On today’s episode of UFC Unfiltered, Jim Norton and Matt Serra are joined by lightweight Chase Hooper and middleweight …

this is a very impressive debut at a new weight class started from you know same team all the way to the top and here we go Chase the Dream hoop there’s the tap five in a row for Brendan Allen there is no denying him now I will be the next Champion I’m the only guy to be able to threaten the actual champion everywhere Ron all in a [Applause] welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC unfiltered we have uh in a moment we’re gonna have Chase Hooper and uh joining us and Brendan Allen uh that fight against Paul Craig on Saturday I’m really looking forward to um and Matt before we start I wanted to get your thoughts on this I was reading Henry shudo said something that I kind of agreed with which was that he’s talking about how Aspen all Jones is the fight to make and not Stipe and he’s like we’ve been waiting too long for that and I don’t think that Stipe should be cut out I think stee Aspen is the fight to make because Jones who knows how long he’s going to be out eight months I mean a pectoral tear is a huge injury so I think that uh Stipe Aspen should be the fight to make and then the winner fights Jones nah I like I like I like Stipe vers Jones like Stipe for Jones only because you know Tom as Aspen all you know his story is being written I mean who knows how if he’ll go down as one of the greats maybe he will he looks fantastic yeah but I really what a and he seems like such a sweet great guy yeah I love the thing with him and his father is very emotional and with him walking back to the from the Octagon holding the belt and then Mike and he look he’s holding in the emotions and then he sees Michael bis he hugs him he see him start to tear up it’s very it’s very uh moving sure but having said that this guy’s gonna have a lot of big fights ahead of him uh I can’t wait to see what the future holds but you know Stipe is already a legend he’s already considered sure he is best to ever do it so and Jon Jones obviously has been you know uh you know labeled one of the best to ever do it so let them do it I I’m only thinking of the the fact that the division is being held up for a long time because you don’t know I think St is close to 40 and Jones I guess is 35 so you don’t know how fast he’s going to heal from that uh I’m only thinking of the fact of the division like what is Aspen all supposed to do in the meantime like does he fight another intrum fight um yeah I just don’t know what they do we got this isn’t just like a this isn’t an injury that heals on a couple of months this seems to be one again they said he might be out eight months as of October uh he has no interest in fighting sirel gone because sirel ignored his call out before but I mean I mean how what do they do to the belt do they unify the belt before Jones is ready do they take it from Jones have Aspen Stipe fight for the belt then Jones fights for the belt the second he comes back you know what interesting about Tom Aspen is um I feel he’s gonna be a threat on the floor too I think he’s Jiu-Jitsu is real good so yeah yeah him and Jones again that makes them also Stipe too I think he’s gonna take out SRO Gan with the jiujitsu I feel I think you know but if they fight did they refight for another intrum how does that work if those two guys fight um is it for an intrum belt again man you’re throwing a lot of curveballs by way man I’m I’m just a fan at the end of the day uh Jimmy did you I’m sorry I’m around Jimmy bring yes let’s bring him in look ho and we’ll bring in Chase Hooper and watch me I get out of the Steam and I’m in the front of my school and I’m literally when I go on my steam in the morning I literally melt away all negative energy oh we’ll talk about that after yeah not that I don’t want to think about you in the steam room hey Chase hey what’s going on speaking of steam rooms why are you this is GNA come out weird why are you hanging out a steamer aorta with your opponent Jordan levit is that true yeah uh I I hung out with him back in March in the sauna he was at the pi when I was here in in July training with Kessa um but I mean that’s that’s just how Vegas goes like it’s like a wolf stand here at the pi it’s it’s people you fought people you’re gonna fight people you want to fight you know it’s it’s a weird uh it’s a weird energy but it’s cool he’s a cool guy what do you do if it’s a guy that you have like a real problem with like again guys who have fought sometimes still get along but then there are guys who you know just don’t like each other and are always kind of at each other in public how does that work uh I mean I don’t know I’m I’m pretty uh pretty agreeable dude there’s only one guy I fought where I was like oh that guy’s just kind of a dick but uh you know everybody else is like pretty respectful um that guy is go like this what’s his name you don’t have to do that no chase you’re a good guy did you beat him or did who wanton did you or did he win uh I won’t say where where it was but I didn’t win but uh yeah that was my one that that I was like ah I you know I never make excuses but I felt like I should have beat that dude you know skill set wise but uh you know it’s just it sucks to have a a guy that you don’t like have a win over you but Sport and you know probably should have came in more correct if I if I didn’t want to get beat up well we’re not gonna mention his name but if there’s one fight you could you could get back who would it be um I’m just trying to get that guy’s name is what’s going on J you and Jordan man I can smell a grapple Fest I love you jiu-jitsu man I listen you’re fighting in general I I don’t want to come out as an insult because I know you’ve been hanging out with Wonder Boy I’m seeing