Relive Dustin Poirier’s career UFC fights ahead of his title shot matchup against pound-for-pound champion of the world, Islam …

[Applause] has it in round two what a what a performance for Dustin porier here we go bring it all come on we are underway black drunks for Josh gispy White drunks for Dustin po you can see right off the bat gispy was leaning towards a kick you can see him oh nice nice front kick there for poier oh nice inside leg kick poier composed early yeah poier would love to spoil the Josh gispy party there’s a lot of hype behind this young kid and he would love to take it and make it his own PO said pre- fight he he’s he feels there are holes in Josh crispy’s game and he will expose them right now he’s showing some excellent stand up especially with that front kick and the inside leg kick jumps up into guard here that’s a an interesting choice half of his wins in his career by submission for grisy grisy has the left arm tied up no way he good body punch there porier turns him around has him pressed up against the cage over the top with a quick [Applause] elbow that left arm don’t forget UFC 125 is live on pay-per-view tonight order now UFC champion Frankie Edgar greay mayard in the rematch for the world lightweight title four time knockout of the night winner Chris leben takes on Brian Stan call your cable or satellite provider use your remote or go to for ordering information don’t forget Brandon Vera versus Thiago Silva Nate Diaz Ultimate Fighter winner on the card tonight the battle of the tie clinch here and poier won it yep porier is turning it on here Mike really good start with the kid from Louisiana caught him again I’m really impressed with this kid and he forces grisy to try to take him down and grisy winds up on the [Applause] bottom you hear his Corner say let him up ho comes in not with all the type of pressure on him that grisy has as you said all the hype the significance of the fact that grisy was set to fight for the title before Jose Aldo Jose Aldo was set back by injury and po looks very relaxed as a result of it you have to wonder now whether grisy is sort of uh second guessing his decision to fight when he was lined up for a title shot oh my PO is just lighting him up on the feet Mike I love that front kick that he throws good sweep here by grisy but we got to make sure that he gets on top and he does not porier turns it around and winds up on top the question has been because of all those first round finishes what will happen if he’s pushed we might find out tonight well he seems very relaxed he’s not it doesn’t seem like he’s having octagon Jitters and he’s lighting grisy up beautiful body combination oh he’s tagging him po Josh grisy is in big trouble and he makes a half-hearted shot there poier on [Music] Top This is by far the longest fight for Josh grisy of his last 10 Josh grisy looking for a Kamura loses it porier on top in the last t 10 fights Joey hadn’t gone more than two and a half minutes long grisp still trying for that kamora Mike porier is in a bit of trouble here he’s got to make sure that he keeps his the leg uh his left leg pressed up against his hand so that grisy can’t pull that hand free and stick it behind his back he’s got to keep some weight on that and when he senses the opportunity he’s got to yank that arm out of there if he can and Josh gispy trying to close it off by putting his left leg over the back and Grisby no longer has two hands tied together so porier his arm is basically free now he’s got to make sure grisy doesn’t tie those arms up together again 40 seconds now round Dustin they are in round one the arms pretty much oh uhoh uhoh now he’s in trouble again PO is in trouble he’s got to hang on here cuz if if if grisy Yanks it out and up and Beyond now grisy no longer has his hands together in the the double wrist lock hole so poier is no longer in trouble here the arm is still trapped but it’s not in uh in danger of being submitted and now the arm’s not even trapped he’s just got a risk risk control on it good recognition by Dustin [Music] Po in the wec all of his four victories were in the first round all within the first couple of minutes oh beautiful knee to the body by poier gisy shoots in but it’s stuffed by poier and poier turns it around and has him press Up Against the Cage poer put together some beautiful combinations in round number one watch the knee always watch the knee oh beautiful El the uppercuts my goodness gisy is again in trouble in this second round what a great elbow and still he delivers punishment and Grisby trying for the take down here Stu by porier grisby’s trying to turn the corner now though steps over the leg they’re in the dog fight here and porier back up to his feet Grisby drags him down into side control full Mount turned around by porier in the guard of Josh gispy got to be careful of his neck here gets his head out neck isn’t not in trouble now he has to be careful of the triangle position got some got to make sure his left arm doesn’t get caught in between the two legs if grisy can get that left leg over the top and then secure it on his right leg por Po’s got to make sure oh he’s got to look out for the armar too now he’s going to pass the guard nicely done poier is out of trou here and some quick grounding pound Joe trying to pin that arm down man we have never seen Josh crisy get worked like this in all of his fights in the wec one his first four MMA fights in under one minute was the youngest fighter in New Hampshire history to make his Pro debut at age 17 15 professional fights already for Grisby at age 22 he is battered and bloody here though M cor is really putting a beaten on Josh grisy don’t let him set [Applause] his just about at the Midway point of this fight you can’t count grisy out he’s a winner he knows how to win he’s just got to figure out what an angle of attack could possibly be where he can get an advantage cuz right now on the feet he’s been getting beaten up and then when he gets to the ground you know because of the fact that he’s taking so many shots on the feet he’s a little worn down and boier is excellent on the ground as well so he’s been able to control those spots he shoots again and as he has his hands clasped together look at his right leg he’s going to try to turn the corner and step his right leg over the left leg of poier if he can do [Music] that right now he’s he’s exhausted he’s taken a tremendous amount of punishment and porier able to hold this position see now Grisby steps over like I said but now he winds up in guard two tires to try to turn the corner and put porier on his back but now here he’s pressed up against the cage and he’ll look to try to attack with some sort of a submission off of his back porier would like to land some elbows and punches from this position under 90 seconds now it’s going to be hard for him to generate power though inside of Josh crispy’s closed guard grisy has a tight closed guard good positioning the whole time good control he’s going to get desperate he knows he’s losing two rounds confident corner of Dustin P well they’re saying that he knows he’s losing two rounds he’s going to get desperate what they worried about is him doing something like this he threw up the legs for a triangle right out of it and landed a beautiful punch and another one that was close though that that triangle was very close gispy is not out of it yet and slowly to get back up to his feet and eats that inside leg kick [Applause] again you see how exhausted grisp is the way his punches and kicks are coming now hadn’t been this deep in the fight in a long time poier got the tie clinch here Mike here comes the knees oh gispy got to get out of this spot 10 seconds on the clock he’s got to put his hands on the hips to try to prevent this’s getting lit Up’s in trouble see mati taking a good look at him huge finish to round number two yeah it was yesterday exactly couple of fights at 55 in the wec grisy nice inside leg kick as well by porier needs to try to find the solution for the diamond well in retrospect it’s probably a good thing that Josh gispy didn’t fight Jose Aldo you know I mean he’s a he’s a young kid he’s learning and this is going to be a learning experience for him as well cuz uh if porier could do this to him I would hate to see what Jose Aldo could do him that said as you pointed out earlier gispy slick he’s got a wicked Guillotine and there’s still 4 minutes and 15 seconds on the clock and he’s a winner he knows how to win and he’s never going to give up you can beat him but he’s not going to beat himself got the tie clinch again here here comes the knees combining with that inside leg kick over and over again to the left thigh JIS over the L step over the leg step over it again live on pay-per-view top of the hour UFC 125 Frankie Edgar grey mayard for the lightweight title Chris Le and Brian Stan and so much more call your cable or satellite provider use your remote or go to for ordering information tonight’s pay-per-view also available in 100% Spanish again poier turning it on Josh Krispy has got to do something dramatic here Mike in my opinion he’s got to try to either knock him out or or find some way to submit him but he’s had no success in the Striking or on the ground really there’s opening right there for a triangle if he can grab a hold of his left ankle and stiff stuff his right knee through nope you talked about late in the first round how grisy had Po in a little bit of a bad situation the way he had Po’s arm but other than that Joe it’s been all dusted yeah really and he never really had it out he locked up the uh the kamora position but never really pulled the arm out and get close to submitting it another knee by porier confident young man well we learned Justin uh excuse me Josh grisy can take it that’s for sure he’s taken a tremendous amount of punishment in these three rounds and there’s another nice knee and Grisby has a hold of his knee now and wants to try to get porier down and he does now let see what we got we got grisy with porier on his back Grisby trying to turn the corner and pass the guard pushing down on the right thigh trying to step over and get into side control porier trying to stop it grisy into half guard here he’s got his right leg trapped in between the two legs of porier would like to get that free to try to submit him there are a few submissions from this position especially the kamur note the left arm of porier the one that’s he’s got wrapped around Josh crispy’s neck if he can keep that arm hold on to it that’s really the only submission he can try to get a hold of here half guard other than that there’s a there’s a guillotine Americana let’s see if he can get out of this spot here he’s got to get that left leg freeze trying to step over it but no poier puts him in full guard now better position for poier Josh krisy trying to sneak out to the left side the side that has the butterfly hooks which is Po’s right leg that butterfly Hook is uh he’s trying to elevate his weight and he stepped over it now he’s got a press down on the knee it’s just a little bit of too little too late here he’s really got to do something dramatic he can’t be patient here he’s got to move at a very very fast pace he’s got just a bit over a minute to go and in my opinion and I think you probably agree he’s got to submit him here absolutely absolutely I mean there’s no I me if if somehow or another the judges have scored those rounds for I don’t even want to say don’t okay here he is moved into side control beautiful talking about the judging it po grisy final minute of this fight and grisy he’s got to try to do something here he’s got his arm wrapped under the neck there’s a submission [Applause] here oh nope poier pop right out of it back into full guard 30 seconds to go Josh grisy back at stage one he’s got to pass again and try one more time poier basically just holding on here we see where poier is weaker he’s definitely weaker off of his back much much stronger in the standup position and in the top position well po thought he could expose some holes in grisby’s game and he has absolutely done that tonight here in Las Vegas absolutely tremendous performance by Dustin porier ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges score cards for decision all three judges scored this contest 327 declaring the winner by unanimous decision Dustin the Diamond work huge Dustin the Diamond poy against 20-year-old Max Holloway Holloway in the black trunks blue trunks for poer the Southpaw PO with a late kick early 4 and0 as a professional is Max Holloway a very Scrappy Hawaiian who replaced Ricardo llas on 4 weeks notice Dustin po was originally scheduled a fight Eric K then llas and now he gets Holloway and he’s off to a good start against the Hawaiian I’ll tell you what the first views that we’re getting here of Max Holloway I like his technique I like the way he holds his hands his movement is excellent looks like a very season Striker well some have said he resembles Anthony Pettis who is a teammate of Eric coops in fact Jeremy Stevens brought Max Holloway to San Diego from Hawaii to help him prepare for his fight against anthon Showtime Pettis so if we’ve got a young Anthony Pettis man Max Holloway Dustin poye could be three rounds of this back and forth because po has really shown to be one of the most rapidly rising stars at 145 in the UFC today spinning back kick attempt by Max hway may be 4 and0 Joe and that means only four fights but his four opponents have over 100 combin bouts he’s been in there with guys with a ton of experience maybe not with a man as talented as Dustin po though flying knee wild though man he is really taking it to po look at this PO looking for a take down well and this is what happened when Jason Young started to have some success on the feet against po po took him down used his wrestling and got the decision but great taked down defense here by Holloway I really like how he stuffed that first attempt by poier using very good use oh poier got him there nicely done by poier into half guard excuse me into full Mount here wow just like that advances right over into the full Mount he’s got his opponent flattened out and as we said porier very big for 145 lbs probably closer to 160 now after he’s rehydrated trains with UFC veteran Tim crater a longtime Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt he’s been doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu a long time as po he does have submissions the right arm of Max Holloway is in Jeopardy and poier is scooting his hips up towards it hollow’s getting up against the cage though now I suspect may try to hip Escape get a knee through he’s trying to do that and that’s why he’s taking a pounding and he’s got to be careful in this transition he doesn’t give up his back and what uh Hollow wants to do is when he can while defending he wants to get a hand on the hips now he’s going to use the cage and push try to scoot out the back door almost did but he’s going to give up that arm that arm that I was talking about earlier yep he’s got it that’s it this is trouble trying to finish this fight right here is PO he needs to get that right leg across the face turns it into a triangle he had the the the issue there Mike was his right leg was across the back of the head