Amanda Ribas takes questions from the media ahead of his main event fight against Rose Namajunas on Saturday at UFC Vegas …
hello hello Trevor one does this fight week feel different for you yes for sure since my first time that I signed the UFC poster I was imagin my face there and yesterday I signed with my face and since the first day at the camp I was okay the time is now you’re doing the main event so let’s go does it does the feeling add a little bit of pressure or is it almost less pressure cuz you kind of feel like I’m here I’m the main event I’m you know I’m someone so maybe there’s a little less pressure with that yes for sure because I put so much pressure on me on the training so in the fight C in the fight week from me we are here all the job are done so now you need to enjoy and focus what you trained for was your fight Camp all that different than what you’ve been preparing for in every other fight I know that you know you’re potentially fighting five rounds but how much did your training camp differ from some of your others our camp is different because it’s different Fighters and it is a different amas too so our camp is different because of that and in this is special because it is a main event so I trained more to to be prepared to do a five rounds of War if needed do you anticipate it going five rounds with with rose or do you feel like this is going to be kind of a quick one for you guys I’m prepared for all to do or five rounds or to the end and the beginning I hope I’m trained for it to do a really war and a fight really good fight to to fans enjoy and say okay this deserve to be a main event what sort of fight are you expecting from her I am I always put on my mind that I will Face Off The Best of Ros nayas ever because I’m training for the best of her if comes something not like this I’m prepared is there a little bit of excitement with it being her that you’re standing across the Octagon from you know former champ being and icon of the sport um when you got the name what sort of feelings did you first feel I was like oh my goodness look against who are your fight and then I put in my mind at the moment that I signed the contract that that feeling stop it and that what I did my dad said to me one time if you want to be a legend you need to beat of one and now it’s my time what about the um the buildup to this fight have the two of you interacted at all on social media or have you seen each other you know um at the hotel or anything like that no you believe that I never saw her in the Hotel this time and it didn’t interact do you anticipate there being any um kind of uh animosity between the two of you or do you find do you feel like it’s going to be a respectful face off I think we’ll be respectful but you guys know fighter is a little crazy all fighters it is so maybe I don’t know if happens something but I think we’ll be a good one and I know you don’t want to look past Rose but what are the goals that you have set for yourself for 2024 I I I really enjoy it my last year that I did three fights so these years I hope I can do three fights too I like to be an activate inside the octagon and I hope if I win if God bless me with that I can do top five and maybe uh go to the BS thank you you’re welcome Amy Amanda um after your last win you said stwe division I’m back well you’re back in the flyweight division um what happened was it just like too too good of an opportunity to pass up yes I yeah I said that and I’m ranking in both divisions I’m number seven strawweight and eight in flyweight so for me what huge opportunity was this to fight against Rose and I accepted at the moment the UFC said I accepted and I I we was still fighting both division but St eight I’m back gotcha thank you you you’re wel Co she’s had a lot of experience in big fights with you know main events in five rounds you know this is going to be I believe your first headline event especially at least for the UFC are you confident that you won’t have the nerves that going in there that fight night when it comes time that you’re going to be ready to go or do you think there’s a possibility that there might be some nerves I already did five rounds but not in the UFC you know I train so hard so hard I truly train a lot so for me here is like the peace you know I like I like to this Vibe I like to Vibe inside the Octagon so when I’m here I’m relaxful and even and I feel a little nervous I would try to change my mindset my therapist she is really good she adapted me to do that and I hope I can do it does she give you a sort of Mantra or thing that you say to yourself before you go out to the fight or is it just an overall mindset that you carry H she I always do a homework with her and to try when the bad feelings bad bad thinkings comes you need to change and this change I always working on that to be peaceful to be calm because I am type of person there is a lot of energy if I push push more energy for myself is not be good so I always try to relax and enjoy and it would seem that a victory over Rose would probably be the biggest win of your career is a victory enough or do you really want to go out there and and get a submission or get a knockout do you really want to finish or is just a win enough you know uh before I am a UFC fighter I am UFC fan and I like to watch fights that ends with submission or a knockout so and all my fights I try to do that because for me as a fan is better to watch and for me as a fighter is better to get a bonus and last for me I know in the past you tooken some of your fight money to create a I want to say a community building or something to help with the kids in the in the area is that still going on and how’s how’s the progress with that yes yes yes after my last fight I did that and I already started with the free classes at my gym but this is was not my goal I was talking with my lawyers to create an Institute and in my mind it is huge so I need to conquer first at the beginning we are at my gym but it’s not what I want and we we will happen well some bonus money would certainly help with that right ah I hope I received this best of luck on Saturday thank you one more quick one um who are you taking next week in the main event between Aaron blanchfield and Manan foro between what who who who do you think is GNA win between Aaron blanchfield and and and Manan Faro next week oh good question I think meno yeah I think that thank you guys thank you