Set to fight in Saturday’s light heavyweight co-main event at the UFC APEX, friend of the show Anthony “Lionheart” Smith returns …

[Music] Anthony Smith’s power was off the chain tonight I think I’m better and then that was the game plan just be better in every position Anthony lionart Smith a beautiful submission well done sha Brady 16 and one you’re going to get knocked out you’re going to knock out ain’t nobody getting knocked out he got submitted and that’s what I do and that’s what I’m going to do for now [Applause] on welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast that’s dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC unfiltered where um we have Anthony Smith and Matt wanted Shawn Brady will be on today Anthony is fighting khil round Tre on two weeks notice khil just had a fight cancel what what what did you just say I said that Anthony is fighting khil rry on two weeks notice because khil I thought had a fight cancel did oh did he yeah I believe he was supposed to be on uh what who was he supposed to be uh fighting he just had a fight uh uh as a at murov um and I just I know that just happened okay yeah Jimmy um but anyway what I really wanted to say is I’m looking forward to this fight a lot I am also uh looking forward to I may have to run out while we’re talking I’m getting my colonoscopy tomorrow so today is that delightful day where you’re just you’re all day Jimmy so someone’s going up and looking inside your ass and my throat I’m getting them both done the same day you should always do them the same day you’re already there yeah why not you’ll be under anyway yeah I won’t even know what’s going on um have you gotten one yet a colonoscopy have you done it I did three Jimmy oh you right okay so you’ve been you go under for them too right you know about me and my ass yeah of course you go under you don’t want to be a awake when someone’s up inside your ass well you might but my doctor told me he does too he said he’s awake when when they do it he likes to look on the monitor he’s nuts what yeah yeah yeah I know someone who does who’s awake I didn’t know I thought you were joking I thought everybody no I I I want to be so any turning my heat off so it doesn’t bother us but if I have to run out you so you’ve done the prep days before you know I did those prep days you can eat Jello on a prep day right like clear Jello dud know it’s funny one time my father ate like ravioli he forgot he forgot forgot and he went there and he goes oh I didn’t realize that you couldn’t eat on it did the thing and he ate so he goes ah they went in there anyway I’m like a gross dad probably probably pretty thick in there yeah yeah you don’t want ravioli shits I mean that’s a rough one that’s not that’s not like slipping and having a a garbanzo bean that’s a rough meal you know want you got those guys putting stuff through there it’s disgusting but anyway enough of all the duty talk yes um although uh this Saturday we should talk because that’s when Anthony is fighting khil um this is a good card too song against Chris Gutierrez is the uh the main event bantamweight fight that’s a great fight and who is I think Anthony Smith is uh in the same gym as Gutierrez so uh let me see oh we have Anthony in the uh waiting room oh I should have given myself the thumbs up let’s let’s talk to Anthony and then I gotta unload some stuff on you later on Jimmy Sumari against uh Tim Elliot by the way great great fight unload on me oh no I going yell that no why I’m so down but I’m going to try to be up because Anthony’s here and this is Anthony’s 13th appearance on UFC on Phil I can’t believe it hey Anthony 13 appearances huh yeah that he’s like wow I feels like it’s like the second that’s because it’s good when things are happening and it’s so much fun it’s like it’s almost like the first time I don’t right feels like the first time every time that as I’m saying Jimmy’s like shun like looking at me weird no because I I don’t know if Anthony 13 times or if he just feels like it’s been so many more like because it’s draining no hey Anthony let me ask you because I’m not that guy ever because I’m such like a worried wart when I want to Peak at the right time what now have you I mean you have such you have so many fights do you don’t have a rule against jumping in like last second to take a fight like you’re like that you’re in shape anyway how do you what’s your mind behind taking this short notice fight versus kilo rry man when I first started fighting like even as an amateur and a handful of my Pro fights I wouldn’t know who I was fighting until I showed up that night and we would just weigh in and they’d match us as close as they could and wait so like I did that I’ve done that 25 times before um historically I’ve always done really well on short notice anyway so you know I fought Rashad on short notice I got back into the UFC on short notice I fought Shogun on short notice um I just I just historically have done well and I just don’t stress too much about it you know what I mean I I think sometimes people make this this game a whole lot more complicated than it is it’s sometimes it’s just less stressful as long as my weight cuts are okay the there’s really no stress I come in I don’t have six eight weeks to bang my body up and worry about it every night and lay in bed stressed I feel good and you don’t really blow up I never see you being a fatty Anthony you’re always looking I wear big shirts you always like so I mean I’m sure it’s like you’re like oh man I gotta get I gotta get back first in shape and then I gotta get in fight shape you you you know you you even um in the off season you got your daily routine I’m sure it’s not your fight routine yeah yeah I mean I’m not I’m not can’t but I’m always doing something if I don’t do something I I go insane I I I can’t just sit around and and I don’t know I don’t know and I do get heavy but I don’t get like fat but I but it comes off pretty fast I think I was like 235 when they called wow so do you u i mean you obviously do a lot of desk work and you’re so good at that do you you’re watching so many fights that a lot of guys might not watch because it’s it’s another part of your job do you think that helps like have you seen so much more stuff on khil that you might have um if you weren’t in that job yeah I mean I’ve definitely watched more khil rry than I than I typically would have um he also fought one of my teammates uh two fights ago um and so I was helping Dustin get ready for that fight and then I actually worked that card so I had to break down K’s kind of entire career um so I I I was very familiar with khil and didn’t have a whole lot of homework to do once I once I got the cough you know this is out of