Today’s episode of UFC Unfiltered is jam-packed with laughter as Din Thomas rejoins the show to “fill in” (we’ll explain later) for …

just another tap on win for Juicy J wow this is why you always tune in to watch a Rosa fight Julian juicy josa welcome to UFC unfer please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC unfiltered my uh co-host today’s the great Dean Thomas Dean first of all great to see you bro you look great no I listen I have been working out I’m trying to get in shape and you know why there’s only one reason because the last time I saw you exactly the last time I saw you I said this man is in shape shape and it really motivated me to really start working out so I’ve been hitting the heavy man I’ve been dieting right I’ve been hitting the heavy and I’m trying to get to where you at you look good you look good I’m trying trying to get in shap you got some new movie roles coming out D we got so much to talk about oh shoot Hey listen we’re gonna talk about uh Thug Rose her fight with uh Tracy Cortez over the weekend I want to talk about that she he not every day you see an eyelash get punched off oh man that I she did a h she huk the I actually I noticed it in the corner that her that she was missing an eyelash and then they went back and replayed it because yo she missing an eyelash I mean I don’t I don’t know if that really hurt it probably like ripping off a Band-Aid it probably didn’t hurt probably came right off but as her Corner man don’t you want to kind of be like Hey listen Tracy look that way take the other one off just so you know you don’t want to anyway listen we got Julian Arosa uh he just came off of a great finish with a guillotine in a little bit of a back and forth first round I’d say yeah yeah yeah he fought tough Christian Rodriguez but he pulled it off man and one thing I know about Julian Rosa everybody talks about his Guillotine like everybody in Vegas knows about his Guillotine and that’s the thing too is is Christian knew about it I talked to Christian before they knew about it you could you can’t stop it listen you talked to him before we’re going to talk to him now let’s bring Julian orosa in [Music] here hey congratulations Julian congratulations bro thank you so much man I really appreciate that uh do you know the great theme Thomas oh yeah yeah we we was talking at the hotel yeah how’s it going good congratulations it sounds like it was a very memoral conversation right there Dean thas like what Dean I’m only kidding listen hey no uh Hey Julian first of all congratulations in a fight where I you know I was just asking the producer you were the dog in that fight I didn’t I you didn’t look like dog in the C you know you look like a dog in the cage but you you didn’t look like the guy that was getting bullied in there that was a fun first round while it lasted what did you what did you how did you feel being being considered the dog in this fight with I actually you know I actually enjoy that you know um obviously uh the expectations of everybody was that he was going to beat me and I like to have you know a little bit not necessarily a chip on my shoulder but it’s like you have a little bit of something to prove now like U for me uh they already thought I was gonna lose anyway so it kind of takes a little bit of the pressure off and I can go in there and do my thing but if you really look at our resumes especially in the UFC uh I don’t think he has any any wins uh uh against guys like I do you know I mean he’s beaten some decent guys but he’s won by decisions most of my most of my wins especially against top competition has been finishes in highlight reels so the fact that they uh you know kind of had me as the underdog especially with a guy who is who did decent at 35 but I don’t think he’s doing fantastic at 45 I think the doarian fight he lost in my opinion and then he lost to JSP on short notice and so I think at 45 he’s just uh they they you he was a bit overrated I’m surprised that that you were the dog too especially coming off your fight with cardo uh uh Ramos heos yeah I mean shoot man and he’s a he’s great on the floor the fact got a sub on him was very impressive yeah thank you so I I I I we were just talking about it before you got on air um uh me and Dean Thomas I I heard about your giltin man I mean now I mean it I heard it’s very it’s well known in throughout Vegas that you cannot let any your you cannot when you’re grappling you you cannot let that arm get around the neck how long has that been your your uh one of your main weapons uh you know um I would say I moved to Vegas about you know almost eight years ago now oh no seven years ago it’s been seven years and when I first moved to Vegas uh I I I I walked into 10th planet um in Henderson here and um met a kid named Andy verella and Andy verella has one of the best guines in the world uh in my opinion um and uh I kind of just modeled my Guillotine after his you know I had a pretty good before then but he really uh you know he really helped a couple of the small details that he likes to do that I uh you use in mine as well and um uh and it’s become a bit Unstoppable and also my darts is fantastic but uh the guillotine I gotta attribute you know a big percentage of it getting better to Andy verella yeah I watched him win the PFG a few months ago there he won 20 grand from winning that weekl long tournament but I mean he’s a damn good Grappler very notorious in Vegas but about you man there were times in that fight when you would just kind of put your hands down and egg Christian on I mean it was exciting to see that man it made it made the fight really fun when you were just like just hit me come on let’s go let’s and you were just walking them down and and almost kind of letting them hit you like what made you decide to do that well you know that’s just kind of my style anyways it’s something I enjoy doing but also uh he’s uh Christian seems like a guy who likes to pressure people on the feet and I’m also the same way and uh it kind of it’s a little bit of the mental Warfare like like you hit me a couple times I had my hands down I’m egging you on like always always seems to get in people’s heads like holy what do I got to do to this guy like when I fought Sean Woodson Woodson probably outstruck me considerably considerably throughout the entire fight but I just kept coming at him kind of like you know saying things to him hands down letting him hit me and I think that can take uh you know a lot of people’s Confidence from them and I really wanted to see honestly I wanted to get him to the ground early that was the game plan but uh after I felt a couple of his shots I felt like he didn’t have enough power to put me out um and so I was like well let’s just uh let’s mix it up on the feet a little bit and see if I can get in his head a little bit and then uh and then eventually I honestly wasn’t even going for the takedown he kicked me and I caught it and then he fell over so um it was kind of a mistake by him that we got to the ground in the first place but I felt like the the Striking was going in my favor anyways and that eventually I was going to get him out there on the feet or uh you know if it did get to the ground I would be able to snag up his neck well I tell you it does break the confidence of the other person when you do that because you’re right it does break the confidence but it’s only so long in your career that you could do that have you ever thought about you know what maybe this is GNA be the last time you know get out while you’re ahead right yeah you know I mean obviously uh it’s not the smartest thing to do to uh you know get in these wars but you know I’ve always been a like you know a guy who likes to fight for the fans and I like to put on the show OB viously um and I’ve never really been in a boring fight and I think the UFC and the fans and everybody around really respects that even the fighters themselves and so um it’s something that I really love to do and I truly love to fight and you know the game plan kind of goes out the window when uh when you’re just starting to have a good time in there and so for me I was lucky enough that uh none of the shots that he landed I mean he even landed a head kick that really didn’t phase me um and so I think it