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Yannis just doesn’t miss your head if he aims he started talking mess to me in the middle of the fight and I just told myself nah I’m going get to you for those words bro Adrien y welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of here okay welcome to UFC unfiltered Jake just wouldn’t leave he was enjoying our company so much he was loving being with us I know Jake is a twom man show but make sure you’re recording make sure you’re recording I think we are anyway welcome we just all this Tech talk Adrien yanz uh and Bobby Kelly um are will be I almost said are fighting I would really like to see that um see Bobby get beaten up by Adrien yanz Adrian’s coming off that uh tough loss to Rob font who rob was coming off two losses himself at the in that fight what a great great first round that was for as long as it lasted yeah you know I want to talk to Adrien and uh I want to feel I wanna I want to find out how many fair weather friends he has you know what I mean there’s guys and listen he has losses before but this is his first time losing on the big stage that’s right and oh he’s in the waiting room so we’re not going to have to wait long for this answer no need to speculate we may as well just ask him let’s bring him in yes and he is fighting it is this uh Saturday on let me just get the proper uh yeah it’s Yousef against Barbosa sadik yusf against Edson Barbosa number 11 number 13 what a great fight this is the uh I believe the featured bout this is before uh the arahu Maya comain it’s like’s over the fence over here look it’s like oh let there he is all right hey man big thank you to for fixing the camera for me how you doing oh doing good y’all how y’all doing very very well uh that was a crazy fight yeah mat Matt wanted to ask you I had a good question uh that was a great uh first round for as long as it lasted uh you have landed some hard shots Rob landed some hard shots what were your feelings walking away from that fight it was the first loss for you UFC uh and it snapped that nine game streak a nine fight streak sorry uh my immediate response was just me just being pissed off because like I got away from what I was supposed to be doing uh got away from the game plan got away from like my myself I was like like I was needless to say I was like I was walking around like man I up I up telling the fans I’m sorry and all that stuff you know I was like like I knew it I knew I knew the the like the high stakes that fight had for me so uh I immediately knew I was like I I this up I I blew my chance and all that stuff so I was in that moment like immediately right after the Rev P me off I was just yelling at myself like man I up but uh but to prolong that I was already in the mode of like trying to rewatch my fight trying to see where I went wrong at trying to see what I needed to do better you know where I lost I I lost my cool in a sense of like I had him hurt Adam hurting that first like within the first minute and the next thing you know uh I didn’t stick to my game plan I ended up going into like a spaz type mode trying to hit him with every hard shot I could that he actually turned the tide on me and was Landing his own shots and then when he started Landing his own shots I was like no I’m the one that’s supposed to be doing this and I just got out of my control started swinging I’m like no I’m gonna put you to sleep first and uh you know when that’s the yeah the old saying Adrian like yeah everybody has a game plan until they get hit and then they’re like ah I’m gonna what you’re hitting me how dare you so yeah I get it I get it but I want to know because listen you’ve had losses before but this is your first time in the you having a loss on the big stage so I want to know about it’s fun to vent about some idiots uh when people they everybody’s great it’s great when you’re winning and we know this we know this from the past when you’ve had a loss you’ve dealt with people I’m sure that say the wrong thing did you ever have just did you get surprised by anybody this time did anybody who normally like somebody from the normal coffee shop or anywhere you’re normally seeing you like oh this and that saying what happened uh I there’s so many stories I have of this not only with myself but with other Fighters that are just brutal and guys are just oh man I I repeatedly stayed away from people just because like I was like the one interaction that I had was like man like you were hitting him man but then he got you and I was like you like I immediately wanted to be like you man like hey like I had to pull myself away uh the the ones that uh that get me were like man yeah had you looked really great at first you know and then uh you know he caught you and I’m like yeah I yeah I know I replay this back in my head all the time then uh then somebody else well the one that made me man because I was already over it like after after a while and I was working through it working through the technical stuff and then uh somebody was like it was actually like a training partner a training partner told me this uh and I was like oh you know we’re sparring today right but uh he was like he’s like hey man uh did you see that uh did you see uh font Fight Cory Sanden he’s like seeing that do you think you wish you you would have shot and I’m like went for the T like like who the like oh I I was like yeah I bit my tongue Adrien I had a buddy of mind right he fought he’s doing successful as a a successful School in Georgia great great guy now look he came he grew up Upstate and he grew up in one of those towns where it’s like how many like a few hundred people like in the whole High School type of thing a town of like two blocks the guy makes it to the UFC he fights BJ Penn and he loses now BJ Penn at the time was BJ P you know what I mean so the guy goes home to his house and listen the guy lives in upstair literally like a town how many blocks and it’s it’s an old it’s it’s like a reunion I don’t know if it’s at his high school or something uh maybe it was his 10-y year reunion so then uh I remember he told me he goes it was like the gym teacher this this old lady she goes hey Paul in front of everybody I seen you in the on the TV fighting weren’t you supposed to win and dude he’s like oh my God I wanted to take this lady I wanted to he couldn’t he goes I couldn’t anybody he I want to kill everybody I go dude Paul like hey man that’s the life dude that that’s what this is It’s dealing with a lot lot of that imagine that you go home you you made it to the world stage it’s it’s like somebody making it Longo used to be like it’s somebody like on a bar telling a guy that made it to the Olympics what you just got the bronze what you what’s the matter with you you know what I mean yeah you know you got know it’s coming from Adrian that lady’s a rotten old uh she really sucks but you know it was uh when when you said you got away from the game plan it was interesting because you you you have such an amazing jab so fast font jab looked