It’s official! Conor McGregor confirms he’s submitted his paperwork and has enter the USADA testing pool. So, what does it mean?

and now this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for DC and welcome to a brand new episode of DC Lou it’s DC and R fromo Louisana Fight Night catch your right hug in your right eye change how look Daniel Kier and Ryan Clark The Champ are here with Battle Scars this Warfare louisi and from Angeles I could go one show without you going I’m a Super Bowl champ when the mic’s on it’s show time DC and RC we winning Super Bowls and emmies and Daniel got two bouts around the belly history hey I’m DC two division champ I ran the UFC we asking this guy is the worst I don’t know how you can do a show broke my heart Marshall all stars and we about that grounding P so be on guard and we going round for round cuz we want it all but there can only be one in the O DC and RC DC and RC DC and [Applause] [Music] [Music] RCN what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of DC and RC I’m Daniel Cormier that’s Ryan Clark Ryan Clark what’s up my brother I’ve been seeing you all over TV and for the first time RC I saw you on National Television have one of those reactions that you give me weekly when your chin touch your chest that’s your tail my guy that should tell when hey we call it chin chest when you chin hey bro you know why cuz I was legit dead when RG3 said he’s fighting for his fudging life I have nothing left dog one I was like this is it like they’re about to break up this entire Monday night football crew just strictly based on that statement and I was like why would he say that but you know what man that’s what it is dog with TV I got to remember that sometimes you can see my reaction because a lot of times I’m thinking you could just look at the person but yeah I got caught man I got caught stealing boxes on my day off dog that was so funny dog I because I know I’ve seen you do this constantly on this show you drop your chin or you put your hands like this and I’m like that’s that man tells whenever he like in the midst I can’t believe this is happening well RC you hear those rolling waves in the background bro I’m right by the beautiful Atlantic Ocean you know the boy DC like to get outside spend some time in Florida but today on on the show we are going to talk about Conor McGregor is back in the usada pool we are going to be joined by Michael Chandler because your boy Chanley he count that money and then as always we tap in we tap out but guys before we get started in this Conor McGregor situation or the conversation last weekend Dana White had this to say about Conor McGregor he is not officially in the usad pool he submitted the paperwork um probably by Monday he’ll be submitted and we’re all kind of again don’t hold me to that but the paperwork is submitted next week sometime yeah we’re all kind of guessing you know six months that sure looks at lined up real nice with UFC 300 if you just do the math does does that appeal to you to have them maybe at UFC 300 I literally have nothing planned with Conor McGregor right now the paperwork uh is being submitted we’ll we’ll play it by air see how things work out there’s still a lot of things that have to happen as far as fights go and then we’ll decide where uh where he’s gonna land RC Conor McGregor then said I’m back in the pool I’ll be doing my stint at high elevation before the bout he is speaking as if it’s still on par for Michael Chandler but RC as a big Conor McGregor fan how excited are you to hear that McGregor has submitted his paperwork he’s going to be back in the US of testing pool and he does line up TimeWise to be at UFC 300 this is what Connor does DC everybody’s been sitting around when will he get in the usada pool let’s make sure we’re testing him when will he fight again Conor does what the hell Connor wants to do and he wants to be a part of USC 300 he knows that that’s the prime time to come back into the Octagon where all eyes will be on him and it’ll be one of the biggest events if not the biggest event in UFC history and you can’t have a big UFC event you can’t have an event that is called one of the biggest in history if Conor McGregor is not a part of it think about it whether it’s Diaz McGregor khabib McGregor um porier McGregor all of these fights were part of some of the biggest pay-per-view cards in the history of the UFC I believe two of them are the top two and so Conor McGregor at UFC C300 just makes too much sense and hopefully it’s with our boy MC so he can talk about it and we can have him on the show right before the fight hey RC that that is such an interesting thing because people in the general public are so excited about Conor McGregor coming back and I got to be honest with you like I feel like a lot of the hardcore fans are a little fed up with it right they just want to see him back they’re tired of the he’s back he’s gone he’s back he’s gone they want Conor McGregor back and they want him back uh in a manner in which he’s consistent and he’s fighting frequently but I don’t know if that’s going to be the case for Connor anymore I believe that at this point he’s a marquee attraction that when he’s there he warrants the biggest fights in the world meaning UFC 300 does fit the bill but that also lends you to ask this question