Sit back and reminisce on on the MIDDLEWEIGHT lineage since 2001! Champs like Alex Pereira, Robert Whittaker, Geroges …

[Music] on one minute left here Castillo come on showing signs of fatigue but he drops down for that single leg no he’s going for the double leg Elvis we see this again and he can’t get it again or can he why can’t he get it it finally does but why did it take so long Dave’s sprawling really well and he’s actually using the fence he’s bracing his feet against the bottom of the fence and dropping his hips which is making it hard for guil to pull him out 25 seconds what can Castillo do here he’s going to have to be busy he’s got to finish this round dominantly not much time left said they could go 25 minutes and it appears at this point that they are going to do so as the final 10 seconds of this final round s the is G Castillo gets the final right in and we will go to the judge’s card they are on their feet again here in manday Bay these guys have earned a standing aration knees from Mane I think those are going to be a deciding factor nice one to the stomach Castillo taking another one to the face one more more to the forehead that may have opened Castillo a little more nice barrage of shots and knees from D ladies and gentlemen after five rounds of pure UFC action the judges have reached a unanimous decision for the winner and new UFC middleweight champion of the world Dave The Warrior [Applause] let’s have a big hand for Mr Hill Castillo unbelievable jiu-jitsu man of course Matt Hughes Pat Milotic and Jeremy Horn in his Corner oh catch him there and they’re trying to finish it and it’s over and it’s all over Millo bante it’s the new middleweight champion this guy gets better and better he got him and he finished it just like this because he’s never needed to boom right on the chin hit right on the bullseye you see man he doesn’t have it all there and Millo lands some shots to the side and a great stoppage to a great match [Applause] oh gillo went in for the finish and McCarthy said it is over merilla Bustamante has won the championship another look from above nice overand right definitely not intelligently defending himself in that position I would think that would be the definition of not doing so hante came down in wait ladies and gentlemen we have a knockout at 43 seconds of the second round for the winner and new UFC middleweight champion of the one Maroa [Applause] mon theill Vante overcome this is certainly a test I need fight her team said I need you to try to get yourself out of this or he’s going to stop the fight fighter must be able to intelligently defend himself forearmed shiver David Terrell is getting dominated here okay he’s not doing anything to protect himself he’s not doing anything to hold Evan Tanner down to grab a hold of his upper body and pull him in to secure really tight guard or at least a tight lock down on one leg in the half guard he’s not doing big shot big he’s not used to B he’s got to survive another 37 seconds of this can he do it her Dean looks very close to stopping this it is no her Dean he’s right there that’s it it’s all over stopped oh my goodness it’s champion of the world a dominating and humiliating defeat wow Evan Tanner proving what experience willpower and heart will do David Terrell had a really tight Guillotine you see him straining he’s got one arm in so it’s not it’s not the tightest the optimum position is no arms in he lets go of it looks a little weary and Evan Tanner on top that’s the chance you take when you jump guard with a guillotine and here’s the end of the fight David Terrell just not doing anything to stop this not reaching up and grabbing a hold of Evan Tanner’s upper body he might he just might not have trained to be dominated like that he might have trained like he always trains and just gets on top of guys and submits them gets on top of guys and pounds them ladies and gentlemen the referee has called to stop to this contest at 4 minutes 35 seconds of the very first round with a winner by TKO and now the new UFC middleweight champion of the world EV ch 185 is loaded and Franklin may very well wear the belt at the end of tonight here in Atlantic City they’re going to check the cut on Evan Tanner wow it would be very unfortunate if this fight stopped because of a cut but at this point in time I don’t wonder how much more of these punches Evan Tanner can take well once it gets into the eyes then it affects your vision right Joe absolutely I mean well not under the eyes the ey that’s it it’s all over it’s all over they’re calling it because of the cut Franklin is the middleweight champion wow that’s a big cut over his left eyebrow Dr stopage Rich Franklin your new king at [Applause] 185 later ladies and gentlemen the referee has called to stop to this contest on the doctor’s advice at 3 minutes 25 seconds of the very fourth round declaring the winner and now the new Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the [Applause] world Rich from [Applause] town on Rich Frank’s Body rich is Dro rich is in trouble here just KNE right on the chin and these body shots are getting a rich he’s dropped his hands to cover his body and exposed his head and he took a Punch Yeah rich is definitely worn down from that exchange the knees by Silva Rich has got his left arm there to try to protect one seem to be damag him again in trouble high kick by Sila rich is in trouble Anderson Silva Franklin and it is all over Anderson Silva is the new middleweight champion that shot right there broke Rich’s nose and that was the the fight high kick another high kick to the body tried the big elbow another knee right to the head and Rich goes down for the last time here John mccarth saw enough boom flush on the face for that right knee look stagger back Anderson Silva is lethal and he ends the Run of Rich Franklin here’s the knees that caught him early R knees to the body and there’s one right to the liver hanging from the MU Thai clinch double collar tie just digging his knees into that body and you see Rich has got to