really good that night too and it looked like you guys were hurting each other and you really did uh land some some good shots did he hurt you at all and then you felt like it got away you changed because you wanted to counter that or did you feel like you had him and you’re like I want to finish this now uh it was a mixture of both it was a mixture of both like where like at the beginning I heard him and I heard him kind of early I hit him with the I hit him with the right hand and I saw him kind of stumble start start making the couple couple steps back and I was like oh that’s a tell sign I’m going for it and while I started like trying to stay technical I started swinging he built he he started building up combinations started doing some slick stuff where if I was whenever I slipped on the inside of the jab he was collar time getting a single collar tie on on the back of my head and starting to throw like getting into the clinch and all that stuff so uh and then he hit me with one jab that I remember in that moment uh I thought my feet weren’t underneath me and I was like he hit me with the jab and I hear people like I hear like someone oh someone in the crowd like oh and I was like no that they’re not owing at me they’re owing at the punch that that font threw at me and I’m like it just was like all right I had to go after him I started going after him and the next you know uh I in that moment I didn’t think I was hurt but after looking back at the at the tape at the tape and going back I was like oh I was I was hurt so immediately whenever I got hurt I just went straight into I’m going to I’m gonna throw everything I got at you and then you know what you know sometimes you gotta pull yourself back and because I learned a good lesson that day right and so it was nothing in training like some guys will come on who do we have earlier this week Matt that said that they oh Drew Dober who was saying that after a loss he went back to seeing what he had been doing to win and all but for you it wasn’t that type of an issue it was just kind of getting away from something that you had planned for oh yeah no I I I straighted away too far away from my game plan I was doing everything that I needed to do in that first minute and cuz I knew he had I knew he had a great jab uh I believed I had a really good jab as well too the difference between my jab and his jab is he was a really stiff jabber you know he just one power jab and for me I I like to double up you know triple up at times you know like keep it nice and quick uh but yeah it was it was working until until like I heard him and then all a sudden next you know like I started vearing away like oh I went went for the kill and I got away from myself okay yeah all right what are you expecting on of Jonathan Martinez I mean this is such a such a great fight it is man if you think about Jonathan Martinez man he just throws heavy kicks man heavy heavy kicks he has good solid Jiu-Jitsu uh you know he can also punch as well too like people forget about him and yeah I feel like he’s massively underrated as well too I feel like he’s flown under the radar and a lot of these guys haven’t been keeping eye on him but you know I had my eye on him for a while until International fight where we where we became cool you know we didn’t think that fight was going to be next yeah at time so you know we’re sitting down showing each other pictures of each other’s kids and all that stuff he so it was just kind of like damn it was like man that sucks we gotta fight we gotta fight each other next you know it is what it is though yeah man you going show you show pictures of each other’s kid now you gotta go make them your kid this is the business we’re in man it’s the business we’re in listen many many moons ago I I fought a man named Dean Thomas and now next to Jimmy he’s my BFF so it doesn’t matter man you guys are going to be when you’re old men you’ll be talking about it and it’ll be you as long as you win you’ll be happy it’s gonna be great Adrian happy to see you that dude because you are entertaining as F and uh and and you have a nice dance partner for this did it matter who it was coming back I mean was it like give me anybody just give me a name or what was it oh no it was legitimately giving me anybody I’ll take like I was wanting to come back in August come back in September uh they gave me October but I was telling them I was like I look if y’all can put me in at the end of August I’m there if y’all can put me in it’s anytime it’s September I’m there we’re trying to get September 16th for the longest time uh we’re like like uh like three months out and they were that’s the fight we were trying to we were trying to get a fight on September 16th and got moved to September 23rd and then after that ended up being October 14 Jonathan Martinez so I was just like like I wanted to get back in there and kind of correct my wrongs like as soon as possible but uh it was kind of like a blessing for me to get October 14th I was able to refine it a little bit more than you know the nextt couple weeks to be able to refine some some guys after a loss Will it’ll shake their confidence but it doesn’t seem like it’s done that to you it seems like more like you were very analytical like yep I know exactly what the happened there I know exactly what I did wrong and and it’s not a confident issue as much as oh yeah I should have just stuck with what I was doing y yeah no I’m very analytical when it comes to myself I I have I have to be because this this sport like you get too much into your emotions and you know some things happens like like in my in my last fight again I got caught up in my my own emotions that I got put to sleep with that you know so for me I had to stay super analytical I had to say make sure that I’m doing everything correctly and making sure that I’m doing what I can do at the best of my abilities and then a lot of times you know if you let your emotions get the best of you man you’ve seen a lot of fights where a lot of guys be like oh come on and all a sudden they get knocked out a good one is a good one is that b Co knockout where she got knocked out by Holly Holmes you know right before she like she’s trying to taunt her and all that stuff letting the emotions get the best of her and gets hit kicked right after that so I was like I can’t do that like there’s there’s a lot of these guys that will like let it let it get to them and next you know they’re on the floor you know so for me I realize that and I see that and I’m like okay well if I do this I know I know my My outcome has as a higher possibility of me coming out with the win and all that stuff so I want to make sure that I’m doing everything at a at a solid Silva Weidman Chris Weidman won the middleweight Championship because Anderson was uh and he may have won that fight anyway but I mean in a moment where Anderson was just behaving like what’s you know not taking it as seriousness he should have and it cost him the championship I remember that Beth Carrera fight nobody’s