does Conor McGregor at UFC 300 Main Event because generally when you do a UFC 300 or 100 or 200 there are a number of title fights on that card this Conor McGregor top all those title fights in headline and how do you if he doesn’t how do you have a conversation with Connor about him not being in the headlining chair headlining seat when most of the people that will tune in will be watching Conor but if you watch Conor’s latest fights he has been on a bit of a a downturn he has not won many fights but I think that speaks to the star power that he possesses that even though he is on that type of run RC he still may be the guy that when you look at the biggest fight in the history of the the sport and in the history of the company they go you know what man title fights are not you are still going to be the headline and act so that lends that is Conor McGregor a headline and act at UFC 300 or does he have to go before people that are holding championship belts he’s the co-main event and I don’t care how many championships are up yeah it’s smart to continue or to keep the main event right as a championship bout because that makes sure people understands how much the UFC values the belt how much they value the people that have done the work to earn it but you don’t have the conversation with Conor McGregor that’s he he’s going to be the first fight on the main card that’s ridiculous right because people and I and you know this like I know this folks would walk out after Conor McGregor finished fighting Michael Chandler if he was the first fight on the main card but if you put him at the co-main event he still gets that Marquee he’s still going to be talked about as one of the biggest fights of the night and he’s going to feel like it is but based on their careers and where these two fighters are a Conor McGregor Michael Chandler matchup doesn’t deserve the main event not based on where the fighters are as it pertains to attempting to regain or attempting to hold and win a title so for me it’s the co-main event we know a ton of people will sign up and will buy pay-per-views will buy tickets to see this fight so Connor can work that out contractually with the UFC but I think you have to let the belt fight a fight for the belt be the main event and Conor’s going to have to understand that I love that idea RC but unfortunately what’s fair doesn’t really matter in the UFC I think at the end of the day you want Conor McGregor as the guy that’s doing the media for the show so I believe that title fight or not Conor McGregor is going to be in the headline and seat and and honestly it’s a weird deal how would the other Fighters feel about that then DC think you you yourself no I’m saying you yourself DC not not not that he cares what about the other Fighters will the other Fighters care guys that already hold belts will they care that they aren’t the main event in a fight with honor McGregor and Michael Chandler would be would that be a problem to those guys so I think the closest thing that we can relate this to is this when I was fighting Jon Jones at UFC 200 we were the main event and Brock Lesnar was the co-main event but when Jon fell out and they had no time to promote Anderson Silva no title fight they moved me to the third fight from the top kept Brock as the comain and put Amanda nunz mate as the main event as the title fight I just just don’t know if Conor McGregor will be okay with that but I also do know this that when I was fighting in the championship fighting was the was the main event I would have been okay if Brock Lesnar was was the main event and we were the c-man because Brock Lesnar was the guy that brings in the pay-per-views because for as much money as Jones and I made together when I when I fought with Brock we did about 400,000 more pay-per-view buys than Jones and I did together without Brock Lesnar so it’s like you know where the bread is butter so if you’re one of those Champions that has the ability to be on the Conor McGregor fight you have to take it as it can because it’s going to line your pockets in a way that you may not get if you don’t have him on the card so if it comes down to whether or not he’s on or not but he has to be in the main event I think people would understand you take the main event I’mma take the money that comes with being on the Conor McGregor card but we’re talking about this RC as if it’s just going to happen when we have been told time and time again that Conor McGregor is going to be fighting so what’s the confidence level that he actually steps into the Octagon because we have now been told for the last six seven months that he’s on the verge of returning him and Chandler after doing The Ultimate Fighter we supposed to fight in August by UFC 300 that’s going to be around April May sometime next year what do we do are we sure that he’s going to actually make that walk again bro when it comes to Conor McGregor I’m like a girlfriend that’s been hanging on for 10 years and the dude just won’t propose I’m still going on dates I’m still going to the movies I’m doing all the things that a good girlfriend or good boyfriend would do and we just ain’t made the commitment that we G to set a wedding date that’s how I feel about Conor McGregor that it could happen it may happen he’s teasing that it’s going to happen but until it