this is out of left field but you know I’m in the middle of the night I’m on the I’m the ball lot sorry that’s T TMI but 13 times Anthony feels comfortable with us yeah he knows you know well Anthony you know how you’re scrolling through your thing you know so I saw a clip and this was literally last night so this is funny and it was you watching I don’t know if this is new or not it might be old news I don’t know but it was one of those little reals it was you watching Conor McGregor like talking about you or making fun of you doing like doing your commentary and then you went on to say Khan is upset because he’s no longer one of his he’s not with his peers anymore he’s not one of us is that an old thing or is that new no that’s pretty that’s old that was probably like sorry man no probably I mean it’s not like it’s five years ago it’s probably a year ago oh it should I think it’s weird that it came up last night I wasn’t doing any research I was just doing my business and now you now I just thought that was a weird coincidence I didn’t know when it was from yeah yeah go and and Connor was on this thing for a while where you know he he gets fixated on people you know and I was the target at the time and and I’ve never really had any real issue with Connor it’s usually Connor has an issue with something that I said yeah oh okay that did that ever continue or did it get squashed or just what anything happen it pops up every once in a while you know like this like a idiot like me he’s like hey look well I mean I spend so I spend so much time on podcasts and radio shows and and ESPN and he’s a a notable figure in the sport so when he does something I it would be very irresponsible to me not to address it you know what’s interesting too is you have the same thing we do like where like you know we just do this dumb thing we pick fights it doesn’t mean anything but you have to talk about guys that I’m sure you like not not in an unfavorable way but if they don’t perform well or if you think somebody else really outfought them I mean you might have to talk about them in a way that you wouldn’t want to but part of your job is you have to when you’re not being honest yeah that that’s probably the hardest part of the job is I’ll give you I’ll give you two examples and they’re both they both have the same person involved coincidentally Derek Miner versus Grant Dawson Derek Min was a kid that we we we pulled him out of his house when he was like five or six years old and we would bring him to my house and my grandma would cook for him and we like looked after him and he was the little annoying little that we would just dragg rests and he was like a little brother that we just you know like uh I guess kind of saved you know out of a bad situation and and just kind of took him under our wing and he was just part of the group you know um and then he fought Grant Dawson who at the time I was currently training with so I had like a current training partner but someone that I’ve known since I was single digits age you know so sure then I then I have to stand up on there in ESPN and I have to talk about them both and then I have to pick one um which one do I think’s going to beat the others no matter what someone’s feelings are going to get hurt and then Bobby green fights Grant Dawson Me and Bobby have been cutting weight together since we were in Strike Force making 2000 and 2000 telling each other how some we’re going to make it to the UFC and be something and then he fights Grant Dawson who you know like is from Nebraska and a guy that I trained with on and off so it those are the worst situations when I have two people that I really really like and and I don’t really want either one of them to lose and then I have to go up there and I have to pick which one I think’s going to it sucks how do you handle that do you tell them after like look man it was just one of those things where it was a stylistic thing how do you do or do you not say anything to them do you just assume that they have to understand that how do you deal with it um it it depends a lot of times it’ll be you know I’ll have to I’ll usually go try to go by the numbers you know if it’s two people because there’s a lot of times that I’m like you know what I I knew that Derek Min was gonna lose that fight but I can’t just go I I knew that from the from jump I knew he was going to lose that fight but I can’t just go up there and say that so I I did Justified it with the numbers and the takedowns and and you know I just did the best I could to to make it black and white not so uh subjective um and the Bobby green thing you know I just got to tell get it like you understand the position you’re in and and where you’re at and then he ended up winning and made me look stupid and I I was really happy to go up there and eat crow on on ESPN and that’s it and not only that though it’s not like you’re a guy talking out your ass who hasn’t done it you haven’t been you haven’t felt like the glory or felt like defeat you know what I mean so it’s like I think if anybody has the right to say it it’s guys like like me and you Jimmy should watch his mouth I’m I’m always care Jimmy I’m but uh no like done it like look man I’ve had plenty of bad nights so it’s like and we got families to feed so they’re paying us to do it it’s not like I’m just Onna just want to say Hey listen I just want to let you know I don’t believe in you no I’m not telling right we got we gotta kind of shoot the I’ve tried to like to beg ESPN like come on like don’t make me do this but that’s not that’s not the job you know that’s not the job that I was hired for it’s it’s good to be opin listen they people are paying for your opinion you know and there’s another one I loved I’m sorry there was one of I loved with Anthony and I was with him I was with him with them with them and then I thought you maybe jumped the shark a little bit let me explain okay it was with it was with Tate with Andrew Tate right that’s his name Andrew Tate yes so and Tate was taking a on J jetsu now it it it just happens that Andrew Tate all his MMA losses I think are from getting submitted so it’s kind of so guy talks like oh these j- chitsu guys in a street fight you don’t want to be on the floor dude nobody’s choosing to jump to God you silly guy but you know chances are and and when he fights one-on-one in a cage with somebody he can’t keep them from taking him down and submitting him so he’s on Jiu-Jitsu so I love that Anthony was like look you put us in a room together you know basically I’m walking out you can do whatever you want to do and I was with you you’re like yeah even give him a knife I go well Anthony I that’s when you maybe took it a little oh now I think that was