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I’m ariani CES we’re here in beautiful Miami here in Toronto on location in beautiful New York and I’ll be giving you the UFC VIP experience so we’re going to celebrate with the best fans in the world that’s [Music] you what’s up guys ariani spis here on location in beautiful New York for UFC 295 follow me I’m going to take you through the VIP experience [Music] here we are at the iconic Madison Square Garden to take you behind the scenes of UFC 295 ceremonial WIS let’s go okay I’m giving you the real VIP access right now with my girls the Octagon girls girls what’s your favorite part about New York well New York is one of the greatest cities in the world so who wouldn’t want to come here we are here with UFC on location VIP what about being a part of UFC’s VIP what’s the best part well I’ve been a fan for a million years so you want to get up close and personal be a part of this experience what’s happening in New York City Welcome to the Ws introducing first Alex P so I hear that you get to go on stage how do you feel about that when you walk on that stage you see those Fighters Face Off you get to see the contact there’s no better feeling in life seeing two men or two women stare down each other 24 hours before a fight you get [Music] Juiced now it’s time to have some real fun let’s head on over to nebula nightclub for the after [Music] party what’s going on fight fans I’m here at nebula nightclub with on location here at the VIP Fan Experience hanging out with the fans it’s always good to get out mix and mingle with the people of the sport you know if you uh you don’t know I got to start tapping into these things man we we really be here we got Michael Chandler over here we got Randy Brown stee ran your J I got to start getting to these things we’re here at nebula in downtown New York City Manhattan everybody’s having a wonderful time the fighters are loving it and we’re just having a ball we wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the fans and like the fans are awesome they’re all great people they’re all loving and they’re just courteous and just like even if they don’t like it they’re still like good people and they just they wish nothing but the best and it’s it’s the greatest fan base ever I’m having an awesome time first time ever [Music] ever hey everyone it’s F day and we’re here at Madison Square Garden for youf UFC 295 the do just opened and it’s UFC’s 30th Anniversary so we’re going to celebrate with the best fans in the world that’s [Music] [Applause] you I am here with Action Bronson how you doing tonight amazing we’re in New York my home City feel this energy I love New York I love the energy here and MSG there’s no other B like this one anytime you’re in the garden the fact that you know they the great fighting history the energy in New York City is always something special oh Madison Square Garden you can’t beat it can you tell me what’s your favorite moment in UFC that made you a Super Fan there’s a 30 years of moments y Rodriguez’s elbow in the last second Michael bsy winning the Bell BEC Champion of the World season one Ultimate Fighter it’s the finale yel Romero against Robert Whitaker CH I used to watch in the very beginning when it was hoist Gracie and all those guys I’m me this goes on and on I mean I’ve been watching this my whole life what’s your favorite are we still are we still rolling oh we’re still rolling I love the BJ pen moments like when he was like licking the blood off of his body like he was like on people’s like shoulders the interim Heavyweight Championship on the [Applause] line he is the UFC interim heavyweight champion of the world nobody’s going to stop it Tom you are ready this is your moment you’re walking out with Yuri how do you feel yeah yeah buzzing for it I’m buzzing for the aspal win there man that’s all that’s what I come for [Music] tonight I’ve been working all night now it’s time for me to watch The Main Event like a VIP thank you so much for watching on location in New York City [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey it’s UFC 296 way weigh and day and I am here at the hotspot the Durango Resort Casino to take you inside Nico’s Prime Cuts and fresh fish rumor has it that UFC featherweight Bryce Mitchell is going to have his post weigh-in meal here and I’m going to show you how they prepare [Music] it I am here with Chef Danny what you got for me Chef all right so we got some beautiful protein here we got this lovely Australian wagu Tomahawk and then we got this beautiful drage bronzino so let’s get to seasoning yeah let’s start with Mal and sea salt here so be liberal okay and we’ll do a little pepper on our fish here Cheers Cheers yeah going to slide this guy right into the oven here the Caper sauce yes with butter a nice lemon caper butter sauce yeah well I’m really jealous of Bryce I think he’s going to have an amazing dinner tonight and thank you so much for showing me around thank you so much we about to Chow Down dude this is [Music] it all right oh my goodness that’s going to be that Tomahawk I slice it up medium rare for you okay so part of my re here sure what bro we just got hooked up this is what you call VIP [Music] baby all right so here we have our beautiful country fried steak wag you beef rice I hope you like it B na te and one more little touch for us over here too okay a little country fried steak for us all a white gravy let’s go a phenomenal gravy bro this as good as it gets dude I’ve never had that me neither to good health and to [Music] Friendship it’s home sweet home for the UFC and we are here in the fight capital of the World Las Vegas for our last event of the Year UFC [Music] 296 live from Las Vegas Nevada USA this is UFC 296 Edwards versus comington [Music] all right here we go in three two I am here with featherweight Champion vulk so what brought you out tonight to Vegas for the fight uh obviously it’s always good to watch a