Happy Halloween! Francis Ngannou – one of the scariest dudes MMA has ever seen silenced doubters in his Pro Boxing debut …

and now this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for DC and welcome to a brand new episode of DC louana it’s DC and R fromo Louisiana this fight night catch your right hook in your right eye change how you look Daniel Kier and Ryan Clark The Champ are here with Battle Scars this Warfare Louisiana in yeah from railro to Angeles I could go one show without you going I’m a Super Bowl champ when the mic’s on it’s show time DC and RC we winning Super Bowls and emies and Daniel got two BS around the belly history hey I’m DC two division champ I ran the UFC cuz we asking all the this guy is the worst I don’t know how you can do a show broke my heart Marshall all stars and we about that grounded P so be on guard and we going round for around cuz we want it all but that can only be one in the oct DC and RC DC and RC DC n [Applause] [Music] [Music] RCN what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of DC and RC I’m Daniel Cormier that’s my man Ryan Clark coming up on the show today we react to all the UFC 295 news Francis and ganu did some impossible stuff last weekend and as always we tap in or we tap out but RC today is the trade dead line bro I know you busy thank you for coming down into the dumps with us and giving us an hour because I know it’s busy today my guy man hush up man you know I always got time for for what we do bro but it is the trade deadline and when you look at some of the names that have already been moved Mont swep Chase young Joshua dbes this is starting to become sort of like the NBA trade deadline where teams are trying to get better and I’m sure there will be more to come by the time all the people see your beautiful face absolutely and today is Halloween so happy Halloween you know happy Halloween to everybody out there trick or treat scary I I’ve ever heard I mean I’m G be out there trick or treating tonight you know what I’m saying doing my thing give me some candy I’m going be at your door but dude last week in RC I’ve been waiting to talk to you about this francen ganu last weekend fought Tyson Fury there’s an idea out there that Francis and ganu got robbed I’m talking from my friends to Damen Lillard to the the masses in mixed Marshal Arts but as we know people love to be a part of an angry mob do you believe Francis and ganu got robbed Rob is a strong word RC but do you think he got robbed so I don’t believe he got robbed I don’t believe he got robbed but I believe what happened was Francis and ganu fought so well he fought so composed and also landed the bigger shots on Tyson Fury he did that in a way that made us feel like oh my my God he won it’s one of those things where your expectations are so much lower than the actual success or output that it makes you say hell yeah he was above and beyond exceedingly made it clear that he won this fight but I do believe that it was close I do believe that it could have gone anyway that it could have been a split decision for both of these Fighters but in the simple fact of saying that DC in Francis sanu’s first opportunity to box fighting the current heavyweight champion of the world that’s still in his prime that’s still whipping people who have been boxing their entire lives like they stole something is nothing short of phenomenal and what it also says is Francis henu was right Francis enanu bet on himself and you know what I’m GNA take that back not even Francis enanu was this correct there’s no way Francis zanu could believe he could step into an entirely different and Excel and succeed in the way that he did in this fight for the entire Arts world you guys have to be so proud by what he showed this weekend against Tyson Fury well you see that right you see Jor dos Santos Izzy kamaru the legend Chuck Liddell Randy cotor so many great mixed martial artists were in attendance last weekend to watch Francis and ganu do something that was unprecedented was unexpected and really did turn out better than anyone ever could have expected you know there’s this idea that the UFC is upset that Francis and ganu did what he did why would they be Francis and ganu uplifted the entire sport last weekend Francis and ganu went out there as a mixed martial arts world champion and fought the lineal heavyweight champion of the world and lost by Split Decision I have spoken about this RC and it comes off a little bit like I’m saying I thought he lost I’m hating on I’m not hating on Francis by saying he lost the fight but I do know that you judge a fight based on rounds Francis did far more damage to Tyson Fury to the point that I don’t believe Tyson Fury will fight in December the numbers were very close but I spoke to a guy who’s been around boxing his whole life Kevin ioli and Kevin ioli told me he he scored the fight 9594 Fury him and I had differences of opinion in the rounds but I feel like we both came to the same conclusion in regards to the number