Watch the best moments from the 2015 Press Conference featuring Jose Aldo and Conor McGregor in Dublin, Ireland ahead of …

from Dublin Ireland P MRE and the reigning defending by thewe champion of the world Jose Alo J [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I know there are some media members here who from the media has the first question [Applause] time [Applause] let’s try the question one more time what was that question again for Jose Aldo there we go he’s seen The Passion of the Irish fans in Boston and he’s seen it again now today does he think that will factor into his performance on July 11th and does he have to factor that into his preparation [Applause] [Applause] spe [Music] [Applause] I came here I’m the king of [Music] [Applause] Dublin when when I got here it was rainy but I brought the sun with me yeah the king I’m the look at the king of do yeah you’re looking at him look you’re looking at the king you’re looking at the king got over [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there next question please but hey do you write this before the SC Collins is weigh the colors where does this rank in h Irish Combat Sports history is this the biggest fight of all time I think we’ve never we’ve never been on this stage before we’re only on this stage we’re on this stage two years and we already own it so this is the biggest fight now we are here now we sees what the Irish crowd are like this is this is this is what I’m going into training camp with this is what I take this energy straight into the training camp July 11th I show ready to kill just one more for Dan D is a big but you know what before he ask the next next question what what he saying is Right basically this fight here is the fight that I said would be the biggest fight of the Year this fight here is a global event this fight here is Ireland versus Brazil this this event is for the world title and it’s on the global stage it’s going to be insane go ahead what was your next question he wasn’t wearing a Brazil Jersey in bra brail is well in the J Inland March 2008 you made your debut you were the T fight on the card talk to us about the journey there was 300 people in the hall in the Trinity complex now for a a media scrum you’ve got nearly 6 700 people in the room more than that mat was never be good never mat SK it’s been a it’s been a long road the game the game can be tough you know what I mean we came up small little Halls the MMA community in the country was so small but we always believed in we always stuck with it and and and like I said we are known for our fighting capabilities to fight in Irish we’re on way back we’re on way back for what for how we fight so it’s only right that we come and take over the premier fighting organization of the world the UFC and now here we are Alo you B ready spe show in that Bel I give it a [Applause] color it’s cool to see you all happy right now but when I win the fight you all going to bow down to [Music] [Applause] me my question go go ahead kid what’s your [Applause] question no hey you’re the only one that’s controlled this room today come on kid what do you got to say I’ve got a question for Dana well it’s not a question it’s more of a proposition all right let’s hear it Dan I’m going to be the new breed of the UFC I love it I love it what’s your proposition Dana I’m five time National kickboxing champion I’m Irish and British champion at Jitsu and I’m a world medalist at kickboxing so I’m guaranteed I going to be strapping that gold belt around my waist welcome to the AR the fighting it it yes so Advance on my first paychecks for fight to see Conor versus Al on July I love it you’re the best kid hey hey keep going good luck we’ll see you soon oh yeah a question for Jose um Jose after Conor beat you and you’re going to cry like a [Applause] little oh he want when I beat him you’re the one that’s going to be crying hey can I just tell you something that he won’t have to translate o [Applause] [Music] I’m going to R we rub this belt and we’re rubbing the saans we take everything we all love you here very much that’s that’s obvious yeah but I think we should count it down a bit now and I can see that man’s face getting wound up big time yeah I you think listen I think we should all pay that man the respect he deserves now let’s be honest before he lives C listen listen listen you’re brilliant we all look you well keep witing him up like this man he’s going to turn into a [ __ ] animal see let’s see it let’s see it just show him a this is business this is business there’s no respect in this game the respect will come when the fight happens the respect will be the fight there’s no respect outside of that we all love you but I think you choose a little bit too much give that man a little bit more respect [Applause] I’ve never had any fear in my whole career this is normal to me go ahead buddy what do you got over [Applause] there go ahead kid McGregor how long is it going to take you to rip his head off and will’ll be done in one yes sir go ahead this for O’s translator what’s your name hello translator what’s your name his name is sa sa how are you I’m Le can you speak Portuguese see nice and loud now don’t be afraid see yes he G I don’t know I’m your daddy baby it’s a technical question actually how you plan to neutralize the Brazilian jiujitsu by koing him [Music] stiff oh there is a reason why the Bel is on that side of the table there’s only one reason that belt is on that side of the table is because he hasn’t face me yeah what what round and what what way are you going to finish him funny one round it will be done mark my words I feel a left hand on the pipe will break him he’ll crumble on that I’ll stop him I’ll stop him in one make M all right it’s your turn sir my question is for Conor McGregor after you kick the living [ __ ] out of Jose Aldo are you going to give him a rematch or are you going to kick the [ __ ] out of some lightweight as well rematch has happen a lot in this game but the manner that I beat him there will be no need for a rematch I told you we’ve been to Brazil many times and believe me when I tell you Brazil is awesome the the the fans there are incredible and and you will see at this event the the Brazilian fans that will attend and are very passionate but I told you guys 15 years I’ve been doing this I’ve never seen any [ __ ] like Dublin I’m telling you the last time I was here it was unbelievable I literally have never been at an event where I took my phone out and started filming the event that’s how awesome Dublin is go ahead I can hear you can’t interrupt it can’t interrupt them D it you’ve done from some fans in some Arenas right but can I have the honor of putting the belt on Conor McGregor in Las Vegas uh no sir thanks for asking though good to see you s yes sir question for Connor please question for Connor please yeah yeah go ahead buddy I you take Al away and one what’s the plan who do you think you’ll be facing next cuz I don’t think Alo will deserve another show at you after his performance I honestly I came into the promotion as a two-way world champion I was a champion at 145 and I was a champion at 155 I vacated them belts when I came into the UFC so after I get that 145 lb belt I definitely have my eyes on that 155 lb belt make no mistake that’s what I after come on can I get can I get a picture of course you can brother no problem I’ll meet you down there yes you will let’s do it [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause]