Matt and Jim are joined by 4th-ranked UFC featherweight Brian Ortega and real-estate TV personality Tarek El Moussa on this …

briga knock it down with a spin elb for all you counting me out learn to count Brian T City Orga welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast that’s dangerous listen to me we’re out it here okay welcome to UFC unfiltered uh good show today we have the return of Brian Orga finally fighting again getting that rematch against yayer Rodriguez uh which the first one was actually a good for as long as it went uh the first round was very interesting the both great striking uh Ortega was uh really having a hard time taking him down but was able to was interesting to watch him body lock him against the fence yes and how good y’s balance was and then he just his shoulder popped out it happens and tck El Musa um is promoting his book he’s very big on Flipping real estate on hdv I want to get the name of the uh show right uh it’s called the book is called flip your life how to find Opportunities and distress and I’m kind of fascinated with real estate guys too because it’s such uh it’s such a a crapshoot as to whether you’re going to make money or whether something’s going to come in and wreck it all and you’re going to lose everything so many guys lose their fortunes on real estate that’s true um just as important Jimmy do you notice I have a tan you look a little red what do you mean red a little reddish it’s okay maybe it’s tan could be I’ve been sitting out in the yard and just relaxing getting Sun I miss the sun during these seasons of the New York sure you know I like to just in my yard or after I teach a class I’d go in the back I’d put out my chair my parking lot and just I let the sun power me yeah that would be nice I would like to I wouldn’t mind sitting in the sun mind it you’re you’re like a always like a a little vampire a little Eddie monster sorry I’m sorry no you’re not wrong I mean can’t see for slander that came out wrong you’re not you you just like getting a tan yeah right no I mean I don’t I like having a tan but I don’t like getting burned I don’t get burned that much my brother-in-law Edwin he wears sweatshirts in the uh hoodies you know Edwin’s 300 pound sure yes very big very big guy he hangs out in the shade he doesn’t like the sun all right back to the MMA action yep yep bye honey love you I’m right here hey no Jimmy goes on right here Jimmy my wife been wearing glasses lately you know what the new thing is people the girls my daughter’s to to they wear glasses when they don’t need the wear glass because it’s yeah it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a fashion statement and it’s meta it’s meta could you probably head in here and shoot oh she has wait she has meta glasses look at thises oh my God hi and I I have I have a pair as well we should uh are you clicking and filming them yeah but we were at the parks that’s what we were doing filming and taking picture and stuff and the audio and video are surprisingly good like considering what it is it’s much better than you’d expect yes he was surprised when we were showing him it’s pretty cool yeah and it’s like so convenient because if we weren’t together at the parks I be able to text him or call through the glasses it’s like spy stuff these metag glasses oh wait are they the rayb bands yeah they’re the ray bands and their uh progression so like they’re that’s why I’m wearing them now because when I go outside they’ll turn into my sunglasses these very nice these ones I call the naughty librarian I’m only kidding honey I love you give me kiss all right sorry about that both my kids and my father-in-law sorry gang it’s funny I have those glasses um you hit the button it records for one minute and then uh it uploads to your phone my teenage is shaking ah head I think I made her sick listen isn’t it better than me because you know I flirt with my wife but is it better than me and just at each other’s throats isn’t that nicer yes by everybody Jimmy cheers Jimmy cheers still I’m still eating drinking out of Christmas mugs here in the Norton Abode yeah Joy see my thing says yeah I’m a happy guy um when is um Brian EGA coming in it is his birthday today 33 33 years old you know 33 I was losing my title at 33 but I kept my Swagger Jimmy yeah you’re still I I was talking about you today my Swagger uh not your Swagger but I was saying that people who don’t know you were chatting about you in Jiu-Jitsu and uh I said Matt’s greatest joy is not beating GSP it’s knocking out Frank Trigg picking on poor Frank trig I was just telling them your greatest joy it’s true raise yelling at the guy’s a nice guy can you stop bringing listen that that one that’s when it makes me say Oh What a Night yeah is my is my it was a great night that night it was back in it was back in 09 sure okay uh Jimmy I’m excited for the return to Prim oh he’s in the waiting room well we might as well just bring him right in yeah come on man we’re gonna sing happy birthday I I will not sing Happy Birthday I will you can I mean I think people would love to hear it from you well I’m G to start it off you know what I mean because sometimes Brian can he’s one of those he’s a little serious well there he is listen that looks like a happy face Brian I know you’re in public right now I don’t want to make a scene what’s up guys oh oh it’s the guys it’s your it’s a Jedi Jedi convention over here Henner how are you a Jedi Jenner rener I I call Black bels I don’t call them professors I call them Jedi but I’m a Star Wars guy how are you man good to see you good to see you good to see you guys what kind of Hoodie are you wearing hen are uh are you wearing a hoodie hey this is not a backpack this is not a backpack it is not a backpack what is that kind of cold in here bro hey it’s a little cold in here kind of cold in here I got a I hopefully hopefully you have a jacket with you it’s it’s a little cold in here so what do we we Jimmy look at this Jimmy Jimmy oh wow you thought it was a backpack Jimmy it looked like a backpack yeah dude not hey hey header not only is that not a backpack that’s a pretty that’s a looks like a comfortable it looks that’s pretty awesome oh feel it feel it feel it a