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[Music] [Music] Shamrock and Jackson now underway and he felt Shamrock lacked standup fighting skills but the alliance go right down right devastating need oh and there a submission on Jack already Shamrock grank Shamrock bounc right into an armar my Lord what a quick fight the two engaged in the middle looking to set up some strikes Jackson he rushed into Shamrock once he rushed him he went to take him down Shamrock hit the fence and when they landed Jackson extended his right arm Shamrock seized it brought his legs up and right there when he hooks his head he sinks it tight now it’s just a battle of the entire strength of Shamrock’s body against the isolated arm of Jackson and it’s no contest Shamrock a winner in just 22 seconds here once again another quick look the whole idea of submission is extension and once Shamrock left his right arm out there excuse me Jackson left his right arm out there Shamrock moved his legs up high on the head able to sink the whole tight won this first ever middleweight champion and for the decision here’s out and the first ever UFC midweight champion of the world sh I don’t know why vay didn’t try to do this earlier in the fight and really create you know these kinds of little scrambles if you will and forc you know use the same tactic that Frank shock did final seconds of the middleweight Championship are complete and the judges will render a decision on who will walk away with the [Applause] Bel and Tito trying to understand deep in his heart ah I know they’re speaking Japanese is it me yes it is Huntington Beach bat boy Tito Ortiz is the new UFC middleweight champion Mr sakata puts the belt around the waist of Tito [Music] Ortiz huge statement Tito’s got a hold of Randy’s ankle but he’s not doing anything to it he with 8 seconds left he’s going to have to take it off it’s all over Randy the natural cout Captain America unbelievable it’s the Undisputed light heavyweight champion of the world that guy is ladies and Gentlemen let’s have a big hand for these UFC Warriors after five rounds we go to the judges scorecard for a decision judge Nelson Hamilton scores about 5044 judge Jeff Mullen scores about 5044 and judge Marcos rales scores about 50 45 for the winner and now the Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world Randy the natural C two incredible performance by Randy cotour everything we thought he would bring and it was too much for Tito tonight look at Tito Ortiz I tell you what the kid’s grown up hasn’t he absolutely he has grown up that’s a champion to be proud of him Tito and press him throws couple jab right there he should have been punching that’s what he wants right there yeah if he can do this and he can keep on his feet for a while more of a chance toing like something like something happened in his eye that that is uh Randy might have got poked in the eye there Randy is wincing in pain that’s not good because if vitto sees a weakness that’s confidence and when vitto builds confidence it’s trouble yeah van Randy looks like there’s something seriously wrong yeah did he tweak a knee or something they’re going to call a timeout back back corner and John McCarthy’s going to check it out first punch something happen first punch he said something happened you know that’s let’s take a look at the replay looks like you got a finger in the eye oh you know what that’s one of the unfortunate side effects of these gloves right there just clipped his eye just clipped his [Applause] eye I hope he’s I hope he’s okay oh [Applause] no well I I will say this kidding me they’re going to stop fight my goodness they’ve got to stop my God they have stopped the fight let’s take a look at the punch that caused the damage it looks like it just grazed his eyeball it’s like a little finger that came across his face clipped his eye cuz it didn’t hit him so it must have been a part of his finger coming out of there caught him in the eye tough to see it from that angle Randy’s still trying to talk to the doctors Dr Mar looks like it just grazed the eye it could have easily been the the glove just barely touched it sometimes a grazing punch cut you a lot better than a punch that slams you straight on yeah this right here is a going to get a clear look at it here that left hand yep just graze his eye ladies and gentlemen due to a punch there was a very dangerous cut on the lower eyelid that was torn into the eye on the doctor’s recommendation referee Big John McCarthy has put a stop to this contest declaring the winner and new UFC light heavyweight champion of the world the Phenom VOR Bell one years old I have no idea just dominant and again I was saying before when we showed the replay the SK the set of skills that you have in mixed martial arts is very different than the set of skills you have in boxing boxing is much