of rounds won by Francis and the scoring of the fight but if they went 9594 for enanu I would have never had anything to question I thought Francis won the third round I thought Francis won uh a couple rounds in the middle like seven and eight I thought Franc has won round 10 I thought Fran has won six rounds to four I thought Tyson won six rounds to four one of francis’s round being the 108 which then makes it 95 to 94 for Tyson Fury but make no mistake about it even though Tyson Fury won the boxing match because he won a boxing match he did not win a fight he didn’t win the fight against Francis and ganu Francis won that he won the boxing match and he won the score cards who ultimately lost the night was Tyson Fury Francis won hey you know what hey you know what that is though that’s the difference between scoring a boxing match or a professional combat match or sport out outing and a real street fight right because if we watching a street fighter these two dudes just throwing hands at the club on Bourbon Street we like oh Francis won that fight he did more damage he dropped Tyson Fury like that’s the way we see it like the overall damage that was done is how you judge a fight in the real world but not in sports in sports you have to win round by round and that’s why I’m not outraged by the fact that Tyson Fury won the fight but I do believe this is so much bigger than that DC I do believe that what Francis enanu was able to accomplish is far bigger than what Conor McGregor was able to accomplish now it won’t be seen like that state side right because Tyson Fury is not Floyd Mayweather neither is Francis Sanu Conor McGregor from a popularity standpoint from a Charisma standpoint from the way that they’ve captivated the world not only with their skill but with who they were but when you look at the matchup of of of of when you look at the matchup as just pertains to being in the ring Francis and ganu far exceeded my expectations though the head movement the way he used his defense the way he used his his footwork Landing the big left that put Tyson’s Fury down continuing the stay could post and then later in the fight just for good measure the Superman punch I thought Francis Sanu throughout that fight got so confident and was like wait that’s it you know what I mean it it it almost reminded me and he didn’t win the fight like Sean Strickland did against Israel adna but it almost looked in the middle rounds or like early middle rounds Francis andu goes oh this is all it is like no matter how much he hits me that’s all it’s going to hurt no matter how many times he throws I can always see it coming oh this is not what I thought it was they told me this would be such a big jump up in skill level as it pertained to striking but it’s actually not and when you go back to the sir Gan fight with Francis and ganu Siro gave Francis way more issues than this than what Tyson Fury was able to do when it comes to the hands and so my hats off to Francis and ganu my hats off to his training and my question to you is this DC after watching Francis Sanu box Tyson Fury how do you tell him that boxing in a heavyweight division isn’t a better idea for him than fighting in pfl yeah so RC to your point when you said uh Francis and ganu won the fight it’s Lasting Impressions right the one thing that we will take away from that fight is seeing Tyson Fury on the ground Francis didn’t get knocked down Francis didn’t have any like bruising on his face he looked good so in from a street fight on the corner to a boxing match where someone takes damage and the other doesn’t that’s what you remember and what you remember is how most people will judge a fight with that being said Francis did so much better than we expected because we didn’t expect much at all I went on a a show with Chris manx and I told manx I said Francis might get knocked out but we we getting them right cuz MMA fans that what we do we ride with our guys we support our guys when they step into an unfamiliar situation Francis showed that he can compete I don’t know how you get him to go back to fighting for what is going to be a substantial money loss in mixed martial arts compared to what he just made last weekend if the rumors are true France has made 10 to20 million right pay-per-view is going to determine what that high-end looks like but if the rumors are true he had a base of that it will be hard to get him to go back and do mixed martial arts 4 two to three especially if you’re fighting guys in the pfl who aren’t as known where it does really become what do you have to lose and what do you have to gain when after this there’s not much that Francis can gain from going to beat on some of the heavyweights that are fringed top 15 guys some of the biggest names in boxing now are coming out and having their opinions on this Eddie Hearn for one said that Tyson Fury embarrassed boxing Linx Lewis said he didn’t feel like Francis did enough because you got to take the belt from the champ which is one of the most