Dana White talks about the recent UFC Betting scandal. MERCH: https://themaclife.teespring.com/ VISIT: …
and I just wanted to get an update from you we haven’t heard you in this forum talking about the betting investigation that’s going on I know there’s only so many things you can say but is there any updates you can give us on what’s going on currently there’s literally nothing I can say about that um you know I uh you know I did an interview the other day with with akamoto was probably the most I’ve said about this and that doesn’t come out till like next week but um you know it is what it is there’s an investigation going on and see how it plays out how concerning is this for you about like kind of the Integrity not only of this organization but as the sport as a whole zero zero I’m not worried about it at all you know people are asking me well what was the what were they talking about somebody’s saying well what’s the UFC going to do what’s we let these guys know not to bet on fights do you know what the outcome of this is like if I if I penalize them you get cut they’re going to go to [ __ ] Federal Prison Federal [ __ ] prison if you’re that [ __ ] stupid and somebody else wants to do it knock yourself out there’s not enough money in it to ruin your life and not go to jail go to federal prison what other question do you have I was just going to ask if there’s a timeline on when maybe this could be wrapped up or how the [ __ ] would I know and there’s an investigation going on you think you think sure what you’re being told that’s why I asked why would they tell me there’s an investigation going on on a fight that’s being fixed why would they tell me anything I know as much as you know fair enough thank you Jenna you’re welcome