On this episode of DC & RC we’re highlighting Jimmy V Week and the push to raise awareness for Cancer Research. The UFC is …

and now this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for DC welcome to a brand new episode of DC Lou it’s DC in fromo Louisana Fight Night catch your right hook in your right eye change how look Daniel come here and Ryan Clark The Champ are here with battle scar this Warfare Louisiana in the from railro laay to Angeles to I could go one show without you going I’m Super Bowl champ when the mic’s on it’s show time DC and RC we win in Super Bowls and emies and Daniel got you bouts around the valy history hey I’m DC two division champ I ran the UFC cuz we asking this gu is the worst I don’t know how you can do a show broke my heart Miss Marshall all stars and we about that grounding P so be on guard and we going round for round cuz we want it all but there can only be one in the O DC and RC DC and RC DC and [Music] [Music] RCN what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of DC and RC I’m Daniel Cormier That’s My Boy Ryan Clark RC I used to always play this game called where in the World is Carmen San Diego we’ve talked about this I just recently found out that Carmen San Diego was the bad guy she was actually the bad guy in the series I had no idea but every week I find myself wondering where in the world is my boy RC so RC where are you today are you in Bristol are you in New Jersey are you in Louis Louisiana where are you right now today I’m in Mount Laurel New Jersey at NFL films yesterday they did us a solid they did not make us go to Minnesota Chicago to watch that awful ass football game so we did that in Bristol I was in New York yesterday morning bro like I just love moving around though this weekend I’ll be in Jacksonville because the Monday night game is there for the Jaguars and then we just do it all over again what I’m really waiting for bro is the offseason so I can hit these UFC events with my boy absolutely hey and I see your videos the hard first man up last man going to bed every single night man that’s it’s a beautiful message of how a hardworking man makes his living RC coming up on the show we gonna talk about Islam makev he had a very strong message over the course of the week and he did an interview we will talk about UFC Austin we’ll be joined by Bobby green we also get joined by Kayla Harrison a little later in the show off of her last win in the pfl and as always we tap in the tap out but RC this week is Jimmy V week it’s a very important week for ESPN it’s a very important week for cancer research and everything else we have long been doing this now at ESPN and the UFC has truly embraced it it is the fifth fight like hell Fight Night steuart Scott Memorial fight night that the UFC has held what did steuart Scott mean to you RC we spoke about it a little bit last year but what he meant to you as a broadcaster as an athlete and as a man a black man that works in this field in the world of uh entertainment and in the world of Television well I mean honestly DC steuart Scott is the reason you can do TV the way that you do it it’s the reason I can do TV the way that I do it steuart Scott was able to bring his own flavor his own flare to Sports Center which we had seen for so long and he did that unapologetically so but with so much grace Poise composure and respect for what his job was respect for the profession and the thing I loved about steuart Scott was the way that he embraced and respected athletes but also the way that athletes embraced and respected him he became a voice of our culture a voice of our community that was accepted because he did his job with such excellence and not only did he do his job with Excellence he lived with excellence and he said that cancer wasn’t going to beat him by taking his life that he was going to beat cancer by the way that he lived and I think the way that he lived is an inspiration to us all and was an inspiration to us all and continues to be to this day and so for me man steuart Scott is irreplaceable for what he meant for me as a player getting an opportunity to watch him and hoping that one day steuart Scott spoke about me like some of the people I saw him speak about but also now as a broadcaster and analyst and a host that you can only hope to Aspire to be a small piece of what steuart Scott is and continue to keep his name alive because he truly deserves that as one of the legends to sit in these seats absolutely and you know Ryan one of the things that really stood out to me about Stuart Scott was the personality was the swag was the way he did represent the culture but he never allowed for you to think that he was a joke because he was always so prepared just because he was having fun didn’t mean that he wasn’t as professional as anyone sitting to his left are sitting to his right he was so ready to speak on any type of topic because he took his job with so serious he was a master of this art and in so many ways I try to replicate what he does on television so while I am joking I am still ready I am still prepared you can see this side of me and you can see the prepared side of me because of what Stuart Scott did in showing that you can have both sides of the broadcaster it did not have to be like those Nightly News shows r that we would see where it’s 5:05 p.m. on the east coast and there’s rain in this place it was like come on man we don’t have to be that button up we can have fun while we do this and that’s what Stuart Scott showed and Stuart Scott was also one of the guys that embraced mixed martial arts at a very very early stage I remember seeing him with Chris Weidman them