absurd things I hate that to Beat the Champ you got to take it from the champ that’s absurd two guys ENT a ring arcage whoever wins wins it doesn’t matter yeah absolutely RC whoever wins wins Tyson Fury walked into the arena and said I’ve had a diet of ice cream and McDonald’s so if you to your question that you asked me did he overlook him when you hear the lineal heavyweight champion of the world say I’ve had a diet of ice cream and McDonald’s and he weighs in at 280 something we’ve never seen him do before I think that answers the question Tyson Fury did look past Francis and ganu and there was a moment in that third round where his when he hit that floor and he got up and he realize oh boy this has gotten really real for me when I didn’t expect it to yeah and and that’s what it is too when you think of Tyson Fury not only saying that that was his diet we know he had another fight scheduled we talked about this weeks before the fight that when you already schedule about that means you expect to take no damage you don’t expect for this to be difficult and you’ll be ready to fight a couple of months later that’s already saying I’m looking over with Francis Sanu to say that it was a diet of ice cream and McDonald’s that’s to further say you were looking past Francis and ganu when you’re a guy in Tyson Fury who’s not just one of those dudes that’s lean anyway it’s not like Tyson Fury just walks around in shape Right the dude is built like dump man yeah you know what I mean dump man yeah so if you think he’s going to come out and do that like you definitely looked beyond him but I do believe it’s embarrassing to the sport of boxing or we can look at it that that it’s encouraging to the sport of mixed martial arts and you said something to me a long time ago when these guys were face to face in the ring a while back DC let me give it to you you said you said that when Francis Sanu steps into the ring with with Tyson Fury that Tyson Fury doesn’t like like that it wouldn’t be close that Francis and ganu wouldn’t be a fighter that could match the skill level of Tyson Fury and it was totally different when you watch that match MH it was totally different but RC I’m looking through my phone right now because I’m trying to ask you about this because you said it could be very encouraging for the mixed martial artist but now we got Devin Haney calling out sha Ali we got dudes call are you interested in all that though are you interested in the Crossovers or does it kind of get to a point where like you know what’s you know what’s crazy it’s it’s always a compliment to the mixed martial artist if he’s being asked to box true professional Champions right so Devin Haney isn’t calling out Henry cejudo he isn’t calling out Alain Sterling he’s calling out sugar sha Ali because as a boxer in mixed Marshall Arts he’s known as one of the best the best Max Holloway would be a guy I could see stepping into the boxing ring because he’s a former boxer and that is heavily what he uses as his primary skill in inside the Octagon but I’m only interested in certain Fighters or mixed martial artists doing that against certain boxers it’s not every boxer I’m going to want to see fight a mixed martial artist and vice versa but Sean sugar sea and Devin Haney I’d absolutely watch that why would I watch it because after watching V Vali uh vasil lenko fight Devin Haney my first thing goes oh he could be touched after watching Su Sean fight everybody I say and when he touches people they get touched right and so I say well I will watch it I would still think that Devin Haney I would still think that Devin Haney would win a boxing match against sugar sha Al yep I’d still pick it I’d still bet on it but I’d watch it but you wouldn’t watch them all like I think the the the thing is now is that for mixed martial artist it’s the bigger fight it’s the bigger payday it’s more exposure for boxers it’s kind of sort of like lose lose right what did Tyson Fury gained from this boxing match other than money nothing really and it almost cost him his belt like lost yeah when you look at right now Francis and ganu you could say that he’s a top five heavyweight in the world in boxing based on his outing against Tyson Fury dude the WBC said they’re going to put him in the Top 10 rankings right now he’s 0 and one WBC said they’re going to rank him inside the top 10 because of the way he fought Tyson Fury Tyson Fury he like you said R he just got money right he it hurt him so much more because I do believe that he loses the yusk fight I don’t think they’ll fight in December and I don’t think he should fight usk right now because I don’t know if he has the time to prep himself to be ready for a guy of that Cali I mean you is he’s a slick Southpaw that’s going to give him problems and he’s still young and he’s good it it’s going to be a lot but that starts to tell me what should he do next and I start the question what if they fought again what if they just run the Francis and ganu fight back against Tyson