Colby Covington spoke with the press after his loss to Welterweight Champion, Leon Edwards in the main event at UFC 296 on …
Kobe obviously I’m sure you’re disappointed to not be sitting up there with a title belt but after a little while now how do you rate your own performance and what was your feelings on the fight yeah I would rate my performance a five out of 10 um I could see your all day make excuses you know I could have zigg when and when I should have zagged I could have you know it was timing a timing thing cuz I was off you know but that’s not the cloth that’s not the cloth that I was cut from so I’m not going to make excuses there’s a reason the front window is bigger than in the rear view so you know it’s in the past now I’m not going to worry about the past I’m I’m going to focus on what’s next you know there’s a there’s a guy that’s been talking a lot of to me in the media you know Stephen Wonderboy Thompson you know everybody thinks he’s a nice guy he’s been he’s had a lot to say about me so I’d love to see him say that to me in the cage in the Octagon what exactly has he been saying about you oh he was just saying some stuff before the fight oh he’s going to get his job broke oh this and that you know he’s always talking Throwing Shade so I’d love to see him say it to my face you know he’s always got things to say to you guys in the media but I’ve never seen him come up to me face to face you know we were backstage of the press conference he kept his head down the whole time so he he always has things to say I’m a man on my word you know I say things to people and I look them right in the eye and I say let’s do it you know let’s go in the Octagon so you know I’d love to see him you know sometime next year and you know we’re we’ve been at the top of the division for the longest you know we’re two guys that have never fought that have been at the top of the division for years so you know I think that’s the fight that makes the most logical sense next I know you say you don’t want to make excuses but bear in mind the the inactivity that you’ve had to have over the last couple of years would you like to get back in there as soon as possible and try and keep compete more regularly to maybe help with those timing issues you mentioned of course you know I want to be an active fighter you know I want to be a company man I want to be a guy that you know comes out here and puts on performances and shows for the UFC and makes them money as regularly as possible you know I don’t want to be getting sucker punched in the street and take more damage in the streets than I ever took in the Octagon so you know I need to get my timing back and and I will you know I’ll go back to work I know what I need to work on you know and you know I held back a lot in that fight so I don’t even feel like I was in a fight you know it feels like I just was in a practice round so you know I’m a lot better than that and and you know I’m still 35 years young and my Best Is Yet To Come did Leon do anything in there that surprised you did his wrestling surprise you he managed to get you down a couple of times and vice versa but did he surprise you at all no he didn’t surprise me at all you know I I thought I had rounds three four and five started out a little slow in the first two rounds you know but those rounds still felt like tossup rounds but you know he’s the champion so I know I had to go out there and take it from him but you know I’m very grateful for for bringing out Donald Trump tonight the most famous person on the planet you know he’s done so much for my career you know I’m thankful for the man he is you know and and I’m thankful for what’s to come you know I’m I’m going to be on the campaign trail with him I want to help him get reelected you know I want to make sure that there’s no more rigged elections here in America and you know we need to we need to stop these wars you know that’s the biggest thing look at all the wars going on he kept in peace in the Middle East there was no war that he that he L us into so he kept our borders safe he kept inflation down down you guys can all hate him but look at what he did for all your guys’ bank accounts like your bank accounts were so much better under him gas was $2 a gallon uh you go to the the grocery store and it’s you know 300% uprise with with Biden in office so you know Trump did so many great things for this country and you know I’m looking forward to seeing what his next move is and getting him elected in 2024 last one for me and I I feel like I know what your answer will be on this but you know Leon mentioned in the cage how your comments at the press conference really sort of emotionally hurt him and he struggled with that and the death of his father still weighs on him heavy do you maybe regret those comments and think actually okay that was one time I maybe did go a little bit too far not at all why would I have sympathy for a sex trafficker someone who’s impacted and hurt a lot of people’s lives you know the truth always stings the worst in in the world so you know no I I don’t feel bad about that at all let’s talk about all the victims that he left behind that are surviving of the the trauma and and the turmoil that he put these people’s lives through so I don’t feel bad at all why would I feel bad for a criminal Colby right here um you’ve kind of put yourself in a position where people want to see you fight whether there’s a title on the line or not you you versus Jorge is one of