On today’s episode of UFC Unfiltered, Matt Serra and Jim Norton are joined by coach Eric Nicksick of Xtreme Couture and UFC …

scary power there from Drew Dober and that’s why I’m the number one lightweight knockout artist in the world right now so we brought back the setup I’m smooth I’m natural and I’m having fun out [Applause] here welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a p K we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC unfiltered Matt Sarah right now I had to start because Matt is uh shirtless and flexing and in damn good shape damn sorry Jimmy yes sir all morning on the mat I did not go today oh slacker somebody in my house has coid and I’ve been testing negative but I wanted to have one more day of negative test so I wanted to make sure I didn’t get the guy I’m rolling with sick um so I stayed I just I didn’t uh you know I was trying to I’m just um I’m just I’m just a teenage dirt beg jimy sorry that’s okay Eric Nixon is here he’ll be here shortly and we also have uh uh Drew Dober after a huge win what an impressive uh win over Ricky Glenn so uh yeah good show today a great great uh card on Saturday night and uh Boy Bobby green looked 8 00:01:47,759 –> 00:01:53,159 incredible Bobby green Bobby green how accurate and and you know we just had Grant um Grant Dawson yeah gr Dawson on and he was supremely confident sure and he’s been on a tear he was undefeated in the UFC am I correct with that I know he has one loss the loss was out of the UFC wasn’t he I believe you’re right and maybe we should bring in I start talking please I don’t know I think you’re right I think you’re right he was 21 and one the UFC you godamn right I’m right me you got you damn right I’m right I’m sorry um so yeah man I mean it’s it’s a tough you know he lost a fight you know to a similar I’m not gonna say similar but to you know a very high level Grappler um in h the champ Islam Islam uh and you know you’re thinking all right is that GNA affect him and his last fight was uh coming off what was that was that the controversial what was that fight right before let me see it was a win um was it a win yes Bobby green he was no was he coming off a win let me see I’m almost positive he was yeah Ferguson I think it was hernie Ferguson um I yes it was Tony Ferguson he beat Tony Ferguson that’s right my B yeah yeah it was it was controversial saying was Ferguson we should bring in Eric nixi by the way was Ferguson uh you know up to fighting or you know that in that way it was but I was thinking I’m sorry Jimmy I was thinking of a different fight with him okay something with Jared Gordon didn’t they have a something I’m sorry Eric Eric probably coach first of all all that congrats to Bobby green it was awesome great coach Eric congrats man congrats on all your success buddy thank you brother I appreciate that you’re doing something right over there at extreme I tell you what’s in the water over there that was so great that was so great because I know how it is with those Underdog moments you know so that uh that Sean Strickland fight you know something else brother we we brought you up quite a bit that fight week man you know that was that was part of our motivation as well you know what I mean like we always talked about there there’s guys ahead of us that have done that so we know it’s possible and you know your name your name got brought up quite a bit that fight week did you uh to me the most impressive thing about the the besides obviously the win was round three because uh you know sha looked so good in the first round and really hurt is he and then Israel came back in the second round and just won the round and looked great and and typically that’s what would start then all of a sudden he comes back and he wins four to1 or 3-2 but then in round three Shawn goes right back to what he was doing that to me was amazing that he weathered that psychologically and it didn’t throw him and what was it like in between rounds two and three that that was actually it um Jim like I remember looking over at at either Danny Davis or Lance or whoever else is in the corner and I was like I’m I’m gonna jump in this dude’s ass just because like I felt like we let him off the hook going into round two um and it could have been been a little bit of an adrenaline dump just because of the way the round one ended um you know and I felt like maybe Izzy was easing his way into the fight but you’re absolutely right man at that point like I didn’t want to I didn’t want to let anything of that momentum bypass any further because that I think that’s why I ended up telling him going into three I was like I don’t want to lose a Point Fest to this guy just by him just you know kind of touching and moving and that’s how we’ll end up losing so let’s get in this dude’s ass and and let’s go make this difference and you know he did just that I love that man I love you can get through to him because it’s obviously a different relationship than you and listen all fighters are different we know that as as coaching guys but there’s obviously a different chemistry even than say yourself and Dan eay like you and Dan a have one thing Sean Strickland to me seems like a guy that could easily be in a corner telling you to off or something but he’s not he has your you have his somehow you have his respect and I want to talk about that because personally I like Sean I like I always like Sean I Sean to me is like a throwback to when I was fighting a guy that like when I was fighting I literally didn’t really do it for the money because it wasn’t a lot of money at all I did all right towards the end of my career because again I had a a nice moment there um but I know what it’s like just to fight for the love of fighting and that’s how sean is just a natural born fighter he looks he seems like he wants to be a natural born Just Killer but psychopath but how did you I want I like it though but how did you gain his respect you nailed it coach because like you know Jay Haron always says like he’s just a throwback Jay Jay was like if this dude was in our gym 10 years ago he would fit right in you know and and now like you know obviously times have changed but but now Shawn is that kind of that extreme Couture throwback that we have but um you know I think earning his respect is just Sweat Equity and being together for so long and you know spending the time with one another and actually