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they’re chirping the whole time I’m excited about this one yeah this will be good all right gentlemen first round ready to fight ready fight let’s go oh they’re ready to fight all right tonight’s fight clock is brought you by time x official timekeeper of UFC time x watches have taken a licking and keep on ticking since 1854 see look at that look at the confidence of Bobby and that one jab that he threw so sh hands low talking him down stalking him and just KN where Bobby green is from you’re not going to get him intimida wor you’re going to have to go beat that dude uh he has an incredible story went through a lot of hardship as a kid homeless for a long time and to see where he’s come now the success that he’s having and as I say the last time out what a performance pack harass and for rahabi big game game planners and they have a game plan they were tight lipped about it but for Bobby green they see some holes in his game what hackr said the last thing he’s worried about is mid-fight trash talk he said we’re not politicians and hakos will not deviate from the plan could you imagine Bobby green is a politician Bobby will talk to him Bobby can talk to him he’s going to continue to do what they trade Stu hey over there hey Bobby stand over here I pooke seems to be really bothering Bobby green oh [Applause] yeah no question about that [Applause] o you got time you got time you okay you good okay hey run there watch your hands you understand shake hands guys let’s keep it clean ready let’s go let’s fight all right a Stern warning from Mike beltron we are back underway about a minute gone by here round one nice little stick to the body and exit by hack Prest well that’s one of the things that green does well he rolls with your shots but the one thing that doesn’t roll is the body so your haks continue to Target that body when Bobby green leans and turns to try to make your shot skim off of his shoulders I’d like to see Bobby throw some low kakes har baras is very heavy on that lead leg and he has a wide stance when you got a wide stance like that it’s a much slower process to check the kicks whoa what’s going on [Applause] here now ey poke on the other side Deltron seem to see that one clearly over [Applause] here get you y Cel you good yeah are you okay yeah all right hey come here both you guys no Hey listen here keep it come over here we’re going to keep this clean you understand all right gentlemen keep it clean shake hands that’s go fight all right what’s good for the goose is good for the Gand nice jab by Green now points the toes to the body effectively green nicely rolling away from that left hand that’s a heavy low kick you see that reaction green wants to counter bad hwos needs to pop some Fain I love how Bobby he doesn’t load up I mean he boxes so nicely Bo he’s so confident in there yeah and you can see the speed Advantage he’s very fast atass lands a nice right hand there or so it appeared he had no traditional martial arts background straight into MMA it’s a pretty incredible number there as Bobby green passes Evan Dunham no lightweight has landed more significant strikes and you know with h having his guard so high he’s open to body kicks there fam Bobby I’m looking for body shots body kicks I think what green just did because of the high guard the first jab may not get there so you pop the guard then you follow with a second jab yeah to really pop the head back fortune favors the brave is brought you by the fastest growing crypto platform in the World download now that’s what H prass has got to do back him up against the fence even know where to move cuz Bobby’s reflexes are so quick you see the way he moves his leg out of the way and you see here up face by n ofous pretty good combination from [Applause] haest [Applause] again the Bobby Green Love is omnipresent in this Arena under a minute here to go in the first round that’s talking away did he stay in our fighter meeting talking less cuz he’s talking a whole lot he’s talking a lot as HW but the problem is HW Ross is not moving so he’s a bit of a stationary Target and green is tearing his face up right now look at how red his face is from the Jabs yeah he’s not moving the head it’s all the problem is is when you’re a little bit slower than your opponent you got to move proactively you cannot try to move when the shot starts to come in your direction this is better for Naz he’s going to explode in these situations though he’s taking his time he’s looking for the perfect shot where he traps him you don’t get perfect shots with a guy like Bobby green he’s too good at moving and countering like that [Applause] yeah all right round one in the can tonight’s Corner can is brought to you by Body Army the official sports drink of the UFC grab one today at Casey’s sit down bab sit down so that round essentially was all Bobby green with the straight shots beautiful Jabs onew on display just real nice boxing there he is just piecing him up with that jab over and over to the body to the face nice body kick at the end of the round as well there’s the best punch I think he landed in that round nice onew and it’s picking him apart range and the speed just too fast for him well enter for your chance to win an epic UFC dream week at International fight week 2022 WI a one-of aind VIP experience to Las Vegas with exclusive access all week long scan the QR code to enter or go to UFC fight restrictions apply nrod said he did not want to play Bobby’s game and let the fight get too dirty but I think it being too clean is not to his Advantage y cuz he is getting picked apart right now by Bobby green and then when he does attack like just then Bobby sees it coming he uses the feet gets just out of just out of range but close enough that he can go back with his own shots I mean look at that real nice floating on the feet side to side lateral movement straight shots not loading up just chipping away at the defenses plugging away at that nose frustrating nazra I’m talking to him the whole time as well oh look at that [Applause] beautiful Bobby green moving very well as usual early in this fight that’s nice going to go again though keep the pressure on don’t let him off he’s got to extend it I I really wish that if you’re not HW cross you’re going to the body more the body doesn’t move as effectively as the head Bobby green is a master at moving his head off the center line well out in the open he’s just not fast enough to catch him so he’s going to back him up but he’s got to anticipate the left and right movement of Bobby as he gets backed up he’s going to look to escape go to his left or his right but he’s got to be ready to cut the cage off I mean look at this go Bobby’s just piling it that’s six in a row that’s six in a row un answer pretty good sequence there from Haas they’ve been queing far between he’s been rendered defensive for most of this fight well now he’s got B where he needs to have him against the side of the oag where he can start trying to go to work but again everything coming in his direction is not allowing for him to put anything together he’s kind of Frozen with