dude I’m I am peanut butter and jelly I want one I want one I saw that on Sha T we gotta have just by himself because I want to ask how he feels so comfortable because I talk in front of people I do seminars but this guy he’s at the GI for gab where it’s just H I’ll tell you man you know how to speak I appreciate it Matt I really do and um yeah word has it the sharks are still recovering from that session and um beating I put on them so it was great oh you were on okay did you get what you wanted from them uh did they offer I don’t really watch the show but I know that they’ll always offer less than they want to give did they offer you something less and did you push back and get what you wanted uh I got exactly what I wanted which was 11 minute infomercial for the whole world to see my hoodie invention we talked about business but more than anything I just got to sell the quick flip hoodie idea after that you know the whole world knew what quick flip was and we’ve been growing ever since and here we are that’s pretty genius yeah cuz I have when when you when you took that off I’m like that’s not just a hoodie that he fied that’s actually a backpack out a hoodie uh it works as both right it’s both and that’s the beauty right you know how you go outside sometimes you say man is it a hoodie day or is it a t-shirt day every day is a quick flip day very nice jimy and Jimmy he can kick everybody’s ass too it’s so great hey Brian OA we’re so happy to see you back in Action bro we are such fans oh thank you thank you it’s been a minute it’s been a minute it’s been a fun Journey with this guy man oh man you’re such a loyal Guy Brian you’re a guy that you you got some from 13 years old today I’m 33 and this is 20 years dude that’s so crazy happy birthday happy birthday man happy birthday man what do you think about that Bri what do you think about guys they they have a tough day in the office and then they’re like all right let me just Dro whoever I was with start something new instead of just realizing this is the game we play you’ll have good days bad days it’s not always someone else to blame you know what I mean because you’re a loyal guy and look how much success you’re having yeah well I mean at the end of the day right that uh there’s a thing I learned called account it’s called Ace right which is accountability communication and effort and everyone on your team has to be able to have it right heners even said himself hey man if I’m not the guy go go find the guy because it’s still a team effort and we want we want the best for you he goes but he’s a guy now how do you how’s your shoulder doing obviously you got to be feeling good was there a point in the 19 months where you’re like this is just never going to get better did you have any any moments where you’d feel progress and then slide back and just think that it wasn’t going to improve or how was how was the 19 months for you it it was a roller coaster it was okay it’s it’s a Down life sucks this sucks um it’s a dark place then it was hey I think I see some light then it got taken away again and I saw maybe three four lights oh so after a while after a while I think that I just got kind of comfortable with the idea that uh embrace it you know enjoy and embrace this nothingness and and and kind of come to peace and and with with it and have some patience while I’m in it you know at the end of the day I like you know what forget the career forget this uh at this point this is my I’m I’m on a different journey and I’m thinking about my life now but I’ll tell you what right now I’ll tell you what the shoulder has healed and right now the shoulder that was injured in the last fight with Yer the one that required the surgeries and the recovery and the patient rehab is stronger than the other shoulder so now like it’s it’s he feels more solid than ever and his Jiu-Jitsu is on point his wrestling’s gotten incredibly solid with Coach Paul and the team there um and we’re really looking forward to this Saturday what did you think of yier uh the first you only had one round together but it was a good round I mean uh you had him up against the cage you were able to body lock was this takedown defense what you expected was he a little bit uh a little better uh takedown defense than you expected um I think everything worked out the way it it it was actually everything was good uh the count strikes were 2122 he had me beat by one I had cage control then I had a taked down so uh that obviously in my opinion was gonna work in my favor yeah for first just the first round right on on a on a point basis but yeah he felt he felt everything that I thought he was gonna feel which is a little bit strong squ me slick resilient uh kind of a nuis right so everything that I predicted in my head that he was gonna feel Square me and everything and that was it man after that he said okay once we hit the ground I said okay this this is how it is and then boom it was over does it feel good knowing that you you got the feel got the feel of him a little bit you got to feel what it’s like to be in there with him you know is that you like that does it feel a little bit better going to the second one knowing that you got to dance a little bit with him it feels hm that’s a good question it feels good but it also does make you not want to get too comfortable to that feeling right because the last thing you want to do is say man this is a good feeling I felt him I could do this and you go in there kind of uh cocky minded I guess right and then then you think you’re like I’m strong I can do this and then boom next you know you’re looking up at at the lights so yeah you know the first second fight might be a totally completely different feel cuz also you’ve had 19 months your body is rested even though you were getting surgery you haven’t uh went out and damaged your body and he has you know I’m sure improved uh whatever he needed to work on too so I mean he might not be the same fighter now that he was 19 months ago absolutely so that’s what I’m saying it’s it’s it’s a good like I said it’s good and bad hey hey Brian any thoughts on that toora fight the other night thought I got shocked what’s that yeah I was I was shocked man I was shocked