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round one of a possible three coming your way in a fight a lot of people don’t expect to go the distance two of the top flyweights in the world alandre Pantoja and Brandon royval royval in white Pantoja in Black Pantoja a minus 175 betting favorite at close oh wow locks his hands right away got the lock right away oh he takes his back job by panto just getting after it lost the hooks you see royal trying to get away staying on top of that leg but loses it nice work there from panta the scrambles are going to be crazy look how panto just took the bottom side leg when Roy was defending top leg he just took the bottom side leg and now he’s got one hook in he’s going to try to stay on top now Roy B will just keep moving the man does not stop he don’t stop nice roll through though Pantoja all over it but we saw this with Elliot right when he made his debut Elliot didn’t know what he was in for he got tired because Brandon royval just kept rolling around flipping moving until eventually was so that Royal got it good little back elbow there from royval yeah nicely timed in place for Roy ball about a minute on by here round one ral’s very aware of where he can go he knows that if he turns back to his right he’s going to put panta in an armed triangle so he keeps giving his back when he starts flipping and rolling around like that see how panta gives him that for side oh my good leg ankle lock he’s attacking the legs now yeah he’s on the legs here let’s see he’s looking for a heel hook here got attacking he hook oh he he’s attacking the other side he’s going to go for a knee bar on that opposite knee nice hammerfist good elbow there too he’s trying to distract him he’s trying to distract him with the punches he’s going to force panto to avoid the position soon he’s going to start trying to escape and when you panic and try to escape that’s when you get yourself into trouble in these situations pant’s own Shin is actually going to be digging into that calf too making it really uncomfortable nice elbow work here from the back from Roy Val but you watch pantos and he’s very comfortable in here I know it sucks right it’s a very difficult position to be in but he’s not panicking with you saving him right now because Roy Val is attacking this and he’s looking to try to get a finish here oh he’s on the ankle he’s going to go hands off y start try to straighten and arching back towards the ankle of panto you see Pantoja fighting those hands desperately right now he doesn’t want to be able to let Brandon royval really get the crank on that switching it up he’s going to go over the other KNE he’s going to try to get back and scramble panto is still on him though because panto has confidence in his grappling he understands how good he is on the mat in reality is for his worried as we may be for him in that position because we aren’t so good there he ain’t worried about it he sees it all the time because Jitsu they all roll for for ankles and knees right it’s one of the reasons you don’t want to drill or go with a straight jiu-jitsu [Music] panta back to work on the ground under two minutes to go train suu Jitsu under Marcos damata PPA at American top team in South Florida nice scramble and this is where Roy’s Pace gives a lot of guys problems oh nice looking for his own on his back and he’ll just keep working Ro just keep working here yeah he went for it too quick there DC got a little over zealous nice body oh right hand return but I mean he is making panto work every second of the fight right now Big Shot landed [Music] there and royall has said with his lengthen his frame he could Point fight but that is not his style oh big shot from panta that was a punch that bothered the left eye of royall oh big punch by panto but now panto is loading up all that loading up takes energy oh good job a moment elbow attempt oh another right hand by panto oh P starting to find the range yeah starting to find that range with that right hand John he’s timing those pity pad shots of Ro there was another one oh good left hand there from royval careful ground it this is a wild fight man this is crazy Pace oh good left there Roy ball trying to close the distance here late in the round good news folks 10 minutes still on the [Music] clock all right guys second round fight’s on that’s smart by panto somebody’s got to throw kick there it is somebody’s got to throw kicks body kicks high kicks oh man this is crazy crazy and that’s that’s the benefit I believe and the advantage for royval even though he’s hurt that eyes bothering him yeah he can keep this crazy Pace I believe longer than Pantoja oh fail takedown attempts are not your friend if you’re Pia they are not your friend man and look at that Roy is on him [Applause] now man Roy ball just non-stop lands the right hand there back to the body kick he’s going to gramy here cage let go to cage every time panto tries to take him down he rolls to a gramby force it scrambles so we just saw a replay in in our monitor there and there was an eye poke in this round that punch in the first round was clean but there was a poke didn’t seem to be too bad but you saw Brandon royval complain about it it was we looked at it definitely fingers in the eyes pantos has got the body triangle now oh that’s trouble oh Ro trying to move off to the right side some pressure on that foot then start to try to clear it he get on the other panto starting to get under the neck here oh it’s getting tight oh yes pant got it under the neck here oh this is tight put him to sleep here Paul Felder there’s the alandre panta submits Brandon Royal huge win for the number three ranked flyweight Contender out of Brazil American Top teams cannibal alandre panto all right let’s take a look here Pantoja was all over him this fight in the grappling Exchange is he was very patient he was following Brandon royval who scrambles really well circles gramy roll he all over the place doesn’t want to accept it but once he got that body lock once he crossed that triangle around the body and fought that rear naked choke it was in tight and Brandon royval forced a tap that’s a big performance there from Pantoja there you see it there look how tight that is royval has no choice tried to fight the hands but too strong of a grip from panto and he gets the tap big big win and the champion is in the building so that is right we shall see what happens next and we now turn it over to the venerable Joe Martinas ladies and gentlemen the rear naked choke submission comes at the official time 1 minute 46 seconds of round number two for your winner Alexandre the Kenny Ponto