more dependent on reflexes and youth you can compete much longer at a later age and be very successful in mixed martial arts not merely reaction time and physical speed and skill there so many other things are involved and strength strength is the last thing to lose Randy go is obviously incredibly strong man at the age of 41 and you speak of that Joe and I think it illustrates more perfectly why a man who uses his strength and control like Randy Couture can be more successful in later years than perhaps a younger fighter who was more about explosiveness a baron or a belf for yes or an orlovski a striker yes absolutely absolutely Randy Couture is all about imposing his game which is Greco Roman wrestling Eddie Bravo round three another 10 round 10 n round for Randy Couture this fight doesn’t look like it’s going to last much longer I mean there’s blood everywhere to vor’s credit he is trying some arm barss from the guard he is trying to pull it out but he really is going to need a miracle from God to pull this one out well he believes in Miracles ry’s shorts even more drenched with his opponent’s blood here as we get set for round number four that shot right there defines Warrior absolutely it’s all over Randy to tour is once again the light heavyweight champion of the world ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of action based on the doctor’s advice referee John McCarley has called a stop to this contest declaring the winner and now again the UFC light heavyweight champion of the world Randy the [Applause] natural oh man I I don’t want that I I don’t need that neither one of them wants that no they want it they want to battle it out these are real Warriors I mean they they want to they want a definitive ending this F Randy might be hurt yeah Randy might be hurt Randy trying to close in though now and he goes down he’s down and Chuck lell is the new late heavyweight champion of the world iSell is the late heavyweight champion unbelievable wow feet let’s take a look at the replay here Randy was hurt there with that left hook just wild swings here boom there’s the right hand that’s where he tagged him that’s where he tagged him with the right Joe right on the button here’s another look at it again boom bang that was the shot I mean you’re talking about a guy who’s taking the best from Pedro jizo big heavyweight Striker taking shots from Mory Smith World Heavyweight kickboxing champion and Chuck Liddell puts him away what wow ladies and gentlemen the referee has called to stop to this contest at 2 minutes 6 seconds of the very first round for the winner by knockout and now the new UFC Undisputed like heavyweight champion of the world the ican ch it’s like to throw that looping left hook though and he used it to knock out Kevin randan look left hook to the B [Applause] rage rage Jackson the new L Heavy weag Champion unbelievable Chuck just said to John Hackman Joe what happened right hook right on the button hurt badly here he’s still defending himself and then watch he goes flat right there oh he was lit he went L he went flat right there Justified great job by John mcy right hand bang right on the button he Ducks under right looping hook Chucks down he’s defending himself trying to get his legs watch him go flat right there definitely a Justified stoppage and you know Quinton Jackson he has said in the past that he had a terrible Camp before he used to work out with a guy who only had him training with amateurs but ever since he’s been boxing with wanito and doing his Mo Tha with Chris Riley at Legends ladies and gentlemen referee Big John McCarthy has called to stop to this contest at 1 minute 53 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by knockout and now the new UFC light heavyweight ion of the world Clinton [Applause] R I didn’t I didn’t get you might as well call me 10 seconds [Applause] remains unbelievable fight what a fight here’s a nice right hand by Forest [Applause] Griffin and there’s an uppercut by Quinton and a little left hook behind it ladies and gentlemen after five rounds and 25 minutes of great UFC action we go to the judges score cards for a decision Adalie Burr scores the contest 4846 Nelson Hamilton has it 4846 and Roy Sebert has it 4946 declaring the winner by unanimous decision and new UFC Undisputed World light heavyweight Champion [Applause] Forest throws it up again but started with a kick that was caught too Joe big big punches by Rashad Rashad continuing to te off for is in trouble and it is all over Rashad Evans is the new UFC late heavyweight champion wow that again Mike he he’s he’s got a guard here but he’s not really controlling Rashad’s posture and Rashad tees off catches him on the chin there and the guard is open now Rashad’s on top he’s got his legs under him and he just blasted him and yeah Forest is trying to tap there and Steve maati saw