Conor McGregor vs. Michael Chandler for new 165LB title? + RC Joins the Show! | Good Guy / Bad Guy On this episode of Good …
DC I heard you ask Max Holloway if you could borrow 100 Grand I did I did well he’s got a lot of extras so why wouldn’t he give some to his friend makes sense to me in the future you can always come to the original BMF I would have spotted you [Music] oh man oh man what’s up guys welcome to another episode of good guy bad guy I’m Daniel corvier that’s cha sunnon Uncle cha I don’t want to go to the bank of CHA because I imagine the interest rate is just way too high Max Holloway’s nice he may just give you the money you may charge a crazy interest rate I love it you make a good point I got to tell you I am still buzzing I watch the Olympic Tri over the weekend I know you watched it I want to catch up on what is this going on Brooks is now going on the Olympic team probably favored to win the gold medal but David Taylor might be coming over to us he might be our next guest want to join the UFC that would be crazy chill and you and I will get into that a little bit later in the show but first last week Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler was made official By Dana White they say they’re fighting they have a date but what really stuck out chill is that Michael Chandler said he said I would not be surprised if all of a sudden that vout agreement comes over and says for the 165lb title you never know it should be for a belt let’s see if we don’t make one up chill two things right two things one the 165 pound division debate starts again but two chill there’s still no B agement he said when the bout agreement comes maybe it’ll save for a 165b belt there’s still no bout agreement but even more importantly what do you think about 165 coming up again well okay so Michael Chandler’s the source so I just want to reframe this for anybody that’s just tuning in Michael Chandler has said that this fight might be for the 165 pound title now Michael Chandler has also said the agreed upon weight class is 170 lbs m Chandler has also said he assumes this is the main event of international fight week but that he hasn’t actually been told that Michael Chandler also says that Conor McGregor behind the scenes and he observed this while living with him to do The Ultimate Fighter last year happens to wear a toupe he also stated that Conor McGregor is a loud eater and that he does in fact wear dress shoes without socks that does not make him look cool it just gives his feet blisters so which of those Michael Chandler quotes do you want to take and bring on ESPN as though we’re reporting the news this this is not accurate it’s entertaining there is no need for a 165lb title for one part two the commission does not sanction 165b fights part three the UFC does not contest a 165lb division part four these guys combined are coming off of more losses than I have had in my entire career so if anybody’s coming back to fight for a mythical belt it will be yours truly Jill Michael Chandler said Michael Chandler said Michael Chandler said that’s like the way you started every one of your statements because the only person that we get talking about this is Michael Chandler we have said this since the very beginning Chandler wants this fight and he has made no secrets or made no bones about it this is what he wants he wants to happen I imagine now it is happening 165 I believe that so so here’s my thought process right when it comes to Championship opportunities I have said this time and time again CH a lot of times it comes down to being in the right place at the right time whereas even going back to me they had no intent on giving me my first championship opportunity but Alexander gson guy hurt they called me in I stepped in I never left the title picture after because I was reliable they could always call me and say hey gonna fight this guy for the belt it was also the same way with Dustin porier right now we see it happening where if you’re in the right place at the right time under the right circumstances sometimes it happens faster I believe that is what Michael chaylor is saying say may happen right now because I believe that if they’re going to do a 165b division it should have a name attached to the weight class that is so big that it draws people’s attention Conor McGregor being that name Michael Chandler on the other hand will benefit cha from being in the right place at the right time where these guys will then fight for the super lightweight championship of the world because that that’s what I believe it is cu only 10 lb heavier than 155 so let’s call it super lightweight division move 170 to 180 and no no to 175 move 185 to 195 keep 205 put heavyweight that’s my thought I believe Chandler say 165 Town pound title might be right place right time for Iron Mike Chandler and let’s call it super lightweight chill see I love everything you just said I just am not in the same position as you I am not so hurting for topics having no UFC this weekend that I don’t know how else to fill the air over here okay there is no 165 pound belt coming history of the UFC and the psychology of Dana White says I don’t give anybody a world title opportunity that’s coming off losses let alone multiple history of Dana White psychology says I don’t give anybody a world title opportunity even if they’re the number one Contender if I have reason to believe they’re not going to come back and defend it he’s still upset that George St Pierre relinquished the belt uh after he beat Michael Bisping and that was in 2017 I mean not for nothing these aren’t the right guys they’re just not now Michael Chandler I do believe is finally found a reason to do this fight I mean the fight does have a big problem if you’re going to fight it’s got to be for something titles make sense people understand it and Daniel don’t forget the history of fighting it used to be very important that your tribe or your village had somebody that was good at fighting because if you didn’t and somebody else’s tribe or Village came they would take what you have they would take your life away this was a big deal