you know knowing that the knowing that we care knowing that we give a about the guy and and those things do matter and um you know early on the first time I cornered him and I know he’s not very good at like keeping the attention but that’s just always been him so what do we have to do as a coaches and that’s adapt and sometimes it’s almost not to try to change him to you know make it my style but I just asked for compromises for example it’s just like hey man if I don’t need the whole minute in the corner but maybe you could just give me 20 or 30 seconds and there’s some pertinent information that I might need to pass along for you so I just need your attention for that 20 or 30 seconds and then I’ll let you get back to doing what you do and you’d be like oh okay that you know that makes sense and okay I’ll listen you know and and then over time we’ve we’ve kind of just gained that little bit of respect in in the corner and we understand how to communicate with one another and you know it worked out for us on Fight Night it’s also very impressive what a mentally tough fighter he is like a lot of people I me he lost to p and Jared and then goes on a three-fight win streak including outp pointing Izzy in in an incredible fight like that would have broken a lot of Fighters mentally and but after the P fight he just seemed to have the right attitude about it drop he didn’t seem to be thrown by it or or like I’m sure it affected him but he didn’t seem like he was broken by it um and I and I think that’s just a sign of what a mentally tough person he really is yeah he he really is Jim and like he’s he’s constantly in the gym you know even after the loss he was right back in and you know we’ll have like maybe a day of kind of going back and licking the wounds but talking about things we could have done better or you know hey man maybe I should have wrestled more or maybe I should have done this or whatever it may be and like like coach was saying it’s it’s part of those things I think over time you start to to to understand what your your coach is looking for what the game plan is and then you know okay maybe those things would have worked out better had I done this way and and with that time I think it really helped um sea and I just really have that camaraderie and understanding what we need in the corner and you worked with go ahead Matt I was just gonna say like I don’t know what’s I don’t know if anybody knows what’s happening right now is it it gonna be an immediate rematch or not but if there is I find it fascinating because now sha knows what he could do like he what is I he I want I he I never heard and to his credit I never heard any excuses but what you know what the hell happened I wanted I would love to get his coaches down and be like from your take what did you plan for and what because he was being Sean Strickland I thought I was picking Shawn but I thought Shawn would pull out of his you know sleeve I heard about his wrestling I heard he’s really good with the wrestling and I thought he pull that card the fact that he didn’t is just it’s even better cuz he was he was himself it was another day of sparring in there with him and man I was just so fascinated like I would know if they had to get ready for Shan again what are they doing different because you know he took a that that first round you got to give it to Izzy to even stay in there so come back and win after that is something but I don’t who knows what happened I know and I’m sure from sparring and stuff Eric and like I don’t know if you ever took a shot where you didn’t really know you the shot till later I remember the my back fist with shy Carter I I got so exhausted in that fight I think part of it was I took a back fist at the end of the first round it didn’t end the fight but when I was in the hospital later after the second one ended it they brought up the first one I didn’t remember it I’m like I got hit with two and then I remember Sher to Doc rest in peace she goes along Longo oh he’s he’s out he doesn’t remember and I didn’t remember getting hit so you could be in fantastic shape and a certain shot could just change the whole course of a fight and also you’re not and all you’re not being yourself you’re not so I don’t know what is your take on it what is your take on it dere you you know stylistically when it when it comes down to like putting a game plan together for Sean um we lean heavy on his style and just who he is and I think the people that really have been in there with Sean the Johnny eands of the world you know the guys that train with them all the time in extreme Couture they’re the ones to First tell you that like hey man he’s a difficult dude to deal with when your first couple times you’re in there with that pace and his style and that’s what we try to lean heavy on early right away was let’s try to get the pressure going right on Izzy and make him feel like he’s in a he’s in a dog fight the biggest things for us was just understanding cage control and keeping him to where he wasn’t chasing the chasing the corner post where he was cutting everything off and keeping everything in front of them and not walking into something silly so that was really the the meat and potatoes of our game plan but Sean’s a guy where his attention span doesn’t doesn’t last very long so if you try to if you try to like over Coach him with things you could just see his you know he just like blacks out you know so um coach him in spurts and that was our that was our mentality was we watched a ton of tape of coaches but we didn’t want to spill all this information over to Sean because he just would have his the bandwidth would have been too much for the Wi-Fi you know he just want to shut it off so so that was uh that was just really you know a lot of what we had to deal with with him yeah we we Wrestled a ton just because we wanted to have that element if we needed to sprinkle it in and you know Sean didn’t have to to his credit man he did everything he needed to do so the nice thing when you bring it up too coach about like possibly a rematch me there’s some stuff we didn’t even have to show in the first fight that maybe we can show in the second fight now and new things they might have to deal with so it’ll be very interesting to see what they decide to do and um you know the winner out of Costa and kot you know we’ve been hearing it might be that um it could be