instead of the front now he’s got it mounted triangle armar at the same time he’s going to break his arm it is all over brilliant Dustin the Diamond poer brilliant job by poer when it came to the ground he was Superior you see here here’s the issue the right leg the right leg should have been across the face if he had it across the face then Max would have never gotten out of this position but he turned it right into a triangle then eventually mounted him with this triangle rolls him over here and then as he gets the mount with the triangle then he has an armar and a triangle at the same time fully mounted on him and Max Holloway forced tap there he’s going to get his arm broken if he didn’t in the Red Corner tonight as he returns to Louisiana porier the southa in the red trunks yansy maderas out of the Orthodox stances in the black po told me this week he he feels that maderas leaves a lot of openings in the Striking game he’s got such a long torso PO is going to look to strike him the body and mix it up coming back upstairs to the head cor’s first fight came here in New Orleans he returns tonight 63 days oh he’s rocked back oh down goes maderas right back to his feet oh porier lands again with the right hand oh huge uppercut and somehow mazera is able to return fire eats an elbow there God he is [Applause] tough easy take down for p he’s being very very smart here he’s not going crazy looking to get some position [Applause] here madera’s trying to stay in this fight poier with six wins by submission coming in mad’s doing a very nice job he’s got a hold of the left wrist of poer this is going to allow him to get his wits back and recover poer quite possibly should look to convert this to mount and see if he can Hammer him out before he recovers one tough Hawaiian yansy maderas hanging in after the early Onslaught from porier incredible all heart dropped twice he was still able to recover and mados talks about that he talks about making sure he’s not too emotional when he fights he believes it costs a lot of Fighters it’s something he deliberately focuses on meditates on before he fights as I was saying porier Carlos Diego FAA 63 days ago picking up right where he left off figure four body lock here for [Applause] porier a nice work there by mad he recognized the opportunity to [Applause] escape oh little flick there by porier he finds the target oh big body shot not sure madas going to be able to recover from this one the Striking of Po has just gotten so much better uppercuts HS porier pouring it on that’ll do it Dustin porier rises again fantastic we have got a new lightweight Contender Dustin porier rising up tonight and where better to do it but in his home state of of Louisiana he is far more powerful in this weight class that cut must have taken a lot out of [Applause] him so much smoother inside the pocket his head movement is better he’s countering more effectively his accuracy you know this is a guy who moved down to 145 lbs when he was 22 years old for an opportunity to fight Josh crispy had so much success there that he stayed there but these results show you this is where Dustin porier belong here’s the first punch that rocks mados and it’s as poer eats a left hook but comes right in with that right hand po striking effectively from both the south paw stance and the Orthodox stance now drops mados again and just continues the onslaught staying calm but being very smooth inside the pocket and here’s the Finish hook after hook coming around the defense Madera so you can see he is on wobbly feet a great stoppage by Big John McCarthy all right we now go inside the Octagon where Bruce Buffer has the official decision ladies and gentlemen referee John McCarthy’s called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 38 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by TKO Dustin the Diamond horor you ready point ready green here we go Dustin the Diamond Po in the dark trunks he’s the Southpaw Bobby green fighting for the first time in 18 months coming off a torn ACL and miniscus good counted right hand by Dustin poier catches the kick poer three straight wins since coming back to 55 Diego FAA y mados Irish Joe Duffy man that yansy mados fight in Brazil how tough is that kid crazy good left hook counter there by Bobby green both guys trying to find their Rhythm on the feet here green 4 and one in the Octagon only setback was D in Barbosa this is his first fight back since that one fight schedule for three five minute rounds beautiful leg kick couple times he’s caught Bobby moving towards the Left Boy a firing early trains an American top team and Bobby green will start talking to you and you can’t get got it oh can he survive Rock he has hurt bad still po a rocked him he went down he’s up for now but for how long more punishment from the diamond my goodness’s still talking I mean he might have got cracked while he had his jaw open Talking big punch delivered landed by Dustin p a right hand landed by Green in that little exchange seems to be okay Joe hands low a lot of movement that kick off the arm another straight left again po looks very sharp using that straight left against the Orthodox fighter he really does his movement is excellent his distance and timing and he’s catching Bobby with some hard shots P’s confidence is really high right now too with this run he’s on well his patience is excellent as well too he’s picking his shots well stunned him again and he’s training with guys like ruthless Robbie Lawler and Coconut Creek again with that left quick elbow Dustin’s loading up here Mike and that’s a mistake oh attacked him with that left Bobby Green’s in big trouble here and it’s all over dusting PO with the finish that is a big big win in for Dustin poier especially the way he just did it stopping Bobby Green in the first round no one’s ever done that in the UFC before and the way he did it the smoothness the efficiency ladies and gentlemen referee Jason Herzog is called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 53 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by knockout Dustin the Diamond por all right round one here Dustin porier and Jim Miller porier in blue Miller is in Black Southpaw versus Southpaw here you know Jim Miller has been in a lot of Wars over the course of his career and he can actually draw you into that firefight let’s see how long Dustin can actually stick to what he’s saying and trying to fight within himself a little bit two good leg kicks at the start of the fight by poier yeah Jim Miller really does seem to thrive on Wars and often finds himself in them and with Fighters that aren’t ordinarily in Wars right that’s his style of blood and cuts fighting and there’s a beautiful right hook leg kick combination by Jim there are times when you watch Jim Miller strike and you think his entire life he’s been a striker but this guy did wrestle in college you know so it’s like he’s such an evolved uh uh fighter you know a longtime veteran in sport another beautiful leg kick by poier nice double jab there by poier as well Jim’s done that a few times now he’s thr that right hook up top and then went straight left to the body which again is one of those things it’s an investment in later in the fight hoping that the body damage actually takes to the fight progresses there’s a strong leg kick by Miller as well Po’s got some long punches DC yeah he does and he throws them nice and straight you know you don’t have many wasted actions uh when he’s throwing his punches he doesn’t tend to Loop them very often they’re all straight and there you go you see Miller with the taked down nice defense by porier beautiful defense by poier and a nice uppercut as well good body shots by poier he’s got Miller pressed up against the cage here there you go by Miller knees to the body now one of the things you do when you’re pushing the guy against the fence is you cannot give him that much real estate to knee you cannot be square you have to get a knee inside as it closes up that angle for him to actually get those knees off on you wo good left uppercut and another right hand by porier look at Miller answer both of those guys are throwing leather now Halo Wars 2 available February 21st on Xbox One and Windows 10 get the ultimate edition and play four days early we have crossed the midpoint here of round one five of poet’s last six fights have ended in round one he has finished eight of his last nine UFC wins again with that combination hook to the right to the body our left to the bot counter left is there for Miller nice combination into the body by [Applause] Miller nice jab by poier Miller’s now starting to pick up the pace a little bit poier just out of range with the right hand Miller with the right hand counter other than that one taked down attempt there’s a beautiful left hand over the top by poier other than that one takedown attempt by Miller this is a stand up braw right now yep in both were going porier actually initially sought out to become a boxer when he realized he could get MMA training in his hometown the rest is history catches the leg there and clips Miller with a right hand then Miller takes him down beautiful job by Miller what look the speed he took that back got to be careful here of your poier but he is very strong very strong with the back Mount black belt and Brazilian jiu-jitsu and he’s got some very good submission victories on especially the one one against Charles Ola over high level guys yeah porier needs to fight that Top Hand he’s got to fight that Top Hand there you go now he turn back in the Miller and we’ll see if porier chooses to hang around on the ground looks like he will Miller very good off of his back as well submitted Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt Fabricio camoy on his back look at that P with a beautiful combination and Miller returns oh they’re going after it here that’s what we talk about how long how long could Dustin porier fight the urge him and Jim Miller to actually do that how long here is round two now it’s porier and blue Jim Miller and black well he didn’t get clipped or dropped so it wasn’t too irresponsible I’m trying to look at the bright side I hear it was a very close round that first round was a very close round yeah it certainly was I think if I had to look at it objectively porier might have landed the harder shots this a a big red mark on the left knee of Jim Miller and you see there poier with 22 head shot to Miller’s 13 we call that Matt bird Joe oh beautiful kick there that big burn on his leg is from when he got that low single shot and he had to drive into Dustin on his knees good straight left hand by he tore it up with that o nice counter right hand nice counter left by Miller yeah Miller starting to find his range here early round two Miller’s hands look quick tonight on that counter po nice counter right there by Miller oh beautiful leg kick again and poier tried immediately to counter like you said to bring it back straight left here they’re back at it oh oh oh wobbly he’s wobbly and he grabs the single defensive shot by Miller watch the guillotine Choke by porier look at him oh he’s got the neck yep oh big right hand by B shot and Miller trying to return with that knee Dustin’s trying to get some space to get the shots off Miller trying to keep him close you see see the little angles he hits him then he steps back a little bit Miller needs to slow him down porier splits the guard with that straight right ailer lands a left hand over the top there but por with a beautiful right jab and then a nice short right hook another straight right hand body shot would be good here both of these guys they’re they’re anticipating head shot now under very good point very good point there DC they’re head hunting oh man po pouring it on oh that was a hard right hook and Miller comes back with one of his own wow what action here round two this is the fight look at the angle you see beautiful left hand there by poier oh Jim got to get his back off the mat right left by these guys are chasing bonus money tonight poier clearly Landing the harder and more damaging shots in this round but Jim Miller hanging in there yes he is very very tough the issue is when you’re only reacting it’s a problem you have to be able to take that take control again if you’re going to find success you cannot just react to your opponent good kick to the body there by Miller oh oh beautiful right and the left chopy Chop Chop yes look at that fate oh nasty Left Hand by porier and Miller looking for that [Applause] shot poier is doing a oh there we go his elbows poier is doing a really good job of Defending takedowns yeah fighting very instinctively tonight under 90 seconds now to go round two seeing a couple desperation shots from Jim Miller after he got [Music] stung Miller is wearing it here Midway through this one this is a big big round so far for Dustin poier poring for the take down he’s going to get it yep I think Jim’s tired the accumulation of the damage that he’s taken good taked down by Dustin most certainly but look at what Jim is setting up here he just doesn’t have it in the tank Dustin takes him down right in front of his Corner Mike Brown telling them instructions he’s letting him up is busted open you like that decision by porier to let him up I think it’s a great idea because he was doing so well on the feet just danger too it being on top of Jim Miller there yes and Miller certainly looks like he’s slowing down there’s a nice combination Again by poer poer is he’s throwing lead he is swinging and that look was almost as if to say what is it going to take to make this guy go on another good kick to the body by Jim Miller Jim Miller’s having some good success getting under that right arm and here’s a nice knee to the body man Miller is not out of this no incredibly so on the right side there here we go third and final round what a fight so far Dustin porier Jim Miller Jim’s Corner told him you dictate the pace stop allowing him to dictate and he landed a nice clean left hand there but obviously that’s easier said than done yes cuz Dustin porier is getting off with some trem oh he nailed him with a nice right hand there as well Jim Miller he about as adorable as he gets [Music] yeah 13 UFC bonuses between these two fighters coming in nice leg kick there by Miller and he attacks it again he’s kicking that low be below the below the thigh yeah he’s hitting him on the back of the leg and poier looks like he’s hiding a limp there it doesn’t it doesn’t take many of those he’s hurting yeah he’s hurting bad he’s going to have to switch his stance he’s going to have to switch his stance yeah he’s trying to get it out of there now yep and Jim is very and he’s taking a lot of the steam off of his punches too he can’t push off that right leg anymore well he’s worried about the kicks look at that he’s worried about the kick it’s hard for him to get his offense off because he’s so afraid of the kick in the in the Left Hand by Jim Miller so it figures to be hard on poier to plan on that lead leg going forward nice jab there by poier yeah they’re screaming at his leg look at the swelling on that leg look at the swelling on it he’s limping bad he switch dances oh and he attacks the other one whoa boy he’s swinging now yes there’s a lot of time in