those Rand non title fights that headlined to pay-per-view but that was like a heated rivalry that sold is Wonderboy a big enough name or a big enough dance partner that you two could head a pay-per-view or is that do you view him as like oh this is a fight night uh headliner against him um you know I don’t make those decisions those are way above my pay grade that’s up to Hunter Campbell Dana White AR Emanuel whatever they see fit is best for the business you know I’m a company man I want to do the biggest and best business in this company but I do feel like that’s a premier matchup in the welterweight division we’ve been at the top of the division for years and and we’ve never cross pass and he’s had a lot of things to say about me oh Kobe this oh Kobe that so you know I’d like to see him say those things to my face in that UFC Octagon you also had a lot of things to say about Sean Strickland Shan Strickland obviously said a lot of things about you at the press conference the following day he was in attendance I’m curious if say he doesn’t come out on top against drri is is that a fight you would be entertained at all just considering the the history of words between you two of course you know he’s been running his mouth and you know nothing he say makes sense oh Kobe goes to the cops bro you called the cops just a couple weeks ago Dude when there was someone at your front door and then you pistol Whi them in the middle of the seat in the middle of the streets so I think he needs to worry about what he’s got to get through with the justice system first before he even talks about fighting that guy’s a train wreck dude that gu for sure going to do something stupid in the next couple years and we’re all going to be talking in the media about this and that about how bad decisions he makes so of course I’d love to shut his mouth you know there’s a reason he couldn’t cut it at 170 this is the toughest division in the UFC everybody knows that most people on planet Earth walk around this this weight so you know if Sean wants to go let’s do it you know that’s an easy fight for me well going on off of uh what you said a little bit ago did you hear that he had to be escorted out of the Arena because he jumped at drus crowd I did not hear that but I’m not surprised that guy does not make very good decisions and you know he he’s a liability to the company you know it it’s sad what he’s done you know I feel bad that the UFC has to deal with him as the champion you just don’t know what he’s going to say next or what he’s going to do and whose uh lives he’s going to put at harm and risk so that’s embarrassing dude like you’re at a professional event dude you’re going to fight the guy in a couple months what are you doing man like you’re going to get your opportunity to do whatever you want to him but you know drick is is class sa and you know I got a lot of respect for him I hope he knocks Sean unconscious Coe right here in front of you um looking at your expression when the decision was read you seemed a bit surprised at that moment in time did you think that you had done enough I did you know I thought the third fourth and fifth round were mine the fifth was mine easily fourth I thought was mine as well too and you know I thought I I did enough in the third you know he didn’t put any damage on me he got a couple low kicks but then I started checking them at the end so you know I thought I had the win I thought I did enough but you know the judges have never favored me they hate me because I support Trump and you know everybody hates Trump in this building so you know it is what it is life goes on did you talk to him at all after the fight no I haven’t had a chance to talk to him yet I’ll probably be able to talk to him after that and you know just just thank him you know just thank him so much for coming out and uh making this spectacle and all the support he gives to me and shows me you know he gives me American dragon energy every every time I talk to him he makes he uplifts me and makes me want to be greater so you know I thank Donald Trump so much for you know believing in a small kid from you know Springfield Oregon a nobody you know I came from a bluecollar family and you know I had nothing and you know now I have a lot of things and you know now I have the most famous person on in the world on speed dial that I can call at any time and get advice from so you know I I just feel upset that I didn’t stick to the game plan that he had told me and you know but it is what it is like I said life goes on you know I think I can come back from this stronger and face his adversity head on and I’ll see Leon again down the road and uh you know you did have the chance it seemed like in the cage afterwards to talk to uh or yell at back and forth with Leon’s Corner um I guess what were you guys saying to one another back and forth there um you know he was just saying head shot that I’m like bro you don’t even have guns in the UK what are you talking about dude you you you bow to a King dude I don’t bow to nobody we have uh constitutional rights in America so the guy is just blah blah blah blah blah you know he’s got nothing to say you know like just the guy’s fake news everything he says that comes out of his mouth is just a joke so you know I didn’t really have anything to say to him I was just kind of laughing and just saying dude what are you talking about dude you’re a nobody you never fought in a cage you never been in the UFC o what have you accomplished