UFC President Dana White and 10x Health System’s Gary Brecka discuss Dana’s bloodwork, and how 10x Health System’s …
this is Gary brecka many of you have heard me talking about him over the last several months telling you how incredible this guy is how he changed my life how different I feel and I read a lot of stuff online that uh you know listen I get it people are going to be skeptical and people are talking about that I’m getting scammed you think I would get scammed do you think I would allow myself to be scammed uh no I’ve lost like 36 pounds you see people on Instagram all the time that lose weight people decide to lose weight they lose weight but there were a lot of different problems with me that were going on that I’ve been talking to doctors for for 10 years none of them could fix any of my problems and many of you out there have the same things sleep apnea can’t sleep you’re snoring you’re choking whatever it is in the middle of the night what do they do they give you a CPAP machine which doesn’t work or you leave it on for a while and rip it off I had problems with my legs and I had problems with my truck I had problems I didn’t realize I had that doctors didn’t even tell me in five months this guy come completely changed my life and this is for all the naysayers that are saying it it’s not true and it’s all well right here everybody was saying well share your blood work with a chef we just did my blood work yesterday yeah and and here you go he’s going to give you the results of my last blood work test which now has been I’m in like 20 weeks which or 25 whatever five months I’m in this yep for five months we got the before and after blood work you can’t fake these numbers it’s not my opinion this is just a fact pattern so for those of you that are familiar with blood work I’m going to put this up online so you can actually see it Dana’s giving us the um the authority to do that so you’re going to see in the CBC when you start looking at blood work you’re going to see a measure called hematocrit this is the measure of his blood viscosity meaning how close was his blood to motor oil or how close is it to water you’re going to see that the hematocrit has come down meaning his blood has actually gotten thinner this is just done through therapeutic phlebotomy like going and actually given a regular standard blood donation you’re also going to see one of the amazing things is the white blood cell profile start to improve there’s all these funny names for white blood cells eosinophils basophils neutrophils lymphocytes but what you’re going to see is these things line up in a perfect v-shaped pattern this means that his immune system has actually strengthened we took it taken the same number of immune cells and we’ve oriented them properly and now his immune systems like an iron horse you’re going to see it in his CBC and then you’ll look at the next section called comp metabolic panel this is where we start looking at organ function you’re going to see that his kidneys have not only increased their filtration rate but the poison levels are coming down kidneys filter something called blood urea nitrogen and creatinine out of the bloodstream when that comes down you’ve got less poison in the blood so then we get to some of the really fun things like triglyceride a lot of you might know that a triglyceride is just a fancy name for a fat so your level of triglyceride is the level of fat in your blood it should be 150 when we pull Dana’s blood in June it was 764. we got a life-threatening alert call at one o’clock in the morning from LabCorp because that number was so high when I met Dana I told him I was surprised it wasn’t painful to tie his own shoes because when I saw that I knew he was having something called claudication and it was painful the time my own shoes that’s that’s where he got me he told me things about me that I didn’t even tell anybody so he knew just from looking at my blood and he’s telling you my they were at 764. I was on the verge of a stroke or a heart attack or something bad in five months he got those down to what 143 from 764 to 143. total cholesterol from 243 to 173. here’s the amazing thing if you know anything about cholesterol there’s a really really nasty one called vldl very low density lipoprotein or very lethal cholesterol this is like two chewing gum floating around the bloodstream it’s really sticky that fell from 133 226 you cannot make this up almost 80 percent lower than the day that we pulled it so now he’s actually not taking cholesterol medication anymore he was doing these were pathus shots oh yeah by the way I’ve been on blood pressure medicine thyroid medicine and cholesterol medicine for over 10 years probably more like 15 years now in five months I’m literally on none of that medication I’m not taking any medication now this is all just supplements yeah your blood pressure was 116 over 85 the last time the nurse took it testosterone stayed right in the after upper end of the range because we’re doing trt um hormone replacement therapy not not a huge deal there another couple things that are amazing I had never had his