Feeling rejuvenated by the stem cell treatment he received in Colombia, guest co-host Jason Parillo joins Matt Serra and Jim …

[Applause] welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of here welcome to UFC unfiltered Matt today is going to be a fun show I hope so um we have no fights coming up this weekend but we have our pal uh Jason pillo uh great great uh striking coach is going to be with us the whole show so we might as well bring Jason in now yeah Jimmy we don’t have Jason pillo Jason he’s a fun Hang Man yes he certainly is I like Jason let’s see I look at him let me see look like he’s about to get a mug shot or something something with that background where are you I know I I don’t have a proper podcast station over here at my house so I just the I like it’s something about a nice white wall behind you it’s good yeah you got the black wall I got the white wall like you’re like you’re in prison yeah something I’m not too far out Jason burlo what up man you look why do you look younger what are you doing what are you do man what do you got going on it must be that stem cell I got did you get that did you get the one with the IV that goes through your body type of thing yeah I went out to a bio accelerator out in um Columbia my buddy Abe just went down there one of my black belts and he said he does that he gets the pumped through his body he said he wasn’t able to put his arms above his shoulders and now he’s I don’t know that’s what how what do they do they take your blood out and spin it how does it work no they actually give you uh stem cells out of out of umbilical cords so they have they I mean from what I understand I probably should have educated myself a little bit more on it you know for the fact that they were going to put it in my body but um yeah they get they so they take newborn babies and um they take the umbilical cord from the newborn baby and then they I they do something with that I don’t know exactly the lab’s actually right there I mean you’re literally sitting in the room where you get the IV and you can see the doctors inside the lab right next to you um breaking it down and doing what they do spinning it or whatnot yeah and uh they take it straight from there and and put it in your body now I got injections directly put into my elbows that’s that’s what I went there for but they also gave me the IV bags which goes through your whole body and uh I’m sorry Jimmy go ahead but no no no no you g ask if it makes you nauseous right does it make you nauseous when you get the IV bag I heard it m there’s a lot of different things that there’s a lot of I was all right I was pretty I just got really really tired and I was I was pretty fatigued for a good five six hours but that was really the extent of it and then when they put it like in the the elbows the shoulders from what I understand the knees and the hips are supposed to be the most painful um elbows pretty painful but I mean my elbows are constantly in pain as it is so it was like nothing new kind of thing but um yeah everybody’s got a little different side effects to it you know but it only lasts maybe a day or two the pain or the nausea or whatnot and um then you feel fine do you feel better now that you’ve done it do you notice an improvement you know I do but from what I understand it’s a three to six month process you know that the the the the stem cells have to come into your body and and and acclimate to your body or whatnot because they don’t have real genetic code on them right when they’re right when they they come they don’t have even the genetic code onto the fetus that they just were came from right so the cells go to your body and they have to they have to connect with h the code of your body I guess I’m trying to sound like I know what I’m talking about oh scientist Perillo how long does it take how long you sitting there with the with the IV bag oh the IV bags only it’s like a 45 minute process it’s like uh I got two IV bags so it was a five-day trip I went out there on I got there on Sunday afternoon and it was I left the following Saturday um and they really you know they really give you a a quote unquote somewhat of a vacation type of experience as well they go and they give you a little tour of medine and you know you know you get to go check out the culture of the of the country and and whatnot but it’s a it’s a it’s a DayDay each day you’re doing something new you’re doing hyperbaric chambers you’re doing um you know cold stuff Hy bear Chambers and you’re doing an IV one day then you’re doing the ejections another day then you do an IV again the following day and then and they monitor you the the entire time and I think that’s they why they like to have you out there for five days is so they make sure that it’s a a real clean process why they make you do that here Jimmy why and and it’s about the stem cells and I believe it’s religious groups objecting to the use of stem cells uh I think that’s what it is where they’re more limited on stem cells in the US am I correct Jason is that wrong yeah well and and and um well they do do it here in the US they do I got I got a I got a friend a surfer friend Billy camper who just had it done two days ago out here in LA and they basically take it from your they take the stem cells from you so they’ll go into your into your into your spine or whatnot they’ll go into your body and they and they’ll and I think that’s what you’re talking about Jimmy as far as spinning I I think they take your own stem cells and and and do something with that I don’t know if it’s like um what’s that blood thing they do with you Matt you might know yeah Dana did that when he had that thing with his ear yeah took out his blood and they spun it it’s called um platelets I forget what it’s called I don’t know PRP like PRP I think it’s called PRP and they inent it back into you yeah I think it’s more of a PRP type of thing but the but the difference is is with with that they’re taking you know they’re taking a 50-year-old Guy step themselves and spin them and put them back in there with what they’re doing in Colombia they do in Peru I believe they do in Tijuana what they do out of the country is they’re taking it from you know an an infant’s inil cord so it’s a whole different so you’re getting some pretty fresh cells from around good I wasna a grand scheme of things I mean it maybe is really effective and really maybe it really does something for people and uh we all know at the end of the day it’s you know who wants to who wants to cure anything around here they want to make sure everybody stays a little bit sick sure yeah yeah otherwise you wouldn’t need the medication or you wouldn’t need to come back right exactly it’s like making a tire that never pops there’s no reason for that because you’d never buy tires again there you go that’s fast hey um what would happen if you got one of those stem cell shots into your CAC never mind listen I’m sure it’s great for it I I believe they do that from they do that yeah they they they it treats uh treats Ed for people as well I mean it it it do I mean it does sound like a miracle cure and and there’s