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guys team was a former UFC fighter again prospects but you know I’m excited about the challenge as are they they’re taking a panicky you know Trevor he’s got some good boxing in his game he’s got some good wrestling Timor will feel it for sure keep that over keep the knee from blocking yeah it’s unfortunate that was a catch way but we cleared that we carried on with our preparation and it’s gonna be a good fight so I’m gonna move my head till that frame is there yeah yeah make them feel like make him feel your pleasure I just want them coming out and letting the shots go enjoying themselves looking to impress get get a reel get a real tight overhook and imagine you’re against a guy Eddie Bravo style yeah you know I mean you got to go ear to ear you gotta you gotta kill those threats boom step by step I’m like this you know that’s my vibe here yes that is how you do it that’s money absolute money I want to be impressed here just take your time and make sure them hands are engaged yes make them panic in Frontier