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talish lus who fought Anderson Silva for the middleweight title back in 2009 at UFC 97 now making UFC appearance number 20 against Jack Hermanson Hermanson in white talish latus in Black one of the things about him that funky movement gigantic leaps always switching stances very hard to get his timing Hermanson calls Norway home he was born in Sweden trains out of the Frontline academy one of the best gyms in Norway just tell by the way he’s approaching this he’s looking to end this fight early no he has him down the second round in his last four fights chalice leus you want to slow the fight down somehow keep him from moving around like this correction his last three fights Greco Roman backround for Jack Hermanson who sticks the jab there but you wonder if he’ll have pause with the takedown game tonight latus in on a single here there a way to get rid of that energy take him down slow him down a little bit it’s not going to [Music] [Applause] happen lus trying to pull Hermanson away from the fence here to try to execute the Tak down nothing doing so far Hermanson with a short little elbow there that looked to land partially the length of his arms to control wrist and try to stand up again just like [Music] [Applause] that good step around by leus got to break that whizard though stepped around instead step back to the front again that let Hermanson get that wizard back [Applause] in So lus now able to get Hermanson to the ground still plenty of time with which to work here round one oh great stuff by Hermanson I’m curious he has fantastic ground in pound will he take the opportunity to get back up when it presents himself against Brad Scott man he looked devastating on top last we saw latest was against Brad tarez last October at UFC 216 prior to that a win over smiling Sam Alby last April oh look at Hermanson able to floor talish latest there lest so good job with the underhooks trying to sneak out to his right side using his legs to keep hermansson off balance doesn’t know if he’s going to sweep or sit up and he tries to sit up a lot of options you can come out the side or go underneath for a sweep and he’s coming out the side good stuff by Lees the whole sequence lets her answer no you’re not going to let I’m not going to let you stabilize on top of him I’m not going to let you get your ground and pound going you have to be worried about my sweeps more than your offense body lock here for talish lus Hermanson greets him with a right hand let’s see if lus tries to change levels here yet again two for six now seven unofficially on the takedown attempts for lus remember how the round started it was all about the kickboxing the offensive Hermanson and leus has been able to slow it down take the pace down to a level that’s better suited for him and if you’re talish latest you got to like the way this round is starting to settle in a little bit exactly hasn’t be able to secure a lot of top position but as long as they’re in this position he’s not getting punched at and kicked out from the outside lus has really worked hard on his conditioning over the last several years not that he didn’t early on but it has been a big focus of late so he can keep this up for 15 hard minutes without issue this is the way to negate that reach Advantage negate the height Advantage get inside and stay there nice throw once again back to this half guard position good job getting back to full garment good rule of thumb when a guy has his his knees and his legs low he’s looking for a sweep when they start coming up high he’s looking for submission Talis leus has been almost always in a sweeping position but now getting his legs higher thinking [Music] Plata five minutes in the books between Talis lus and Jack Hermanson unofficially 10 takedown attempts in round one for Talis lus look at these leg kicks at the start beautiful stuff by Hermanson then Talis L is able to get inside get the body lock tripped him right to the floor not able to uh establish a solid top position Hermanson always exploding out when he gets the chance but keeping away from that kickboxing range that’s important so Andre pys largely satisfied with round one in terms of lest’s execution of their game plan second round guys round two talish lus in Black Jack Hermanson in white D Day Pender has that old school mentality if you keep the pressure on he’ll make a mistake keep doing what you’re doing he’ll give you the back eventually don’t need to rush it even when latest telegraphs a shot something hurt something hurt bad he’s in a lot of pain right now he hurt something with that taked down and let’s see if Jack her Manon is able to fight through it no longer wincing though yeah he was an Agony back to it could be something with the legs as soon as he was over that leg he started winsing he got full Mount yeah looked like the lower left leg we were able to look at a replay the knee of latest Landing right on it yeah they might stop this now cuz he’s in a lot of pain he showing guts but I don’t see how he can fight back in this kind of [Applause] condition if he can’t keep leate this from advancing position it’s all but over anyway looking looking hard for the arm triangle now so if you’re Jack her Manon a disappointing turn of events [Applause] here lus working right out of his corner here able to get back to half guard but that might not be enough he can to keep this pressure on this could be over and he’s going putting everything into this arm triangle this is all but done 15 wins coming in by submission for Talis lus same way he lost to FAA big deep breaths from Jack Hermanson certainly showing off his toughness here but he gets mounted Now by lus albeit briefly th three minutes to go if you’re Jack Hermanson I know you’re battling the injury but what do you do defensively got to keep space with that right elbow he’s trying to grab his ear that’ll delay the inevitable he needs space between his arm and his face in order to breathe again once it cuts off the blood man that’s it you see he’s trying to get space with his arm that’s