and and stepped in and rescued him watch it again Joe on the chin Forest is hurt there tees off again now Rashad gets up and he gets all that leverage into it and these left hands are just brutal has the official decision ladies and gentlemen referee Steve mazzagatti is called to stop to this contest at 2 minutes 46 seconds of the third round declaring the winner by TKO and and now the new Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world sugar Rashad Evans Machina teing off he’s hurt very badly Mike Rashad trying to regain his Consciousness that what he took in the body oh oh another shot he’s getting teed off on he’s down and it it’s all over Leo Macha it’s the new UFC light heavyweight champion and here’s the straight right straight left hand excuse me and this is the end of the fight Rashad gamely hanging on badly hurt though and that last shot just puts him out you see that right hand and then another one badly hurt gamely hanging in there that final left just shuts the lights out ladies and gentlemen referee Mario yamasaki has called an end to this contest which came to an end at 3 minutes 57 seconds of round number two for the winner by knock out and new UFC like heavyweight champion of the world leoto the dragon M leoto switching that stance again Joe yeah exactly we we don’t know how that leftand is and that could all nice knee to the body he got left maricio new UFC we heavyweight champion in right here we go wow as soon as he got the full Mount Leota was in deep deep trouble and there he’s out let’s take a look at it again he lands a beautiful knee to the body Shogun Clips him with that one on the temple lands a few more gets the full Mount and the lights go out in Georgia he promised not to leave it up to the judges this time and he delivers by knockout spectacular performance by Mauricio shog ganua the young Crown Champion is now the champ ladies and gentlemen referee Eve leing is called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes 35 seconds of the very first round for the winner by knock out and new UFC like heavyweight champion of the world Maro [Applause] sh Jones with a left [Applause] hand that one hurt him that one open a brutal elbow big elbows trying to finish this fight shun’s badly hurt Mike John Jones looking to finish shun vicious knee to the body and an uppercut need Jones to the body and it is all over John Jones is the youngest champion in UFC history wow Jones Shogun is just trying to hang on but Jones is all over brutal knee to the body allows him to stand up and then jumps all over him vicious left hook and then a knee Herb Dean mercifully rescues Shogun he’s is the leader of the new of the Next Generation ladies and gentlemen referee her Dean is going stop to this contest at 2 minutes 37 seconds of round number three playing the winner by TKO and now the new USC light heavyweight champion of the world John B [Applause] how your fighter don’t give up Daniel’s got it under the trying to lock it up and become the [Applause] champion he’s going to tap it is all over Daniel Cormier it’s the new UFC L heavyweight champion here’s a high kick by Rumble early tagged DC and here’s a big take down by Daniel and there’s a nasty elbow and big shots from the top by [Applause] Cormier and this is the end of the fight he gets the back of Rumble gets on top of him beats him down makes him carry his weight and eventually slid that forearm under the neck and secure the rear naked choke ladies and gentlemen referee John McCarthy’s called us stop to this contest at 2 minutes 39 seconds of round number three declaring the winner by Tapout due to a rear deck and choke and the new Undisputed UFC like heavyweight champion of the world Daniel DC cor missed with the uppercut I’m amazed at Gus’s in ability to absorb that head kick and another Inc El 15 seconds Jon’s got a TR on him man 10 seconds and gson with a trip they are going to go the distance fly knee by Jones wow what a fight unbelievable what a fight that might be the greatest title fight in the history of the light heavyweight Division and I have no idea who won replay brought to you by budl here we go and there’s a beautiful left hook by Guston and there’s a left by [Applause] Jones and there’s the final takedown where Jones finally got him down and here’s a head kick blocked by Guston so many head kicks by Jones not ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision the judges score the contest 4847 4847 and 4946 for the winner by unanimous decision and still the Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world John bones John he sets the record here tonight re really starting to open up but yam bovich continues to land 30 seconds to go on the round in the world of trouble has disputed UFC L heavyweight champion Poland your guy got it done a Polish power John we talked all right let’s take a look