was just because the size discrepancy I’m just a big featherweight and he’s an average 35 I think in my mind um and so uh I think just my size was you know I had the ability to take his shots and like I said before I didn’t really feel like anything he threw or landed on me really affected me and so that’s why I was willing to continue on the feet with him like I did it’s nice it’s nice when you’re in the middle of a of a fight and you feel them hit you and you’re like ah all right like for instance I remember Frank trig was hitting me on my head like this he’s and I was armadillo and I felt and I’m like oh this dumb I know that he’s just gonna be so confident and I was like oh he can hit me all day like this I’m gonna get to his chin yeah and then you get guys like Chris Lidle not only could they take a shot but you could like no know what sucks is when you hit a guy and and it’s the same shot you hit the other guy with that knock this guy out and he just like takes it and rolls with it and just and pieces you up a little bit isn’t it amazing doesn’t it like sometimes you like you get used to Knocking some guys down and then there’s a guy that kind of just rolls with it enough and comes in that’s the one thing I noticed about you though Julian you aren’t yeah you’re in the fire but you’re not sitting there like you’re rolling with that like you might be eating it but you you taking off a good 60% 70% right you got you you know you have you have to do you have to you know you have to mitigate the Striking uh you know with your defense of you know rolling with punches blocking hard blocking slipping and going and uh you know a lot of people are pretty good at doing that especially um you know some of the guys at the higher higher levels uh are really good at being able just to roll with some of the punches that make they may look bad and hard but they’re taking off you know like 50 60% of it and they they’re able to take that that damage I heard that once with um with Jake lamada because they interviewed him about his fight with uh Sugar Ray Robinson dude this is before my time so Julian don’t be like no you old is a UFC this is boxing I don’t know if you but uh they asked him like how could you absorb because he used to I mean he was known for just taking a beating but he would say that he would say no it looks like that but when I roll when I move with it instead of eating 100% of it I’m taking off 75% I’m taking so you know that it reminds me of that you know yeah exactly you know but then there is sometimes you just get blasted you were on show you were on the show before I wasn’t on so I’m treating it like the first time you’re on this show what did you where did you grow up and and what did you first get started with with the Arts what was your first discipline yeah uh I’m I’m from Washington State uh East Eastern Washington Yak Washington and um uh I was 18 years old and had gone into uh some scraps in the street and um and then me and my dad used to watch the WC back when uh the UFC only had pay-per-views uh and so we watched free fights we watched the WC and my dad seen Donald Donald Cerrone and he was like hey you’re kind of built like that guy you maybe you should try this fighting stuff and I was like you know what maybe I will give it a shot and looked uh found my um found my original gym uh yakam MMA at the time and walked in there and just like had no idea I thought it was like a karate school or something and he’s like do you wanna do you want to start training I was like well how when can I fight and he all like well we gotta we gotta see you train for a little bit first and then we’ll get you a fight and so you know uh after I trained for you know a few months got my first amateur fight and actually fought twice that day which is pretty crazy was on the Indian Reservation uh before they made that illegal where you could fight multiple times in a day uh as an hamateur and so I fought two times that day and absolutely fell in love with it and just uh fell in love with the process and everything um and yeah started about that about when I was 18 which is you know pretty ancient uh compared to the kids nowadays I mean you have these kids that are freaking Phenom did and did you do School sport before that or anything or no you were just fighting the street I was a skateboarder and a snowboarder and I was actually pretty good at skateboarding at the time and I actually attribute a lot of my uh kicking ability to having good dexterity and good balance and uh from skateboarding and snowboarding and and having you know people have good hand eye coordination I feel like I have really good like foot eye coordination as well because of that you know all the years of skateboarding and snowboarding and it just kind of made me tough too you know the concrete’s pretty unforgiving so um uh I think that helped build my tenacity and my and my toughness as well and uh not to mention at those skate parks you know you you call that an Ali and then next you go you see what’s up there was that’s what I was saying too you know there was before I fell in MMA I’d gotten into probably about four or five uh scraps at the skate park um One Summer and was just like I kind of enjoyed it I like enjoyed like I wasn’t like looking for fights but you know at a skate park a lot of things going on there including people fighting and I used to be a very like non-confrontational person but especially physically like that and so um I used to stay away from that and I was a small kid growing up so I had no idea how I would Faire in a fight and I had a couple fights I was like man I’m actually pretty decent at this like yeah with no training and then so I figured you know if I went in there and started training and figuring it out maybe I could you know maybe I could be good at it and you know one thing led to another and uh I was 10 and0 as an amateur and then I was all the way to 9 and0 as a pro before my first l so I did really well early on and really uh figured I could maybe do something with this yo tell me something because I got a buddy of mine who skateboards and he’s always eating like he’s always wiping out and I’m always like I’m always like yo that has got to hurt and then he’s like yeah man but you used to fight in a cage but I’m thinking like how is it compared to like getting beat like taking a leg kick to like eating like off of a rail or something yeah you know it’s it’s it’s like I said uh concrete’s unforgiving and all the obstacles are unforgiving they don’t care who you are you know um whether you’re small you’re big you you know whatever it is you hit that concrete and it it does not feel good especially as you get older when I was younger I could bounce you know bounce off the walls like a like a rubber band and now it’s like uh I got to be a bit careful because uh the last thing I want to do is jeopardize my career in fighting because I want to go skateboard and you know I Buckle myself but uh yeah I mean at least with training partners and even in fights like you know there’s a little bit of uh you know push and pull and like you know and also I can beat up somebody in a cage until they give up and they slow down I can’t beat the concrete up for it to slow down it’s always going to be just as hard and just as unforgiving the entire time every single time I do it the only person that’s getting beat up is myself so I feel like that’s what really helped me my with kind of learning that mental toughness because skateboarding is one of those things where it’s just trial and error trial and error and you might do something a hundred times before you do it for the first time and uh you know landing on concrete learning how to fall learning how to brace yourself without getting a broken bone because you break your leg you can’t go skateboard for another you know however long it’s going to take you for to recover but so you gotta learn how to fall you got learn how to kind of roll with it same with fighting in a sense like I’ve been very lucky I’ve never broken a bone never torn anything should find some wood and knock on it because I’m 35 I’ve turned 35 at the end of this year had 15 UFC fights 41 professional fights and have never broken anything never torn anything like it’s I’ve been I’ve been