they were saying they were we were talking about Andrew Tate and listen Andrew Tate serves a purpose you know what I mean like he is what he is and and but he says a lot of dumb and they they essentially bisbing was like what what’s going to happen I said if you put me and Andrew T in the room you shut the door and you just leave us to our devices and we see who walks out of it I’m walking out of that room yes and then B said what if he has a knife oh Bisping said it oh he oh I blame Bisping then no bis I thought you said I said I think there’s a good chance I still walk out of that room yeah hey I I think so too I think that I think that guy uh I think he’s he’s definitely entertaining you know something about that it Factor but hey dude don’t on Jiu-Jitsu that’s what you Ling now because now you sound ignorant when you’re like these Jiu-Jitsu guys dude totally agree you also Anthony Bobby just uh lost a really tough fight to Jaylen Turner who again came up I want to see on six days yeah uh notice so kind of goes to what you were saying some guys can just come off and and fight and be ready and that that there’s no big leadup of pressure or like you said laying there every night thinking about it it Frees you up a little bit right in a way it frees your mind up like you haven’t had time to almost to to do whatever it is your mind does yeah especially if you’re a a super analytical person you can just you can just think yourself into circles if you have enough time and you’re kind of left to your own devices so and I’m kind of that way you know I I’ll I’ll sit around and worry about that’s never going to happen in day-to-day life you know I’ll lay in bed and worry like oh my God what if I can’t pay my bills like which is just not a situation you know like I’ll just make up that it doesn’t matter so um I I thought Jaylen looked really good versus Bobby I felt you know obviously I feel for Bobby but I like jayen Turner as well so that was another tough one but um yeah man I can just go in free you know and khil khil there may have been other guys that maybe I wouldn’t have been so quick to jump on to to fight short notice but as as explosive and powerful and fast and and dangerous as khil is I like I like monsters that I know I I rather take a guy that’s a level 10 danger Factor but predictable versus a guy who maybe is a a five danger Factor but super unpredictable so I you know what you’re getting into with khil you know what he’s going to bring to the table he fights everybody fairly similar um who would you say is that five anthy that’s a good that’s a great point you made who would you say is is uh the less predictable it could even be somebody you fought like who who would you think like a like a Ryan fan like krylo um you know even guys like uh oh man even like uh like a Alonzo menifield like those guys that are pretty dangerous you I would probably beat them but like you get in there with them on short notice and and you don’t have enough time to like really dig into their game they’re unpredictable you don’t know what they’re going to do like a guy with the unpredictability like Johnny Walker is a nightmare for me yeah like I’m better than that guy everywhere but he’s just so unpredictable you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into so I do well with really predictable guys I do well with guys that have a clear path to Victory like khil has one path to Victory so that that now that path is been he’s super dangerous there and it’s really good but at least I know what it is yeah guys like Johnny Walker is his move when you’re in the cage with him is the movement kind of what you expected he he’s just a an like it seems like he moves in a lot of unorthodox ways again like Bobby green has his own way of fighting it’s just not as common uh and when you’re facing a guy like that is it like it’s obviously a lot different when you’re training and you’re like oh all right this is really hard to figure out yeah it’s hard it’s hard to deal with when he’s in front of you his size is is a problem he’s really big um you know I bet he’s I mean out outside of Camp he’s probably he’s close to 250 and he’s he’s above 230 when he’s in there so um he’s just a really really big dude he’s really long he moves really really weird for his size he’ll jump and spin at any point in time but then sometimes he’s aggressive and moves forward and sometimes he’ll show up and he kind of sits back and chills um you know if you spend six weeks preparing for a guy that’s gon to be wild and crazy and and go off you know like a bomb the whole time and then he kind of sits back and picks out you from the outside that’s not exactly what you were ready for it changes your yeah it’s it’s a surprise to you and then like I remember I thought when Matt Hughes was on top of me I’m like all right here comes the Thunder and I was waiting for him to start trying to D just rain down rain down blows but he was playing a tighter game just I’m like no this is not what I expected yeah kind of throws you off a little bit like you know you gotta try to change on the Fly you know how amazing was uh Brundage win over uh reys uh two fights in a row guys being slam on their heads like that I think DC said he had never seen what was the fight right before that where there was yes yes jakar close dra close got slammed yeah I he slammed slucky um is the triangle was that as rare as slam too are they both that rare uh or was it just the uh the armar same armock go Anthony well it’s kind of on on them too like you almost deserve that like if you get lifted up in the air and you won’t let go you’re you’re you’re rolling the dice you’re you’re kind of risking there’s a risk reward thing there like maybe you maybe maybe you don’t go out when he slams you and you keep the submission and you get a finish or maybe he puts you out but that’s not typically like a roll of the dice that I’m willing to make um and there’s there’s a lot of other thing it’s really irresponsible to be honest like if you just hook a leg when he goes the lift then there is no lift it it’s it’s really that simple it’s kind of I don’t know sometimes it’s that mentality where they start to get lifted and they just want to hold on like you got to kind of open up your brain a little bit and you got to be willing to lose that submission to stay awake um got your losses yeah yeah your losses if you’re getting you gotta let go so um I was really happy for Cody brunes though I think I’ve come on here a couple times and just saying that guy’s Praises about how talented he is and and he’s got a bad case of uh the bright light syndrome you know when when we’re in the gym oh whether it’s me or Rob Wilkinson the the FL champ the Dustin