it was uh it was over faster than I thought it was gonna be thought it was be a little bit more of a chess game and I wanted to see maybe um I go through a little bit more adversities the struggles or a couple more stalemates and see what how they adjust and mov but it was over you know and and I mean me and my brother were talking the whole time I was like bro like I think I go bro is it me or V doesn’t look I don’t know it’s this and you guys could tell me from your your point of view in your opinion but you know I was like this guy doesn’t seem or look the same as before and then like yeah he doesn’t back out with his chin up be like that all the time and this time he didn’t and it was It was kind of it was unique and strange could could The Knockout have I mean he dropped to straight and again to a great champion and a decision and a knockout but does that affect somebody’s psyche when they go go back in the cage when you have’t been stopped like that and then that head kick knockout does that affect him did he fight too soon after that may maybe he wasn’t fighting uh uh the way he would normally fight and maybe that played some role in it who knows I think uh his mindset is very strong uh but on a on a like physical point being like physiology uh I’m not too sure right people say this people say that and then some people come and then they they prove those statistics are right and then some people kind of uh show that that’s completely incorrect I think only only V can answer that question it’s not the back to back losses that bother me with the whole thing it’s the fact that his light’s been put out twice and uh we all know that when that happens your body recognizes it and it’s that much quicker to be put out again look at the Chuck Mells and whoever and no I love these guys but it it is what it is your body tries to protect itself so that scares me that his lights been put out twice within how many months you know that’s not a good thing you know for the longevity of your career that’s what’s great about J Jitsu man worst comes the worst we go into that self-defense mode you know what I mean I go into ello Gracie vers uh what’s his name what he fight for two hours you know what I mean I’m going one of those defense brother defense and and Brian before we let you go what what is your uh what is your mindset going in I mean I know it’s got to be so good to finally be here you’re finally in fight week after you said a few lights at the end of the tunnel that didn’t go uh are there nerves or is it typical typically the way you feel before you fight or is there any difference because of this layoff this is a first time in my entire life where I’m fighting and in the alnal life of me like my personal life has peace joy and Tranquility uh I’m not a punk anymore I’m not doing bad things anymore I’m not out there uh with with a bunch of problems and stresses and and whatnot for the first time in my life uh this is like the most calmness everything has ever been I used to think that uh I needed the chaos some way or another to feel me all this pain all this uh this anger was a main engine of mine and people don’t know that um like yeah they always was doing stupid things put it this way I was um always coming up and having with Brian since he was 13 years old I’ve always been proud of what he’s accomplished in the ring right on the Jiu-Jitsu mats and as a talent as a martial artist um but he struggled on the outside he struggled in the everyday life aspects and he earned his black belt in jiujitsu to you know whatever a long time ago several years ago um over a decade ago but I feel like he finally kind of arrived to his black belt in life and this has been over the last year or two years really just kind of getting his Ducks lined up um you know everything personal professional really taking charge and really kind of growing up and becoming a man in more ways than one U and has been very very uh inspiring to watch I always knew he had it in him but there was a lot of negative influences around his life and uh he leaned into some of and now he’s pulled away and he’s really taken control of his life in a positive way so to see him come into a fight like this with this much Tranquility with this much ownership of the things that matter in his life um he’s a whole different vibe here at fight week and just kind of leading up to this fight and again you can’t control the outcome but you can control the lead up you can control your life on the outside he’s done that spectacularly yeah that’s kind of where where I’m at this is the first time in my life that I’m gonna fight with with this type of mind and this type of life so yeah and makes a difference it really does you’re sanity like the Gladiator yeah like the gladi other people fought for selfish Rees whatever but this guy’s like my family my love my kids my wife like I’m going to you know like he has that I don’t know just that it’s like a different type of engine and fuel that uh I thought I don’t know why I was so afraid I should have got my life together a long time ago well it’s it’s scary though because we convince ourselves and my job is very different than yours but there’s been a lot of times in life where I’ve convinced myself that I needed negativity where or depression or whatever it is as fuel and I convinced myself that it fueled me to do what I was doing but it really didn’t it it weighs you down uh and it it’s like a caffeine rush it doesn’t last and to and to add to that for what you just said it’s when you’ve lived in a life of chaos when you’ve entered peace peace seems to be uh scary you know like when when when you living a life of like wello like I was you know straight up lot a lot of lot of things without mentioning stuff that you know craziness so when you when you grow up in a life of chaos peace seems unsafe and it was actually me learning that it’s okay to be here you know and and that’s I think that’s a battle because the second we are faced with unfamiliar we go back to what’s comfort and comfort is what we grow up and if you grow up in chaos you always run there yeah and the distractions myself and this time was like nope I’m not going back I can’t go back so it’s like I have