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Remain the Hun here at straw weight tonight’s pight CL by Modell Bo for those with a fighting Spirit we’ll see who can get off to a good start tonight Jean Way Lee presses forward she is in the black and gold be fitting a champion Yana the Challenger is in red in the center of the Octagon as they exchange strikes we’re going to find out a L we’re going to find out whether or not waye can match Yana’s technique whether or not she can find the openings whether or not she can keep yanna’s rhythm you got to remember Yanna when it comes to just striking is about as technical as anyone in the sport period look at this I mean this is what we’re seeing right away Way’s got to make this a dog fight in my impression in in my opinion R she’s very confident that she can stand with Yan and she believes that she can hurt her but Yana does her best work when she’s normally the one leading the one that starts all the exchanges loaded up on that right hand just out of range oh solid right hand by Yana and she’s she’s maintained that classic Muay Thai stance look at her bouncing up and down high guard oh she’s feeling it yeah she’s fighting very well right now she’s moving bouncing and the more confidence she gets the more dominance she gets in a lot of these fights when her confidence is at at its peak I’m sorry is when she is usually Hell on Wheels the law has limits they don’t see Mark wallberg in the Netflix film Spencer confidential watch it now on Netflix Oh beautiful inside low kick to end that exchange that’s the technique I’m talking out Jan way Lee has attacked the inside of that J lead leg effectively does so again there we go this is the danger for J J though in those exchanges those long ones way Lee has now landed a left hook and a right hand and you know that she has The Knockout power to end her night oh beautiful inside low kick by waye I mean waye is throwing that left hook like she is looking to ight every time she lets a fly the J Che smiling fighting Southpaw here we to check that one nicely joh way Lee putting a lot into that left hand but unable to land so far we’re looking at a kickboxing fight and as long as it stays a kickboxing fight with that right hand she is fast she is swelling under that right eye but starting to find her range a little bit coming up on two minutes here to go in round one of a possible five ooh makes it up with a side kick after the missed round kick oh beautiful low kick to end that ex by way Le you can see Way’s confidence growing though now she’s walking Yanna down and the left side of yanna’s face is starting to WR up Bridge of the nose oh now yanna’s tensing up worried about those counters she’s the bigger Striker Way Le is and you can see it in these exchanges oh Johan wayy Clos in the distance spinning attack partially grazes yon J oh my goodness oh she has mad confidence in her power now you see that she’s absorbed young J’s best shots oh she’s stunning her the danger is in the long exchanges for young J she has to land and get back to distance nice jab from Young J check she’s got one of the best of those in the game yeah but it was a beautiful low kick by waye way is making her think about everything oh hell of a counter right there from the champion less than a minute to go in the round and John you’ve seen y Anna fight long enough to know that she doesn’t want to be doing this this is not her preferable type of fight so many big exchanges so early big exchanges and ones that have really really hit her hard [Applause] I mean you’re seeing redness over her face now 30 seconds 30 seconds definite power Advantage for Jean Way Le 15 light kicks though have already landed for the former champ the power is the big factor it’s the big factor because in these exchanges wayy can take it and she’s getting hit by Yan yes but she can take it and when she fires back it’s a significant difference in the impact right there she’s so fast dude I mean you haven’t seen many people as fast as J J wayy seems to be just as fast as advertised through five minutes slightly more volume from John wayy thus far round two is a US Joe I think that’s when waye started to gain their confidence a little bit was when that big right hand of yan J L landed and it didn’t deter her or it didn’t hurt her yes well Yan’s been a woman who overwhelms girls to stop them Cuts them up and beats them up oh she’s stuned her there that was a good right hand by Yan it’s because we’s thinking all offense when they start exchanging she forgets her defense well let’s see what if any adjustments Yana makes in between rounds oh beautiful look she continues CM J does to Pepper and attack that lean Le we got to remember she went five rounds just two fights ago with chevchenko who’s the greatest knockout artist in the history of women’s MMA right up there with Amanda Nunes I don’t think anybody’s been around or two full rounds with Chef chenko since y j so she can handle the power let me say that again cuz nun is the greatest knockout artist for sure but in this Division and in 125 it’s CHF ch nice sticking move there by ion J cheek neov bold character since 1872 shot from Jean Way Lee and J CH able to stay upright now reverses jean into the [Applause] fence I got to correct myself again to shenko doesn’t fight in this division but you know what I’m saying yes knee to the body there by Yan look at this now this he exchanges here in the clinch is where waye has an advantage cuz wayy has a significant submission game and her physical strength comes into play if Yana engages in clinch Warfare with her Yana has made strength condition a huge part of her fight camp like you said earlier J cuz she understood when she was up against with the power of way and to this point she’s doing a really good job showing that she’s well trained understands the positions and has not taken any damage or gotten taken down yet oh goodness Lee needs the body byana