Fury and if they do what would that look like who would that favor would Tyson Fury him take him serious and if he does do we think that he could get Francis on the there or do we believe that because of the confidence that Francis nanu gained in that boxing ring last weekend he would be even more prepared to fight Tyson Fury in a rematch it’s like there are so many questions now but the one thing that can’t be questioned and this is just me telling the the the 100% truth I saw Francis and ganu out wrestle sirro Gan because he couldn’t beat him in the Striking then I saw Franc and Gan who go in there and fight the lineal heavyweight champion of the world and be competitive some people thought he won what can’t be questioned anymore is that Francis andano is the baddest man walking the planet because in a free fight I don’t feel like anybody can beat him and maybe Jon Jones but we saw him beat Stipe I don’t know that uh anyone else beats this dude maybe the only one that could fight him or compete with him in a free fight is John Jones and that’s why we wanted to see that fight so badly but to me after SE but what I also do know is Jon Jones could not go fight Tyson Fury in the way that Francis and ganu just did in a boxing fight so when you ask me who’s the baddest man on the planet to me it’s Francis and ganu tricky tricky Daniel I see you I see you Daniel what you mean I see what you I see what you’re building here right picture this no I mean I want to see him D see picture of this right okay let’s let’s let’s ignore Let’s ignore the remat or give the rematch right now you’re saying Francis andu is the baddest man on the planet the only person that could possibly beat him is J Jones Jon Jones returns in eight months he fights stie miic he wins he’s now he’s now beating the greatest heavyweight of all time in the UFC Francis enanu who is right now the Babe Ruth of Combat Sports he’s calling his shot yes he pointing wherever he want to point cuz Francis zanu gets what he wants Francis Sanu somehow Brokers the deal to fight J Jones after J Jones fight Stipe miic it’s like the Brawl for it all bro it’s the it’s the Rumble in the Jungle the Suma it’s it’s it it’s The Rumble in the Jungle like I was about to try to make some sort of educational word for it like the Suma Cady of fighting right it is the valid Victorian of the fight world when you look at that fight bro and like I think that’s that’s what we should be working towards that’s what the world should want and and when you look at John we got to stop what DC we got to stop hoping we got to stop hoping because they’re only going to let us down RC it’s going to let us down they’re not going to be able to make the fight RC is going to break our heart because right now you got me sitting in my pants I’m squirming it’s like it’s like I’m a woman that magic mic double X Exel I’m dancing sitting in my chair I can’t sit still bro bro why did you pick a woman magic M listen I’m excited I’m like I’m just sitting here like this like oh my goodness I would love to watch that fight I wouldn’t want to see anything more but RC it’s just going to be a tease they are not going to it’s the fight we cannot go down this road it’s going to be a tease RC it’s going to break our heart too it’s going to break our heart it’s going to happen it’s going to happen DC but I do think um when you look at the rematch I think that Tyson Fury trains more I would have to think that Francis and ganu I don’t know if Francis and ganu trained for this fight with the true thought he was going to win it I would have to ask him that question I would think he trained hard I would think that he wanted to be in this fight that he thought he had a puncher’s chance but I don’t know if he trained with the mindset I can go out there and outbox Tyson Fury I believe he feels that way now I believe that his coaches would feel that way now I believe that that would amp up this training camp this is almost and even though a belt was on the line DC this was an exhibition right this was supposed to be Ivan Drago Apollo Creed that’s what it was supposed to be right and it turned and it turned in to the first Rocky when Rocky fought Apollo where it was a freaking dog fight and so I think in the next fight I believe Francis and ganu would be a better boxer I believe Francis and ganu would be a more aggressive boxer so it would truly be what’s the difference between a Tyson Fury that has trained for a championship fight versus a Tyson Fury that thought he was going out for walk in the park that was going to be a sparring session for his next fight and so I would love to see this again and I think if you’re Francis andu and they going to pay you 10 to 20 million for this one they pay you even more to see it again because because now there’s some sort of belief you can win that was a was such a spectacle and it was just like when Apollo came out dancing to James Brown it was a spectacle bro the only thing Francis was missing was like a lion coat like