those Sidekicks I love Chase is it just me I love the sidekick especially for a Grappler like a grappling base fighter like yourself that Sidekick is a good you know um ma it’s really good at managing your distance keeping you out of trouble with someone aggressive don’t you feel yeah uh the first dude I actually trained with that was like having me play around with the sidekicks was Ryan Hall um use them all the time but uh I like them a lot better because like the keeps and the push kicks like the stuff up the middle I always hit my toe on their elbow um you know like I just don’t well enough and then I just you know my to up you must be more confident in your striking though like not that you were never didn’t feel confident but I think was it was it the last fight were you third most in lightweight history 217 I mean really amazing and is that from training with Wonderboy or what do you think that is uh I mean I I think a lot of it’s like kind of breaking past the just the you know like there’s an adjustment period we’re getting into UFC and you know that was my seventh fight um most people don’t make it that far and and my coach he only had three UFC fights he he told me the same thing he’s like I never felt like I really got to adjust to the level um whereas now you know this is my eighth fight like this is I’m very familiar with the process I’m very familiar with the pressure I think that really helped um I think obviously not having a cut down to featherweight definitely helped out a ton like I I feel great energy-wise right now just like I did last fight week um where at featherweight I was just you know once I got to UFC I was a lot bigger than when I was on Contender um you know so I was killing myself to make featherweight and uh you know I was just super lethargic I remember in the fight sometimes I’d be like no I can’t push the pace or I’m gonna gas that type of thing but you know I I feel like yeah again and just more time in um that helps you build the confidence um obviously training with Wonder Boy and those guys helps having them kick me in the head uh you know just getting more confident in the Striking defense and just toning up some of the little I feel like uh fundamental things that I wasn’t maybe doing correct um that were you know making my striking look worse than it was or making me not as confident in it yeah Chase when did you start your training did you start with jiu-jitsu and who was your instructor uh my Coach Jeff Hogan he’s the one here right now with me uh since I was uh eight years old I started with him so now I’m 24 so going on 16 years with him right yeah I did the math right and uh yeah I mean I he’s got me from literally from day one to uh you know eight fights in the UFC so uh you can’t ask for much more than that yeah he has to understand every aspect of your personality and and of the signals you give when you’re fighting he’ll probably read things in you that somebody who hasn’t been with you long we never be able to read that’s really valuable yeah and and he does my like my management stuff where I feel like uh having a guy with that intimate of a knowledge of your your game your strengths your weaknesses like he’s seen you know every week he could be like oh this isn’t a great fight for him right now you know he’s got a knee injury that type of thing um where like some you know a manager is just gonna be like who when yes sure let’s do it um but again yeah like you you build that chemistry and that’s kind of the same for these guys that go to you know they switch gyms or they go to like a crazy big gym where there’s just too many people for the coach to really know you or care about you so uh yeah I I mean that’s definitely a different level yeah bigger is not always better when it comes to camps I mean we got a bigger camp now but I mean we had oh look at that oh wow yeah there you are oh I I don’t know why you got rid of the mohw be honest I don’t yeah I I got it because I love Chuck Liddell okay you you modeled your style right after I’m way kidding it’s the exact opposite but that’s funny yeah that is so great man look at that I got the same thing where I have students where they were little and now I’m up to their shoulders too so I feel for you that’s so great though were you yeah when you jiujitsu you’re the perfect guy like if you were at my school if a guy came in like a meathead with a knucklehead you know what go pick go go I’ll put you a Chase because what people realize Jimmy St to realize now because he’s training it’s like a superpower isn’t it Chase I’m sure you submitted guys easily twice your weight in the in the uh training room isn’t it amazing is isn’t it yeah I mean it’s it’s a great equalizer like the guard and uh you know all the grips and stuff it’s all about leverage it’s not about ideally you know it’s it’s not about using the strength it’s nice to have it as a backup but uh Jiu-Jitsu truly is like the lazy man sport if you’re doing it right um yeah you see guys that you know they start off they’re going super hard they get really skinny and then they start learning Jiu-Jitsu and then they get fat again because they learn how to not not gas themselves out all the time but yeah I love it and it’s got to be too one of the things about striking when you’re so good and verdom had this when you’re so dangerous on the ground is that you you you have a freedom when you strike because you you never have to worry about being taken down it’s never something you’re concerned with yeah I I mean a lot of times I I welcome the takedowns um makes it a lot easier than having to uh you know strike with them if if that’s not working out so uh yeah I mean I I’m never going to complain if a guy shoots on me and when you oh I’m sorry Chase when you met you when you guys bumped into each other in the Ste room did you know you were going to be fighting him or was it one of those things where he’s kind of in the atmosphere it could happen or was this still uh when you were down at featherweight um it was actually like right before my uh featherweight or my lightweight debut got announced um so we were just I don’t know just talking just hanging out um but I I knew moving up to 55 that that would be a great matchup um I think it’d be a fun fight and we were kind of uh you know keeping Ane keeping an eye on that matchup and then uh when they offered it I I was excited I was I was super happy with it you know instead of you know fighting some crazy Striker or something you know where I’m gonna have to impose the Jiu-Jitsu on them I’m fighting a guy that you know likes to Grapple too so I get to you know do the the thing that I have the most fun with um I’m in a phase right now where like I’m having more fun with jiu-jitsu again so it’s it’s nice to be in a very grappling focused camp and and really um get to play with the part of of fighting that I’m enjoying right now now I’m looking here and I see you had your second wedding anniversary in Italy which yeah I want to hear about that and first of all second wedding anniversary my man at 24 years old so at 22 you got married was there anybody saying like Hey listen man you just got relax did anybody try to say or else like no this is the right one you and your wife you and Anna you guys look good together well tell me Chase there had to be some concern I’m sure no I mean not dude I’m not all the all the people like around us uh like her parents got married at you know when they were younger um my coach you know had a kid with his wife when he was 20 you know same thing with a lot of the other people around us so I don’t know it wasn’t a big big deal and we’d already been dating for you know four or five years at that point um hopefully I don’t get that number wrong she might be mad yeah yeah yeah never want to that number up that’s that that’s beautiful yeah I’ve been with my wife since she’s 18 so I mean I’m with you bro you know what I mean that’s that’s a beautiful thing you find the right one you find the right one Jimmy spent years being a and now he certainly did now he calmed down at 50 you know 55 I got married at 54 yeah it was a long I didn’t mind being single for all those years but yeah it’s nice there’s there’s less pressure when you’re married I noticed that there’s less pressure to be out on the hunt and trying to meet people it’s just easier you kind of know what you have and you know it’s it’s nice now where’d you go in Italy I’ve been there once we went to Venice and to Rome what did you do we did uh a little uh little tour we were there for like 12 days we went to Rome which is cool see the Coliseum and all that um that was cool seeing you know they have like a little tunnel from like their warmup area underneath the the arena where they War they have like a warm up area and then they have a little tunnel they walk through like under the crowd and stuff and then they have like an elevator they rise up you know it’s cool as a fighter do you look at that and go like wow when guys were fighting here like they would like I you know you got killed you if you lost uh this was a kind of the same thing but kind of different yeah I mean it’s it’s interesting how some of the stuff kind of stays the same like obviously we’re not worried about you know getting slashed open with a sword or anything but we’re still out here fighting you know for people’s entertainment and uh you know a lot of the stuff’s very similar like they would train they would you know I don’t know they would have a you know just kind of like now like you have like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon these guys are these rich people that you know don’t have any need to fight are like wanting to do it now where same thing in in Rome you had like some rich people and like some of the Emperors would like fight and then uh in the arena and like you couldn’t you couldn’t do anything against them like if you beat them they’d probably just execute you so you thr interesting how like rich people still want to do what uh what us poor folk are doing for uh for money they do it for fun I heard Elon must talking fighting and talking about Jiu-Jitsu specifically and dude for a smart guy he doesn’t get it I mean listen I’m not about to send anybody to Mars I’m just letting you know right now but I’m just telling you I heard him talking about Jiu-Jitsu and it sounded a little knuckleheaded I swear he’s like well hoist when they started to with the guy’s arm is too strong I’m gonna paraphrase because he speaks smarter than me the guy was too strong he was talking about keemo ver hiso he had to revert to a inverted arm lock but he wasn’t using the right terminology at all he he’s basically saying if the arms too strong they dude all about leverage yeah I’ve heard plenty of white belts I mean dude stick to the cars stick to putting people on the other planets when I heard him talking he’s like well you know my he’s talking about the different Arts he did and he mentioned also street fighting there you go that’s I was looking for Elon must Street Fighter watch out my money’s on Zuckerberg he’s hanging out with David Camarillo he’s doing legitly in Jiu-Jitsu I mean isn’t he a blue belt I think he’s a blue belt right yeah dude and I don’t know what belt Elon is but when he starts talking about how he’s bigger and he’ll just fat on him basically really you’re gonna just lay on him that’s the gonna take towards this I think he’s just assuming he’s a bigger guy but Zuckerberg’s he’s fit you see that guy you don’t think he’s gonna be able to squirm to his back like Hickson vers Zulu I it could be one of those