really blessed with that and skateboarding also you never got anything never anything I it was always learning how to fall before I learned how to do the trick so I’d always figure out how to fall so I could do it a hundred times and then I and then until I could land it and then once I could land it then you know I kind of perfected it but it was one of those things where I had to learn how to fall to become good at skateboarding is that why you went uh into snowboarding instead of ski I love anything with a with a board like I like wake boarding wake surfing snowboarding skateboarding um I’ve never surfed before but I’m sure I would love that as well uh but I do wake surf so that’s pretty much it’s pretty similar um but uh uh snowboarding is a little less uh unforgiving because you have a little like when it snows it’s at least soft obviously you can have like days where it’s icy and stuff that sucks but um Snow’s a little softer than concrete so I allow myself to get a little bit more Reckless on my snowboard than my skateboard and you’re connected though man like your knees so you can’t twist like I did it once on the looking for a f yeah and I didn’t like it but I wasn’t you know you do it one afternoon and no lesson really I know like skiing I tried that when I was 17 oh man I used to love that I used to go down the Double Diamond not knowing what the I did doing you wipe out not give a yeah exactly man like I’m on the I’m teaching a lot of Jitsu I I like I can’t do this I did a cannonball into a pool the other day I’m like I feel my nail that’s I don’t AC but I am 50 Dean Thomas right behind me it’s hard to it’s hard to remember that you’re 50 I gotta you know maybe I’ll start acting like you maybe I’ll grow up this year hey J there’s something else you have in common with me and Mr Thomas is uh you are uh an Alum of the uh Ultimate Fighter sir what I know my experience in the house with that guy uh me and Dean Thomas uh did you tell me about that what what was it like for you I know what it was like for us what was it like for you yeah you know I mean for me uh in my experience I would just sum it up as like a uh you know like a summer camp for guys that you know fight you know like that’s basically how it felt to me you know we were on bunk beds even um you know it just really had that summer that summer camp vibe to it I mean I went to Camp when I was really really young one time and so I can attribute it to that um and it was just like I mean it was fun I enjoyed it uh people were you know complaining about like missing home and stuff but you know I really took it as a positive experience for myself to be surrounded by some of the best in the world to teaching us you know Faber and the all the guys from Sacramento and Team Alpha Mel were helping us and coaching us and it’s like a one% a lifetime situation there was guys in the house that were complaining after like a week and I’m like come on man you know how many people would love to be here and uh and be able to experience this and and he really you know bounc ideas off other guys you know that are in the same spot as you and also you know some of the guys we had Ryan Hall who was a Jiu-Jitsu expert as one of our uh as one of our teammates and so it’s was like really nice to be able to bounce ideas off other guys that are experts in certain things uh on the on the show you know as as competitors as well you make any buddies in the show like you’re still cool with now oh yeah I mean all the guys basically everybody on the uh American side I’m I’m still cool with I mean I’m not in contact with a lot of them but like Johnny Nunes was on our team and he trains at extreme Couture and uh Misha his wife and his two kids I’ve known Misha since I when I first walked into Yak MMA she she was one of my first training partn so I’ve known Misha for a long time and her husband Johnny Nunes was on the show with us Billy Q is still in the UFC and me and him are really close um uh Ryan Hall you know I’m not really really close with him but you know every time I see him or he’ll like you know congratulate me on my fights and stuff but uh you know we all I mean we’re all cool still but it’s not like uh you know you don’t really you know we all have that shared experience and being in the house since you’re around somebody for 247 that six or seven weeks that we were in there felt like a couple of years you know like cu friends that you have now it’s like you see them for an hour here here and there but being 247 with these guys it felt like such a long time it felt like a year to us so we really built you imagine being in the house with Matt Sarah for that long I’ve lived lifetimes with Matt Sarah I could imagine that we we had uh we had bunk beds it was me and my buddy Drago I was on a top bunk and across was my buddy Dean Thomas on the top bunk and Chris Li and oh man when I I don’t know I have fine memories but not not just because I won the show but probably because De Thomas cut the but uh listen it was like a camp I remember being in there thinking I can’t slack off at all because if I end up losing a fight they’re gonna go to the footage of me sitting on the treadmill so I gotta fck you know what I mean you like you felt like you’re always being watched and but man it’s working out for you Julian before we let you go what’s next who’s going to get it who who’s gonna get that Guillotine or the kick to the face who’s getting it next you know I uh I’ve never been a guy that really calls people out because I’m just I’m just okay with doing do anybody anytime anywhere you know uh a couple of weeks ago Dan eay took that fight on a few hours notice and people were surprised that he was willing to do that uh but not not us you know not not the guys that train around him because we are all like that you know you you call me right now and you say I I show up and go fight I’m willing to do it D guys like Dan are willing to do all the guys that we train with are willing to do that and so uh for me it’s always been just like Whoever Whenever However um and honestly I feel like the UFC has uh you know guys you know like like paths for certain guys to go with certain uh opponents and they try to set things up like that so um I just let my management you know talk to the UFC and Sean and whoever they want if you can make 145 pounds on Friday I’ll fight you on Saturday so uh I’m cool with whatever it is whoever it is I just want to get paid I want to go out there and put my hands down on Aon Julian man I’m sure you agree with me when you isn’t it great that they they made fighting a sport isn’t this great from the skating rinks being a little Tony Hawk to just killing kill Aon people in a h hot bright lights no it’s the best it’s great happy you dude hey man nice to get to know you dude and come on again when you have another fight please come on let us know of course man I really appreciate you guys for having me on all right man congrats dude congrats again man beautiful fight thank thank you guys take care I’ll see you next time take care [Music] Julian I like making new friends yeah what a nice young man right nice young man yeah when you say that Dean Thomas we really are we’re becoming the ogs in the game dude he’s 35 years old and to me he’s a nice young man and like you said earlier I was 35 years old when I fought KN that knocked out Frank trick but listen gota stop bringing up I didn’t say that earlier man you’re embarrassing me the next time you see him you’re gonna get embarrassed you go Frank I didn’t mean to bring up my my best friend knocking you unconscious but uh D thas Dean hey we got to uh oh shoot we got Louis Tan in the uh waiting room he he was shatter star in Deadpool and he was in the Mortal Kombat movies I want to talk to him about being think I met him before too man and I gotta ask him if I met him before well that’s important but not nearly as important to me talking about Deadpool de thas de Thomas let’s bring in LS T bring him in knocking this thing out of the park tell you man hello is that Satan where did that come from hey is this the producer what’s hello it’s Louis oh lisis I’m sorry dude we don’t see you but I’m gonna be I’m GNA be told was a phone they told me it was a phone call this is Jimmy this is Jimmy being a douchebag