good fights but I was here for the press conference as well for m andia’s fight uh the the seasonal press conference oh something big just happened so we’re here for that and uh we’re just enjoying the flights as well while we’re [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here I’m here with UFC welterweight Bal Muhammad I think I know the answer to this but can you tell us what brought you out tonight I mean you already know I’m waiting to see who I’m going to be fighting next next victim the Welterweight Title fight’s on the line I’m next in line so I’m just waiting to see who I’m going to be punching in the face [Music] next take [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can feel the excitement here inside the team old arena so follow me for a fun night as we meet some very important [Music] people hi I’m here with Molly MC how you doing tonight I’m doing well how are you darling I’m doing good the energy is amazing who are you excited to see tonight I’m excited to watch my boy partty the body’s going to tear it up tonight and you know that what was your favorite fight of this year if you can choose one okay choose one this year oh my god there so many it’s it’s really hard Leon vman Bron all vers Paul Craig Edwards anded Usman that was that was a good one I haven’t been to a fight that I haven’t loved well obviously I’m partial but uh if you saw the fight between Steven Wonderboy Thompson and Kevin Holland that was a barn burner finally at long last Tenacious D Center walking out Steven Wonder Boy [Applause] Thompson so if you could ask Dana for your dream match who would it be I want to see Drew Dober and Michael Chandler you know why not bring kabib back I know he had a lot left in the tank I’m going to fight Paul again I’m going to fight Connor again and then I’m going to fight about a dozen other people again all right now live from T-Mobile Arena here in Las Vegas Nevada it is time for the main event for UFC 296 Edwards versus Covington I’m going to head downstairs and watch the fights I’ll see you guys next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] year hi guys ariani lest here in Toronto for UFC 297 follow me as I surprise one lucky fan with the VIP experience hi Brian how’s it going how are you good yeah I hear you looking for a VIP for this weekend our fans are really special to us so I thought why not bring one of our special fans out to the fight I absolutely know somebody Malachi is diagnosed with a rare Childhood Cancer he was initially given a terminal diagnosis he has a genetic mutation that’s working in his favor to keep him in remission uh he and his father John are huge UFC fans he sounds perfect let’s go meet him cool let’s go hey Kai how you doing man I’m good yeah do you have a good time and W yes it was awesome good man good I got somebody I want to introduce you to this is arest nice to meet you hi nice to meet you how are you guys good good yeah so tell me a little bit about your guys’s Journey so he was diagnosed in the fall of 2021 with stage four cancer um excuse me that’s okay prognosis was bad they said he would make it 3 years smacks KN on wood he’s been in remission for about a year now amazing it sounds like you’re a fighter yourself yeah yes so you guys have bonded over UFC tell me a little bit about that when he was going through treatment I would show him like old fights on YouTube and Forest and stepan boner was it’s it’s the fight that started at all and he likes the violence that was Unforgettable fight for sure violence is always the best part well I I wanted to let you know that I have a little surprise for you I want to know if you and your dad wanted to come to the fights with me tomorrow yes yes yes yay okay cool get lots of rest and I will see you tomorrow and it was such a pleasure to meet you 1 2 3 one more hug give a hug all right you have a good night you too yeah we’ll see you guys [Music] tomorrow it’s fight day and we’re here at UFC 297 and I can’t wait to meet up with my very important friend [Music] Kai hi guys I got your golden tickets here are you excited yes very okay are you guys ready for another surprise this is going to be good hey we got a special guest here with us his name is Kai I’m good you nice to meet you nice to meet you here bring that over here let me grab that that’s for him yeah we got a gift for you this is for you sweet nice yeah I’m getting it too don’t worry thank you yeah pretty cool pretty sweet pleasure to meet you yeah he was taking deep breaths sweet you’re so sweet K I’m so happy for you all right you ready to watch the fights yeah let’s go watch that was the red [Music] [Applause] all right Kai how has your night been it’s been amazing yeah it’s been it’s been awesome how was it meeting Dana White I can’t even explain how exciting and awesome just yeah who have you guys met tonight we’re surrounded by some of the greatest we got we got Luke behind us we got Bel over there Alex Pereira was here we are right next to Frankie Amanda’s couple of seats down it’s been overwhelming it’s been just amazing all right Amanda you get to see who takes over your belt how does that feel I can’t wait to see the fight I’m will enjoy and be able to rest a little bit be here enjoy be here with my baby you know so we have a good time congratulations Frankie you just got got inducted to the Hall of Fame did you have any clue that was happening I had no idea I was uh super surprised uh didn’t anticipate it but uh you know pleasantly priced it was awesome Canadian fans are amazing this is a great card it’s it’s a great great night to be inducted well I’ve had so much fun hanging out with my new friend Kai and I hope you guys had too thank you so much toono for such a fun time but I’m ready to get out of this freezing cold I’ll see you guys next time on location [Music] we’re here in beautiful Miami for UFC 299 now I can take you down stunning South Beach but I’m hanging out with Stephen Wonderboy Thompson