what a fight and in theory for your on J Che P see now that she’s mastered that weight cut chin should be better it’s held up so far and she has out landed Jan way Lee 47 to 40 unofficially in terms of these significant strikes as we come up on the 2minute Mark here in round two oh good counter right holding fire oh B shot huge right hand a little bit maybe not bad but she’s got to hurt a little bit oh side kick she’s feeling it knee to the body she gets it that was nasty now the fight’s on the ground for the first time she’s hanging hard onto that neck and you want crowded a fever pitch here as Jean Way and Yani J check go Toe to Toe 90 seconds in the round and what a round what a start to this fight well Le’s technique looks very sharp oh oh my goodness everything is straight I mean you’re looking at two of the best strikers in the UFC regardless gender everything’s so tight everything chis no wasted action by neither of these women nice job by y j Che counter nicely by Jan way Le Way’s got a beautiful right low kick and she’s firing it off on that left leg of Yana multiple times in these exchanges she likes to end with it that’s money in the bank we’re going to have more than 300 total strikes thrown before we hit round three just [Applause] incredible Way’s got some significant swelling particularly on that left excuse me that right eye yeah above it beneath it she’s getting pieced up too I mean both women are landing very well right now here J way Lee you don’t want to take too many more of those kicks to that lead leg she’s checked a couple you wanted to switch St beautiful that a running headbut yeah looked like a bit of a headcut [Applause] there wow 10 minutes down so Jean furiously working on her between [Applause] [Music] rounds [Applause] wo she tagged her she tagged her and a beautiful low kick too you you can see the power difference it’s very very uh it’s big man if Yanna just has to be careful she needs to escape once she lands instead of staying in the pocket she needs to get her head off the center line when she throws these punches after for you and J landed a huge left for Jean Way Lee just missed on that combination oh my [Applause] goodness very few straw weights can match the volume of yon J Jang way Lee has done that thus [Applause] far oh my goodness I’ll tell you what these girls are not playing it safe no they’re both fighting beautifully too young jck is fighting a beautiful fight after the challeng as the [Applause] champ J Switched Off to Southpaw she’s done that a few times you can see her confidence just Rising I think she’s looking for a left high kick I think that’s one of the reasons why she switched off oh she stunned her there her coach just thought that way would gas a little bit think she’d be able to keep that pace and right now it looks like she’s starting to fatigue a little yeah she’s looking for the left high kick that’s why she switched to South par after the success of that one kick at the end of the round plus it’s just a different look now wayy has to adjust and Yana can fight very well from this stance pretty good counter right from Jean Way Lee but Yana starting to take control of this round two minutes in Johan way Lee has never seen Championship rounds y know J has lived in those fourth and fifth rounds and in my eyes it looks like she’s coming on very strong here beautiful low kick there by waye oh th kick to the body that’s that’s what’s going to do well for youran you start digging that kick in the middle sticks and move o yeah I mean wayy is looking to end it with each shot she throws but Moana is learning the timing and the distance that wayy presents and she’s managing to get away from a lot of these big shots now slicing elbow from Jean Way Le unable to land it under two minutes in the round good defense here oh beautiful right back up to her feet though Ked again up to her feet one more time this is going to fatigue way even further I think it’s a very nice adjustment right it just gives yna a different level of the fight to worry about it’s not going to be just a stand up fight you’re going to have to worry about pitching eventually and take down attempt but one thing Yana has shown in her career is Stellar Tak down defense and an excellent ability to get up oh good kick to the oh oh my goodness now sh lead drags Yanna down that the MJ check right back up yanna’s got a big hematome on her forehead now folks and it looks nasty look at that yeah and it’s swelling up as we speak yanana Corner wants more pace and pressure man they feel like way Leia is starting to fatigue bad I don’t think she’s at as tired as they think but they seem to be very animated wanting her to pressure forward inside leg kick for the champion and she ate that looking to counter with the left high kick beautiful look at that swelling on her forehead that is nasty oh big Left Hand by y that one appear to really stun John way Le you see the body strikes for the former Champion wo oh my goodness well Yanna suggested this was going to be the greatest straw weight title fight in UFC history and I think it already is 15 minutes in for sure oh oh look at how joh Lee plays with her feet on her taked down W what a first three round they’re laying it all out on the line man Championship rounds ooh good good kick to the body by The Champ oh oh my goodness they getting wild that was a clean land with the right by on way Lee I mean yanna’s chin has held up beautifully so you believe her when she say getting knocked out was due to the weight cut now that she’s got her weight under control she’s taking every shot she needs to oh my goodness oh my goodness that’s a big left hand from the J now she get [Applause] stumbled big Connection by y j Che you get the sense that these two might face each other again after tonight about a minute on by here round four this is a fantastic fight if they fight again I would watch it every single time I feel very honored to