inside the octagon outside of ESPN and he just loved the sport he was a guy that spent time doing the sport learning the sport and just trying to prepare and he really did find strength in that even when he was in the midst of one of the biggest battles that he ever could have experienced and so we do the fight like hell night this is the fifth time the UFC has done that Ryan I lost my dad to cancer and I remember sitting in Washington DC a few years ago with Paul Felder who also lost his father to cancer and crying the UFC has embraced this wholeheartedly and has become a real advocate for this cause that’s one thing I really do tip my hat to for the UFC and ESPN making something so important feel so important and they’re doing exactly that this week in RC with a massive fight card from Austin but the fight like hell Fight Night Comes again this year and I’m always so honored to be a part of it on this main card RC you have benil daru taking on Arman cukan you got Jay Turner taking on Bobby green on very short notice Rob F takes on davidon figuro who is going up to 135 lbs for the first time look at that fight at welterweight Shawn Brady taking on Kelvin gastam dude yes B this fight card is absolutely bananas Ryan and one of the guys that is one of the headliners he fights the Cole Main Event it’s King Bobby green so it’s time to go one round with Bobby green Bobby green how you doing my brother what’s up big dog what’s going on with you good baby why you call that man by his whole name though like what you doing why would you when you say Bobby green what’s happening you don’t even hit my boy with a BG you not like what’s up Bobby it’s like Bobby green how you doing nah nah n what you yeah I’m not messing with I’m not messing with Bobby like that I ain’t messing with Bobby like I’ve known Bobby since King of the cage bro Me and Bobby was to broke brothers fighting in New Mexico way back in the day and Bobby always carried his it’s great to see Bobby doing great things hey Bobby last week you lost your opponent originally Dan hooker you said give me a gangster to step up did you expect it to be someone like Jaylen Turner no no n uh out of all the guys they raised their hand he wasn’t the one of the guys that raised their hand so I wasn’t expecting him at all I was expecting all these guys that were actually asking for it but uh I take whever they get me you know Bobby you look at this fight and you know you were preparing to fight Dan hooker now you’re fighting Jaylen Turner who we’ve seen in the octagon with Dan what are some of the issues that presents when having to adjust to a fighter with such a different fight style than the guy you were preparing for um I really don’t pay too much attention to all that at the end of the day I’ll look at it more like fighting is a what if I just ran into you in a backyard you know what if we just rent each other in a club and we have to fight you just got to fight and so more so than thinking about how you’re GNA get prepared you just look at it like a fight and it’s gonna play the way it plays out Bobby you know one thing that I just said earlier was that we knew each other from King of the cage Strike Force we have all this connective tissue and I have always watched you have an ability to make people relate to you so when you hit the curtain no matter where we are Bobby people go crazy generally that’s not the case right because you’re a bit you can be a bit Brash and you’re like fun did you ever expect the crowd to start to take to you in the way that they have being that you talk in the Octagon you point at people I I see you almost like you are from you are who you are you are a black guy you’re you’re not really trying to hide that you have a personality and you live with it but the crowd has seem to be drawn to you did you expect that um man it’s just real you know it’s in your face I’m I’m the last of the real ogs you know and I think the crowd finally gets it you know I’ve been waiting years for this you know and it’s finally starting to happen so just being in a moment from the moments I come back from the curtains to the time that I go back under the curtains it’s a show and so I think that the crowd finally gets it like I’m I feel like I’m a rapper and [ __ ] I come out and I do this different thing than everybody else does and you know like DC mentioned this and we often talk about the culture of fighting and how you can stand out if you be authentic to yourself but let’s get a bit into your 2023 like you start the year off with the loss but then you have a great performance against Tony Ferguson you knock out Grant Dawson and now you’re about to fight again against Jaylen Turner what has made you want to be so active this year and how have you turned around and found success after losing to Islam mahak and Jared Gordon um first of all the Jared Gordon fight was a no contest from a headbut and I actually wanted Jared Gordon to be the guy to step up so we can go and finish our business but that didn’t happen um Islam I took on 10 days notice after just getting into a fight a week or so before that and so people always look at wins and losses and they don’t see what really happened behind it you know um and then to be honest it’s it’s really five fights in a year in a year span you forgot about Drew Dober too I actually fought too so in five fights 12 year span nobody’s doing this especially at my age like DC’s telling you hey he started when I was back around doing it he’s gone now he’s retired I’m still doing this at at the highest level fighting the uh the most amount of Fighters you know seeing the most active as old as I am I’m still