On this special edition of Good Guy/Bad Guy, Daniel Cormier & Chael Sonnen preview the bad guy’s boxing match against …

[Music] what’s up guys this is a special good guy bad guy we’re taping this the week before chill suon heads to Brazil to take on Anderson Silva chill we wanted to talk to you about the fight the preparation and also a couple questions about you and Anderson’s relationship how’s training Ben CH as we are now on the verge of you making your professional boxing debut uh you know Daniel it’s been everything from the start where it was embarrassing I I was having a hard time a lot younger guys in the room some of them teenagers that admire me and and all of a sudden I’m I’m in the corner and I I can’t even finish the practice so I I mean I went through all of those phases to the body sore to I couldn’t get uh to a day in feeling better and better I’m right now I still got a final job which I have to drink two of these a day now this is a gallon so I got to drink two gallons a day you remember uh the water load type phase but I tell you what mentally as much as physically it does start to zero you in things do get a lot more real as you start kind of that weight cut phase I’ve only got 10 to go I I only started with 10 it’ll be a total of 10 pounds small cut but it’s still got to be done you know when you start to make the weight and you start to drink more water than you feel comfortable doing you know that you’re on the verge of a fight and your body reacts in kind Jil you know one area I wanted to focus on in terms of this fight you and Anderson Silva had one of the most bitter rivalries we have ever seen in the UFC But as time has gone on it seems as though the relationship is respectful now while you are going to cheat next weekend because that’s what you do how did your relationship evolve to what it is today and what do you consider you and Anderson now opposed to what you guys were back whenever you were fighting in the UFC he definitely did not not understand me at one time and this dates back to about 2012 our rivalry or maybe even maybe even a little before that but he didn’t understand me he he came through uh the real competitive era and I was the start of what’s known as the entertainment era and they didn’t necessarily blend very well I believe that over time at least according to Anderson and things that he said he now can look back and and he does understand it in SEC he says he thinks he would have even had more fun in his career if he had participated in it and we both had our our different pasts but I think in that regard even for two guys that speak two different languages we started to understand each other to a different level look Daniel everything big in my career dates back or ties to him in some fashion but I didn’t know if it was the same for him like like he’s had other big fights he’s had other pay-per-views he’s fought for other championships I have not I just have him in those memories and I think about him every single day I don’t imagine that he would ever think about me so to be the one to get to sign off and close out his career there is a certain appreciation but before I go to nice guy on you the rules starting with number one is that we damage each other so I I know people like to be friendly and I like to say we’ve made up they love to use the word respect I’ll adhere to it too because it seems like the gentlemanly thing to do I’m going to go damage him which is what I’ve agreed to do and I’m going to put my body in there because he asked and he could have got any opponent he wanted he appar L still wants to do damage to me so to act like everything’s behind us would just be insincere yeah you know and you got to have a little bit of that I want to hurt this man when you go into a fighting arena with him what do you anticipate this being chill because I remember the last time we spoke about this we talked a little bit about the rules we talked a little bit about the venue and everything else but what is this going to be like the amount of rounds the rules the time and also chill what are you expecting at at the end of this fight outside of just getting your hand raised yeah no I think about it all the time like like there’s no piece of this where I’m going to let you know that you a Shucks and we got in shape and oh boy I just get one more memory and and there’s a few dollars involved like there’s no part of me that’s going to do that I am all in Dan if I lose this I will be devastated I will have no opportunity I thought about this man every single day for 10 years and that’s a very private thing there’s a gentleman who you will know named Zack Thompson from Iowa State but that was the worst pain I have ever had in my life it was a blood round match at the NCAA and the only thing that made that pain of Zack Thompson go away where I hit a mixer to my own back by the way was losing to Anderson Silva that pain became worse so I’m just letting you know like there’s nothing about this where I go well you know boxing’s not quite my style and no no there’s not I am going out there to beat this man to fix my life or I’m going to go my rest of my days looking at my career as a miserable fail and I’m just just letting you know I am not hedging and I hate guys that do I don’t respect them you’re either in or you’re not I friend am in J do you allow yourself