in your life that that makes you think you can talk about one of the alltime great of the welterweight division Kobe over here what what was that game plan Donald Trump had formulated for you yeah he said let’s get on him let’s get on him early let’s put that cardio on him I you can take this guy down at will you know and and it just took me a little bit to get going you know my timing was not there early on but you know Leon was switching a lot to Orthodox I didn’t expect that as much as he was an orthodox so it kind of switched up my game plan so I I Was preparing to take him down on that right leg and he kept putting the left leg in the lead and I was kind of confused so you know it was more just a timing issue and you know I I still thought I did enough but you know God bless Donald Trump for everything he’s done for this country he’s the greatest American and the greatest president in history and I know you just showed your adamin towards fighting Wonderboy Thompson next but there’s another welterweight out that fought tonight sha cot Rockman off if the UFC decided to go down that route is that something you would welcome fighting shot ranov next um you know it doesn’t really make sense you know I think you know Wonderboy has a bigger name it’s a bigger fight for the division bigger business for the UFC I’m the I’m the company man you know whatever the UFC wants you know I fought the pound for pound number one guy that’s the pound-for-pound number four guy in the world that’s him and I and I feel like I wasn’t even a fight with him so you know it just shows how good I am and what I’m capable of so anybody the UFC wants to do you know but you know I’m looking towards Wonder Boy he said some things and I have a my bad taste in my mouth about him right now so I want to settle that that beef in the Octagon fair enough and uh Shan Ali and chido ver are headlining the Miami card in March Dana just announced a couple fights for that card would you be welcome to being added to that card give obviously it’s in Miami um you know of course I’d love to fight in Miami you know 305 is my home man 305 is giving me everything you know I’m the king of Miami so you know I’m going to go back to the drawing board see what Dana and Hunter and the UFC want to do but you know I’m a company man I’ll I’ll show up anytime anywhere anyone so it’s a possibility but you know I got to get back see you know make sure I’m healthy with my feet and uh and I’ll talk to the UFC after that thank you call me down here to your right um in the buildup to this fight you said there wasn’t anything that Leon Edwards had done during his Reign that had impressed you is that changed now that you’ve shared the octagon with him no nothing impressed me I mean honestly I don’t feel like I got in a fight what did he do that separated himself from me how did he show that he was like this level above me he he didn’t show that tonight he didn’t knock me out he didn’t wobble me he didn’t win every round decisively you know it it was a competitive fight could have went either way you know it depends on what judges are sitting in the booth that night we know how the judges are so so no nothing impressed me and the guy’s boring man he’s mumbling and drooling most of the time when he’s talking like the guy is not likeable he has no redeeming qualities so you know I feel bad that the UFC has to deal with him you know in business and and as their Champion you know it’s it’s it’s a pathetic excuse of a champion and uh this is the third time you’ve come up short in the Undisputed title fights which one Hurts the Most is is it this one or maybe the first one to Kamar yeah that’s uh tough you know they they all hurt the same they all sting you know cuz I feel like I was right there and I had what it took to win but I just you know took my foot off the gas pedal and didn’t put it down as hard and believe in myself like I know I’m capable of doing so um I don’t know they they all sting you know they don’t feel good you know they’re all they all they all suck but you know I got a great support system you know I I got my coaches Daniel valde Caesar Caro amazing coaches I got my friends my wall have done so much for me Michael Layman’s done an incredible job for me you know I got some great people in my corner they’re going to lift me back up and and make sure that I come back from the stronger and you know this is just a lesson learn another lesson in life man that’s that’s what life’s all about learning lessons and coming back better from them thank you co be here you didn’t try to take Leon down until round three uh was that the original plan or did you think you left a little bit too late to implement that game plan um he was switching a lot to orthod dox so I kind of got a little confused Ed I didn’t want to rush in on the left side cuz that’s his you know dominant side he’s a southpaw he was doing that intentionally I feel like he was setting up like a knee or a kick on that side so um yeah I just I wasn’t ready for him to to be in the Orthodox as much as he was but um yeah I just I didn’t pull the trigger you know just no excuses man you know it is what it is it’s in my rear VI now and I’m going to come back from it better people talk about kby the person Colby the character is that even a thing in your eyes no not at all there there is no character I I’m a guy that just turns it up to 11 I don’t care what people think of me man you can hate me you can love me you can be indifferent it