happens I ain’t believing that it’s happened but Michael Chandler put this tweet out and this could kind of give you a feel of where things are at least for him got a visit from usada today timing is always on point ball is rolling see you soon and speaking of seeing you soon we’ll see Michael Chandler right now as we go to DC RC and my boy MC what up brother welcome to the show there I got the dcrc swag baby let’s go yeah I don’t have one that’s I got I got a whole box I got a whole box DC bro I don’t even have one I got a whole box on DC’s DC’s doorstep yeah they’re on DC’s doorstep dud he ain’t even got them yet hey bro hey hey let me tell thing is this though always posit they only run a certain size positive it’s true true they only run up to a certain size DC they see XL they only go up to XL dude this is this is why this is why I don’t like whenever two skinny friends come together because then they want to they want to bully the Big Boy you know you put two of your skinny friends together they start talking like they going to bully the big boy hey but listen Arc Michael Chandler last week we begging Conor to fight him Michael Chandler ever the positive man goes out and tweets oh the ball’s rolling MC I asked Ryan Clark what’s his confidence level that the fight happens what’s your confidence level because ultimately it affects you more than any of us whether or not Conor mcgreer steps in the Octagon how confident are you and assure are you that it actually happens this time I am 100% confident and I have the utmost uh forward saking and sident expectancy that this fight is happening listen um I hear everybody talking why would Connor subject himself to usada if he wasn’t actually coming back you know the rigors of it I know the rigors of it and yes that tweet was for real I literally got a visit from usada yesterday and the timing of it is always on point because months ago whenever Conor missed the cut off for the December fight or whatever we everybody was talking about everybody Conor’s got 48 hours to get in he’s got 24 hours to get in they tested me that day just to rub a little salt on the wound but like you said we stay positive and this fight is happening we’ll see bro you are the most optimistic positive human I know I was actually talking about you early on when I was filming and I was like look man they’re about to make this Chandler Conor McGregor fight we got to get MC on the pivot before the fight but for you with being that positive being that optimistic how hard has it been to wait on this fight to come to fruition it’s a good question man um you know obviously listen any big fight any fight that you really want that you heart have your heart set on it’s always tough to wait especially when it’s catching lightning in a bottle when it is the unicorns fight that is the Conor McGregor fight that supersedes or that that is right after The Ultimate Fighter 12 weeks on ESPN there was a lot of buildup we’ve been talking about this thing since February I had a phone call with hun K this studio in February I did just have a phone call with Hunter Campbell today so things are work things are moving in the right direction I know we’re not getting the answers that everybody wants but I’ve always just known Conor’s a fighter Connor wants to come back yeah he’s got all the money in the world he’s living on boats um but he wants to come back to his first love and there’s only one guy he can fight and that’s me DC can I ask one more let me ask you this question yep you got it RC you got it RC go ahead can I can I ask you one more d uh Michael you mentioned how this is a unicorn fight was there any difficulty or how much difficulty has there been to not take another another fight as you wait for Conor McGregor to be in the usad pool to give you that chance to get this date set that honestly wasn’t that hard of a a decision for me um you know just like when I signed with the organization September and I and I said yes to a backup fight fighting flying all the way doing a training camp with a 99% chance that I wasn’t going to fight khabib or justtin and going out there making weight going through the training camp when I saw my name on a doted line I’m a man of my word um I never was going to give up on this fight uh even though a lot of people thought I was United all that kind of stuff it’s the fight that I wanted I want to fight Connor I’ve always wanted to fight Connor and it’s we’ve been this close now for8 nine 10 months some days it felt like it wasn’t going to happen but it wasn’t that hard for me man I want to fight Conor’s the guy I am fighting and unfortunately I think he tried to smoke me out he tried to wait me out because he thought I might try to be active good thing is I got all kinds of stuff going on outside the cage out here making money I don’t just rely on my UFC paycheck so I’m out of here doing just fine good MC I got a question for you RC I’m glad that you had that follow-up question cuz I have something along the same lines MC you speak about it being a unicorn fight you speak about it being right up there with the championship is there danger in you putting too much on this fight in regards to what it can do for you because ultimately you’re the guy that’s been more active you’re the guy that’s had the more recent success why would