Izzy it could be drus so that that’s what sounds like it’s lined up to us but we’re ready for whatever they tell us did did uh adanna speak to you guys after did you guys you talk to him after can you what happened there uh in the in the cage he was um you know talking about that he had like a tattoo on his neck and it was just kind of it was weird like in the moment we didn’t really know what he was referring to and he kept telling to Sean like don’t talk about my family and Shawn was like I don’t never said anything about your family you know and it was just very confusing and then finally he like pointed at his neck and he attacked tatto of his dog he’s like this is my family my talking about his dog and we’re like oh like all right like sorry man we didn’t mean talk about your dog or something disrespectful and and I was kind of standing there and Izzy was being respectful but it was just kind of a weird moment I guess um and again like the man just was in a in a five round war and lost his belt so I I’m sure emotions were running high and then um after the fight he got um changed and to to go to the press conference I he and then him and I spoke for about 10 minutes after that and that was cool man like I I got nothing but love and respect for those guys so it was nice to have a moment and speak with him and kind of debrief the fight a little bit and just exchanged pleasantries and you know I told him I’ll see him out in Saudi for Francis and um you know best of luck to you so yeah it it was good he was classy and I wanted go ahead Jimmy goad no no I’m sorry I I wanted to ask about Francis um so Matt did you want to if you wanted to talk more about Izzy I don’t want to change subjects if you’re SC no man I was just GNA say how even know sege Strickland’s very like he’s very himself very Politically Incorrect but just himself like just being himself he is like a breath of fresh air nowadays because everybody’s so afraid to offend somebody to he’s not trying to offend anybody but he’s very honest and uh I don’t know I like him I find myself I find it what’s the word I’m looking for uh refreshing no stop it it’s Del stop it captivating captivating captivating captivating I can’t when he’s doing a press conference he looks like he was made for the uh for that role he was wear first of all I think you should still rock that hat I think was great that hat was great on him he was like the reboot of crocodile crocodile D yeah he look great but the press conferences and everything I think he’s hysterical even to the point where to the stown he can’t even look at him he’s like ah it’s awkward I don’t know I think he’s a breath of fresh air and I I agree I agree coach Eric I seen him I seen clips of him on the um the nek boys podcast I don’t know rip it on him dude straight up just telling them like yeah you guys are just beta you’re just you know men oh he a sterical it’s it’s so great I don’t know I like hey that that’s what I love about him too is like you know what you’re going to get from the guy and if if he’s as real as it gets man like there’s no sugar coating he’s not fake if he likes you he likes you if he doesn’t he’s you’re gonna know he doesn’t like you and and like just like you said this day and age everybody will say something to your face and turn around and talk behind your back he’s not that guy he’s gonna let you know right away you always know sorry you always know where you stand with Sean you always know where you stand with Sean you know couple La last week four guys came in young prospects like 4-0 5-0 you know nice kids all all 85ers the moment they walked in the gym Sean looks at all four of them and says hey you guys aren’t aren’t our teammates you’re your guests and as I consider you meat so we’re g to beat the out of you for the whole day and then if you guys decide to come back and be a part of this team then we’ll take care of you as teammates but I’m letting you know right now there’s a Target on your back and we’re gonna try to beat the out of you guys and I was like okay you know at least you know he’s not telling to come in and we’ll take care of you we’ll Spar light no let me know you’re going to be in for a fight for the day it’s going to be an ugly day a long clean up your blood boys that’s all I told him and uh and Francis I I I I I know you heard it’s being said that the promo between him and Tyson Fury that video it’s the best fight promo video ever done it I don’t know if you’ve seen it but uh in ganu Fury the promo video for it is so good I mean it’s in the world so interesting and so well shot and such a great promo um I love Francis you know how how is he looking obviously uh in this fight and how do you approach a guy like Tyson Fury who uh who has literally doesn’t have to remove weapons the way Francis will Francis can’t use wrestling he can’t use just the idea that he might grab you he can’t use a kick um which I always think puts MMA fighters at a big disadvantage against boxers yeah I agree he’s been looking great and it say you know this was a an interesting camp for for me in the regards of like you know Francis and I have always been at each other’s hip you know we’ve been at every fight together train training together during Co you know and then now this being a boxing fight he’s you know brought in some more boxing coaches and I’ve obviously still been busy with the MMA side of things so I’ve been able to show up for like most of his sparring um and you know he’s looked great he’s looked amazing he’s actually you know the last couple times I watched in Fara I’ve seen some really great development when it comes to his boxing with that being said you know game plan for him or from my standpoint I’m not saying this is their game plan it it’s I think it’s very difficult to go out and try to outbox someone like Tyson Fury I don’t think that’s the approach I think that some of the things that we do and and and Coach Matt will tell you too like the unconventional things that we do in MMA might be a better path for Francis in the regards of like our stance switches and being a little bit more erratic when it comes to some of the things that we do in MMA that most conventional boxers might not see on a day-to-day basis right like especially at the heavyweight division now Tyson’s a rarity he moves very well he can switch from both sides or hit from both sides essentially so I think we we