things like they’re really annoying but I don’t think people who realize how tough that actually is and how draining it actually is whether you’re the one up against the fence whether you’re the one putting the pressure up against fence that’s a lot of work it’s a lot of energy used right yeah it’s um I was going to ask you something else too and I you just said something that made me think of it and my mind just went I had a thought and it just evaporated that’s been me all week it’s fine yeah it’s really me that’s me all my life I got we got Drew Dober in the in the waiting room oh here okay we appreciate you so much and is beautiful congratulations on everything inside and outside of the Octagon you and we’ll talk it’s adorable doesn’t get better than that nope that’s that’s what it’s all about right there all right champ look forward to your next fight roal congratulations I mean you looked unbelievable and uh we’re glad you did it we’ll talk to you soon thank you it was good talking to you guys all right take [Music] care she’s very easy to talk to Rael she’s a very very pleasant interview as is as is our next guest by the way to some Fighters are a little shy more reserved um Drew Dober uh always a fun guy to chat with don’t embarrass me by call me a chatty mty I I I trust me I was trying to turn my my computer I just couldn’t do it she didn’t realize no I know she probably thinks wellow that Norton’s an for calling Matt that and she’s right this guy the new when is your next album coming out what boy band are you in Drew Dober what up guys sorry I just got the audio clipped in so now I can hear you hey Drew Matt was just commenting that you look like you’re on an album cover he was commenting that you look very uh very put together listen I’m far from Jimmy but I’m telling you right now you’re a good-looking man sorry Jimmy wait a second I I I think that I’m being used as the ugly barometer in this conversation you look great Drew get that out get that out of the thing there producer I I do what I can you know especially when I’m on your guys’s show I mean you gota you gotta step it up a notch yeah Drew we appreciate that so how you feeling Drew man listen you bounce back nice fight man you have a hard time in the Octagon man you get right back on the wagon yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s not as Sprints as a marathon and uh man this is just what I love doing so I just don’t let losses you know affect me and damage affect me and I just I live and I pursue this the sport passionately so man it’s it’s easy to bounce back when you have so much love for it when you look at a guy like boyano um obviously you don’t you know you don’t want to give away a game plan but do you do you look when you fight somebody at exactly how they’ve lost and thought Ah that’s something I could uh like that that guy’s been stopped a couple times by good Strikers like you know do you start to look at a guy like that and go maybe that’s my path um you know I look at Tendencies but uh you know fingers crossed that he’s he’s improving and uh you know getting better after a loss the way I have so uh man I look at it but I don’t I don’t study too much of uh you know past fights or or history because one he hasn’t fought in over a year and a half and two I mean he’s gonna have a game plan for me so uh I I I just take that first 30 seconds in the fight and I want to figure it out then I think he got more popular since I’ve been seeing some of his YouTube clips and he calls himself money moyano right you ever see those things yeah funny because of his accent he gives his two cents on popular topics I don’t know where it came from but his podcast doesn’t seem bad are you ever gonna think about doing anything like that a podcast or yeah absolutely man like I love talking about the sport and I see all these other Fighters you know doing a big YouTube thing and and uh yeah I’d be all for it so now I just got to educate myself with the the like behind the scenes stuff uh just how to get things rolling and and and topics and whatnot but uh yeah I would absolutely love to you have the most knock wait you have the most knockouts as a lightweight am I correct yes congratulations I thought you passed porier right um does that mean anything to you do you I mean you have to feel good about that I mean it’s and it’s it’s exciting it’s uh one it showcased you know my excitement and two at one time I was just a 16-year-old you know boy trying to make it into the UFC and now we’re setting records it’s uh extremely exciting and humbling at the same time so what is the record what is the number I think it’s nine nine Knockouts W you have nine Knockouts in the UFC over D over how do you listen why even ever go for a double egg you know that you put people to sleep nine times you put people’s lights out that’s insane I think all fighters all fighters are mentally unstable and mine is I have so much enjoyment giving other humans concussions and uh it’s not even a game plan I just I just enjoy punching people’s chins and then obviously getting punched back but uh yeah so it’s it’s a blessing getting that that record do you ever worry about like guys get very addicted to The Knockout like I’m imagining it feels so good to put somebody to sleep uh are you ever like do you ever caution yourself like I don’t want to be too heavily reliant on waiting for that one punch because you see some guys fall into that once they get Knockouts cuz and I think DC said it it’s just feels so good that you become it just you want that again yeah I mean that’s what happened with my fight with fola like I went into that fight you know thinking I’m just going to put my hands on this dude and and Magic’s gonna happen and um we forget what what brought us to that record We we forgot the setups we forgot the uh the movement all that stuff we stopped setting it up and so I just I went in you know uh with a poor game plan against fola he you know changed my mind and so now we’re back to what originally started this uh this record the thing about you and Matt Bola who I was literally an hour ago was at he was my ukie at Sarah BJJ he I was using him to teach things it’s funny he had the ghee on too fun but uh when you guys hurt people you put so much into it but when you hurt