that feel so important to you opposed to that fight being important to Conor McGregor man uh I think no matter what we had the ultimate fight you got to remember all this all started with the ultimate fight no historic Al nobody goes to the ultimate fighter and doesn’t fight the guy that they on the were on the opposite side with obviously Connor can Connor can people think Conor can call a lot more shots than he actually can but either way man um I just knew this was the fight in my heart of hearts that was going to happen I knew it whenever I knocked out Tony Ferguson and I called him out with the big Conor McGregor postf fight speech that everybody loved he tweeted at me he’s a guy that I know we have a ton of mutual respect for each other um we want to go out there and put put on a show this is a fight that I knew that was going to happen and I can listen to everybody talk all the pundits and all the other Fighters acting like I’m not a real fighter cuz I’m waiting this long it’s all just hoopla man and I’ve just enjoyed the process and this has been the best year of my life man I have spent more time with my family in the last year than I have in the last 15 years combined so I’m I’m uh enjoying it uh to say the least listen that part is amazing we all know how much you love your family it’s amazing to see you with your wife and with your kids but they ain’t stepping in the Octagon to help you at least not until you up on the cage and you’re asking where your son is so when you look at this fight which is going to be dynamic and explosive as it is every time you step inside the Octagon let’s just say because of the math this rounds out about being a UFC 300 fight would you and Conor McGregor deserve to be the main event of that card man luckily uh luckily I I fight for and I’m signed with the greatest mixed martial arts promotors on the planet they know how to put fights together they know where to put the fights how the fights come together um do I think we’re deserved of that I think deserve is a tough word that anybody should use these days because a lot of people think they deserve a lot more than they actually do however I do think uh Conor and I are made that material do I think it’s going to be USC 300 I don’t know do I think we’re worthy of that I don’t know do I do I know what’s going to happen tomorrow let alone six months from now no I don’t so either way um it’s a big fight man people have every single time Connor has tweeted every single con time Conor has teased that he’s coming back every single time they watch The Ultimate Fighter every single time they see me out here training keeping my nose to the grindstone knowing that Conor is up against one of the toughest tests he had in his entire career if not the toughest test especially coming off of a two-year layoff um this fight has all the makings of fireworks this fight has all the makings of Main Event Milestone materials so we’ll see we’ll let the UF be the UFC and I wouldn’t be surprised if we are the main event we’ll see Michael Chandler look at my face I turned my nose up at you you’re a politician you answered that question in seven different ways without answering the question look at my nose RC I answer I answer I answer the question the way the way a young Daniel Coran would have answered that question back in the day you know that’s all you one you both do have Dana White Privilege that is true true that’s right do this boy over here answered so many questions without answering the question hey Michael Chandler hey man I appreciate you joining DC and RC and MC man we always love having you on and I’m glad that this year you’ve been able to spend time with your family but also be with us more as we uh enjoy always having you on the show thanks MC thank you guys appreciate y’all thank you hey RC Michael Chandler is a tremendous fighter he’s a he’s a politician he’s a great great analyst he can do so many different things on in fighting that this dude is something else this dude didn’t ask politician this boy didn’t politician tremendous fighter that sounds like you bro there the listen it ain’t just the fact that you were a great fighter and people like you that you’re the one of the lead commentators for the UFC that ain’t why DC nobody likes you you’re actually in real life though I love you sort of a turd you sort of it’s not because of that it’s because you’re a politician because you’ve known how to play the game oh let’s make people like me everybody wants DC around watch me eat chicken with my shirt off and dance around that’s what people love about you so you play the role your entire career and now you’re benefiting for it or benefiting from it in post career don’t play games with the people hey RC so we want to tell so we want to tell the truth about people well hey guys when I talk to Ryan Clark off camera you might as well be watching Eddie Murphy Raw go back and watch Eddie Murphy Raw and you would see how much Ryan Clark actually cusses you want you want to start talking about me I can lie to I can lie too I can lie too Ryan anyhow let me tell you always Li everybody knows you lie let me tell you who doesn’t lie Bobby King Green Bobby green will tell you exactly what he’s feeling every single time regardless if it benefits him or if it doesn’t last week Bobby green was