The Octagon’s biggest names at their best. Watch Cody Garbrandt and Eddie Alvarez in the biggest moments of their career …

here we go the champion in the black trunks the Challenger in the blue [Applause] trunks Dominic with a good right hand right off the bat in that weird awkward style that he has of bobbing and weaving and moving side to side constantly switching stances very difficult puzzle to solve Cruz has lost only one time in his entire career that was at 145 against UAH years ago in the WC look at this yep Cody garbrandt right away attacking those legs and TJ Dilla had good success in his fight with Dominick Cruz doing that the animosity went to the next level this week well one of the things that I wanted to see in this fight was whether or not Cody garbrandt would be out of sorts whether he’d be too emotional he does not appear to be he seems loose and relaxed and he’s fighting very well look at this he’s mocking Dominic we talked about the emotional side of it earlier Joe but so far he seems very composed not just composed but calm and collected and doing well and he just caught Dominic he CAU him again second five round fight of his young career and again yep left hand on the chin of the champion good leg kick there by the champion garbrandt’s first five round fight didn’t last very long he knocked out Thomas Almeida to 2 minutes and 53 [Applause] seconds for let’s see what you did there oh good movement there by Cruz and then again by garbrandt now we know that Cody garbrandt has never fought a guy like Dominick Cruz and has never fought five hard rounds with a guy like Dominick Cruz and if this fight does go into the fourth and fifth round that could get very interesting Dom has done it so many times in his career and been so successful good kick to the body by garbrandt good sprawl as well and he said that one hurt nice leg kick as well and then he’s mocking him this is very interesting he’s giving Dominick Cruz a taste of his own medicine when it comes to the trash talk as the fight’s going on and he’s being very successful in this round we’re a long way away from it the Cruz is 8 and0 in five round fights that Go the Distance good head movement by Cody Garr and mocking Dominic Cruz garbrandt is one of those rapidly rising stars who doesn’t understand he’s not supposed to lose thisw look at this sprawl beautiful sprawl by garbrandt right back up his Cruz reverse the position three first round finishes for garbrandt here in 2016 Garand lightting on his feet here and that’s what he needs to be can’t get planted can’t be one-dimensional and he can’t be predictable good inside kick by the champion Shin on sh good right hand by Cody o good jab by Dominic and a good left by Dominic as [Applause] well regardless of what Cody does you know mock him get a little Moxy out there if you will Dominic Cruz is going to fight his fight but Cody’s going to try to do a little mental damage here in round one is nice take down by Cody well timed dumped under nicely and another scramble staying on the back and a nice knee on the break beautiful job by Cody garbrandt outstanding timing in that taked down lot of questions being answered by Cody [Applause] good start for the Challenger against the man who’s never lost at 135 that was a big round for the Challenger and hurt him good start we Cody garbrandt show we’re not just seeing that though we’re seeing him being slick yes he’s not just being fast and hitting hard but Cody’s moving fantastic his footwork his timing that takedown with outstanding and he’s extremely confident Dominic Cruz chasing Cody garbrandt there over the top night’s combination good shots by the [Applause] champion Dominic does so many of those false starts makes it look like he’s going to launch in on you and then stops and does it again so you just really never know when he’s coming and when he’s not oh oh good combination by Cody oh and Dominic clipped him Dominic might have hurt him there Mike Eric Del Fiero has been with Dominick Cruz a long long time they’re going crazy Jeremy Stevens in his corner and he might have stung Cody with that shot real crazy style he has we always talk about it it’s like how do you train for Dominic Cruz when there’s nobody that does what Dominick Cruz does yeah you would have to teach somebody to do that and they wouldn’t be able to do it right the closest we have seen at least thus far is TJ Dillashaw yeah and TJ’s got his own thing going on for sure yep but it’s close in terms of the amount that he moves good jab don’t forget after our m event turn on FS1 for the UFC 207 postf fight show John enck Kenny floring Michael bisbing Mesa Tate Megan oiv they’ll break it all down FS1 streaming live on Fox Sports Go or for those watching in Canada flip over to TSN good counter right hand there by [Applause] Cody good kick by Cruz tried to follow it up with the hands able to slip those punches good kick to the body there by Cody Midway Point round two and this explosive style that Cody has