Rewatch the full fight rematch between Conor McGregor and Nate Diaz ahead of McGregor’s return to the Octagon to face Michael …

here we go McGregor the Southpaw on the green trunks Diaz the Southpaw in the black Trunks and as I suspected right away he’s opening up with the leg kicks ATT tacked that hael Doan Jo used successfully on Nate Diaz Nate got that one up but still took it in the meat of his [Applause] leg again Connor those are brutal leg kicks he’s landing on Nate Connor looking for Redemption the ultimate Redemption his fighting career and he’s opening up as many people thought he would trying to chop down the lead leg of Nate Diaz and those are unchecked brutal power kicks off that back leg and Nate is already getting light with that front leg trying to prepare for those kicks but he’s always heavy on that front leg Mike that boxing base style of his he checked that one y checked that [Applause] one and a lot that is Joe is due to Connor’s evolvement of the ground game Throw the kicks he’s not worried about getting down on the mat with Nate Diaz well it’s also just an excellent tactic cuz Nate has shown ability to be hit there before Greer over and over ohed he tagged him straight left connects Connor says Get on Up again with that leg kick fight going according to plan thus far for McGregor 2 minutes in [Applause] first fight was 5 and a half months ago and McGregor had early success and again with the leg kick Nate’s having a problem with that leg Mike he’s moving on it funny Conor with a combination Diaz again slams it in there that one Joe beautiful timing on that leg kick Diaz opens [Applause] up the leg kick is a huge factor in this fight and Connor’s using it brilliantly Connor just able to slip that jab again he does good shot to the body by Connor good [Applause] counter and again with the leg kick he has just eaten him he’s checked one Connor has talked to loto about this fight going deep into the latter rounds and that’s he feels he’ll have a big advantage and another one another leg kick te Nate’s already lighter on that front foot well he’s trying to check him if he can but he eats another one Connor’s doing a great job of timing it off of his punches as Nate leans back and Nate’s not circling away from that left kick it off another one I mean mean a beautiful display of leg kicking so far by Connor Long Reach 30 seconds Long Reach but not long enough to avoid the leg kick yep and another [Applause] one Connor has said Precision be power timing beat speed again final seconds of the [Applause] round one nothing McGregor that a great quote that said Defiance and disdain these men wear it like a suit of [Applause] armor check that one Nate’s Corner was saying no more free kicks he ate another [Applause] one oh big Lu he h him with that get back up that’s tujo and another leg kick he’s picking him part right now all Conor McGregor [Applause] 19 and Counting with the leg kicks oh he heard and again Conor feels it wouldn’t it be something if he stops him in round two which is when Diaz defeated him 5 and 1 half months ago Conor looks perfect thus far Nate’s having a hard time moving on that right leg as well Mike that could be a factor in why falling down like this plus the clean hard shots of Conor only two men have stopped Nate Diaz Josh Thompson in 2013 Hermes franka in 2006 another nasty leg kick by Connor [Applause] thus far Nate unable to get into that flow relax not able to get in the flow not able to get success with anything yet the leg on the leg John Kavanaugh again beautiful so far just a perfect strategy by Conor and we knew he left no no stone unturned in preparation for this rematch obsessed every single day and again waiting for tonight Midway point of round number [Applause] two beautiful counter sliping rip [Applause] Conor is happy to wait for what’s given to him setad of hunting down openings like he did in the first fight well he’s getting more and more confident as this fight goes on standing right in front of Nate and out boxing him here again with the leg kick and again [Applause] man Nate putting pressure on him he senses Conor slowing down Diaz trying to score here Nate moving forward oh he’s landed domination Connor’s moving away now Nate is sensing Conor McGregor getting tired and he’s starting to put pressure on Connor which is what happened in the first fight Diaz pushing forward here just over a minute on the clock in the second Connor goes [Applause] body Nate trying to open up n put Rock him and again big combination we have ourselves a fight Nate Diaz weathered the storm and now Conor McGregor is in trouble 30 [Applause] seconds he goes high with the knee he tags him again but Diaz just walks through it Joe uppercuts body 10 this place is [Applause] [Music] awesome 1-1 to round number three [Applause] Diaz the aggressor early Conor’s still breathing heavy Mike Y and he’s been much more calculated in this fight Joe and still breathing heavy yep I think Dominick Cruz had a very good point in his analysis of this fight Connor is fading radically here big deep breaths hands moving much slower a much diminished fighter in this third round and Nate senses it Nate just pointed to him and he just rocked him F and now he’s putting pressure on him and Richard Perez longtime boxing coach said to Nate put him against the cage throw some knees and Nate went for the Tak down there unsuccessfully but he’s making Conor fight a clinch battle and we’ve said time and time again this is one of the most grueling aspects of MMA big deep breath by Connor and the chance of Diaz ring through the [Applause] crowd the number one driver of success is hunger these men have a great hunger a great drive and they will leave it all inside the Octagon tonight good by Conor and again with the leg kick a hard one and a good counter [Applause] left Diaz covers up takes one to the body there’s still plenty of time in this round good three minutes Joe and he’s talking to him now talking to him and putting pressure on him stand right in his face here we go oh boy good spin by Connor caught the leg caught the [Applause] leg right in front of his Corner McGregor listening to the instruction from his coaches Midway point at this drops down for a double let’s see if he can get it Conor defended but again defending in this kind of