Rewatch the full fight between Edson Barboza and Billy Quarantillo ahead of Barboza’s main event matchup against Lerone …

wants to put some burn ends on EDS Barosa right now that wasn’t an alliteration but I see what he did that listen I just want to say this it’s not a bodybuilding contest and it’s a good job because if it was Ed and barza would win that every time of this guy talk about fast twitch muscle fiber but Bill on the signal now the body this is smart right because when the guy does carry all that muscle you start wearing on him those quick kicks of Edson Barbosa who’s fought the who’s who at lightweight now at featherweight as well Barosa sixth fight in UFC at 145 lbs and he’s got that leg kick working early there’s the first one I mean listen he knows what he needs to do he saw the fight against Bryce Mitchell and Ed by Bow where he was taking down in control however not that easy to do you see it on paper you watch it on tap so okay take him down but B has got tremendous jiujitsu a wealth of experience and he is powerful but so far doing good Landing that job pushing the pace Coro first fight as a new father his son will back home in Tampa Florida his wife Bri made the trip to Kansas City for this the biggest fight of his career to this pointa finding the combination corello has got to mix in the wrestle if he does this with Barbosa he will have to fight at such a high Pace there it is smart very smart by to the back the cor did a great job to maintain the grip of leg still fighting hard there’s a good cor obviously knew what he was up against and how about Wonder Boy long in the tooth still going strong as a UFC welterweight Contender says baros is a huge inspiration as he watches from home bar big right H bar off as well baros is landing he’s Landing good and here comes the kick Billy pushing forward if Billy could keep this pace and keep Barosa turns the lights out with a knee wow I mean that is the danger the power and the Precision of V Barbosa he had him going backwards and he landed that knee beautiful does not know what hit him because it happened that quickly vintage Edson barboso did the same thing to panil darush years ago and he is still very much a player that featherweight long he was changing levels every time they got to the side of the Octon every time he got to the side of the oon he would punch into the level change look he’s just punching to try to change levels and Ed goes okay let me just put one up there the middle that’s how you stop guys from shooting on you right you throw things up the middle yeah up the middle weapons Barbosa lifts that knee Coro goes right down into it and he goes to sleep look at this punch to try to shoot punch and shoot Edson just dumps that knee on him wow and and the accuracy I mean that was the patella the knee bone you know not the thigh the hard part and then you see the way corilla drops ladies and gentlemen referee Keith Peterson is called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 37 seconds of the very first round tocl the winner by knockout Jor Bosa [Applause]