this round as well and again he attacks it smart by porier very nice but he’s got to be careful here off of his back Jim Miller is very dangerous he goes to rubber guard here he’s trapped the right arm let’s see if he can get something off here he’s got to really pull down on that leg cuz Dustin por is going to pop his head out the back if he doesn’t Miller a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt dating to July of 2010 it’s very key for porier not to allow this right hand to stay on the ground too much that’s what guys attack as wrestlers we tend to put our hands on each side of the body you cannot have your hand on the ground with a guy that’s very good at grappling exactly especially off the back that’s the one thing that people look to control when the hands are on the mat your arm is in Jeopardy you can trap it with the legs and Jim Miller looking to attack the neck now here he’s holding on to the neck poier has been submitted before of course the Korean zombie caught him with a Dar choke which is poier specialty right yeah and Jim Miller looking to set up a triangle here again going with the rubber guard but he’s not pulling down with the right leg or the right arm rather this time he’s got the left leg strong on the back of the neck and now nothing but clearly poier guys running some clock here after the damage sustained of that leg this is a much better position for him than on the feet because he took two three more of those kicks maybe and he may not be able to stand at all yeah if you were in Miller’s corner I mean it’s a toss up here do you try to keep attacking off your back or do you try to get back up to your feet and and chop at that leg right I I think that I think you have to be trying to get back to your feet give yourself a shot yeah because it it seems like poer is doing a real good job of Defending and now Miller recognizes there’s only a minute and 30 to go he’s going to try to get back up to his feet but PO is on his back here he’s going slip yeah he’s screwed up and a lot of that could be about his legs not functioning properly Jim needs to create space here though this is not he doesn’t have to be here he does need to be here he needs to create space to get back on those kicks poier needs to be okay with this he needs to be okay with keeping him close but what’s also interesting if that knee is that damaged how well is he going to be at defending against takedowns yeah I mean how how how damaged is that leg oh he can defend takedowns he just I just don’t think he can take many more of those look at this oh man he made a big mistake there trying to hop over the top and again right arm to the mat pulls up on his left but it’s just his head’s pressed up against the cage not a lot of room for Miller to move coming up on 30 seconds to decide this one oh he’s got a Kamura Kamura attemp by Miller very hard to do off your back especially when you’re tired especially when you don’t have full guard porier is going to cover it you see that he’s trying to cover it with his left leg now there’s not much danger well now Jim’s in a better position now throws that left leg over the leg goes over to top yeah it’s a better position now now he’s got control oh oh slip out Poe on top what a fight turned in by these two lightweights great fight great audible by Dustin poier to go to the restl in there yes so poier and Jim Miller Go the Distance to kick off the pay-per-view main card tonight in Brooklyn and poier gets up and he is limping and here you see poier with a right and a left and a right again and there’s a left a straight left by Miller I mean this is the wild brawl at the end of the first round everything he said he wouldn’t do he did right there you see him fade back come back with the straight right hand and the need are kicked by Jim Miller yeah low leg kicks really were damaging that leg ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judge’s score card for decision Eric cin scores the contest 2828 Chris Lee scores the contest 3027 H and Derek Clary scores the contest 2928 for the winner by majority decision Dustin the Diamond horor gentlemen we’ve been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions we’re going to keep it clean touch gloves and let’s do it there is a champion chip buzz in this [Music] [Applause] Arena these are the ones J I’m telling you these are the ones Justin gatei closing as a slight Underdog tonight at home against DUS [Music] porier MMA is such a big part of our lives that Selena doesn’t generally watch but she’s at home right now glued to the TV John she text me said I got to watch this one got to do it Dustin porier in the black trunks Justin gatei is in blue and one of our producers picked up on some buzzwords in the poier locker room as he was getting ready to come out as he lands a left and a right smother and pressure the buzzwords coming out of the poier corner before they came up already like three or four inside leg kicks though man he’s got to check them he’s got to at least punch catch one and take him down something every time he gets kicked in the legs he’s got to answer to those leg kicks gy said it would be hard for poier to be patient with me in his face all night laier just misses on the uppercut [Applause] there gatei has to be one of the best leg kickers MMA has ever seen I’m not saying an MMA right now he’s got to be one of the best leg kickers MMA has ever seen nice straight right lands for Justin gaii G’s already cut doesn’t care though still pressuring forward trying to get past that jab of poier watch the counter right hook of porier that’s going to be one of his best weapons he steps out and hits that counter right hook not a great location for that cut appears to be bothering gatei a little bit the inside kicks killing cor’s leg though see right if he does not start checking that he’s going to have no power in his left hand or his jab gatei likes to fight on the inside porier is better at range but at range is where gatei can land those kicks he’s crowding Po’s power he’s keeping him so stuff that he can’t get gatei at the end of his punches and so he’s crowding his power oh nice combination by porier nice long combination was blocked but a nice long combination good jab by gatei both guys landing at a 62% clip here through two minutes the eyes starting to shut down for gaii that that left eye is going to get shut he’s not careful he’s got to protect it just Dustin’s already starting to move a little gingerly on that front leg yep it hurts he can’t take many more of those kicks and starting to pick apart now his head’s getting open because he’s worried about the leg kicks that’s what gatei does he chops your legs you’re so worried about Defending Your Legs you leave your head open to get knocked out big deep breath from porier I mean the pace that Justin gatei makes you fight out is crazy he wants to keep punching him so that you get tired that’s what he wants he’s he’s hoping poier keeps punching himself out like this at his guard poier is doing a good job of returning when he’s getting kicked but he’s got a defend or check these leg kicks and at least in the early going porier willing to fight at Justin Gate’s preferred pace and he just looked at the clock two minutes in well certainly Dustin has earned Gate’s respect you saw how quickly he covered up porier doing a good job staying heavy on the offense though he’s Landing right back he’s not stepping back and just eating shots he’s Landing back with gaii this is what we expected these guys fighting in a phone booth yep porier is going to have to get some respect and get Justin moving back a little bit oh oh yeah that was heavy or go to the body that’s why Alvarez had so much success going to the body gatei has absorbed a lot of significant strikes here early 38 to the Head already for porier under 90 seconds round one little slip there by [Applause] gatei porier starting to settle in a little bit rips the body effectively yet again there one of the bigger issues ues with being able to hit somebody is that you fall in love with it you realize that they’re there to be hit so you start throwing everything with absolute power you got to stay within yourself if you’re Dustin porier when you’re Landing this many strikes on Justin gatei cuz he’s going to be here he’s going to be here for a while he’s not going out one punch most times and he tries to pressure you so if you do punch it’s not as powerful as you want because he crowds you so you can’t extend your arms out that was a heavy hook though that that poier just landed nice left hook around the ear of gaii in the PO the L kicks are adding up for gatei though that’s going to really pay dividends in this second round G he can survive I mean we got 30 seconds left and G’s eating some shots forier is big and powerful at 155 lbs and of course gatei doesn’t cut a lot of weight to make this 156 lb limit no he said that the only year he All-American wrestle was the year that he just didn’t cut any weight right so he’s taken that approach in his mixed martial arts career too y he said that the guys that are cutting weight fade as he puts the pressure on him that’s what he’s counting on he’s saying I’m going to chop his leg down and tire him out because he’s cutting weight I’m not I’ll have energy in third fourth fifth rounds and he’ll be done and chopped down big hook landed there for gatei in that exchange very interesting to watch them go back and forth Whitman thought gatei won that first round but he said don’t worry about banking rounds just go beat this kid up round two underway now the best coaches in the game don’t just give good advice they they get their fighter hyped up and ready to win when they’re in the most pain and they they’re doubting themselves the most they know how to trigger their brain and get him to kill and gaii said oh what what happened who won that round and he says who cares about rounds you’re going to break him anyway he says you’re right and here we are right now and he’s coming heavy with the pressure but don’t forget Dustin Pier’s leg is hurting bad well we saw a few fights ago Jim Miller beat up the lower half of poet’s leg Dustin was able to win that fight by majority decision but gatei certainly attacking the upper portion the inside of that lead leg on the Southpaw Dustin porier I thought both guys found success in that round gaii did a lot of good work with those leg kicks but also porier did good work with his boxing a jab of Gate’s Landing a lot as well he’s using a using that jab very effective starting to faint now nice level change by porier and that’s because that leg that leg’s hurt oh yeah big shot Lance for both guys [Applause] Dustin porier dealing with an eye poke we’ll see if we can take a look at it porier seems ready to R keeping your hands open a lot you got to you got to keep your hands up that was right in the ey pretty Stern warning there from Herb Dean yeah cuz eye pokes will take your whole eye out one eye poke the fight could be over it could be really bad you got to be careful with those pokes give need a second clear your vision o yeah right in the eye to a leg kick and then you got to take the leg kick too you know your legs are kind of beat up you get poked in the eye and you got to take an extra leg kick what a pain how do you have the doctor and now you’re giving Judson gaii a rest from the beating and from the pressure and now he can pressure even more than he did in the first place I think that porier should have kept on the kept going well and I think that’s what Dustin said I don’t want to bring in the doctor I don’t want to give gatei a break but G you give gaii a break that’s the last thing you want to do you got to hope that the damage accumulates on him but if you give him a rest he gets rest from his from the beating he’s taken two looked like maybe gaii just got warned again a little softer that time by Herb Dean gatei can throw oh nice combination by porier and he he ate it and then threw a hook and landed his own hook in P in in gatei I think that’s his best strike I think that’s Gate’s best punch is the left hook this legendary chin Justin gatei has been tested tonight it is held up through the fight’s first seven minutes gatei with a glancing left able to land oh wow both Fighters Landing in the pocket I mean it’s crazy watching Justin Gatey fight because this is the way to fight goes every single time they wonder why he’s been in the UFC for three fights and has had two main events already because if you want good fights you stick gatei in there first UFC fight was the main event yeah and you put him in there with guys like Dustin porier Eddie Alvarez and Michael Johnson it’s only the second round and Poe is starting to look a little bit weathered he’s on his back heel he’s doing good with this jab he’s ripping the body well but that leg hurts and you can see gaii just kind of getting him to step back and he kind of looks at him like stop kicking him stop he’s going to need him to switch Dustin forier has got to switch stances oh he’s got to switch stances with that leg nice combination ni combination by porier very nice he’s landed four or five punches in a row and gatei just eats him you got to go to the body if you’re fighting Justin gatei you got to go to the body I think that’s why Eddie Alvarez did so well agre he invested in the body early gagei could take damage to the head cuz it hurts but if you take away the air out of his lungs that’s the one way you got to fight gaii and for the first time in the fight porier thought there briefly about a strategy change unable to take H down on that attempt porier seems to be moving okay but some significant swelling in it around that right knee nice combination he’s just touch touch touch and then power at the end there he is there goes the switch fighting conventional a little bit look at Po’s inside of his thigh his knee is just super swollen his right leg is the inside of his leg is just swollen not only will this affect his ability to stand but he can’t really set down on his punches and he won’t generate the power that he normally generates because he can’t really get heavy on his leg and por is landing more at at a higher percentage for sure 65% for Dustin porier as we approach the one minute Mark here in round two of a possible five I mean through two rounds Dustin porier is over 120 punches landed 120 strikes landed it’s a crazy Pace it’s unbelievable that these guys have to fight 25 minutes he has to go to the body Moore on G’s only head hunting and that’s a problem right hand lands flush over the top for poier Gates’s body shots are those leg kicks man that’s his investment his investment is in the leg kicks that’s how he slows these guys down and he breaks them [Applause] down oh nice single leg by porier can he finish this that would be no oh elbow there good elbow by gaii oh nice now gatei with some uppercuts here in the clinch KCK up top fori oh and these guys are about to meet in the middle and see in this third round let’s see what what this is made of what a show all of these Fighters have put on here in Glendale Arizona tonight round three of a possible five here this is a big round for Dustin porier in terms of him having to dig deep to stay in this fight Justin gatei has some momentum looking at