a lot of Believers in I mean it’s a really nice nice facility they they do very well and they treat so many people even if you don’t have Ed maybe if you get a shot it’ll give you like a super you stay Jason you stay in the building yeah well they they got a hotel they set you up in a hotel which is uh the building the the the office is actually in the mall there it’s a mall and and the hotel that you’re staying at is directly connected to the mall so when you come down to breakfast in the morning you have breakfast and you walk out the room and you’re right in the mall in the hospital the facilities inside the mall is very nice it’s basically the Beverly Hills of medene I mean it’s a really nice area it’s a beautiful building I mean it’s really first class treatment first class first class you you know you you go you get a shot in your cack you go then you see a get a frozen yogurt all in within the hour that’s a hey you had him sold on you know Plumping up your penis that’s all I needed to hear did you see the fights did you see the fights this past weekend I I I didn’t see them them all I was I was actually in the middle of of cooking cooking and barbecuing during the during the fights but yeah I saw I saw some of them I saw I saw a few of I saw the one that got stopped a little funny oh Nicholas Mota against um let me look up The Who fought uh Trey Ogden he uh yeah I think that was a no contest because uh Mike Beltran I thought he was out but he wasn’t out there in the head and arm you gotta you gotta feel for for for Trey in this one yeah even though even know listen I don’t know it’s a tough call but call no contest I think I mean the kids losing the fight no matter what I mean that that doesn’t that goes to the car the kid loses the fight so I mean a crime how much time was left I it was two minutes maybe under two minutes because it happened in three 311 of the third round Trey had him in that in that head and arm choke and he wasn’t let’s say he wasn’t getting out it did not he didn’t look close to getting out so like for to Rob this guy of half of his money is pretty crazy so I don’t blame Trey for being like look in other words I would the ref didn’t the ref stopped it I didn’t stop it why am I getting why am I getting penalized here I was well I was winning I would have won I mean what are we talking about here it’s CRA he kept his cool I think he I hope they did the right thing by him I believe they probably would I don’t see why they no KN in the UFC they they I I feel like they’ be pretty good about making sure that guy gets his his he won like you said he’s winning the fight um and they stopped the fight I really do you see that where they stop a fight like that as well and then change the decision to an it was really a weird situation if you ask me because it all a sudden go from okay you know they can go home and cry all that fight should have been stopped and and should have he stopped it right there I don’t think so because you could tell the the problem is is that guy that guy when he was in that head if he made any movement with his body even if he tried to do the thumb you know what I mean he’s losing it he needed to hold on to every bit of his he was holding under his arm right with his thumb was actually under the other under uh Ogden’s arm is his hand was available and the referees like to say hey let me know you’re there he couldn’t talk he couldn’t gurgle he couldn’t do anything he had to sit there if he made any physical attempt to say he was all right even if it was out of his voice he would have got submitted you know what I mean so the the kid’s in a tough spot that’s getting choked but at that same time the guy that’s beating him is beating him the whole fight I mean he’s k yeah he’s jabbing his face in the tomorrow and and and and and and really just doing a number on the kids so I mean is a the biggest crime on that fight yes the money is the biggest CRI is is a huge crime but giving that guy a a no contest he should have a w on his record for that fight really the odds are the odds are we we knew that uh you know Moto is probably not going to get out of that but it is when when when it’s a referee I mean you don’t see them usually that egregious uh but he he up and and Nicholas sat right up and said I didn’t tap so in a way like you are robbing Trey but if you give him a win and there’s like two if there’s 5 seconds left but if there’s two full minutes left he you know his argument is how do you know I wasn’t going to I wasn’t going to get out of that and again which I don’t think he would have I AR well the argument was you’re getting your ass kicked the entire fight yeah he I mean God bless that guy I don’t know him from Adam and in no disrespect to him but the guy the guy’s get the guy’s going to lose 30 20 seven regardless yeah whether stopped or not’s a hell of a referee too that’s what I feel bad for the referee because you know you you ref thousands of fights and you know you get a up like that you know it will haunt you for a minute maybe in that one they should have went to the judge’s cards because like you said if it was it’s going to be 30 27 so maybe did isn’t there a thing where effort goes a certain amount of time they’ll go to the judge maybe it’s during an injury or something like that where they yeah there’s a foul and it goes over two rounds I I I believe in boxing it was four rounds or more they’ll go to the judges scorecards in the MMA I want to say it’s two rounds which had had already gone two rounds or which the third round it would have been a really fair that would I I think that would have um really pleased everybody if they decided to go to the judge SC judge’s scorecard I you’re absolutely right Jim with that if they would the judge’s scorecard on that I think that would I don’t think anybody would had to complain about that and uh can I just say Nicholas he could be upset about that he should be sending him a holiday present after that’s a he should be thanking the referee saying like listen I don’t got a loss on my record yeah I was getting half the money anyway all right I’ll take it listen Trey is the one who should be that that’s like you gotta be kidding me I did everything right you screwed me the other kid all right he should be actually thanking the ref I know I know the warrior spirit in him was like no I didn’t quit dude if you you were either going to go to sleep or you were losing anyway so this is a gift is there no way to re Matt is there no way to reset the position like they do sometimes uh is there no way to reset it when when the ref stops it that’s it can can’t he just go look I made a mistake and and reset that position I don’t believe so man I don’t want to go back to Big John mcarthy when he was reing Murillo Bustamante versus uh Matt lindland back in the day that’s an old school fight old school uh Murillo had the fight basically submitted him twice because he had him in a full-blown arm lock the ref broke it up and and you know ly Lin’s like what’s up man and he goes they had to start him from scratch again standing up and he ended up getting him in a guillotine I