bring his hands down to cover the body and that exposes his head right up the middle to the [Applause] chin ladies and gentlemen referee John McCarthy is called to stop to this contest at 3 minutes 59 seconds of the very first round for the winner by TKO and now the new UFC middleweight champion of the world Anderson the spider Sila head kick speed difference oh wow he tried a crescent kick on him Anderson Oh my he got hit looking to finish it hit is all Overman is the UFC middleweight champion my goodness oh my goodness he has done it wow you here it is again left hook and he pretends to be hurt but this one hurts boom on the chin Anderson’s hurt that one finishes him off he’s out cold look at that there’s something you didn’t think you’d see Chris Weidman just knocked Anderson Silva out cold he got silly he didn’t respect his opponent and he paid for it with his Consciousness let’s see it again boom on the chin caught him flat both legs parallel and he has no idea what’s going on he’s reaching up for Herb Dean while Chris Wiman celebrates the fact that he is the new UFC champion look at this left hook on the chin the eyes roll back and Anderson at this point if he’s aware realizes he made a huge mistake and of all the crazy things we’ve seen inside the Octagon that might be the craziest I am still in shock and disbelief that it was ended by a knockout for Chris Weidman who is the new UFC middleweight champion of the [Applause] world ladies and gentlemen referee herd Dean is called a stop to this contest at 1 minute 18 seconds of the second round declaring the winner and new USC middleweight champion of the world Chris wi that’s incredible and rockold steps over it again Weidman managed to just get that knee and play to keep him in half guard oh man this is a terrible position this may be rockold continuing to punish widman that’s it that’s it we got a new Champion Luke rockold is the new UFC middleweight champion of the world wow incredible absolutely incredible vicious ground impound especially in round three and more the same he Scot Weidman Up Against the Cage not quite the full Mount but pretty darn close Herb Dean right on top of the action Chris Weidman the AL American could no longer intelligently defend himself and the belt will go around the waist of Luke rockhole and what a reaction the biggest achievement of his athletic life ladies and gentlemen referee Herb Dean has called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes 12 seconds of round number four declaring the winner by TKO M new UND disputed UFC middleweight champion of the world Luke look never more confident oh he heard he heard him he heard him back again Michael bitman it’s the new UFC middleweight champion of the world oh my goodness oh my goodness Rock cold Joe pointed out that rockold had that chin up early he goes body and then over the top with the left Rock Luke he got right back up Michael stayed in the face right over the top with another left and we have a new middleweight champion his name Michael bisb unbelievable 17 days notice and he will leave with the UFC belt around his waist just like that ladies and gentlemen referee John McCarthy’s called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes 36 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by knockout and new Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the world Michael the co b b [Applause] oh tsp drop bigp oh big elbows from St Pierre I heard him bad but bising still defending himself bis’s defending St Pierre going all out for the finish here George is going to answer the T he understands he understands that he could be gased a little back off the back over it’s over Joe it’s over Joe it’s over Joe it’s over George S Pierre has done it he is the new UFC middleweight champion wow oh my goodness Wow Let’s Take a look at it again here this is where he got caught he got sliced with an elbow from the bottom all sorts of adversity because of all that blood flowing into his eyes and here’s the punch bam perfectly placed left hook bisping’s in all sorts of trouble Mich the illusion that he can get to his knees and get up St Pierre jumps on the back right away and attack his rear choke one punch right SL I mean that is perfect Michael bis won’t tap but GSP puts him to sleep there’s no defense here his left hand his left hand is behind his head there’s no defense you are supposed to attack the Top Hand the top hand’s hidden that’s the that’s the rear choke that you learn in Jiu-Jitsu when you just let your partner get it on you there’s no escape from that and George St Pierre wow what a performance he I what else can you say George St ladies and gentlemen referee Big John McCarthy is called will stop to this contest at 4 minutes 23 seconds of round number three declaring the winner by submission due to a rear Nega choke and new Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the world George Rush sa [Applause] P the back back in the head that’s why Big John ripped his hand away nasty elbows by Whitaker Romero trying to get to full guard can’t make it trying to get back up to his [Applause] feet outstanding Crow work from Whitaker down the stretch standing here ladies and gentlemen Robert Whitaker and yoel Romero Go the Distance in this UFC interim middleweight championship fight tonight in Las Vegas wow and this is that front leg side kick and there’s the hook [Music] kick there’s a Tak down by Romero front kick to the body by Whitaker [Music] ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision all three judges score this contest 4847 for the winner by unanimous decision and new interim UFC middleweight champion of the world Robert the reaper wi it car [Applause] land wow pretty good right hand counter there from Whitaker the quickness of Edna to evade these high kicks hands down just leaning back out of the range of those kicks he’s got to be very careful oh R spe side trying to close it out Israel Samuel is the Undisputed King of the middleweights man every time Rob jumped in there he was taken damage and look