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okay yri Glover been over the rules you know exactly what I expect keep yourself protected listen to me when I tell you to stop you stop if you want to touch now as a time God bless the buzz is palpable one man lays claim to having the best MMA jiujitsu in the world the other has won 12 straight the last 10 by knockout something’s got to give as we decide the UFC light heavyweight championship prohaska the Challenger in red to sherah in the black and goal be fitting a [Applause] [Music] champion broska has the Southpaw stance so Glover has to attack single if broska goes conventional Glover will attack the high crotch heavy kick just landed for Glover one thing is evident when they Square it up yui looked gigantic huge now you see I talked about this a lot he very unusual you see the hands moving around a lot the chin is up in the air there’s not much of a guard he’s the embodiment almost of a traditional martial artist oh nice body shot body head with the left hook but as we’ve seen and I say this with respect we have seen flaws in traditional martial arts Styles that’s why it became a mixture because no one style was perfect and of course hold on this is big big single there by wow gets him down so to share with a take down about a minute in with relative ease got to that single leg Beautiful Finish there by glob terera elevated the leg kick the opposite leg that Yuri was hopping up and down on now what does Yuri have off his back it’s going to be interesting to see right now close guard just considering what his next move going to be seeing what Glover’s going to offer and give him Glover will give him nothing Glover’s going to just beat him up and take time yeah I’m sure he’ll give him an elbow in the face Glover will take his time and he will just beat him up Yuri’s going to have to get away from him he will not make a mistake that allows for him to escape Yuri needs to wall walk but not give up his back and that was the first thing he said in our fighter meeting I cannot allow this man to operate off my back correct and it is such a often and regular mistake that people make in the urgency to get back to their feet they give up their back and you cannot do that against a man like Tara well Yu’s controlling the hand so he’s giving him a chance nope now Glover’s back on top he’s looking for Aura potentially yeah but he’s going to now he’s out of the Guard right so now Glover’s out of the Guard so he’s even better he’s in an even better position he’s going to kick off the fence he needs to explode now here he’s got to explode back into him north south now under a minute under two and a half to go round one not at all the start that Prasco was looking for you hear Global Corner telling him to pull him away from the cage because there will be a big explosion for Braska there it is that’s that explosion I said crowd pops as Braska gets back to his feet two minutes to go on the round and you see the smile from here as if to say hey look at that you had me in your best spot and I got back up now he’s alive and he’s full of confidence some blood coming out of the nose or so it appears from Glover tare already good right hand from tashera oh oh Yuri rolled with that good shot by Glover but Yuri did a good job of rolling with the punch there’s the single again and look at that completes with these straight inside the MS this wow oh he’s going to he better not turn his KNE big right hand gets through for Glover prka and again trying to pick his poison here 1 minute 15 seconds in a terrible position head up against the fence full out from Glover to Sher and this is where Glover wants to be he has worked the entire training camp to establish this position 27-1 ground strikes and the physicality of tashera at 42 a sight to behold and that’s the thing right that’s the thing about Tara when he’s beating you up like that when he’s on top of you you’re getting more and more tired he’s going to fall off the top though [Applause] toare may be working on a kamur potentially well he’s using the legs to make sure that he doesn’t lose position roll off and give Yuri pahasa the advantage but it’s touch and go here and potentially working on an armar as you say Joe John proasus out all things considered he’s defended pretty well didn’t want to give up the back got mounted but got out and a big CR strike now from the Challenger now Tara trying to control posture late in the round these are massive bombs I me these are knockout shots wow what a round what a start all right here’s the first Tak Down single leg Treet tops him sweeps the other gets on top some big control time big ground and pound a lot of damage done here’s in the north south drops a couple of elbows there’s another takedown attempt and like the corner was just saying look how easy you taking him down however you had success at the end two unheralded head coaches for Nelly Feliz senior with Glover and Martin coronov the head coach of Yuri praza Yuri did a good job of defending himself on the ground he did not allowing Glover to get too much damage done on him I over there yri stay there over there stop stop stop stop look at you okay you can see okay time in let’s go you’re I want to fight you’re annoying me I am trying to annihilate my opponent get out of my way there’s a nice job he’s so long he’s in fights long he but he doesn’t utilize that to the best of his ability he’s looking to explode with a flying knee keeps lowering his base to explode nice head movement there by praza Glover throws the right hand to the body and then the left hook he does it a lot the left Hook’s his best shot a Yu’s looking good here yeah Yuri looks fresh he’s