over time the world became more civil and some promoter threw something out called a belt guys started to sacrifice their entire lives you and I are those kinds of guys to go out and have that uh ver belt but that’s not what it’s about it’s not about a contendership it’s not about anything it’s not even about the madeup 165lb belt that doesn’t exist this fight is for the UFC’s most entertaining man and Michael Chandler for the first time is stepping forward I see your hand up young man please what is the question yeah it’s like it’s like being a teacher right like I’m like teacher please call on me I sit in the front of the class jail I’m not one of those bad kids that sits all the way to the back I’m in the front I’m excitable my hand went up why you’re why you’re lecturing Co please I want to hear from you what is the question young man so here’s my question here’s my question do you believe that okay I know you said it’s a madeup belt but hypothetically chill let’s take our mind to a place where this does become something do you believe that it could be anyone doesn’t it have to be these two because as we we learned in the Raquel Pennington versus Myra Bo and Sila fight when you have a vacant Championship if you don’t put a name right it would have been better if Juliana pñ was in that fight because that’s a name people recognize do you not agree with me cha that if it is a thing and I know you’re you’re like it’s not going to be a thing it needs to be guys can you can you do this right can you say 165 pound Championship I am going to take whoever the number six welterweight is in the world and I’m going to take the number five or six lightweight in the world I’m going to match them up at 165 and that’s going to be our champion do you believe that that fight would Garner the attention of taking those two lightweights both guys with name value and put them in the matchup because I believe that by putting those two women in the bantamweight title fight it it felt like they were almost destined to to fail and set up to fail and then the fight didn’t deliver so it was like a double whammy for those two but if you had two names I think people would have been more forgiving of who the champion became on that night okay now I want to make sure I got this straight you moments ago brought an idea to the table as though it might come to fruition I chopped that thing into pieces in expert fashion you quickly pivoted and went to a hypothetical what if if what if are these the right guys that was brilliant by you by the way and yes you have got me if we are in fact going to do a 165lb title these are the right two guys now I will meet you there as long as you can seeed to the other side of the coin which is if we don’t do a 165lb title with these two guys you and I stop talking about it whoever comes forward next and tries to say that we’re going to do it and look if you’re so desperate for a belt and and I do understand the importance to a belt to particularly to cap off an evening let’s add a lineage to the BMF we already have a belt we don’t need to bring it out once every two or 3 years it’s what the f like it’s what the locker room likes I’m just saying we don’t need 65 what we need is ma Holloway possibly to bump up uh to up there and put the BMF on the line or for Max Holloway to step forward and tell the winner of Chandler Connor I will see you three months later for the BMF I like that idea better partner but you pivoting very smart and you do got me if we’re going to do it these are the right guys to do it with I love that I love that idea chill but I believe the BMF title is what l these guys to call in for the 165 pound title because when Nate Diaz was in Anaheim and he said to George mozal I’m the baddest MF out there and then they made that fight for New York City everybody starts going wait a minute so there is a potential to add belts if we have the right dance partner and you’re right if it ain’t these two at 165 it ain’t happening because here’s the deal cha and you and you and I can both agree on this if there’s going to be something made up another championship it would be for a guy with the star power of Conor McGregor there will not be another person that comes behind him with that level of star power that the organization is willing to work with to try to make happy to try to get inside the Octagon to try to make concessions for if it’s not him it won’t happen for anyone but I think the the one thing about 165 is that people don’t understand that when adding a weight class it changes everything chill like when they added 125 that did nothing because there was never a weight lower you didn’t have to move 135 you didn’t have to move 145 to add a weight right in the middle you got to start adjusting and moving all these different weights around to try to accommodate all the fighters and I believe what makes fighting so interesting is that you don’t have so many weight classes congested that you really feel like you’re getting the best fighter in the area of the weight cuz CH the guy that’s the one 70b Champion does not weigh 170 he weighs about 200 lb so he’s in the area of 170 the guy that fights at 205 weighs about 230 pounds 240 in some cases so it’s different if you’re getting the best guy in the area of the weight class but if there is goingon to be another belt it will be for Conor McGregor because he’s a star now cha you know before I was so lucky to have you as my partner I had another partner he was an all pro he’s one of the more popular faces in all of MMA coverage football coverage everything it’s Ryan Clark he’s a Super Fan he loves fighting but the one thing he love hey CH I done watch this man I don’t watch I don’t watch Ryan Clark we’re going one round with Ryan Clark guys just so that I at least introduce the segment but chill I didn’t watch this man cry with Israel Edis you lost I watch this man cry when Israel you lost I watched this man cry when Conor McGregor broke his leg Ryan Clark welcome back to the show my brother let’s talk about your boy Conor McGregor man listen guys I am so excited to be on here man I have to admit when I’m