ESPN MMA’s Marc Raimondi interviews Jorge Masvidal ahead of Gamebred Bareknuckle MMA’s first world championship fight …

Mark remind you for ESPN joined today by the BMF the OG gamebred jge mazal it’s always going to talk to you Jorge where are you right now by the way you’re not you’re not on the East Coast you’re not in Miami you’re you’re you’re far from home where are you far from home my brother I’m in the west coast um in Vegas getting some training in um the funnest in the world to do as a physical activities for me is is just get in fight shape man it’s it’s a it’s a daunting task it’s a lot of discipline a lot of sacrifice for eight nine weeks down the road it is like the best feed in the world when you can just fly when you could just run when you could just do whatever the workout is and not even sweat you know so uh I’m excited always to to get myself in top shape I don’t have a fight or nothing you know I’m hunting heads daily but you know I want to be in shape when that that phone call comes around okay I do I do want to ask you about that but I know where you’re going to be in a few days this weekend right you’re going to be in Orlando Florida it’s gamebred bare knuckle MMA Junior dos Santos versus Alan beler heavyweight title huge fight maybe the biggest so far for you game Brad what are you most excited about going to this weekend obviously Alan Bel and Junior do Santos um we had our own tournament we had uh Junior dos anges versus Fabish shum a couple months ago last year should actually um and then uh we had Roy Nelson versus Allen Bel in a very competitive good fight and here we go the cream Rose to the top now these two are going to throw down these two are veteran freaking brawler maer guys you know JDS to box very well movies head and all that but at the end of the day he likes to knock people dead man he’s gonna come looking for the Finish he always has think he has the the size advantage on belter but belter has a couple advantages coming in this fight um he’s eight and0 I think at bar Nole boxing right now then you add in that one fight against Roy nine and0 so he definitely has the experience bar knuckle wise and adding has approved so much he’s not the same guy that that was in like especially when it comes to Bar up he does a lot of little things on his feet like very small very high in detail how he pivots with his hands up and as soon as they make contact with him he releases real well so on the inside he’s very dangerous guy um and obviously he’s gonna have to get inside JDS has a reach this is what I’m thinking I haven’t talked to Allan I haven’t talked to JDS this just me speculating you know so I I think at one point JDS ain’t gonna be moving so much Allan’s gonna stand right there hunting him and it’s going to fireworks man this is going to be a fight to look forward to um also on the card Alex the KO machine Nicholson versus the vanilla gorilla Chase shman if any of the people hearing this or watching this have seen any of those two fight you know what you’re in for it they they’re both pretty much the same dude they’re coming for the kill every time they have uh no caution or the win type factors they’re just going the whole time you know so I’m interested to see that one as well that that’s uh for a very high ranking over at the organization Maybe number one contendership uh spot depending on how they perform you know so it is our biggest night to dat and also we are going to be streaming live we just landed a major deal deal on right and we gonna be dropping bombs on because now you go there watch the open workouts the freaking backstage drama the near fist fights that be happening in my events and sometimes fist fights um you catch all that a kick now and the fights and the ring girls and all that you want to see so please check us out as we’ll be going live March 2nd Orlando Florida K Center we got 11 X UFC guys taking the gloves off to put it all on the line I talk you like this because you know MMA you gotta be you know you got you know you got to have your mind right when you’re doing that these guys are taking these gloves off and they’re going to put it all in the line to chase their dreams to make money for themselves and their family and freaking to fight bur up it’s a different thing man it’s a Raj form of the sport and um I love it you know we ain’t doing nothing gimmicky we’re not putting people in like phone booth or something crazy you know it’s just it’s ra as it gets combat taking the gloves off we’ve seeing the submission rates go up seeing obviously the cuts and Knockouts go through the roof not a lot of stalling um I stand firm behind this MMA be knan is it’s we got a lot of heat coming in this one got big wave of people that have tuned in so uh when we did Junior dos Santos versus fa I know I’ve told you about before but we had about 80,000 people watching live um at the end of that stream was a five hour stream we had a million people that’s up that shows we’re a million people to keep them watching anything for five hours the out of here man it’s a movement and it’s not just America South America it’s the whole world because they love it you know you you you going into the NBA fin the Super Bowl 3,000 if people fist fight in the parking lot on the way to your VIP seats you’re going to stop and you’re gonna watch that fist fight imagine now you got Killers two killers that are taking off the gloves properly match because we ain’t doing that ass match making and doing these other organizations we’re letting the cream rise to the top let’s go who’s good here we could have done fa over here against some taxi cap driver from slania and we could have done um junor Los s is another taxi cap driver from I don’t know where and we could have had him you know