faster he’s much faster than Glover he’s faster he’s younger of course and he’s just he’s he really is just like a samurai warrior but the strikes don’t come from a normal normal place right he doesn’t play the game he doesn’t follow the rules now a boxing coach would say oh this guy leaves so many openings but you can still be effective because obviously there’s kicks there’s knees there’s elbows takedowns of course as well so therefore sometimes the rules don’t necessarily apply if you’re good enough fast enough and have the reflexes to get away with it prusa’s last two wins have ended by round two knockout nice jab there appear to partially stun toera I think he might have hurt Global with the knee yes that hurt him y sh glob is wrestling for his life oh big hammer Fist from praza looking for Anaconda Jo made a mistake I mean Yuri is just breining with confidence right now he’s got to be careful though bl’s known to throw that left hook whenever he’s under attack Bashar almost can’t miss though he’s Landing everything and they’re powerful wait for the knee a Sher able to land a right hand of his own on her two and a half to go in the round the bodyy language of Glover isn’t good if you’re in his Corner Glover looks tired too much damage [Applause] oh can he get it though can he get it h is doing a good job of turning and kicking recognizing there’s nothing for Glover to hold on to on the bottom half YY just had a big output though he’s taking some deep breaths right now nice Glover has to just try to survive this round yes praza mixing in some nice elbows now oh oh punches and punches I mean Glover has a chin we’ve seen yui just fold people with these kind of shots oh look at this I told you that left hook comes from nowhere from terera you cannot get over excited you can’t get overzealous under 90 seconds to go on the round good opportunity here for the champ I’m telling you there heavy shots there was two or three in a row there is he under the chin no no he isn’t not yet a wild second round prohaska forced to defend here big right hand these are bigger shots these are bigger shots landed by terera and the output that Yuri put out in this round is going to start to get a little tired and this is so important right now for Glover because it wasn’t looking good a moment ago he took a lot of shots the body language the eyes he look hurt now he’s going to take a little you know a little breath here compose himself gather his thoughts so to speak and just be like woo it feels good to have this beast on the floor a minute yeah for sure for sure once you gain that control you’ve been searching for nothing feels better you can finally sh yep you can take a breath you can calm down and you can also realize that you’re investing you’re investing in wearing this kid out making him tired relying on the fact that he isn’t used to grappling as much as you are right and he’s going to fa position he’s defending well G’s got a high guard but they’re getting through now oh big elbow right through and he cut him bad oh big com another one for good measure strong close to round two for the champ what a round oh that’s a nasty cut early it’s all Yuri pratka Landing his shots guys have not stood up to this since he’s been in the UFC beautiful flying knee turns and kicks left hook Glover lands knocks Yuri down and then he just dominates him on the ground so Yuri proska has got to make sure he doesn’t take more of those elbows he cannot be left yes he cannot get taken down cuz Glover has been beating him up when they have gotten on the ground and that cut is brutal it is big it is right above the eye and it’s going to cause problems and this is just the second time since 2014 that Yuri praza will fight into a third round the champ all smiles as is the Challenger they have called in the doctor to look at the Cut Above the left eye of yurri praza they have tempered the bleeding at least for [Music] now blover smiling because this is where he has generally pulled away from these guys let’s see how y response to this yeah I don’t know if I’ll be smiling in this situation no way I’ll be like come on I got to go and do this again cuz for Yuri it’s like stay up right for Glover it’s like how can I get this takedown as easy as possible he doesn’t want to give Max effort to get these takedowns because they get harder and harder he wants y to make a mistake so he can just kind of knock him down but the longer he waits for the perfect opportunity the more chance he’s got of getting clipped nicely defended by Y and praska wise to welcome toer back to his feet very smart there that was smart of Yuri he had big success with the ground and pound when he got top position earlier potentially trying to avoid those transitions on the ground are even just using muscles right this guy’s a striker this guy doesn’t want to be grappling for 25 minutes tare moving his head well avoided most of those offerings there from praza oh clean so much movement stance switches from praza gives you so many different things to look at and think about Yuri is a very difficult guy to prepare for just because the dangers come from everywhere but now they’re just dripping in sweat the takedowns aren’t going to be as easy now so Yuri can just scrumble oh pretty good reaction by tar to try to get the takedown unable to do so and there it is there’s the sweat that’s causing real issues now for Glover to sh Glover’s all blooded up now too Glover’s all beaten bloody to share in trouble here or so it would appear certainly looks like it oh and there’s a knee now from Yuri that’s the one the tree top that’s what he needs isolates the leg therefore the sweat doesn’t play a factor it’s just a good