the dude on coming to America whenever he walked out towards the ring but right you know the boy from Africa yes that’s what I’m saying bro I was hoping Francis was wearing like a lion’s Cape coming out there looking like the king of zundo on him but it was amazing to watch it was insane for Francis to go out and do what he did Tyson Fury also will have to bounce back let’s see what happens but RC we went from the greatest heavyweight boxer of this generation fighting against one of the best UFC Champions that we’ve seen in heavyweight to now getting to UFC 295 where we got a replacement and I say this in this regard RC I don’t know if this fight is not better because sometimes when you want something right you always had remember when you wanted your Jabo Jeans RC you’re like Mama I need some Jabo Jeans bad please mama give me some jaos hey you you wanted some jabos right but then your mom said like they got this this brand called Zeke cavari they’re the same they are the same pants and everybody’s wearing the zek know what I’m saying everybody wearing the cavari but then they’re wearing the jabos you want the jabos so when you get to Z cavar you’re a little let down when in reality it might be better bro we might have fallen in love with the idea I just saying we we might have fallen in love with the idea of Jon Jones versus step mies for what they’ve been to the game and we may under overestimate the value of the fight because pavlovich versus Tom aspal might be a better fight DC looking for you’re wrong I’m saying you’re wrong right now you are wrong the the the how the the Super Bowl is it the Super Bowl and we aren’t excited about it just because they gave it a name we’re excited about it because those two teams are supposed to be the best in the world there are supposed to be two of the best teams that’s ever done it this is the Super Bowl yes but You’re Building you’re building the Super Bowl over the course of an 18 game schedule we haven’t seen step for two years how do we know what we’re going to see it be like it would be like it would be like saying the Bengals don’t have to play no more but because they did what they did two years ago they’re back in the Super Bowl that’s DC it’s not saying that because it’s the fight game it’s the same thing that we were all screaming when Jon Jones set out for three years what’s Jon Jones going to be like Jon Jones is moving up you know what he’s gonna be like he gonna choke the mess out of siral gan siral gan is going to look like a little baby fish flapping outside of the water when Jon Jones get into the Octagon yes dude St miic built his resume built his career built his reputation on greatness and I just don’t it’s it’s not it’s not it’s not football right it’s not football where I got to have like this training camp and maybe get some plays in and now I got to warm back up into it like when you when you fight you become a fighter bro and the the muscle memory in which you guys have the way that you step back into training especially when dudes like you have a goal especially when especially when dudes like you are relatively healthy y’all been doing that junk your whole life bro like it’s not stepe miic is not going to all of a sudden be poo right you’re like he’s not going to be good and even if joh Jones beats him and it’s not a and it’s not like this competitive matchup if Stipe is at the best he could be right now and Jon Jones is at the best he could be right now that’s a great fight that’s a fight that we’re interested in like what you’re saying is can can apply to any UFC fight DC we can see number 18 in the welterweight fight number 19 in the welterweight and because they’re closely matched and because they’re exciting we could get a great fight but it wouldn’t matter to us it wouldn’t move us like DC here DC okay let me try this let’s try this the Bears right the Bears okay okay very bad football team yes correct the Raiders yes very bad football team they just played so this is not like a truth let’s say both of them got together and in their awfulness oh I got it better for you the Giants and the Jets both of them are terrible in their awfulness they played an overtime Thriller that was one because Zack Wilson threw the ball up the field in overtime and they got a pass interference but he did have two great throws toward the end of the game to kick a field goal right to tie it a whopping 10- 10 DC it was 24 punts DC but it was a riveting finish yes that game sucked you know why cuz they suck it didn’t matter that it was close it didn’t matter that it was exciting DC it didn’t matter but RC you got the RC we’re not giving but you’re not getting the Jets and the Giants RC you’re getting pavlovich verses Aspen two of the best heavyweights in the world and I’m My my what I am implying to you RC is that I know what you’re we don’t know who Stipe is today at 41 when we haven’t seen him since 39 I’m not saying he’s not going to be the same guy RC I’m just saying that now we have two young