out here putting it out here and doing this that nobody else wants to do at this level Bobby when you when you beat Grant Dawson last fight and I spoke about this on the broadcast we had had opport you had had opportunities to fight these guys right these moments to get inside the rankings and you did it emphatically you finished him I went to that octagon with you afterwards and we did a postf fight interview and it was always gratitude for you it’s always gratitude to the people around you the guys that have been with you since day one to get that big Bobby my call was Bobby did it that’s what I said oh my God Bobby did it right because we had seen you have those opportunities before what did it feel like to deliver on that moment when you had Chan to get a kid that was talking about championships and you put him out in the first round um it’s just a blessing you know everything is I call my style poetry and motion I just want to be beautiful to watch you know and everybody kind of enjoy it but at the same time I’m just here to be gracious and thankful for everything I get you know and this sport is the toughest sport on the planet and so you could be injured tomorrow this thing could end tomorrow and so I live it in the moment and and I go through everything I go through for just the day I can’t think about tomorrow I can’t think about that I just gotta be thankful for today and so I’m thankful for everything that’s ever happened in this game and just sucking it all in yeah you know what I don’t want to talk about the future too much I know you’re thinking about today but I want to talk about Saturday you mentioned getting a gangster to step up I feel like jayen Turner is that type of dude and we already know what sort of energy you’re on every time you get into the Octagon this is a great fight card what can we expect from you once you step into the cage what you can expect from expect from me fireworks a lot of somebody getting hit you know smooth slick uh just different from everybody else that’s all I’m trying to do is separate myself from everybody else I’m not trying to be like y’all I’m trying to be like me you know and I hope I don’t come off cocky or arrogant I just try to do something a little bit different that’s it yep Bobby Bobby but listen you are unapologetically you and that’s what you’ve always been and Bobby from the Apex last time now you fight in front of a crowd that’s gonna be crazy and if you come out to the song last time Bobby come out to that song SK and then when he left they call me Bobby Bobby hey hey he came out Bobby come out the sexy red and then he leave the Bobby Smur I mean come on Bobby green what’s going on man man I know I know everybody wants me to keep coming out to that song and I’m like like like now it seems like it’s my song I’m like no I just played it once like I’m a guy I’ll do something I’m GNA keep kind of popping these new new things off depending upon where we are and we’re here in Texas and and has giv me the first time that it went crazy was in Texas so this one’s special for Texas I want to do something that’s Texas you know just something just for them and not for like me like ski it was just something funny that I was trying to do you know yeah that’s dope my man well good luck this weekend brother thank you for joining us I appreciate you it’s an honor to be on the show thank you guys so much and keep killing out there H let’s go RC Bobby green come out to that sexy SK every play the Apex went crazy RC but DC isn’t it crazy that that song by sexy red has become like a hype up song for violent Sports yes like they they they playing sexy they playing ski before like football games bro and like they got like high school like college guys and like NFL guys vibing to that song like it was like it was written by HOV back in the day like I think like that makes like talking to Bobby that’s my first time getting a chance to interact with him dude is intense like as as chill and laidback as he is you could tell he’s laser focused on doing the job and you know he mentioned the Drew dolber fight the no contest to Jared Gordon but I think to be able to say when you lose Dan hooker I want a gangster to step up right he wasn’t because I think he knows it’s it’s two things one you don’t want somebody that’s going to come in there and give you a quote unot quote boring fight you know by I guess grappling and wrestling and taking the down to the mat but to take a fight on such short notice against someone as experienced as Bobby green is someone who’s been in the octagon with people at the level that Bobby green has you just got to be a gangster to accept it and so I’m excited that it’s jayen Turner and I look forward to seeing these two dudes when you look at the stylistic matchup where these dudes are in their career DC who do you think has the edge headed in to Saturday I think it’s I think it’s a phenomenal fight you know very rarely RC do you get a fight that replaces a fight that you could be more excited about now granted Dan hooker has completely changed the narrative on who we thought he was we thought he was done a couple years ago the dude fought last time with a broken arm and he’s he’s an absolute Savage so you know that would have been fun but when you look at Jaylen Turner in the hype and his ability to be creative to be loose inside the octagon and you put him in there with Bobby green we are in store for something that’s going to be explosive because you don’t have guys that are going to be trying to wrestle we thought Grant Dawson was going to try to take Bobby down so that was the talk all week notice that in that entire interview Bobby