someone you’re literally there to be hurt like look at your last five fights or six fights all finishes including one being you finished like you know what I mean so you are putting yourself In Harm’s Way to do harm I mean you know but in guys like yourself have that Granite chin and have that power that col you know not to mention the technique behind it that kind of tip the scale in your favor in those exchanges yeah yeah I mean facts what am I doing very very few Fighters are blessed with that godsend you know punching power folo is one of those guys and I am as well but uh you can’t rely on it uh wholeheartedly yes who is the first guy because you talked about being a kid watching and wanting to fight and then all of a sudden here you are was was there a first person you met like uh whether it was at weighin or or in an event or that you fought that you went oh I really am in the UFC like was there a first person that uh even if you didn’t fight him that you bumped into or you spoke to that just made you realize like how far you’ve come it was actually my very first fight in the UFC I mean I was I was like the first fight on that card the like the arena was practically empty and and I’m slugging away against uh this guy his mouthpiece falls out so there’s a break in action and I look out into the crowd and I saw Forest Griffin in that front row watching my fight I went oh Forest is watching me fight and like that was the moment I was like damn I’m in the UFC right now yeah that’s got to feel good to knock somebody’s mouth guard out too that’s got to be also a really nice feeling I mean we do it often I guess yeah and when you first like when I first started doing standup I would be terrified of big crowds so I likeed small crowds when when you first start fighting do you want the arena half empty or would you rather have had 15,000 there I love the crowds I love the crowds one I love the energy I love the excitement and if I’m gonna you know bleed and nearly die for this sport I want people to watch it um so what have you been up to besides fighting is there anything you’ve been doing because you’re always like you’re always on the schedule you always have a fight coming up uh do you ever get to take time just to do something other than fighting just travel and just do anything completely mind oh yeah I travel as much as I possibly can uh I I’m dipping my toe in in real estate uh I try to help others the best I can so being a good uh training partner coaching doing seminars like I I I love martial arts and I love being a part of it but uh recently I just became a father so truthfully I’m just a stay-at-home dad that fights on occasion and you say you traveled where where do you go and uh is at least before before you’re your Trav I don’t if you have a boy or a girl a girl little girl girl this before she was born or you traveling a lot with her well so before she was uh born uh it was overseas so Europe man I love I mean Italy Rome Italy is such an amazing place I love history I love food I love wine so Europe is like my place I love to go uh and I I ventured into or I want to venture into like Thailand Korea and see all these places now with the birth of my daughter now we just go to like Miami we go to California but uh yeah she’s already got some points on her uh her her flight mileage and uh yeah we’re bringing our daughter wherever we go you know when I’m looking at hanado Moo’s record and I’m seeing three of his stoppages were by KO y that’s got to make you a little happy though right you gotta go I gotta find there’s some glass in there I could find you notice it’s not like yo man I’m gonna guy’s never been knocked out before I think I could do it you know he’s been St I mean listen nobody’s punch proof but you know what I’m saying that’s got to right right I mean that’s why like the match up is very intriguing because on paper and he’s putting like Renea chokes on people and that’s happened to me he’s been knocked out a couple times but I think the key is is man look at these cats that are knocking him out we got Jose Aldo Biv Korean zombie like Monsters so like I can’t discredit who is is beating moano so like I gotta rise the occasion and now I gotta prove that I can put my hands on him as well well I think you punch as well as any of those guys I I think you punch with as much power as any of those guys um but yeah that’s what I was saying before it’s got to make you think like all right there is this is kind of the way to stop this guy because it has been done by other really good punchers and I think he punch as well as any of those guys and we’re about to find out that’s the exciting part not to mention those guys are all studs but yeah they don’t hold the record for the most knockouts that’s right this guy does okay that’s why man I love the sport and like uh and that’s why I have like longevity in this sport is I always view myself as I’m just one of those guys that are just entering the UFC like I’m still shocking OD I’m still like you know Starbound I still look at like Korean zombie and Jose Aldo like oh my God like these guys are incredible so to have my name in the mix of them is you know it’s hard to explain it’s surreal and you don’t take you don’t take it for granted you’re still enjoy it and you’re still like appreciating what you’re doing and the people you’re associated with and you still enjoy meeting people I like that I don’t think you should lose that when you when you meet people in your profession that you really like and that you like are impressed by there’s nothing wrong with letting them know it exactly and I’m even impressed by like the regional guys that are just now getting in the UFC you know it’s like I’m I’m a fan of the sport you know so whether I’m in it or not like I’m the one that are tuning into fight nights and just watching these upand comers would you ever go to North Korea you said Korea I I mean it’s hard for Americans now but guys do go over through China and it’s supposed to be a pretty interesting trip is that something you would ever do or or you don’t like the high-risk travel I mean I’m intrigued by that but truthfully uh I I just recently found out that I have a large F fan base in Soul Korea and uh I guess they called me the goat I had to like figure out what that