I knew it I knew it I knew it because listen man how did you how did you know that do you know why because like he was Tony Ferguson and I look like a buffoon and chuckle about everybody oh everybody laughed about it well I’ll tell you what just happened I was uh as you know I didn’t plan on being on today because I was on an international flight but I realized my flight got in a little early and I’m like I I can jump in so let me uh can I just say though can I just say I was expecting um uh Lewis tan yes and and and and you know he plays a superhero so when I see on the screen a little Bur pop on you’re not going to fool anybody you’re not in Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat and I also didn’t know what voice to do were I didn’t know what voice to do so I just talk kind of quietly but you knew it was me um and I knew you would so I couldn’t do it for long because I wanted to say something obnoxious but I’m like I know that will give it away very quickly I’m not upset to see you but I got very excited to talk to Louis 10 well he’s still coming he’s in the waiting room you can talk to yeah I I actually wait I was here before but you guys were in the middle of your Julian I just got out of a car from the airport but I’m like you know what H there he is hey Louis listen to me that’s a superhero yeah look at he got superhero looks look at him Jimmy Jimmy you can’t come on the show me thinking I’m gonna see this guy and I Jimmy you look good Jimmy I know you thank you I do have superhero energy now listen well that’s a start thank you leis leis very nice to meet you now what’s going on sir how are you I’ve seen some of the movies that you were in and mortal combat great but when I seen Deadpool and I go wait a minute then I saw the picture I go wait that’s shatter star now I I I don’t know what you can give away and what you can for the upcoming movie but you are in it now without giving any spoilers but the movie was been out forever in Deadpool 2 you didn’t make it and it was so funny and way it’s also not my natural hair I can tell that that was great but I love that I love the interview when he’s interviewing you for the he’s like basically I do what you I do what you do but better in every way got be very cocky and very cool did you do any research guys I’m gonna geek out for a second did you do any research on shadowar do you know who that is or no I mean yeah well first off let me say I’m I’m a huge fan of yours man so you know I’ve been following your fights for your career for a long time and I love the UFC so you know martial arts is like very dear to me and my family my father was a champion martial artist and it’s just something that’s very close to me so anyway big fan of yours sir thank you thank you all of you guys actually but um yeah no uh I did I did a lot of research because well you got to be careful when you enter into the Marvel Universe you know the the fans are crazy so you got to know what you’re talking about when you’re playing these type of characters and there’s actually a lot of uh comic books based on on shatter star you know yes and so he’s from this planet Mojo World which is like basically if you took like a Mad Max and you and mixed it in with gladiator like Russell close Gladiator that’s the kind of world that he comes from so they air on live television death matches that’s like normal entertainment and so he’s one of the Gladiators that that you know is from this planet but that’s why people wait what’s his name I’m sorry man what’s his name shadow shadow is Shadow star okay Shadow star yes and everybody you know the the die hards the Nerds like myself they get bummed out like oh shad is here he went into a a helicopter thing so you know they were a little bummed out I mean I don’t know what you could say but do we I don’t know how you’re back I know they went through the Multiverse do we get to see anything from you yeah well I mean obviously as you see in the trailer he’s back and uh that’s that’s great so yeah he met an unfortunate end but so did you know the other guys that I was with Terry Cruz Brad Pit uh Bill Skarsgard you know so these are like it’s a good it was a good team it was a it was it wasn’t a prank it wasn’t a practical joke but we did want to play with the audience a little bit you know because nowadays they give so much away in trailers you can the whole movie in a trailer you know so we wanted to kind of play on that and um and trick trick people a little bit but it’s a very beloved character as of all the X-Men so yeah he he comes back in number three I can’t tell you too much about what we’re but I do know that number three is insane probably can I ask a question cu used to read comics when I was a kid and I I don’t I don’t know much about them anymore shatter star is one of the X-Men or he’s not I don’t remember a shatter star what does he do what is his thing that he can do really well yeah he’s part of the X Force so he’s an alien but basically can do all sorts of different things he has healing abilities you know speed like he said he’s basically like Deadpool but he can he can do all the things like Deadpool but but you know he has better hair obviously no I’m not to embarrass myself here but I got to get this out there do you know Arnold Chon I Arnold Chon is one of my trainers so I train that unbreakable and uh but I’ve known Arnold Arnold Chun is an incredible martial artist himself also world champion um he I met Arnold when I did Pirates of the Caribbean three which is one of my first movies I was like 19 years old and uh I’ve been training with Arnold for years man and I don’t know if I met you before with him or I just did I meet you before with him yeah you did he’s with Uriah Hall right now training yes I know I did fight I but I’m all punch drunk as so like I was like I know I met him before because I remember meeting you I think you were like in an audition or something or you were going on an audition or something and I and you was hustling but to come all the way this to see you now is incredible man because like I remember when you was hustling yes sir but you was you was already still popping back then but you really popping now well the last few years took off a lot more actually I just did a movie with Arnold Arnold Chun was the fight choreographer of a new movie that’s coming out uh called Copperhead it’s like a spy Thriller that’s not even announced yet so this is this is new information but yeah you’re gonna see a an amazing film that Arnold choreographed as well but I train with him three four times a week over unbreakable gym J what do you do with what do you do with training now with the martial arts now What’s um I do I’m mostly doing mu Thai but with Arnold you know we do a little bit of boxing a little bit of Muay Thai and film choreography fight choreography so usually we spend about an hour hour and a half training and then half an hour doing choreography running drills I’ve asked guys this before he can SCP goad Jimmy oh Sor I said I’ve asked guys this before who uh who fight and who do films is it harder to actually Spar for real or to to punch and not hit somebody like you guys have to do when your choreographic because I I always think that looks it’s less you’re not getting hit but it looks harder that’s a great question like and I’m you you know I can’t tell you what I just filmed but I can say this I just worked with cowboy Cerrone and we did a fight scene together and uh cowboy Cerrone so we fought for about 12 hours fake fighting wow uh for you know movie fighting but um he told me that it was it’s just as hard you know I mean obviously it can’t be just as hard as really getting kicked or elbowed in the face as far as the energy that you got to put out because if you think about it it’s 10 hours and you got to do 100% energy for 10 hours is straight you know what I mean and sometimes if you’re doing like fight choreography where you’re doing mixed martial arts or whatever you’re still you know like I did in Mortal Kombat in the opening scene I fought a guy Ian streets and he’s like a leway champion Real Deal 20 20 fights and I mean we go at it you know like we’re we’re not we’re trying not to punch each other in the face but but it still hurt you know you still got to kick