once again in a big spot he fought Grant Dawson who was a number 10 ranked fighter in the world Bobby green for the first time since in the UFC now Bobby will tell you he fought Islam on 10 days he fights anybody any time that’s why some of those big moments he has not been able to come up in wins now he got it done with Grant Dawson but not only did he get it done RC he got it done in a way that was so impressive 37 seconds he knocks him out and still doesn’t call for being in the top 10 being the top 15 he goes I want to fight again at the end of the year how impressed Were You by Bobby green what was most impressive to me DC it was a left jab right you know in Bobby fights with that style with his hands down a little bit it’s sort of awkward but you can see Grant was trying to get off his strike and Bobby just beat him to it it was accuracy it was Precision drops him right away and then finishes him that was what was super impressive to me but it’s also like we know that this dude’s a fighter you heard Michael Chandler say because I won’t take a fight there are people treating me like I’m not a fighter but Michael Chandler is a fighter but so is Bobby green Bobby green ain’t running from no smoke bro he’s willing to get inside the octagon and go to war with anyone but when you finish that way against a guy who was in the top 10 against a dude who 80% of the bets were on to win that’s a statement win and if he’s ready to go again because it wasn’t a fight that he took a ton of damage before the end of the season or before the end of the year I believe he should get that opportunity he’s always prepared he’s a guy that always comes to fight and you know it’s never going to be boring with Bobby green inside the octagon and I think this was the fight he needed he just he beat Tony Ferguson in his last matchup now he gets this win if he Stacks another we’re having a different conversation about Bobby green at the beginning of 2024 than we were at at the beginning of this year RC Bobby green come out to a song a lat named sexy red it turned into a nightclub in there when Bobby green hit the speakers man Bobby green SK Bobby green come on SK I said wow it turned into a nightclub when Bobby green came out of the curtain bro he’s one of those guys that captures the imagination of the people because again he always fights and he fights anybody but but then the moment we’re on air and we’re watching Bobby green I remember in Utah Bobby green comes out and he jumps in the octagon and the place went absolutely crazy so you know that people respect Bobby you know that people like Bobby so we immediately start to think this is a guy that has 14 losses in his career this is a guy that has been fun but he hasn’t been the most winning guy in the world I remember this happening to another guy like this I remember George mzv being a guy that had lost a lot over the course of his career and in one year he not only changed the perception of him he made a ton of money and he became one of the biggest stars in the UFC he beat Darren till and he beat Ben Asin then he beat Nate Diaz now I’m not sitting here saying that Bobby Green’s on a short list of fighting for the lightweight Championship but if you start talking about BMF title and all those other things there’s no reason why you wouldn’t think I would put Bobby green in a BMF title fight so when I tell you that Ryan do you think Bobby green possesses that ability to have that breakout year like Jorge mazal and make a ton of money and become one of the biggest stars even though he’s not one of those Stars you expect to win every time but you always tune in to watch him but isn’t it about a streak DC like think about that Jorge mile became Jorge mile because he goes on a streak of winning you just mentioned the three fights he was able to win now we have Tony Ferguson you have Grant Dawson if he gets another one but it has to be a name and the other part was we started recognizing J mosal because of the way he won fights right it was coming off of it was coming off of the cage with the knee as the first strike against Ben asrin and he sleep and then you you pound the mat as he lays there there has to be a little bit of that too that gets bobby green into those conversations so I think the grant Dawson knockout is the start of it right a 30 second 37 second finish now it’s about going to the next fight duplicating something similar and then giving us the personality that makes us want to see you in there with other dudes We Believe are bad as hell like you yeah you know I was thinking to myself RC that win over Grant Dawson was bigger a win than anything mval had in that entire year yeah cuz till wasn’t in a top 10 Asar wasn’t in the top 10 and neither was Diaz thing about the Diaz situation though Diaz was third and Diaz was for that championship in New York City Bobby green called out Dan hooker is that name big enough is that big name big enough that if he beats Dan hooker that he actually you go wow Bobby green is now more viable than we ever thought he could be if if he beats to me if he beats Dan hooker that immediately puts Bobby Green in the top 10 I would think he would be somewhere at 8 or 9 and the thing we’ve seen about the UFC is once you get into that top top 10 you can find yourself in a fight with number two with