watching the events now and I see the good guy bad guy promo I get a little fomo because we used to invite CH all the time this show has been rocking and rolling for months and this is my first time back I cannot believe it took this long and I’m blaming it on you Daniel not Uncle CH because I know he would have had me on long ago before I finish CH congratulations man on your Hall of Fame induction that was one of the greatest fights I ever saw you were a huge part of that man well deserved thank you Ryan that was beautiful and welcome back it’s great to see you appreciate it appreciate DC I want to bring this up no I want to bring this up I was listening so here’s what I want to say you forget things way too often right you’re trying to make this plea to Uncle CH about how to make and Michael more interesting right how to make it a main event you said long ago when DC and RC was a thing that you believe there should be a BMF belt for every two weight classes you said there should be one for 125 135 you said there should be right and you said so on and so forth so right now Max would hold the BMF belt for the 145 155 pound weight class now Connor and Michael can fight for the 170 180 5 pound BMF belt you said this long ago bro that’s the easy way to do I did I did RC I did RC but here’s the problem and and for both of you you if if you’re doing that then you’re combining the 185 pound could you imagine those 185 Pounders fighting Conor McGregor I don’t care how puffed up he looks when he’s doing movies he’s not 185 pounder he’s not 185 pound fighter so it doesn’t work but RC when Michael Chandler was talking about that the one thing he said and hey R CH is actually of the belief just like you y’all believe everything Conor McGregor said I don’t understand how it’s like he’s a dude that just will not commit to y’all but y’all still follow him up and down the street like he y’all boyfriend but the reason he he said that the fight is the fight CH believed it in Miami I’m pretty sure you believe it right now but Michael Chandler said 165 when the contract comes is there any worry that the fight agreement has not been produced yet when the fight is supposed to happen on International fight week at the end of June I mean we’re almost at the end of April there is a little worry I mean you mentioned like relationships if your dude or your woman continues to burn you in a relationship you’re going to lose a little faith in her you’re going to lose a little trust in her and or in him and right now Conor McGregor I don’t trust him until we get pin to paper I don’t believe that this is happening no Michael Chandler believes that it’s happening I even texted with MC I told him I was excited for him he said he appreciated the fact that we all waited around for this so if MC believes it it sort of gives me a little more faith that the fight will happen but if they’re still working on things that they don’t know the weight class that they don’t know if there’s going to be a belt involved that scares me because that feels more like Connor is manipulating things a while back you said you were tired of Michael Chandler just letting Conor do whatever he wants to do say whatever he wants to say and just waiting on him I feel like if the contract isn’t done that’s because we’re waiting on Connor again and if we’re waiting on Connor that scares me and Dana White should be looking for a new main event for international fight week if he doesn’t have this ink I’m worried about that too I mean in all fairs I am wondering like is the UFC just not stuck this in the fax machine yet or the athletes just not sent it back and to listen to Chandler it sounds as though so they haven’t actually been presented with the paperwork Daniel let me tell you one other thing and and again we’re just really dissecting Michael Chandler’s words but Michael Chandler says this fight is on and by the time it happens I would not be surprised now let me stop you right there if the fight is on and it’s already been agreed to that means they didn’t Strongarm the promotion that means they don’t need to add anything that means the negotiation is done at least if these are uh Men of Honor and I think that they are I just don’t think there’s anything that’s going to get added to it and I don’t think it’s the right move by the way I don’t think that’s what Dana needs to do is to had a division potentially putting a guy at the head of it that fights every three or four years I don’t think that’s the way it’s done the other piece of it is this too y’all like why does he have to add add a division it’s Conor McGregor it’s Dana White I have never seen someone who runs an organization still at a microphone be more self assured more smug more arrogant more confident and I’m saying all of this in a positive way than Dana White when he sits at the microphone after any sort of the dude understands that I run this ain’t nothing nobody out here can tell me that’s going to change the way I look at things the way I make decisions if Conor McGregor is fighting at 170 I don’t believe the thought is Conor McGregor could one day be the one 170 pound champion so if it has to happen at 165 if it has to happen at 163 who in the hell cares it’s Conor McGregor it’s Dana White they make decisions we spend our money we buy tickets we buy pay-per-view and we gonna show up to see Tom McGregor fight Michael Chandler because they’re going to punch each other in the face until somebody bleeds out that’s what we going to get I don’t care what weight it’s at so I believe that Uncle chel and DC you guys are too busy being Fighters and not busy enough being fans the fans don’t care DC I don’t care if there’s a belt I don’t care what the weight class is well here here’s the thing RC here’s the thing RC oh my God I love SM hey chill this was one of my my favorite things every week smacking RC around he won one debate in three years of doing the show and it I couldn’t sleep at night when he won the debate but RC listen to this at one point I thought I heard you might I thought I might have heard because air was talking in my ear I think I might have heard you