the posture of porier going back to his his seat it wasn’t encouraging if your team Dustin what’s interesting is porier took all the damage to the leg gatei took all the damage to the head and it looks like the leg damage hurt more than the head damage somehow well it usually does right it usually does especially with a guy like Justin gatei who’s so good at kicking your legs and the cut on the eye of poier happened very quick at the end of that round he was fine and all of a sudden he’s got this this nasty cut on the right left eye and he still hasn’t taken one shot yet and porier said he didn’t necessarily fear the one- punch knockout power of Justin gaii but he breaks a lot of guys who say I’ve had enough this guy’s a maniac yes and gatei at his mancal best here tonight under four minutes now round three nicely time take down but it’s so frustrating when you take somebody down and poier wanted just one second to breathe on top of him and he gets right back up nice body shot by poier Dustin keeps pwing at that eye gatei keeps just touching it oh that kick he waits for the left hand of poier and he fires that inside kick every time and then he just turns the knee out to check right every time Dustin tries to return with a kick he just turns it out to check forier is not seeing that inside leg kick they’re both tired oh oh those reactions are getting bigger and bigger [Applause] y well a lot of people didn’t think we would get to the three-minute mark of round three both guys have had their moments He Slipped the jab and came over with the two and you saw P go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that he’s hurt big elbow land hurt yep he’s stuck on the fence and now he’s hoping he wants to wrestle he’s got to take time he’s got to back up and find some space you can’t try to go ahead first in here you got to grab Justin gatei is too smart he’s going to pick his shot he won’t waste energy and go crazy he’s going to start hanging on the head elbow and uppercut from here make it dirty keep going to the legs with the knees this is good for Dustin poro being in the clinch being able to hold and try to catch his breath knock the cobwebs off Lendale crowd getting behind one of their own Justin gatei who has started to take control of this third round porier recognized this that the pace was going to be high he recognized that at times Justin gatei will break you that’s his intent is to break you but at this point right now there isn’t much he can do about it see gatei just heads him off every time you see poier circle out and then gatei walks in front of him again and again he doesn’t follow him at all he always heads you off and keeps you in a box and you saw porier move that right leg back just the thought of beaten another one and there goes gatei again perhaps though poier getting a second win here he’s in great shape he came in shape for this fight he hasn’t stopped either he’s fighting his hard out right now G’s Just Landing a little heavier shots to those legs and that’s why you’re seeing such an effect on porier it’s the leg shots the crazy thing is we talked about the Eddie Alvarez fight but that was only three rounds I mean these guys have to do this for two more rounds if we get to the corners big deep breath from G you’re talking about two of the toughest fighters on this roster top to bottom putting on an absolute show tonight porier now and Dustin porier is landing strikes and shots of his own it’s just that right now he’s wearing the fight on his face and in his reactions a little bit more than justtin gatei and Trevor Whitman to our immediate right he’s been smiling the whole time under a minute to go round three the leg kicks for gatei 73% on 51 attempts Trevor smileing me because this is what he sees every day right he knows ultimately what the ending of this type of fight usually is for Justin [Applause] gatei and if you’re Dustin porier right now is not the time to be throwing everything with 100% power ‘s another eye poke there he may take a point here that’s a big break for Dustin porier not really because cuz right now DC you start feeling that leg you start taking an assessment of your body and how you feel Gate’s getting a break what’s porier thinking right now is he thinking my eye hurts or is he thinking my leg hurts he’s taking a point looks like herbs going to take a point here that’s a big deal you want to see the [Applause] do didn’t answer f wasn’t it the other ey no this one again this the same [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one well the crowd doesn’t like it but DC you don’t seem to like it either there was a Stern warning earlier Herb Dean decides to take a point here you have to right if you’re following the rules you get a Stern warning and then a point is taken well that has incited the masses in support of Justin gatei Gate’s pretty angry about that let’s see what he does about it still mad mad at himself I know no no I I watch [Applause] I can see is it getting better take the five minutes he’ll be good okay okay that’s F we’ll take one final look at it here he got him in both eyes yeah looked like maybe the other eye but here we go final seconds of round three and that point deduction could end up huge if we do go the distance tonight Justin gatei has really good footwork he does not Chase his opponents [Music] ever we’ll see what happens but now porier has got one eye poke too so if he pokes gatei back in the eye a second time it could be even on the scorecards with that point deducted from porier too well for Justin gatei despite the fact that he has a lot of experience in five round fights this the first time he seen a fourth big left hand lands by por he’s looking for the finish here gy hurt G’s hurt bad but he’s been here before gaii nearly out on his feet porier continues to land but he doesn’t have the wear with the clints DUS goodness knock out oh my gosh he does it he does not big punch a fight for the ages and Glen goes to the louisian Dustin porier and right here Justin gatei an All-American wrestler never tried to clinch never tried to shoot a double leg he did not have the understanding that I am hurt I need to grab this guy he stayed with what he has always done and tried to brawl and porier is too smart too sharp too accurate and found the kill shot great finish by Dustin porier ladies and gentlemen referee Herb Dean has called a stop to this contest at 33 seconds of round number four declaring the winner by TKO Dustin the Diamond por after the first meeting it shall be done Dustin porier 21st UFC start against the former Champion The Underground King Eddie Alvarez our main event is underway tonight’s fight clock is sponsored by mile 22 starring Mark wallberg in theaters August 17th Eddie Alvarez said he was going to throw leg kicks he said there’s no way that Dustin porier could have recovered that quickly right after taking all that leg damage that he took from Justin gatei said he spoke to Justin gatei and gate said throw leg kicks and he feels like the leg kicks and also the body kicks are there when your Orthodox versus Southpaw fighter and that is the reality we have here tonight Alvarez ripping the body effectively here early and you saw that in the fight against gate he did a fantastic job of throwing body strikes and as the fight went longer it wore on Justin gate porier usually fights very well at range real good with the jab straight left hand is his best strike yep looked like maybe a clash of heads after porier landed the left hand but thankfully nobody got opened up porier said this time when he got him hurt he would take his time he wasn’t rush so that he could get uh Eddie Alvarez out of there if he had the opportunity again porier sticks the jab and moves about a minute gone by here in round one of a possible five that’s one of the things people don’t notice about Dustin porier is he throws the jab but that straight left hand comes out quick he does not have have to throw a jab before he throws the one like throw a onew he can just fire that left hand out there and because he hits so hard it does a it has a damaging effect on his opponents good to have you with us on Fox UFC flight night John anic Daniel Cormier on hand here in Calgary Alberta Canada this our main event the rematch between lightweight contenders Eddie Alvarez and Dustin porier nicely done there by Dustin who now closes the distance Alvarez rips the body and then goes up stairs Alvarez doing a pretty good job following up the body shots here early tonight Alvarez had a lot of success with gatei going to the body but they were conventional Fighter versus conventional fighter as the Southpaw is a little bit harder to find that liver but the Southpaw kicking has a much easier time find trying to find that liver shot that we saw Jose Aldo just finished Jeremy Stevens with the poier corner was expecting Alvarez to wrestle tonight at least at times in this fight Alvarez 12 to nil takedown ratio in his UFC career he has never been taken [Applause] down porier showboating a little bit he’s starting to find his range as we come up on two minutes here round one it’s because they’re fighting at range they’re long right Dustin can be long on Eddie Alvarez Eddie’s very aware of this he told us in the fighter meetings I’ve got to get close when I’m fighting this kid I cannot let him stay at range where he’s comfortable got to make it dirty but right now he’s standing at the end of Dustin porier punches porier with a kick to the body [Applause] short Shots by Alvarez and a nice combination there anded he’s doing a really good job of Conor as Dustin enters Alvarez fainted the shot unofficially 0 for two on his takedown attempts thus far Mo both Fighters are much more patient this time yep really taking their time trying to find the shot they know how durable and tough each of these each of their opponent is you know so they got to take their time and of course that last fight at UFC 211 May of 2017 was only scheduled for three rounds this a five round Main Event Alvarez again realizing success to the body Alvarez one for four on his takedowns in the first meeting body strikes on point for Eddie Alvarez early coming up on 30 seconds to go round one nice jab by porier that right hand he’s throwing the jab and sometimes he’s throwing a right hand over the top good combination by Dustin Eddie picks the pace up a little bit nice slip and rip by Alvarez Alvarez with some nice lands porier counters but a strong open for the former UFC champion round two straight ahead on Fox a lot of scar tissue a lot of wars in his career and Mark Henry urgently called for the cutman who was not in there when Alvarez first took the stool so they could attend to specifically that damage underneath the left eye that’s coming from the jab porier is doing a good job of throwing the jab and throwing that left straight and even though he’s not throwing it with like 100% hard you know it’s just Landing he’s just touching him over and over again oh nice Spin and that one landed yes nice job by Alvarez good setup to that attack porier chin held up as Alvarez attacks the body yet again nothing doing on that quick choke attempt by Eddie Alvarez and poier gets back to his feet here early round two level change from Alvarez porier jumping out a choke big win from Alvarez yeah Alvarez is doing a good job though he’s just pressing him in to the fence trying to stay calm poier doesn’t have it he has to be smart here oh it’s under the arm EDD he’s trying to changee the angle porier has got to be very careful now he’s starting to get deep nice job by Eddie Alvarez that is a veteran been in the game a long time now pory has to be smart here he can blow up his arm or he can let this go and the pro Alvarez crowd responds as Alvarez gets out of that choke attempt or Dustin Bales six career wins by submission for porier has never had one by way of that Guillotine and now we’ll see what Alvarez can do 90 seconds into this second round lot of energy expenditure on both sides but for Dustin porier burning out those arms a little bit DC you’d think going for the guillotine yeah he did you know he was holding on to that Guillotine and Alvarez was kind of holding him up but it looked like he was holding on to the fence as Dustin was trying to Guillotine choke him here okay yeah so we were just able to look at a replay of Eddie Alvarez seemingly grabbing the fence and it looked like Mark GD that’s what he was urgently getting over there to stop and now Alvarez with a dominant position poier up against the fence got him stacked up against the side of the Octagon porier is going to have to give his back to get to his fence yep Alvarez slips a hook in poier is going to have to go back to the mat here he’s going to have to go back to the mat this is a neck crank Alvarez cranking the neck he’s got a neck crank there porier needs to be fighting the hands though he’s got to relax and fight the hands that choke is not under the chin so just a crank at this point you see yeah and it’s just uncomfortable it it sucks I’m not saying it doesn’t suck it does suck but porier needs to fight the hands though he’s not even attempting to fight the hands yet he’s going to circle back into Alvarez Alvarez right into the mount great grappling by Eddie Alvarez this is a round that has had a whole lot of different elements to it still two minutes to go see it’s tough for Alvarez to get big shots off but he’s controlling porier with his hips look at how much he’s feeding his hips whereas he’s not Landing the big damage but he’s still able to actually move into him and keep secure but then he throws a 12 a 12 to six elbow I mean I don’t understand how Eddie keeps making these mistakes this long with his career the elbow has to be on an angle can’t go 12 not my I have to call it don’t go [Applause] 12 here’s a look at the elbow straight up and down you cannot go straight up and down it has to has an arch or it has to turn in some way you cannot go straight up and down even if it’s to the shoulder and Mark OT all over it as such Alvarez relinquishes the position back to the center of the Octagon here about 90 seconds to go round two these guys just can’t avoid controversy oh big knee by por he’s hurt he hurt Alvarez Alvarez is hurt again Alvarez tries to level change Now cover it up R eyes already closed you see if porier takes his time like he said oh big knees from Alvarez dealing with some swelling with that left eye and the pressure from porier continues you see him trying to take his time and find his shot a little bit better Al is done Eddie Alvarez is done right hand alvare Alvarez is still swinging though look at this what a warrior Eddie Alvarez that’s the porier finish that was it Dustin porier closes the Rivalry and knocks out Eddie Alvarez wow what a performance Eddie Alvarez throwing the 12 to6 elbow ended up costing him the fight because poier got back to his feet hurt him with the hands and got the Finish measuring measuring Alvarez throws the inside kick gets checked and then the straight left hand lands right on the chin of Eddie Alvarez right here Dustin recognizes that that one took an effect and in a big knee on Alvarez coming in follow up with shots just throwing too many in a row you cannot take three four shots in a row from a guy that’s