believe so Props to the legend Millo Bustamante who people probably don’t even remember a lot of people don’t that’s me that’s mean to say I mean a lot of new people don’t know him yeah throw his name you know who I’m talking about Jason pillo maroon at least I hope you do listen what a Legend but uh he had to get he had to submit Matt lindland twice because John Big John McCarthy messed that up so they didn’t thought him back in the arm lock well also he was so deep in that head and like he was so deep in that in that in that submission I don’t know how there would have been no really justice of of they’d have to put him in as deep as he can go and then start the Bel you know what I mean started that would be a difficult start sure sure you guys see the pava versus Perez fight with those with those tough ladies do you guys see that one oh the two Brazilian girls yes what a great fight yes they’re Brazilian yeah no no one’s Brazilian I don’t know what flag that is what is p pava what is that wait are you are you who am I thinking I’m thinking of the the the the the 115 Pounders the straw weights um where where the one girl came heas against uh I W no I definitely want to talk about Amanda I was so Amanda Reas I was talking about excuse me perz versus p laava on the prelims on the pr I did see that because my girl loves to watch fighta is um she’s thank you Jake so and she came on in that third round and the first two rounds was Perez just out grappling her uh what I noticed by both girls was they when they’re on top they are dangerous as heck when they’re on bottom not so much and that goes for Perez where she was looking fantastic in those first two rounds on bottom she took a beating in the third round and P lava came on strong but what was hysterical is antha Perez wins you know like like she uh her way of celebrating she likes to like twerk or like put her like like legs up in the cage and shake her ass or just stick her butt so she’s doing that meanwhile they’re like a she won they they P to her little like eight-year-old kid in the audience mommy then they go back to the cage and she’s oh hey Perez there’s a time and a place your kids in the audience but I had a listen I don’t know I love just 42 00:17:02,240 –> 00:17:06,38 hysterical yeah but yeah because you you well you see it and know what’s going on she has no idea they’re panning into her kid in the audience why she’s doing the well I don’t know you know listen you know your kids out there you celebrate any way you want to celebrate is all I don’t I’m not judging I used to do little handstands yeah you know but anyway to each their own didn’t you do the one arm cartwheel or something like that yes yeah that’s what I did thank you for remembering that yeah I did that after I knocked out Frank trig oh what a great win yeah Frank trig anyway Jimmy he’s a ref yes yeah he’s ring now he’s looking a little he’s looking a little porly our buddy Chase Hooper uh what a great sub over Jordan levit man what a great fight that was yeah Jimmy I was about to bring him up how did you know fight that you didn’t know what to expect I mean it was I mean that was a that was a that was a yeah gra it was exactly what I hoped for it was what I was anticipating and it delivered because I wanted to see a nice Exchange in um in the grappling I want to see some nice exchanges some scrambles and that’s exactly what we got and uh if I remember correctly how was it a re naked choke was that what got me it was yeah that was off of a back take off a leg lock so it was very there was a lot going on there man I really enjoy I should watch I would like to watch that again wasn’t Chase going for a leg lock first and then uh levit grabbed it and actually broke the leg lock by going for his leg didn’t he get out of it by going for a leg lock of his own that I think you’re right there was something I’d have to watch it again to be honest but it was I remember it just being somebody’s on the receiving end and next thing you know they’re out now they’re on top and then yeah it was very fluent and it doing some strikes you know I wish there was a little strike I would have like to see those two I mean of course I would like to see that but I would like to see you know how they both have been developing on their feet because you know that’s important part of the game too as well I mean grappling is you know is another level and you want to have that highest grappling you got but be nice to see how both those kids were improving on their feet for me at least hey I got a question for you coach how frustrating is it then D listen how frustrating is it when you see your pupil your or former pupil McKenzie D and she’s out there and this is what I’ll tell you from an outside point of view some of the stuff she’s Landing is not bad I just feel like she’s not I I don’t want to say relaxed it looks almost forced I know the chin was coming up a bit but it she doesn’t look she I don’t know she did not look so comfortable throwing but yet some of the stuff she throwing was not bad but it’s just I but to do that with a girl like Jessica Andra it’s almost like she was worried already about the the the the counter- strike does that make sense yeah tell your thoughts your thoughts well I mean I just know that McKenzie’s come a long way I think she she you know she started the sport very green on her feet very just you know just very blind on her feet she had really no concept of of of of uh where what what she’s doing Rel but she’s a good athlete she’s a hell of an athlet and you know and she’s a good she’s a she’s a quick learner but at the same time you know she yeah I I I saw I I saw a lot of B those habits were still there with her why I was working with her it was something I was trying to develop out of her I tried to uh you know you know to you know work the wrinkles out of uh out of out of what she does as far as bad habits um and that takes some time you know I I was concerned about her going to that fight knowing that she wasn’t there yet it wasn’t part of her natural ability to have the you know the proper fundamentals as far as you know because you know she in that fight to me she was coming straight a lot of her bad habits that I’ve seen you know before she came came to start working she was up in the air she’s going straight back you know her hand positioning her base everything was just kind of back to to to a Greener State I should say of where what what I saw in her when when I first started working with her and um it’s amazing to see that happen you know because as May and as a coach you learn it again yourself you know you learn that you know it’s something that it’s it’s a repetitive motion it’s stuff that you got to stay with you know week in month in year in out and and develop to where it’s part of your makeup to where you fight this way not to where you go back to fighting like quote unquote I don’t mean to say an amateur but somebody that you know really doesn’t have you know all the uh you know the experience the world to be in in a high level top 10 type of fight can I can I ask you to we had my mic just fell hold on that was great