never spoke about wondering whether or not it was going to be fun because he knows that it’s going to be fun that is a fight that regardless of how many times you matched him up Jaylen Turner versus Bobby green will always deliver my question is though or my thought as I try to process the matchup is how does Bobby manage all that distance because Jaylen Turner is tall he’s called the tarantula for a reason bro the dude’s got to be about 62 63 he’s so long so how does Bobby manage that especially knowing that Bobby does his best work with his hands he’s not a guy that’s kicking much Bobby has a wrestling background he doesn’t use it very often but how does he manage all that distance with his boxing being that Jaylen Turner is a very good boxer himself but also a guy that’s so tall and so long but I tell you this much I was in New York City for the last UFC pay-per-view and Jaylen Turner was there for a monster appearance and he was kind of just living so it’s not like he was preparing for a fight he’s taking this fight on very short notice now you got number 12 versus number 13 in a fight that is guaranteed to be absolute Banger from Austin on a fight card Ryan that’s as good as a fight notot as we’ve had for a real long time bro this is one of the best fight notot cards in my opinion that we’ve ever had I think the reason that this doesn’t get an opportunity to be pay-per-view is because we’re not fighting for a belt at any moment but this is a great fight card and I think Jake just told me uh jayen Green’s reach is 77 and Bobby’s 71 and so that’s a lot of distance to try to figure out and I think if you go back to the Dan hooker fight if I’m not mistaken Jaylen I believe hurt his arm with the kick or no not a kick he uh he kicked Dan hooker and Dan hooker had to recover from that kick and so he can also use not only his his striking with his with his hands but he’s a guy who does utilize the kick inside the octagon and so Bobby green is going to have to try to figure out ways to maneuver and get in range without taking too much damage and I think that’ll be fun to watch just in kind of the matchup of figuring out who gets the edge there but you heard Bobby green mentioned Islam mahv and the champ pound-for-pound number one had this to say I’m planning to fight until I’m I’m planning to fight until Ramadan evening of March 10th is when it is I would like to have time to do three fights in 2024 and so when you hear what Islam mahat Chev is saying it says to me that he wants to be active DC what sort of path or what sort of opponents could you see Islam headed to face in 2024 so there’s three guys right I think it’s a matter of how does Islam want to approach this year he said that he wants to fight in the first uh part of the year the first quarter right January February March March Works Saudi Arabia there’s a fight card there it makes all the sits in the world I think you get Charles Oliva versus Islam MV number two then you got to imagine Islam MV is going to want to fight in that second quarter but you got to think about Ramadan during Ramadan it would be so hard Ryan to think in that month that you’d be training to prepare for something so you imagine you’ll get Islam at some point in the summer but then Abu Dhabi is usually in October they usually want to keep those guys there I think you get Islam versus Charles then I think just gaii who has told me in our personal lives that he’s going to wait for Islam mahv he’s not going to fight he’s going to wait for his title fight you get gatei that third fight to me Ryan is the one that I am a bit kind of torn on because if you’re thinking star power and you’re trying to build mahv as the biggest star you stick him in there with a Dustin porier who at that point would have hopefully fought at UFC 300 got a victory and his in line for a title fight but if you’re talking pure skill in this pure truth to the sport if Arman suian is able to get through his fight that might be the fight by the end of the year where it might be the most difficult fight for Islam mahv because when those guys fought before while Islam did win 30 to 27 it was probably the most competitive fight he had over the course of his UFC career because cukan gave him a whole ton of problems back in Moscow way back in the day so star power Dustin porier quality if serian Is Still rocking and rolling I would think Arman suian at the end of the year well obviously if you look at this fight card on Saturday Aran shukan will get his opportunity against benil darush who is coming off of that loss to Charles Ola but you gave us some of the whoos that could be possible I’m just happy you didn’t bring up Conor McGregor again and then everybody in the the UFC world had to be like RC I’m so glad that you checked DC coming up with all this stuff being on Islam’s payroll but more importantly than the who he’s fighting when you say the win if he’s trying to collect three fights in 2024 is it more about where they they’ll be fighting or more about how soon he can get back into the Octagon considering he didn’t take any damage fighting Alexander V noski in his last title defense you know RC the problem is with that is like these cards kind of fill up right you already got the first three pay-per-views of the year you have the January fight card that’s already scheduled you have the February fight card that’s already scheduled you have the March fight card that’s already scheduled you have title fights already done for the first quarter of the year I think I’m not exactly sure who’s fighting in January February and March but who who’s fighting got Jay get in my ear and tell me who’s fighting in in Toronto I know that it’s uh it’s Strickland dup and then you have volkanovski versus uh ilot Toria and then in March I think that’s Ali versus have Al and so you got y yes so you already got three right through the first three months of the year Saudi Arabia first time going there so you could have Islam there with a title fight on a fight night that would still work because it’s not like it’s real big pay-per-view stuff over there but it’s a matter of finding time in the schedule you got to you got to remember UFC 300 is coming up in April that’s going to be a blowout so whatever Champions that are not on UFC 300 they have to be ready to turn and burn yep as you go into the summer so I imagine we’ll see Islam in the summer then we’ll see him again in the fall well I mean the the the thing is and I mean you know this and I know this ain’t nobody worried about seeing Islam mahak Chev the real fight is Conor McGregor Michael Chandler that’s the fight that’s going to get the UFC 300 that’s the fight that’s going to get the fight card that it wants so you tell me like being honest DC how much does Conor Michael Chandler factor into the win and the who that Islam is fighting because we know that Islam comes far down the pecking order from my guy Conor let me look man again I I tried not to say Conor McGregor because I said said for Star Building obviously Dustin porier because he’s still winning at that level but if Conor McGregor does beat Michael Chandler impressively there will be a world where people will start to call for Conor McGregor to possibly get a championship fight and I will tell you with 100% certainty Islam mahv will not be against that and while Islam mahv said he wants to fight three times if Conor McGregor fights in April and they say hey Islam your next fight’s against Conor for the belt but it has to be October mahv will look at that pay-per-view potential and go guys I’m okay with fighting two times this year because it’s just he has fought three times since 2021 he hasn’t fought three times since 2021 he could though but he could though RC especially if he’s able to to compete and dominate in the way that he has you can he fought two times this year he fought at the end of the he fought in October of the year before to become the champion so he’s had a very active schedule think about this rcy it was a 12month period in which he fought three times he fought in October and Abu Dhabi became champ he fought in February against volkanovski the first time he fought Nabu Dhabi the second time against volkanovski so it was 12 months when he fought three times so he can carry the schedule it’s just a matter of who will be the opponent if he’s continuing to win especially in the way that he has RC he’s dominant he’s a very dominant fighter another dominant fighter and one of our favorite guests is Kayla Harrison she talk her talk RC she is not afraid to tell you that she’s great she’s a two-time Olympic champ she’s a pfl champ she has done so many great things last weekend she fought against Aspen lad in the pfl and she won after the fight she had this to say and thank God for pfl thank you pfl I’m able to provide for my family they’re never going to want again I’m blessed for that but now it’s time for me to provide for me I’m excited pfl just acquired Bellator I heard there’s a girl in Bellator who thinks she’s a bad [ __ ] well why don’t we find [Applause] out hey it’s time to go one okay with the great Kayla Harrison okay Kayla every time Kayla’s on the show we like okay Kayla okay okay Kayla so you’re talking about Chris cyborg you’re talking about Chris cyborg after the fight saying she say she’s a bad [ __ ] let’s do this she responds I’m a woman not a Kayla how disappointing was it that she didn’t take the tea up I mean you laid it up there for like yo let’s make money this is a chance for us to make money how disappointed were you that she didn’t take the layup oh I mean you know I wasn’t surprised there she only talks [ __ ] when we’re in different promotions and there and there’s somewhere to hide you know but now that we’re under the same roof I feel she’s going to get real quiet real fast so I’m not surprised I mean I don’t even want to talk about her because I feel like every time I do it it’s just like jinxing it we’ve been talking about this fight since before I made my MMA debut I’m 17 fights in now so um if it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen soon but I I don’t have much faith in her it’s kind of crazy because nobody calls out Chris cyborg easy fight Kayla you’ve been so dominant in your in your career and you know for so long you had that zero in the loss column what was it like trying to rebound from your first loss I mean honestly I think that it was probably one of the best things to happen in my career um for me you know I think that God’s God’s in control and I was on a very um kind of Crash Course of burning myself out burning the candle at both ends I was fighting four times a year I adopted two kids I’m a single mom I was trying to be the perfect mom the perfect Fighter the perfect daughter the perfect sister the perfect teammate and you know last year I when I got to the finals I just had nothing left in the tank and it wasn’t because I didn’t want to win it wasn’t because I didn’t train hard it wasn’t because I didn’t take her seriously it was just I simply had had burnt myself out and when I lost I had to get real still and real quiet and kind of sit with myself and figure out who I was and what I wanted to do and what would happen if I wasn’t Kayla Harrison you know MMA fighter anymore could I still be happy could I still have joy