as heavy-handed as Dustin porier from the back it look like here Eddie’s already hurt he’s not out yet it’s all the followup damage these clean shots that ended it he took kicks he took punches and went out on his shield if you like watching fights there should be no one you like watching better than Eddie Alvarez cuz this guy brings it with ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Gard is called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 5 Seconds of round number two declaring the winner by TKO Dustin the [Applause] Diamond I Told You So fight [Applause] Dustin porier in the blue trunks out of the South P Dan Max Holloway is in the black and gold befitting a champion well Dustin clearly reached another level once we moved up to lightweight and many expect that this is the weight class where Max is going to physically be much better it was a nice leg kick right there by poier people a lot of people feel this is Max Holloway’s weight class you know I mean obviously it’s hard to say he isn’t because he’s the champ but they feel like at 155 without depleting himself so much he may even be able to take that cardio to another level which is crazy to think about and he was saying how much energy he had during this Camp how much easier this cut was how’s he going to deal with the power of poier poier has said now that he’s struggling to even make 155 he’s so big well he looks big he looks wide big old back yeah and that’s where all that power is coming [Applause] from porier hadwood amounted to a 13we training camp in Florida nice flurry there from Dustin we seeing some good leg work right off the bat by poier really chopping at those legs in Max [Music] Holloway porier closing a plus 200 Underdog tonight oh good Left Hand by Dustin poier right off the bat he thinks he’s got Max hurt oh oh Max clip him but you got to be careful with a guy like poier oh oh my goodness poier is in trouble porier resets about two minutes gone by here round one Holloway loads up on the left [Music] hand those are some good shots that Hollow got off on poier there nice left hand and then a right hand straight up the gut [Applause] oh P’s all over him Dustin’s got him hurt will You’ been in fights like this with Justin Gates you know po C here oh my goodness these boys are going at it Hol still firing offense back these boys are going at it my goodness holy smokes we can’t possibly have another [Music] one oh he h him again with big Power jeez Max is in trouble Max is in trouble he’s having a tough time see he’s having a tough time seeing the strike support here right now oh he heard him a huge strike holy smokes Max has to grab Max can’t just fight but his style is to do this he can’t just stand there in front of a big strong porier cuz Dustin’s not going to waste the technique he’ll find the shots but Dustin’s looking to close his show here and Max is trying to stay in the pocket and land [Applause] counters oh my goodness oh that left hand that Dustin poier is a phenomenal boxer but how about the chin of Max Holloway he’s still standing incredible he’s been stunned more in this round than in any fight in recent m including the Conor McGregor fight this is probably the most res we’ve ever seen Max her big deep breath from porier who’s already landed 40 significant St he Hur him again bro every time he’s Landing he’s hurting [Applause] Holloway Max is struggling a little bit with the power of Dustin porier yeah that’s what the American top team guys were saying all week huge power Edge huge I mean we’re really seeing it [Applause] here and remember these are two guys that fought the same weight class you know like Dustin was a 45 pounder Max has got to gather himself up to try to slow the Russia porier oh my goodness again that one bothered the right eye of Max Holloway nice Land by Holloway backing up he’s just getting caught so often and so clean we’re just not used to seeing this from Max Holloway he’s trying to get it back he’s got that Championship mentality but the way he’s trying to get it back keeps putting him in danger and poier said he didn’t feel like Max had that one knockout one punch knockout power it’s always from an accumulation of him beating up on a guy and that right eye starting to swell for Max Holloway oh [Applause] [Music] big first round for the underdog get Max Holloway out of there we’ll see how Holloway responds here in round [Applause] two Corner Max Holloway is asking for tight angles they said he’s moving too big as he’s evading but if you’re Dustin porier for as good as you feel right now you know that you got to do this for 25 minutes unless you get Max Holloway out of there yeah [Applause] and we don’t really know how badly matx was hurt right how how much has he [Applause] recovered hway pretty active yeah round two [Applause] early again Holloway lands to the body now goes up top [Applause] porier continuing to mix it up well on the feet Holloway splits the guard with a right hand it’s the activity of Max Holloway he going to be the power of Dustin porier I like how hollow is mixing it up to the body and again he’s really trying to take some of the wind out of dusted poier sale Southpaw now switches back and forth effortlessly Max does that really good he’ll be mid combination and he’ll switch he’ll switch stances Dustin just swing for the bleachers there but after hurting Holloway so much in round one if you’re poier shouldn’t you slow down a little bit instead of expending so much energy because Max is always going to be there oh beautiful Mike Brown continuing to call for a level change out of the Dustin porier Corner [Music] Dustin Blake grce warning poier for spitting in the direction of Holloway oo Snappy left [Applause] hand poier does a really good job with that high guard he doesn’t really get hit clean he’s blocking a lot of the contact that Max is making the body shots are landing but up top he’s doing a good job of rolling and keeping his hands [Applause] high Holloway gets caught on the way in but he has started to close that Gap there’s the level change or at least a takedown attempt porier now 0 for two H clapped at him both men just so in their element in a fight hway [Applause] lands porier spended a lot of energy trying to get hallay out of there in round one yeah he did good kick to the body by Holloway and you can never question the cardio Max Hollow he’s always going to be there fighting at the same Pace he melted Anthony Pettis just with his pace and pressure fingers at his eye watch the fingers let’s go we do have to remember that that was the only fight or one of the only fights where Pettis tried to make 145 and it was a brutal cut for him nice counter from porier but Holloway certainly the more active guy in this second round yeah he’s having a much better round oh he just got clipped he got Hur again every but again like poier hurts him and then he spends all this energy trying to [Applause] finish but he looks calm now he’s being technical oh good right hook the difference in power is very clear seem to be a lot more sting on the big one there that hook was bad he’s hurting him bad man that right hook is nasty so some big Power shots late in the second round for porier in a round that Max was doing really well [Music] in and that right eye increasingly could become a problem for Holloway as we get deeper in this fight Dustin poier is a Savage both of these guys are just Savages holy smokes what we get what did we do to get two of these one night well 99 have landed for Dustin porier through the first 10 minutes I think they’re the most significant because we’ve never seen him hurt like that before even though he might be have been hit more by Ortega it was never this kind of impact he was never this fight he’s been rocked four times already in two rounds and so max Holloway had a lot of good work in the beginning of that round but the work that poier did towards the end in my mind eclipsed it well yeah when you get when you get hurt so badly clearly he won that round it’s hard to score around for you but meanwhile he had a significant strike Advantage up to that point oh a counterright hook Holloway’s coaches recognize that they go he’s just countering but Max can’t stay on the out side because that’s not his fighting style Holloway’s fighting style is to pressure and overwhelm you every time he tries to incorporate that right now he’s getting stung and having to go on the defensive and he just doesn’t seem to have the same kind of power he just he’s an overwhelming volume Striker whereas porier is stunning him right with every big shot and porier most didn’t think he could match the volume he’s been the more busy guy 191 total strikes thrown by porier big kick to the body nice combination there by Hollow but even think about the two crazy fights that poier had with Alvarez the Gatey fight he’s been in those dog fights at 155 lbs with giant punchers yes with big punchers and big men both Alvarez and and gagei are huge punches oh oh oh stung him [Applause] again nice head movement defensively there by porier oh [Applause] again I mean just boxing Dustin is just so crisp Davis in his corner has to oh nice right hand by Max another one good counter there by poier though PO is not slowing down and he’s long too he’s the shorter man but has the longer reach and has found the target with great efficiency here tonight you see the head strike picture 106 already landed for Poria I think that’s what it is John like at 45 Max is long and he’s fighting a guy that has that same type of Long Reach and and he’s he’s Landing he’s just not Landing as effectively at this point [Applause] nice jab from [Applause] Holloway H’s having a little bit of a hard time with his right eye yeah it’s hard to [Music] see both guys Landing right up the middle now under two minutes here round three yeah he’s swelling up that right eyes closing right hand by hallway thing is even when he’s lamming he’s not stinging poier the way poier is hurting him no I know it just you just see the different effect the punches take even from the jab oh there was a good left hand but Max is landing see this is Max’s type of fight though he going forward volume volume but he’s just not used to absorbing punches with this kind of power no for sure and Mike Brown is begging for a level change for whatever that’s Worth’s volume now Holloway pouring it on oh beautiful KNE to the body porier in on the legs of Max Holloway here for as good as Max F he needs to avoid this taked down poier cannot finish this this was a great round for Max [Applause] [Music] Holloway and if Dustin por you don’t waste the image of trying to secure this oh oh he’s hurt excellent elbows Holloway tweaks the angle there to avoid the 12 to six final seconds round three looks like poier is going to ride out the rest of this [Applause] round wow wo this is the fresher guy after round three yes John porier did some good work but Holloway’s activity in that round did win him the round and you got to remember it will not stop it’s the same face he’s going to fight with for the next 10 minutes he just tagged him a straight right yeah and if poer starts slowing down at all he’s in trouble yeah but he’s deep in on this shot deep he’s deep and he’s got it and this is what the great Mike Brown has been calling for for three rounds H pushing down on the head and that will keep Dustin from building he cannot let him secure his legs you let him start stepping over and hooking the legs that then you end up in the position like Habib always has people in you can’t let him step over the [Applause] legs but even as poier starts to slow down a little but how much energy does it take trying to get this Tak down right and this could slow down a gets back up to his feet but a Holloway could be the fresher guy H’s looking for a guillotine here oh nice knee to the body nasty nasty knee to liver excuse me Joe now porier with a pretty significant cut around that right eye man Holloway just nonstop his cardio is off the charts off the charts at either weight class just the ability to push push push push push it’s crazy to watch look at that volume porier got to be careful here porier is trying to take a break hollow’s not letting him he won’t let him breathe Dustin’s tired or so it would appear yes he is porier wants a break Holloway just pursuing he’ll just keep touching you keep touching you keep touching you he isn’t trying to hurt you with one attack he’s just trying to wear on the gas tank oh my goodness porier fires back he’s got him [Applause] hurt poier does a better job when he’s the guy going forward [Music] for good counter right from poier after Holloway landed the elbow we haven’t seen that right kick from Holloway that his Corner called for after round [Applause] three oh nasty Body Work by Holloway cor just took a big deep breath Holloway just have to be really careful when he’s just throwing all those punches not to get caught with a big right hook oh Hall the way to the body now the right woo nasty jab by poier in a left [Music] hand oh right cross from Dustin porier on the switch [Applause] walk oh that knee caused some damage oh cut cut him he cut him open bad oh oh Holloway busted wide open Joe wide open oh he’s he’s spraying blood now holy [Applause] smokes looks like a huge gash right in the middle of the forehead that patented Hawaiian toughness going to have to be leaned on by Holloway oh woo [Music] [Applause] gutin look like porier just smiled at UFC president Dana White got to love it she’s the we there it is again maybe he was looking at [Applause] Shaq oh down easy boy four rounds down they will call the doctor in to look at the cut on Max Holloway oh boy look at that gas well will Max Holloway exit with a belt over each shoulder Fifth and Final Round Here We [Applause] Go nice jab byall yes [Applause] Atlanta crowd trying to get behind Max Holloway here porier loads up on the right hand unable to land [Applause] ooh oh power discrepancy on display once again in that exchange Al just the sharpness of that counter too perfect [Applause] decision if anybody doubted the cardio of Justin cor it is on display here this has been a fastpaced fight it’s so clear that the guy that’s going forward is the guy that’s successful if Holloway’s pressing Holloway is the guy’s Landing if porier is pressing he’s the guy Landing the jab but neither of these guys want to go backwards so it’s a war of attrition another strong counter from Dustin porier coming up on three minutes to go this is such a crazy fight it’s crazy fight I mean jeez Louise look at the difference though in the way they look right I mean Dustin porier even though he’s eating a bunch of shots in Max Holloway they do not have nearly the same effect yeah he’s big and strong man he’s a big strong lightweight even the frame right the big side the size of the back right look at Po’s arms Max looks good at 55 but he doesn’t look nearly as big as Dustin nice right hand yeah Holloway splits the guard beautiful left hand touch there by porier [Applause] Max Hollow puts those punches together so well man he’ll be head head head body body head it’s beautiful to watch but the jabad dusted forier is just a piston that right hand is worked really however he’s thrown it as a jab as a hook under two minutes now to go [Applause] stay up top to stay up top Dustin in on this [Music] single and I believe the corner Hollow is Right DUS taking break here he realized earlier that he can’t take a break in space anymore he has to get close and right here on the single leg he’s trying to rest and get ready for what is going to be a crazy last minute under a minute now to go in this UFC interim lightweight championship fight CER M met off beckin for the winner poier has to understand that Holloway gets space with a minute to go he’s going to be coming guns are blazing po might not let him out [Applause] here well we expected a classic and that is what these two men have turned in under 30 now to go [Applause] [Applause] final 10 seconds the standing ovation has already started here in [Applause] [Music] Atlanta what a fight porier and Holloway Go the Distance amazing fight an amazing show respect at the end wow and here we are early in the fight Bing Big overhand left by Dustin porier DUS porier stung Max Holloway early and often had him Rock more in that first round than we have ever seen Holloway stun in any professional fight you see porier pouring it on right hook ducks on the left another right hook there’s a right hand over the top I mean tremendous chin by Max Holloway cuz Dustin po tested him left hand left hand right hand boom look at that right hand really staggered Max Holloway left hand over the top right hand snap the jab now Max fires [Applause] back boom straight right by Max porn on the pressure volume strikes by [Applause] Holloway straight right hand there’s a nice knee to the body by Holloway I mean what a fight and there’s the big knee that caused that massive cut on the forehead Left Hand by porier I mean what a fight two incredible championship fights all right the official decision brought to you by Metro by T-Mobile catch all the action with Metro by T-Mobile get knockout coverage on a network that Rivals the big guys for way less one final time tonight here is Bruce Bufford ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges score cards for a decision all three judges score this contest 49 46 for the winner by unanimous decision and new interim UFC lightweight champion of the world Dustin the Diamond B I’ll give a Fu about all right gentlemen we’ve been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions we’re going to keep it clean touch gloves let’s do it the tension of a UFC Main Event there is just not a whole lot in all of professional sports Dan hooker plus 200 at close Brooklyn Ren getting started for round one here is the underdog tonight against the 240 favorite Dustin por poier out of the Southpaw stances in black hooker will switch stances he is in Gray good kick to the body right off the bat yeah trading heavy kicks early there’s that knee just threw it out there just let dust in know hey be careful buddy you coming high range you’re going to eat one of these yeah poier acknowledged that right knee as hooker’s best weapon with us on Thursday hooker with an early L with the left hand partial block by porier yeah that left hand is a very dangerous weapon of Dan hooker taking multiple guys out with that doubles up on it nicely as well goes to the body goes to the head so poier does have to be careful but porier is one of those guys always does his homework he knows what he knows what he’s in for here notice that hookers moving to the weak side beating the outside leg a porier early always circling left then when he decides to go right he throws the T kick to the body which also hides the right knee so he uses the right leg to hide that right knee great Left Hand by porier there but hooker is setting things up by throwing other stuff to hide the big weapons later in this fight I believe well hook has already landed two low C kicks as well they’re one of his good weapons that left hope found the home 33rd Pro fight for poier he’s never lost two straight had a pretty invasive hip surgery after the khabib fight last year they had to micr fracture his femur laam was torn as well but poier a clean bill of health after the 9mon layoff coming in tonight Hook is looking so smooth here there it is again he fell that one that really hurt him crazy to think of all the featherweight success for these two guys given how big at least hooker looks at lightweight got him right in the cup PO says it’s all good yeah that’s what the c’s for first round you don’t want to take a break there it is again that’s two in a row like come on dude listen to business did you hear that poier said listen that’s a smart guy I mean people should live their lives by that motto big hook and see that’s hooks those hooks are landing for hooker and he’s good at you throwing those backwards as well that’s what’s threatening about him is he’ll move forward with it to get to the weak side ofier and he can also move backwards with that check hook nice kick to the body from Dustin after hooker had attacked that lead leg of poier yet again o good connection up top by hooker just a nice read to transition of that left hook that’s how you got to beat a South P you leave with the hook and you Le with the left hand this is what Po’s got to do now he’s on the inside he’s got the double under hooks got the body lock going try and get it down to the floor either way he’s going to stay in the pocket stay in the range keep him up against the fence minimize the movement of Dan hooker and then go to work with his own shots in the boxing range and hooker was expected in our conversation with him on Thursday that poier would be trying to work him to the fence and potentially get him down able to avoid that fate here early and listen they know how to drill take down defense at City kickboxing look at arisna everyone says oh Adis just a kick boxer easy to take him down his Tak down defense has been pretty much perfect in the UFC and hooker also oh good kick and porier doubles up on that body kick Edson Barosa the only man to beat Dan hooker on this historic lightweight crack from porier Big Shot awesome body kick and then he follows it up look at that great work separates the grip gets the ti CLE ni elow drops an elbow but hook it comes with the with the body shot Hook is on the pressure looking for that knee look at that inventive nice stick and move by poier again this is fun he’s staying right in the pocket right there with porier and just saying let’s do this and then he’s throwing the knees and the elbows in that pocket to mix it up nice making those adjustments so calm right there was hooker Landing shots but the face you like calm composed boom fired back landed a good shot yeah fighting like a guy who’s been in now eight UFC Main Events has poier under 30 seconds here to go in round one that Body Works adding up for hooker he keeps throwing hooks to the body on poier porier is going with that kick nice left hand yeah the counil left is there beautiful word by poier B’s hands looking fast early tonight hooker keeps him at Bay with a perfect jab s job right hand over the top for Dustin great start to a great fight we’re back in 30 [Music] seconds all right round two hooker opens with a body attack and now a jab nice I like how he keeps kicking out that inside leg because that takes away the base so that poier can’t fire his left hand and there it is right there I’m look at the Variety as well that hug shots Landing these are Big Shots oh he’s got to hurt a little bit I shot from they’re both ready out nice look at this catches the knee threat take down great defense by hooker here he’s got the whizard he’s got his feet perpendic parallel with the fence so he can defend this and body lock by porier here oh nice nice instincts there by yeah so creative you know he’s like okay all right I can’t get the take down but I see your face and I have a hand free oh so hooker’s going to want to move there it is that’s what he’s got to do to get out move that left leg wash the knee was the oh huge elbow as part of that exchange out of porier nice knee from hooker porier gets out now hooker to the body This Here Comes KN soon [Music] wow I mean fight this is incredible watch your neck Dustin good under hooks by hooker here Jacks him up turns it see if they stay in the pocket here They Se it looked like he was too far away from a KNE so he get a little toeb little reset there from porier he has thrown a lot of potential fight ERS that hooker is eaten yeah this is a crazy Pace that they’re keeping right now I mean they’re not even two full minutes in and they’ve thrown a ton of punches in this round and they’ve eaten a lot of damage too and as we said on the way in right when it’s at range like this this is where hooker has a lot of success when po can get on the inside and brawl and you know technically brawl that’s when he’s having success and what I love is that every time hooker fires something you see po just step through and punch him and fire something back now you’re seeing him just always continue to come forward for on pressure porier if you just eat hooker shots and don’t fire back he’s going to keep adding them up adding them up good one two by hooker there both guys Landing power shots largely at will both landing at a serious percentage cor at 68% I mean both guys are exhausted already and I’m not surprised because they’re throwing with 100% effort with every shot looking for The Knockout every time nice lead elbow there hooker certainly wearing it but staying tough I mean both these guys have completely throw caution to the wind and they’re just firing on each other and not really playing safe at all they’re just sitting in the foam booth and scrapping off top porier just ack that jab from hooker nice body kick three good punches for Dustin and now it’s Dan hooker turn they’re just like going back and forth one guy has like 30 seconds where I’m going to beat you up and then the switch Z trying to take his head off both guys are bleeding from the eyes and just continuing to fire on each other it’s awesome definitely trying to take his head off under 90 seconds here to go in round two nobody’s really been able to get this stay in boxing range with hooker this long right I mean look how much he’s adding up the punches getting in with the pressure KN nice Left Hand by hooker there I was just about to say it looks like Dustin’s taking over and then right when I say that there’s hooker firing back good body shot there came very close to the knee Dustin’s got to be careful they can’t to get too overconfident when the momentum shifts his way he gets a little reckless and he’s got to be careful cuz he walk into a giant KNE the way that hooker’s throwing that body shot that left hook he’s setting up that left that one right there he’s so good we saw him landed on Gilbert Burns and look at look at a shin aore from eating that CF kick all night on the inside I mean it’s swollen big and now starting to check it and see it and fire down the middle whenever hooker throws it nice so nice take down I mean how stay on his feet is beyond me just be just that takedown attempt was just enough to create a little bit of time so that PO didn’t have to keep eating those shots that was a nice taked down attempt there just to get some get some time get the lifeline but those body shot the cover oh my gosh look at this oh my God in real trouble one of the best rounds of 2020 unless you like defense incredible PO is hurting right now can I just say dusty get your hands up M oh my incredible action deep breath this is amazing I like how you said that memory every fight I see what he’s going about this is the best fight I’ve ever seen so that is a a nasty cut on the right eyelid of Dan hooker and not at all in an optimal location I wouldn’t think we still got three rounds left yeah that’s a long time especially the way these guys are fighting they can’t continue like this somebody’s going to fall yeah somebody’s going out of here that’s how both of these guys are fighting to finish beautifully done to the body by porier that was nice F the left high kick and came with a onew I mean just missed that right hand yeah the right hook just [Music] missed nice counter hook hooker went five hard rounds with Paul Felder in his first UFC Main Event back in February eats a right hand there thought this fight might happen miday was happy to have the extra time here to prepare for a late June date hooker with a left hand over the top I mean both guys are starting to breathe hard it looks like Hook is slowing down a little bit which is understandable this has been a crazy Pace both guys taking a lot of damage it’d be almost inhuman to not slow down a little after two rounds for sure but they look like that I mean the accuracy of por he always lands in these shot he doesn’t miss very often when he fires he lands yeah no of course when you’re getting beaten up like this on both sides it’s going to slow you down I mean it’s like imagine you’re a race you know you’re a runner they time you to run 400 m it takes a certain time then beat the crap out of someone I guarantee they’ll do it a little slower right and you saw the inter of G Chim recently just alluding to the championship hunger right this fight is aproduct of a lot of things but man these guys want but this fight also is about who is potentially the next Contender right because you’ve got Justin Gage you’re going to fight khabib and then at the top you know oh got that that’s in there this is one of to’s best weapons is this Guillotine too Tighter and Tighter that’s in there that is tight tight it looks like he might have this guys that is so Hook’s out beautiful job hooker just tucks his out triangle attempt he was so close and you know that’s what happens as you get into the rounds we start getting slippery things that are in slip right out’s got that overhook on the left sidee here a triangle or a kamora it’s the triangle that he’s looking for trying to get the leg past the arm down care he can get the leg over the neck hooker definitely knows that triangle’s coming he gets his right arm out of there take away that option goes to the other side overhook tries on the other side nice short elbow from porier he had a similar submission attempt against kov last September that was fairly close arm I mean he’s very active on this on the from the bottom in his guard right here he’s slicing elbows and he’s not just sitting here waiting he’s trying to create something from the bottom hoier no he’s very aggressive from his back he’s trying to set up a lot of submissions here but I always say two three sub attempts and then if you don’t get it time to get up you know what I’m saying because if the this is a close round they’ve all been close but if he stays on his back for the majority of this round he’s probably going to lose the round and how about the smarts of hooker to go for the taked down these guys were trading back and forth let’s take that away let me get this round let me try to get some ground control and and just not take as much damage as we go into the third fourth round and that’s a smart move by hooker here to fight like I think that was Dustin just said what’s the time taking advantage of the fact there’s no crowd and now he’s trying to get back to his spee trying to wall walk he’s going to oh he’s trying to look for the neck again he’s digging for