be able to watch her right now oh left off oh my goodness [Applause] land oh I mean Yana’s forehead is swelling by the second swelling on God look at her forehead now this is [Applause] crazy oh man that’s a tough visual right there and that right hand from John wayy not going to make it any better fight they are letting go young J looks pressure yes she’s bouncing really well Way’s throwing harder still this is crazy well we got to realize wayy has never been in the fourth round she’s never fought a championship round and definitely never fought a championship round against someone like Yan well like this pace this pace has been insane oh nice combo beautiful to the body and mix it up with the head coming up on 600 total strikes thrown oh head kick big reset and deep breath from Jean Way Le oh beautiful left hook beautiful check hook there by Yan Yana is the fresher fighter right now we’s going to have to take chances because Johan’s bouncing F Well she has so much more experience in these Championship rounds Le starting to fade here as we cross the midpoint round four and she has so much more experience in Wars I don’t know if she’s ever been in one like this though oh left hook by we [Applause] Le yeah I don’t know if we’ve ever seen a war like this in the women’s strawweight [Applause] division nice over hand right oh my goodness man oh big shot by the champion no it was right on the it was right on the bubble it was right on that thing on her forehead oh it was right on the bu oh beautiful inside low kick to end that exchange by Yana Yana is not slowing down and Johan Wy perhaps getting a second win here yeah she seems to be picking it up a little bit I mean her strength and conditioning routine is legendary oh still hanging in that pocket oh jum check I mean what a what a fight just incredible there’s Le f with the OU hook here as we show you the numbers here in round four advantage young J in terms of lands and efficiency oh my goodness this is a fight jck is not even recognizable it just seems like they’re both landing and they’re landing at the same time CH away Le still trying to fight find that fight ending [Applause] shot [Applause] you [Applause] oh oh inches away from Landing that high [Applause] kick every time you h a kicks way Lee just counters with a right hand 20 high level minutes in the can my goodness oh man and don’t forget I believe Israel aagna and yel Romero are waiting in the wings this happens every [Applause] time these exchanges are so even they’re so good I mean I don’t even know how to judge his fight I’m watching the fight I’m thinking it’s two to2 and I think it’s 3 to one and I have no idea what what the score is I’d imagine on the lot betting line that yon J’s the favorite right now I think y j is Landing more with volume but I think that it’s hard to say look at you can’t score a fight and qualif fight at the same time and basically we’re professional fans right now yes absolutely I me let’s be honest right and the luckiest people on Earth wh just out of range with that offering one minute has gone by here in round five oh good right hand man power shots land Jean Way Lee doesn’t even Flinch oh my goodness left hook by we Lee youan his nose just went crooked with that shot oh man something’s going on with her nose now well she took that left hook bad yeah I think she took it right on the nose and it just twisted up so you want to be a fighter oh left hook another one those left hooks are starting to land y want is such a Savage yeah she’s so tough man big right from jck and a nice counter from Jean Way Le all crooked it’s all beat up yeah it’s from that left hook but look at y man not even deterred at all not at all she’s such an oh backto back left hook from you young J Che [Applause] oh what a slip there from [Applause] John CRA this is insane oh goodness that rearranged the mouthpiece in young J check’s [Applause] mouth oh yeah that KN hook hit on the tip of the chip that’s why you have J Che clinched well Jon Jones and Alexander guson fight goes into the Hall of Fame this summer and this one eventually maybe a decade down the line but 100% 100% this is in the Hall of Fame has to it has to this is an amazing fight it has everything Talent skills I mean toughness this a good as it gets and it’s so evenly matched it’s such a well matched fight and finally in the fifth round the volume is tapered off a sco 90 seconds to go right when you say that wild it’s change again oh the toughness the heart many human beings out there just can’t relate to it it’s crazy because now it seems like Jean Way Lee is the more fresh fighter yeah she’s the one that’s going forward she’s the one going first every time been a good round for the champion for sure DC it’s exactly what you want to see right in the champion you want him to get better as the fight goes on and right now wayy is answering the call now I don’t know what she lost in the middle rounds but she seems to be winning the last one yolan J has a Frankenstein forehead right now yeah it’s bad man it’s real bad and on paper she has slightly out landed John way Le in this final round down the stretch we come what a [Applause] [Applause] fight second crowd watching with baited breath over these final 20 [Applause] seconds oh my God final 10 seconds is L for J go right from John way Le wowly the greatest fight in women’s Mak maral history three as predicted by the former Champion Yana D J Che she just looked over at Dana White and made the money thing she made she made the money symol with her fingers oh my God look at her head man look at her head get some ice on her head or something what a fight holy smokes what a fight ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges score cards for a decision Eric Cen scores the contest 4847 y j Derek clearly scores it 4847 Wy and Mike Bell scores the contest 4847 for the winner and still the undp USC champion of the world John M over [Music] [Applause] way