means to them but uh just uh yeah like if I can just go there and they do seminars and like and just meet people like uh the reason I get to fight in a cage and get paid for it is because of these people and so I just love taking time out of whatever I’m doing just to be a part of the people that seem to enjoy my work Drew DOA you are 35 and you look like you’re 25 when it is all said and done and you’re done fighting in the cage many many moons from now uh what do you what do you think you’re going to be doing you think you’d be running a school what you know modeling what do you think you’ll be doing fingers crossed H you know modeling is an option but uh no seriously like I’m very passionate about the sport so coaching is a big thing that I would love to do owning a gym I mean a as you know it’s you can’t you can’t do both at the same time successfully so when this is all over I would absolutely love to coach manage own a gym but uh another thing too is commentary uh I would love to be part casting and uh and just being a part of like just just just elevating the sport right and just just showing like the Next Generation you know what the the dos and don’ts and uh so coaching broadcasting again I’m dabbling in real estate so that’s a little scary but exciting at the same time uh but yeah becoming a father and being 35 years old you can’t help but think about uh what happens after you got options that’s great it’s good to have options Drew it’s always a pleasure good luck against moano it’s a great fight I’m happy he’s fighting again too you’re right he has been laid off for a while and uh you know I never don’t enjoy your fights so uh I’m happy you’re fighting up uh is this Saturday right am I crazy to say this Saturday is that it Saturday I believe right yeah I think so too but I mean as a professional I should know that and I just I’m stupid Co EV imov against uh Del is the main event yeah that’s a great Main Event too Drew you’re on a great card you’re a great fighter and our pal Randy Brown is fighting too that’s the the featured bout against Muslim salikov another great fight I hope Randy does uh has a good fight anyway Drew always a pleasure we love watching you and we’ll talk to you again thank you so much guys and don’t hesitate to ask again anytime buddy have a great fight love best [Music] true yeah Matt this is such a good card and it’s really interesting Molly mccan is on the prelim we have her coming in on Wednesday I think uh so Molly is on the prelims they must want to uh put like a real Banger on right before Molly’s coming back on the show I think Wednesday she is yeah makes me happy I like yeah she’s great every time I talk to Drew he’s talking about raising the Integrity of the sport this and that yeah think about me stoned and high and on the corner of Manhattan waiting for an Uber and him and his his wife and I’m looking over all nervously and I’m waving at him and I’m just it was one of the most I just I I’m really horrible but anyway Jimmy it was one of those moments Jimmy um what is our producer yinet I’m sorry I don’t know I didn’t see let me see we got Johnny Damon former Red Sox Yankee former yeah he’s a former baseball player yeah he was a really really wellknown does he know about MMA I hope so I hope so too man because I’m not much on the baseball or the you know punting I’m not a real baseball guy no I understand Jimmy um what else was we to talk about I don’t know I’m just my face was mushed into the mat before I can’t wait to shower oh you didn’t shower yet you nasty little bird no I came right home and ate and did this I’m gonna hop right in as soon as we’re done yeah I think we’re done I’m gonna see you in a couple days you know this weekend so funny um I’ll probably be in time at home in time to watch the fights too so I got my wife fighting and this kid janeo fighting so that’s good my wife what’s his name Tommy de Janeiro it’s so funny uh en Raging Bull one of the fighters J for was Tommy Janeiro that’s what I thought you said Tommy Jan not D Janeiro but Tommy Janeiro was a fighter that Jake lamada fought in like the 40s good kid they we call him they call he calls himself Beethoven because he’s mostly deaf so it’s kind of funny ah get it as his I don’t know why be it’s you know it’s funny yeah he’s a good kid he works at my school he teaches some classes and very good wrestler and he’s Chu Jitsu is getting good he’s put a lot of time into the Striking him and also my wife who listen I told my wife I go look and she’s only she’s gonna be one of though she’s just getting a fight in you know and she’s a 40 years old I go look on Facebook look at all your friends from high school there’s no dudes that were fighting like that were tra that were that from high school that were jock how many of them are having a cage fight at 40 yeah I go you never did any kind of school Sport and you’re doing this to test yourself like who does that I go you be really proud of just doing that you know because you know she went through a camp so her body’s feeling you know it’s it’s one of those things so it’s it really just it elevates you as a person just going through a camp like that you as a person that trains now should understand that more than anybody yep all right buddy no Jimmy don’t God damn it could you at least pretend like you’re interested in what I’m talking to no no no I am interested but I’m just thinking of soap and how I didn’t shower right after and I’m like I got to shower now I feel I I know but I just laid such emotions out about fighting and this and that and then I get this is what I get ready yep oh sorry thank you it’s like yeah Milton what’s happening I’m more worried about I’m worried about the guy at the gym had staff infection I’m a little panicky listen right now you got something probably grown on your head okay go shower I’m gonna you you want to sh plug in yeah Wednesday night if you want to see me I’m at The Fat Black Pussycat my wife and I have a new video going up tomorrow on our YouTube page for those that enjoy it for those that don’t and don’t look at it and I’m on tour if you want to see me I have I’m going everywhere so check my website thanks buddy I got this and I’ll be here in two days I’ll see you bye you too I’ll see you then Jimmy chatty Maddie [Music] oh