oldfashioned trip with the other leg well Y is trying to roll away from him and that’s where he’s finding himself in trouble every time he kicks away Glover lets the leg go and just follows him Yu’s turning his hips though Yu’s doing a good job here trying to get back to his knees he’s doing a great job he’s almost there he’s actually on his knees and now he’s about to be up nicely done by [Applause] praza beautiful job by by Yuri there switching the position staying in Rust the underhook Yuri proska is a very well-rounded martial artist he understands defense when he gets taken down very well he got clip there though praza hands down rips the body there massive body shot but Glover takes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it I mean call on the creativity oh strikes from all angles couple good body shots again big KN of the body that forces to share it to the canvas I’m not sure how many more shots he can take I don’t think he can he’s going to be looking to get out of this [Applause] round going to feel like a long twom minutes half [Applause] guard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] big third round for Yuri praza to Shar unofficially now three for2 on his takedown attempts and that blood becoming a real Factor we thought the proska cut would be the issue but it’s becoming the cut of Glover to share right if you’re Yuri you’re letting him up Glover is not doing a good job with the Finish strikes on the feet he seems tired Dar choke where he needs to jump off to the other side AR trying to go that by Yuri oh my goodness nope look at that wow playing with fire a little bit correct and now Tara back inside the closed guard of Yuri prohaska with 40 seconds to go in the round well you got to respect Yu for even going for that going up against the guy with the Jiu-Jitsu credentials and trying to submit him even though it potentially a sacrifice move oh [Applause] oh especially when he doesn’t need to it feels like he can finish this fight from the feet slicing elbow lands for tashera arbar attempt thought about it I mean this fight is just incredible everything I mean this is just wow a wild title fight through 15 minutes and here’s the big knee that caused a lot of the damage I mean look at that to the jaw and the neck simultaneously and just a heart of glov to share with there well a lot of folks didn’t think we’d get here but round four new territory for Yuri [Applause] prasa well Glo toer just enjoyed a tremendous amount of damage and to hear him in the corner just saying to I’m going to beat him I’m going to beat him I’m going to beat him have you ever I mean how can you not be inspired by this man no he the determination so determined to be the champion and honestly I think he oh nice body shot his Corner set right to the body left hook High head kick for to not a ton on it when it got to the Target short left to the body for praza Yuri looking a little more labored in his movements now that was a good kick lot of mouth breathing going on for praza and toera oh come on I mean the impact you can hear it yeah you can hear it we’ve got on like soundproof in headphones oh ooh right hand from tasher allows him to get inside got the hands he got his hands locked yep he’s going to finish he’s going to go for a ride that’s where Glover feels that’s where the confidence came from knowing that he possibly won round one and he knows that he can go get takedowns late you see Yuri here with both arms what he’s trying to do he’s like shook him off of them he’s got to get but he’s got to get the left arm underneath the left arm stuck he’s got to get them both around the body of terera bridge and throw Glover forward over his head especially with the sweat he’s abandoning that position now yui I’m talking about solid side control for Glover Yuri has to be very careful not to accept this position and definitely don’t let Glover move to the next position which is the Mount if he lets him Mount him again it’s going to be a problem problem and if you’re a Glo to Sher you got to do everything you can to just make sure this Beast does not get back to his feet Braska is mounted now and he’s got two and a half minutes left arm triangle if glob can get his body off to the side I just don’t know if he’s there it’s not there the arm’s going to be over the other side but when you’re as tired as Yuri is yeah Correct sucks that becomes a major Factor but that’s why he’s not stepping off to the side yet because the position isn’t secured if he steps off to the side and he doesn’t get the position he’ll lose he doesn’t get the submission he’ll lose it very smart decision making by Glover there he was close to securing the submission attempt but it wasn’t there praska has only been submitted once in his career if memory serves it was about 10 years ago and he didn’t tap what out now it is TI there it is no no no y so I moveed he took it now because cuz it’s tight yeah but he he might watch his hands watch his hands oh it’s tight I he’s squirming and he is squeezing oh he said he okay yeah he should take mount back I’m telling you the position’s off oh now now that’s the problem yeah oh [Music] you’re incredible defensive work from praska 90 seconds to go round four lot of slippy shots down there not them ones and this is it right round two looked like this prashka dominated Glover controlled the very end of the round round four Glover dominates nice Yuri is now in position deep half for Glover tar tried to burst unable to do so oh sit through perfectly takes the bu I mean come on the skill of this man beautiful peek out there by Glo toer and a nice shot by praza to prevent the body lock he kept that leg inside trying to get that