to stay here in this where I feel weird and unsafe and it’s too calm and you know no one’s died or no one’s got shot at or no one’s this or there’s no drama there’s no this or there’s and then now I’m like yo this is dope it’s so great so this is how I can I enjoy life now hey Brian let me just ask you last question does it feel you’re usually when it’s a Mexican crowd they’re rooting for you how does it feel to be fighting a Mexican born fighter in Mexico I mean that’s does that feel a little little odd no I feel this is these are the great Wars bro like Mexico versus like Mexican versus Mexican and then kind of I’m like The Outsider because I’m like Mexican American I’m like Cho so it’s like uh it’s dope for me you know this is uh yeah in boxing in the history like in the history of boxing every time you get like chave something like against like a De La Hoya or something like like that’s what it feels like you know as you said that our producer just wrote De La Hoya vers Chavez that’s funny it’s right that’s right man hey dude you seem mentally right there Herer congrats to you too man on all your success and Brian hey we’ll be watching this weekend man we we can’t we’re looking forward to it and all our best man I’m glad to see you you know you seem so great right now mentally and physically yeah thank you guys and quick flip is the uh is that’s the name of the uh the hoodies that people can look for yeah quickflip is that website and for those who struggle with inflight sleep deprivation sleeper I also invented the world’s best travel pillow but that’s for a different Shar tank a different day all right yeah cuz I I suck at flying so we’ll have you back on love to have you come on and PRP Stuff Game Changer bobblehead the cure to bobblehead we figured it out okay what’s it called sleeper I’ll look at it all right Brian good luck man have a great fight okay good talking to you guys thanks guys that’s great man wow I didn’t realize hold sleeper hold I really want to have hen back On’s funny about that Jimmy he puts it and you put it around the back of your thing so like keeps your head like to the this it’s pretty cool oh interesting yeah he’s a smart his dad Horan Horan Gracie he had the gift for the gab too he was a very good very good like as far as talking he was very good at talking but what a creative guy to invent this stuff too like what a what a good brain uh to invent these this travel pillow and that hoodie um that quick flip hoodie what what a what a a good uh that’s probably why he’s great at Jiu-Jitsu too that same brain that lets you kind of weave in and out of things and and take something and flow into something else well that’s what he did with these things dude so good so good and they look quality too I want one actually I’m gonna hit him up after this and just get one because I’ll buy one oh that’s nice I should what I am yeah I’ll buy one I should buy one too what’s the matter with meate well we all do Matt it’s okay listen man I I it’s me Jimmy I I’m the problem it’s me at te time everybody agrees thank you Jimmy you like that I just came up with it I don’t really know un you’re not a Swifty I like Taylor that’s from Taylor Swift I know who it’s from I’m a big Swifty you didn’t know you knew that was per yes of course it I’m the problem yes I’m not I even though I don’t really listen to that song that’s a fun song it’s fun to sing try it do I I’d rather not actually I but on another occasion I may try it um interesting uh thing he has very interesting yeah Jimmy listen man know what I’m looking forward to actually um seeing me in person training together teaching me something we’re gonna be training I hope so you know I’m looking forward to actually go home in a couple days you know why because I have a nice life we took a nice break the vacation was very good after back in the yard I’m gonna get some sun and I do like I do at home but I do it outside on the porch I even in like in screen the porch little thingy yeah yeah yeah like uh I I do my VR out there oh okay oh oh Jimmy it’s fun because I feel like the wind in and I would say my hair but I don’t have hair and I go out flying and I’m fighting so Jimmy they gonna be 50s you think when I turn 50 I’ll finally mature and I’ll be like oh these video games are for kids comic books what’s the matter no I’m I’m 55 and I haven’t so no why would you Jimmy I am so my buddy Christian hallof right he does this uh thing called the big thing that’s his podcast he does stuff about a geek all about like pop culture and stuff like like we do but more just fully leaning Into The Geek Side he called me yesterday fresh out of the premiere of or the early screening of Dune to and let me tell you something he said it was fantastic the did you see the first dune not the one with sting in it the one that’s new one no I you’re a big Timothy shalam guy I like Timothy sh I his name what’s his name again Timothy shamal Timothy sham yeah he is awesome in the first dude sh and I’m shim yeah shim Josh broland Josh broland Jimmy yeah he returns in this movie I cannot it comes out March 1 the same day as um Marcus Reed um black star that’s uh he’s one of my students he’s having his first um uh professional MMA fight at the Ring of combat in Atlantic City the cus shall be there of course yeah yeah I’m gonna Corner him Marcus is Marcus is five and zero five and0 as an amateur he’s got four re naked chokes and one 7c head knock oh very nice he’s a good kid Marcus him and this kid Tommy de Janeiro but they’re uh two of my amateur guys that I spend a lot of time with they’re good kids they’re good kids I spend time with the good kids yeah try to help them achieve their dreams you know what I mean but uh what was my point of all that oh March 1 is when he’s fighting at the Ring of combat at the Tropicana and it’s also when Dune 2 comes out I’m excited about it the first one’s probably my favorite movie of all time it’s up there Jimmy yeah right up there with Goonies I’m only Kidd but uh Jimmy go ahead say something you want to say something I’m just listening I I’m I honestly am not familiar with either movie um that’s your that’s not my I love movies but not that one dude it’s so but it’s like science fiction