and we’re feeling a little adventurous so we asked Zach Steeler to take us on a private tour through the Everglades stay tuned you’re about to see some Gators let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] we already got the gator to if you want to stand is going to be on the right hand side get warming up for the for the Gator wrestling you know what I mean elbows headbutts all right Zach tell us a little bit about yourself yeah I grew up in uh Michigan I uh went to college up in FIS state in northern Michigan and uh drafted Baltimore Ravens seventh round pick did two years there now done four years down here in Miami kind of fell in love with Florida and South Florida and the Everglades and loving it down [Applause] [Music] here all right Wonderboy you’re from South Carolina have you encountered many gat years in your lifetime my grandfather lived on the lake and we would be out there swimming and You’ look over and see these two alligator heads going to the big water they would leave you alone and I as a kid I didn’t think anything of it but now I look back and I’m like what the heck were we [Music] thinking all right well that’s it for the Gator tour what do you guys think awesome awesome first time ever at the Everglades man this way is beautiful beautiful scenery got to see some cool Wildlife stuff it was awesome well thank you for being here I’ll see you guys got the [Music] weighin I’m here at the UFC 299 ceremonial ws and I’m about to surprise a very special fan in his family with the VIP [Music] experience you guys just experienced the coolest thing you got to see weigh-ins right there right in front of you how was that it was amazing and it was a good [Music] time you also got Kevin Holland slippers slippers it just keeps getting better better and better and better better and better and better I heard that you guys have had a bit of a fight yourself with your health can you tell us a little bit about that in April of 20 19 my son was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor he went through chemotherapy almost a year and then after that it was radiation for a month and now you’re all good you feel so much better good all much better so happy for you and your family you get to be here such a cool experience I know you’ve had such a good time today but we managed to grab two tickets for you and whoever you want to go with tomorrow if you want to come you want to come no yes yes yes W what you say okay oh thank you welcome I will see you tomorrow Gabriel get ready we are here at UFC 299 in Miami and I’m going to give you the VIP experience we have a stack card a lot of fun celebrities and attendance and our very special fan Gabriel so let’s check it out [Music] so you guys go in and we’re going to get you some packages all right I’m go go for that is so cool we got gloves Man gloves oh my God we got gloves you want gloves yeah of course I want you to have a good time all right all right man you have the best time okay right all right [Music] bud how is the energy here in Miami everything in Miami is a big deal a place that everybody knows you’re going to get the big events and what event is bigger than [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] UFC no mercy who are you looking forward to seeing the most uh uh omali versus choa because I know I’m going to fight the winner so I want to see who’s my next opponent I’m here with Action Bronson who else are you looking forward to seeing tonight of course my brother Dustin I can’t wait to see that fight forier St Deni is going to be the has how are you doing tonight I’m doing great the energy here is unbelievable and I’m just excited to be here what a great night of fights and what a great time we’ve had here in Miami I’m Aron and I’ll see you next time on [Applause] [Music] location 300 is our favorite number with UFC 300 being this Saturday but first we’re heading over to on location VIP event at Brew [Music] dog what’s the best part about being here with UFC on location I love these kind of events and just the interaction with the fighters and it’s just uh yeah it’s uh it’s [Music] amazing just got a picture with BJ pen super excited um excited for this Soul experience can’t wait for the fights tomorrow night have you met any of the fighters yet I just got to meet Mark Coleman which it’s just so freaking unrealistic to like be here be next to these guys so excited about this card it’s amazing who’s your favorite for tomorrow Bo nickel I’ve got Pereira my boy Jamal Hill actually pulling for Jamal Hill all of them I’m just super excited for the fights can’t wait to see good fight [Music] we’re here at uufc 300 and it’s the first fight you can already feel the electricity in the building he’s on the net now we starting to get attack that choke now we still get TI it’s going to be an amazing night so follow me for the best VIP experience of your [Applause] [Music] life all right I’m here with Legend the jpen is there a special fight you’re going for tonight um I came here to watch uh watch Max and I’m I’m just I’m excited how has this experience on location with the UFC been for you the environment the Ambiance uh meeting a lot of people the whole treatment the way they treat us everything has been excellent [Music] you’re so beautiful I am here with Mackenzie D how you feeling amazing two fights already and it’s already like that Vibe you know those it’s going to be yeah 300,000 bonus coming it’s it’s awesome so who is your favorite fight tonight do you have any picks whe and Yan you know that’s my division that’s my category so that’s where I want to get to we are here with the real BMF of the night Mark Coleman how does it feel it’s very very special night that’s why I’m here putting that belt on [Music] [Applause] tonight no this is this is one of the biggest nights in my life honestly what an incredible evening of fights it’s been tonight UFC 300 did not disappoint I’m ariani Celeste I’ll see you guys soon