hey J did you see yeah my M that that blunder go ahead my I have a a thing up here which is really up and I’m very annoyed that that just happened anyway um we had mcken on last week and she was saying that sometimes she’s allowing other things to kind of get into her head like things like she wants to fight a certain way so people don’t think certain things she was very open about it so I thought of that when I was watching her fight did you think there were moments where she might have been able to take on Dr down but she wanted to prove that she could stand with her or did you not see those moments maybe I was wrong oh um I think it’s always kind of in the back of their head but like um McKenzie is a bright girl I mean she thinks a lot and she break she overthinks as well just like we all do you know um and and uh I think um I think she was probably looking for the opportunity looking but again her base really floated up she what happens is when you’re high when you when when you lose your base like when you when you when you’re not you know I try to I I try to talk about this as as politically correct as I can because this is somebody that I really care about or cared about as well you know I don’t work or talk to mck Kenzie anymore but I’m always rooting for my ex-f Fighters because it doesn’t do me any justice to root against them um and uh you know she just I think she had a hard because McKenzie that’s something that was part of the development as well as working on taking these girls down you know you know there’s a wrestling base that I would like would have liked her to develop a little bit better as well or or put a lot of time into I mean wrestling is a very valuable valuable sport as we all know in this game you know especially when you want to take the fight to the ground you know I think wrestling is probably one of the best ways to go to to to learn and develop to to get your opponent to the ground um I think she was having a hard time seeing it seeing the opportunity to to take Jessica down you got to remember Jessica’s next World Champion she’s got tremendous experience she’s been in there with high level wrestlers and and she knows how to read her opponent you know now if her opponent sitting in front of her and and she’s not and she’s showing this this green State of Mind in this in this base and just kind of she could tell that you could tell and Matt you could back me up on this one when you’re sitting in front of someone you could tell whether they how they’re feeling and what’s going through their head and it’s a crazy you know us watching on TV us watching it for the crowd can’t see the same thing that the two athletes that are standing in front of us in front of each other see you know or in matter of fact feel you know so my guess is Jessica could feel that that McKenzie didn’t have uh the wherewithal and the makeup in the in the bass to to to shoot on I don’t think it was something that she was even concerned with because she could tell by the way Mckenzie was emotionally fighting in there that um it wasn’t opposing a thre to her she wasn’t she saw the punches coming even when she got hit with him she was ready just to the the fire back she’s she’s and you know she she is one of the better more powerful girls uh onra as far as oh she’s probably she probably if not though if not I mean the uh you know there’s a couple other that can cck a little bit but she the heavier punch in the division I can see her cracking some some fud her [Music] size [Music] hey while we’re talking about the ladies Amanda heas versus Luana Panero Panero uh what a f what first of all that Lana is no joke either she was coming after coming after her trying to take your head off but as the fight went on Amanda got better and better and by the third round even she got caught she was lumped up but man she was putting it together nicely and that was just a really it was a fun fight yeah it showed you that Amanda heas really wanted it to me and and and it was just and she had a a worthy opponent I I enjoyed that fight a lot I that was my that was my that was my favorite fight of the night I think they tell me they each got 50k I hope so H he lost up no uh no bonuses fight of the night performance the night bonuses though oh yeah I was I he B did get get on yeah good good oh what the did I just do hold on oh there we go and Nick what the did it go Nick Aira Aira I just lost my thing who was uh vers um a PT T yeah yeah yeah verse who pton talet pton talet yeah he loves to do the Abid and Castello thing Jason I’d like to play along with him I just didn’t think of it today but I’m glad Matt uh took the stick on that one but Calin had a rough first round man getting outg grappled but and uh you know Nick and even how’ it go to the second round Nick was on him too the second round I believe but then the but then you know talat he kept his undefeated record he ended up getting him out of there in the third round and Nick I talk about somebody who doesn’t he didn’t look that confident with his stand we’re talking about people not looking confid with their standup I think Nick even though his grappling looked very very good he knew he was outgun standing with talit you didn’t see the fight Jay I I I I I don’t know what fight you’re exactly talking this young kid pton talit he’s a seven and0 now and uh he got a re naked choke in that third round he started taking away the takedowns nice but the first couple rounds he was having a hard time with the grappling with this kid Nick but as the fight went on he ended up having his way but I think address that wrestling because some of guys I mean he it wasn’t awful and it’s and you got to give credit to Nick for for for getting him down but he’s gonna be dealing with that again with uh with other guys in that division so but I don’t know it was a fun fight we we I don’t know we also talked about the um I I I ended up watching the co-main event which was the Ecuadorian kid The Undefeated Morales against Matthews what a good fight that was yeah that was Michael’s undefeat 16 and0 uh Michael Morales against Jake Matthews yeah that was a that was a good fight that Jake Matthews showed a lot of guts too I mean yes that was a really close fight as well I mean there’s a lot of expectations on that that that uh Morales or is it Morales yeah yeah Mike Morales kid um that was a great fight close fight too um I ended up walking out to go to I think Home Depot or something after that fight so I didn’t I wasn’t able to watch the main event with Craig and um who was it Paul Craig Allen yeah I was on yeah you didn’t see it Brandon Allen dominated I think he subed him in the third uh yeah so was a third but he dominated the first two rounds um he he you know he was uh which which was surprising to me because uh Paul was fighting at light heavyweight for a long time so I thought that you know again having a little bit of a lighter fighter but that just didn’t matter Brendan Allen felt a lot bigger a lot of times you know when the guys come down it’s Hit or Miss sometimes guys guys coming down you know it benefits them sometimes and sometimes it