number three with number four especially if they’re looking to not have that much inactivity and so I think he wins that fight he wins in impressive fashion we have to remember now we just saw Dan hooker in a war Dan hooker in a war in which he has a broken bone in his arm and he finishes and he wins and so Dan hooker is on the comeback Trail as well to prove who he is and who he was inside the Octagon I think this would be a huge fight I think an emphatic win puts Bobby Green in different conversations and it also isn’t it too about making people want to put their butts in seats to watch you fight and go about the way you’re fighting and I think that’s what Bobby green has on his side as well yeah Bobby green has that ability to make people care I just don’t know and this is the only area that I I worry about with Bobby the Stars aren’t aligning as well as they did for mval because you remember after mval beat Ben Asin Nate Diaz went in that fight in Anaheim and said I’m the BMF so they created a title there’s no one saying I’m the BMF now because the title already exists there is no title they can create to put on Bobby green and another thing kamaro Usman was supposed to fight someone else for the championship and he got hurt so then madal jumps on that plane eats Pizza in Italy on the way and and then you know it even added to who he was so it just seems like the stars aligned for mazad doal and I don’t know if the landscape in mixed martial arts is as free as it was back then and then the pandemic we didn’t have much to do ma doll his the timing was perfect for mazal right and I just don’t know if that exists for Bobby my last thing about Bobby and and this was another thing I I when I saw it I go oh my goodness Bobby did it because I have seen Bobby in these situations before not able to get over to hump I said Bobby did it and the people went crazy in the Apex he’s got a lot of momentum he finishes Tony Ferguson by submission he knocks out Grant Dawson says he wants to fight by the end of December said he wants to make a million dollars this year does he need to though does he need to capitalize right now by fighting again this year to keep that momentum rolling or does he run the risk of waiting till next year and people start to MMA fans have the shortest window in terms of remembering someone it’s crazy how quickly they move on they have they have short memory does Bobby need a fight again before the end of the year I think he does and and I say that more so because he didn’t take any damage in this fight if this was an absolute war that goes three rounds and Bobby’s damaged and he has to heal and he has to recover it’s a different thing but because of the way this fight went I believe Bobby would have an opportunity to take a rest get back into training camp and we’ll see him again or we could see him again before the end of the year and what’s important is about capitalizing on your moment like you can be prepared you can be ready but when you get that opportunity you have to execute and that’s the reason we have so many stars in the fight game we have so many stars in the UFC it’s also the reason we have a seven time Super Bowl champion that is the goat of the quarterback position who I think one of the greatest of all time in UFC got a opportunity to meet this weekend DC did you get to chop it up with Tom Brady yeah bro Tom Brady’s the man bro every time he goes he’s like what’s up DC and I always kind of like kind of shiver a little bit because I hated him when he was playing cuz he was winning all the time but the dude’s nice man he’s a nice guy he always says what’s up to me and he just seems to enjoy the fights let me tell you something RC now you love fighting that’s why you got this job that’s why you’re so knowledgeable about this job as a football player you love this sport but I ain’t never seen you at the Apex you got to love love the UFC get inv at the Apex hey bro it’s got to be the third time I’ve seen Tom Brady at the Apex this dude just loves watching fights and guess what else you know Shan Shelby the Matchmaker yeah that’s Tom Brady’s cousin that’s Tom Brady’s cousin man so I don’t D that’s his cousin you the closest you the closest thing I got to a cousin in the UFC you ain’t never offer me no tickets and and might I add I came out there the next day but I I wouldn’t have been able to make it to the Apex that night Jordan was playing against Colorado but in the off SE in offseason I will catch a fight what all them jobs you got right now you ain’t going to no Apex with all them jobs you got right now you ain’t going to the Apex I mean you on my TV screen too much at at this point when I see you on TV I start booing the TV boo Ryan Clark oh man Ryan Clark I got to watch him again I’m booing you I don’t even watch our show no more because I get so tired of watching you man forget you [Laughter] bro ran Ryan one guy I’m watching if he actually makes the fight is Paul Lo Costa Paul losta is a bit of an odd guy Ryan he he went out there and he said he drank too much wine that’s why he lost to Izzy now he releases the news that 3 weeks ago he had surgery on his elbow yes yday he went on the MMA hour and said that he he he it was a staff infection cuz the moment I saw the picture uh I figured it was a staff infection I’ve been around Russ of my whole life how confident are you that this dude actually makes the walk and how damaging is it that three weeks ago Paul oosta had what looks like a pretty intrusive surgery on his elbow DC it would honestly look he says he’s like how strong are you you never really know until you get tested by fire I did surgery 3 weeks ago 10 seem size but I know how tough I am and continues improving overcoming myself it doesn’t stop me still doing my things and sparring everything I’m so blessed guys Paulo Costa really is full of that bull Jive man I know Dion is going to patented soon and I can’t say it PA Costa full of that bull dve dog you’re not fighting just some dude you’re fighting hamzat Chimay you’re fighting a dude that doesn’t seem to me to be like hey I want this thing to be fair I’m not going to try to snap your elbow in half because you just had surgery on it of three weeks ago I don’t know if Paulo Costa makes this walk I also don’t know if it’s smart for him to make the walk not walk now if he was truly halfway drunk fighting Israel out Ofna that means dude ain’t that intelligent anyway and that he’s willing to fight at any time in any sort of shape but it would not be smart for his career to get into the Octagon in any way compromised if you’re going to fight an animal like hamzat chamay and so I would be very I think it’ll be very interesting to see if he actually makes that walk and we get to see this fight as we expecting you know I I I think it’s odd that he makes this public knowledge most people will say well he’s building excuses he thinks he’s going to lose to this kid he’s putting out this stuff because now he’s got a built an excuse I don’t think that Paulo Costa is built that way I mean this guy is a monster and I have seen him in moments where I’m like this is the best middleweight in the world and I always point back to the yoel Romero fight I’m like if this dude can fight yel Romero like this we’ve never seen anyone compete with Romero in that way Romero couldn’t take him down Romero’s an Olympic silver medalist hamach chamaya is not Olympic silver medalist Romero was able to take his power uh he was able to take Romero’s power not many people could take take Romero’s power Romero they I’ve heard people say when they fight yo Romero he feels like he’s made of of Steel like concrete you kick him it hurts you you punch him it hurts you I’m talking Luke rockold told me this Robert Whitaker told me this everybody said this man was not human Paul Lo Casta went through him like he was no threat to him so I’ve seen Paul Lo Casta look like the best middleweight in the world I don’t know if this being public knowledge serves him in any way shape or form because hamzat chamay is a beast and Hamza Chay have is nasty and if he gets an opportunity to latch onto his elbow that’s exactly what he’s going to do and and I think the thing that points to that more than any is the way that he went at Kevin Holland knowing that Kevin Holland was making weight at a lighter weight was smaller than him didn’t have the type of fight style to fight him and was a little bit taken a back by having to fight Hamad on one day notice the way he went at him was crazy and I believe he’s going to do the same thing to Paul Lo Costa because he’s a shark and he feels like there’s blood in the water hey you you said it the the exact correct way a shark with blood in the water and what they going to do they gonna hunt they gonna get there and they gonna snap you in half and that’s exactly what I expect hamzat chamaya to do to Paulo Costa now could this be gamesmanship could this have happened longer ago could Paulo to be perfectly fine and trying to set a trap absolutely you know there’s a world where that can exist too and listen I play with Ben rothberger there was no one better at diagnosing their own ailments publicly than Ben rothberger and it was a perfect setup it was if he fights if he plays and if he wins oh my gosh what a warrior he played through all this adversity still comes out on top your Hall of Famer and if you lose it’s oh my God he played so hard but he was a little banged up that’s why he was a little off and so there are these built-in excuses or built-in narratives to raise the bravery and courage of a fighter or a player I get all of those things but some things are better kept to yourself and I think this particular injury especially fighting the wolf is one I would have kept to myself DC absolutely bro I still don’t understand looking at Ben rothberger the way he moved his body I still can’t believe how good that dude was that dude was amazing and he didn’t look like he should be as amazing he it didn’t look like he should be as good as he was but dude made the best of what what he had and obviously he’s going into the Hall of Fame RC it’s time to tap in the tap out my brother let’s go Harper Jake all right guys ilot Toria appeared on a Spanish TV show this past weekend and announced he will be facing volkanovski at UFC 297 in January for the UFC featherweight title RC tap in or tap out Vulcan Toria headlining UFC’s first payview of 2024 I tap in on that listen when you watch ilot Toria and what he’s done so far to get to this point undefeated we’ve seen him walk through powerful Fighters and overwhelm them with his volume and with the way that he attacks