things too where Elon trains a little bit and like guys when you’re training I’m very new at it so you know obviously my instructor is a high level black belt and he has me rolling with his blue belt but the blue belt’s letting me do like he’s allowing me uh to sweep him or to put him in positions because he’s helping to teach me if he’s trying to submit me I’m gonna be submitted in less than 20 seconds so maybe Elon does this and thinks that he’s actually submitting a higher belt or he actually thinks he’s doing better and it’s like hey dummy he’s allowing you your strength isn’t doing that he’s letting you do it to try to teach you technique when I heard that he did Judo I was like well that’s interesting he does judo maybe he’s got a good Ezekiel or some I don’t know but uh then I heard when he was talking and he’s talking oh yeah I did Judo I did this that street fighting and really Elon you did some street fighting use your street fighting and your extra weight vers this guy doing jiujitsu how many days a week because he looks like he’s really he’s jumping in competitions he’s he’s committing guys that aren’t letting him submit him not letting them be letting themselves be submitted he’s he’s making him say uncle you’re a blue belt Matt I sorry to interrupt you he is a blue belt as of July and he’s healing from a knee injury he tore his ACL yeah CU he’s you want 150 billion shouldn’t you not be tearing your ACL F no he’s training he’s training and I know David karillo he’s a black belt of the half Gracie the guy does legit it’s not some MC Dojo somewhere yeah so I don’t know I don’t know how we got into this but I Elon mus never he never experienced real J Jitsu he has he could but speaking of real Jiu-Jitsu dude I love watching you fight Chase I know you’re working on the Striking but man Jordan saying he wants to be the first guy to make you say uncle to tap you out I don’t think Jordan has he ever been submitted tell you a second let’s see yeah you got sub by Patty oh he did get sub by Patty yeah that’s right real nied yep so be the second guy to get him I don’t know I can’t uh I can’t discount the pressure of that fight though like fighting Patty in the O2 Arena in his hometown um what do you think about crowd’s booing you Patty and and Tony what do you think about that and then what do you think about Tony getting trained by David Goggins I uh I’m still on the Tony train I’m rooting for him he gets that win back but uh yeah we’ll see I I don’t think uh I don’t think a week like a hell week is necessarily the best thing for a fight camp at least not when they have like less than a month week weird to you’re you’re right yeah and David Goggins as much as he is a motivator Tony Ferguson what he does is harder like you know Tony f is like literally getting into fist fights with some of the best fighters in the world and he doesn’t seem like he needs motivation um he doesn’t need to be motivated to work harder I don’t think he I don’t think his work ethic is a problem no I think Patty said something similar like his cardio’s never been an issue and neither has his mental um so there’s no those would be the two things I would see you maybe benefiting from that um so I I think at his age he’s probably just wearing his body down more than he needs um at least for you know for where he’s at right now uh I I see there’s probably a benefit to it for some people but uh no I I think right now Tony should just be like kicking Street poles like he’s been doing you know get getting shins conditioned and right around with that wooden dummy yeah sorry I did some Wing chunk back in the day uh Hey I was watching a thing with one the boy uh I think it was like in the middle of the night how some things go on your uh you know when you’re on the ball and you’re scrolling through your yeah he was fighting um luk luk who ah L yes yes sidekick dropped him gives a little pound want to do like almost fake a sidekick again boom right hand yeah I don’t know Wonder boy gets me sad uh what else Chase Chase what is one thing it’s could be like something you’re watching with your wife what is a nice series you’re watch you guys watch any TV together I’m always looking for a new show we’re always watching all all Gordon Ramsay stuff he’s doing that that kitchen nightmare show again you know so oh is he yelling at people like this sh yeah especially in the weight cut I like looking at the food when it’s not you know terrible why would you do that I don’t know like I I have this H box of some like peppermint Oreos here that I’m gonna be eating here on Friday Hein Oreos gotone from Whole Foods so a sh gives me I don’t know gives me motivation to get through the weight cut and it’s uh you get something out of it I mean I do yeah weight cutting is something man yeah you gota and the stricter you are I mean the it’s just gonna pay off that’s a mental game right now I need I would David Goggins to help me with that I I mean that’s what I feel like the weight cut like toughens me up a little you just got to suffer a little bit before you you know go do this thing I feel like real life’s too soft yeah you got to suffer a little bit you have to man it’s good Jimmy no Twinkies for you if you’re getting ready for a fight I don’t want but Chase said something before which was very true and again I’m know I’m very new at this Chase I’m I’m and like I had lost a lot of weight but I am getting fatter I’m the only guy training who’s getting fatter because I’ve convinced myself that these workouts which are grueling I mean I how you guys actually fight for real it’s it’s even more amazing to me now that I’ve done some rolling it’s just the exhaustion that comes with it is is and I’m like I’ve convinced myself that I can now eat whatever I want at 55 but I can’t I’m just becoming a fat