jacobe you know any any top like World ranked UFC guy at 85 or 205 it’s all we can do to keep Cody off of us I mean it’s it’s all we can do to stay ahead of him he gives us fits every single day it’s a man it it’s almost like it’s almost annoying like can we can someone just get this away from me for a little bit and then he goes in and fights and and just shits the bed and you just can’t put it together um you know and I I guess I don’t mean it so much like that at to make it to the UFC and to get a win and and now he’s hit two bonuses that’s that’s pretty successful compared to the rest of the world that that attempts this sport but I think compared to where we know his ceiling is and what he’s been producing those are way far apart we got to figure out how to get those closer but he’s got a new baby he’s got a family he’s you know he’s he’s he puts the time in so it’s cool to see him get a finish and a bonus well you look at guys too like uh sha Ali he’s a guy who always seems to fight well under pressure like there are some guys that just I like that bright light I had heard that before there are some guys that just for some reason are are really successful in those moments and I guess it’s a lack of not a lack of nerves but the ability to just let yourself be free and do what you do um because tightening up and tensing up and overthinking I mean it never helps anybody no matter what you’re doing yeah well and Connor Connor’s always been one of those guys that’s he’s just always produced well under pressure um but you know even in Cody’s fight I seen a couple things that that showed me that he’s growing like you know Matt knows if you if you list out the best ways to defend a triangle lifting and pulling out of it is probably the last one but I would rather he made that decision and committed to it than what he normally does when he gets in fights and because he’s such an analytical Dude too like normally I think he would have got that triangle jump and he would have said okay do I stack him should I turn him past should I just try to resist do I need to try to get my other arm in and he by that time he doesn’t make any decision at all yeah and and then he’s so the fact that he made a decision immediately and just went with it and committed to it shows me that there’s enough growth that we can continue to build on that so it’s not the decision I would have asked for but my grandpa used to always say when we’re playing pool if you’re not good hit it hard so like whether the decision was right or not he he committed to it 100% And I’m good with that and I remember that Connor Eddie Alvarez fight at the guard I was actually at that fight and watching Eddie walk in who was the champion at the time you you felt like he almost felt like he was walking to his fate like going to his it just did he was such a great tough fighter but it just felt like Connor was very comfortable in that moment and it felt like Eddie wasn’t as comfortable in that moment and I guess it’s just that thing um and I I I he because he didn’t fight up to his potential like he’s a better fighter than that yeah no I totally agree and and Connor just does something to somebody where I don’t know I think it I think it’s less about what he says it’s about the aura that he has when you’re around him like Jon Jones is very similar like I never really cared about what Jon said but the the way you just felt like you weren’t supposed to be there when you were around him it it throws you off it throws you off and see but Matt Matt went in there and just felt exactly like that probably and then knocked out GSP and just you know shocked the world so that’s what we all hope we can do but it’s not that normal to be honest none of to that normal including Jimmy no Jimmy you’re far from normal how no I know hey Anthony when all said and done you got a lot of time left man at dude 35 say it Jimmy I I look I wasn’t gonna say it but when Matt was 35 he uh he knocked out Frank Trigg well he said it yes I know I want me to from over I mean Frank T 35 didn’t like it you’re 35 years young you have a lot of left in the tank when it’s all said and done you’re very good at the commentary is that is that the thing is that where we’re going I think so yeah I think uh to to be honest I think that the UFC and ESPN would be much happier if I just retired and went fulltime um so I I I do kind of feel like I I feel like a lot of people around me want me to retire just because I do have that clear path on the other side of it um but I just can’t I can’t shake this title thing I just it’s obsessed over it it’s like I could fight I could quit fighting right now and nothing would change for me as far as my lifestyle I live a pretty humble lifestyle I I’d have a whole lot more time at home but um I just can’t shake that shiny gold belt and I know that probably once I like if I was to win it I’m sure I’d have that same you know i’ I’ve talked with Stipe and Weidman and and and even you a little bit Matt like I’m sure everyone has that like oh that’s it you know kind of feeling like it’s not exactly what you thought it was going to be um but I I don’t know I think I I I want the opportunity to to be disappointed in it if that makes sense does it change for you though like when you look at uh you I think uh DC was commentating and fighting at the same time Dominic Cru definitely and yourself of course you train as hard it matters as much but does it change anything for you knowing like I could just put on a suit and go talk to my friends about fighting like when you’re training does it change the way you look at training at all or does that do you have to push that thought out no I I think it I think it motivates me like I I don’t really have anything to lose you know I think a lot of times guys are in these positions where I have to win I have to get my win I have to to win these next three fights I got to do this or I’m not gonna or I’m not gonna have anything when I’m done I I don’t I don’t really I don’t need to win like I don’t need to I don’t need to fight you know I I could like I said I could hang it up right now and nothing would change for me I could continue to do the podcast and the radio show and the desk stuff and and sit up there on a with a nice suit and live my life forever but um I think it makes me more dangerous because I want to do this and I don’t have to I think that’s what what’s always been fascinating about cowboy Cerrone that that guy’s never had to fight you know he he’s always you know he’s he’s always been in a position of of he’s always been very fortunate I guess oh he has money I didn’t know he had money yeah he’s always been very fortunate so um I think the fact that he was in the fights that