seen her since that head K he might have decapitated her we did they did they cover that up where is Beth Carrera that was he was doing a little and she that was a head kick from hell dude Jimmy yeah bet nobody’s seen us since it’s crazy so Adrian listen man enough of all this MMA stuff for a second or two we gotta just I want we we’ve had you on before we’ve talked about this before but we like the audience to know you better behind your deadly fighting style and that smile give us a hobby what are you doing in the off season buddy besides kids and whatnot oh I have no offseason I have anything a book you’re reading a Netflix show you’re watching oh a Netflix show I’ll go I’ll go Amazon I be watching the boys a lot I had to go I had to go back and watch the boys you know there’s a new show uh called Jen I Gen X yeah yeah that that one’s uh that one already has four episodes I haven’t seen the fourth episode but I’ve seen all three already so yeah I’m I’m really into that just because I feel like if superheroes were real I feel like that would kind of be the route it’d be taken you oh it’s very dirty too Jimmy would like it Jimmy sometimes gos on my love of superheroes but this Jimmy because you’re so perverse this show listen picture you know how like Ant-Man gets big and gets little you know Jimmy I I didn’t know that’s what he did maybe you don’t know that big man but listen he does so picture like there’s a female like that so she was she was with her boyfriend or some other guy so she was literally the size on his of his and he’s like oh that’s great she’s like he’s like give it a squeeze and she’s like JY if you were if you were anman I can picture you small jumping on a anyway so You’ be like Upp and cutting the balls anyway Adrian the boys is a good show you there there is a scene like that so you should I’m telling so like a weird sex scene but you should uh yeah the new one JX is pretty disturbing in a good way so I watched a little bit of that it’s just like the boys it’s same universe oh yeah yeah oh yeah no I’m defin that’s definitely on my watch list that’s definitely on my watch list yeah it’s disturbing but uh all right man Jimmy what else Jimmy we’re looking we’re happy adrianne’s back before yeah before you go Adrian uh how much tape do you watch are you a guy who goes over so much of it or do you allow the coaches to do that or because you don’t want to get distracted or do you like to watch man honestly I kind of like just started watching a lot more tape especially after that f after the font fight I I watched film on font but just not to the point where I was extensively breaking him down just get a general idea of what he would do but you know other than that I would never watch tape I just be like all right well I don’t care I’m I’m the better fighter I’m just going to go in there walk in not knock anybody out so that’s the way I used to think about it now like all right cool if I’m going to be a little bit more analytical about myself and what I need to do I have to be a little bit more analytical about what my opponents is doing as well too so uh shout out to my training partner Cameron cuz that yeah that that guy that guy like lives and dies off film study he’s like no I’m always watching film always trying to do something so yeah that I’m starting to do a lot more film study now yeah I guess there’s a balance you have to keep right between how much am I just being aware and seeing some little quirks that somebody has and how much all of a sudden you don’t want to get obsessed with something and then expect it and they don’t do it and you’re you’re fighting because what you saw in a film and not exactly what’s in front of you oh yeah 100% again that’s why I keep Most of It kind of General but then also you you look for a little ticks here and there like oh if he doesn’t do it in the fight hey you know hey it just didn’t happen you know you kept it very general and all that stuff but if you see it and he does it you’re just like oh okay I know what to do off of here you know this I plenty counters so again I keep it very general but I do see like his main basic weapons that I just try to build off that Adrien thank you so much uh we’re going to watch you Saturday night and uh you know good luck man I’m sure sure you don’t need it your fights are always super exciting and look forward to seeing you against Jonathan Martinez the I think it’s the featured bout right uh then you get the comain in the main so yeah third fight that be the featured vout and have a great fight man it’s always good talking to you thank y’all guys thank y’all all right take care buddy good luck on Saturday Bobby Kelly’s in the waiting room that literally a minute I got a question for him sure I’m G to save it okay well let’s bring Bobby in you’re not a joke Thief but sometimes you’re a question little Bandit but I didn’t say oh you’re f i I actually set you up for I was like y Matt has a question and then you it oh oh my God I didn’t say the question wait I’m sorry Jimmy I’m sorry when did your friend become just Mr Joe cool look at this guy look at this guy he’s got the glass says he’s unshaven L thin Bobby looks very good good color in his his camera hi hi Jimmy hi Matt hi Bobby if you put glasses on me I kind of look like Bobby Kelly when they used to say I look like Bobby Kelly I’d get a little upset because no offense Bobby I know you hear me but you were a fat man I could say it now I can say it now because I’m sure you said it then too just not to me jimmmy I mean Bobby would say it on the phone to me sometimes no I would say how how dare they call me Bobby Kelly because I’m not fat I wouldn’t call you f I wouldn’t call you fat but now look first of all good to see you Bobby you should bring him in he’s your he’s your best buddy well I was trying to then you just started attacking Bob’s good look he did it’s very very true I I what am I gonna do I’ll bring Bobby in and five and four and well well looks like Bob Kelly is here hi Bob hey what made you finally do it what made you f did you get that tummy tuck thing the tummy ring what’ you get tummy tuck in tummy tuck was he a woman in the 60s what did he do then what did he I went to Jack Lan and he really worked me hard did you didn’t you get the thing in your stomach the ring I get I didn’t get a ring it’s not I’m not a hobbit uh I am I I got the uh it’s the it’s the when they make the gastric sleeve they made my stomach 70% smaller so you can eat kind of what you want like meaning not but just not as much like you want a little pizza you can have a little pizza you just but how much can you eat before you get sick uh not that I can it’s been a year over a year now so I can eat a little more than I used to but I still like I had my birthday last weekend thank you very much and yeah I missed it it by day how old are you how old are you Bobby I’m 53 okay did you have a lot of friends over you didn’t invite me I was up in the Hampshire at the tiny house with Max and Dawn they they took me out to dinner and I got too