guy rolling so I have to stop eating uh but yeah you do over convince yourself that you’re burning more calories than you actually are yeah no I I agree for sure I I always equate uh you know training like fighting sparring Jiu-Jitsu whatever I I always call it like I don’t know like people think of cardio as like running where you know the combat sport side of it is like getting chased you know like you’re getting chased down by lion you know you you can’t stop or else they’re going to you know they’re going to eat you so you got to go at their Pace not yours which is a different type of cardio than when you’re just jogging outside you’re jogging on the treadmill but uh I I love it well Chase yeah it’s always good talking to you man you’re a such an exciting fighter and uh Jordan levit I know you guys don’t have any bad blood but uh you know this is a great fight and we’ll definitely talk to you again after and uh have a great time out in uh Vegas are you in Vegas right yeah yeah I’m out here okay all right talk to you soon man and uh thanks again hey appreciate it [Music] later fun stuff he’s a nice dude he’s a really nice dude and uh he has really that’s an interesting match up with Jordan levit and I guess when you like a guy it’s just like uh even though you’re trying to hurt them it’s almost like hey you can look at like we’re both we’re testing what each other has and my way of respecting this guy is is giving him everything I have like doing the best I can to knock him out and then we’re friends again that’s what my assumption is yeah you know don’t assume Hey listen well let me ask you what is the mentality then when you like somebody uh my mentality when I was fighting somebody if you like them yeah I liked some guys I fought uh Chris Lidle especially this right right uh you just try to not look at him as a human look at him as a put him in a body bag hey yeah listen we got Brendan Allen soon Y and uh he’s on a tear what’s this from Brendan Allen we gotta ask him Brendan Allen is Paul Craig that type don’t believe the hype yeah that’s a Public Enemy song and it was Barry Allen in the song so uh in this some some stuff works some stuff doesn’t dude I well listen I don’t know what you’re I don’t know what you’re saying you ever hear the song Don’t Believe The Hype yes I have well there you go and there’s a certain part of it when he asked somebody I think it was Barry Allen we gotta ask him Barry Allen are they that type don’t believe the hype so I switch things up and I go Brendan Allen we gotta ask oh okay don’t is Paul Craig that type don’t believe the hype oh cool then he then he can look at my name and he’ll know don’t leave don’t leave if you were he can look at my name and he’ll know how I feel if you look at your no I don’t want to look at your name it’s not [Laughter] bad your name is not [Laughter] boo jimy jimy I don’t stand up that’s all right you know but uh this morning I’m at my class you know we got like 30 plus so it’s not exactly the Fat Black Pussycat but like uh you know I got a room full of people so sometimes I test out some stuff so I’m going all right so I sat to a I sat to like a um a sweep to get into half guard what do they call the sickle sweep you know I’m not good with the names yeah so you know we lock up and I go look there’s different you know I banged up my KNE the other day you know that Jimmy I banged it up I tell you my my new knee oh no I didn’t know that oh I should show you I I don’t got to show you now it’s weird there’s like something protruding out the side of it looks kind of weird should I show want me to show you yeah let me see if I stand up on this is it okay let me see I R yeah see how the side of it up this side see this oh yeah what is have you asked the doctor what that is I don’t know nah it’s my leg but uh I went to do a butterfly sweep pushed off so I kind of like pulled something so it’s kind protruding okay my wife’s like oh my God is that a screw or something she oh it’s nothing metal but it doesn’t hurt It’s gotta be one of those acl’s mcl’s and it has to be some kind of L yeah so anyway so she’s worried about me teaching it why you Jimmy tell a story I’m I’m listening I’m just letting you know I’m listening what are you tell what are you letting me know that Brandon’s in the waiting room but I’m I’m listen to your story Brandon Allen is Paul Craig that type don’t believe the hype that’s from Public Enemy so what happened you were teaching no I’m going to tell you the rest of this I like to keep we do this on purpose let’s let’s bring in Brendan Allen so okay and I will finish the story and the joke that I said this morning that I had my my buddy uh triangle Johnny was laughing and it was fun real quick yeah we’ll wait we’ll wait but that was a build up but it’s not a great joke tell me I me right here what else you well it’s more of like the way I well this’s what I think we had a bful of people oh Brendan’s here oh Brendon he’s got his kid there hello Brendan do he guys hear us a there here we go hello how you doing man can you hear us hello hello hello princess hello hi hi what what’s your daughter’s name what is it Brin Lee br oh how nice I have three daughters mine are a little old you got three daughters I got mine are 14 12 and 10 they’re a little bigger how how old is she she’s turns four in a week and a half how many do you how many kids do you have Bron just two how and boys girls two girls that’s all I get hey who needs a boy after I had my first girl I didn’t I was a little worried Brendan when I was having my first daughter because I ain’t gonna lie I got a couple scary ants on my dad’s side so I you know I don’t want them to come out I’m like what am I to get here beautiful daughter so after I had my first daughter and you know like I’m not making any mutants