we kind of need to play a little bit of that like we did in the Stipe fight where you saw Francis switching to Southpaw switch steps crossovers uh step through over hands and things like that because if we just stand there and stay conventional and try to fight Tyson Fury he’s just going to neutralize the right hand he’s going to utilize his jab he’s going to um you know Circle away and he’s going to get Francis to overthrow so we’re going to have to have some different delivery mechanisms in my opinion to try to land that big that big Power Shot and it might need to come from a different angle is is my thought and you know get the Bodywork in and try to stay on them stay heavy all in all man this is a big tall task we’re up for the challenge you know but um you know I’m super proud of Francis man this is what he’s always wanted since his dad met him so you now he’s fighting the best boxer to ever do it size what size gloves are they I’m sorry j what size gloves do we know uh I think they’re 12 I think they’re doing 12s and it’s a 20 foot 24 foot uh boxing ring so a lot of real estate lot of real estate to move and is there any been talk I mean I’m sure Francis is focusing on this I mean this is a massive massive fight but is there any talk or any uh thoughts do you think of him returning to MMA uh or is it something he wants to just stay in boxing he definitely wants to return to MMA and um you know the the plan is to be able to return to MMA within you know first quarter of 2024 hopefully February time um he’s starting to I mean he’s really falling in love with the the just like you said the kicking game the wrestling game and doing all those things and and it’s in a lot of ways it’s a little bit of a disappointment because we had to put a pause on those things but I think it was also blessing in disguise due to the knee injury we were able to get back and just focus on getting his knee rehab but also not have to worry about the wrestling and the kicking so his leg can come back to full strength so once this boxing Camp is over and he’ll take a little time off and then hopefully get back into the into the cage and then really get back to work on on the growth of the the MMA that full MMA skill set that we’ve been seeing out of Francis as of late it just it always frustrates me for for MMA guys because again you have to lose so many even if they’re things that you don’t throw all the time it’s just you know you can’t and and your half of your weapons have to be left and it just seems it’s such a tough adjustment to make and and MMA guys are like when you look at Nate and Jake Paul even fact that Nate uh did as well as he did I was really happy for me look great in the later rounds like it’s just impossible when you know you can grab somebody you know you can choke somebody and you’re not allowed to do it it’s just it’s always a tall order for a mixed martial artist just even stance alone right like I you know the boxers that we brought in I would like joke around at Francis because like if their lead toes point to the inside we always just calf kick them and I was like man it’ be nice to just throw one calf kick at this guy or just get one single legegg you know it might not be legal but let’s get one least in there I like how Nate wrapped up uh Jake’s neck just to be like ah if it’s a real fight I won this Nate always has like one moment even a fight that he loses that kind of like wins over the crowd you know always always always I was gonna ask about Dan eay because man he’s such a good fighter and he’s I mean Bryce Mitchell holy man when he brought that Bible out it scared the out of me I don’t know I mean I’m not a I mean that was the one of the best things I ever seen Freo listen that’s another guy he’s not he’s not afraid to be himself either I yeah I don’t care what shape he thinks the Earth is I think that guy’s phenomenal I think he’s phenomenal uh how is he feeling because I’ll tell you man in the beginning I’m like man he’s not making it easy for Bryce to get where he needs to go but I’ll tell you Bryce did chain together some of those takedowns beautifully and I’m gonna say unorthodox uh un unorthodox Le is that that’s not work but uh you know he just the way he put it together was pretty smooth and and Dan eay looks like a a a guy to me and you you know better than me uh coach Eric a hard guy to get down and keep down so that was was that just what we’re looking at is that he didn’t plan to be there because man it didn’t look like it was going to happen until it did happen you know what I mean yeah so you you you pretty much nailed all of that and and you know we knew it wasn’t going to be the first or second or even third takedown or attempt it was going to be the chain wrestling of Bryce that was going to be the thing they were going to have to deal with the most and in the first round Dan did a really good job of keeping it on the feet all the way up until maybe the last minute maybe 30 seconds um and then once the takedown did happen I kind of felt like that we’re going to see a little bit more of a wrestle heavy approach by Bryce Mitchell um you know one judge gave us round one one judge gave us round two and another judge gave all three rounds to Bryce so you know the the damage was was apparent like he shut shut the guy guy’s eyes down uh they they checked it twice so you know those things were were were right there and then you know in the third round you know this is why like I feel like it’s so important to have a debrief with your fighter whether you win or lose just to be able to watch the film together and kind of go over some things and um you know Dan doesn’t really remember all of round three at all because I felt like he just wasn’t responsive in some of those positions in round three like he got taken down and just there was some scramble positions I’m like losing my mind like damn just Pummel an underhook and let’s get to the hip and you know we can even land on top and some of this stuff and he just didn’t seem like he was firing all cylinders and then when we did our debrief he’s like yeah man Bryce clipp me pretty good at the end of the second round um hit him with a short left hand and then like the takedown kind of headbutted him and he goes dude I was on autopilot in all of round three he goes I don’t really remember any of the round which makes a lot of sense which makes a lot of sense so um