lch battle is brutal and draining nice elbow on the was a little bit of a break they tangle [Applause] again Conor has only had one career fight Go the Distance good combination on the break by Nate Conor’s moving away here and Nate’s pointing at him oh he’s tired got him right over the [Applause] air there’s those kicks again they’re much more hurried and much more labored look at the total strikes over 200 [Applause] combined wow and Nate points at him after he hits him and Conor counted with the left hand [Applause] himself this is a dog fight ladies and gentlemen a real dog fight and they tagged him with the onew clinch quick punches to the JW there’s the big body shots McGregor’s in big trouble here n is looking to finish it right here right now body tremendous pressure by Nate Diaz this was the beginning of the end in the first matchup well Conor’s doing a much better job of Defending in this round oh nasty shot to the body big trouble for McGregor final seconds of the round just trying to survive wow huge round for Nate Diaz what a fight and the fifth five round fight for Diaz main event non-title but five five minute rounds a hard one two by Connor a good left hand over the top n took some punishment early weathered the storm literally Matty turned it on at the end of the round another hard leg kick by con Nate’s got a big cut on his cheek now Mike as well as above his [Applause] eye tonight the first time that Connor has ever been in a fourth round he’s had six five round fights in the UFC including tonight never gone the distance in a five round fight they’re going at it in these clinches Mike and Nate Diaz is throwing volumes of punches whereas Conor’s po shotting him oh Nate’s all bloodied up he is and he’s having a hard time seeing Mike he keeps wiping his [Applause] eyes another hard leg kick he wobbled him with that one Mike [Applause] good shot to the body by Connor front kick to the chest by [Applause] Nate counter Nate is bloodied up Mike real bad and he just ate another hard Left Hand by Connor Connor re-energized here early in round four again Nate with the clinch drops down for the double can he get it no good defense by [Applause] Connor Diaz has gone 25 minutes once in his [Applause] career he just the second time he’s been to a fourth round again Nate keeps reaching down trying to complete a taked down he hit him with another another nice knee to the body now he’s ripping [Applause] shots Diaz’s advantage in total strikes continues to [Applause] grow oh big shot by Conor and Diaz returns fire great use of the clinch with that elbow [Applause] bman bringing it another nice knee to the body by Nate and Connor turns the clinch around lot of time on the [Applause] clock Conor with a beautiful combination both of these men so d Nate staggered him there oh beautiful counter by Connor there’s the [Applause] [Applause] kick when you get this much buildup and this much anticipation for a fight it’s absolutely wonderful when the fight is like the one we’re watching right now Joe absolutely and they’re still swinging very nice combination there by Connor he seems to have caught a second win Mike moving well good combination the sliping rip that’s a good hard left hand over the top 30 seconds on the clock here in round [Applause] four 10 [Applause] [Music] slip five minutes remain nasty leg kick to start things [Applause] off Gilbert Melendez telling Nate Diaz you need to win this [Applause] round this fight could very well be tied into two [Applause] Nate putting the pressure on him Conor attempts a flying knee and Nate just Smothers it [Applause] Connor turns the clinch around here Connor’s got Nate’s back Nate checked that one man look at the blood good Lord Nate’s having a real hard time seeing out of that right eye Mike it is a mess looking for more pressure his face is so busted up here and John took took a big good look at it Conor got out of the way oh caught him with that right a moment you would think we’re in dubling Nate drops down for the double can he get it this would be huge cannot get it wow excent take down defense by Connor outstanding and remember in the first fight it was Connor who initiated the take [Applause] down McGregor comination there by Nate Conor moves away from him yep con stuck all three takedowns trying to stay in it here Joe 2 and 1/2 minutes good combination by Conor Nate shakes his head but those shots landed as did those pass the Midway point of our fifth and Final Round excellent shot there by [Applause] Nate there’s a clinch [Applause] oh big elbow Connor takes a look up at the clock two [Applause] minutes knee to the body by Nate he drops down again for the double can he get it no wow excellent defense Again by Connor that’s huge 90 seconds wow look how close round five is but a lot of pressure here by Nate the judges are going to be looking at this he’s the one pressuring Connor up against the cage and Landing these [Applause] shots Connor’s having much more success on the outside oh just miss with that elbow one minute and Conor turns it [Applause] around Conor with a trip and Nate right back up to his feet Nate turns it around again 30 seconds to [Applause] go the biggest fight in MMA history 20 [Applause] seconds recognition Redemption Beautiful takeown by Nate Diaz in the final seconds of the fifth round could be huge on the judge’s scorecard wow what a fight they left it all inside the OCC what a fight wow unbelievable this crowd is on its feet those men just gave everything they had and Win Lose or Draw that was an incredible performance by both Fighters fight replay brought you high butl raised one to right now now let’s take a look at some of the knockdowns by Connor there’s that left hand here’s another one early in the fight Connor was having his way with the standup with that straight left and with the left leg kick there’s a nice elbow by Diaz somewhere around the third round towards the end of the second round really Diaz started coming on strong combinations just sworn him hit him with that elbow there and what’s really big is this taked down be ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision Jeff Mullen scores the contest 48 47 McGregor Len Rober scores it 4747 and Derek clearly scores it 4847 for the winner by majority decision the notorious Conor mcra [Applause]