could I still be lovable and yeah I really realized that like fighting is what I do but it’s not who I am and I had not maybe made that distinction before honestly everything changed I came home from my fight and my daughter goes to therapy and I checked in with her therapist and I said you know she was at the fight is she okay you know help me be a parent because I still don’t know what I’m doing and my the Miss Laura was like oh are you know I we talked about it and she said she got to go to New York City and they had you know Thanksgiving in New York and they went to Central Park and she got to eat pizza and she went to the top of the Empire State Building and I said and what about the fight and she said oh yeah my mom had a fight she lost and then we came home and we had ice cream and like she didn’t care you know she didn’t care that I lost she cares that I’m her mom and I show up for her and it had never occurred to me that I could um be loved no matter what so that kind of changed everything for me you know you mentioned that it changed everything for you how has it changed things and has it Chang them for the better oh absolutely um absolutely I just think that I love what I do right I feel like God put this desire in my heart and he gave me these gifts and I get great joy out of going to the gym every day you know talking a little [ __ ] uh punching people in the face but I I do believe that now I have a balance you know I’m a mother um I’m I come home I spend time with the kids I’m not in Camp back to back to back to back um so I have the freedom and the space to be both you know I guess technically a lover and a fighter and my life is full of joy now you know I get to do what I love every day for money and I get to spend good time and be present and and be with my children I’m so supported you know I have amazing group of people around me from my coaches to my friends my family my church family like I just I have a really blessed life and I have a lot of peace now that I kind of let go of this um need to be perfect um I have a newfound and I think it’s made me an even D more dangerous fighter because I kind of just go in there and I got the flow a little bit you know that’s amazing Kayla it’s fun to be able to do all that stuff you know to release all that to be free you got a lot of great people lot of you know support and a lot of money and when you got a lot of money it’s much easier to kind of be at peace and to be good Harris let me tell you let me tell you let me tell you one more thing KLA Harrison Kayla Harrison one thing that I noticed when you were in the Octagon the other day you’re much Slimmer right you’re much Slimmer you know you’re not carrying as much muscle inside the Octagon you’re more ripped they don’t have 135 hey they don’t they don’t they don’t have 145 in other fight organizations Kayla there’s a little Tweety Bird all around the world that said that you’re in free agent what are we looking at Kayla Harrison in terms of the free agency because why you got a lot of money now you seem to be in line to make even more money what do you think about being a free agent having options now with the pfl and Bellator together and obviously maybe taking a look at the UFC yeah um to to be honest with you I haven’t thought about it a lot my goal was to have a fight this year and to get back inside the cage and feel good get the ring rust off um you know the the fight ended up being at a catch weight because it was a short notice opponent change so it was at 150 but I didn’t have to cut any weight at all I dieted down um you know I had breakfast lunch dinner and a snack the day before weigh-in and I said you know what guys let’s just go to bed we’ll wake up and cut whatever we have to cut and I woke up and I was on weight so I’m really glad that the disciplin paid off um I hired a weight cut specialist you talk about money money money I am very blessed you know um and I’m really grateful for that but I also know my worth and I think that that’s an important piece of fighting you know I know my worth I know my value and that’s why I got your boy Ali you know he knows my worth too and I’m sure that he’s gonna go out and he’s gonna make sure that that I get my worth yeah Kayla you know so it is it is about knowing your worth but in order to get to a worth that gives you an opportunity to be want it you have to earn it and you’ve done that you’ve done that in your Olympic career you’ve done that as a mixed martial artist what is it that you are still looking to do that continues to keep you motivated no I mean I think that I just still have a lot left you know I still I don’t feel like I’m the best the best possible version that I can be inside of the cage yet and I want I love it you know I want to keep fighting I want to be the best I want um to use my platform to change the world I I don’t have you know I think that I have a big name in our sport but I don’t think I have a a a worldwide reach yet and that’s what I want you know I want to be um remembered and I want to share my story and I want to change people’s lives and and I want to punch the best people in the world in the face like I don’t want the thing though Kayla you know but Kayla that’s the thing though you know you’re mentioning about having that worldwide name and brand in order to do that you got to have the biggest fight what I you got to have the biggest promotion you not have the people push you that put your names amongst the great we just lost Amanda Nunes she retired there was a reason that she was looked at the way she was and promoted the way she was Kayla we got to go make you so bake let’s get Ali on