it makes no difference you know I’m just I’m here to do the biggest and best business for this company I love this company you know I just signed a new contract with him so I’m not going anywhere anytime soon I’m going to be around for many years to come so you know the best is yet to come for me I truly believe that and I’m going to create a lot more special moments in this in this company and I’m going to keep making history that’s what I’ve done since the beginning and you know my legacy is not set yet last one for me are you going to try to dispute the decision tonight like Donald Trump tried to dispute the election in 2020 um I mean the the 2020 election was clearly raped look at all the the voter fraud all the all the mail in voting this fake Co you guys are all doing triple vaccines you know you got Travis Kelce out there Mr fiser saying oh get two vaccines at the the same time you get two okay I’m not even if you’re Pro vaccine or not pro vaccine if you’re getting two vaccines at the same time then you’re not going to know which one’s going to give you the ill effect like how you going to know so you know it’s a complete scam what’s going on in this country the fact that you guys aren’t smart enough to realize that and that the government and the establishment is treating you all like puppets it’s embarrassing man so obviously that was a rigged election there’s so much voter fraud mail and ballot fraud and you know tonight was another case of that just some bad judges coage down to your right I know it might not matter right now but in your pre-fight face off with Lee on on Friday evening a lot of people were wondering whether you said I was in character or thought it was a character can you just sort of clear up what one it was yeah I never said that I said no I oh I said uh you thought I was a character I’m not a character man I’m just I say whatever I want whenever I want that’s what bosses do you know so I just let him know I thought cuz he kept saying oh every in the leadup oh everything is a character that could play I said yeah it was a character yeah tell me tell me now as a character I don’t play a character man I’m just myself I don’t give a what people think of me why would I care what you guys think about me all my haters in the world are not bet doing better than me I’m up here headlining events selling pay-per-views getting the most famous person on planet Earth to come support me so why would I give a about what any of you say or think of me and A lot’s been made about you don’t really cut much weight to make 170 any chance of a move done in weight class or are you not really thinking about that a minute you know I don’t I don’t want to be a weight bully you know that’s that’s everything I stand against you know I’m trying to be the new generation of fighter that just fights it his natural weight you know I don’t want to cut weight you know I just want to feel good when I fight and and you know not have to get that big Advantage I feel like cutting that type of weight is legal cheating so I I don’t want to be a cheater I’ve never been a cheater never done a steroid never cheat when I’m in the Octagon I fight fairly and and I do everything by the book so you know it’s not something I’m interested in you know I want to fight everybody up my way at 170 and prove I’m the best in the world and and come back stronger from this if DC could could be fighting and winning world titles at 41 there’s no reason I can and that’s still six years away from me so yeah I’m not going anywhere anytime soon it doesn’t matter how much you guys hate me Kobe I’ve got to ask you talked about the haters that you have but you got cheered you got a big pop when you came out but towards the end of the night after the decision you got booed do you feel like you let your fans down tonight um no I don’t feel like I did I feel like you know I came and put on a show for them you know all week you know I put them I entertain them in and outside the Octagon that’s what it’s all all about giving them their money’s worth you know they pay their harder and dollars to come to these events and they want to be entertained they want to be distracted from whatever is going inside their life so you know I feel like you know It’s upsetting that I didn’t bring them the title that that they know that we’re capable of but you know we we dust oursel up we get back up and and we come back stronger from it still have a great support system you know great sponsors you know shout out to real my bookie the best the of sports books shout out to happy Dad they’ve done so much for me Kyle for guard has helped me train and get my uh condition into another level so we’re just going to go back to the drawing board keep training and come back stronger from this Co be right down the middle uh in your opinion who think who has the best shot at beating Leon shavkat or balal um probably probably rat you know just because we saw the first fight with with Bailey the racist you know and who wants to put a racist in a main event pay-per-view title fight I mean they already made that fight before and nobody watched it and that was during Co when nobody had anything else to do so how you going to sell that as a pay-per-view that’s not a pay-per-view worthy Main Event push sh R up there let’s see if he’s as good as all the Hypes says and you know let’s let’s see if how that goes you know I think that’s that’s a fight for the fans and and I think that’s the direction the UFC should go