say something like Conor McGregor may be the champion at 170 and that is absurd if you I said he wouldn’t be the champ you even mention what I said he would not be the champion at 170 so it makes to them to fight 170 pound I was going to say boy if you if you whispered those words I’m killing your mic and camera immediately if you said Conor McGregor was gonna be the 170 pound champion because that was absurd but RC I get it I CH chill is of the belief that there’s no way there’s a 165 pound Championship he doesn’t think it makes sense and I tend to agree with him I don’t know if Michael is just sometimes you want to uh build in ing into something and when you really jump into your words you don’t necessarily need it because we’re always going to be there chill and I will always show up as with many of the Mixed Martial Arts fans around the world they will always show up but the draw to a guy like well you you always show up too because you’re as much of a fan as anyone even worse than me but I’m talking about the the Die Hard fans will always be there but the the general fan doesn’t always show up the general fan shows up for UFC 100 200 Conor McGregor every single time and the big fights so it doesn’t matter if they need those added layers to the fight because the general fan will show up now RC you had a point that you made you love to tweet right you made a point about the BMF Championship they’re going to throw it up on the screen so I can see it and you said in my opinion Max’s hallay of Justin gate is today’s new boner versus Griffin the decade from thousands of people won’t share the story of how those 10 seconds made them fall in love with the UFC has now replaced Conor’s kale of Aldo as my number one what the moment RC explain that because when I read it I thought that you were saying that it is the new fans Stephan Bonner horis Griffin not replacing that moment right whereas some people took it as you’re going oh it was a better moment I think you were saying the new persons okay yeah because because you got to realize DC like forest and stepen gu rest the soul for us was that was our era right it it’s part of why we all love the UFC so much it was the first time we got to see two men not the first time but it was the time we got to see two men laid all on the line and show us what mixed martial arts was going to become right that and so that Drew people like me in our age group but there’s a new fan right there’s a fan that has all these different streaming apps all these different things they can watch and they’re going to see that 10-second clip even if they didn’t watch the fight DC they’re going to see that 10-second clip and say I got to tune in the next time Max Holloway fight who is this Justin gatei and for the people who that may have been their first event for the girlfriend sitting with her boyfriend who does love mixed martial arts or for the homies that are just around their one friend who says hey come over to the house you know I’m going to buy the fight we can all watch it here that fan is now going to be hooked on UFC because of that fight the same way that many of us became hooked on the UFC because of stefen boner and Forest Griffin it was one of those it was one of those moments and you could feel it as great as yah shell Nan and uh way Lee was as as good of a fight as or good as a knockout as we saw from Alex on Jamal none of that mattered after Max and Justin it was as if all of the energy was sucked out of the Arena because of that moment it felt the exact same way at home and so there are going to be people who sit in their house and wait for another moment like that as we’ve been waiting for another Moment Like Griffin and and and stepan Bonner like we’ve been waiting for another Moment Like Jon Jones and the merer like all of those things are what drives you and drags you in and hooks you and why we’ll watch any Conor McGregor fight because of what he did in 13 seconds against Jose Aldo and I think that the new fan I think that the younger generation of fans are going to point to that fight as the fight that made them forever UFC fan and Ryan I know exactly what you’re saying about how fast the sport goes like I tie myself back to 1993 the first time they set that octagon up in Mobile Alabama but not everybody else does and I forget that when I’m talking sometimes I’ll give an example shine my own wheels okay I’m going to punch my own ticket but I used to go places with Henry cejudo and he would stand there while there was lines wanting to speak to me or get an autograph something along these lines fast forward the tape I was walking with Henry cejudo about a month ago I’m the one they came up and said could you hold the camera could you take a picture of me and my husband while they pose with Henry cejudo right I mean but the roles get reversed and that’s where you kind of stand back and go oh we have some new fans like you guys don’t go back as far as I do and I only bring that because hey I love what Ryan saying about that people want to see boner versus uh Griffin part two nobody’s even talking about Max versus gatei part two which surprises me we’ve never had a fight that good that celebrated that talked about where we did not at least discuss a rematch and if we’re not going to do a rematch the next best thing which is to get Max and get the BMF and start defending it again I think is the direction we should go in instead we’re putting the brakes on that and trying to force Max down to ilot Toria I think in hindsight it might be a better move to keep Max right where he is and defend the BMF Max Holloway looked so good in that fight he fought he fought brilliantly and honestly he beat Justin up for the vast majority of the fight but it’s at 10 seconds is the that’s the memory and I got to tell you guys go back and watch that clip Justin they were throwing Justin threw a right hand that went right past Max’s chin if that would have went the other way it really is a game of inches right because we’d be going oh my God Max Holloway made the worst mistake we’ve ever seen in fighting if that punch landed but it was that