he was in and had the career that he had when he didn’t have to is much more impressive uh knowing he he didn’t have to do that he’s a a bit a bit of an adrenaline junkie so it doesn’t doesn’t totally shock me because like you know besid figh fighting’s different you can get that adrenaline dump like one time and say okay I did that it’s true Cowboy is nuts he flies a plane straight up and lets it drop like he’s crazy like he really has a very high bar to get that adrenaline I guess where he needs I’m pretty crazy too but Cowboy takes it to the next level there’s a lot of that he does that I’m like I don’t know that’s a bit I hope what wouldn’t you do I’m sorry Matt what wouldn’t you do good oh I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do I just don’t know that I would pursue all the things that he pursues like if you were to put something in front of me I can’t I can’t think of something I wouldn’t do but well here’s something I wouldn’t do and I I jumped on a ball I did some crazy I wouldn’t do that squirrel suit thing when you jump with a solo like you’re just flying oh yeah how do you practice that like I out there’s no I mean how the you practice it Matt when you got a parachute on like you could probably practice it if you have a parachute and do it for a little while and then if it gets up you can probably pull your shoot that’s what I’m guessing there’s there’s like two things that my wife says I’m not allowed to do that I’ve wanted to do one of them has is not that crazy I’m not allowed to get my neck tattooed and I can’t Skydive without a parachute those are the two things that I want let me do she’s pretty she’s pretty that’s pretty fair yeah those are things my wife wants me to do kind of have you seen that like that skydiving where they you jump out without parachute it’s just a harness with like a d-ring on the back and then a professional skydives to you and they hook to you in midair it’s insane it’s crazy because if that guy has a heart attack you’re dead it is crazy and I’m all into D- rings I’m sorry I’m our next guest is in the waiting room Anthony we got to let you go but uh look good luck on Saturday I mean uh number eight you definitely you’re in look you could get to a title a shot I would love to see you fight for the bell I would love love love to see that I would love to see you get that um and we’ll talk to you again of course have a great fight on Saturday I appreciate you guys stay in touch all right okay bu be good he have a nice holiday if we don’t talk to you thank you you [Music] too yes first appearance on the show hey Sean what’s going on Sean man congratulations bro Matt s it’s a it’s an honor man thank you for having me I appreciate it I hope I hope the producers told you that I insisted I insisted I go get sha Brady on here I told you that but that is they didn’t tell me but we’re both henzo Gracie guys so I mean I would hope I would hope I would hope I got your boy Chris Ryman right in the back on the wall so love it you know I appreciate it hey man I don’t want you to think that I didn’t want you on Matt’s not saying that like I said no and then he insisted I mean we’re both it’s all right it’s all right work now I talk to you because first of all hey man that’s the way to bounce back after a tough day in the office no bullshits no no no here no whining no you go back in and what you do is you make an example of the next guy and the next guy happened to be a stud and what you did to him is not normal by any means I mean look at the fights he had with Israel out Ofna look at the fights he had with some of the best Jared caner yeah exactly and I was when I hear the crow listen the crowd was getting a little spoiled because there a lot of stoppages yeah this is more this was in this was you know who got it right the commentators DC yeah had it right they were impressed they were as impressed as I was that was beautiful jiujitsu thank you so much man control control control he’s going you’re heading him off at each pass anywhere he goes anore yeah yeah deal with a kamora dude it was amazing dude man yeah it was uh yeah it couldn’t have went any any better and like you said I’ve watched so much film on Kelvin I watched him against Weidman and even only two people to submit him were widman and before that he got he got flored in that first round you know what I’m saying so I know and then uh Jack Hermanson heel hooked him which we know how heel hooks go like anybody can get caught with those but besides that dude’s never been finished besides those two finishes and he’s had five or six main events I only have seven UFC fights you know so um yeah and then just to seal the deal with the Cur like for me like I’m a basic Jiu-Jitsu guy like I like curas rear naked chokes Guillotines dares and the condas like those are just things that are all in my wheelhouse and the Cur is the best like I I just feel like that’s one of my favorite submissions and um to hit that man it was it it was great what oh go sorry I was gonna say when he had that kamur on Jimmy I don’t know if you ever seen a camur like when I you know for for instance Frank TR Frank tra Frank tra Frank not that guy Frank Mir yeah vers minaro yes a kamur break is not a pretty thing when he had I swear as much as I love to kamur when you had that on I’m almost looking away I’m like dude tap Kelvin yeah and dude and I tell you you and the way you did it on the knee you didn’t even have to sit through what control so man MO and it’s funny uh Dean obviously is his first time was in my corner and he told me afterwards he was like bro I looked away because he was like I didn’t want to see that motherfucker’s arm break and I was like well that’s if he didn’t tap that’s the way that’s the way it was going I’m glad I’m glad you brought that up uh Dean Thomas now how did that come along that’s a that’s an unlikely um Duo there like how did he end up in your corner and we love Dean Thomas oh he’s the best so after my fight with um Bal I was in New York for Izzy versus Pereira and um I seen Dean in the crowd and I’ve always just been a fan of Dean and he came up to me he was like Hey man he was like this is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to he was like don’t worry about it just get back in the gym keep your hell held high and we started to talk uh here and there and then we just connected and then he came out to Philly he has family in reading and he has family in Delaware so he came out a couple times um when I was supposed to fight Jack Dela madelina and in the summertime and he started helping me then and I got an infection in my arm I had to pull out but ever since then this whole Camp he came down like three or four times he was with us for