first of all I got to acknowledge that he just said Jon Jones where are you but let’s take a look at this finish here from bovich he just had this air about him this whole week like he knew he was going to get it done he’s coming out he’s aggressive he busted up the nose he busted up the ribs he busted up the legs and then ultimately he just sat him down oh straight right oh you see it snap the nose sideways of Dominic Reyes and then here he goes just laying on the pressure he was countering so well as oh look at that left hand it’s the left side for bovich this time that sits him down and then you see he’s just starting to Shell up and yam bovich is the new Champion ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen referee Kevin sataki has called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 36 seconds of round number two declaring the winner by TKO and and new Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world y W’s into the mount here oh Glover got him flat out oh he’s attacking his NE oh my god oh SAR breaks through at 4 2 he’s the Undisputed right heavyweight champion my goodness and there is his wife ingr tashera has done it that’s insane he did it he actually did it oh my goodness how do you not feel for this guy right now dude I I start to tear up I actually feel like I want to tear up he actually did we all started looking at each other you cannot have Glover toer on your back and flattened out and he really tapped fast I wonder if there’s something wrong with the jaw Glover’s over here yelling at DC I want to give Glover hug I’m going to give you’re going to be able to and perhaps Daniel can get some clarity as well from yam bovich but didn’t like when his head was sort of being pulled down early and it didn’t even necessarily look like tare was under the chin not completely ladies and gentlemen the endc comes of the official time 3 minutes 2 seconds round number two submission by rear naked choke for your winner and new light heavyweight champion of the world glow to Shar mistakes tonight correct there’s been some opportunity some control oh it’s done he’s going the neck he he he got the hand down he got the hand he got the hand no but he still got it again got it has done it near at the gun and here it is Glover trying to fight the hands off here but he’s got it he had it locked in you can’t really see from that angle you see the top here it is locked in again no hooks no required you’re tired you’re in the fifth round you’ve got the crap kicked out of you and when you chok in your neck you’re only human you’re only human ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Gard has called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 32 seconds of round number five five declaring the winner by submission due to a rear naked choke and no Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world Yuri B that’s what he’s got to do [Applause] [Applause] there it is a record-breaking performance statistically for Jamal sweet dreams hill and in all likelihood the UFC light heavyweight championship belt is in fact headed to Grand Rapids Michigan with the father of six Jamal sweet dreams Hill incredible performance tonight unbelievable and he had to overcome some adversity Glover had his moments Tara had his moments he got the fight to the ground where everybody questioned if Jamal Hill would have the ability to survive those moments and also it went Bruce ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision all three judges score this contest 5044 for the winner by unanimous decision and new Undisputed usfc light heavyweight champion of the world Jamal sweet Drees Hill oh nice job by Yuri big right hand oh the counter from snake right here by oh big El that is going to do it welcome to the history book and new UFC light heavyweight champion poon I thought perrero was making a mistake by World titles crazy so here he lands a right hand it’s a left hook and it’s a left hook here from poon oh no it’s a right hand left h no that’s the left hook drops he hits with these punches and then hears the elbows and he drops and sinks wait you’re right you guys are right maybe a little premature there it’s a little early I mean uh I’m I’m not satisfied with that stoppage I mean he was definitely hurt look he dropped he’s hurt but I think that was a little quick right hand there’s the left hook that drops him he goes down and here’s the elbows he sinks after the elbows he does go back right does he react yep he did he react I mean look he was hurt bad he was hurt really really bad he gets up he’s real wobbly H I feel ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Goddard has called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 8 Seconds of round number two declaring the winner by knock out and new Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the World Alex poon p