this explosive striking style it’s going to be really interesting to see when we get into the third fourth and fifth how he hangs in there Dom out so long Joanie he talked about how his body is finally back in in in battle shape if you will that it did take a few fights and a lot of training to get back to where he feels he is now and that’s back to normal if you will really amazing when you think about his comeback fact the guy was out for almost 5 years there’s a left hook by Cody and he’s pointing to the center of the Octagon saying let’s meet here 3 ACL surgery torn groin and look at him here looking to defend his belt again the belt he never lost in the Octagon very close match up just like we hoped it would be Dominic Cruz gets to thinking it’s one of the things his bizarre footwork and style does there’s a nice kick to the body by garbrandt good combination there as well he caught that one right on the knee that could have hurt that Shin slammed right into Cody’s knee Cody actually tweeted Uriah fav years ago that he wanted to train with them here he is today Team Alpha M’s finest youngstar avoids the jab but Uriah has just done an amazing job of putting together a team that’s not just filled with excellent Fighters but a Brotherhood and a Sisterhood if you will they just have amazing camaraderie and that all trickles down from Uriah good kick to the body and a good counter right hand 15 seconds body kick again round two Dominic with a takedown attempt oh what a flurry it’s a great fight so far fantastic fight Justin Buck Justin Buckle sorry in the corner calling to see Cody’s Wheels he wants to see him light on the feet and that’s that’s one of the things that we saw in the first round we saw a relaxed Cody oh head kicked attempt oh he he tagged him with that right hand he tagged him with that left garbrandt scoring early he can’t wind up here though Cruz is caught he is cut Cruz is cut over the left eye garbrandt caught him here early but Cody can’t start head hunting now and he can’t wind up now that he’s tasted blood literally in figuratively yes indeed he can’t wind up now has got to go back to what he was doing we’re being told that it was a headbutt that cut him we could see it I’ll show it to you guys in between rounds but it was absolutely a headbutt that caused that cut so The Accidental headbutt oh he tagged him he tagged him with the right hand garbrandt what head movement by Cody beautiful head movement and he is talking trash to Dominic and laughing at him this is awesome again Cody is not the one-dimensional fighter that Dominick Cruz hoped he would be 90 seconds into round number three he tagged him again and again garbrandt scoring against the champion I would like to see Cody go back back to chopping at those legs as well Mike again that was uh something that TJ Dillashaw had great success with in their fight yeah Ohio native garbrandt against San Diego’s Dominic Cruz [Applause] [Music] that cut doesn’t seem to be affecting the vision of Cruz good right hand there by Cruz and Cody all over him oh big right hand by C by Cody go bab Dominic wisely back to the center of the octagon and Cody keeps pointing to that center of the Octagon meet me here baby [Applause] there’s a good inside leg kick by The Champ you he let’s keep those Wheels going that’s Justin Buckle yeah they don’t want him to get stationary they don’t want him to get flat footed Stan and trade both willing and obviously very able two minutes we got ourselves a fight we certainly do oh good C oh he hurt him he hurt him he hurt him again with a knee and Dominic comes forward like a zombie look at him what a chin nice jab by Cody they both jab Dominic is getting busted up here Mike oh Dominic with a left and a right upper cutch a look who’s avoiding all the damage now yeah and Cody clipped him with the right great head movement there’s a good leg kick by The Champ Duck and Roll avoid damage and he’s out of the way turn the corner [Applause] nicely what a fight the champion 12-0 at 135 and a good round dominant round for Cody garbrandt yeah and a really bad round for Dominic Cruz not just from the punches that he got hit with but also from that headbutt Dom pushing forward boy Cody is swinging for the bleachers when he gets those openings nice kick by The Champ good return by the Challenger Dom’s leaning down when Cody kicks trying to catch that leg put him on his back yeah he might be ATT oh good Left Hand by the champion he might be attempting to try to turn this into a grappling match if he can find some way to get Cody down cuz he got clipped bad in that round round 20 and2 pretty darn close conventional wisdom says round three Cody garbrandt two rounds to go good kick by The Champ a good counter punch by Cody this is the deepest Cody’s ever been in a fight fans keep on voting we want to see what you think follow us at UFC on Twitter this is New Territory for Cody but he looks like he’s in excellent condition yeah he doesn’t seem to be a factor at all