each other you still got to make it look real you still got to sometimes you know accidents happen and sometimes you got to throw somebody on the floor and you know but you got to do it 30 times yeah so it it ends up being very very tiring it’s more of like an endurance thing than anything else you know but I mean you feel banged up the next day I’m sure I’m sure Matt you know you feel sore the next day after a fight so it’s probably not as bad as that but but yeah and Jimmy knows now too because this little guy he’s doing a lot of Jiu-Jitsu okay yeah you know he wants to be able to deal with hecklers you know he’s just you know he’s on stage alive they look at him they see what Will Smith did he’s a little guy too and you know right that’s my dream is to strangle somebody just for for ordering a drink while I’m on stage just to go into the audience and choke them unconscious it’s all I want once all right well I’ll be sure not to uh disturb any of your shows then so do you watch the fight yourself or you you you said you watched with your dad and your dad was a champ yes sir so I’ve been training a long time like my father was teaching me martial arts for a long time uh there was a time where I competed in amateur kickboxing fight under PD Cunningham Sugarfoot and Mark para so those are my two sensay my father trained at the Jet Center with Benny the jet Yak oh Legend Ben yeah so like I grew up around that world and and that’s kind of like that was my first kind of introduction into martial arts so for a few years I fought kickboxing amateur like smoker fights three minutes three rounds amateur level but man I’ll tell you if you cuz he got videos um with Chon if you look at him man he’d be scrapping man he could he he got pop man don’t don’t let it twist you don’t let the Hollywood twist twist it yeah thank you sir yeah know I mean you know what because I get to do these films one of the best parts about it is getting to train with Legends you know so like I said work with cowboy before that you know I was training with your hall before that um I was doing a movie in Thailand and I was working with uh satien who you know and and super Le so like I get the you know the the chance to get to train with some some you know Real Deal masters of the sport and um yeah so I’m very fortunate to get to be able to like mix it up and then if I’m doing a movie where I’m doing you know Jitsu or mixed martial arts which I don’t know how to do I’m not familiar with I get to train with these guys for like six months and these guys are you know the truth so yeah a little bit I I get to learn a little bit of everything which is pretty incredible you can have somebody like like kind of just drill you on something for six months like whatever whatever you need to do for a scene if it’s Jiu-Jitsu or whatever it is that’s that’s great to know that you have somebody who knows what they’re doing showing you for six months yeah absolutely I I try to get the studios to extend it as much as I can because I actually I’m getting paid to to to learn from these great Masters so for me it’s just fun any me acting uh you taking lessons with that or is that just you’re already on your way with that you you got your feet underneath you you going on auditions how does that work yeah no absolutely I’ve been training a long time uh under a coach named John Kirby went to acting school for six seven years straight then I was doing plays for a while I was doing little roles like when uh uh D knew me a long time ago I was just starting out so I was doing you know I was doing guest stars on whatever CSI every single CSI there is and up until you know doing smaller roles on Pirates of the Caribbean I did small roll in Fast and the Furious then I did this little action thing here little action thing there and then you know 10 years later I’m an overnight success doing Mortal Kombat leading aund million do you know Warner Brothers movie movie but it took a long time and I went to every single step some people sometimes you get to skip steps somehow or you get lucky I had to do every single one bit by bit by bit which is good I’m sure you appreciate it now more so right because of that yeah well it just it just builds you up and makes you you know makes you better at your craft and yeah I wouldn’t have it any other way are are you a good auditioner I’m an awful auditioner um but even if they give it to me I’m awful on like on the day of too but auditioning is really really hard it’s a skill that some people have uh are you good at that or do you kind of have to have somebody offer you something yeah so I grew up in the time where we actually had to audition in person you know because now we don’t really even need to audition in person now everything’s over over self tapes or it’s over Zoom yeah but before you had to go you had to go to Warner Brothers Studios you had to sit in the waiting room there was all these other dudes who look kind of like you in the in the room then you had to wait an hour then you had to walk in and actually read with the casting director so I grew up doing that so to me it’s like this self tape stuff auditioning over Zoom is easy you know what I mean I I remember I read for uh I was reading for Christopher Nolan you know the director of Batman sure and um he he’s one of my heroes he makes Incredible films but I was at I was at Warner Brothers Studios and I prepared like I overprepared for this audition to meet Christopher Nolan in person gonna read with him in person so at this point I’m like three four auditions deep in this is like the last one and he’s there and I was like zened out do my morning meditations I did my breath work I was like I did all the that you know you’re supposed to do in order to like just not be nervous yeah I get there I’m sitting in the waiting room 20 minutes goes by they’re like okay it’s your turn I remember I stood up and I just saw like white like you know when you stand up too fast and you’re just like I thought I was super Zend out but I was like oh I’m about to faint and um yeah then went in the room read with Christopher Nolan um Christopher Nolan told me I did a good job I don’t know if he was lying I didn’t get the part so maybe he was but you know it’s like after you go through experiences like that they call you and they’re like oh yeah you got to do a self tape over Zoom I’m like it’s easy you know what I mean is there any part that you read for that that you didn’t get that you wish you got well that would have been a good one that turned out to be uh the Robert Patterson’s role in tenant oh yeah all right so they don’t tell you which role it is and they don’t give you the real script at that point so you know I didn’t know then later on I realized it was that role so that would have been nice what was tened about I remember that film and I think I saw it and by the way if you lose out to Robert patson he’s such a big name and he’s really good so it’s like there’s no shame in that it’s not like you lost out to some unknown tub of like you lost out to a really great actor who’s very well I was just happy I didn’t faint yeah what was tened about do you remember tened was about uh reverse time osmosis and how uh that’s very it was Denzel son right yes yeah that’s right yeah the Mortal Kombat uh plot i c I follow that a lot easier are is there any more Mortal Kombats coming out that yes sir we just finished number two the sequel D that of course I mean the first one after that now when is that coming out so Mortal Kombat 2 comes out next year um it’s testing it’s doing the test screenings right now at new line of Warner Brothers yeah I mean you’re part of listen you’re a part of Mortal Kombat part of dead crazy that both those are Deadpool they’re projecting this thing’s going to be huge dead it might it might bring back the box office you know hopefully really I mean the trailers look amazing yeah the film is unreal um Ryan Reynolds Hugh Jackman they’re both like you know when you watched the like uh like rush hour for the first time or like Le for the first time the chemistry between these two people they you could sit them at a table and they could just you know be eating breakfast and it’s going to be hilarious because the the the the contrast of the two different characters