almost a week during um Thanksgiving break so and then he came out to uh he came out to Austin and it’s now I he’s GNA be in my corner for a very long time he’s a straight guy smart mind and he he simplifies things like he’s like listen like exactly what we did in training camp is exactly how that fight played played out and um yeah it couldn’t have went any any any better and you you had you were 15 and0 and then and then you dropped to Bal and it’s always interesting how an undefeated guy handles that because some guys it really does it does something to their psyche and it sends them into a a place of self-doubt which we’ve seen a lot how did that how did that affect you and what did you do to not fall into that I mean I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me obviously it did but the whole entire year was just like 20 after that fight I um I had two injuries I tore my Gro twice uh I had a pull out of my Jack Del Melina fight two weeks before the fight so I had all kinds of all kinds of uh obstacles but you know I think it made me the best version of myself um mentally like if you can mentally go through all the I went through and come out on the other end uh it it made me super super mentally tough and just realizing also like yeah fighting’s great and all that but it’s not it’s not everything like when I was undefeated I thought if I lost my undefeated record like my life would be over like no one would care about me anymore and your family still loves you your team’s still there and um yeah so I just have a whole different mindset on training and fighting now and I think it’s going to work out really really good for me yeah g ji just uh tore his uh his groin he just he just had one he’s out yeah yeah I seen that and it’s it’s a very painful injury so you get a lot of time to kind of just sit around and reflect on on everything you know like fighting is such a selfish Sport and especially me like being the true professional I am like I am very selfish because you have to be when you’re fighting but there’s things outside of fighting where you you got I made sure my like like my wife’s a nurse and there’s dude like Matt Sarah can tell you you neglect your family you know and um I did a really good job this training camp of taking the necessary breaks I needed trying to spend more time with her trying to just do the right thing things to have my mind and my body right and it worked out you know um I I went into this fight the best I’ve ever felt easiest way cut and honestly the easiest UFC fight I’ve ever had you know uh it wasn’t it wasn’t a struggle I trained like it was gonna be the hardest fight of my life which you should always do but it it was easy it it felt really really good and the fight you lost with Bel like listen you got caught on the feet yeah my thing is it’s not like what you just did to Kelvin and I mean that respect yeah yeah you didn’t get that done to you so it’s not like man I was undefeated now I met a guy that just had my number yeah or or it could have been just a rough a bad day of sparring it could have you know what I mean like how much do we overanalyze and how much do we just say you know what chalk it up as that could have just happened in sparring exactly it was literally like that’s exactly what it was up until that point when I got hit with that he didn’t even drop me I was still wide awake on my feet like he didn’t knock me out up until that up up until that point we were going strike for strike you know um I was in that fight up until that point and then if I was mentally where I am now that would have been a completely different fight but I’m happy that it happened the way it did because it made me realize you have to go in there and just be present for that 15 minutes or 25 minutes my when I got rocked in that fight my my mind wasn’t there for that split 30 seconds or however long it was and I lost a fight because of it I went into this fight knowing like for 15 minutes no matter what happens if I’m in a bad position if I get dropped I’m just going to focus on the next step whether it’s a punch or take down a kick just focusing on what is coming next and just being where my feet are and yeah I felt I felt I felt everything in there like he felt like I I’ve always heard Fighters talk about they feel like they’re in like a like a video game and they’re floating over top of themselves and I felt like that like I I everything he threw it was like slow motion I was just mov moving out of the way of it and I just felt like I was three steps ahead of him the entire time yeah it’s just one of those nights where everything is working um yeah and a guy like Kelvin he is so impossible to stop I mean through punches like you’ve seen him take shots that would have killed most people and like you said all aside from the uh the widman sub in the heel hook he’s just he’s impossible to submit he’s had a lot of fights for a 32y old guy too a lot of Main Events you go look he’s had Main Events up and down his entire career took Izzy to a split decision you know so um yeah man he’s I the the highlight of him knocking out bisbing that was getting played all week got people online telling me that’s going to be me so I I was motivated I was motivated speak that I was gonna say Jimmy I’m sorry that when you’re when you’re undefeated everybody’s your friend everybody loves you you could do no wrong yeah now what after the Bel muhamed fight did you of course you family the friends the guys Fighters they’re with you of course they know of course of course but let’s talk about the guy at Starbucks let’s talk about guy behind the GNC counter I’ve dealt with those guys oh for sure did you get did you get shocked at all by some of the because nobody some of the stupid things that people that you thought should have known better say um yeah I I had a few I actually had this one where me and my wife we had to go to a family’s a funeral and I’m in line at the funeral and I’m saying like my condolences to the family and she says I’m sorry for your loss too like her like her father-in-law or somebody just died and me and my wife left there I’m like I’m like yo can you believe this chick just said this to me like I couldn’t believe it I I was like I was like dude this is nuts but funny yeah I’m like I mean I think people just don’t know what to say you what say they don’t they don’t know and I get it like um but like when you win though oh man everything tastes everything tastes better everyone loves you but when you lose there it’s it’s uh it can be a shitty spot but um luckily I’ve been on the winning end a lot more and oh 100 I I like the winning end a lot better I’ll tell you that what is the right what is the right thing to say to