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[Music] and a lot of fight fans eager to see this version of Cub Swanson this fight clock is brought to you by Modell Swanson in the red Martinez in the white I think the boxing of Swanson is probably what’s going to make the big difference in this fight you see Martinez likes to kick first Swanson likes to get inside the kicks and use his speed with his boxing combinations in angles right the way he moves Cubs very unorthodox he doesn’t come at you with a standard approach and that’s what You’ got to look out for Martinez now look already slips got to be careful and Cub’s got one of the better Guillotines too you got to keep an eye on that Guillotine at all times he’ll slip it in there slick light this is where fight iq’s got to come into play too especially from Martinez with a high pressure situation do you want this Tak down or are you doing it cuz you slipped and you fell into it I’m not saying he can’t grapple with Cubs but is that is that the path to victory that you and your team have laid out certainly striking is the specialty for Martinez seven of his nine finishes by knockout there we go okay that’s what I was waiting for that right hand right handed Cub comes from way outside he explodes real well we’re going to Ang geter back good some peppering the legs moving forward body kick for Martinez and you know what if anything Martinez will throw them just to get on the forearms it’s almost as if he’s attacking the forums right cuz you got to block that look that hurts and we’ve seen down that’s that’s what Cubs got to do here I think this is intelligent even if it’s just to keep Martinez guessing how’s one of the main things he said in the interview we did Felder was that he wanted to show his grappling show his black belt uh keep the pressure in the clinch and use his boxing to set up his takedowns and we’re seeing it early in this fight wow beautiful reversal though from Martinez nice job by Martinez he’s got a Dar here if he wants to go for it well he doesn’t have it you know what I mean he’s in the position to potentially set it up got to watch the knees here Martinez the knee is down and doing that on purpose being smart here he’s going to wait for the right opportunity to explode upy ech Swanson back to his feet and back at space as they return to the center of the [Applause] Octagon the left kick of Martinez that’s the big weapon it’s so heavy that’s what I like about that left kick of Martinez it’s not Snappy yeah it’s got a little snap to it but man it’s he’s one of those kickers that you hear that like he thuds into you when he when he lands man both guys Landing some good shots here CU always initiating like car crash is the way I would say cup fight he certainly has a style unique to himself hands low starting to move a little bit that’s normal for Cub that’s how he fights l hey use your footwork crack back there Jonathan he’s trying to sa love now there’s a lot of uh things that need to be answered though what what was that cut like for him how will it affect him he might say he feels great but he’s not going to know that until he performs cut usually won’t hit you if you come down until like second third round you might feel it you know but in this first round I think we’re not going to see too much of that but he’s fundamentally exploding from the outside and using his speed something Cub’s always done real well with the right hand and the left hook just explodes in nice check yeah that you heard that are going to hurt for a little while afterwards that’s one of those checks that split Shin open man and Martinez just staying very busy with that left kick and keeping it on that right forearm of swans hey let’s finish strong in the round we got to set off first final 40 seconds of the first round Johson goes to the body that time we see try to split the guard with the straight right thr the left hook to start Martinez puts together a combination yeah now we’re Landing guys are throwing now got him with the left knee gz caught him with the knee sets him down now he’s trying to find the Finishing Touch final 10 seconds of the Round Here cup trying to hang on here probably make it out of this round though yeah it looks like oh to the body swansson trying to hang on there’s the horn Herb Dean let him go second round coming up okay this is the end of round one Martinez with a huge knee drops Cub goes in for the Finish now herban gave him every chance and he made it through and a veteran and he’s been there done that and I think that’s a guy you let for sure fight out that round as long as he’s still intelligently defending which I believe it was enough but it was close man if there was five more seconds I think the fight’s over that left kick of Martinez is lethal it really is I mean that that kick right there he throws so well great distance and he throws it so hard cuz what are you going to do d block it you break your arms he’s nasty with it and you’re seeing it right now I mean he’s just bulldozing right now with that kick elbows and the knee he goes kick and then when you come inside he goes left knee and then now he’s just following it up right now pouring it on heavy yeah he’s he’s just he’s a soft spoken guy but man when Martinez gets into this octagon he lets his skill speak for him this is a bandam weight to really keep an eye out and again as long as he can keep that weight under control keep making weight he’s a real Contender I think now Jonathan Martinez has him up against the fence but this is an armed triangle but it’s not quite locked out because the fence now Martinez just takes the top position he’s in half guard and Cub’s looking to you know stay out of the big damage here yeah I think for Cub right you hang on you keep him as close to you as you possibly can right now and try to recover cuz you’re still feeling round one at this point it’s still early in the second [Applause] round this is when you start really questioning right well what do I want to do here do I want to just rush to get back back up to my feet for more of those left kicks do I try to reverse maybe sweep and end up on top is probably what I would think would be your best situation if your Cubs wants him like this try to force yourself into a submission situation or get on top so that you can use your ground and pound and make Martinez give up his necky I want left but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen at the momenty Crossing back down now get your head out I need your head out first I think Martinez’s strength was possibly a bit underestimated in this match up I mean if you think about it from 145 to 135 about 10 lb yeah it’s it’s not a ton of difference but that’s we’re still fast we’re still strong at 135 compared to 145 that 45 you’re just a little bit beefier you’re a little bit stronger or a little bit taller and a little bit longer and that’s why so many 45ers have dropped to 35 because you know the the sport is evolved and 45s are now bigger 35s are now bigger 55s are now bigger 70 Pounders are not bigger so guys are dropping down and everything’s equating itself out Martinez I would say it’s fair to say he’s probably one of the bigger guys in the division as well oh he’s not little he’s not little he’s tall and then you got to remember he’s a southpaw so he even seems longer that kick is there the right hook let’s see if back in this SW SW starting to put some off shots yeah that right hand he can knock out anybody when he sits on it and chooses to throw and that’s what you’re seeing CU decided let his hands go yeah he did he got up and he’s like listen you’re not going to just put me down like that this is good to see from C get a little confidence going but man those kicks time they land I cringe that kick is nice there’s a left hook check 90 90 seconds oh man heavy leg kick that time dude he’s came to the inside that team has got some of the most devastating kicks yeah Chris gutierre that’s what I’m thinking about ex I saw him walk out with him I’m like well between those two guys they’re breaking legs all over the place oh boy again stopped in his tracks you know what though Cubs making this round a fight now the left leg of Swanson is compromised on the inside Tina just keeping him guessing with that left kick yeah Cub has a good poker Pace I think that one hurt a bit between the left high kick the left inside kick and the left te that’s what Martinez is using really well oh man he rolls to his back and that’s going to do it Jonathan Martinez kicks his way to his biggest Victory a leg kick TKO rare as it may be will go down as a win to remember for the dragon let’s take a look again just smashing the inside of that leg he’s such a dynamic Striker like Dom said from that Southpaw position which already makes him extremely more dangerous than if he was even Orthodox from there you see Cub just I mean this is even unnecessary that leg kick did it all Bravo four straight in the win column for Jonathan Martinez well ladies and gentlemen the end comes officially 4 minutes 19 seconds round number two your winner by T KO Jonathan Dragon Martinez