excited and I ate too fast and I wound up dumping at the uh at the restaurant they call it no they call they call it when a when a person who gastric sleeve get eats too much and they have to throw up they call it dumping oh what you know it’s coming right you know like all right dude your mouth gets watery I have seconds to get to the bathroom and it comes up and clumps oh it’s wor then now did you go back and like all now now I I cleaned out my sleeve and did you go back in there and have a bread stick or what’ you do no no no no I I don’t have a sleeve but yes I love matches F keep keep going it’s a ring sleeve listen uh no I uh I just I was done but the thing is with it you know the way I look at it because I was trying to lose weight for years and I couldn’t do it and the older I got i’ lose 20 I’d gain 30 I’d lose 30 I’d gain 40 it was too much and then I look back to when I got sober and I went away for 14 months to do a rehab so I look at it like you can’t do that with food I have to work I have to live I gotta go out and make money so I looked at it like my stomach was going to go to rehab for a couple years while I was out working doing my thing is basically the way I looked at it so my stomach is in rehab kind of retraining the way I eat what I eat I work out five days a week now with weights and stuff so you know working out is the key though like a lot of people that get that surgery they don’t move after it and they gain you can gain the weight back you get fat and you get your your arms get flabby and like there’s a lot of skin I didn’t want any flabby skin so as soon as I could lift weights I started lifting weights and working out so and um when you when you if you do eat too much and you get sick do you have like that you know when you puke when you have the flu you feel wooy or is it just when you’re done you’re done like do you not feel it’s finished it’s say hip like three hips and then you’re done it’s like whatever it’s not food poisoning right no it’s it’s just dude you there’s two I can’t like my stomach’s like dude I don’t got it and how soon how soon did you lose the weight how long did it come it come off how quickly how quickly well it come you know the water weight comes off and the a lot of stuff comes off fast like 20 or 30 pounds but then I lost over a 100 pounds and what happens that that’s when you have to start walking I was walking the night I got the surgery I was walking wow around the hospital I’ve been you know you got to move you got to move and you got to lift weights weights are the key because if you don’t your muscles will just go away uh and that’s bad because that’s when you know you start to get injured and you won’t be able to do so uh I’ve been I’ve been doing and I just use dumbbells I have dumbbells that’s all I have I don’t really I don’t go I’m not cranking it out doing tea or anything you you are with your lift now let me ask you a question hey bang bang listen to me how was it was it exciting when after many years oh yeah and you might have thought that it was gone when you and I want to clean this up because there might be kids listening when you saw your pee PE again well you excited when you saw your did you get excited when you saw your pee pee did you just smack it around I’ll tell you this did you I I got I forgot that I had a good piece you have right I got a nice piece and I forgot that I had a nice piece my wife definitely forgot that I had a nice P but uh but uh I I actually saw it yesterday I got out of the shower yesterday I W up working out and I did a little sauna and I looked down and there he was that little mushroom looking back at me so I mean little mus that’s not very appealing to the ladies if you call it a w i mean I got a grower not a shower and uh it’s been through some Wars I mean it does look like it’s been under a rock for a couple years you know I can I tell I’ve heard I’ve heard about you back in the day now you’re starting to look like the guy you’re starting to look like the guy that I heard about because before you got married when you were thin when you first came on the scene you my friend yeah I heard were a were a coxman I heard the lady I heard that they you were Suave Bob’s a Hall of Famer yeah and but now is your wife getting a little nervous you’re not going though let’s face it you got young Max he’s doing Jiu-Jitsu ad IG graci is he still training H dude twice a week that makes me so happy that makes Mees Fu go in you should get involved now well I’m gonna I’m gonna start I’m you know I was gonna start back in the day but now I’ve been talking to my wife about getting into uh at least I might go once or twice a week at the 6 AM class uh over there yeah I really want to start it’s it’s at me look up look look up in both directions like this on both of us both of I’ve been training forever you know me look at your little friend I want you I can’t wait to see you guys rolling around because I don’t know if you heard did you know that Jimmy is doing Jiu-Jitsu do you know so it makes me so happy that he’s doing Jiu-Jitsu and I would love to roll with him but it would just be us giggling yeah two guys trying not to bump their erections yeah I I love it dude I I go uh I do jiujitsu two days and Muay Thai two days CU I hate the gym so much it it it burn the card like but nothing has ever when I’m done with it rolling Jiu-Jitsu especially nothing has made me more tired but it’s it’s a good tired it’s not like that lump of tired you feel when you wake up and you know this is like I did something tired I love it oh look at the ABS I didn’t see you look good come on I’ll give you some what’s up what’s up guys yeah now lift up your shirt let me see not there yet okay listen to me this is what you’re doing you’re starting from the top your face looks great I’m sure your CS look awesome you’re gonna start you’re gonna meet in the middle and then you’re gonna squeeze out it sucks that the last part of weight to lose is between your stemania and your belly button yeah you know what I mean because when that goes then I’m back I mean it’s back then you’re on the trt well oh the trt well that’s another thing like people been telling me you got to do that now hey with your temperament what terrible person gave you that advice trt it’s an awful suggestion yeah I know I do I have to go to therapy I meditate like four times a week because I gotta I got CRA yeah I had a bad I got a lot of H childhood trauma that I you know when I was a kid I got hit and abused so when I get older anytime somebody threatens me or I feel threat I I lash out but since I’ve had the kid I’ve I’ve learned to control it a little more but it it it still comes out and plus I’m from Boston we’re a bunch of angry you know what I mean yeah it’s like you know you you you talk to each other go go yourself you and that’s a friendly hello you know Bobby I’ll tell you one things Bobby’s good at Bobby is good if you have an argument with him of calling and going hey man sorry about that well let’s let’s forget it like you know