moment that will make people stand up Max Holloway called me last week and he was explaining to his streaming community that I wasn’t mad that he won because I kind of put my head down he was just saying hey it’s like you’re Daniel you’re all of our friends and you’re mma’s uncle right so you can feel the pain of the athlete and that’s exactly what I felt but Ryan uh before we let you go mma’s uncle is what they call me everybody’s onc is what they call Shannon sharp so Shannon sharp Chad ult SLE have a podcast you do a show which at oo CLE too Inside the NFL so oo is on their show the other day and this is what this man said ran listen to this so at what point do you think Max Holloway would beat me if we would have get in octagon like round one two or three 30 seconds wait what you mean 30 second you out in 30 why you why you disrespect I’m putting all my money I’m taking all the money I got everything I own and put it on Max Holloway so you think you think you think you think Max Hollow could beat me beat the brakes off you and two more people just like you man I thump Max hallay chin man don’t play me like that man I’m out the city man what you talking about man I’m built for that oh man jail that jail he believes that that was great now who was the guy Shannon sharp was the one asking the question who’s the gentleman that he said is gonna beat up the guy in the sunglasses who was that that’s that isad Chad Johnson his name is oo cinko yep all I know oo sinko I I thought that was oo sinko but he was kind of hiding under the under the mask man oo sinko is a tough guy but I think he got his answer and I don’t think that really surprises him do you it does surprise him CH because I’m around him all the time he really believes he’s better at everything than everyone and you know he he’s been boxing so he actually had a professional boxing match where he got dropped toward the end and he believes that his hands are That official and I think sometimes when you have this inflated uh picture or perception of yourself I got like stuff going off in the backround here my it’s the FaceTime bro it that I’m celebrated I should be celebrated because I got an opportunity to be on the show I think you start to believe you could do all these things that you absolutely can not I do have a BMF question for CH and you though DC and let me know let me know if you guys think this makes sense when you are making BMF matchups should there be some sort of conversation with both opponents that say no grappling no wrestling right because Ilia Toria says he wants the BMF belt to be a part of the fight if he fights match but the reason that this was even started was because of Jorge and Nate right we knew that they would be guys that would fight anywhere in the streets anywhere but they would also not take each other down it would be a striking match and then when it moved to J gatei and Dustin porier we felt the same way about that obviously Max and Justin we knew what we were going to get Ilia wants the belt to be put up but I do feel like like if he starts to get dotted on the feet if he’s losing the Striking battle it will turn into grappling he will try to submit Maxx because he probably has the advantage there I don’t feel like that should be a part of the BMF belt in any way so how do we get that put in the contract that that’s never a part of it Al St I don’t even have an answer to that Ryan I I do get your point and those guys do come up with their own deals I mean kind of like Max and Justin right that what was so great about it is they redid a contract right there in front of all of us with those 10 seconds they said what they were going to do so I do get your theme fully and I think that largely the guys that qualify for BMF status fit that bill but as far as actually putting the contract like if you were being literal about it no I don’t think the commission would go for that come on I I actually I never thought about that I never I mean I don’t think we’ve seen one takedown attempt in three BMF title fight we haven’t seen a takedown attempt nobody’s wrestling could you imagine you know who I think he you want me tell you who I think should be in the next BMF title fight Al Sterling put aljo in the BMF title fight yes put aljo in the BMF title fight if anybody not if anybody is a BMF they could do what Alo did at UFC 300 you go up in weight class you dominate somebody in the grappling like that that’s a BMF Brian that’s a BMF put Al on the next title you know what that is DC it’s a boring mother effort that’s what that is that’s what call it that’s that’s what hey that’s what the BMF was stand for if Al Sterling was the new BM stop y gota stop stop he has to win listen you gotta go out and win that’s why it’s called mixed martial arts CH landed strikes against alen Anderson Silva and rocked him and then chel took him to the ground and dominated him on the ground I have no problem with that Cher is absolutely a BMF and if it is two names that are that big I am okay with the fight going that way just don’t put the belt up put the real belt up for that fight do not put the BMF up for it and DC I did hear something uh from you recently uh you’ve had three hosts since you’ve been here at ESPN I was the second uh chel is now the presid but uh I want to ask you who’s your favorite host you know what never mind we don’t even need you to say it I think we have a clip that’s going to let us know who you believe because I’ve I’ve never had more fun doing a show than this Chay you’re my favorite partner I’ve ever had in these ESPN shows you’re just amazing man you’re mind for it hey so so so wait stop stop stop stop so wait so wait I am a bit of a I am a bit just let me say this right here I’m a bit of a shortsighted guy so what’s in front of me is normally what I’ve been love with I mean that’s why I’ve had in my life I love the one I’m with Ryan and that is a smart man you love the one that you’re with the one you’re making money with the one that you’re getting ratings with that’s the person you hold up body you prop them up you make them feel good every single Monday and Thursday I show