somebody cuz you like if you see them you know like what is the the thing to say which isn’t it’s not a dick thing it’s just expressing like hey I hate it to see that is there anything I mean you just tell them next time you know it is what it is like my thing is you’re gonna you’re gonna go in there it’s a 50-50 chance you come out a winner or a loser you know and um we have to you have to be okay with that like yeah I went undefeated for a long time but I knew eventually like it could happen that I would lose and um yeah you just have to be okay with you know and like somebody’s got to win someone’s got to lose and we’re we’re we’re fist fighting so uh it’s not it’s not it’s not always going to be pretty hey hey Sean when I lost the title to St Pierre one of my friends one of my friends he’s a nice guy he’s a guy from down south he didn’t mean nothing by it he goes don’t worry you’ll get the eye of the tiger back like I want a I want to murder you you didn’t like that Matt I go dude before I even finish my sentence I go I go dude he goes I’m sorry I go it’s like he probably was like why the did I just say that oh because he was implying that your lack of focus and heart is what cost you I wasone doing the commercials with the credit card I don’t know it’s no it people just don’t don’t know what to say to D Man and it’s it it is what it is it is man so all right now look that you came out of there unscaved what what and I like the call out I like the call out of uh if Ian Gary wins this next one you called him out yeah well supposedly they’re coming to AC uh March 30th so I mean between Philly and AC I’ve won belts for cffc I’ve defended belts for cffc in like AC was like my second home so if I can fight in AC that’s that’s ideal and if I can get Ian too um that’s even more ideal because it’s a it’s a fight I want you know he’s very talented I think he’s a good fighter but a lot of the that he does like the like the talking and acting weird online and he’s just not a team player like like I said again like you know how it is like when you come from lineage like we came from like I have the henra Gracie logo tattooed on me like I I love henja I love that entire family like I love those guys and you’re loyal to them you know and um this kid’s bouncing around from gym to gym filming his sparring posting it talking on teammates so yeah I wanna uh I wanna I want to get after that for sure more of a nomad you know yeah yeah it’s and it it’d be cool if you were like respectful like I I think of myself as a true martial artists like I did I did ghee Jiu-Jitsu for 10 years until I got my black belt and um once I’m done fighting I’ll be right back in the G like I I still do traditional martial arts and yeah I I think of myself as a martial artist like I think these guys they just it’s a new era of fighting and I get it but um if I can like same thing with the Kamura like basic Jiu-Jitsu like that still works and that’s what I love about it and can I just say Jimmy only because this is this is something I love to point out you know and I said it before like how I feel your your Jiu-Jitsu is just so it’s I I I don’t like to say old school but it’s just you’re taking a guy down you’re having your way with him you you’re passing guards you’re mounting you’re finishing you’re moving forward nothing funky uh you went vers one of the funkiest in um Craig Jones and you beat him in a Jiu-Jitsu match I mean that’s that cannot and I don’t care how many highlights it had or anything you beat that to shut that guy down yeah is that guy is just he’s that good he’s one of the best in the world in the noge grappling he’s not a fighter he doesn’t try to be he’s a funny guy he seems funny but yeah right he’s like a goofy guy but he’s a he’s so talented with jiu-jitsu yeah the fact that you shut him down did you think about when we’re listen you gotta after we do our thing get the title defendant when you’re done fighting I already know you’re gonna say did do two matches hell yeah I um I had the one with Craig I had I did one against Ben Saunders I actually kored Ben Saunders for Fury as well um I was going to do a few more this year I think I was going to go against um I was supposed to have a match with Dante Leon like I had some good matches set up and they just kind of they kind of fell apart but I still want to compete while I’m fighting but as soon as I’m done fighting like that that’s all I’m gonna do is do Jiu-Jitsu I’m gonna I’m gonna do the right I’m gonna I’m gonna get gain some size do do some things and do what them boys are doing and get in there get in there and compete like I want to compete jiu-jitsu like look at guys like Vagner roacha Wagner’s 40 something and he’s still competing and winning at ADCC and winning Super fights lado Jr like I want I want to compete forever so yeah Jiu-Jitsu is definitely 100% but back to the Craig thing like same thing with him I went against Craig for eight minutes and yeah did I play I played I went in that thinking I’m just not gonna let this guy sweet me I’m not gonna let him get underneath of me and I’m gonna win the match by just staying on top I’m not the D bro class Jiu-Jitsu guy like he is and he couldn’t sweep me couldn’t submit me he was a little butt hurt afterwards but I’m like hey I played by the rules I stayed on top you couldn’t you couldn’t get on top of me and it is what it is but uh yeah I’m like they have a fury Alo competing on it against um he’s doing uh it’s him versus one of our actual guys from from jonovan web’s gym uh yeah yeah kid that went against morab um for f for for for Fury yeah yeah so as far I know Al yeah they just announced that aler is the main event on that so I like so fury like yeah I want to but ADC like I want to do like some real tournaments for sure yeah Sean you’re from Philly right how how how long did you live in Philly and were you going up to henzo oh you trained to henzo in Philly Philly Phil I lived in Philly my entire life and we used to go up to henzo once a week to the uh to the John donah her classes in the in the basement oh you were going to oh okay yeah yeah so um Dan Gracie was my was my Jiu-Jitsu coach and Daniel’s obviously cousins with henzo and yeah we would go up there go up there all the time so I love henzo um he’s he’s the best yeah fantastic this fantastic human being is Daniel I know Daniel has a place in Vegas now too yeah we’re we’re actually um we’re no Daniel Daniel moved to to Vegas so yeah he’s full yeah he’s full-time in Vegas but me and my team like we’re still all the same guys in Philly like I said I was born in Philly I’ve never left and that’s something I’m super proud of too like all these guys go to these super gyms and I I can say like I never