hungry lions fighting for a portion of the heavyweight championship I know that if I tell you RC I got Conor McGregor versus Nate Diaz you don’t care that they might not be the guys that they were before you’ll still tap into it right now I don’t know if the world is looking at the mies Jones fight thinking boy this is going to be amazing but it was it going to be amazing in 20156 or is it going to be amazing today that’s all I’m saying what I do know is that the new main event at UFC 295 is going to be amazing today because these two young heavyweights are unbelievable heavyweights and I know you’re not saying they’re not I’m just saying that it’s hard to make those comparisons it’s going to be an amazing fight and it might be a better more competitive fight fight my feelings arees I you I know and I don’t want to say you’re right but you’re right okay okay I said it you’re right DC it could be more exciting see and and they’re really good Fighters too DC he said I’m right he said I’m right but I wanted the ja about time I didn’t want the Z cavari he wanted the je I wanted the jabos I wanted the jeans that the hot boys wear not the jeans that AC Slater wears okay just because they got a tag across the zipper don’t make them the same okay that’s what I wanted you wanted but so so you wanted you wanted you wanted the in fight you wanted the fight that that you want the glitz in the glamour so you’re one of those guys you want the glitz in the glamour I get it I get it DC can I ask you a question because the main event hey so before we move to Almeida Lewis and what this means for the heavyweights can I ask you a question though never had you had yeah I know but but you had really good fights that weren’t always championship fights right but all of your championship fights we were locked into because you were the best in the world at times but always one of the best fighting one of the best of your peers that’s what made those fights interesting and those and there were fights that you dominated but it was always that fear of somebody who’s a household name to us somebody who we hold to this level right that we have on this tier may be fighting somebody that’s just on this tier but it’s close enough and scary enough that one of our Idols right one of our role models someone we look up to in the game could fall or they could rise to the occasion again no matter who wins pavich Aspen we won’t get get that feeling because they haven’t done enough to hold that sort of to hold that sort of cache in our emotional bank account there was going to be somebody that cried that cried on the night of Stipe Jon Jones there was going to be a fan that felt such a connection to one of those men that it made them emotional we might get a great fight between Aspen and pavlovich but it ain’t going to move me it ain’t going to make me feel way I’m going to be like man that dude’s a good fighter right when I watched Izzy fall to uh Alex Pereira it moved me bro I had I had a feeling about it when I saw Leon kick kamaru I had a feeling about it when khabib choked out Conor McGregor I had a feeling about it bro like those moments bro take it back when Buster Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson I was the saddest little kid in the world oh my good all the grown folks p p they pulled their money together so we could have a fight night and watch that fight that junk broke me you see what I’m saying like that is that is different you know so without that right here go ahead and that right there’s why I love doing the show with you because of that perspective because that’s why I love doing the show with you because that’s a point where for me I look at I don’t have that type of connection to those Fighters my friends obviously but like if I’m I’m watching the fight for the two best dudes I’m like well these two dudes I don’t have that that like you said that that that in in the bank emotions tied to these fighters to where I leave with that emotion of it but I do when you make that comparison to Mike Tyson I remember feeling empty in stomach my stomach inside hurt because one of my Idols had went down in a way that was never expected and when those guys leave the Octagon on November 5th they haven’t done that yet but it could could be the jumping point for them to at some point invest in people and make that connection with people to where they do feel that so yes I do get it now I get what you mean by miic versus Jones because they’ve been around since 2009 101 and in all those years you’ve seen them work their way to the top become the champion the baddest man on the planet fight guys like me and everything and go in circles with all the best so you are connected I get it and also it is now the co-main of event to Yuri prashka versus uh Alex Pereira because he an interim title fight but yeah that’s a that’s a great point my brother but there’s another fight this weekend with another young heavyweight that is going to at some point you would imagine challenge