you’re you’re good at not holding The Grudge either yeah do well I can’t I can’t I you know you gotta you gotta own your that’s what I the one thing I teach my kid is you’re G to mess up but you gotta own it you gotta own it you know that’s the the most important don’t lie and own your if that’s only thing I can teach him is that but uh you know it’s uh I would like to go to Jitsu though I think that’s the next the next thing because here’s the problem Matt which is what you’ve caused in my life because you helped me get Max into jiujitsu in Igor Gracie uh and now the kid is getting bigger and bigger every week he’s the size of my wife now he’s gonna be around six something so this kid around you know 14 or 15 is gonna be going to eigor Gracie knowing Jiu-Jitsu for six seven years now right ah he’s gonna be a problem because it’s gonna be hey you’re not going out he’s going yeah I am yeah listen you could always him but my thing is I think no don’t but I think uh you should start training that way hey Maxi time to put the garbage out you want to get kamor do you w to get camor Maxi no listen but seriously it’s it’s fun listen I know you’re talking about working out and everything working out’s boring as it’s annoying Planet Fitness yeah I mean come on man you yell Anytime Fitness Anytime Fitness Anytime Fitness yeah about Planet Fitness you can’t make a grunt you can’t I know I love I love that they have PE I I joined that gym at one of my fattest moments of my life I joined plan of fitness and I’m on the treadmill and you know that moment like I’m doing it I got it and I’m hitting it all of a sudden I smell pizza and I thought I was having a f I thought I was having a stroke I looked over it was pizza Friday they have pizza Friday and bagel Monday I looked over a hundred pizzas they walked in put them on tables and it was a bunch of middle-aged fat women in yoga pants just sitting on their treadmills eating pizza walked out oh you left what are they thinking with that though I know they want to make it like not just for big muscle heads but you know I make noises man I make noises with every D loud I am I man is a boisterous man I’m a boisterous guy you know I don’t mind that though like they always say no grunting I don’t if someone grunts it’s like we’re in a gym go ahead I don’t mind when people drop the weights go ahead it’s a gym it’s a here’s here’s what it is it’s a $10 a month thing they know you’re G to join I’m still a member it’s been six years yeah I can’t you have to go to the place and quit at the place you join they know that a bunch of people gonna come in give them Pizza they’ll stay fat they’ll leave they’ll never come back they’ll never quit so it’s it’s kind of a scam you know what I mean yeah they know you won’t cancel your membership yeah you should take it man it really is it’s it’s I I take privates because just because of the schedule I’m done by 12:30 I’m I’m on the air here by 2 but it really helps uh I I love it man it’s it’s I can’t recommend it higher highly enough and I’m still not good at it so it’s you know you’re not it’s just fun to do yeah yeah man I told to 7 am this morning I live it hey what’s going on with your podcast which one yeah Bob’s got a few see the way I I wanna I want to just plug your podcast you tell me about well I got of course I got the bonfire on SiriusXM with big Jay now I’m on Faction talk with Jimmy and Jimmy Sam Bob’s on at 500 PM we’re on the afternoon have your own gig what is that about yeah yeah well the bonfire was a hit show on the afternoons with Dan Soder and Big Jay OAS and Dan left and Jay asked me to uh replace them and uh I did so we’ve been going for around seven months uh it’s kicking ass it’s a great show I mean it’s Jim and Sam in the morning Bennington in the afternoon and then me and uh Big Jay on the drive home it’s like I mean a dream gig on a Dream Network I mean it’s insane it’s it’s an easy job right just going in around your dumb Friends like this Jimmy exactly it’s fun it’s a great job and then I got I got the ykwd but I also got uh a new podcast with Paul ver called The Bone to pick which uh I would love to have we’re gonna start having special guest it’s you know you get a bone whatever your bone is for that week and we we bring it up and then we debate it and talk about it and about it what the you mean bone what do you mean bone like a a bone of contention an issue what’s that word contention guys talk to me like a normal human being all right listen ready you have a park at the park at the grocery store right and there’s a bunch of open spots but somebody Parks right next to you oh like like a peeve like a little peeve a bone I got a bone with it the lucky dog I’ll tell you my bone here’s a bone when when when a five open Toilet stalls and I go to and then a minute later someone comes in and shits in the stall right next to me oh it’s like what are you I’ve actually groaned when people what are you doing what are you doing when you’re at the stall and there’s five open stalls and they come next to you that’s like illegal that’s what I mean it’s so dis it makes me so it’s probably because they’re OCD and they have to sit in the second stall is probably the one they like it’s like go to the end you I I hate them I’m sick of stalls with the open close them up make it a room I want my own room I don’t want to hear somebody else’s butt while I’m going in the bathroom yeah at the airport I hate the Delta Lounge you have your own little room to go a door I love it yeah get a door the the village underground you got a door these these these bathrooms that open air I gotta hear some dude you know from Pakistan taking a poop it’s too close it’s too close to home back in a day on 25th street at henzo Gracie’s there was an American Gladiator from the show I won’t mention the guy’s name I don’t he was one of those laser vipers one of those names he used to train with us nice guy so there was two stalls in there I’m in one him he’s in another now this was over this was around 30 years ago I still remember him the guy must he must had a big breakfast but it was all the it was a splish spash whatever was going on in that stall I don’t know if steroids make you hotter but this dude was giving birth and I was just sitting there I remember I was like I don’t want him to hear me now I’m like dude I I remember there was a guy I was in the Delta Lounge uh before they made the the the doors they had the open tops and I remember that it sounded like he was emptying grapes out of a trash bag it was disgusting I’ll never forget it it’s not good I have UL of colitis I need time so I don’t like when there’s an eater or a bathroom with one bathroom one stall really oh that’s the wor go in there and somebody comes in right after W could be two minutes it could be 15 minutes yeah it’s not up to me it’s up to my well it’s funny because was it Nick depala has that joke I don’t want to I don’t want to feel the warm seat of a guy who was just there y when you’re at a restaurant you sit down it’s nice and warm because