Rewatch the full fight between Joaquin Buckley and Vicente Luque ahead of Buckley’s co-main matchup against Nursulton …

and they they collash legs right away yeah brookley with a flying kick to start jumping sidekick as I say at the hotel earlier at the pool party he’s there hitting pads putting on a show you can see it on Instagram you wouldn’t think he had a the biggest fight of his career here against one of the best welterweights in the division everyone deals with it different right some of these guys like to almost put it to the side celebrate put on a show well the attention feels good as well you know it’s an exciting time fight we going through there’s a lot of pressure but it’s also a time to try and make memories and enjoy yourself and Achieve great things [Applause] there we go getting kicks right now as I said on the walks buffle hit some double leg Tak Downs here and there I don’t think he’ll try that against been sent L due to the ground game especially the front like the DAR chokes that he’s capable of that’s dangerous position if you don’t get it you end up down on the mat in front of him Buckley’s fought just twice before in the UFC welterweight he’s won both of his appearances in this weight class another exchange there Buckley was waiting for a ranked opponent he was staying ready and he thought he might get luk in December after Ian Gary couldn’t make the walk that week instead they back it up but Buckley said I’ve been preparing for him for longer than this fight was announced counter shot from combination countering really nicely the moment he blocked the C immediately fired [Applause] by brookley has found a home training in Michigan at Merc Lago MMA W Rodriguez in his Corner Jamal Hill is part of that gym and you know it’s crazy he was telling us this week he used to train by himself outside I said what do you mean you trained outside I thought he meant like a gym that was open era or something he’s like outside I’m like yeah what do you mean out side he’s like you know yeah he was doing he was doing it before it was the thing to do in 2020 Shadow Boxing and doing pull-ups on you know the kids slide and stuff yeah the monkey bars yeah there you go that’s what I was looking I need a telling people he’d be in the UFC they probably probably got some sideways looks but here he is Main Event I don’t know take one look at Bley they could believe the man and he’s fast he’s getting these exchanges L Landing some kicks big [Applause] punches L won all five rounds last August in Las Vegas against hael dos Andros in the main event that is his last appearance to get him back on the Wind column to the ground that was a was yeah it was a bit weird it kind of looked like a dropped him but he also slipped or went for a taked down at the same time so take your pick one of three black Z black Z let’s go let’s take the let’s take [Music] stay the movement of brle lateral movement forward and back lots of faints does so quickly so much space with it put some great angles a lot Toc International fight week is back June 24th through June 30th featuring UFC Hall of Fame UFC X the immersive two-day Fan Experience and it all culminates with UFC 303 on June 29 is at UFC for more information final minute of round one thing I’d say for Bley is because he is extremely powerful explosive and fast generally starting his attacks very far away from luk so luk has a lot of time to see it and time to block significant strikes neck and neck the first near five minutes trying to chase a tape down to polish off round one second round coming up second round coming Rodriguez to throw in punches more in combination and basically braw and braw if luk tries to get him to the ground well on Henry hoof in the corner of luk said if he misses that right hand that’s follow through with that left kick out the flying knee luk kept the guard up luk just kind of skimmed the top of br’s head a moment ago take off he’s taking two [Applause] connect way L used the right off the fence out and the outside outside station all the way through there you go so saw a take down from L at the end of round one and it looked like he was about to that was a heavy left from Buck yeah they didn’t give him credit for it officially no if he’s going to be part of the approach loads up yeah that think a little bit of his problem he’s loading up so much missing he could just settle in and be a little bit sharper maybe straighter with some of these shots got 20 low got high there you go guard p Guard good hitch there you said guard he’s confident in his ground game but MMA top position elbows got around but he’s EA some heavy punish is [Applause] acious that as well yeah Buckley really taking his time trying to find these shots that one got through he’s safe here too I mean the guard’s not wrapped up at all it’s wide open look on the field though just teeing off a big we made a big mistake though I tell you what these are heavy shots they’re getting through they’re having more of an effect this could be the end and now warning from Keith Peterson andly hammers his way to a TKO R mon is on the radar and Welter [Applause] Waits man he pulled guard and Buckley took full advantage of it the whole time stayed safe just outside and unloaded some vicious ground pound luk just never seemed to have an answer for it mix martial arts you do not pull guard here’s what happened here shoots in he down blocks it with that arm and ends up on top as he pulls him in but it seemed like he never just seemed fully with it in there I don’t know if something hurt him on that shot like to the head as we saw earlier tonight or Buckley just got one in early enough and he never seemed to cover he just covered up the whole time never tried to advance never got up to a hip I mean that’s the performance of his life and Buckley didn’t try to Grapple right just hammered away what he’s good at yes why engage in tight grappling with a guy like viente luki very good Jiu-Jitsu stay on the outside land Big Shots ladies and gentlemen referee Keith Peterson is called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes 17 seconds of the second round declar the winner by TKO Walken new go go oh