you know what I mean yeah it’s great and it just works so well and um yeah the film’s gonna Crush hopefully do you ever think about crossing over to do any uh you know Prince Charming rolls or anything you ever think about doing anything one of those romcoms or anything you asking me no Jimmy we know Jimmy we know you ain’t doing that you’ll be the Frog and then they turned into the Lou 10 I’m only around you you’re not you’re not the you’re not I think I think me and you gotta do a film together Jim you know a buddy a buddy uh a buddy film I think it could be a good chemistry I think so too I like you a lot you’re a really good actor um I blink a lot so like no matter what you do it’s going to look great so yeah I think so no listen I mean I like every type of movie so uh yeah if the opportunity came around and it wasn’t super cheesy then yeah I think I would do it but I like action films I like I like performing you know um as best as I can like in moral combat those fights everything you see that’s that’s fighting is me fighting there’s no face replacement there’s no uh doubles um that’s me fighting you know and I like that because it’s rare nowadays you know Jackie Chan used to do it Tom Cruz still does it it’s very few people that are actually physically performing because it’s it’s difficult it’s hard so um yeah I like to bring that performance to the to the character now how hard is that for you to get that choice because I’m sure sometimes they’re like no we can’t afford to to get you hurt but so like do you have to fight for that well of course there’s times where I have to have a stunt double like you know like in Mortal Kombat when that big character Goro he smacks me through like a three different wood pillars and you know I had this amazing double um named Gareth that did that for me but it’s like yeah I wouldn’t do that but the fighting to me is part of the performance like you know when you guys watch a UFC fighter they they move a certain way their their their performance is in the movement so for me the acting is also in in the movement is how I’m fighting it’s the it’s the emotion that I’m going through while I’m actually fighting it doesn’t need to be necessarily verbal it can be physical and and like you watch Charlie Chapman or you watch bus of Keaton way they move tells tells tells the story so I want to you know be able to do as much as I can that’s why I was just oh sorry Louis as you’re talking I was thinking of Tom Cruz too like how crazy to get the the movie companies what is the insurance like on Tom Cruz hanging off the Burge Khalifa uh running down from a th000 defeat like I don’t know how he gets them to sign off on on allowing him to do everything I know yeah that guy’s one of my heroes man he’s a he’s a true legend he’s a true movie star and there’s very few very few of those left and um yeah I don’t know but I know his movies make a lot of money so if he doesn’t die then they’ll be all right I guess that’s that’s the way it is it’s a gam how old how old is he now gotta be 60 something 62 maybe 63 dud he’s got to be in his 60s yeah he is I mean I don’t know look at look at Fest the Stallone man in the uh what what is that show he does on the uh the what is he King not king um the king of Tulsa yeah the king of that’s a fun that was a fun show tuls sorry yeah that was a fun show and he dude he looks great you know he looks amazing yeah so Louis do you do uh you do TV as well you do mostly uh films because people a lot of a lot of guys don’t want to do TV once they do films and I’m guessing it’s because they like the schedule and they don’t like to have to I don’t know maybe they just don’t like the the way TV goes on for too long or whatever it is but a lot of guys don’t like to make the transition yeah I mean I prefer doing movies uh I’m a little more old school that way but I I have done a lot of Television I have a TV series out called woo assassins that I did with this guy named uh e oou who was in the movie called The Raid one of the best seot great yeah yeah so me and him have a TV series out called woo assassins on Netflix then I just did a show called Shadow and Bone which is like a fantasy show and then I did another show that’s not announced yet that’s coming out soon well you got a man you are healing it you don’t you don’t stop working yes hey by the way the raid very similar plot I mean different because it’s futuristic the uh the other one I’m talking about did you ever see dread with car Urban oh yeah of course great movie no yeah incred great but the raid that guy Carl Urban he’s the new star of Mortal Kombat 2 oh get out of here he’s great he plays Johnny Cage oh does from the boys right yeah he’s from the boys he was he was in the most underrated superhero movie any ever any any that ever took place it’s uh dread I I talked about it before Jimmy can’t stop talking about it and uh it was ahead of his time that fil it was so great it was so great and the bad guy in it the bad person and was uh was the girl from uh was Cersei from um Game of Thrones oh Game of Thrones yeah she’s awesome was great in it but anyway but he’s Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 2 that should be did they have a Johnny Cage before or no they never had a Johnny Cage no well that alone is exciting yeah they saved him for the sequel so you know the sequel has got Johnny Cage it’s got Kitana Princess Kitana um it’s got my friend Martin Ford is the biggest dude you’ll ever see in real life um he’s in a new show called uh to those about to die about the Gladiators but he plays one of the villains in Mortal Kombat too he’s insane you got you gotta look that guy up Martin Ford he’s like six foot n about to die well that’s with Anthony Hopkins right yeah that’s right yeah yeah I’m gonna watch that well Louis what are you promoting too I want to make sure we promote properly what it is you are pro is there one project in particular you would like us to promote or or more well I mean you know Deadpool Deadpool Wolverine coming out July 26 that’s going to be a big one and then just keep an eye out for me I got a lot of stuff this year that I’ve that I’ve finished and shot but I can’t talk about yet so there’s a lot of stuff in the in the pipeline what’s your your uh social media oh my my social media is uh LS tan official on Instagram that’s it got got three new followers right here Louis man congrats on everything man you’re part of some great franchises and you’re killing it man I can’t wait to I can’t wait to see the new Mortal Kombat also man I’m excited no I appreciate it thanks for having me you know and I love martial arts and I respect all martial artists so um yeah I appreciate you having me and big fan of all you guys thank you L come back anytime man anytime you want to come back all right thank you sir take take care [Music] buddy hey man listen I’m all about uh making new friends yeah yeah he’s great yeah and uh you know Julian was on and he was on the show before when I was not on so I got him and I now I I have a new Budd at him yeah you made two new friends today that’s right oh I like to make new friends guys but you know you know what you didn’t do making new friends one thing that you always do is you invite them to your school if they’re ever in Long Island stop by to school you did not invite these guys to your school that’s true yeah it’s getting crowded over there listen it is crowded I see it there’s a lot of people there man I never see an empty room oh I have oh my school’s going so well you know what it is you give it some TLC you know I love it THC and give him some TLC I have a great time I taught two classes today 7 AM noon Jimmy you know my schedule yes uh you know I almost feel guilty because I’m having a good time I don’t feel I’m making good people dangerous you know what I taught today uhor well no not koras and not hayukin that punch off eyebrows it’s uh eyelashes uh was great uh listen Tracy Cortez versus Thug Rose now Rose Jiu-Jitsu wise you might say she has the edge but wrestling wise you’d have to say the edge would probably go to Tracy she’s no takedowns or ground and pound she’s been wrestling since whatever it is High School junior high or middle school like the kids say I don’t know um I loved the trip that she used