that that jerk in front of you was just sitting there for 20 minutes dumping oh it’s not it’s an awful feeling the warm the warmth of another you can still feel his body heat warming you you’re being warmed by his body heat yeah it’s gross it’s disgusting so anyways that show is another hit that show’s actually killing it I know we just we take bones we get bones and then fans send in bones we we put it out to the fans the first week we got 1,00 emails of people with people just pissed off about they sent in video bones uh what was the one guy last week just he goes I have a bone my bone is stop mixing Foods I don’t want a a breakfast taco go yourself and just people get mad at certain things but you don’t even think about it and then pineapple pizza thing yeah I get you yeah pineapple pizza all that so that’s a damn good one bone and also uh ykwd the regs is you’ve been having Soder on and Lewis and who else Joe list well Joe my podcast white kid WD when it started it was uh mainly Dan soda Joe list and LS Jay Gomez and we all stand for you’re saying it very fast why you know what dude you know get listeners say why dude you you know what dude because that it’s Billy bird named it because I always go when I’m Norton knows when I’m trying to make a a point I always you know what dude you know dude yeah I like it so wait is that the one I was on in the shed or is that done no that one was a special show that was um hang on one second my wife is here I’m gonna ask her a question now that I lost all the weight and I I look better right do I are you more attracted to me now do you like do are you like let’s get some the dog is missing what’ she say it’s the same but the dog is missing is that not what you wanted to hear go find the dog I hope you I hope you both have a good life together I love you what I mean yeah I the same it’s the same I was 350 pounds how much you weigh now I weigh 120 I mean 220 220 12 120 if was you weigh 220 I weigh 220 I’m at my fattest I mean keep in mind I’m 56 okay yeah you’re you’re 42 I’m sorry did somebody Jimmy I’m how how dare you hey you had a couple fat jokes in there come on you did you came in hot Matt you came in hot all right all right I can take it listen I’m the little hobbit um I was up to 2:30 I was round as so yeah you know at at at 2:20 you surpass that how tall are you I’m 5’8 all right well five eight and a quarter you lost a lot of weight I’m happy for you dud I lost I lost a small boy or yeah he did I lost I lost a hot wife it’s a lot of weight man you got to just feel better walking around man holy dude it feel like cuz I travel you know me and Jim we have to travel every weekend we gotta you know get on get in a car get on the in the plane Buckle in the SE I mean dude I had to get the extension and I I actually learned tricks to pull the seat belt I was so embarrassed to use the extension that I had to pull the seat Bel under my stomach and use my stomach as a third hand to hold the seat belt so I could so I could click it and now I get on the plane I can take my shoes off I can cross my legs I I mean I got room I mean it’s so much better just traveling is so much better now uh for me every I mean dude just to be able to buy a regular I don’t have to shop at that DXL oh I listen man I used to have to get in the car and undo my button when I to go fing my pants boring you with all fat stories you little bird no I’m very tired from my Jiu-Jitsu today oh you JJ been Fat Jimmy’s been up there Jimmy is getting there again I I mean I’m trying I’m struggling with the food it’s very hard Jimmy knows Man Jimmy helped me a lot with food because Jimmy’s been there he’s he’s he’s one of the guys that I think of when I go to dinner he’ll always everybody else orders the fck he’ll go give me the fish with nothing so he I remember Jimmy I got a picture of Jimmy man oof it’s my favorite picture the one where you you’re laughing in your neck you have like five color necks that’s yeah yeah yeah I was a a real oinker and I got to skinny at 1.2 I see pictures of myself from 2015 and I I’m sickly looking like like like the guy who has cancer and doesn’t know it like who’s just like unhealthy skinny so yeah I was like 20 pounds too light at one point hey can I can I ask you guys some questions yeah all right about the UFC I got questions sure come on Bobby this is the UFC unfiled bro well well you got you got McGregor com back right yes well think sounds I mean this is this has been happening for years right what’s the problem here’s my guess the problem is he got his leg cut in half he had his in half that’s the first problem so he got again you know that’s more than a little uh cast and some neop sporing there Bobby Kelly well a couple guys have had the same thing and they came back a year and a half later oh so I guess he’s a big Bobby Kelly is that what are you was saying I mean Anderson Silva had it right came back Chris had it came back right yeah yeah I mean that was three years ago right by the way he’s back in the usada testing pool he says he is uh him against Chandler uh would I gave him a lot of credit for taking that fight I think that’s a really tough fight for Conor um because Chandler’s ground ability is so good I thought Conor should taking someone and not that gatei is an easy fight for anyone cuz he’s an animal but at least he’s probably going to stand with you um yeah I mean I’m happy he’s coming back but want to see him fight again I want to see him fight one last time because he’s so just the the leadup to the fights are so entertaining and epic you don’t know what he’s gonna do and he’s so charismatic I would love to see him fight again and now Jon Jones yeah fighting miic um in December I I don’t know the exact date is it November December he’s fighting um I I don’t remember I’m some part of me saying it’s it might be November at the Garden it’s it’s at the Garden confirm confirm us exactly the day oh yes November 1 okay November November 11th oh my eyes are going Jesus Christ I 11th and it’s at Madison Square Garden Jimmy i w I gotta I want to go so bad me too well take to take me let’s go I would love to if I’m in the city I will try to get tickets I will pester Dana that’s going to be a very big one uh the garden is going to be a big one but Dana always uh tries to help me out well that I mean you remember when we saw him when I when you you were like who’s that guy go that guy’s that he’s gonna be the champ was that there Jon Jones oh yeah yeah yeah UFC 100 he was he was he on he was on the main C I don’t remember who he fought that night um I forget who he fought but it was he was just coming up and he was just a badass and I was like that dude’s going to be the the champion he’s going to be the champion we met him we talked to him for a little bit Yeah he was great you think he’s gonna you think he’s gonna win yeah Ste is great but I think he’s been off for almost three years and Jones looked so good against well then who knows I I don’t think he’ll do to Stipe what he did to gone Stipe is just too much of a