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Paige VanZant comes back at plus 600 Amanda heos is in the yellow trunks Paige VanZant is in the white top and the black trunks yeah as we saw Paige vanza when she was walking out she did look kind of emotional you know and it is very emotional you go through a fight Camp you know she’s been away from the Octagon for a while and she’s got a very tough opponent in front of her right now heas just cutting off the cage forcing her backwards Landing a nice body kick to start oh nice left hand over the top and a knee to the body for heas and this is what they said they wanted to avoid with Amanda straight away Amanda’s got the clinch close the distance as you said John couple of good knees oh look at that high amplitude taked down early for heos we’ll see what she can do with it got the scarf hold katami inside the first minute and of course as we said the extensive Judo background and the black belt looks like somebody’s cut it’s Paige well if you know Paige VanZant you know she don’t mind getting bloody but not a good sign here early nah she’s trying to use her toes to walk away over the fence and she can reverse to Position will not reverse it reverse her head and Escape trying to get one hook in there but the problem is for Amanda Paige actually has the under hook there around the back and if she can pull the head out she could actually end up taking the back but as you can see Amanda has a real tight grip there or tight squeeze the arms aren’t together but still got it nice and tight and I’m not sure if it’s VanZant who’s bleeding it looks like some blood is trickling out of the left nostril of heos but we’ll get a better look here shortly in theory look at that steps over I mean that was beautiful work watch out for the arm it’s locked in almost she’s just going to straighten the hips and extend the arm I mean this is high stakes early on the Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt heas still trying to isolate arm maybe belly down here hey there’s no quitting Paige vanand she Amanda heas it is a Qui night at the office and her star just continues to shine Michael man first round I mean that’s what Paige said she wanted to avoid and rightly so Amanda he has got the clinch got the Judo hip throw threw it down got the armar beautiful work here it is look there it is get the head and arm throw throws it down gets the scarf hold Paige is trying to escape tries to Escape there tries to come out the back door but Amanda steps over perfectly just beautiful technique there and then rolls through a traditional arm bar but the setup’s a little different because the arm is trapped and then from here it was only a matter of time Paige was trying to escape but you see the arm it’s so deep in there wait for it here’s the Finish she tried to jump over but the you can only take so much y that was that all right to make this one official now is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen referee Mitchells called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 21 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by submission due to an armbar Amanda [Music] heos all right so Amanda heos got a lot of respect from Las Vegas and seemed to earn every bit of it Michael yeah listen coming in here I mean we knew her star was high her capabilities through the roof very very well-rounded excellent striking a great team huge amount of conditioning and Skilling that body that little frame and she wasted no time she got a hold the paig vanzan did a hip throw tossed her on the backside and man I mean just continues to get better and better I mean let’s take a look at some of the handiwork here it is gets a head and arm hip throw throws it down gets the scarf hold lands a couple of shots there paig tries to exit the to the back door but she counters perfectly here she steps over tries to get the armar the belly down arm bar transitions to a traditional armar from her back the leg comes over the head goes belly down again and then that was that the arm can only Bend so much force the top John over to you with a very impressive Amanda thank you very much and we are joined I Cry by Amanda heos it has been so amazing for us to get to know you and just to feel your infectious energy I know you’re emotional right now but 4 and0 in the UFC got to be pretty happy with the way things went tonight I thank you salamay to everyone I was trying to learn some words in Arabian I want to say is thank you to the UFC to give me a the opportunity to fight here to do my work and I thinkk you I think this fight I can prove my for myself for the world you doesn’t matter whatever you are doesn’t matter who you are what really matter is what we want to do with your life I was training in my city small City and every nobody was trusting it because small City how you can beat the girl who training a big gym right I have a big heart so because of that I put all my energy in whatever I do to give to come here and do my best and we know it was a challenging training camp obviously for you there was a lot of pressure coming in here tonight and you Rose above it we’re going to take a look at the finish it was the belly down armar I know you’re excited to see this PO hoa’s excited to see it as well yeah talk us through the Finish if you would young lady I need to move my my hips oh my my heart my no it’s amazing I I I can’t describe myself now I’m just emotional okay that’s quite all right this is your moment you can take it wherever you want I do want to ask you though before we let you go I know you have visions eventually of becoming a two Division champion but you told us before the fight that after this one you were going to move back down to straw weight is that still the plan yes for sure I’m not good I I’m not liking to see my belly like that I want to move to my my my category is 115 and I wish I I asking to the UFC please give me a big fight again because I want to get up in my hunking so that’s I want if if UFC wants me to fight in one5 I accept you well but I want one first well I think you have certainly earned that opportunity you’re impossible to deny that big fight congratulations safe trip home thanks for starting off the pay-per-view properly tonight thank you thank you guys thank you everyone thank you FC happy birthday to Sensei Alex to my physiotherapy three persons of my my life is being a birthday today so it’s amazing day for me amazing day across the board congratulations Amanda we’ll see you on the other side