the key to getting out of the arm triangle can also grab his near leg but if he has a leg injury might not be able to do that Le is just not giving up on this keeping a ton of pressure in this arm triangle position he’s out so a nice job by Jack Hermanson to fend off the submission attempt from Talis latus but you wonder if there’s an opportunity to get back to the feed if her manon’s even going to be able to put any pressure on that left yeah if if Lees knew what was going on I don’t know what he knows he might just stand up and make him stand up right if he can’t do that fight’s over two minutes now to go round two problem is without leg activity it’s so difficult to stop the mount attack of a guy like latest that what I mean is the the constant pass the constant pressure you need to constantly have active hips in order to stop that kind of game and he has a leg injury that’s it’s virtually impossible lus applying some shoulder pressure here to the chin of Jack Hermanson gra like latus fully healthy it’s hard to stop his progression right this is what I meant in the beginning of that that calm veteran kind of fight experienced kind of fight when I’m where I want to be I’m going to keep the pressure on you keep it at a slow boil make it about my my experience not your athleticism latest at one point left the UFC in 2009 returned in 2013 he is seven and4 as he continues this second UFC stint beat the likes of Jesse Taylor Dean liser Jeremy Horn to earn his way back to the Big [Music] Show 30 seconds now to go on the round let’s see if Jack Hermanson can survive unrelenting pressure by Talis Lees knee on the belly right into Mount beautiful [Applause] stuff and you wonder if Mark Godard might call in the RP after this round it’s all about him being able to get up and walk to his Corner if you can’t do that they can call it right there [Applause] so Jack her Manon back to his feet motion he’s calling out find out what the problem is he’s hurt find out markard walking over to the commission table and it looks like Gard has called in the doctor here’s how we think it happened Jimmy pulled him off the fence yeah look at that awkward Twist on the left leg the knee yep I said bulge on his knee right there right around the joint that’s not good news I able to walk back to his corner and Mark otter just said firmly to Jack ranson’s Chief Corner are you sure he’s good to to go and he responded unequivocally yes so pretty good to see Jack Hermanson bouncing around putting pressure on that lead left leg the question is how much energy did he expend defensively in round two goes with a wayward flying knee attempt he’s throwing like somebody who wants to get this fight over with now going hard for the G team it needs a better guard with his left leg and he’s putting a ton of stress on but if leus can get around the guard he’s around it he’s still in trouble Hermanson is strong enough to finish this he doesn’t have his hips behind it lus has only been submitted once in his pro career it was Matt horwitch back in 2010 nine times out of 10 when you’re around the guard you’re out of this submission but her Manon has those those long legs that long build he can put a lot of stress on the neck that’s what he’s trying to do he’s out the problem is the message that sends of I got to finish this right now he went so hard for that position when he didn’t really have it [Applause] positionally he fought the he fought in the opening of that round like someone who is injured and needs to get this over with and this could be the beginning of the end for Jack Hermanson in Anaconda position now he’s going to try and walk his hips toward the legs of Hermanson Hermanson trying to circle with him but this is tight ton of pressure with the hips committed briefly to the guillotine and let it go so now it’s Jack Hermanson with top position as he lands the elbow there on latest to nearly had him mounted Jimmy yeah tried to sweep and it end up almost giving up the mount still in big trouble now full Mount it’s exactly where he didn’t want to be late in this fight so a rally here for Jack Hermanson now let’s see if he can get that ground and pound game going oh these are Big Shots he’s landing on latest he can finish this right now wouldn’t that be something oh latest in the world of trouble Jack her Manon seemingly on one leg finishes talish lus we were wondering if he would even be able to walk back to his corner at the end of the last round he comes back and he wins via TKO unbelievable we talked about this guy and his infectious energy and just the the vibe he was given off during fight week and this is going to be a huge source of confidence for him to deal with that adversity and finish a credential longtime middleweight veteran in Talis leers he is in a lot of pain he is very emotional right now and man he earned this Victory cuz looked like at the end of last round this fight could be over wow and for him you know it’s sweet to get it done with the ground and pound that as we mentioned he told Daniel Cormier before his last fight was the best in the UFC and how about Jack Hermanson hopefully the injury isn’t something that’s going to keep him out for an extended period of time heart guts tenacity he had it all tonight he was in trouble look at this Guillotine goes for it lets it go now there’s an attempted sweep by Talus Lees he elevated looking for the sweep and that gave Hermanson the mount he stepped right over the leg and got the full Mount right here almost got the sweep but and then from here look at these short shots right here accurate vicious Savage Ground and pound he turns to his stomach and that is all she wrote not a lot of room but he doesn’t need it once he’s on top and he starts unloading vicious ground in pound by Jack Hermanson great comeback for the Joker Hermanson has won three of his last four now Bruce Buffer with the official decision ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Godard is called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 10 seconds of the very third round for the winner by TKO Jack The Joker her Manon what