here I have three daughters now I couldn’t be happier and they all do Jiu-Jitsu oh see I need to get her into Jiu-Jitsu but she don’t listen to me so and then where I’m from there’s not really any kid programs then you should tell her not to do it tell her she she can’t do it and you don’t want her to do it and then if she doesn’t listen to you then she’ll want to do it ah yeah I just can’t coach her hey you know listen when when there ready that’s what I say and I used to always play with them and I have a video I have a picture of my my my oldest having a teddy bear in an armlock and she did one of those how it started how it’s going because now she’s 14 she’s on Instagram so she did how it started is her with the little teddy bear and then she just won a tournament she got a arm lock on I don’t know it’s cute that’s great though yeah it it sure is so we seen you last week but we were having last on Monday we see Monday you were uh with sweet dreams and we couldn’t we had some bad reception so you guys were together at the pi is that what it was yeah we see each other here and uh we’ve known each other for a little while so uh yeah we’re good friends that’s awesome and let me ask you if Paul Craig holds guard you’ve been doing Jiu-Jitsu for a long time man you you have nice submission you have a your submission game is solid are we fighting are we is it but you’re also extremely well-rounded so I mean what are we going with this are we fighting to get back up or we saying all right you know so get your triangles I I clean up the language with yeah uh yeah I don’t really know I think of it as I want to go on my terms I’m definitely not scared of his ground whatsoever I feel if um I can’t escape or not even be put in a armar or triangle with as much experiences I have then there’s a serious issue there in itself but um I wanted to do everything on my terms so if you go to the ground you want it to be because you want to be on the ground you don’t want to have to just React to what he’s making a decision to do right right I I know he he he wants to connect that way he can pull you down um maybe that maybe we don’t do that at first because I don’t want to I don’t want to do that at first but when I’m ready okay if you pull a guard or whatever then yeah we stay there I don’t know I’m a kind of a feel guy so whatever I’m feeling in the moment is kind of works out you try to have a loose game plan for that reason uh like like how solid is your game plan or meaning or how uh uh rigid is it compared to I just want to see how this feels when I walk in I I don’t really go in I’m yeah I see it uh I’m going to knock him out it’s that simple I’m going to knock him out how it comes how it happens how I finish him it doesn’t matter uh if I feel something else I’m going to take that but ultimately I’m going in there to knock him out uh um TKO home whatever but um yeah I don’t have a strict game plan whatsoever I’m just G to go in there and be Brendan if I can be Brendan it should go my way hey tell me about that Kudo protein popcorn that sounds delicious is you have something good man fire uh I use what’s that is that a sponsor or is that just yeah they sponsor me and they they sponsor the UFC too and uh they’re great man the popcorn is amazing it’s cool as well because they sponsor LSU where I’m from and uh so I go to the games and stuff like that but it’s a great popcorn great protein popcorn um great alternative and it’s a great snack as well I like to have it after training when I’m feeling hungry and dieting a little bit what’s the difference between that and regular popcorn protein in it no but is it just added to it huh they just add it to it prot that’s okay they just add protein to popcorn hey I don’t know how the chemicals work all I know is it tastes good and it’s way healthier for you that’s it that’s all you need and I don’t know since they’re sponsoring everybody UFC un fil is looking for new sponsors Kudo and I got a big mouth and that mouth loves popcorn they’re gonna have some new flavors coming out next year so it’s gonna be even better my favorite is the uh white cheddar but I like the what is it the sweet sweet and salty one as well oh nice I’m actually as we talk I’m actually putting it into my uh my uh search engine I’m going to look for that after I’m going to probably buy some of that um are you going to be fighting in New Orleans if the UFC returns I’m imagining you are right 100% the only person made events over me there is is Dustin por and I’m totally okay with that anyone else it’s just absurd if we go back to New Orleans there’s no way I don’t main event that unless Dustin’s fighting where do you oh sh I was just gonna say I’ve heard New Orleans is like it’s it’s like its own like separate world over there it’s just really different than a lot of other places why is that just because of the swamps and the bayus why is that I don’t know man it’s it’s kind of weird like anyone is accepted there um you don’t really get too much trash talking there everyone’s different per se you know like they have their own way of life and so um they accept pretty much anyone there you can go be whatever you want to be you know in today’s world it gets real crazy I ain’t I’m not gonna get into all that but U they accept everyone over there the food’s great um and everyone’s just normally looking to have a good time but um obviously that leads to other things so sometimes but mostly people are there for good times yeah you’ve uh been open too about how a sports psychiatrist was really helpful I’m not sure if we talked to you about it the last time you were on is is it somebody you’re still utilizing and how was that helpful uh the sports psychiatrist has been the best thing I’ve ever done when it comes for fighting it’s allowed me to uh put more