hurts him it it’s pretty crazy that he was able to submit that guy because I think Craig has pretty freak freakish submission type of guy which you’d think that could defend if you could submit guys that way you’d think that you could defend it the same way so I don’t know a lot of guys a lot of guys wouldn’t want to be with him down there but Brendan yeah he stayed with him down there and he and he and he matched him down there and then he ended up bested him down there and I really I like the way he sunk that rear naked choke in it was uh there was no way for Craig to go he he knew he was just caught and he beat him at his own game which is always impressive and he had him in the first two rounds in bad positions but you know Craig is just such a a good guy on the bottom and so solid that it was just he just couldn’t put him away because he kept doing those things uh that just made it you know like like little leg positions Dominic was talking about a lot things you don’t think of a lot that just make you almost impossible to submit and finally in the third he just couldn’t do it anymore sorry goad no go ahead go ahead you say I say I just feel I think Craig for some you know he’s just so comfortable off his back and he gets a lot of submissions triangles from his back which is is great but it’s not a it’s not for me it’s probably not the the best base to have or the best bet the best mentality to have is to be the guy that always wins off his back because that’s going to catch up to you especially as you get a little bit higher up the rankings you know everybody can really fight once you get once you start getting you know in the top 20 or whatnot top 15 but sure I mean unfortunately he sat I didn’t see it how was it on their feet did they fight on their feet at all not a lot I mean it didn’t stay it didn’t stay on the feet very long yeah what the hell was I about to say me and my ad it was we were talking about I was talking about Craig like locking up Brendon Allen’s legs I thought it was something about Castello oh yeah the listen what I like what I really like with Craig on bottom is not just his offense obviously his submissions are amazing but I remember and this is something I kept in mind when I was training and working my bottom game and henzo would say like when you’re messing with somebody’s balance on top it’s not just a sweep picture like when someone’s trying to strike you say I’m trying to knock out you standing up Jason and somebody has me behind grabbing my shoulders and traps and just shaking me and I’m trying to knock you out so what Craig what what Paul Craig does on bottom when Brendan Allen from mounted especially mounted half guard uh name the position anytime he’s on bottom when when he’s trying to when when Brendan’s looking to land these blows he’s offsetting his balance he’s locking the leg down going underneath him even though these sweeps aren’t working he’s gaining some real estate back and he’s messing with the balance where he can’t land the punishing blows that’s going to end the fight so I was very impressed with that it’s something I I’m like look every position I go now he’s going to work him over oh he’s not because he can’t keep his base so even though he ended up losing I was very impressed with that so I wanted to mention that that’s something that some people might not catch on to they just look oh he’s just not getting out yeah but he’s also not getting destroyed with a murderer on top of oh yeah guy’s a stud he’s a stud off his back I I is there’s no there’s no there’s no there’s no denying that I’m just saying he’s very comfortable he’s very comfortable going there because he knows how comfortable is there because he can keep you off balancy the entire time and he’s very sneaky he’s going to catch up to you and catch in something too off of his back but like I said I think as you go as as you climb the ladder it gets a little harder especially when you know your opponent studies you and knows that’s where your main base is that’s where your main game is and that’s where you find most of your success you know it’s it’s it’s a not that it’s onedimensional but it’s not for me you know I I’m not the you know a Grappler you know especially a great Grappler like yourself Matt but at the end of the day I don’t think that’s a you know I think that there should be some development going in other aspects of his game so that could be you know the last resort you know if you have to be in that position but yeah it’s neither neither here nor there I don’t know these guys and and and I can’t knock them or what they do in training because you know they’re they are where they’re at I mean their main event tells me that they’re doing something hey man listen if if I’m you know I burst onto the scene of a Jiu-Jitsu guy and uh if I didn’t evolve which I had to I would never have won the title you know what I mean so I love anuma platter as as much as the next guy but thank God I’m blessed with heavy hands why now listen was I was what else was I GNA say oh the first night of the fight of the night was medic vers um oh yeah yeah yeah or or stepped up on four days notice this guy U I’ll get you the name MCC uh or Lobby I think let me let me make sure uh I want to pronounce his name uh he’s a stud yes yeah um it wasn’t the first fight of the night though Matt it was it was the our first card on the main card on the main card fight on the main oh on the main card sorry yes yeah osmetic against uh uh uh uh or Alby or or a lob or Lobby what weight was that was that a welterweight welterweight and man that was a that I mean he’s a Powerhouse that or Lobby am I saying it right yeah yeah or Lobby keep an eye out for him [Music] Jimmy uh what else guys I wanted to ask Jason uh because obviously now you have Cheeto against uh Ali that rematch which you know there was obviously the injury in the first fight um what do you think you know because at times Cheeto doesn’t start as fast as he could but again it’s worked out very well for him uh what do you think he needs to do against om Ali obviously not giving away strategy but uh what do you think om Al’s uh strength is and and what do you think Cheeto needs to do well just to clear things up for one second is that was an injury that was caused that oh yes BYO from a strike won F compare that to a liver shot you know you punch a guy in the liver and shuts your legs down yes you know it’s a it’s a significant shrink is what it is yeah cheetah won that fight hold on hold on please everybody please I want to apologize on behalf of my friend coach I’m listen to me he’s all over your win I Jimmy that’s not true I will not allow you to yes Jimmy please I gotta I gotta say this I I know Jason a long time yeah I’m sorry coach what a little you won that fight you he’s sipping the hold on he’s siing the Kool-Aid he’s he’s sipping the sugar sha Kool-Aid where sugar sha is amazing he said it so many times that it wasn’t loss that he’s got people believing it that’s incorrect it’s clearly a loss and it was caused by Cheeto but meaning they didn’t get to go again they didn’t fight for very long I understand