and man all the credit goes to Bryce he’s the one that inflicted the damage he’s the one that got on top he did all the right things to to win the fight but I think for a coaching moment I that’s where some of those important things are need to happen is even after the fight and speaking to your fighter and and understanding what went on because it just didn’t seem like Dan in round three I’m like hey man like you gotta fight for those positions you gotta show a little bit more urgency in those positions and you know it just wasn’t getting it out of them maybe until really the end and then we get we get done with Medicals we go wait for the shuttle we’re just kind of sitting there and finally he was like how did we get over to here right and I was like oh and then I go I don’t remember you getting clipped at all and then he goes yeah I don’t remember either but I remember him hitting me with a good shot at the end of round two and then he goes back and watches the fight he goes bro I don’t even remember the the end where he was like trying to pray he goes I don’t remember any of that he’s like we trying to pray I was like yeah he you know it’s funny since we’re talking about not remembering that night I told you with my shorty c a loss now picture this I so I don’t I guess they knew that nobody grabbed my pants right so afterwards we’re going back after the emergency room everybody got in the cab it might have been two cabs because there was a b a bunch of people with us I was the last I’m in my I used to fight in those little Valley to those shorts and I had a ghee top on so I walked out with my ghee no pants everybody they left me they let they stopped down in the parking like oh my they I was out I was so out of it they all got in the cab they start taking off down the block and I’m sitting there and then they stop they come back and Longo’s like wait left you I don’t know what a beinging anyway I look like a fighter I suppose but listen yeah I it’s like we were talking about earlier so I wanted to know about that because he’s such a great fighter and I feel that he’s one of those guys that I can tell he’s one of those guys that’s a pleasure to coach because he probably does he does everything he looks very like he does everything right and then he has some really great success and then he wins another one and he beats a tough guy and then there a little stumble like this and it’s it’s kind of frustrating I’m sure than anybody yeah that that one that one definitely does bother me and you know just because I know he’s better than that um the one thing that stands out to me was we didn’t utilize our footwork as well he’s uh he’s very good at at at switching a little bit of more stances and that that was mainly to uh like we call the pressure release situation to where you apply pressure but release the pressure to kind of disrupt um any shot coming in or giving yourself some distance and so you can identify a shot coming in whether than just trying to throw big Hooks and kind of be the Juggernaut and that’s where guys will just drop levels on you so um you know I don’t I almost wanted Dan just to win the fight on his jab alone and just stay long distance with this guy you know so you know it’s one of those situation as a coach it’s uh it’s on all of us as a team we got to go back to the drawing board and become better and um you know looking forward to the next time out with him cuz he is he is Matt like he’s one of the best kids you’re ever going to meet and works his ass off and you gota love the guy 100% yeah Eric thank you so much and congrats to to you and all you all you guys and Sean for an unbelievably impressive performance over a great fighter you frustrated him uh you know Shawn had a great night which is I think what caused adisan to have a bad night um you know what I mean because adisan had a great second round it wasn’t like he showed up out of shape I mean uh it was just incredible to watch Shawn just be just not get TI that first that first round would have blown a lot of guys out uh to cardio wise uh you know what I mean they but he just doesn’t get tired it’s crazy he doesn’t it’s nuts really really happy for Sean and for you guys and uh good luck man I can’t wait I hope he flights to P next but then again the hamza’s great the rematch is great but C it doesn’t matter whoever Sean has next is gonna be really really great no I appreciate you guys man thank you coach it’s good to always talking to you brother take care of yourself sir thank you again all right guys talk soon later bye [Music] buddy so Jimmy yes sir what did you do today I need your JSU I know I couldn’t because I I told you my uh there’s coid in my home I don’t have it I’m sorry that’s okay but I’m I’m uh I’m testing negative but I wanted to have one more full day of negative test before I go to the gym so I I texted Mike last night I don’t want to get my rolling partner i’ be a selfish and get somebody sick yeah Jimmy you don’t want to be a selfish no I’m a nice guy and uh not to put everybody’s business out there but I know our friend Anthony Kumi is in the hospital is he okay oh yeah Anthony’s been that’s funny I’m uh anony is not that far from me so I’ve gone to see him a couple of times we’ve been texting every day he’s uh having something else done today like a post surgery thing like which is very natural to have done so it’s which is good so uh ant’s in good shape he’s doing well his spirits are great um I’ve sat with him a couple of days and uh you know he’s mentally 100% there and he’s feeling very good about the way it went please tell him that I asked for him I don’t even know if he remembers me sure do I don’t assume that people know me Jimmy they do he’ll remember you and his girlfriend does jiujitsu oh get out of here yeah yeah yeah she for a long time does Jiu-Jitsu so I’m sure I I mention I mentioned you actually because I was in the room with Anthony and his girlfriend on on Friday or Saturday and and she’ come from Jiu-Jitsu on Long Island and I she tells me where she goes I’m like what about Matt Sarah and she said he’s a little far away like I think that you were too far was just you went to a closer place but yeah your name came up listen man you know I love you know nobody’s got to train with me but they really should train you understand Jimmy yeah I love it I hate missing it I hate when I don’t go yeah let me tell you I