it’s something I teach all the time it’s they call it either a lazy double it’s an outside leg trip you go to shoot like you’re penet doing a regular double but you bring your outside leg and you trip the leg one of my Fighters young Marcus big fan of Dean Thomas Young Marcus yeah and and vice versa Dean Thomas with young Marcus uh young Marcus he used this one in almost every one of his fights he spars with my other guy Tommy Tommy de Janeiro who’s a phenomenal wrestler 10 nine out of ten times Tommy gets him down the one time that Marcus gets him down it’s with the outside L trip because what happens is when you’re punching and you’re striking you got to plant that leg you’re not punching with your hips out you know what I mean so when you get there just thinking that you’re striking and you come underneath before they get a chance to sprawl you’re bringing that outside leg out you’re getting the leg out from underneath them it’s so beautiful and she used it not once I’m gonna say maybe three times she used it to get her down I gotta watch the fight again no she she hit her with that Tak down five times oh was it five it was five times with that my wife well too by the way so can I ask you guys is it when you’re going for a double leg and you put your leg behind theirs while you’re doing a double leg or exactly what is it when you shoot in and you lower your level to shoot a double you lower your level you penetrate right uh you usually once you get once you penetrate you switch directions you’re no longer going straight back you’re switching directions making him going across right take his legs out so now now you’re not doing that you’re just going straight and you’re bringing your leg this to the outside out and around his leg so you’re tripping him it’s basically a trip so it’s an outside leg trip also called the lazy double because you don’t have to penetrate you have you don’t have to run to the side yeah used correctly and well timed I love it I I let my it’s a great one that you get down fairly easy compared to you know what I mean if it’s just well time it’s something and you talked about uh Tracy being a better wrestler she probably in a wrestling room in a wrestling match she would probably beat Rose but Rose’s mixed martial arts intelligence is so high her IQ so high it’s 100% she just is so good in them transitions that she just a step ahead of everybody Jimmy I just say the one we’re talking about when I taught it today I don’t teach it with your butt out like you’re in a a grappling match I teach it even if you never I tell them look one even if you never threw a punch angle your body chin down hands up elbows in you’re pretending like you’re punching two when you put your arm out you pitcher your opponent’s arm out if our arms are within reach you know know you’re not going to Telegraph your shot if it’s Out Of Reach I’m going to Telegraph my shot so these are little things about keeping distance when to shoot and then that way you know because it’s in a fighting setting you know when they step forward it’s even worse but if they just plant themselves and you go underneath you’re just they’re position to get that lead leg taken right out so she used it just well timed and again in a wrestling room it’s hard to do this one because they’re not going to be more upright but Rose Outland for first of all I thought she was G to knock her out she was I know that first round she dropped her in the first round C’s best round was her fifth round she came out if she ate one she’d give one but when she tried to stay at range with her and start just try to throw hands I felt like I saw that head not moving and Ro I’m I’m surprised roseen even put more stank on it man because I’m like yo she’s finding that I’m not saying big head but it looked like it was just not moving like it was just like stationary head stationary head Dean how about you in I was saying it and I believe they went to you and you’re like she’s keeping her head on the line or I believe you said that if not some some crazy nonsense but I mean but the more the fight went on that last round she needed it I thought that was her best round and I believe Rose still got her down but uh Rose just super smart she believes she is the best hell she said it a bunch of times and uh I’m the best well it’s her time right now I think she’s got she’s got a the timing for her right now is really good she’s got her the her people behind her she’s healthy she’s in a new weight division where she’s excited about it so I think her time is now she’s got to get as many fights as she can as soon as she can to see if she can’t get a title shot because I think she’s really peaking at this point yeah one made that way too closer than it was by the way I don’t know and uh and first of all Muslim s sov salov yeah salov yeah GTI hold on Muslim Jimmy hey Jimmy the other day dude it was funny um really quick I did the fundraiser for these cops with I saw the video yeah oh yeah it’s nice so I went there right so the guys they do they have a band there it’s not like an outside like Park dude nobody gives a right so I go up they’re like oh you want to come up on the stage I did it’s on my Instagram I I’m up there people just e it it’s funny because it’s it’s real it’s uh it’s like the Instagram the um uh reality vers perception say cool that I’m up there dude there’s some people eating there at the picnic tables looking at they don’t know who the I am like hey he goes it’s Matt s is here for a good cause D people you’re like what do you want to hear what do you want to hear Jimmy I grabbed the mic nobody gives a listen we here hey anybody want to hear a song hey how about M the KNE dude ready eat this Corner the car like all right anyway hey I’m here don’t don’t we need those moments sometimes right because we need those moments for humility sometimes right dude how about this I realized one thing I dude I don’t give a if I if I ever did try standup comedy I think I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t care if I would did I don’t care if I do I don’t give a I thought it was hysterical I’m like a i nobody’s I don’t something about me doesn’t feel embarrassed we do need those moments but I would like to have had I i’ I’ve had only those moments in 30 years I would prefer to have some of the other ones too I don’t know should but is there something wrong with me where you don’t feel embarrassed no good comfortability man that’s that’s good though I mean that means that means you’re comfortable with yourself but that’s that’s why we need those moments we need those moments to remind ourselves that we’re okay I had a lot of views on there so that helped out the organization I’m there for a good cause you know it’s also look Matt funny you’ve been punched in the face you’ve been kicked and strangled like a joke not working the risk of that is so minimal compared to other you’ve like I think that’s why there’s a relative comparison like so what if the they don’t laugh at your joke who gives a you know what’s funny I didn’t even think it was really a joke I was kind of just doing my think so when I got off St they didn’t either nobody did dude they look confused I get off guy goes the guy you know the other guy he’s a local guy wow he goes did you plan that did you write that out I go no man did you see how that went what are you doing but he was impressed I made that guy chuckle like what this guy’s a fighter what is he triy to be a comic I can’t believe a bunch of gen zers didn’t enjoy a Mac the knife reference try to throw something out there hey you guys are 20 how about Splish Splash I was Taking a Bath hey he wants to hit a twisty panan nibio he gets a little salty when he loses and and listen he did lose yeah I picked him to win but uh mus did you real I thought I picked Santiago and you picked Muslim did I pick muslin I don’t remember hopefully you’re right with that or maybe we both pick Pon andbio you jump in there I I thought Santiago won man well you’re wrong and the mus well no one else complain so oh Jim said said and what did I say Jim said by decision and I said oh I said by KO so I’m even worse all right well still we both pick Pon I know I think I picked Dober and you picked uh John Silva if I remember correctly I Chang I changed