Relive UFC Light Heavyweight, Alonzo Menifield’s most impressive finishes. Menifield looks to add to his highlight reel as he is set …

[Music] blow up and you start to fatigue a little bit faster than the guy that maybe carries a little little less Muscle Man field closed a minus 280 favorite tonight Moda came back plus 255 oh big knockdown for metfield I mean oh huge right hand the end could come here any minute yeah it’s over Dan mlot steps in that will do it Alonzo metfield has arrived you could tell when the guy’s in trouble when they try to go to their hands they’re trying to stand up and and nothing’s in check that he should have stayed on his back tried to pull mfield in but that was the third time he threw that spinning technique and every time he left himself in danger he threw the B the leg kick mfield was able to catch the leg and throw two big right hands drop him almost finished early again jab right hand he landed so many of these techniques early in the first round but watch this spinning back kick now before Mora can actually get back where he needs to get boom right hand but I mean Moretta throws this technique it’s very slow he leaves himself out of position and then right here he takes a Hard Punch tries to go to his base but mini is doing a good job of actually keeping his right hand so that he can’t turn all the way down great job by Alonzo Manfield metfield the father of two boys Alonzo but a lot of Strikers they learned to wrestle in the UFC like until I started mix martial never seen a dble my but I tell you what he’s learning to St is out a Zone Manfield with sty points tonight man there you go and that’s all it takes Alonzo Manfield has serious power one shot and you go to sleep serious power M sorry all right but let’s take a look at this Paul Craig went to the well too many times you can’t spin over and over and over again like that and metafield capitalizes with a big bomb my God and he didn’t want to stop you can see here he said oh you want to get in my face at the star down here’s some knuckle sandwiches for you son yeah this one sickening that last punch there had so much power put him to sleep and he even got in a fourth shot as well look again the spinning back kick leaves his chin wide open and Alonzo is just all over he’s been able to clear the legs of chant chant should let go to neck here and just reset starting to try to get back to his feet you can V you can get around the head perhaps he didn’t hear you well he’s got to be very careful here there’s Theon Fue choke is right here he’s got it see how he’s got see how Alo has the arm trapped here this is a terrible position for shant’s in big trouble big trouble here oven s PR is the master of this choke it’s called the Von flu it really should be called the OSP look how he’s turning his body sideways he’s using his lat and and what a lat that is I mean he’s got considerable muscle mass there and he’s putting all that pressure down in shiron that’s it there it is man Alonzo metafield just what the doctor order didn’t recognize it he didn’t recognize Devon flu man and as soon as Alonzo clamped the arm around the outside of chiron’s arm his arm was trapped he could not let go of that Guillotine it was a matter of of adjusting early like when he got taken down Joe you let it go you don’t hang in the guillotine when the guy’s inside control you let it go you reset and start trying to build back to your feet because by the US Army you can see it here as he gets the guillotine and as soon as Alonzo slams him down onto the ground shaant should have immediately let that go because as soon as Alonzo traps that right arm pay attention to the right arm and now it’s trapped see he’s clamping his hands together now Chiron can’t get his arm back the amazing strength of Alonzo Midfield I mean he is a powerful man former football player incredible squeeze and you look at chant down there he’s just getting crushed just crushed going to benefit him Manfield Alonso with a statement my goodness less than 90 seconds for Alonzo Mena field to live up to the atomic nickname baby I like the way that sounds bro all night already sits cirking off and then he follows up with the right uppercut you know I mean nasty back hand to a overhand left on the ground look at this left hook lunges in right uppercut it just shows the explosiveness and the speed of Mana field because it didn’t even need to be set up there was no jab it was just exploding left hook right hand and that’s what you want to throw on a southpaw you can lead with the hook you don’t have to lead with the jab and I guarantee you that’s some Pat Barry teaching him you know like let’s go with that left hook right hand and it worked out well pumped up Pat Barry and Cruz got his hands locked Guillo what athleticism by field look at that guillotin got iteld [Applause] third career win by submission for Alonzo Manfield no score card it tonight Anthony Smith fight as well here you see stuffing the taked down hanging on to that neck watch this watch and Manfield cranks it well watch your submission though Joe oh but that’s that’s he’s got the head trapped on the chest though that’s a nasty neck crank as well the way his head is trapped in there that that’s pretty tight it’s like a half Nelson with your hand locked