for a CH a championship J Tela is fighting Derrick Lewis J tonela is a bit of an outlier in the heavyweight division because he makes his money not on the feet Ryan but on the grounds everyone DK fought me I was able to submit him you cannot stretch your imagination far enough to believe skills are what Jil out made second round TKO Sub Sub sub TKO what value can you take from the fight this weekend one if ja tamea is able to submit and beat Derrick Lewis and on the opposite side if Derrick Lewis somehow beats this young hungry lion Brazil does Derrick Lewis once again become a player in the heavyweight division Brian or are those days past the black beast I feel like the days of him becoming a major player are over but I believe this gives him the next fight against someone who could become a major player and then if you win that one it keeps his name ringing and maybe he gets one of those Shan Strickland like opportunities at a championship but for joton Almeida this is the next step and you wonder what this next step will mean because if you go back in Derrick Lewis’s career not the last fight because he was able to win but before that he was on a stretch where he was getting put down DC like he wasn’t just losing right people were walking through Derek Lewis which we had never seen in our lifetime we had never seen since he become a fighter and so I think that this is one of those fights for Ma you got to say IAI you got to say that a guy on his way out can’t beat me but if you’re a Derek Lewis it’s time to show again that when these hands Touch Somebody it’s a stinking problem right because you think uh taiu evasa Sergey uh pavlovich uh Sergey spach like all of those fights Derrick Lewis was dominated a second round TKO first round first round it’s his time to show I’m not all the way done but for J Jon Ela this is a must-win in my opinion yeah it’s a must-win situation for the young guy to have an opportunity to fight a former Challenger for the heavyweight championship on multiple occasions a guy that holds the records for Knockouts in the UFC and a guy in Derrick Lewis who seems to be more locked into his training and his career than he have for a long time I I believe it’s a Crossroads fight for jilon because whether or not he wins and wins impressively it will tell us exactly who he is expected to be in the heavyweight division for the long term and for Dereck Lewis it gives him an opportunity to stay in the organization where he’s made so much money and made a name for himself Derrick Lewis was on his last fight last time and I felt like if he lost they might have got rid of him but then he got a first round knockout he has always struggled with the wrestling and with the ability to get to fight takedowns and stay up upright he’s going to have to do that over and over again this weekend if he wants to beat joton almea could uh Ela be next up for the Aspen pavlovich winner if he wins this fight in impressive fashion over derck Lewis you know what’s crazy RC I was thinking about that because Stipe said they never gave him the option to fight in the interim title fight which is very odd I think they’re trying to just make sure they keep the Jon Jones meal fight for whenever it happens but I do feel like there’s a world where one of these guys does defend that interim Championship because think November they’re saying Jones is out at least eight months got that takes him all the way to next summer these guys may fight now and three four months down the line have an opportunity to fight again because even if they do they’re still not fighting Jones or they’re still not fighting miic so the heavyweight championship is going to be defended by a a third party as we wait for the two greatest of all time to fight and determine who the heavyweight champion of the world is Ryan it’s a crazy time dog and I cannot wait to get to New York City next week but RC I know it’s trade deadline I know you got business it’s time to tap in the tap out my brother let’s go Jake all right guys hamzad shmay suffered a torn ligament in his right hand during his win over Kamar Usman now knowing the severity of the injury he sustained DC tap in or tap out your perception of Ham’s win changed with this news no no you know I I I I tap out I don’t my perception doesn’t change I still thought he looked pretty impressive I mean he beat one of the greatest wealth weights of all time so it’s it’s hard for me to to go back and judge it again considering I was impressed with what he did but what I do believe now is that boy Drake is duplex C might just be getting that championship fight I might have done it twice where I thought somebody fumbled the bag and they ultimately collected because you know I said that about Francis dude walked around last week with have fumbled the bag bag during the whole buildup to the fight with Tyson Fury yeah he didn’t fumble a back Francis scored a touchdown like Bo Jackson with that back but my perception doesn’t change of Hamza chamay either you