veteran to to allow that but I do think Jones will find a way to win and what what do you think about uh Strickland oh amazing amazing we love him he’s a guy he’s like it’s like Archie Bunker is a UFC champion right oh that’s funny listen man I like that he’s 100% genuine in everything he’s saying right I don’t know he makes a lot of good points you know I actually show most of his points to my wife you know yeah like the whole kitchen bit yeah get in there what are you doing what are you what are you doing in the living room yeah there’s a refrigerator in the room why don’t you go in there yeah hey guys is everybody all now listen let me just change the subject a little bit you guys both funny gentlemen you’re both paid funny men is the state of standup comedy it’s exciting lately it feels like with Joe opening his Club there’s a lot of Buzz around that and I see a lot of clips of that on YouTube and all the specials that are coming out is it feels like it used to be like things were a little bit more on shaky grounds with everybody getting oh accused of something or cancelled or trying to get canceled do you feel a little bit more free where you could just say other words and just be a little bit more open without the fear of everybody just witch hunting you well I think that what they didn’t take into account back then was that we needed networks or streamers to give us the opportunity right uh and so the people that got cancelled or just went did it themselves on the internet we don’t need we don’t need a network we don’t need streamers we don’t need somebody to be a gatekeeper anymore you can just pay not that much money and go film your special and put it out there uh and like there’s a new uh there’s a new platform called punch-up dolive that their whole thing is uncensored as long as you’re trying to be funny we put it up and you can charge you can give it away for free here’s another thing that they do that’s great you all you need is an email to watch it my special is up there now and now I get those emails so those are all my fans I get the email so now when I go and they shows me I put my tickets up there they show me where I’m selling tickets who’s looking at my special what states what cities what countries and then I can plan my tour around that and send them an email now when you go to if you’re work if you’re doing stuff on Instagram Facebook YouTube you’re working for for them you’re actually an employee of Instagram because you’re giving them the content they need to sell stuff you get no information you get no data you get nothing right they don’t monetize anymore so now like this punch-up do live you get all the information you get all the analytics and you get to use it the way you want and it’s your fans and you can charge you can say $5 for my new speci so now I don’t got to go to Comedy Central and see if a bunch of EXE Ives think approve of my ACT go yourself I can go do whatever I want and I can put it up on a a platform like that and just go plug it on on podcasts like this show my show Rogan you know which is all of us just helping each other all those fans go buy it so we don’t need them anymore so you can you can pretty much do what you want now they never took into account that we would figure out the internet so now all that I think is gone we don’t need the man no we don’t need the man as unless they come with like $20 million then we’ll take the man 100 per. hey and when you got that list do you ever hit him up with Hey listen everybody Bobby Kelly fans I got a a what’s up dude mug coming you want to get a mug you ever hit them up with little special things with you got a I mean you can but you got to be careful cuz if you you become a Spam thing people will tell you to be yeah you don’t want to be a spam to be all all right another one of these things from him you know he did that Louis CK was the first one to do it where he you know what happened with him was was terrible and but the thing that he did that was smart he bought when he at the peak of his career he bought his own ticketing company so instead of using the big ticketing companies who add on all these fees he was like I just want to charge $40 a ticket for front row back row I’m buying my ticket company he got all the emails so when they cancelled them all he had to do was go hey I’m going to set up a show and send an email out and then people bought all the tickets all over the world he did a European tour an American tour he had two albums come out and he won a Grammy without asking didn’t he win two he was up for two he was one one up for two by the way my specials uh is uh being submitted for a Grammy right now today oh good for you man good special killbox it was directed and produced by Louis CK killbox yeah right now you can watch it live on punch up. live for free for free for free got join for an he needs an email yeah it’s not that it’s good that people got canceled but a perfect example is Shane Gillis that guy if he got on satday Night Live there’s no way he could have been utilized the way he is he’s much bigger now than he would have been and it’s he couldn’t do the comedy that he does normally if he was on and ComEd he does is hysterical Shane Gillis is hands down in my opinion one of the funniest guys out there right now yeah I mean his new special outrageous the pro the problem though with it though if you if you really want to get into it now it’s so it’s so easy to make a special that any jackass can make a special right when we came up it took 15 years to get your first special and then it took a two or three years to get your next and two or three years these guys are making special now that I’m not to say they don’t deserve it but maybe not ready so there’s a special every week from some who got three cameras and knows how to edit and put it up on YouTube you know what I mean what you’re saying Bob is they’re not very special anymore they’re not special what I’m saying is uh you know they’re not that special no they’re not what do you think about that somebody new in the game they all sudden got a special they got this they got that do you get a little bit like dude you didn’t really earn your you’re jealous no like look you what do you the way I look at is what is that kid that person supposed to say no I’m I’m I don’t deserve it it you know the fastest horse doesn’t win the race he hey Melissa the fastest horse doesn’t win the race so I mean look at yeah why why first of all first of all could you elaborate on that comment why is he lazy the does the fastest horse need to take does he take breaks or always found the fastest horse wins the race the fastest horse usually wins the race Bobby Kelly please in your business yes but in Show Business it’s not the case it’s they elaborate on that it’s like look at this kid you know there’s uh you know there’s people out there that you know certain Executives like they’re friends with them they the what they’re talking about is in what you know what what the you know what they want to hear about you know there’s