to think of what that’s going to feel like when you hit that curtain to walk out there in Brazil and fight Anderson Silva what’s your expectation from the crowd the reaction like do you allow yourself to think to that moment right now yes yes I I do think about and you want to know why it’s so important to uh visualize that not only the the coolness is kind of why we all got into this to have all lights on you T but Daniel you can change in that moment like like if the wrong emotion hits you there’s certain emotions you can have in your brain that will release a chemical right like adrenaline or stress it will release a chemical that can Tire you out it can really make you fatigue you ask me how many rounds this is and what other duration partner I don’t know these people I’ve dealt with in the commission over there has been very uh communicative I can reach out them they will get right back to me now we got to time change you got to wait a little bit where office hours are but the only reason I tell you that I’ve asked that question question five times they’ve answered it five times I don’t understand what they’re saying to me Ariel helwani reported it’s five two-minute rounds the conversation I had was four three minute rounds the conversation that Ryan Parsons remembers hearing was four uh 4 tws as opposed to four threes so when I tell you I don’t know I don’t know I was told it was 218 pounds and I read a press L says 98 kilograms what converts to 215 a half that might not sound like a big deal but when you’re 10 lb overweight that pound and a half could come in awful handy to at least know I don’t have these answers I don’t know whatever it is they plan to do to me or the home cooking or anything else man it doesn’t make a bit of I am going to try to hurt that guy I’m going to try to fix my life in this fight yeah it’s it’s a tremendous opportunity and it’s on the verge of you two going into the Hall of Fame for one of the best fights that I have witnessed in person myself CH you know we only have a certain number of walks when you made that last walk for Bellator you probably thought that was it but now you get an opportunity to make one more how happy are you that you get to lace up the old boots one more time man because I know I constantly say I don’t want to do it but the idea of it one last time it’s got to be the sweetest thought right to have I just haven’t put it into action but to have that thought and to have it be reality that’s got to be good for you yeah I appreciate that my my son is gonna be my corner man he won’t be number one but but he will be in the corner like I I do anticipate that there’s going to be some really wonder Wonder ful memories he hasn’t missed a practice he’s been there gives me the water between rounds and I I just share with you if if I had any regret in my own career Daniel it’s that I didn’t enjoy it it it went by so fast I got to coach The Ultimate Fighter uh two different times which is a massive opportunity in our sport I got to fight for championships I I got to work with you I got to be part of this but Daniel I was so stressed and it felt like a job you’d get from one town to the next I could never have a meal without thinking is my opponent having the same thing I’m trying to cut weight down to 185 lbs which was a lifestyle commitment so there was never a day off and there was never a time where I could exhale and enjoy it they sent me around the world and that might sound like a fancy thing I didn’t see it I didn’t enjoy the world it was one hotel to the next and there is one piece of this fight aside from everything that’s on the line getting this rare opportunity where I’m doing everything I can to actually enjoy it to look around to to know that I don’t have to do this I get to do this and it’s not just that I get to do I want to do this and as simple as that might sound a lot of times those are just words I want them to be true more than they are but I am trying I am at least trying to enjoy this and take this in and understand what a fortunate opportunity it is you know CH what do you want to say to the people that are going to watch this fight next week on your way out my guy it’s all I got for you I got to let you go back to being a fighter right I appreciate that you know them I would never say anything to those people that not sinc here I would never manufacture conflict I have thought about this guy every single day look I used to tease people that that came back and they get in they’re going to go in their box I used to think that was weird and you may still but this is just a step of the process this is his last fight it’s not mine this is Step number one to me whipping George mosal and George mosal thinks that I forgot one single thing that he said or he forgot that I was sequestered when I was in Miami he’s got another thing coming my man CH good luck next week my guy I’m so excited for you man I will be tuning in I got my annual wrestling camp next week so 250 young wrestlers will be watching you box in Brazil good luck my guy guys remember Chay and I are off all next week because cha is in Brazil making money and I’m just like uh collaterally I collaterally I get to make money and not do a show so it doesn’t get much better in life for old DC and Uncle chill so guys good guy bad guys back in a couple weeks we’ll see you soon [Music]