UFC Hall of Famer, Matt Serra, catches up with Dr. Jose Rodriguez, hip and knee surgeon at @HSpecialSurgery , to talk about …

okay so I’m about to go see Dr Jose Rodriguez he’s the gentleman responsible for giving me my full knee replacement I have not seen him since my surgery let’s go say hello hello Dr R hey Mr Sarah good to see you I’m so glad you could come by I am look at me look at me look at me I would do a jump Squad I feel great thanks to you sir you’re amazing please have a seat than wonderful is that my ugly KNE before and after before the surgery the cartilage on the inside of your knee was completely gone and you have this curve in your knee and once we did the surgery that curve became straight when I went through that I went and I did the proper PT I was often walking and then next you know gingerly skipping and now I’m of and running I feel I could check a kick with my titanium need creating the stability for the specific needs that you had was challenging and so we used a robotic arm in order to properly tension the tissue so that it was really nice and stable and to put the knees in the right alignment you know I’m used to training for like training camps to get ready for fights I kind of approached it like that it’s because of your training as a professional athlete that you knew what you needed to do to get this kind of outcome because what you bring to the table affects what you get out of it and it’s your hard work that has brought this researching where is the best place I heard all the good feedback coming out of HSS now that I’ve got it done I’m very happy I got it done here Mr Sarah we were really honored to be the recipient of such confidence I got through the other side so now I’m able to walk and I’m able to do jiujitsu and I’m happy I feel great doc thank you doc thank you