level of homocysteine checked homocysteine is one of the most inflammatory compounds in the human body it’s an amino acid when it rises it causes a lot of havoc in the body can make your throat swell in the back can actually start your blood vessels can clamp down because it irritates the lining of the blood vessel you got 63 000 my miles of blood vessel in your body when they get narrow your pressure can go up his homocysteine actually fell from in the mid-20s 22 all the way down to 11.7 that means we cut that inflammatory marker in half how can you tell well you can measure it in the blood but you can also see it in his organ systems his liver function has improved all the inflammations come out of the liver AST alt enzyme the measure of liver poison called alkaline phosphatase has plummeted so low kidney poison low liver poison lower cholesterol lower triglycerides lower sticky cholesterol and now we get to the big one and this inflammation that he’s talking about those of you that out there that have sleep apnea are snoring that’s part have you ever got if they don’t put you on a CPAP machine I had a doctor in La told me what we need to do is go in there and cut your tonsils out and then widen your throat what that’s what they told me to do and now it’s all gone because it was inflammation inside my throat you might have the same thing yeah so imagine you bring this inflammation down and now you’re breathing better possibly even not requiring a CPAP machine because you don’t want to be suffocating at night the big big win was when we got the blood sugar you see when you take these these different debits you have um high blood pressure you have um diabetes or pre-diabetes you have high triglycerides high cholesterol you have um hypertension you have hyper insulin high levels of insulin and you put them all into the same body this is this is what was very dangerous to him Dana was standing on the edge of a very very steep Cliff so there’s a measure of blood sugar in our bodies not your glucose which measures your sugar at the time the blood lab is done but there’s something called hemoglobin A1C for those of you that know what this is this is a three-month average of the blood sugar this tells you what your average blood sugar has been for the last three months you can’t gain this number if you ate a box of donuts before getting your blood work done it wouldn’t move this number at 6.0 he was not only pre-diabetic he was four tenths of a point away from becoming diabetic and at four tenths of a point away from becoming diabetic he’s now at 5.3 which is perfectly normal blood sugar how about this I have doctors doing my blood you know every few months they didn’t even tell me that didn’t tell me about my triglycerides and I definitely didn’t know about that and the other thing is you know um not only are sugars really high hemoglobin A1c but something else was really high called insulin so when your sugars rise your insulin Rises as you become more insulin resistant it takes more insulin to lower blood sugar the thing about insulin that escapes most people is that the primary role of insulin is not to lower blood sugar the primary role of insulin is to block other forms of energy use in the body so his insulin was at 32.4 12 points higher than the normal end of the range it’s now 3.4 he has one tenth as much insulin in his bloodstream as he had when when we started and he’s eating healthy regular meals and he gets the majority of his caloric intake from healthy fat it’s her hard to wrap your arms around the concept that you have really high fat in the blood and you need to eat a high clean fat diet in order to bring that down but that’s exactly what happened to him the last thing that I’ll point out is that when your insulin is so high called insulin resistance your body can’t burn fat when you can’t burn fat where’s the first place it builds up it builds up in the blood which is why his triglycerides were so high insulin Rises triglycerides rise people that have the highest blood fat eat the most sugar sugar makes you fat not you know a bunch of people online saying oh this is this this is that why why would I lie what do I care you know what I mean and why would I ever be a part of a scam I would never those of you that don’t want to do this don’t do it nobody’s asking you to do this nobody’s trying to make you do this do whatever you want stick with your doctor and good luck to you but I’m going to tell you this and this is the reason I’ve been doing this because I know where I was and and I thought this is part of being 50. I’m 50. I’m over 50 now and here we go this is what that’s not true this is the realest guy that I’ve ever met in the medical field this is a guy who came to me and said you know you do what I tell you to do and I promise you I’ll make all this stuff go away sounds like right far from it so I did all this and I’m laying all this out there for you because I know there are some people out there that that desperately need this type of help and I’m telling you right now and I told you before Gary Breck is the guy 10x Health Systems will change your life