enjoy it today I did um some triangle setups yeah you know some some when they go for a stack pass double stack look at you shaking your head you know you that’s the eyebrows of somebody that’s been had a ghee on look at them now this is the eyebrows of someone who just wanted to tell you that I’ve been I just got introduced to triangles and I’m getting better at them but occasionally I throw the wrong leg over I get confused it’s the left right thing I still really have to get like if his right arm is coming through which leg do I throw over which one do I lock on you know yeah it’s going to come to you Jimmy you know what I mean I did that all morning I love it I love it man 7 am the noon class I’m gonna go back tonight I’m gonna I’m Gonna Roll my wife and my kid makes me very tuckered out though it makes me tuckered out Matt hey let’s talk about a couple fights dude how about about we’re gonna talk to Drew Dober in a second but I hope so uh let Let Me Maybe not maybe we W either way we had fun um that Ricky Glenn what a beautiful punch selection Drew’s punches were accurate he was uh throwing to the head he was throwing to the body uppercuts uppercuts to the body it was such a great variety of punches Jimmy yes sir what what about that glove grip by uh oh when he was on the ground yeah he literally was like trying to help help me up but he gripped that glove like a ghee grip what now the I don’t the ref even want them you know he probably I don’t know if he did or not but I think by that point there’s no excuse I think he was already very hurt and just it was a moment of desperation um again not that there’s an excuse for it but I I think he was already in very bad shape by that point this is what I like about Tober man look at his last holy how many knockouts he either wins or or loses by he he in his last six fight knocked out Bobby green uh uh uh uh mckenny um and then Ricky Glenn and and this is after you’re right he either uh he’s going to lose by a TKO fights are either KO he’s ko’ed four out of his last five and the one he lost he got ko’ed Rafael he’s not an exciting fighter huh just unbelievable yeah he’s Drew Dober is very and to me that was what I mean everyone knew Islam makev was great but when you saw how he handled a guy like Drew Dober and the he had against Drew Dober uh I I think that was to me when he began to look like this guy is by far uh the best in the division and is gonna be the champion when I when I saw him against Drew Dober yeah not just to beat Dober to beat him as as as dominantly as he did oh good he’s in the waiting all right great yep let’s get him in here [Music] yeah he’s be smiling he smiles a lot he’s a very happy guy and he should be after that win look at this guy are you even in a fight look at that hair Drew what’s up buddy what’s up sorry we had technical difficulties but here I am that’s okay hey there was no technical difficulties in the cage the other night I’ll tell you you know what I like we some people like oh man you know he you know he was coming off three Knockouts and then he got knocked out is he GNA be the same guy yeah he’s the same guy if not even better dude that talk about bouncing back like it never even happened that’s how you come back from A Loss Drew Dober that’s how you make everybody both forget what happened and remember how dangerous you are congratulations bro dude thank you so much I’m I’m glad you guys appreciate it we put in the work yeah it was the also the I was just telling mat before he came out we weren’t sure if you were going to come on it was the it was the variety of punches I I I love good body shots and you were you uppercut to the head to the body it was amazing how you just your selection of punches was so varried in the first round like you didn’t spend a whole lot of time just trying to establish something you just kind of threw everything and every kind of a punch it was really nice to watch thank you thank you and I mean that’s that’s what we were working on and uh like we we lost our last one we lost by by TKO and uh really the growth was asking the the why you can always just put it up to like I just got caught or herb stepped in a little early like it’s whatever but I was like no why did I get caught and so we had some soul searching and we realized that man I started feeling my own hype man we got a chin and a left hand and that’s all I need to bring and I brought that’s what I brought against Matt fola and then we had the results so we had to have that humbling realization that like dance with the woman that brought you why am I getting these Kos you know earlier in my career it was because the setup the movement and the mixed martial arts and all those three things led to my hands so it wasn’t I came in with a left hand and that’s what we got the job done I came in with movement technique and setups and we we worked hard on that and I brought it in against Ricky Glenn and and that and that’s what showed I think that’s one of those realizations we talked to a lot of guys and we’ve heard Cormier say and so many guys they see you just fall in love with The Knockout like it’s hard not to I’m sure to knock another guy out there’s probably nothing that feels better on a on a on a DNA level but the the the idea that you recognize what that was and you said no no we have to do this other stuff to get to that point um that’s I think that’s really important I think a lot of guys don’t and then they just began to rely on that one big punch and you notice guys it’s hard to maintain that level when you’re fighting on the level you are of just hoping for one right or one left it’s very hard to get other fighters to be susceptible to that me you see in boxing too like when with the standing eight counts right you get that one San a count like I hit him with my left hand he dropped right gets he gets back up you forget how you landed that left but you just know that you landed the left so then you throw it recklessly and like it might not come and so it’s just like that realization of just you know the the the finished product wasn’t wasn’t the you know what got you there it was everything leading up to it and uh yeah so for this camp we focused diligently on what led me to The Knockout record and uh we just brought that woman that that brought me back now what did you think about the grabbing the glove was that that was a little you know obessive it