each opponent and Alexander voni bro right now he’s the guy for me pound-for-pound he’s the best fighter in the world this is going to be an amazing fight an amazing matchup and if you remember when we had him on the show he said he didn’t want to tell us too much about Ilia he didn’t want to talk about it too much because he got some things up his sleeves I’m ready to see that take place I’m tapping in I’m tapping all the way in RC last week we had a whole bunch that we Tapped Out on this week we start with a tap in I’m tapping all the way in on this fight and let me tell you why I’m tapping in on this fight for this reason here I believe that ilot Toya’s body style might be ideal to fight volkanovski because think about all the guys vul’s been fighting recently they’re all tall they’re all long they’re all lanky yep and he he he picks those guys apart he has developed the style to fight those guys tooya is a meat and potatoes type of guy and he is about the same height if not a little bit taller than vinoski with the same type of body style I can’t wait to watch this one I tap all the way in corporate Jake all right guys Nate Diaz came out and said he wants to rematch Jake Paul in boxing before MMA Nate seemingly has three options next MMA fight vers Connor MMA fight vers Jake Paul or boxing rematch vers Paul so DC tap in or tap out a rematch versus Jake Paul and boxing is Nate’s best career move no I tap out Nate’s best career move is to finish the trilogy with Conor McGregor they’ll make a ton of money it’ll be competitive and they will answer what is one of the better rivalries the UFC has seen now I think if he’s going to fight Jake Paul he should do it in MMA go get a victory he’ll beat Jake Paul in MMA but in boxing he’ll lose to him again so I say fight con or go fight Jake Paul but fight him in mixed martial arts I tapped out on watching Nate Diaz box when he threw both fist at the same time I knew at that point I was done watching Nate Diaz box for the rest of my life corpor Jake straway champ Jang way Lee recently posted a video of her picking up Shaquille O’Neal a while back she posted a video of her picking up Francis and ganu RC tap in or tap out picking up Shaq is more impressive picking up Shack is way more impressive do you know how hard it is to pick up 7’2 of a human that’s also over 300 lb when you are a small woman like jeanu Lee this is absolutely phenomenal and the other thing I like about it she gets a kick out of doing these things she knows she’s strong as hell and she just wants to show it off it’s like when a kid first realizes he got a muscle right and he just walk around and everybody he go up to he goes like this jangu does this this is like her parlor trick or her party tricks like bring me the biggest black dude and I’m going pick him up you got to be the craziest human being I ever met man first off you just got me still laughing that I’m done watching the D as we threw his hand two fists at the same time and now he got talk about John way Le just picking up black dudes which is true but I think I think that picking up Shaq is most impressive he’s huge bro Shaq might have lost lot of weight but when you come from like 400 to 320 you’re still a massive human being so that’s most impressive Francis weighs like 285 on his heaviest days Jack weighs about 330 lbs so yeah more impressive that she picked up Jack all right guys last one NBA superstar Kevin Durant was recently asked who his favorite athlete is to follow on social media his answer khabib nagam medov DC tap in or tap out on khabib being a top social media account I tap in he’s fun he does cool stuff let me tell you something about KD man KD is like tapped into mixed martial arts dude a while back I realized Kevin Durant was following me and I had to go follow him back I was like Dam KD follows mixed martial arts Fighters the dude just loves fighting but yes khabib is is very fun to watch He’s coach abib he he’s training he’s working out and uh yeah I can tap in but I mean he doesn’t do all not that I think about it’s not like he’s doing all that much right he’s doing some stuff but I mean is it a fun account to watch I don’t know now r i i tap out I think khabib is accidentally on an accident very funny I don’t believe he’s trying to be funny the dude just is because he’ll say whatever comes to his mind or tweet it and you’re like did he really just put that out into the real world and so like those things are cool but I don’t know if I think he’s like the best athlete to follow on social media could come on now best but I will say this KD don’t follow me DC so now I feel some sort of way he follows you and maybe I should have threw a punch in the opening hey RC what about whenever we told khabib come on khabib dance with us at the hall of fame khabib said no no brother please no dance brother hey he’s like he’s so dry with you too and you don’t know it’s like does this dude dislike me does he not like me am I about to get put in a guillotine on the desk but remember guys DC and RC man a new episode every Tuesday on YouTube and wherever you get your podcast also you can tune in at midnight on ESPN 2 you can catch me and my dog Daniel Cormier I’m RC I’m not a two division champ but my boy is and he is also a UFC Hall of Famer we appreciate y’all definitely super champion