Rewatch every finish of UFC lightweight, Drew Dober’s career ahead of his co-main event on Saturday at UFC Vegas 85. Dober is …

under hooks here Mike is an excellent position for him he wants to try to take Barner down and Barner actually went to try to take him down but got trapped against the cage and the mount he tried to utilize those double over hooks to try to flip Dober over but got stuck didn’t recognize where he was Jam’s in a bad spot here Dober the Muay Thai Champion two-time amateur Muay Thai World National Champion showing the full set of skills that he has now he’s got the back not good for Jamie Jamie’s going to go onto his side here and try to avoid the choke Drew Dober got an arm across the chin Jam’s in trouble here Mike he’s ta and it’s all over Drew over now what he’s trying to do what Jam’s trying to do here he’s trying to drop he’s trying to do a lateral drop hold on to his double under Hooks and throw him over but he didn’t he wasn’t able to complete it and ran into the cage and here Dober has his neck and it’s kind of weird it doesn’t even look like Jamie fights out it he’s not really trying to fight out of it that much for Gonzalez oh Big Shot beautiful right hook by and again he’s in big trouble big shot by Dober hit it all over Drew Dober and Drew Dober with this right hook there that really landed clean here’s a left behind it and Gonzalez in big trouble here Dober senses blood he closes in misses with that one let’s take a look at it again here’s the right hook bam just catches him catches him with that left behind it that left hand and that right hand was the big one that right hook had Gonzalez in all sorts of trouble out on his feet Dober connects here and Gonzalez is out cold the fs right there pulling out the kicks of bur huge left for Doo Burman is down and out Drew Doo boom oh right over the shoulder perfectly placed left hand I mean it doesn’t get much cleaner than this Berman even had his defense up and that’s the thing with these little gloves yeah literally perfect right over the top of the shoulder sir you see burkman’s legs Go sir head bounces off the ground ready similarly off to a good start tonight against Polo Rees another combination that’s hard down Drew Dober all right let’s take a look at some of this work here from Drew Dober he rushes him lands a right hook but that left hook over the top cracks him right on the nose and Drew Dober just goes in for the Finish you see Ray has learned how to wrestle real quick right there even though we knew this wasn’t going to be a grappling match presses him up against the fence straight left right on the jaw and the knee and Ankle get twisted up unfortunately for Rees I hope his knee is okay from that bang right on the chin he survives that one but he’s rocked that one on the chin but it’s this one right therec me just coming in all out action swinging left right left right there it is left [Applause] hand Heber coming up large as the do tonight and let’s take a look here you see just like Joe is he stayed calm in the pocket times that left hand with the leg kick beautifully and stuns him but then comes over top and it was the beautiful ground look at this dips his head off to the side he knows he’s facing a South ball he’s throwing that big kick and you look at here just the ground and pound he’s controlling him with that right side in the half guard and just unleashing ground and pound hurt oh DOA really going for it now hernandz Tak a lot of shots on his it with a signature win and a number next to his name next week big right hook right behind the ear of Hernandez and that straight left right down the pipe sits him down gets right back up and these guys were battling back and forth there was moments from each of them Hernandez had some nice takedowns but Dober with the ability to just push on the head scoot his hips back out get back up and land these beautiful combos listen to his Corner really well telling him to stay tight and you see here Hernandez trying to work his way back up to his feet he’s trying his best to stay in this fight herb deed Cena that head kick Bron was about as close as you can get to being legal or illegal kick again Kenny’s got some damage showing as well well oh and mcken and now to’s on top to’s hammering away he trying to hang on over really late and on here Brendon true and here’s Drew lands that knee sends mckenny down and then Drew being the veteran he is he’s got his opponent heard he’s saying I’m not giving you another chance to land any of this crazy stuff you’ve been throwing at me kid nice inside low kick by Alves good oh left up to the body to the here it is oh right in the rib in the rib yeah oh he must have caught that floating rib that sucks when you get that floating rib Joe let’s see again oh right right in that rib that one up top is the one that when you’re getting gut wrenched and wrestling you start turning over because it gets a little tight right there true do that one sucks and look at theay the delayed reaction right little bit delayed these guys are training man why you see that over I mean he’s Landing there’s right on the jaw Bobby Green’s Landing but one big shot right on the jaw puts him down 10 we’ve seen this time and time again from Drew Dober he comes back in these fights and he just keeps that power there it’s always dangerous Until the End wow man what Dober did so well is he eats a shot here look at that shot he eats and says you know what oh well I’m in Bo he waited and became third just the way his coach has said right here he waited 81 and then waited for Bobby green to throw and countered Bobby green and became third that was bad grab oh man getting close to Smashing with his left hand that’s nasty go baby it’s taking an effect on Glenn every time too oh he’s melted him with that huge Connection by DOA yeah that’s going to be it if he lands a few more I don’t think Glen can take it oh this is thunderous work by Drew Dober enough yeah let’s take a look this his left hand St struck finding the mark you see Glenn trying tried to fire back but just too powerful too fast there from Drew there’s an uppercut think that landed in there boom right on the money overhand left there from Dober and just I mean this is classic Drew Dober look at that snapped the whole head to the side and just hurt Ricky Glenn way too much he tried his best to stay in there tried to clinch up hold on for dear life here but Dober just too powerful and gets a big [Music] finish