of me in the cage I’m still not 100% there as far as what’s in the gym and what’s in the cage but I get to see more and more of it each time and uh I think that’s allowed for the results that I’ve had here recently and um I’ve just continued to try to um do what we’ve been working on in that to healthy to deal with the emotions in a healthy manner now does he talk about everything from Vis Vis I can’t pronounce it Vis visualization Vis visual visualization yes Jimmy sorry Brandon no you’re good I know what you mean I understand yeah you’re like I can’t pronounce any of you probably get but is it is it a lot of that like um visual visualizing stuff or is it yeah are they taking you through the walk out the lead up or is it more it’s not like closing your eyes and then doing a chime and listening to like a waterfall is it no no no we do visualization too but we have other like say it just try to practce practice mindfulness a lot so like being able to catch things before they creep in being able to accept them work through them uh mentally it’s not mean uh to deal with them in a healthy manner like um just for instance say um I’m getting anxiety because I’m worried too much of what he’s doing and not about what I’m doing I catch it early I process that I deal with it instead of trying to resist it because when I when I resist it it just comes back 10 times stronger so we do that we do like cookie jar methods where we talk about um reiterating the good things that we’ve done to ourself and um yeah so there’s a lot of good methods but the cookie jar method hey speak of the devil oh yeah hang out a lot we just like to hang out he said like to hang out bro what’s up bro all you gotta do is pull up man excuse me Matt it’s all right the volume’s low anyway dream sweet dreams brings it out of me I can barely hear how you hearing this I barely hear I’ll be extra loud sweet dreams you’re awesome 4:30 today they put me back 30 minutes all right bro I’ll see you now you said it helps you be more yourself or or or to bring more of yourself into the cage so there was things blocking you from kind of doing what you wanted to do in the cage what was the things that weren’t allowing you to do what you wanted to do yeah I think it’s more the fact that I I would be so emotionally drained by the time the fight came that that I I didn’t have any energy to really put into the fight like I needed to so um I really realized that when I fought Malon I was really bad off and um I wasn’t able to perform anywhere near my abilities because of I was so mentally drained I wasn’t able to make it to showtime and be anywhere close to 100% And um yeah it just really frustrated me so um I had friends that were doing sports psychiatrist and or psychologist whatever the heck it is yeah and uh so I just realized that’s where I needed to try I wanted to try every Avenue how many days a week is that sport shrink how how many days a week is that uh just one I only do one day a week and sometimes I miss but I only do it when I’m in Camp and and I said this before and I’ll say it again and it’s it’s true story in my rematch with George St Pierre he started seeing a sports shrink the guy told him to put my name on a brick throw it in a lake fast forward me getting my ass kicked at my butt kicked at the Montreal uh Quebec Center so there’s something to it so I don’t know yeah I don’t know man I think it’s just a way for me to for me personally to deal with the emotions in a healthy manner uh we train everything else you know uh jiujitsu striking and U mentally it’s a big it’s a big spot for me personally I can’t speak for everyone but um I just wasn’t able to handle it in a proper manner so now I’m able to handle it and like the visualization is a great thing too like we did a lot of visualization for the last Bight as far as like the lead up the walk out the everything everything that comes on fight day and uh it just kind of prepares you for when you’re when you’re about to walk in there so nothing’s new nothing shocks you and uh that’s kind of just the way I want I don’t want to be shocked I don’t want to be surprised even though I’ve done that walk in the UFC 13 this will be 13 I don’t want to be feeling surprised by anything so um I just try to prepare myself emotionally and that’s where it helps well you’re on an amazing uh amazing run I mean uh five straight wins four of them submissions and three straight Subs uh you look really really great man so uh what a good fight this is going to be on Saturday good luck against Paul Craig another great great uh ground fighter really exciting and uh congrats on all the success man thank you guys I appreciate y’all’s time and uh thanks for having me all right Brandon we’ll talk to you again okay good to see you buddy come on all right take care man take care bro [Music] he had good reception though I mean he said he couldn’t hear us that well we heard him perfectly well Brandon Allen is CRA Paul Craig that type say it don’t there’s no hype but it’s a you got to listen to Public Enemy I like Public Enemy I mean I don’t listen to them anymore called don’t believe the hype and a certain part of it they actually ask Brendan it’s not bre out but anyway Jimmy what were you telling me what joke did you tell on the mat speaking of like sometimes I I visualize you and when you’re a little chubbier with an apple in your mouth and you’re a little piggy you’re tied up and I’m about to put you in I’m only kidding I don’t you’re not wrong it’s a fair it’s a fair thing to visualize imagine that though little fat the piggy boy let go I wouldn’t do that Jimmy what happened on the teaching Jimmy I’m teaching now look I’m sitting to a sweep right there’s a bunch of people around and I tell look there’s a certain you know I’m very I’m a serious teacher yeah I’m