for grown-ups it’s like really good it’s really really just it move there’s a scene there’s a scene I said it before when Josh Brolin comes to train Timothy chalay shimay and he’s just like gunny guy’s name is gunny he’s gny I’m I’m you tell me a story who’s gunny I hate that name gny you’re being me first of all you stop it stop it that’s his gunny hey gunar call me gny what’s his name in that gunny I forgot his name but he’s um he’s basically the we he’s teaching young Timothy of course he is his name is Gunner gunny you’re bothering me now now you be wait was he was he did he go gunny just do it I’ll do it for gunny hate it this is the scene stop it no see you go in already not being negative I don’t like the name gunny neither do you is his name gunny I think it’s gunny but anyway listen gunny is it gunny I forget but anyway this is the point of it he walks in the room and he’s just like I’m not in the mood tell him I’m not in the mood to train like basically I’m not in the mood and then he says a line I swear it makes my hands my my my my gives me goosebumps what was the line that leads into it don’t it you first of all I see stop this Jimmy first of all you’re about to be mean I see not no no no I promise you I’m not I really like this what’s the line leading into it this is what he goes he’s like honey I’m I’m not in the mood tell me a story tell me a story instead how about a story you know because so he goes mood what does mood have to do with it you fight when the necessary when the you fight when the ne City you you fight what the now you made me mess up the line no what you fight when the necessary uh When what when it when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza of pie that’s some more um does he say gunny I I can’t do it when the necessity you fight when the necessity arises arises no matter the mood that’s what he said to him and it was awesome and then he starts attacking him and then Timothy starts doing okay he’s I see you found the mood so listen there’s a lot of little hidden things like that which Timothy you’re the biggest bully I ever met no I forgot his name long long I was just talking to Longo earlier and he was bring I don’t know why he was bringing up how nice you are because he’s got good taste in people he’s good he know I love him how you could do no wrong I’m like what hell tck is in the room great tck let’s get tck in here man I what fights he likes I want to make sure I got the name of the show cuz he’s the book He’s promoting is called flip your life how to find opportunities in distress in real estate business and life hey T how you doing what’s up guys how’s it going dck how are you man it’s so funny because I’m met my in-law’s uh house in Florida right on vacay and I told my fall in-law C because he watches your show all the time and now he’s like oh you got them on the show I yes he’s on the show and my wife they watch that and then they clued me then they they let me know all the backstory that you did this show Jimmy he did this reality show flipping houses with his his first wife yeah and now you’re doing it with your current wife yeah right back into the pressure cooker you know oh my goodness listen you think MMA is scary you try filming with two different you know new wife xwi just kid but that’s that’s pretty wild though it’s it’s it’s interesting yeah it’s by the way I’m a Hu huge fan of you Matt huge I’ve been watching you for years and years I’ll never forget when knocked out GSP I was screaming and running around my house oh oh thank you bro like I tell everybody don’t watch the rematch just watch that one well what rematch we don’t talk about rematches we don’t talk about the rematch oh that’s great what you what are you guys sitting in right now by the way is that it looks like a like a like a like a limo SUV what is that yeah yeah this is our our Sprinter van so we’re actually on set right now filming uh the flipping El Musa so we’re about to go film in a house right now so this is the mobile office you know I got TVs computers Radio Bar bathroom closet microwave everything we need to live on set oh really okay so it’s like your trailer kind of yeah exactly exactly it’s a Sprinter limo yeah um finding opportunity in distress do you mean when a person is distressed or when like the market is distressed everything everything so you know in my life I’ve I’ve faced uh you know financial distress uh emotional distress uh you name it I faced it medical you beat medical yeah yeah cancer twice back surgery so I’ve just had so many issues throughout my life and one way or another I figure out how to get out of those negative situations and turn them into a positive so the book flip your life is really my journey uh as an entrepreneur in all the stories of of how I got to where I got like how did I start making money how did I end up on TV how did I Leverage TV to building multiple companies right and then how did I get through my cancers how did I get through my divorce why is mental health important and and why is it needed if you want to be more successful and if you want to find peace and happiness so my book is really a guide for anyone that not only wants to like flip their life for like the self-help aspect but they want to learn how to make money they want to learn how to scale they want to learn how to Pivot and it’s just a great book for anybody when you’re told you have cancer when the doctor says that to you do you immediately go like I’m going to be or is there like a period of like oh my God this is the end or does your mind immediately go to a positive place or like what what did your mind do when that when you first heard that that news yeah well I didn’t find out I had cancer until after I woke up from exploratory surgery um that’s when I found out you know my ex-wife was looking down on me crying the first words that came out were I have cancer right do don’t I that’s what I said and and she said yeah and it turns out I had stage three thyroid cancer they removed my entire thyroid a bunch of lymph notes and going into the surgery it was just exploratory you know we weren’t thinking it was anything so I I I found out about my cancer after it was removed and then I was a little