what you’re of course yeah he clearly won that fight it’s a l we saw three or four minutes of those two fighting and we didn’t really see a lot of action we saw you know we we did see Ali did hit you know throw his big right hand he he threw his sniper punch you know and yeah see the thing about Cheeto is is is he absorbs shots differently than these guys you know a lot of these guys I mean in part of his game sure is starting late but also he likes to he likes to dissect his guy he likes to sit in front of him he likes to feel him you know and that’s something that I’ve been really working on with him trying to get him out of there especially if we’re fighting a three round fight see the fact that we’re fighting a five round fight is beautiful because we don’t have to change much from the the from what he’s been developing more and more he’s had both of them have have come leaps and balance since the first time they fought as well you know they both have fought I think I want to say six seven fights a piece you know between now and their last fight and they both have been there with you know the highest of caliber guys and and have some great sweet wins um so they both been been um improved quite a bit um fortunately it being a five round fight in the style of um shot Mali I don’t have to get on cheo’s ass and put fire in his feet and fire up his ass and make can push so hard the first round I don’t feel like we really necessarily have to do that um because one I don’t know how many five round fights uh Ali has at this point I’d have to go back and look again I I forget um but you know there’s there’s a I think Cheeto definitely lies with more experience in the area of longer fights um Cheeto has it Cheeto it’s very solid as far as reading and reacting to punches and kicks and whatnot um you know for me break for me for me Cheeto I really feel can break I mean the fight can go go pretty much I would say a I can’t necessarily say a similar Direction because you know hitting that leg kick and hitting that nerve is like again like hitting a body shot you know you hit you hit the liver you hit it clean and and and the night and the night’s a quick one for you but you know I we’re not going to fight obviously looking like we’re going to get om Ali out of there in the first round because you know nor that I I would like to me just personally just watching it from the corner I’d like to see it go a little longer I’d like to see a good fight um Cheeto Cheeto I feel Cheeto style matches up with sha Ali perfectly with style of fighter that cheet that that Ali is the mentality of of Ali and and and the experience of Mali you know I think we’re we’re this is a type of fight that I think Cheeto wins more times than not um it it unless Cheeto is going to decide to do something different in his life he’s GNA decide to go to the bar and party he’s going to decide to take off the gas pedal and not train as hard as he normally does and you know Cheeto is s such a hard worker and so determined and and and so driven to be a world champion in the UFC that you know it’s hard for me to think that this is not going to be his time you know but you know anything can happen a fight and om Ali is is for me I think Al’s a game day player I think he I don’t think the same guy shows up in the gym I I know people from his gym and I and I hear how training goes here and there and I just think that it’s like uh aljoe I mean everybody in their mother thought aljoe was gonna you know wipe the floor with uhal and and he he sniped him out of there he got him out of there with one shot pretty much at the end of the day he’s got that in his back pocket at all times I just feel um with cheo’s durability and uh and his intelligence out there is just he’s not the type of guy you go out and just snipe out of there well Jason you said something to too which I thought would you start which is about the five round experience and going deep in the fight uh you know there was that that controversial win over P Yan which if I remember correctly I think Yan won that fight over it was a three- round fight with om ali uh and Alo would have been a five round fight but it got it stopped in too but his decision wins om Al’s decision wins came in like 2018 so I mean again I’m sure he trains for five rounds when he’s fighting five rounds but he hasn’t gone deep into fights uh with the caliber of fighter that uh that uh Marlon has so I think that’s a huge Advantage as the fight goes on for for Vera 100% that’s 100% And there’s no there’s no giving away a game plan as far as having that conversation because that’s just you know the facts matter Ali knows this his people know this you know this I know this we all know this and we know that Cheeto could get stronger as a fight goes on we don’t know how Ali reacts as a fight goes on because we haven’t seen it like you said if it’s been 2018 and who was that opponent against it wasn’t against anybody we know and what was one guy Andre sukum I think and uh I forget who the other fighter was I have to go and check well there wasn’t what about that what’s the kid that was taking a beaten that whole time did they stop it after a while it was it a that that the greenhair kid that was I think that was a fighter think and he was like a late edition right he was like a late wow yeah yeah Chris mintino y well he comes in off of uh he came in off of the streets too what I mean by the streets is he wasn’t a UFC fighter he wasn’t even roster he was a late replacement and you know and and he was a tough kid and was able to give him a little bit of not a run for his money but you know give him some you know agitate him a little bit you know let him know that he’s still there so you know a five fight definitely is for me benefits Us in the the grand scheme of things now Jason let me see here let me let me let me let me do the math I don’t like doing math but let me do it because it’s not you know it can’t be that high but you have Michael Bisping I know you worked a lot with cyborg I know you worked with BJ pen I’m not sure if it was when he was on his title how many champions did you have now definitely Bisping who else I don’t well you you havec world champions when when Cheeto Vera wins the title in March will be four UFC world champions BJ pen Michael bisban Chris Cyborg and uh Cheeto Vera that’s wild that’s wild Jimmy Jimmy you know who thought of that question this guy the great Matt sah listen to me Jason pillo you deserve a lot of credit for that you got more how many listen to me Longo’s at three Champions you you if you get this next fight all have is much Champions is probably any of the coaches in in the game but um I don’t but but for me I I that’s what the beautiful thing about I’ve always pride myself and staying right underneath the radar and not and not um and my my my Fighters don’t come from a gym full of Fighters yes understand what I’m saying I these are all the these are all very individually trained and spent years on end with with with these individuals and these athletes and um develop they’re all different Jason they’re all they’re not cookie cutter like you