up to chill’s door with a with a Bou roses because right now chill signing my checks Brian Clark you love the the one you’re win right is that is that it that was a beautiful answer that was beautiful that the production team put that there and I got to tell you I didn’t know that clip was coming but I did feel like perhaps this very moment to some degree was coming I will at least tell you this Ryan Clark’s the greatest guest we’ve ever had we can at least both agree on that I appreciate that CH at least at least I have ch on my side now man it’s been awesome to see you guys do the show um you know I’ve missed it for sure but there is no better pairing in MMA than both of you guys and so man this was fun I appreciate it DC it’s all good man I’ll still just wait for you to call me while I’m at Smoothie King like you did yesterday and we can just have conversations about MMA like that brother that’s my boy RC man thank you for joining bro you know you got an open invitation always probably gonna see you at UFC 302 down in Las Vegas with Conor McGregor fight sir maybe we go up on the stage again like we did before we do like to live uh d a live good guy bad guy and then you join us uh for that show so guys thank Ryan Clark Ryan Clark man we appreciate you coming on it’s time to go five rounds CH appreciate you you and I go five rounds CH round one Jamal Hill is back already he takes on khil round tree at UFC 32 I believe I think he fights him at UFC 302 303 sorry he fights him at UFC 303 cha is it too fast for Jamal Hill after going out like he did against Alex Pereira you know there there’s a few things on this is it too fast no I don’t think so I like a guy that wants to get back on the horse and listen there is something to be said for ring rust everybody that has ever experienced it that is not named dominant Cruz will tell you how real it is so if the fact that Jamal goes look that wasn’t the best me get me right back I want to come from this training camp and this weight cut right into another training camp and another weight cut I fully understand that Daniel what was the bigger standout for me is that the promotion said okay that Dana White said I see it your way thank you for doing this for us and now I do want to return something to you and if a quick turnaround is all you’re going to ask for I will oblige I really thought there was a nice sentiment something positive must be going on behind the scenes with Jamal and I like it I mean quite frankly round treat that’s a tough night out but Jamal has never asked for an easy night he truly believes in his skills let’s give him the benefit of the doubt yeah that’s a great fight I just wor I wonder like is there no suspensions anymore when you get finished in a fight like that that’s my only concern but I get it Jamal wants to get right back to work he stated it the day after the fight ended that the the the time that the time is indicating that that it’s up the time indicated the time indicated that the round was over because you went for 50 seconds it’s a one minute round there’s new gloves for 50 seconds in this new round there is new gloves coming to the next UFC and Daniel I think this is on the heels possibly of Weidman and the ey poke maybe it’s pure coincidence but either way new gloves are going to be debuted I know that you tried it on what do you think yeah let’s peel the curtain back a little bit this is not because of Weidman this has been in the works for a long time they have taken a lot of athletes like myself are retired athletes and said what does this feel like do you like it does it feel like you’re more protected we have started looking at these gloves for a long time this not uh in response to anything in particular but I do love it I do love that they’re making a stance to try to curve some of the eye pokes and the fouls that we have been seing what I’m most excited about though is championship fights wearing gold gloves and having gloves that really Define the event jail that we’re watching I didn’t did not know that so is it is it both fighters in the championship will have gold gloves or just the champion all right you’ll have to get back to me on that DC I’m not hearing you but I love that idea and that concept I I want to tell you this I like that the UFC got involved I like that the UFC stepped forward and wants to do something better as far as the gloves I I’ve never known the difference man if those are new gloves or they weren’t new gloves I if they came in my locker room and handed them to me I never would have known chill okay yeah it’s very subtle in the changes but it is supposed to help round three chill I got a question for you are you superstitious because right now we have seen three athletes get sponsored by Prime Israel adna Alexander volkanovski and now Devin Haney is there a curse attached to getting paid by KSI in Logan Paul Jesse on fire did a piece on this yesterday he sent it directly to me uh yeah I mean is there a real curse like that my actually superstitious no but has this come back to bite 100% of the guys and they’ve all been surprises and all been upsets and all finished the same way yeah I mean those are those are just the numbers um they’ve done real well in pro wrestling though I must I must tell you that I like their work I even like the drink little sweeter than I thought it would be but I enjoy Prime my kids on my wrestling team were in Vegas and the UFC gave us Prime and the kids are just Downing it like there’s no sugar in this I’m like there’s no way there’s no sugar in this when it tastes this sweet now when you talk about a prime curse it just comes with you can’t control mixed martial arts whereas you can control professional wrestl that’s why the professional wrestlers seem relatively safe it’s like the Madden Curse back in the day every guy that was on the cover of Madden would get a season and an injury sometimes if you believe you can piece these things together I don’t know that there’s a curse eventually someone that signed the prime will get a victory all right DC four actually this is the most interesting question I’ve wanted to ask you all day ilot Toria is claiming he will not put his belt up against Max Holloway unless Max Holloway puts his belt up for ilot Toria so of course I’m talking about featherweight title for Toria BMF title for Max what do you think of the Champions claim I thought it was always odd that ilot Torio was saying he would not fight the guys from the previous generation of featherweights he said I have no interest in Max Holloway I have no interest in Brian Ortega and know guys what I do like about ilot Toria is that he is acting like I’m the champ I’m the man I have the final say he said hey put that belt on the line so that I have an opportunity to be a double Champion if you don’t I am pretty sure Brian Ora will oblige so I love the confidence I love him saying I’m the Man play my game I like it he said it’s the one thing that Max Holloway has that makes him interesting I don’t agree with that but I do love the way he’s playing and it does make it fair right I mean it’s it’s very hard to say that you’re going to come down here I’m going to put my belt up it’s like wait a minute if we’re going to fight and one of us gets to be protected I’ll just come up a couple of pound we do a catchweight at 147 and I won’t put the belt up I mean Ric Flair led to do this with Dusty rhods all the time and I mean when a champion fights I understand that he has to fight but I’m I’m sharing with or that the belt has to come with the fight but I’m just sharing with you I do like the premise if I’m putting my belt up you put up yours why should I lose to you but if I beat you you stay Champion it doesn’t make sense to por has got a leg to stand on here he does he does round five hey there was a great running back in the 80s he went by the name of Al Bundy and Al Bundy loved going back and talking about the touchdowns he had in games and the yards that he ran for in the season his wife Peg she never truly played the game she know sell it well Alexander volkanovski is now the former champion and he is speaking of His Glory Days CH look at this viral video that V has made going full all Bundy I used to be a UFC world champion yeah sure you did mate man I’m telling you I went to get for champ champ against is Mak yeah much bigger than me division above dagani wrestle everyone thought I was mad they thought you got no chance man and M you should have seen it one of the best fights you will ever seen beat it’s not the point man they I got robbed I got robbed it’s not the point mate yeah be me bless holay mate pting at the ground let’s go last 10 seconds knock him out I be beat that BL three times Well you feel as that believe me do you here I’ll show you I go proof my phone’s dead anyway I’ll go to rematch to worry about I’m going to get a do from China Daniel I can’t tell you how well that was done all from fifth grade on so all through Junior High all high school and to put myself through college I worked H for a a plumbing company but it was on job sites that’s a real guy the guy that shows up and he’s running his mouth I mean I would always hear from this I worked with a specific guy out here in Oregon and he would tell me about being a plumber in California and I and how fast he could work and how much he get done I always think when are you going to put some pipe in on this job like that’s a real person and then over time I became that person a little bit I started working half days cuz I I had to go to practice in the afternoon I’m sure they annoyed and I was never really embarrassed for myself until I saw vul do it and go oh my God I was that guy Jill I did it at my uncle’s brick laying site I did brick laying and they were talk about the days they were so good and bad basketball and baseball and I’m like well where’s the video or show me something here’s the thing though that makes me feel like what if those guys were telling the truth because vul is telling the truth right there I love that give Alexander volkanovski some chances to do some acting because the guy is phenomenal I love his personality I love everything about vul and vul was telling the truth we all love Max Holloway right now and he’s hot as Max Holloway is white hot but Alexander vinoski beat him three times and increasingly worse every time they went in the Octagon that’s how impressive that man is awesome chill uh I have no idea what we’re supposed to do now chill let’s talk a little about Olympic wrestling if you don’t know what to do let’s talk about the trials because I’m I’m all wrapped up in this and Daniel every four years and you’ve been part of this when I was a fan and followed your career there’s a Changing of the Guard every four years we see it there’s always a surprise somebody comes out of nowhere I think the somebody that came out of nowhere is actually Trumble who Snider in the finals and I realiz Trumble did not make the team but the mere fact that he won The Challenge tournament this is a non allamerican he came through a Challenge tournament technical falling Colin Mo NCAA Champion uh coming out on top when you got Carol in the bracket you got Jaden Cox in the bracket and this is the guy that wins The Challenge tournament not for nothing Daniel I think we got a great team I think we can contest the Russians I think that losing David Taylor hurt a lot of people but I think adding Aaron Brooks is going to end up being a wash by the time uh we get to that stand in Paris you know what I love I love The Changing of the Guard but it’s also very sad I made an Instagram post yesterday about those guys that are now I’m not saying they’re retiring the only one that retired was Jaden Cox but Jordan burls David Taylor Thomas Gilman they’re all world champions we were in the Golden Age of United States wrestling because every time we sent those guys out there we knew that they were coming home with championships you know you could see in Aaron Brooks last year with David Taylor that he was getting really close you didn’t know that it would take one year for him to surpass the guy as the Olympic champ in the reigning and defending world champion you know but David Taylor didn’t score a takedown against Aaron Brooks to me that is the most surprising stat that I’ve seen all weekend I thought that we did a good job but I also think that we as a country and especially as a country that’s trying to build the sport Hill those are some things that we could do better because right now you have these guys weighing in that have earned the right to sit out waiting for these guys to go through that Challenge tournament here’s the problem with that chill and you might disagree with me here I don’t know there are some names in wrestling that people recognize I believe that the moment you try to draw that fan in chill you put somebody that they know because while I love Greco Roman wrestling and I love women’s wrestling I love most people recognize the Jordan Bros and the David Taylor because every year chill when the World Championships come there’s a post from you or me are all these MMA guys will post about these world champions the moment that TV screen pops on CH you should see one of those guys but now you go up to the trials and you never see him you got to stay two days to get to David Taylor because he’s sitting out the whole time I think everybody should be in that tournament and I think on mat one the first name you see on that screen should be Jordan Burl it should be a world champion to lock people in and keep them the whole weekend not tell them you’ve got to watch two days of wrestling to get an opportunity to see the names that you’re familiar with so I think we could do better and also the way that the tournament was ran a little bit chill it PE it made me annoyed because guys were cutting weight after midnight and girls and having to wrestle the next morning against a fresh opponent so we could do better as a country in terms of that but in all overall the wrestling phenomenal I agree with you on the logistics of the tournament I didn’t think that was right I mean we I’m in Oregon so I’m three hours behind but I’m wrapping up at 7:30 which means somebody’s on the mat at 10:30 in the evening when the Ws are at 7:00 the next day and they still got five or six kilograms to get off you know 10 10 to 12 pounds I didn’t like that now Daniel there’s an unforeseen problem this has not happened yet but it’s coming and when you take the number one guy you take the Medalist and you let him sit out till the finals the top three finishers make what we call the United States national team with money in this sport it’s a little even than when you left partner with money in this sport the way those contracts work is you largely need to just be on the national team before that gets washed out with Club sponsorships you largely just need to be on the national team before that’s gone with rtc’s you largely need to be on the national team I can keep going and I can even explain to you our governing body of USA Wrestling eventually you’re going to have a guy who medals and was planning to retire and he says you know what instead of retiring I’m just going to keep this for a year show up in the finals in a worst case I’m number two I keep it for one more year and I I know that that hasn’t happened yet but we’ve seen things very close even back in my day I entered a World Tournament after uh watching Dan Henderson fight in Pride who had left the sport he’s my number one training partner he left the sport a year before he shows up to the trials and he gets on the scales I said D what are you doing here he said well if I make the finals I get to keep my family’s health insurance and I I only share this with you because it’s a big mistake you’re taking our top guy and you’re saying he doesn’t have to do anything as a way of preserving the team I get the concept but the two out of three is what’s supposed to correct that in case a guy gets caught or a guy gets pinned the two out of three is what’s supposed to solve that problem and it’s enough for me hold the tournament hold it even and move on to the next one yeah absolutely it was great though man we get ready for Paris and I’m excited for the record cha I had an opportunity to call the Olympic trials I would have loved to do it but after the way they treated me at NCAA tournament this year I my my feelings were hurt I was mad didn’t do it now they gonna start to treat me with some respect they put put some respect on the boy DC’s name I know I’m sensitive sadly but that is my right and I reserve the right to keep my sensitive Behavior hey guys I’m just joking but listen to me ask Chay and I anything getting those comments we will add that question to the show on Thursday you guys know that Chay and I will answer anything you ask us we’re open we’ll be honest or at least we’ll be as honest as we can be to the question that you got guys well ask I got to tell you something chill I was doing we were doing uh one of those Reddit things and no bad questions getting through because do you remember that lady that was in the room with us like those questions don’t skirt fast you got to get through some standards and practices to get that question to it so I think we’re relatively safe I feel better now about posing this than I did even before we did that Reddit CH I agree with you and by the way I that was having Ryan Clark If I Could Just recap that was really fun having Ryan Clark he left before I barely got to say goodbye when I was the new guy on campus going out to Bristol at ESPN he was always the guy that was there for me always you know somebody to have lunch with somebody to say hello to what a great guy and it was really fun having him so goodbye Ryan if you’re still listening this is my proper goodbye since I didn’t get to say it when you were on thanks DC that yeah it was it was awesome for RC to jump on the show and spend some time with Chay and I hey guys get chill and I every Monday and Thursday wherever you get your podcast ES PN 2 at midnight Eastern now ESPN plus everywhere else and find us on YouTube because we love seeing you guys down on YouTube for Ryan Clark thanks Ryan Clark for joining us today we appreciate his time for cha Sun I’m Daniel Cormier get those questions in the comments we’ll catch you guys on the next one peace