bit scared but you know at that point I knew it was removed and I was talking to the doctors and I was getting ready for treatment and then right after that you know we looked at my old medical records found an irregular testical exam and just as a precaution I was like I should go get this looked at you know um the x-ray technician was like real chatty guy and all of a sudden he got quiet on me and then he got quiet I was like hey man why you so quiet he’s like oh I’m not a doctor I said I didn’t say you were a doctor but you know what’s going on and he said I’ll never forget this he said ‘if you’re in pain the emergency room is right down the hall and he lit up his eyes and he pointed and right when that happened I knew I was in for trouble uh 20 minutes later I I’m dealing with a surgeon who’s telling me that I now have testicular cancer too so when I found out I had two different cancers both at the same time that was the moment where I thought it was the end wow and did you did they treat you for the second one right there or did they say okay come back in a few weeks or do they immediately just keep you in the hospital um they they immediately scheduled me for surgery okay so it was a it was a very very difficult time in my life um going through the cancers the treatments the surgeries and then the aftermath of cancer the hormones the having no thyroid um being hypothyroid and then hypothyroid and I mean man I was just all over the place and you know I think athletes you know kind of understand my journey because it’s a similar journey to what they go through when they get their injuries and when they’re dealing with pain and they’re dealing with all this distress right it’s it’s a very it’s a very difficult Journey you look healthy now what are you doing what are you are you exercising I mean you look good yeah I mean that’s the book man flip your life like no like I completely turned my life around you know I used to be an overweight chain smoking alcoholic you know today I’ve almost have a sixpack that’s a first in my life I I don’t drink much I eat clean I exercise hour and a half a day I’m excited I’m I’m happy I’m motivated I have more energy than ever and it just came from putting in the work you know and and the work was what do I need to do to be better every day and most people don’t realize well you’re tired because it takes practice to get your body used to not being tired you got to start moving you got to start eating right you got to take vitamins you got to go to the gym you got to build habits and that’s how I was able to get to where I am today and of course my wife you know she helped me a lot she told me if I get any any less goodlook she’s going to leave me so I had to stay pretty yeah that’s the last thing you want to do is have a beautiful wife and then get ugly on her that’s just that’s just humiliating for everyone did it make you appreciate things more like like like uh the life you have and the things you’re doing when when you’re faced with such awful news and you come out the other side of it you start to go like how was I there’s nothing to be nervous about now this is all just gravy yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s no secret that you know I I broke uh in 2016 you know from 2013 to 2016 I faced both the cancers um I got through those right after I got through those I hurt my back and then I was on opiates for 10 to 12 months and then I had a surgery a back surgery then my back surgery had complications um I went from 240 pounds with cancer to 165 pounds with my back like you could see my chest bones and that was my rock bottom moment man I and that at that point in my life there was nowhere else to go but up because I was as as down as you can go and what was the first of course if they really want to know they’re gonna buy the book you know but just what is Rock Bottom the first step out of that I mean I know we gota when you’re go through a hell you keep going you got to go forward what was the first step did anybody just call up and get your head out of your ass but part of my language by the way I’m sorry yeah no no man honestly I was in such a a deep dark sad and lonely place that I I knew my first step was honestly as as simple as it sounds just taking that first step like literally just getting started and here’s where it really started I was so upset and so angry I’ll never forget driving my car up and down Newport Beach just punching my steering wheel screaming out loud life isn’t fair you know this isn’t fair that’s not fair the cancer the everything I’m going through and then the word Fair hit me uh and then I said it out loud who said life is fair W and then and then the second I acknowledge that life is not fair and I acknowledge that there are good people that are going through terrible things that’s it’s not fair to them I I acknowledged that and I said listen life isn’t fair so what can you do if life isn’t fair all you can do is the best you can with what you got so once I really acknowledged that and I stopped bitching and complaining and I said I’m going to accept my situation and I’m going to work my ass off to improve it that was the beginning of flipping my life I have a question for you about your about your job too flipping houses is such a a risky business um and I’ve bought like a condo and I had it fixed up and I just lived in it how do you deal with how many contractors do you have to deal with in different locations and how do you know they’re going to do the work well and how many bad contractors do you have to weed through when you’re because you’re in all these different places right yeah well you know one is um you know choosing a contractor is just as important as choosing the house you’re looking to flip uh because you can have an amazing house with a terrible contractor you’re going to get burned in the end so I tell people contractor very important you want to find a contractor that doesn’t do custom houses and Custom Kitchens find a contractor that works with other investors and they’ve been doing that a very long time um now at this point in my career you know we’re doing 10 to 20 deals a month and I work with about six different construction teams but