have Michael Bisping you have like cyborg they’re all they’re not all the they don’t all fight the same way but you cater to the how how do you approach each one of the they’re all different Fighters and they all have a great striking skill set thanks to you but how do you tailor to them particularly like what do you well I train everybody as an individual I know I can have any cor corny cliche answer to any of these questions because you know people have been answering these questions for for eternity and everybody tries to sound as smart as they can really at the I really it it helps when I connect with the fighter as well I mean I’m actually in the next handful of months going to be opening a public gym so I will probably have a room of of a lot of AET at the same time which I haven’t done in in in quite some time but you opening a school what you going I open up a gym yeah because we closed up my Jim Ruka and we’re moving on and that was there for a while that was there was there a lot of uh was it emotional you’ve been that you had that school for a while yeah you know it wasn’t so much I knew it was gonna happen for a while and for me it was probably more I’m probably a little bit more excited about it than than than down about it only because it was a it was a separate it was a business that was that I was it was you know impossible not impossible but it was a situation where I couldn’t really run my business out of there I mean I I ran a I ran the gym but it was more or less for uh my athletes my Fighters and it was a small group of people that’s why I’m saying like cyborg W her title other BJ won his BJ defended his world title out of there that’s we originally opened it up uh with BJ you know back in you know the the later 2000s I mean the mid 2000s but um and it was to get BJ out of uh Hilo because we we had some success we we defend uh when I got be when I started working with BJ he was coming off two losses he didn’t have a world title he was fighting Jen’s pver uh to rematch Jen pver had lost to Jens in their original match you know we beat jens’s we would on out Joe Stevenson won the world title um defended the world title um and then he went and fought GSP to uh fight for the lightweight fighting against a welterweight fell short in that fight so they decided we decided because we’re training in Hawaii I was staying in Hawaii for a good part of two or three years yeah and uh we decided okay we got to get out of Hilo for a while that you know wanted to BL blame the environment for that loss but really at the grand scheme of things it was a a lightweight fight in a welterweight you know and there’s a SI there’s a size difference and what happens is when they fought the first time BJ wasn’t a genuine lightweight he was a blown up you know he was right in between you know you don’t you don’t realize you actually condition your body and and and bring it down in the right way over a couple year period of time you’re now a real lightweight you know and then he went in there against a real welterweight but that’s either here or there that the the thought process was we got to get out of Hilo get in a new environment so we opened up Ruka uh specifically for BJ and uh he he was defending his world title I think it was against Kenny Florian I believe and and uh then we had two fights out of there we had Kenny floran fight that we rematch or that we had defended against Diego Sanchez as well oh that was a good fight that was a that’s when he was in his like Peak like when he beat oh yeah that’s when he was in his prime i i i i when he was the best BJ pan in the world that’s 100% facts and I want to go to bat on that one I’ll sit here all day long you know but and and uh you know they did you know the difference with BJ BJ was such a well-known fighter too when I got a hold of him like I said he was coming off a couple losses it was his first fight back in the UFC and uh he wasn’t you know people don’t know that you know the steps and the and the years and the amount of time I spend with BJ both physically and mentally um you know helping him out and uh try to help him be the best he could be and that’s really to answer your question Matt and the grand scheme of things is I I develop a relationship I know sou corny but I develop a relationship with these guys I mean we all know we all a lot of people know techniques and they know fundamentals and they know this and they know that you know but you got to really know how to fight you know and you got to know how to how to think and how to handle things out there and and I think it it plays a you know a coach can a lot of these guys can can be if they’re good enough athletes and good enough Fighters they can beat the 85% of the guys out there that even even 90 some of these guys are so athletic they can beat the 90% of those guys out there you know you to have somebody come in your life that can point you in the right direction that actually give you those extra inches those extra wrinkles in the game to to be able to get up into the top 95% the top 8 98 99 and to be the best in the world you do need a little guidance you do need a little help you know people asked me the question for many years is a champion born or is he or is he developed you know and I always answer it a little bit of both you need a little bit of both because you have to be a born champ you have to have that born Championship mentality you have to have that the ability and the skill set but you do need some you need those extra inches you know to be the best in the world because everybody that’s coming to the table have that born mentality have that born ability but they also need those extra wrinkles those extra inches to be the best the world now and Jason before we wrap too there’s one thing I want to ask you about because Matt mentioned Bisping um I’d love to ask your opinion too on uh Aspen who bisbing is saying that he thinks uh he’s very high on Tom Aspen and he’s thinking that that he can beat uh Jones I don’t believe that he’s going to beat him easily I think I think Bisping is kind of saying that aspadol would would win uh pretty decisively and didn’t cejudo Matt you alluded to cejudo before did he say something about about as shudo like listen we know he’s a you know what is he a double champ and we know he’s a gold medalist in the Olympics accomplished a lot obviously kudos to him you know Bravo but dude don’t on a guy when he’s because Tom Aspen he’s he’s on him that he got emotional getting the belt saying it’s not the real belt it’s like it’s like a second place Trophy and if he got the silver at the Olympics he’s not going to break down and so he’s like you know he’s like you might as well paint that thing bronze or something he’s being kind of a a about it yeah and it’s like Sho all right dude we know you’re a super stud this guy you don’t know his backstory maybe you do maybe you don’t but you know you heard about what his father all the time the father put into him and uh to develop him as a martial artist and how he left his normal job just to teach Jiu-Jitsu to help his son and you hear about all the the story of his