the phone and get these things done yeah listen I feel like um the time is now the time is now I’m ready I’m I’m ready to be great you know I had a year off um I handled my business I I I kind of found myself I had a little bit of a a soul searching year and this is it this is what I love to do this is what I want to do I feel like this is my purpose aside from being a mom mom um this is my purpose so I want to do it I’m ready Kayla for I see you there I see you that hug and flavor flave who had one of the most beautiful national anthem Renditions of all time at the Milwaukee Bugs game I absolutely loved it oh he sounded so good Kayla but let me ask you this Kayla he he sounded good but Kayla in the UFC if that is where you end up there are women that talk their talk to at 135 one being a Juliana Peña before there was a whole bunch of issues with you and Amanda Nunes I thought that would have made for a beautiful story two teammates having to fight I love Messi that’s been established for a really long time but she’s gone now so it would be some of these other women you look at the UFC band weight division whereas where you would have to fight at 135 is there anyone that pops off the page where you go man that would make for a real fun build and a real fun fight because boy if it was you and Juliana Peña the stuff that y’all would talk to each other for a messy guy like me I would absolutely love that yeah no I think that that’d be a great fight you know she’s uh she’s not afraid to speak her mind she she talks a big talk she thinks very highly of herself I don’t know why but she does so I think that’d be a great fight but listen I’m not I’m not a free agent yet you know the pfl and Ali I know are working on stuff there is a cyborg potential there um I’m not trying to stir the PO you know I did that free agency thing two years ago and yeah you you may like messy DC but holy [ __ ] it is exhausting I know it is like he’s a big drama show huh like it’s oh my God hey hey let me say you don’t know Kayla I sit on my porch in my rocking chair I sit on my porch in my rocking chair and I look at your house then I look at Juliana house and I go talk to I say oh Juliana you wouldn’t believe what Kayla said about you then I go to Juliana on Cyborg and I said boy you wouldn’t believe what she said said I’m constantly starting stuff Kayla thank you for joining us we appreciate your time we we appreciate your greatness man and we look forward to seeing whatever happens I get I get what you’re saying Kayla I know we’re in that that exclusive negotiating period with the company we can’t see too much one way or the other I get it Kayla Harrison but thank you again for joining us we appreciate it thank you Kayla no thank you guys so much for having me I appreciate it stay out of TR I would say stay out of trou let me tell you something man love having Kayla Harrison on the show she is a phenomenal fighter she is a phenomenal mom and bro she knows how to build a fight and she knows what she’s doing right now as she’s on the verge of that’s what I’m about to say that’s what I’m about to say Kayla she saying she don’t want to stir the pot DC but she stirring the pot a little bit she throwing us some alley oops and she just letting me and you dunk it I will also tell you this if I had arms like Kayla Harrison I wouldn’t wear shirts with sleeves either DC she make me want I got to get back in the gym get right arm she strong that’s all that Judo her whole life bro she won two Olympic gold medals which is actually impossible to do I tried I actually tried to win the Olympics it’s impossible to do man it’s time to tap in the tap off man let’s go all right guys Saturday’s Main Event pits benil darush against Armen saukin benil recently said he was offered Dustin porier but the fight didn’t come together he also said he believes armman is a tougher fight for him than Dustin DC tap in or tap out Armen is a tougher fight for benil than DP um I you know what you know what’s crazy about this one and I I got to kind of tap out but with a little bit of a an explanation Dustin porier has or would seem to be an easier fight because he doesn’t really use his grappling as much he’s okay just striking and we know that bonil daru possesses that ability but if vanil takes Dustin down Dustin is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belill also He’s a great Grappler but I get what he’s saying we saw suqi and bro and I always point to his fight with mahv but it’s constant he’s had number of great fights that have been just phenomenal and I think that that dude at some point will work his way back to fighting Islam so I tap out because I know that Dustin is a great Grappler but I do get what benil saying yeah um I tap out as well because I think when you’re talking about Dustin porier we’re talking about a guy that has seen the highest of highs is one of the best we have in the UFC but we also have to think about suian and what he did do against Islam mahat we have seen both of these men against gamrat as well Aman shoqi and losing that fight but I think when you look at this matchup stylistically it presents some problems from beril darush and that’s what I think he was alluding to when speaking of the fight against suian as compared to Dustin porier right guys Anthony Smith is stepping up to the plate and taking on CLE Round Tree on short notice December 9th in Las Vegas Anthony is currently ranked e8th while khil is ranked 11th RC tap in or tap out Anthony taking this fight on short notice against an opponent behind him in the rankings here’s why here’s why I tap in you know we haven’t seen Anthony be at his best or at his