it that might give him some space to stand up get up he’s going to watch his back nice job by to to use that to stand up well time knee there by hooker on the way up short shot lands for Dustin and that’s what You’ always talked about using a submission attempt to get to your feet oh those landed hard unbelievable fight as we come down the stretch in round three I don’t know how these guys are still on their feet I think there’s a lot of people watching this who who cannot at all relate to the heart the physical and mental toughness I mean Dan hooker has taken some exceptionally heavy punches and so’s Dustin poier think you got to go to the body on these guys what’s the hope of going to the Head anymore I mean they’re just eating everything look at their faces 15 minutes in the can Main Event rounds forthcoming oh my goodness yeah you saw Eugene bman in the corner of Dan hooker as we show you the graphic there hooker’s mixed it up very nicely porier largely a head hunter tonight but he’s landing at a 67% clip I mentioned Eugene bman he don’t want to be Hur in that corner right keeps everything close to the vest but you did hear him say you got to be disciplined so looking for a little bit more yeah that’s right and certainly now in round four when you’re beaten you’re tired you’re injured you’re covered in cuts and blood it’s it’s easy to you know lose the discipline to lose the focus and just start brawling and Swinging it’s like no hold on check your emotions we came here with a game plan let’s stick to it jab lands cleanly for porier hooker with a beautiful counter with his [Music] [Music] jab oh my beautiful job keeping the pressure going nice T Down by hooker there that was a good decision there very good decision but wisely done by po on this occasion got straight back to his feet but of course as we see Hook is like I don’t care if you’re back on your feet I’m still going to go for a choke cor will stay on the hands probably walk his right leg towards the fence twist try to get hooker off of them see po two hands on the canvas goes for a switch here nicely needs those bursts defensively they are there for him coming up on three minutes to go round four well I think the game plan for hooker is very evident here and now we’re switched it up go for a Tak down it’s okay we’re seeing porier going for Guillotines now instead of Defending all the takedown so sometimes he’s giving up the takedown trying for the guar team yep and now he’s going back to try to even score on those takedowns and not much resistance there from hooker as porier grounds him he’s trying to pull the hand and then that will force well it will allow po to put him on his back he’s trying to get him down flat on his back as of right now he’s posting on that hand but when hooker gets up he’s got to be careful that he doesn’t give up his back because poier has mounted him now poier wants to keep his head higher there it is than hooker here if he keep his he’ll keep control hook going to give up his back here he’s got to be careful look at this now he’s got the hand control and now he this is bad awesome job por to control the hands and keep this position he’s pressuring it’s going to be a lot of work for hook to get out of this this could be a finish coming up here guys because PO is an expert in this position he has the grappling Advantage hooker’s got to get that left leg out of there that’s what’s keeping him down right now he’s got that’s why he can’t stand up he needs that left leg oh watch back oh he’s going to slide off he’s going to use those hooks to try and stay on but it’s hard switches to a triangle arm it’s not all the way in but he’s switching to it he’s got to keep that thumb down I mean come on this fight he might switch to a triangle here if he can get that left leg out of there really get the angle on the arm bar there he’s got to twist that thumb down he’s still got it he’s trying to step over B PL y now from here he has the option of going back to the arm bar or going to the triangle let’s see what he uses or he can just crank this here that’s what he’s that’s what you’re seeing right now he’s cranking that with his his right leg he could kick forward that will move hooker forward and allow Dustin to sit up more if you will and then he can take his right arm and put it over the back of hooker or just Hammer fist him it’s just a nice little chess match here less than a minute to go in the round this is what highle martial arts is all about two guys in their fighting primes hooker appear pretty deflated a moment ago but perhaps getting a little bit of that wi back now it’s like now he’s got the full guard it’s really hard to get out of this if that lock is in there and hook slippery and he’s just sliding him right over the top full guard is the best way to hold that down but if that head is slippery it’s hard to keep these Guillotines and listen at the end of the round with 20 seconds left is not a bad idea 4 minutes left 3 minutes left I’d say no but 20 seconds hey go for it you might just get it all right that’s four rounds those judges have a thankless job don’t they oh my word I am well I would would never be judging this but I’m glad that I’m not and how about the corner of Dustin poer you having fun he’s like do yeah I’m having a blast the best line ever the fifth and Final Round will see who emerges as the Bonafide lightweight Contender here the numberers pretty even the accuracy of porier is absurd 72% on the significant strikes thus far I mean at to this point I would say this looks like it’s a hard one to judge it’s pretty even fight back and forth we’ll see how that who wants it is in this fifth round wouldn’t you say Mike yeah I’m not sure I haven’t been scoring it round by round but I would say it’s probably 22 it feels like it’s even right now both guys had a lot of success and both guys could get a finish they’re both injured they’re both tired they’re both beaten covered in blood and cuts and bruises but there was no quit the desire to win has not diminished [Music] whatsoever nice Left Hand by po yeah if we look here oh my gosh first round for hooker second round for hooker and then two big rounds for po so two two I would say it comes down to this fifth round right here this title this is the championship round that’s why they have it it all before you’ve done it all before You’ been it before it’s mental keep shot bring the back shot hooker trying to pick his spots already has a career best in the UFC three takedown secure yeah po was wise to the Tak down attempt there and he’s like no her I’m good let’s go he’s looking tired sometimes if you see your opponent so tight you don’t want to stop even if it is a you know growing strike like no I’m good there’s that poier jab on Point again outside he’s got to put something behind it though the Jabs finding the Target throw the left hand as well put some combos together same goes for huler as well I’d say what I’m seeing the big difference in the fifth round is just the defense I mean P’s defense looks a little little edge better he’s not eating quite as many yeah just by a little big left hand a moment ago from Dan hooker oh yeah that one hurt nicely defended poier looking so good in this matchup too we appreciate Fat Joe chiming in says is the best fight he’s ever seen certainly on my short list big up Fat Joe in the house final two and a half minutes oh double left hand so nice hooker largely unrecognizable late in this fight now does he go for the guillotine or does he defend and he defends this time he needs to defend oh and he doesn’t big late take down for hooker is Fourth of the fight he didn’t either not defense or guillotin and he’s trying for the guillotine this might give him an opportunity to stand up yeah he’s got to push down on that head pul on the right hand side and try and suck his legs out and get back to his feet which is exactly what he did try and not give up the back but he did unfortunately that’s the risk in that maneuver and look at that so nice I mean that is a lot of skill oh good connection by porier hooker in on a take down nicely defended I thought he was going to jump down for the guillotine again smart move by por I believe to just defend right now he’s tried that guo Tee three times gave up the take down now he’s defending he’s got the wizard here push down on that head yeah turn the other way now Dustin hears it the telling hook to switch off to a single let go of the double grabb the one leg problem is no crowd Dustin’s well aware of it and again he’s looking for that neck final minute of this epic lightweight Main Event seemingly anybody’s fight here late oh nice short uppercut from porier TY clinch here for Dan H nice Chucks it off and fires back last Big Shot huge that gue really really create an opportunity por is just trying to pour it on right now Crank That neck and just make it miserable in this top position hanging over hooker seconds so he’s got to just te off with that left hand score some shots score some points and send the message to the judges and poier finishing this fight very very strong I mean these guys stand up and Applause on that one fight I think I speak for all the fans around the world when we congratulate Dustin porier and Dan hooker porier dancing his way around the Octagon appear to be the far fresher fighter to my eyes Dom over the final 10 yeah I mean he looked like a champion tonight he looked like a champion tonight he came he finished that fifth round strong he fired back anytime hooker landed on him and hooker you know hooker looked like a champion too it’s just he ate a little bit more than porier in that fifth round yeah I was going to say both guys looked absolutely outstanding non-stop action from start to finish my word I didn’t think we’d see a decision to be honest because the way they were hitting each other with the ferocity with the frequency I mean come on Hearts off to both these guys smash you’re going to smash my face you going to fight you fight me hey hey you’re on the right track keep working all right hey look look at this it’s working all right they’re ready for a round six incredible to see the athletes at the highest level of the game with that type of sportsmanship all right we’ll look back at it Michael all right here we go I mean it started off hooky was doing very very well Landing some good clean shots Landing those carve kicks definitely looked you know the guy that was having more success but then round two was kind of similar but the tide was starting to turn Dustin poier putting together excellent boxing combinations getting on the inside but of course hooker closed it down he worked the body he came up high body body head body body head and then of course Dustin fired back the pair of them just trading blows back and forth for the full 25 minutes here we see hooker going to town Dustin taking those shots and firing straight back Dom round three I mean if we look at po he’s Landing they’re both Landing back and forth trading right here the left hand of porier but really what was happening is you hit me I hit you then we started to see the takedowns from hooker and he was trying to create another tactic mix in there but poier was able to answer back perfectly he threatened some Guillotines to get to his feet anytime he got taken down and right away you see he starts pouring the pressure again hooker goes for another take down PO is able to get back to his feet and start putting the damage on and round five poier sorry hooker came out looking for the Tak down and Dustin did a good job of being disciplined and not jump into his back and looking for the guillotine I don’t know who’s got it I do know that Bruce buffer has the scorecards here’s buff with the official decision ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges score cards for decision the judges score the contest 4847 4847 and 4846 for the winner by unanimous decision Dustin the Diamond p [Music] I mean I’m so excited about this one it’s crazy porier out of his Southpaw stance in Black Chandler counters Orthodox in what Dustin said that the timing the rhythm is what Chandler’s going to struggle with ch feels his explosiveness is is something Dustin has not seen inside the octagon look at that wide stance of Chandler and that’s where Dustin can that’s he’s a conventional fighter so Dustin can’t be as effective with the leg kicks because he has to kind of switch he’s got to do it off the front leg yes yeah so you almost got to show him that the Kick’s coming if you want to generate any power McGregor is a sof by himself oh he just caught him he just caught him with a clean left hand couple nice body kicks from Chandler thereafter and this is what Chandler wants to do he wants to get you in an explosion competition yeah it’s a good way to put [Applause] it Tak down defense holds up early for porier can feel the tension in this building to be sure cuz it feels like at any moment somebody can go out and and they could they most certainly could [Applause] check that one got checked hard that’s bad that sucks yeah sucks for CH yeah he won’t throw that much more it’s already swelling [Applause] up pretty good sequence for Chandler continuing to attack in all directions oh he hit him with the right hand he hit him with the right hand the right hand for [Applause] Chandler oh oh my goodness oh that to the Body Chandler hit so hard Chandler hit so hard and he puts everything into those shots he’s just such a Do or Die fighter he’s kill or be killed every time he gets into that octagon but the crazy thing is is like he always was fun even in Bellator but it didn’t feel like this right well poier acknowledged the explosion of power all week he knew he was going to have to take some Shots tonight both guys having their moments through half a round wow big reset by Chandler he is a little bit swollen under his right eye and will monitor that right foot after the early check by por oh yeah it’s swelling you can see the redness in the swelling already I mean it was a perfect oh this is where CH this is what Chandler can’t do he can’t cannot go south ball if he wants to find success against poier poier is so well trained when a guyy South ball he just tears him up headbutt it collided heads there oh he stunned him oh PO is in trouble he’s in real trouble oh pick right 10 smart by Chandler beautiful take down by Michael Chandler that was so smart by Chandler to just level change he had Dustin Hurt looks like he’s jumping Guillotine here he’s putting him in a crucifix no let’s like he’s going to try to attack with the Kamura yep well porier may have had a chance to recover now and now he’s trying to get back up to his feet but that’s a big moment for Michael CH massive now Chandler on the back porier post just over a minute to go here in round one and keeping that hand down the ground to prevent those knees and now he seems to have recovered he’s going to try to separate those arms and get free Chandler trying to get that lock back under the butt porier tried to switch [Applause] there oh big Tak down for Chandler now porier returns fire back on the feet late round one this is what we expected look at porier come now oh nice up from Dustin oh Big Shots by Dustin oh from again back hit him again go oh Chandler now Retreats oh porier sticks