those straight shots probably’s just keeping him on the end of them not allowing him to come in to close the distance there we go connected there I’d like to see some kicks from nazra mix things up give Bobby more to think about chip away at that front leg slow down the movement just incredible to watch him evade the strike by a millimeter there there it was Mike the leg kick by hakaras I think this is a weapon that he needs to try to use more if he intends on winning this fight because right now standing out there in boxing Bobby green is not going to get it done good left hand from haest feel the fight in the palm of your hands with the all new EA Sports UFC mobile 2 download now from the Apple App Store and Google Play that a lot of that Mike it it Haw cross throws and it lands but it’s landing and deflecting off of the shoulders of green yeah Bob’s rolling with the shots real nice there he is that left hand is good he’s going to throw a right hook on the end of right you know what I mean got follow it up can’t look for One Shot certainly against Bobby because he’s thrown so much Tempo so so much volume power of me you’re right if if if HW cros throws that right hand after that jab that right that left overhand he might find Bobby because when Bobby turns and rolls he does turn off to that side and he he’s stepping off to that side ever slightly as well this is where he wants him he’s got to go for it there it is nice job by Green to split the guard man Bob’s just feeling it he’s having a great time that’s a nice combination there P Paras is wearing it it’s just all straight right to the nose in the face and he’s just demoralizing as well when you just keep taking those jobs to the nose blooding it up you know your eyes water up you can’t really see just keep eating them like come on oh there there we go that that wobbled him a little looks like maybe a little welt now behind the right ear of Bobby green so so here’s the issue right you’re hot Ross and you are told from day one keep your hands up you can avoid punches but Bobby just finds the place in between the guard to touch you well exactly say with the small MMA gloves on you know I mean if there was boxing gloves on it wouldn’t be quite so easy but with the small gloves even with his hands TI like that there’s still plenty of openings this is good this is where Haw cross needs to let everything go right here y he’s got to start to throw he’s doing a lot better this second half of the round nice head kick from hack PR yeah yeah there we go he’s opening up now letting it go he’s finding the mark man the hand speed on Bobby green look at that good counter from hack peress shaked off by Green Oh great fight hey Bobby told him to pick it up right here you see Bobby green look at him fight behind that jab okay the arm but then the second one the third one those split the guard n throws the jab I mean it’s just a beautiful jab and then faint jab right hand follows now he’s fighting Southpaw doing the same thing I mean all straight punches a fight P let’s go all right third and final round so nazra was picking up a bit of momentum there but that one just wobbled him right on the tempo Sam Mason with some pretty pointed words for Bobby green after round two and this is a thing to remember as well Bobby is a very proficient wrestler he just never uses it never uses it cuz he likes to throw hands green a two-time state Placer as a high school wrestler in California and we see that he’s not looking to load up he’s not forcing the shot he’s just putting it out there finding the target that’s why they’re so quick when you tense up you’re trying to load up when you trying to land a big shot slows you down and it actually telegraphs it to your opponent what was just putting it out there having a little play big connection there and again green wobbling ha Prest and the crowd are looking this oh body shot big body shot there even when ha prass lands it doesn’t seem as though he is getting Green’s attention in the way he would like to I mean you see that he just steps just start the we the shot and immediately back in wasting no opportunities making him miss making him pay oh man this is a boxing lesson clinic it really [Applause] is [Music] beautiful offense to defense mhm green has Outland at haass 123 to 62 unofficially and maod is a really good fighter he is and at this age and been in the game as long as he has Bobby green is pitching a shut out [Music] I mean Naz just can’t get near him Bob is’s just too fast he’s on point tonight the reflexes are there the reactions are there footwork timing everything but even like you said earlier if H wants success he’s got to start kicking more man trying to blast that lead leg of Bobby green the 10th Annual UFC International fight week takes over Vegas June 27th through July 3rd the weeklong celebration includes the UFC Hall of Fame Fan Experience events tournaments and it ends with UFC 276 visit UFC fight for more information I’ll say it again nazat is going to throw that white hook he’s thr the left a lot the V Hook’s there who get him a lot of success and all credit to nazat you know I mean he’s tough he’s eating a lot of shots here still pushing forward we saw that in Dan hooker fight right oh yeah of all he was going through this kid never gives up on himself Man Zero quitting that man oh I mean they’re solid connections as well you can hear it and when you have the high guard with both hands that means you’re not throwing and hack brass has had to focus on defense because green is nonstop last three performances really for Bobby green against Raphael FIV Alli quenta in this one he’s not careful he’s going to be ranked pretty soon D yeah I know it would seem like he’s getting close I mean even in the F fight right he lost the fight here in Houston I think and it was a competitive fight against one of the more promising prospects in the division and in a fight with another Prospect he is fighting an absolutely beautiful fight yeah and if you speak to Bobby he’s he feels he was robbed on the score cards on more than one occasion because he’s been really unlucky in that regard but this SW there’ll be no denying him as the bit to here in 30 seconds because this has been a masterpiece yeah Green’s had a lot of close fights in his career the last two have not been I mean the only thing missing from this performance is a finish but if you know nazat you know oh no no no for sure I’m not saying that as an insult NZ I know yeah tough as I’m just saying but like what a performance and one more for good measure Bobby King Green a pro dating to 2008 looking as good as ever to begin his 2022 campaign what a performance we were just saying it was predominantly the hands the straight shots the Jabs the onws the right hands few kicks here and there but just chipping away at that face all night long two fast excellent feet avoiding the attacks of nazra and then coming back in straight away putting together some nice numbers as well ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges score cards for decision all three judges score this contest 3027 for the winner by unanimous decision Bobby King GRE