behind me is my company tar bu houses I have director of Acquisitions I have sales manager I have the president of the company I have the CF so behind me is an entire company that makes all of this happen and and that’s how I’ve been able to do close to a thousand deals over the last you know 12 13 years so you have people that like you said if these construction companies work with investors chances are they’re good because they’re they’re dealing with people that are flipping houses who know what to look for exactly you know you’re not going to go to a jiujitsu coach to learn you know kickboxing right so most people they think you know a construction is construction and it’s not right you have to go to the specialist yeah I guess you do and I’m sure on some historically you must have made decisions that you’re like wow I thought that one would be great uh but it wasn’t uh what is what is there something you look for to when you’re going to flip a house that you go like I think I see potential in this where other people wouldn’t yeah honestly it just comes down to the math it is just the math how much is it going to cost me to buy it how much is it going to cost me to fix it up and carry it how much is it going to cost me to sell it so if you add those numbers up and you get to 500,000 and you look on the internet and it says you’re going to sell it for 500,000 well that’s a bad deal you’re going to lose money now if you add all those costs up and it’s 500,000 and then the comparable sales in the area say 700,000 well that’s a good deal because we’re looking at a $200,000 profit margin hey uh not to get back to your health how is your back now by the way your back you know what the I can’t believe it by the way because honestly I had the worst Attica I I can’t even express how awful it was it ruined two years of my life today my back is 99% you know I I did a little bit of kickboxing with my back you know nothing crazy just hitting bags and stuff I did a little bit jiujitsu again and my my back held up I went skiing last weekend I lift weights I do yoga so what I’ve really worked on is you know fixing my inner body because I just drink so much alcohol for so long and just smoked so many cigarettes I was just so unhealthy that over the past you know seven eight years I just really focused on on being the healthiest version of myself but it really really started when I met Heather did you quit drinking and uh and smoking or do you still drink a little or you just are you sober um I I I I drink um you know what what is it called casually or whatever socially yeah yeah yeah socially socially I I drink socially you know when I was younger I used to drink so I could black out and forget about my life now I I have a couple drinks to enjoy my friends and family yeah and the cigarettes are gone oh yeah thank God I was smoking two packs day it was real bad so yeah I mean that was actually the one of the the diff most difficult thing in my life uh was quitting cigarettes and vaping because I smoked for about 14 15 years uh and then I Vaped for a few years then my my lungs started failing I was coughing all the time so I’m glad those Vapes are going away they are right yeah they’re in a lot of trouble they say that they’re uh they cause a lot more lung damage than people think um what’s that doesn’t feel natural that Vape right yeah well let’s promote the book properly really interesting guy uh tck and what an honest uh I love that you’re open about this stuff uh cuz people deal with it you know people go through it people get cancer people have uh real estate things they want to do uh the book is called flip your life how to find opportunity and distress in real estate business and life it’s got the tremendous highs devastating lows and obviously reality TV show goal with HTV GTV and of course the addiction and the cancer diagnosis just really interesting uh stuff and I’m happy to see you come out on the other side it yeah yeah and this was fun you guys you have no idea me and my wife are literally the biggest UFC fans you know we go to almost every single Vegas Fight we were goingon to go to Anaheim last weekend but we took the kids skiing so we missed it but we’ve been following I’ve been following the UFC since you know the early early days of UFC when my parents wouldn’t let me watch the VHS tapes I that’s so great that you watch it’s fun isn’t it fun I mean that’s all I watch I don’t watch anything with a ball I just I’m like I’ve been watching it before I was even fighting so yeah that’s literally all we watch that’s the only sport we watch is is MMA yeah yeah ER want to hear something funny my uh my wife she’s 40 years old never did a school sport but I have three daughters Jimmy I always like about my wife Jimmy so that’s okay she never did a school sport between my three kids uh after she my kids are 15 12 and 10 after each kid she would do the kickboxing to lose weight next thing you know fast forward she has three amateur kickboxing fights and just uh a few weeks ago she had an amateur MMA fight at 40 years old and won so when I won the title when you saw me fight GSP she never she was by Adrian she never threw a punch and now here she is like daughters are watching a fight so it’s so funny but yeah we’re a fighting family I don’t know why I told you told you that but we’re on the subject I love that you told me man like Heather’s over here she’s like I want it I want it that’s hey tell your wife I said she’s a she’s a champion that is such a huge accomplishment I will because she’s a fan and she watches both of you so I will tell her that thank you read the book tell it’s on Audible too if you guys want to listen to me that’s what I do that’s what I do the last thing I read was Game of Thrones I’m gonna get that on the AUD and really great to meet you both of you yes and the show is called by the way uh uh the flipping Al Moes uh am I saying the name properly I am right yeah okay great and uh and the book is uh flip your life so it’s great talking to you and uh really really uh very fascinating life and very inspirational so good luck with the book it’s great having you on all right guys this great chatting have a great week okay T thanks a lot take