peak in his last few fights and so getting an opportunity to step up and fight khil it shows the organization that you’re still willing to put it out there that you’re still willing to get inside the octagon with anyone and it gives him an opportunity to improve on some of the performances we’ve seen from him recently you know I T I tap in because his last fight I thought that the fight that it takes inside the Octagon to be relevant at the highest levels I didn’t know if Anthony still had that in him and I told him this at the Apex last time I saw him I said bro I didn’t know you still had that in you but in his last fight I can’t remember who he was fighting against he fought back in the second round in the third round and he got it done so I was like well he still does have it and if you’re looking at matchups and people to fight on short notice behind you khil rry is as good a matchup for Anthony that you could really find inside of the UFC in terms of style so uh I think Anthony Smith’s making the right decision recently Wyoming wrestling held a special event called battle in the barn where they hosted a wrestling event inside a barn DC tap in or Tap Out Sports taking place inside of barn I tap in on the wrestling match taking place inside the born and I honestly saw people online some of them were like oh it’s actually wrestling in a born I never thought they would do wrestling in a born like it wasn’t good I think that you got to take chances and that’s one of the things wrestling never does we don’t take chances so they took a chance and Mark Branch who is the head coach at the University of Wyoming it looked amazing it literally looked like it was a movie so for me it looked tremendous now I know I’m a wrestling guy so some people might think it’s skewed a little bit but I thought when you look at these pictures man it looks great and I think you got to take chances if you’re wrestling I you know I tap in because you want to get someone other than the Daniel Cormier of the world interested in wrestling when I see that visual that reminds me and I know it’s not the same sport that reminds me of The Karate Kid that reminds me of blood sport the Kum where you have these very close individual matchups between these people with these great backgrounds that provide these amazing visuals and I thought that was extremely cool I tap all the way in on wrestling stretching the boundaries of what the sport ears and trying to bring in new fans it can’t just always be a gym with a wrestling mat in the middle of it with people around it just it just can’t it’s got to be something more all right guys last one Saturday on ABC DC’s Oklahoma State takes on Texas for the Big 12 Championship currently Oklahoma State are Oklahoma State are heavy underdogs DC tap in or tap tap in or tap out your Cowboys can pull the upset we tapping in we tapping in that we pulling the upset or Ali Gordon Ali Gordon is the best running back in all the college football he went to coach Ryan look at this the young man walked in the coach’s office and said coach give me a chance give we had just got blown up by South Alabama he said coach give me an opportunity give me a chance to help this team next thing you know we’ve won six in a row we’re in the Big 12 championship and most importantly RC and look at me move my neck to the side like that like those old women you know you seen them before Oklahoma University the bedum it don’t matter that y’all beat us 90 out of 100 we won the last one take that to the SEC with y’all take that L go to the SEC and get beat on by LSU in Alabama and Georgia while we could continue to live in the Big 12 so yes corporate Jake we can pull the upset because like Ali Gordon said coach give me the Rock and I’m going to take us to the promised land let’s go pokes let’s go I I tap I tap in as well we’ve watched Texas give teams opportunities to stay in the game and if the Oklahoma state if Oklahoma State can stay in the game and keep this close they have a a runner that is a finisher we saw him do it last week we’ve seen him do it throughout the entire season and this is as much the opportunity for them to win as it is Texas so I ain’t even mad at you DC I tap in RC RC he big too he big and he run and he finishes his runs RC I love that he finishes his he’s big he don’t look that fast but he must be fast he must F RC again go ahead RC no what do you have going on this week bro what are you doing throughout the week before the fight night like are you are you are you coaching wrestling or are are is your team winning like what’s going on in your life man I mean I’m coaching wrestling and I’m going to Austin I’m going play some golf when I’m not working but one thing I’m doing is I’m about to start making videos I’mma wake up at 4:00 in the morning I’mma put my suit on I’mma walk in the parking lot there’s a very nice I I’ve seen a stag and board for how to make one of those videos I have copied yours enough now to watch watch M RC it’s going to be some nice lighting staging be good just watch oh yeah good RC I see DC that’s my actual life that is what my schedule is throughout the day I have somebody that’s around that’s with me that has a camera why not video it I can’t wait till I can video myself going to UFC fights and it’s a reminder to you guys this is Jimmy vwe please scan the QR C code please give Stuart Scott cancer research we are so proud of Stuart so proud of what Jimmy V was and also proud that ESP can be a part of it catch us wherever you get your podcast on Tuesdays also on ESPN 2 at midnight I am Ryan Clark that is two division champ Daniel Cormier and we will see you next [Music] week