what happened went in there again caught that right hook counter again but IDE he landed it over and over again less than two years into his UFC career Israel osna is what he knew and thought he was the best middleweight and here it is look at that it’s just the counters over and over when they were going in and exchanging Izzy kept Landing those strikes go to the beginning at the end of the first round left hook counter again Robert feels comfortable they’re throwing Izzy Land look boom left hook right on the chin as he’s leaning back hurts Whitaker jumps on him for the finish what a performance by the last sty bender and I would say A Star is Born Bor but this star was born a long time ago but Israel adna who has captivated the MMA masses every step of the way certainly reels in a big one tonight ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Godard has called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes 33 seconds of round number two declaring the winner by knockout and now the Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the world the last style Bender [Applause] Israel but has had his most success to the body tonight oh got a left hook he heard him B oh and now a right oh he’s on two more down goes the champion P try to close do it he did it did it again P the Undisputed middleweight champ oh my goodness believe he did it again oh my goodness he did it again he did it again again wow in the final round he did it the last time in the third round he did it again so Izzy’s Against the Cage he pops him with the jab the right hand the right hand yeah it was the right hand it stung him a little bit then the uppercut the uppercut stung him that’s the left H the left hook again and then another one and then that right hand he’s in big trouble there and then again Jo I mean he was hurt bad you could have stopped this long time ago Mark G gave him a ton of times he gave him all the time but look he’s not even looking oh my goodness though with an immediate protest yeah I I mean he’s a champion I can see why he’s protesting how short that hook is oh look at how short that left hook is that power is beautiful this dude is crazy look there’s no doubt he was in deep deep trouble could you make the argument that you should put the champ out maybe oh my goodness but the way he’s moving it looked like he was gone ladies and gentlemen referee mark that’s called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 1 second of the fifth round declaring the winner by TKO and new USC Undisputed middleweight champion of the world Alex Boon har going to limit him to South parw again so D [Applause] goodness he got him he got him canally over Alex pada who’s out cold wow he did my goodness he got him B oh my goodness let’s take a look at it again he gets hit with that low kick covers up P’s moving in boom he catches a boom again right hand and then hammerfist out cold wow let’s look at it again hands down just teeing off on him bang look at that right hand bang again left hook behind it out cold hammerfist and stylebender regains the middleweight championship of the world and reestablishes himself as one of the greatest mixed martial arts fighters of all time and AIS Sonia it’s over just went over almost fell OS just went over to acknowledge and ladies and gentlemen referee Dan mlat has called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 21 seconds seconds of round number two declaring the winner by knockout and new Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the world Israel the last this is crazy this was not how I expected this fight to play out and now Shri is talking to him holy cow Strickland flapping gums late final 10 seconds adna lands a kick to the body back likelihood Sean Strickland oh my God has produced one of the biggest upsets in UFC championship history we await the all important scorecards but Sean Strickland in all likelihood is heading back to the United States of America as the Undisputed middleweight champion of the world Sean stri let’s take a look at some of the work early on I mean that right hand from Shan Strickland knocks down Israel osia the follow-ups did a lot of damage but it’s the the pattern the onew no recoil Shan Strickland all over Israel osaga in this exchange is he survived this though gives a thumbs up at one point to the referee but later on in the fight the jab of Shan Strickland I mean isna certainly had his moments but he was forced on the back foot the entire fight and it’s very difficult to Counter Strike or kick and this right here that is Shan Strickland in his element loving life fighting like a man oh my gosh there was ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision all three judges score this contest 4946 for the winner by unanimous decision and new Under theup UFC middleweight champion of the world SE [Applause] H right he starts clubbing it now instead of down the middle and it’s Landing final 10 seconds well the forecast was for a war and that is what they [Music] got a standing ovation in Toronto Ontario Canada as Shan Strickland and Drake his duple C go the full 25 minutes to decide the UFC middleweight Championship early in the fight it was the jabas Sean Strickland that really did dictate what was going on drus was struggling but as the fight went on he was able to land a lot of takedowns we have not seen Sean trickin taken down that many times right hand lands for the champion dupi goes to the body here on one of his blitzes head kick lands for draus dupi body kick from the Challenger a big right hand lands for draus cuts open Shan Strickland Shan Strickland lands a beautiful overhand right as we get to the end of the fifth round but draus was on the gas the whole time then another straight right hand from draus dup a very ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision solo scores the contest 4847 strickman Eric C has it 4847 dupas and Derek Curley scores the contest 48 47 for the winner by split decision and on the super USC middleweight champion of the world re Still d [Applause]