the opposite of that I have a good time and so did my so I tell them I go look we got the tricep we got the uh the chest we got each other the same way you got nice grips uh there’s a certain scenarios when you want to go to your back when we’re locked up one scenario is when you’re dealing with a person who’s a better Juda or a better wrestler better stand up another scenario is if you compromise your knee and if you’re teaching takedowns your wife’s Gonna Get You Know You’re gonna be in deep with the wife they liked it they it came out better now they didn’t like I’m gonna use that one of the fat black cat bring me up there and I’m GNA go hey guys any jiujitsu players in the audience I’m not gonna to hold the mic I is there any Jiu-Jitsu players in the audience yeah Jimmy get me Jimmy the lights up J you a breakdown do you ever did anybody have ever a breakdown on stage when they’re like get me out get me off like Tom Hanks in the movie punchline yeah I’m sure some guys I I walked off once very early on I was like a couple years in to stand I just told the audience I was sorry for wasting their time uh but that was probably 1991 please tell me that’s on tape no I wish it was I was I wasn’t even taping myself back then yeah I think that would be phenomenal so you don’t like my joke I think you had to be there yeah you in the room you oh he doesn’t his wife’s gonna yell at him Sensei so yeah believe me folks the wife might yell at me take my wife please listen we have fun so anyway I had a good morning and if you look on my Instagram Matt Sarah BJJ you’ll see me on my story steaming when I go into my CL I go early and I steam for close to a half an hour and when I come out I’m still steaming you still see the steam coming off my head when I’m outside because I get out I drive my car around after that and uh around back you drive your car around back well I park upstairs and I go my steam it’s in my locker room and then I in my own little place and then I pull the car around downstairs instead of walking down okay so and then when I go outside you see me actually a steam coming off me and then you shower well I sh well I just got out of the shower I shower before and after but I shower before and I steam first steam shower and I get all the negative thoughts out of my head and I think about what I’m going to do like today I did um I’ll show it to you I’m going to send it to you now what I did today what what time do you like get like if what time do you teach class and what time do you get there I I teach class at 7 o’clock and I get there around an hour earlier that’s early man you get up at five I get up at 5:15 yeah W that’s early yeah yeah I do that three days a week you know why Jimmy because I’m basically retired I said retired not the other don’t I understand you thought I said the other word and you were about both can be true well don’t please Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy damn Jimmy you mean but anyway I like I like the I like to start the day just sweating bro because like today I taught that 7 AM class and uh I had time to come back I take a little nap little nappy nap I get up I rub the little dust out of my eyes I hang out with you and now later on I can even chill out now you know what I can do now my wife she made some stalish pizza for me it’s and I’m gonna have that I’m gonna play some games because I deserve it sure you’ve earned it yeah you ABS that’s no reason to show that and then after I do the video games I’m going back 7:30 tonight PM I’m teaching the 40 and overs class what’s the matter you reach a certain age and you cannot be dangerous is that what you want to put out there of the world Jimmy right no is that what you want that’s the wrong message wrong message I’m watching the expanse and uh I’m liking that and we and the character Amos he’s such a badass he was on this on our podcast what a great what a great show H and also I’m looking forward to Jimmy I’ll let you go with this December 22nd and I don’t have any horses in the race here but December 22nd I’m a fan of Zack Snyder and he’s coming out with a rebel Moon and it will be on Netflix and I it it has that very basic storyline of like the small village that’s getting attacked and it needs Warriors this is a planet that they’re that the big bad Galactic baddies are looking to take their resources so this young girl with a mysterious past she’s going to different planets getting some Warriors to fight these guys I like it it’s like me simple simple I don’t know Jimmy what else you well tonight 7 pm I’ll be at the fat black cat I’m not there next week because of the holiday of Thanksgiving and Matt we should plug properly this really is a great Main Event Brandon Allen against Paul Craig uh great middleweight fight Paul Craig coming down of course from light heavyweight um I think this is the second fight at middleweight am I an idiot to assume that I could be wrong I’m wrong half the time uh Chase Hooper Jordan levit is the featured bout um J Jake Matthews and Michael baralis is the uh co-main so a great great night of fight Begins the 18th of course which is this Saturday night 2 p.m. it’s in the afternoon the prelim start main cards 5:00 Eastern nothing I like more than a five PM eastern time because I can watch it all before I go to work Amanda hebos on this card yeah Amanda heos is fighting yes Nick agura is fighting Payton Payton talbet and if he can’t find them in there he’s gonna go hey talbet anybody if anybody wants to look at the old AB Castello it’s a very it’s a dated joke yeah no it’s not it’s not bad and and and let my name uh my name shouldn’t indicate [Laughter] anything Jimmy Jimmy your name is not I quit I love you all watch the fights this week Andy I’ll talk to you soon so much F okay buddy talk to [Applause] bye oh