hear all the time of these Elite level Fighters fighting through injuries and finding ways to win in impressive fashion he’s also fighting a dude who I just read saw Jorge mosal in the club like 12 days before the fight so this was a great outing May and is and if healthy he’s a dude that should get a title fight if not he can get the opportunity at the drus dup’s fights Sean Strickland gu former Champion Robert Whitaker recently stated he would like Kamar Usman to stay at 185 and cause it a fight that interests me RC tap in or tap out on Usman vers Whitaker you know I tap in on this fight I tap in on this fight because I believe it gives kamaro Usman an opportunity to have a training camp knowing he’ll be fighting at one 185 and for Robert Whitaker doesn’t make him fight a retread someone he’s fought already or have to go down in the rankings to fight a fighter that doesn’t have the cache or resume that deserves a trip in the octagon with Robert Whitaker and Kamar Usman you say hey look I’m here I’m a player at 185 for the Twilight of My Career I tap in I tap all the way into this fight I think it’s a big fight and I think both of these guys deserve to walk to the Octagon in massive fights every every single time so if they’re not fighting for the championship they should be fighting championship level fights so I’m all in on kamaro Usman versus Rob Whitaker BMF title H Justin gatei told our Mark Monday he is willing to wait for Islam Mev however Max Holloway came out and said if Justin changes his mind he’d love a shot at that BMF title DC tap in or tap out on your two best friends facing off I tap out of it because I don’t want to see them dudes fight each other but I tap in that it would be an amazing fight but hey Max Holloway is one of the nicest human beings walking the planet and for the first time him being that nice cost him because now Justin gatei is saying flat out I don’t want to punch Max Holloway insane it’s insane that his Good Will to the world has ultimately cost him a chance at the BMF Championship but for me as a friend to both I don’t mind it that’s crazy DC I tap in on the fight on the fight being on the fight being just phenomenal and exciting because both of these men are willing to go to the ends of the Earth to inflict pain on their opponent but I also kind of just don’t want to see it cuz I love them both I like them both and what do they win other than a belt that’s made to let people know that they’re bad mother effers when the whole world already knows I got an MMA promotion called clout MMA put on a fight between a 50-year-old mom and her 19-year-old son’s ex-girl girlfriend the mother knocked out the ex-girlfriend RC tap in or tap out knocking out your child’s ex I tap all the way out on this bro like I don’t know about this I do I do not want to see yon in the ring with one of Jordan’s or the octagon with one of Jordan’s ex-girlfriends I tap all the way out this is not okay look at the left hand bro are you serious DC he slit she slit her off her feet bro no dog I pun on my child I tap in RC because I tap in because she got one of them long t-shirts with the black pants like the women wear you that’s somebody Mama man you can tell that’s somebody Mama because she got them she got the spandex shorts on with that long t-shirt you know exactly that’s somebody Mama bro she dressed like she F to go chaero on a field trip hell no man man hell no come on Cor I tap in all right guys last one over the weekend flavor flavor was asked to sing the national anthem at the Milwaukee Buck game here’s a little piece bright star through the [Music] per [Music] fight for the rain part we wash we’re so [Music] G [Music] streaming DC tap in or tap out on Flavor flaves anthem performance can I be honest with you I tap in because it was it was better than I thought it was it’s again the expectation versus the reality I I expected him to sound worse than woman at the NBA Allstar game he didn’t sound that bad Fergie I’m sorry Fergie is a professional I tap I tap in on it I tap in on it cuz flavor flave actually did okay like it wasn’t that bad for foofy foofy it was the Flavor of Love it wasn’t bad it wasn’t b d I appreciate you I appreciate you hanging with me today on Trading on trade deadline day but here’s the thing there’s a rumor that you might be hanging around Mount Laurel New Jersey next week and if you are we have a spot for you on inside the NFL and maybe we can fil DC and RC together for the big event in Madison Square Garden yeah I would love that I would love nothing more than that and you said you want to ask Francis if he did this I’m pretty sure we going to see Francis and ganu on the pivot very very soon so don’t act like you ain’t already started to get the interview done guys every Tuesday wherever you H your podcast you get DC and RC we’re on YouTube ESPN plus and now ESPN 2 at midnight Eastern every single week we love and appreciate each and every one of you I’m Daniel Cormier that’s Ryan Clark until next time peace