my pick to Dober also oh did you okay I like that John Silva me too man dangerous that guy is fun to watch I’m tell those guys is the fight nerds between John Silva and Marcio rufy I’m telling you remember those names especially Marcio rufy those guys are fun to watch and they both out of the fight nerds man those guys are going to really be killing it and uh yeah no he and also he’s that guy that he looked like under sized a little bit but he’s just so his speed and accuracy made up for it and his mentality boy is having fun in there with Drew Dober who’s always having a ball in there even when he’s getting it so I mean I want to see what’s next for him wow man I mean well he’s a featherweight but is he what is he what is he is he what is he gonna is he staying at featherweight or yeah he says he wants to stay at featherweight so he missed weight against Charles jordane two weeks ago and he knocked Charles Jordan out yeah yeah so then they got a turnaround at at lightweight this in two weeks so but I think he said he wants to go back down to featherweight and uh well let me tell you I’m excited for what a wait that dude wants to fight because he’s he is just some guys they come in they got a little something special about him you know got it that guy he’s one of those guys he’s having fun in there he’s having a ball um Don’t Stop Me Now I’m having a good time I’m having a ball anyway and Dean Dean I’ve told you before I before before we wrap up I I you’re so good on the air like those moments those coaches Co like those quick hits you do are really good man it’s always interesting you always sum something up perfectly cuz like I watch a lot of fights but I can’t talk about it the way you guys can you sum it up in such a it really is great man you’re you’re really doing a good job well I appreciate that I appreciate that but the most impressive thing I did over the weekend was I did my Kimura Usman bit in front of Usman we were on the desk on the pre-show there’s a video of that out on on YouTube so make sure y’all yeah now what did he think of that impersonation oh he loved it I thought I thought he was gonna beat me up at first but I said I said if I get beat up on TV it’s still worth it it’s still worth the views so I went I went and did it and uh and he actually enjoyed it so you don’t do it disrespectful you do it no no no no I don’t do it disrespectfully you know but uh hey we we said uh Gabriel Bonin uh Gabriel yes he did he did phenomenal you know cause uh Ang oh yeah what are you gonna say what are you gonna say Dean with that no nothing what you say nothing nothing angle loosa better not loose another one well I think he might be I think that might be his last one Jimmy I’m not the how about this how about this Jimmy I’m not the comic I’m not the comic all right so not funny but whatever whatever I’m not at the Fat Black Pussycat every Wednesday I understand but that wasn’t it wasn’t like a bad joke that was that was like life draining that that that your mean is what you are you’re a mean man I don’t like you hey um I feel bad for two guys I feel bad for Cody BR me and Dean yeah I feel like Joe py at the end when you said go get the shine box you keep him here keep him here anyway Cody Brundage Cody I feel bad for because look yeah I mean he was rocked man whether some of those were legal some of those were not were legal or illegal it’s hard to continue with to take it a and then you see the guy stalking back and forth on the other side of the cage you’re probably like a man yeah so but then again I feel bad for Abdul because you know if that went on he’s just like he he’s like he look like a bull with a steam coming out of his nose he wanted to continue man yeah he I mean he was just getting warmed up and Cody looked like he got hit by a train so I listen I feel that it got it was an unfortunate the way it ended well the worst part was that they left it in Cody’s hands and made Cody look like the bad guy in this right when the referee the same thing they did with Al Jamaine a referee should have stepped in and said hey this is over we can’t let you continue like this as opposed to saying hey can you continue and then make it now C because Cody did that before he got out of a fight before yeah this is his second time so now yeah so now everybody’s looking at Cody like he’s just like pretending pretending to to get out of fights you obviously seen the dudes not getting up you give him a little bit of time you see where it’s going don’t make the guy make the call that’s what I’m saying you’re basically look everybody here is g to think you’re a meanwhile the guy got if there is an illegal shot I mean and there was I believe some in there right well there were two illegal shots but Anthony Anthony Smith had a good point on this if those were legal shots the ref would call it right if they’re legal shots and he and he’s looking dazed the ref would call it but because they’re illegal they’re giving him an opportunity to not to still fight and to me that’s unfair and the fight you’re talking about I think Dean the other one was the the the the DQ uh over Jacob Malon is that the one you’re think Jacob Malon yeah yeah well hey man what a night of fights you know and uh the undercard too was uh very entertaining and I think we’re gonna see um see more from this girl this was a tough task for her it was the um let me see fatim mlin and Jaz deicious I’m talking about uh Jaz Jasmine jous yeah yes yes versus uh Fatima right Fatima Clin yeah you know kleene she’s a badass she looks badass but the POs you got to give Jasmine the uh she she really she want her scrambles were nice her wrestling was beautiful and it just looked like an experience thing I think that I think that Klein’s gonna grow from that for sure though because she’s a she’s a St her third round so then what was she doing in there short notice oh oh well that makes a lot of sense yeah short notice like she she didn’t get a proper camp she that was she’s a straw weight that was fighting on short notice so that that makes a lot more sense and uh I want to see her back at straw weight yeah because she do I mean she she she held her own and her third round she was coming out it looked like she was finding a home for a striking but again that’s she’s just gonna grow from that you know yeah all right guys yeah I’m so happy I could jump in my flight got in early thank you Dean for being here because I wasn’t supposed to be but I always love uh when you’re here and thanks for I’m glad I could hop in well I’m glad you could hop in too man it was amazing and Matt you know all love my brother you know I love you so it’s all good Hey listen man they say three is a crowd but I don’t say it when it’s you two I don’t feel like it’s a crowd at all I feel like mly 3 is an orgy whoa so anyway uh back cat for Jimmy tonight Jimmy no Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Matt oh it’s Monday uh yeah that’s my day that’s my mind guys I had fun I got nothing else to promote besides UFC unfiled my favorite podcast Dean how about you um uh I got serus XM on Tuesdays and and Wednesdays Tuesdays this for the next couple months or next couple weeks I’ll be with Anthony Joe or damn I’ll be with Alan Joan and on Wednesdays I’m with Anthony Smith so make sure you catch the MMA Today Show on Sirius x what time are you there what time do you tape 12 to three live oh awesome eastern time yeah and what about the modern Rose oh the modern Rose yeah my if you’re in Hollywood Florida make sure you come to my restaurant it’s a brunch spot we’re open to four every day of the week Monday through Sunday called the modern Rose Hollywood make sure y’all come check us out tell them mat and Jim sent you you get a free tell them mat Jim sent you and ask for the dingling special dingling all right guys I had fun Jimmy what do you want to promote just uh I’m going a week from this Friday I will week from this Thursday I’ll be in San Diego week from this Friday I’ll be in Tempe Arizona Jim I have a bunch of new dates up all over the place all right guys on three Let’s go Team unfiled let’s go all right guys hold on wait one two three on three one two three team team on filter like to play along he’s a bad little bird guys I love you goodbye all right peace [Music]