ever left like I’ve been same same Jiu-Jitsu like my first Jiu-Jitsu coach was a black belt under hegan Machado so yeah so like I have all this like I was with my virginal coach he passed me on to Daniel and I never and I’ve been under that same lineage my my entire career and i’ never left the city of Philadelphia so I’m super proud of that and what do you think about uh Gary against um oh my God vente what do you think about that fight I think luk might spank his ass but I’m hoping I’m hoping if he if he doesn’t that I get to luk fight but even if L even if luk wins uh me and luk were originally supposed to fight before I got the Kelvin match up so Ian kind of snuck in and took luk from me as an opponent so obviously it worked out for me in the end but I respect luk and his team if he wins I would love to fight him but viously if Ian wins that’s the fight that I think uh would be really good for me I mean luk is a that’s a hard guy to get P that’s not that’s not in the park and list what I’m saying this young kid’s got a lot of other pressure on them now with thing coming at him yeah little a little uh we’ll see where his head’s at you know L LC is a bad bad man so a lot of people are kind of writing luk off like forgetting what he’s done to people so I think Ian’s GNA have a long yeah interesting for sure hey man Hey listen Sean man we we’re we’re happy for you yeah great fight right back on top all those that jumped off the those guys we don’t Jimmy never left yeah we get you know you get something coming up please jump back on Sean yeah I will when whenever I got something I’ll hit you guys up and I’ll get back on I really appreciate you guys had me on like I said Matt I’m huge fan of yours you’re a legend and uh you’re a great guy so thank you so much man I truly appreciate it thanks a lot Sean thanks for coming on man great job against Kelvin all right take care man you have a good holiday buddy y thank you you guys too take care [Applause] sure hey man Jimmy yeah that was nice I yeah he great I’m happy I’m happy we got him on me too buddy all right well I’m going to go my brains out for the rest of the day I’ll unad on next time all right um oh no no you want unload now I think you’re G to call me no no it’s okay no tell me no no I got you have to because I’m I’m gonna think I’m gonna call you anyway so you got to tell me yeah yeah yeah yeah uh let’s let’s fug Saturday’s fights that’s what I want to talk about okay hold on Matt wants to unload I want to hear this I don’t think you do yes I do um hold on let me open my thing up again um uh it is oh yeah this is great uh song against Chris Gutierrez this is of course in Vegas prelim 700 p.m. main card 10 p.m. on uh ESPN plus prelims are on ESPN plus and Anthony Smith KH round tree junor is a fantastic co-main uh this is a great Fight Night song versus Gutierrez so one of my very best friends very very very close friend you know correction officer getting ready for work two days ago in his uniform 5 in the morning shortness of breath calls for an ambulance the ambulance got there and uh you know on the way in the ambulance he had a cardiac arrest this guy’s 50 years old brick house yeah he got me he helped me get ready for Matt Hughes Frank trig I’m not going to mention his name yet until because right now he’s still on a ventilator but it doesn’t look good you know know so you know it’s just so it’s just Jimmy it’s just one of those things where not since I lost Hulk it’s like it’s this is a bad one so it’s like you know you know it’s a guy that it’s it’s not one of those guys that you you know he’s not a slob he’s not a 50y old slob the guy the guy looks like a he-man figure he’s just in shape such a such a good good guy like such a great guy you know how Jimmy you love me but other people could think I’m a this guy’s a great you know what I mean so it’s one of those dude so I went to so you know I’ve been at the hospital last couple days you know and the wife and all the you know he’s a correction officer all those guys are there you know everybody’s you know pretty torn up and you see your guy sitting there with in a with a with a ventilator hooked up to a vent a ventilator right and he’s not conscious right no he’s not he hasn’t been conscious you know and uh you know it obviously is not looking good at all it’s it’s pretty much what it is and it we know the way it’s going and it’s one of those things you know so I went to go teach this morning and I took my Steam and then I’m going to lock the door and I go I park upstairs I I pull around and then I just tell my friend my my my student Mark I go look dude I go have Tony teach Anthony palacino on my black I have Tony teach because I just started breaking down so I I ended up going to teach and then I started being just a crying bald man in my parking lot so thank you to my J teaching the class and uh I was going to go in tonight but I think I’m just going to chill out yeah just relax you know these things happen even if you’re in great shape like there’s some things are genetic some guys have like genetic defects or whatever it is that there’s nothing they can do about or they don’t even know about so I’m sorry to hear it yeah it’s very very depressing you know and it’s yeah it just sucks you know and at my school I like to be jovial you know so I I’m not the type of guy that could have that you know that smile on when I’m all depressed inside but did it for this hour well that’s the that’s the price of getting older too like the the advantage to getting old is you’re alive and the disadvantage is you see a lot of people you love dying because you’re just it’s just the process it does suck it is sad but I don’t want to bring everybody down Jimmy uh listen what a great show what uh these guys are great I love having Anthony Smith on yeah me too uh and I’ll tell you Sean Brady that dude you know I’m happy that he just got right back on the horse and he exactly what you should do if you have a bad night in the office you go back in you have a performance like that yeah no one’s talking about that below fight now no not at all all right Jimmy thank you for letting me vent anytime yeah I I uh I call me whenever you want I’m here I’m not going anywhere for the next you know month I’m I’m in town so I would love to anytime you want to call call you’re the best Jimmy what uh you at the fat black cat not tonight no I I literally don’t want to down my pant leg I don’t trust myself to be on stage I’m like I know I’ll drop a log on the stage so I’m run the toilet now good luck with your colonos I’m sure it’s thank you yeah I just hope I don’t come all right everybody watch the fights this weekend yes I’ll talk to you soon Buddy best Jimmy take care bye guys