care later yeah I’m always interested Mt people who are so positive when goes wrong it’s really easy to be positive when life is good but it’s very hard when things go down the toilet it’s true Jimmy when that happens I just play myself and what I say to myself I I say something usually like this I go it’s me I I’m the problem it’s me me at te time my little Jimmy agrees I change it up a little bit to make it fun sure but it works for us it makes it fun okay let meot doing a h a couple of pcks before we get out of here how about that we did the main and the co-main you want to do that let’s do uh let’s do the main and the co-main oh great main event by the way uh number one against number three uh Brandon Mareno against Brandon Roy valal I take the Roy Val with cheese I’m gonna go uh you know that Royale stepping in for uh air albazi who got injured on how much notice well listen man now you’re just throwing curse balls at me you know what I’m saying Cur yeah you know what d i don’t this is a rough one man January they announced that um I like my Lego love I mean he beat he beat Roy Val obviously it was uh in back in 20 uh 2020 it’s hard to go against Mareno it um you know even though it was a split decision loss Pantoja I’m gonna take Moreno um I think he finds a way to finish him in the third I’m gonna take roal only because you know why it’s more fun like that as who I’m gonna pick who you picking I’m picking Brandon they’re both brand Jimmy I’m so lame tell me when I’m being stupid anyway um anyway I GNA go they can’t all be out of the par be nice if one was I’m taking Brandon Roy B son of a I’m taking BR Brandon Roy now and I’m going to say a third round submission that’s crazy I know that’s crazy to say but sometimes I get a little crazy Brendon slick too man don’t sleep on his Jiu-Jitsu bro you’ll get this you’ll be a put to sleep you understand um that’s what I’m taking what are you how you taking uh Marina I I think he finds a way to stop him um I don’t know if I’ll say he Subs him in the third all right all right you oh we’re both picking a sub from third but different brandons and with with and with yayer against Ortega I’m going to take Brian because uh even though he’s uh what’s that because he was on the show no you know it’s it’s no there’s a I’m looking over when you look at the losses that uh Rodriguez has taken I mean Max is just you know one of the greats ever um but you go back to the uh the volkanovski was a TKO and you go back to uh Edgar um you know Frankie Edgar uh was able to kind of impose his will uh on the ground I’m going to take uh I think Ortega finds a way to get him against the cage and he did get a takedown it was I thought Rodriguez’s takedown defense was a little better than people might have thought in the first one because he didn’t get him down to close to the end of the round but um I’m going to take Ortega and I I think that he uh second round sub Orga I’m thinking second round too I’ll go with third round again I’ll go with another third round cuz I I don’t want to do the same pick as you but I my first thought was second round sub Brian Ora but I’ll go third I want to hear your final thought not your first thought that’s my that’s my final thought is I will my first thought was second go remember M remember when I said my first thought was but it was I bet you took it I’ll I’ll go third you know my first thought was the third round stoppage so now we we both can’t lose why don’t we just switch them Jimmy Jimmy did something happen your was that a did you hear something no oh I thought You’ tooted no no no I saw you lean forward no no no I was just trying to get a better look at you okay Jimmy what do you wantan to PL listen plug the fights first of all because you know I love the fights let me promote the fights first of all uh I’ll promote the tonight at 7 pm I will be at the Fat Black Pussycat here in New York uh those shows sell out every week so um Mareno versus royval 2 of course it’s February the 24th uh it is this Saturday in Mexico City prelim 700 pm on ESPN plus main card 10 p.m. on ESPN plus and uh also Matt I am out on tour I’m going to uh New Jersey is sold out Connecticut has about nine seats left for Friday and then I go to Petaluma Santa Cruz and Monterey California there are tickets available um Austin at Rogan’s Club all for shows are sold out and then I go to Oklahoma City Houston and Dallas so if you want to come see me come see me one of those places what if I just started showing up at your events it if it was like local you oh the mat here it’ be fun and all sudden you’re in Dallas you like oh oh no what would be great is every time you showed up if I acted like you it wasn’t a big surprise oh hey Matt like if all of a sudden you just showed up in Oklahoma City or Monterey California and I’m like oh hey man it’s good to see you and uh I I want every time for me to show up You’ be like I can’t believe you came here for me it’s not going to happen but I do around the one time you went to Long Island I think something happened where I couldn’t go to it you didn’t want to come see me you were busy you watching TV 100% not true right uh Jimmy I miss you my bird I miss you be back I wanna listen it’s like I never left for you for me and you I know Sarah BJJ miss me you know what I mean dude when I’m not here singing with you I’m singing over there I understand and I my D I have I go from Public Enemy to post Malone that’s what you get to that’s what you expect the C and I tell them when I’m singing I go you guys aren’t even gonna get charged extra for this you understand okay Jimmy I had so much fun with you I hope everybody enjoyed you at the fat flat cat I do too or I will uh have to apply a Dar choke oh which I was learning today Kimmy I can’t wait till we work together and we’re making that happen and that’s gonna be good for uh your game and for our podcast talks we’re gonna have fun talking about it oh yeah I would love that I would love that enjoy the fights this weekend you too buddy I’ll see you soon I gotta get better at goodbyes um how about this see you soon not if I see you first oh cut it out you’re fresh bye bye everyone it’s 364 00:53:46,719 –> 00:53:51,239 funny trying to leave m