second hook in y is aware of it but he’s got to be careful cuz while he’s using one hand to fight the foot off he can create the opportunity for the next good defensive grappling man right oh very good really good he’s done his homework under 30 seconds to go now and Cheryl working off of his back again this fight has had it all this has been a great fight it’s been an amazing [Music] fight waning seconds round four big right hand on the ground for [Music] prosa Fifth and Final Round Standing Ovation in in Singapore 5 minutes or less to decide the Undisputed UFC light heavyweight championship I mean I love this fight it’s been fantastic we have seen everything beautiful grappling by Glover fantastic striking by Yuri Yuri with some really good grappling and takedown defense several occasions both men have nearly been finished yeah it’s it’s been tremendous that’s nice and this is just your oh massive right from tashera prosa he’s got the try to survive big mistake why would you do that gu he had him hurt bad his opponent out on his feet almost just the instincts kick in hours of training thousands of hours where you lock in the gear team and finish the fight in this situation Mak him a terrible move especially when you’re sweaty very close fight dude’s hurt that right hand look he’s been looking for that right hand all night and he could not touch him because Yuri was too fast now that Yuri’s tired he’s able to touch him with his hands toer has got to find their way back to his feet he does because I and and now he does and perhaps in some part welcome there by praza y’s jab is true cobwebs mayor may not have been cleared Glover is finding the mark though with frequency yes I’m telling you it’s because foras is tired now he’s not moving as well dude he was Glover was catching win look the left hook Glover was catching all win early but now he’s touching him he’s trying to take him down again him again he’s got got to switch to a single leg here if he wants to finish his taked down who would have thought that in the fifth round globa tasher is now winning the Striking between him and Yuri proska unbelievable you see Yuri just slapping away his face just to do something and DC to your point to Sher Corner call for him to switch to the single glob is tar him this is crazy really is it’s just an epic battle of wills right now there’s a hard job and there’s a big right handt right on the ear praska shakes it off as if to say didn’t do too much damage the chin on yri Braska is ridiculous Glover to Sher has folded people and put them to sleep with these [Applause] shots y’s trying to hit a switch leg [Applause] [Music] it is crazy to watch go at this age defend this Championship with this much and he he’s in the fifth round in the championship round with is where he went and did his thing he’s got two minutes though to go to work in full Mount and every time we’ve seen that he does do damage from here but Yuri has made it to the end of the round but two minutes is a long well one minute for it is a long time and praza of course with all the heart to go with the skill set seconds to go he’s going to kick off the fence he’s trying to walk Round walk over well we’ve had a lot of great live events in 2022 none better than UFC 275 praska working partially off the back here oh wisely rolls looking for a leg now passes to side control does [Applause] Yuri I mean Europe has has proven to the world here tonight that he is not only a striker he can grapple he can hold his own on the ground with the best Glover has made some technical mistakes tonight though correct there’s been some opportunities some control oh it’s thir he’s got it it’s under the neck he he he got the hand down he got the hand he got the hand no but he still got it again he got it it y proa has done it nearly at the gun there is a new light heavyweight champion the Czech Republic has got one giri pruska a stunter in Singapore I mean just like Juliana Peña against Amanda Nunes when you’re that tired and you get the position you don’t need the hooks bro I just said it Glover has made some positional mistakes that last mistake allowed for Yuri to get in the top position and look he got the Finish Glover a couple times was rushing to the next position and taking unnecessary chances and ultimately it cost him his championship he was winning that round and this fight then here it is glovis trying to fight the hands off here but he’s got it he had it locked in you can’t really see from that angle you see the top here it is locked in again no hooks no required you’re tired you’re in the fifth round you’ve had the crap kicked out of you and when you’re choking your neck you’re only human you’re only human the top G well the UFC’s light heavyweight division has had an illustrious history and add that one to the anal alongside Shogun and hendo Jon Jones and Alexander gustofson toer showing you everything you would want to see in a champion but Yuri praza with a precious few seconds to go it just shows how good that fight was because tonight the fights have been incredible and that one stands out as the main event should but after such a spectacular I was going to say evening morning of fights I mean my word take a bow Take a Bow what else can you say about Yuri praza may have been down on the judges scorecards it came at 432 of the fifth and final round wow one final time tonight here’s Bruce ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Gard has called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 32 seconds of round number five declaring the winner by submission due to a rear neck a choke and no Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world Yuri [Music] [Applause] roaz