and he’s also Riding High in the momentum of that last round I like how he keeps switching stances as well Mike boy they oh oh goodness Cruz is back up at least for now Cody had him hurt bad and pointed to him like the fight was over and might have missed the opportunity to close his show man did Dominic Cruz recover quickly yeah that’s that was crazy that’s [Applause] freakish but again Cody can’t get flat footed now and he can’t remember what brought him to the dance right and Dominic comes with a big left hand off that break [Applause] when you hunt for The Knockout often times you get knocked out Cody backs up stays calm and will’ll engage again well he’s showing excellent composure in looks very collected in there he’s not rushing anything he’s not doing anything dumb [Applause] round three to garbrandt Cruz knocked down here in round four hurt bad he tagged him again straight right hand by Cody with a big smile behind it Dominic Cruz is now on desperation mode absolutely he’s got to know he’s losing this fight now and one of the things about Dominic is he’s not really a finisher I mean he stopped tea mitsuaki in the first round and his rematch fight swarmed him look at this BR says bring it and the crowd loving it look at the footwork in movement Cody just looks so relaxed in there gar brand said more than once he has been targeting Dominic Cruz since he was in high school he knew eventually that he would get a chance to fight Cruz good jab there by the [Applause] champ they’re going to bring the belt home to Sacramento they Collide 90 seconds [Applause] Cruz is having an extremely difficult time scoring and he keeps talking to him nice inside leg kick by the [Music] Challenger big swing and a miss [Applause] oh and again he hurt him bad that’s [Applause] two he stunned him again looking to finish this fight what one more time no one has ever been able to do this to Dominic Cruz 10 seconds remain in round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] four 5 minutes remain Phantom weight belt on the line Dominic Cruz might have to finish this fight but in order to do that he’s got to risk being finished and Cody has shown ridiculous speed and precision and he’s hurt Dominic multiple times now and again beautiful kick Cruz trying to close distance Cody just such a spectacular athlete well also his fundamentals and his technique is so solid you know that’s what we’re finding about him in this fight because you know this is for the first time he’s at a championship level I mean we knew that Almeida was good we didn’t know how good Cody starched him we knew that mitsuaki was a very good Contender Cody blasted him out of the water so now he’s fighting the best of the best and he’s dominating him I guess his Uncle Robert was right when he introduced him to boxing 32 and one as an amateur boxer this fight has been all on the feet no clinching either hit or be hit that time hit three and good right hand by the champion boy these guys are swinging Mike oh flying knee attempt caught [Applause] it that’s dominent Cruz looking for what he may believe is a much needed finish a mandatory finish head [Applause] strikes oh Jes completely mocking him wow as Brash and outspoken it’s Cody’s been he’s been extremely composed in this fight very composed very disciplined and very Technical and I think that might have surprise Dominic like this kind of footwork and movement just sliding right out of the range of things but he might be getting outworked in this round and this could be a crucial round in this fight if the scoring is squirrly we’ve seen weirder things have we not uh yeah tonight under two spinning a Miss yeah Cody can’t take this round off Mike absolutely not I mean you’re talking about a championship [Applause] fight he can’t think that he’s already got it in the bag nice catch and kick 90 seconds Fifth and Final [Applause] Round garbrandt just 25 years old ducked under just barely missed that spinning back [Applause] fist one minute left in this fight yeah he’s feeling it and Dominic’s putting the pressure on [Music] him man Cruz is swinging garbrandt press him up against the cage here Danny Castile calling for a reot 30 seconds in down Fifth and Final Round will we have a new [Applause] Champion nice knee on the break by Cody will this belt go to Team Alpha mayale 10 seconds they go the distance that was cool to see them hug after that absolutely they thought about it first second it’s like ah all right I’ll do it yeah what a fight what a fight I think we have a new and this is a the big headbutt that caused that nasty gash right there and here’s a knockdown beautiful right hook by Cody there’s another right hand by Cody Left Hand by Cody just a sensational performance by the Challenger Cody garbrandt ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision the judges score the contest 4846 4847 and 4846 for the winner by unanimous decision and new Undisputed UFC bantamweight champion of the world Cody no love go br [Applause]