was I mean I wasn’t like oh his finger might have got caught it was like yo what is that crazy glue I was waiting for you it’s his hand I’m sorry he got Knuckles be Knuckles be man like we were holding hands I practically like dragged him across the canvas getting my hand free the ref say did the ref say anything I not quite sure like I looked up at the ref like uh what and then I realized that he wasn’t gonna save me because he was already hooking up a de laea guard and I’m like all right well I gotta I gotta fight my hand back and uh you know it’s just one of those things where dude sometimes things don’t go your way and you gotta stay on it so ref wasn’t gonna save me so I had to save myself I I was just telling that too I think he was very hurt by that point too and just trying to just kind of pull you down and I think at that right after that he was you guys were stood up like you got push back and then he got stood up but yeah I was surprised that I don’t know what what should they have done was is that so egregious they should have taken a point do you think or should there have been a very very Stern warning yeah I warning like like if the ref could have just like helped me out a bit but uh uh no I think it worked in my favor and plus it showed his desperation and what he wanted to do while desperate and he wanted to keep that fight on the floor so after I felt his fingers into my hands I was like oh then we’ll just go back up to our feet then because we’re making you uncomfortable another thing I find really that I’m I’m impressed by this you know I’m looking at your record and you have you know this this’s a couple of you know the decision losses there’s a you know maybe some submission losses but as far as I’m looking you never got stopped by strikes you never got knocked out you got a solid chin so you know to hurt somebody a lot of times you got to be there to get hurt so this this I can’t tell you uh a lot of guys after they get stopped for the first time they’re not the same so it was really impressive the fact that you went out there like it never happened you know it really I’m telling you as as even even a coaching standpoint you know what I mean it’s nice that you made those improvements but yet you’re not afraid of I mean again I brought up early I don’t know I keep bringing up me getting knocked out but my first fight with shy Carter and I I ended up having a nice chin I realized after sparring enough and this and that but when I was first learning it I’m like man do I even have a chin how do I get stopped by that everybody’s making fun of me so you know the fact that you trusted in your chin after that and you got right back in the in the fire says something about you drew I appreciate it and I’m not going to dismiss the thought like it was there like the first 10 seconds of the fight you’re kind of like thinking like oh like is it gonna happen again like so the thought wasn’t there it’s it’s more the the realization of like who cares like I’m really just in this cage because I want to be so regardless of the outcome like I’m gonna fight the way I want to fight and what was the moment during training when you said you went over all this stuff and you real realized that you had been relying on your left was it one of your coaches or did you remember that said well hold on a second look at what you haven’t been doing in these fights um and was that kind of like a light went off and how did that Revelation come about it was in the locker room after mat for vola I went back in the locker room I looked at my coaches and I went I didn’t get caught and I went what and I’m like I didn’t get caught like I made mistakes we got to find them where are those mistakes at right and so we watched that film and then I went back like all right so where was my success and I watched that Bobby green and then I went back and I watched like the earlier Knockouts and I started watching my first knockout in the UFC and I went oh like where did all that go like I was doing all this stuff and then now you watch my fight against Matt favola and it wasn’t there so like we lost it at some time or I left it in the blocker room or something I went that was the mistake that’s why I didn’t just get caught like we made these mistakes so let’s just bring bring it back and it’s one of those things where it’s a mistake you probably made earlier but won the fight so you don’t recognize it as a mistake because you’re walking away with a win right right I mean Bobby my fight with Bobby green like he was piecing me up in that first round because like it was happening then too and luckily I was able to find The Knockout against Bobby but uh yeah we were we were just leaving stuff behind we were in that Proving Grounds like the you know Regional circuit trying to make it to the UFC like we’re bringing in the sharpest Tools in as many tools as possible now when you’re at the top or whatever and people are telling you how awesome you are then you’re only coming in with a hammer you know so it’s like just that realization that’s if we want to continue in the sport we got to continue fighting like we’re trying to prove to ourselves right yeah Jimmy yes what would you come in Jimmy you’re not if not a hammer What what tool would you be um probably a football helmet something to protect me cause somebody to not want to punch me in the head Drew I wish I had a time machine and I’ll take back that question but listen to me that was a good question it was not a bad question but listen he’s got a lot of tools in the toolbox uh who’s next now Who the hell’s next who knows uh I mean it’s not so much who’s next but when’s next or what’s next like when do you want to be next yeah I mean we’re clean we’re healthy we’re ready to go I got a daughter that needs you know diapers and formula so why not sooner than later hey Drew how’s how’s Parenthood now your daughter’s how much a few months old now how old four months hey not bad not bad three I said three okay uh how is it now sleeping through the night dude I God bless me with an easy first one like she’s already sleeping 12 hours a night wow like she doesn’t cry she just complains like like we we got a simple easy one so I’m counting my blessings because they’re not all going to be like that oh that’s fantastic bro congrats on that as well ah D you’re winning your life Drew Dober I mean that was the goal since the