journey he’s getting emotional and you’re sitting there sh on him you little yeah he he works with Jon Jones too now doesn’t he who Henry yeah doesn’t he work do they work together a little bit that that’s a good question I’m not sure I’m not sure I just think that it was just just a shitty comment man even if you like why you get on this guy’s moment like there’s guys that want a regular fight and they get emotional just like with nothing on the line ASP had a funny line mat he said it doesn’t matter to me what he says he’s 53 if he’s talking I probably won’t hear him because how far away he is that Tom that is great that is great I’m a short man I think that’s hysterical he’s a good dude Tom actually me and bisbing had a conference call he was interested in working with me a little bit obviously he’s in England so that didn’t work out we actually were in in in the conversations about working together a little bit me and Tom but he ended up it was right before he tore his knee and his last fight or one of his last fights I think he if it was the last fight of the fight before that maybe he I want to say tore his ACL or something along those lines and we never reconnected but yeah I think that bis Bing’s you know really supportive obviously is of his country mate and and and you know and and that’s his guy right now so he’s GNA he’s going to talk to talk for him and and really put him on a pedestal and it’s not a bad thing I mean Jon Jones is the tough guy to gamble against I I somebody I won’t gamble against anytime soon but um but uh Tom aspall definitely shows something different in that heavyweight Division I mean with his size and his speed and his agility and the coordination you know you know it’s a matter of keeping his head right really obviously at the same time because with Henry cejudo saying oh look how emo he’s obviously an emotional guy you can’t knock him for celebrating and enjoying a big win like that was that with pavich is a devastating puncher he’s a Monster yeah he’s a monster has shudo yeah no he’s laid some guys out you should know he should know how you’re adrenaline is and and if and now you especially you’re facing your fears you’re fighting a monster like that and you put you’ve seen him put many people to sleep you’re putting him this down and what do you like I don’t know I think he’s just being a dick yeah and I like Henry enough you know and he felt by the way Sergey landed in that fight and and he and he like uh he wobbled asp I mean he hits like a truck so I mean Aspen felt how hard he hits and I definitely didn’t expect pavich to get knocked out in that first round but Jones’s thing is isn’t it amazing how he’s so good because no matter what you do well he finds a way to neutralize that like that’s why he is the greatest to ever do it because he’s great at everything and no matter what your specialty is he has the answer for and it could be different every fight he’s the goat he really is the greatest of all time especially in the division I mean he’s a very intelligent fighter as well people don’t people don’t take that into place because you can’t see intelligence you can’t you can’t read intelligence you can’t you know you can figure it out by talking to people I think here and there but the guy’s a very intelligent athlete very intelligent fighter and like you said Jim I mean he he knows how he knows how to neutralize what you do well now Tom aspal at the other day does everything well so you know I I I you know his grappling is phenomenal his standup his speed you know he’s really he really can be be the future of the heavyweight Division I really agree with Michael bisbing on that one um it’s just you know as far as Jon Jones who I like quite a bit I think he’s a great guy um you know that’s that’s a tough one to gamble against but you know we’ll see you know I I regardless I do see Tom Aspen as a as as a big future for the heavweight because I once he settles in a little bit more and gets a little bit more you know emotional control out there I think he’s going to be you know very difficult difficult man to beat and Jason really quick we’re gonna we’re gonna get out of here now but your your school how soon till it opens and uh I’m excited for you being I have an academy forever I was there all morning I it’s such a nice life uh is it is it going to be a little bit of both like we were talking about before is it GNA be for pro Fighters or and no it’s gonna be open it’s gonna be open to the public I’m I’m gonna have a section for the pros in the back it’s a pretty nice building I mean it’s it’s it’s a 10,000 sqare foot building so I got a little room in there I’m going to have I it’s going to be sectioned up and I’m going to have it open to the public but also open you know I’m going to have a separate room for the fighters just fist the Cuffs or is it gonna be mixed martial arts or is it just I’ll I’ll have some Jiu-Jitsu in there and some yeah and some you know I’ll have some grappling in there and some boxing kick boxing what’s open it yeah and where what you calling it I I I I actually don’t technically have a name just yet for it um but it’s going to be in Costa Mesa it’s actually half mile from my house where I’m at right now I I actually in the midst of and I was actually going to head there I was actually going to do this cast from from from the temporary spot because pator the founder of Ruka the original Ruka guy Branch me and him had let he left Ruka as well and um he’s working on a new brand himself and we’re going to have the same type of facility that we had at Ruka at this new place so I’ll have a private gym there as well but I’m also you know owed my own place for a while you know mean good for you man happy for you dude it’s you deserve that man and you’re so good at your craft and you know the deal man even though you’re like me we we spend a lot of time in in in the gym in the academy it’s what we love to it’s what we do and you get those stem I know you get those stem cells for your longevity in the sport because I know you want to hold some pads too you know so dude hey man congrats congrats on that I’m excited for you thank you thank you and don’t let Matt drive a wedge between us thinking that I uh uh believe that om Ali was undefeated Matt does that cuz he doesn’t want me being friends with other coaches you’re my man I watched you way before you did this I watch you when you’re I watch your standup comedy for years man I’m a big fan of stand oh thanks man thank you Jason always told you that before and that won’t change man thanks buddy have a great holiday man Matt I won’t talk to you have a great Thanksgiving and we we’re off this Wednesday but we’ll talk to you soon man and I cannot wait for for uh for Marlon to get that shot against om Ali we’ll talk to you soon thanks guys Jason take Jason take care bu coach Matt have a great holiday and uh to the the staff who works hard for us we appreciate that and have a great Thanksgiving and we’ll see you guys next week everybody happy turkey day and we’ll talk after that Jimmy no don’t do it turkey I’m gonna end my turkey bye Jimmy bye [Music] buddy