him with that left now to the body oh po all over oh big con to late in the round oh Chandler in a world of trouble late here round one still fighting two seconds oh my God we get round two big elbow as advertised look at Chandler’s face wow Chandler’s face is destroyed he’s destroyed it’s going to be very difficult to recover after 1 minute yeah oh my goodness what oh wow and shades of osna and Gastelum as Michael Chandler says to Dustin before the round I’m willing to die round two underway hey here’s the difference and you saw it in when they had they heard the opponent poier was much more calculated and Landing not just thr crazy Chandler got him hurt and just started winging punches you got to find that shot that’s going to help you find the Finish Chandler pressing forward but being forced to breathe mouth open very smart by Chandler he needed this big take down big big take down Chandler needed a take down he needed to slow things down it’ll give him a few more moments to try to [Applause] recover porier operating with closed guard here Chandler try to Pepper away Nies elbow from porier off the bot [Applause] look at all the blood coming out of Michael Chandler’s nose for a moment I forgot that the middleweight title is still on tonight this is so good so locked into this fight and then I went oh yeah there’s two more fights championship fights coach Dean Thomas what he have what a fight this is isn’t it oh triangle triang uhoh a look at all up with the elbow he lost the triangle and now Chandler’s got his [Applause] back fellas the reason why cor has been able to take them right hands is because from the Southpaw stance he’s able to see the shorter man’s right hand coming and he’s able to react to it just in time that’s the reason why he’s been able to take them right hands as well as he has seven career wins by submission for Michael Chandler four by rear naked choke trying to get something going here against the BJJ black belt porier 3 minutes go round two but what Chandler’s doing by throwing his submission is making Dustin forget about escaping and making him defend and he’s also winning the round these are these are Big moments right so for Dustin poier to get out of here and then win the round he’s got to make something very big happen oh my [Applause] goodness oh my goodness he’s got to stretch him out though it’s not on the net no it’s not and he’s high his body too high over the top but again making poier defend not worry about getting up right we we’ve had a whole half of the round where Michael Chandler’s in control right so it’s a big round so far for Chandler Po’s got to get out of here get back up to his feet PO keeps telling something to the referee I think he complained about maybe a finger in the glove at one point hard to say but Chandler’s physical conditioning is such that he can absorb this damage and still sustain well you only you got to be in fantastic shape to get hurt like that and then come back out and fight again and and get a take down if you’re not in shape you don’t get to start round two in this way so Bo is looking for his moment now he’s got his back up against the cage trying to get his feet under him slide him away cor’s got to give his back he’s got to get to his knees to start fighting the hands because this won’t get it done he will not get away from Michael Chandler by playing Jiu-Jitsu Taylor’s base is too strong but he does have a kamur attempt here oh now he got e hit with a big right [Applause] hand lot of Ground Control time adding up for Chandler just over a minute here to go round a terrible round for poier yeah I mean he had all the momentum all the momentum and now we got a little over a minute to go he’s been dominating and you know you can make an argument this is a 108 round Chandler has done a fantastic job of switching things up I mean complete control I mean those are all behind the head that like every shot was the back of the a couple of them were like near the ear but a bunch of them were not those look better are clean he’s got the wrist of for trap down there in real trouble now pya has to give up and take full guard now he’s stuck under him again great job by giant round for Michael Chandler and to come back after getting battered at the end of the second where it looked like it was seconds away from being stopped and now for Dustin porier as we look at a round three don’t want to spend any time off your back got to avoid that early take down or so would seem Johnny can’t he can’t fight Chandler’s base Chandler’s base is too strong he cannot end up on the bottom of Michael Chandler what a bounce back round by Chandler amazing I mean a total complete domination in second left 10 minutes down between porier and shandler let go [Applause] gentlemen lot of urgency from the poier corner they told him you w one this guy does not belong in there with you but you it’s important I heard Mike Brown and Dia Davis sound that no I don’t want to say desperate urgent yeah haven’t se sounds urgent in a while and and they certainly want Dustin staying away from the fence to prevent a potential taked down from Chandler there we got to remember that first round was close yeah it was could be two Z Chandler yeah it could be look Chandler had big big moments in that first round I mean Dustin definitely won the end of the round yeah but he was just he was hurt he was wobbled Chandler teed off on him Chandler raises the guard after that high kick from porier Chandler getting tired though he seems a little tired now he ain’t going to get a taked down unless he can get poier going backwards and poier seems to say I’m not backing up oh he’s got the high crotch here Taylor’s got to get a move he wants to finish oh my goodness he picked him up oh oh my oh my goodness job by porier oh oh look at this got his back Dustin’s got his back now you don’t want Dustin on your back you do not want this man on your back fantastic jiujitsu but Chandler survived with olera on his back so you would think that he should be okay well he got finished with Olivera on his back no no no no he uh poier did Chandler got knocked out Chand remember the first round he was on his back I’m sorry I was thinking the PO yeah oh Dustin now oh he’s getting take his l oh he’s got it he’s inside Dustin porier submits Michael Chandler in round three that has got to feel good huge huge for por and what a fight what a fight well that corner was urgent after round two and Dustin porier came out in round three and took care of business Chandler was game as usual but this rivalry meeting belongs to the credential former interim Champion Dustin porier and that’s why Dustin porier has been around for so long been around the top of the division for so long because of that his fighter Spirit his fighting ability and his ability to just stay in fights he’s Ying that Theo behind us saying Amazon gives you free shipping I don’t know what they’re saying right here you saw porier lift uh sorry tet lift him up got a little fast on the Finish porier just starts Landing massive grounding pound once he was able to reverse him and then once he got this body triangle here Michael tanler was just stuck and once you saw him go to his back here look at that tanler can’t find the choke arm no more porier gets the finish what a fight it absolutely [Applause] delivered were talking to each other seemed like they were still fighting that was a pretty tense conversation I’m glad Co have shown themselves that the guys give each other hug as they move forward and mall has said something to the tune of when the bullets are flying give me Dustin porier every day of the week and it seemed as though a lot of what Dustin said during fight week sort of be fruit here right his interview with you when he talked about some of his fundamental advantages on the feet but porier knew he was going to have to potentially walk through fire you almost got me and you let him keep all right to make this one official now here is Bruce buff ladies and gentlemen referee Dan mlat called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes of round number three declaring the winner by submission due to a rear naked choke Dustin the Diamond p hey M even though no disrespect a lot of I was scared to fight you I’m coming from a a healthy you know without fear let’s go bra another Ro all right gentlemen first round you ready to fight you ready to fight let’s go all right co-main event is upon us Ben Wason is in white Dustin porier in Black [Applause] black strong leg kick there from porier and as poier fights in the Southpaw stance as does s den oh yeah gu D’s got a really good Guillotine and it’s early roll out of and he’s on top expectation was that s was going to wrestle a lot well he has that Judo background and the majority part of his finishes have come by submission and Sant is so physically strong and big for this weight class I didn’t recognize how big he was until him and Dustin faced off the size difference was very surprising to [Applause] me saan did a big chunk of this training camp in Bulgaria worked a lot on his wrestling working off of porier back here what [Applause] aose Dustin’s complaining that Ben W is grabbing his gloves Ben wi is such an elite Grappler looked like another protest there from poier maybe a hand inside that glove he’s on the back Dustin’s going to shake him off the top yeah he got a little high Dustin’s got to shake and swim good job by porier there good Knees by Beno oh Dustin’s looking for that Guillotine once again and now he’s got a standing High elbow oh s knee gets away oh nice body kick to the body right on the Belt Line oh big Left Hand by porier over the top Bo trying to collect himself taking some deep breaths lot of energy expended already oh and S is just in your face the entire time that he forces you into war nice elbow from saon Furious first two and a half minutes I mean the pace that been is fighting with is crazy yeah it’s hard to imag imagine this going five rounds somebody’s already cut it’s hard to see where must be on forier must be S goes Cur D has got his full in the cage I mean this kid is just it’s almost like he just doesn’t know he doesn’t know the 25-minute fight looks like they oh Dustin stung him with the right hand oh another right hand oh big was cut yeah it looks like sonon is the one who’s cut nice bodyw work by the Frenchman nice counter from porier I think Dustin’s cut as well no I mean all these take down attempts in round one by S Dustin again is looking for a guillotine one more time this one’s tighter High guinee shook him off again a lot of time to work here porier gives up the back there Dustin is breathing very heavy the pace of this has been insane yeah I mean he could not have anticipated that this kid would come at him in this fashion a lot of time for him to seal his choke off he’s got the body triangle [Applause] DUS has good defense though y got to think a lot porier training camp was spent defending out of this [Applause] position I mean I can’t even express to you how impressed I am with b l Den right now this guy has G at Dustin with this the same way everybody yeah this confidence and almost recklessness of I’m going to get through you at some point I know you’re tough but I’m a bigger man and I’m batter and eventually that’s going to show itself it’s crazy he’s just forcing him into war oh his nickname is like the God of War yeah looking for an AR the round three seconds porier shakes off that noise one round down Dia Davis with some very pointed words for Dustin porier you ready to fight ready fight they believe s is not on the level at least when it comes to the Striking we’ll see if he gets back to the low kicks here early round two that would be a great option for him s did not check the kick oh he’s doing it again they told him not to go for the G team but he’s going for it he doesn’t have it look his head’s going to pop yeah Mike BR told him no more Guillotines he just can’t help it one of his best submissions one of his best submissions and now he’s mounted it went from bad to worse for Dustin porier and now it looks like he was setting up an arm triangle Dustin’s trying to scramble but San is so elad on the ground now he’s got him flattened out this terrible this is terrible for Dustin Dustin’s got to go back to his back he’s got to go back to his back he got to give the M here he’s going to try to sneak out the back but C is aware of it well you’re choosing between two really bad positions which one are you most comfortable in he’s got him in a neet crank [Applause] [Music] here and by the way this is just draining Dustin he was already tired coming out of that second round you can see it oh he’s out Sur F done by porier back to the feet he’s got to separate he’s got to create space nice elbow by San Dustin did a really good job of slipping that hook out then rotating back towards benino s but Benin is right back on pressure good strikes in the pocket by S ripping the body now so exhausted porier Landing a couple there in his own right Dustin cannot jump Guillotine again he’s hanging on to it but he separated now well and it may be his go-to submission but the record shows Dustin porier has never won a fight by Guillo at least if my notes are accurate under three minutes to go round two as they usually are so I don’t think he’s won by submission oh nice body shot from porier and now he lands up to he KN detine again though he’s going for it again has it in round two what a what a performance for Dustin porier to take this chance and to fight this guy who’s not in the top 10 and can do that can’t be Reckless against Dustin for he hard he hits too hard his boxing is too good but man he tested he was tested but just like di Davis told him he’s not on your level striking get your hands going and when he did you saw him heard Big L me twice in that round 22nd UFC win for Dustin porier and you got to think few sweeter than that one he retains his status as one of the very best lightweights in the [Applause] world look at that uppercut oh my God picture perfect he had him stunned shot to the body eats a body kick there’s a left hook right hook excuse me straight left hand he went for the guillotine again here but let it go and here’s a right hook look at that right hook this we’ve talked about this swing we’ve talked about this time and time again Dustin for is a right-handed guy he just fights South B so when he hits you with the left with the right hook he is hitting you with his power hand but it’s in front opposed to being behind that was a nasty right hook by the for inter Champion Dustin the Diamond for but the diamond shines bright yet again on a massive stage and sharing a moment with Donald Trump and Jolie porier brought to tears as you might expect American Top teams Dustin porier add another Scout man what a warrior just an absolute Warrior a guy that just loves to fight man he said time and time again he’s had to prove who he is and tonight he proved exactly that he is still one of the best lightweights in the world when facing a very very difficult challenge in beninois s [Applause] Den here’s buff ladies and gentlemen referee Mike belron has called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 32 seconds of round number two declaring the winner by DUS the gold Warrior