beginning you know I I wanted to win at life not just fighting and so we had to make some some correct decisions and some sacrifices Drew congratulations great fight uh and again I I just loved what you did in that fight and uh hopefully you come on right before your next one whenever that is hopefully be before wait we’re in October any shot of it being before the end of the year or do you think we’re looking at January already I mean I already said I could be ready by December so we’ll see who’s available and if not then whatever is right around the corner and one more just one more question because Bobby green is such a great win on uh on Saturday and as a guy who has been in there with him how how difficult is he to deal with with the odd angles his punches are coming from um you know kind of from his hips and the movement is so he’s very unorthodox uh and how difficult is he is that to deal with even for someone like you who knows how to avoid being punched extremely difficult I mean everything that you watch is even worse when you’re in there like he is literally right in front of you and you can’t hit him for some reason and and then he like tells you that you’re missing and then like he will hit you quite a bit you know and it’s he was probably one of the more difficult Strikers I’ve ever fought in my career and so I mean his his his victories his last two victories are well deserved he told you you were missing yeah I mean yeah he was narrating the entire fight for me he was like that Miss yeah like what are you doing with that one listen to your coaches they know what they’re doing like enti fight and my favorite part was I try to talk back I’m not much of a trash talker but I try to talk back and he straight up went shut up and hit me with a one two I can’t I can’t keep up you’re not gonna win the verb the verbal battle I don’t think you that is hysterical that’s why we look listen this sport this sport has characters and it’s so great when you get a victory a feather in your cap like that a guy like Bobby green yeah man when a guy you beat Beats another guy that that’s like of the of the level of Grant thorsson and it’s like man that guy just made EV it look what he did look what I did to him that’s why it sucks that Frank trig never want to fight after I beat him because my lugage Frank you know anyway hey Drew hey congrats man and again please come back on soon dude you know we love having you yeah good talking you drew send me invites I’ll show up you got it brother all right congratulations man we’ll talk to you again you so much see see you buddy thank you [Music] Andrew what a pleasure he great guy yeah looks like he came out of the womb just SM with that Crest Smile and just like ding his eyes and he looks good after a fight too not a mark so you like he said ready to go again hopefully by December um it’d be nice to get another Drew Dober fight but that that literally made me laugh so hard I cried Bob shut up and well you can Pi trying to come back with something he tells him to shut up but those guys who fight Wonderboy fights a lot not nearly as as hands down as much but those guys always make me so nervous when guys fight with their hands down and there’s very few guys that can pull that off especially when you’re looking at lightweights who are so fast um and and the the fact that he can do that consistently just seems like he’s a really difficult guy so congrats to Bobby green a great win congrats for sure and we must say Joe feifer he’s that guy just seems like a he’s right for the sport yeah he is he’s got that that that that that her in him you know I like he’s a Savage yeah I like it lot he’s a Savage in the best way possible so congrats to Joe feifer we should get him on here soon I like I like his his energy is an energy that belongs in a cage I love it anden Buckley at welterweight has looked really good over Alex brono so congratulations to uh waen that was a great fight and great fight great fight Alex Alex I don’t think he mixed it up as well I mean he was kind of content on staying on his feet and at one point it kind of frustrated me and I’d like to hear his take on it and he got there was like a he he followed him down to the floor or failed kick or he got a takedown somehow he ended up a tight cross- side and he just got off them it looked like I don’t I didn’t really see Buckley Escape so I’m like why is he allowing him up because he’s good really good in Jiu-Jitsu so right Lo like he literally just start he got off and I didn’t really see Buckley Escape I maybe I have to watch it again but that was kind of frustrating but congrats to waim Buckley because yeah wae was hurting him in that third round too he was really hurting him in that third round um I thought they said the second round was very close it might have even been it might have been 1-1 going into the third uh all right maybe but just really quick one more we didn’t we didn’t mention it was um well actually uh car Carolina yes thank you uh she did great she had a fantastic fight oh I’m sorry that was on that was the prelims but you might as well mention sure you know she did great um and one more one more we didn’t mention oh that’s right Bill Al Bill Alo uh took out um Alexander Hernandez and I think it was a competitive fight very good fight but uh you know Bill’s got that you know he’s a lanky dude man yeah you know all right Jimmy great great night yes and and Eric nixi thank you to Eric nixi and congratulations and Drew Dober just a unbelievable performance and uh can’t wait to see who Strickland fights next I can’t any fight he has whether it’s an Izzy rematch or whether it’s a dupi or whether it’s Costa whether it’s shmaya they’re all really really good matchups so it doesn’t matter an exciting fight coming either way either way bro it’s all EXC Jimmy I’m gonna talk to you with probably no not probably are you here in a couple days I am yeah uh I heard having your friend on should we let oh yeah Bobby Kelly so much fun I was about say Bobby but Bobby Kelly the new Bobby Kelly the new improv how much weight did he lose I don’t know he lost a lot though he looks really good you watch him on the monitor at the comedy Celler you can just see he’s wearing different clothes you can just see that he’s he actually fits on a monitor I’m Jimmy you’re the best I will yes I will see you in a couple days Jimmy bye Budd bye [Music] everyone