certain like HBO goes in a Direction they had a couple specials where there was a special with no audience in the crowd maybe a little artsy you know what I mean right uh so it’s like I don’t I’m not gonna hate that guy and be like SC it’s like whatever they gave him a special he’s supposed to take it you know I mean they didn’t give me one whatever I’ll go do this I’ll go do my over here you do that over here but and at the end of it you know like I look at a guy like Jim Norton one of the funniest stand-ups Walking ever you know oh Bob and I mean it’s true and you know is he on HBO every week you know no should he be in my eyes yeah but you know 16 years I haven’t been on HBO it’s a long time not in 16 years holy God I was on in 2007 you guys were both that’s funny you guys were both you were on the the Louie what was yours called Jimmy not Louie his was on he was on Louie being Lou’s brother on Lou as well I I played my kind of myself on Louie I was on Lucky Louie and I was on his show playing myself yeah oh it was funny both of you guys were great mat both of you I I Bobby I can’t believe how you could act when you that scene when you’re asking your mother to tell her that she loves you is hysterical it’s hysterical you’re like crying in the restaurant oh it’s making me die right now Bobby it’s funny funny about that scene is that Louis called me two months before that he’s like hey can you cry on on camera like in acting I was like yeah dude what the funny yeah he’s like all right cool I gotta I’m writing this thing I want you to do it but you gotta be able to cry I’m like all right which is kind of you’re not supposed to do that you know what I mean yeah because now that’s all I’m thinking about he goes he goes you’re working with a Tony Ward winning actress so you got to have your together the mother was this huge actress in in theater so now I’m freaking out so I’m working my ass off I’m lines I’m I don’t want to be the guy to everything up we get there the first couple lines she goes you know Bobby line What’s My Line she didn’t know what that’s funny one line that’s funny I like when she sees you and she’s like oh what are you what do you men do just get fat and die or something like that it was that show was so good and now you can get that show on or something Lou well Lou actually bought it back or leased it back for a few years yeah it’s only on his website you can watch it very smart yeah he’s I see ads for it on his Instagram yeah but Lou Louis is always ahead of the game he’s always smart Y and uh he’s always doing the next thing you know which is uh great all that cancel stuff I’m happy that we get you guys are getting your legs underneath you again well it actually it backfired all and because you know Shang Gillis is one of the biggest comics in the world Louie does doesn’t need to ask to do anymore and he still makes money you can’t you can’t mess with Comics you can mess with actors because you can not give them the gig because you can’t act in front of a mirror you know but Comics will just find a rock club or we we’ll even during the pandemic we were just going into parcking locks setting up a microphone and doing shows yep so man listen what what the is that what is this I was just producing I’m producing in the background ah are you D or is that special lights you have Bobby what am I looking at uh no I’m I’m a little tan but uh and it’s good lighting I got good lighting I’m the I’m the king of Zoom yes he is well listen man you have so many podcasts and I will just jump the gun and say yes I’ll be I’ll come on anyone you want so if you want to ask and Jimmy you didn’t ask me to come on Jim and Sam in morning in a while and I feel the last time I was on that show holy did we have fun why don’t you come in next week guys this what it comes down to me asking to be on your shows i’ love to have you but I was afid asking you you guys don’t jump at it either well you did just looking at me I I want you on come on I’m around you got I know you got you got a million bones to pick yeah I do I do I do like um like fat guys that they now skinny and think they’re cool you know what’s so funny is that that’s the city part about losing weight is that you there’s a point where you lose you they’re like great for you good for you oh man we’re so proud oh now you’re different now you’re piece of you look you look too good Bobby you look too good buddy listen seriously though seriously I’m happy dude because I was I was worried about you you know what I mean I think I think a lot of friends were Jimmy’s not gonna say he’s a dark-hearted little guy but no that’s not true I always I always always reached out to Bob well that’s another thing is a lot of people like dude I’m so glad you we were worried about you I’m like well you never said anything to me yeah you know you just watched me eat pizza yeah oh they said stuff to you I saw that roast when you were roasting um wait what’s the what’s uh vas what’s his name Rich vas Rich Voss yes when you guys when you guys were roasting him that was a great roast if anybody wants to watch that that was very fun yeah the roast of uh Richard Voss right that was so great but anyway I lik everybody attacking Bobby that’s kind of sucks that you’re skinny now for that fact well they still do fat jokes they still work yeah yeah they still we can still do that yeah you can still do it you can still pull it off all right what else you got guys all right nothing I’m good Bobby let’s promote the Boneyard is Monday through Thursday 5: to 7 pm on Sirius XM on channel 103 it’s called bonfire not the the B I’m so tired the bonfire of course bone bone yard is Aussie’s I’m sorry I’m half to sleep and Anthony from 8 to 11 I know I know I’m tired I’m sorry yeah bobb’s on the bonfire and then of course WK wkd you know what you know what do ykwd bone to pick with Paul verie I remember that one um you can get them we all your podcasts on and you can go watch Bobby’s killbox special on uh punch up. live punch up. live yes and um I’ll be at the fat black tonight at 7M good to seeing you buddy I love you guys thanks good seeing you too buddy I’ll see you guys later all right pal see you later and Matt as we close the show I just want to say to remind people about tonight’s uh sorry Saturday night I’m really am tired um it’s uh sadik YF of course against Edson Barbosa number 11 against number 13 this Saturday um and it’s uh let’s see what time 400 p.m. I love this Eastern Time ESPN plus of the prelims and Main card starts at 7 o’clock New York time great card um thank you very much Jennifer Maya and uh viviani arahu uh is the uh co-main and Jonathan Martinez against Adrien YZ who we had today is featured about Michelle P is fighting on this uh against Andre Petroski uh great great card um so I will talk to you soon Matt I I’ll talk to you before then uh I’m sure Jimmy because I can’t wait till Monday to talk to you guy I thank you everybody we love you all why am I getting so emotional at the end ah you’re a sweet guy goodbye everyone goodbye