but now we said bro let’s Let The creen Rise let’s get the biggest bestest hardest fights that we can from the gate and just whatever happens happens and now we got JDS versus Alan Bel you kidding me I gotta I gotta ask you H did you watch UFC Mexico last weekend did you see that fight in the crowd did you see this guy was one guy got two that guy got a left hand gold the is K D like he’s just knocking we see him maybe you’re GNA find him and get him in game bre bear knuckle you know why not man that’s not a bad idea you know but first we have to see if he had some type of training because if all he has is that left these are gonna kill him but you know we’d have to match him up right I guess if he wanted to do something like that you know but he had a nice left man you know but obviously the two guys that he put it on they were you know taxi cap driver is looking you know no offense to taxi cap driv I’m some badass taxi cap driv but you know what I mean about you can’t you can’t teach power you can’t teach power a man had power I I have to ask you um also last weekend your your boy your training partner Johnny Evelyn fought I want to ask you about this because you were telling me and other people about Johnny Elin years ago he wins this huge fight against Z kangai he is the champion of champions the Bellator pfl you know whatever you want to call it is he the best middleweight in the world let me tell you something um for starters shout out to impa man because I really thought Johnny was going to be able to just wear him out submit him by like round two and uh impa has improved so much because I saw this guy in the UF you know and then um I saw him leave and in just this in like the short I don’t know one year two year period that he’s been ATF he’s improved so much in in all aspects wrestling defensively offensively everything you know so hell of a performance for for impa I think um though he didn’t get the decision I think maybe like the best performance of his career in a way you know um knowing how good Johnny is and how amazing this guy is you know and he he had a off night but guess what he just kept hitting that turbo button I keep telling everybody he has different gears man he can put that thing in fourth and fifth and keep it there and uh not take anything from impa but if it goes in fourth fifth round it was gonna lean heavily towards Johnny man just very heavy because that that’s his Pace that’s his like a standard Pace he’s gonna go at that Pace the whole time and if you don’t hurt him like impa did and put him away you got to real life problem because you get also cracked you know we’re finding out so if you ask me I think he’s the best met in the world man and I can’t wait for for that moment to come up and obviously I hope sooner than later not like 10 years from now I’m hoping that uh he can compete against uh the world’s best you know and and make americ top team proud let’s go because he’s from American top team from amateur all the way to world champion bro don’t around with us bro so you’re in Vegas and you’re training and you say you don’t have a fight yet but there was a report a few weeks ago maybe even a few months ago now that it’s going to be you and Nate Diaz BMF rematch in boxing true false I can’t I can’t deny or confirm all I can tell you is that I’m getting ready for some type of combat and and uh it’s it’s going to be in the boxing room I don’t I don’t know this or that or who it’s going to be or this and that you know maybe I’ll slap up that little tail son and I love to slap I’ll do tail look I’ll do you like this bro you get the biggest paycheck of your life one two I’ll do one hand bro you pick the hand that you don’t want me to use I I won’t use I just keep it up pop up or put in the contract that if I throw this hand offensively you get like a bonus or something bro you’re bum I would love the theate fight to tell you the truth um just because I you know donate said some things that hurt my feelings a lot after the fight you know like he called me a coward and that I was looking for a way out to quit going until fourth or fifth round like you don’t say that cuz I ain’t never in my life tapped ever in all my 50 fights I got to sleep twice I had the option of tapping guess what I didn’t do tap never in my life happened so if somebody call me a quitter or a coward it’s like oh man and we get to fight again so that be obviously my my most sought out after fight that I want and then I get to put an end to that of the the referee but what what happens if we were to box and he gets all cut up you know is you going to say again that’s what I’m trying not to even cut him up just electrocution so boxing for now but do you think do you think you you might at some point jump back in the MMA game I saw you and Justin gatei kind of going back and forth a little bit with the BMF I’m not going back and forth with him I I respect the style I think he’s a great fighter he’s he’s like a cryptonite to a lot of good Grapplers because he could grapple real well defensively he’s got great offense you know um with the hands with the feet I think he’s a great fighter but also them whoop his ass I don’t know why somebody style and I like his style you know because he comes to fight he’s not coming to score points and you know he’s coming to fight and and the so those are the fights that that I like and excit me and then they’re calling him the BMF so more than anything it’s like for that you know and plus he also um got a victory with my brother man Dustin is like my little brother love that dude I thought he was winning the fight he got clipped you know so I wouldn’t mind bring that belt back there you know few last things man and thank you for taking the time out really appreciate it and again of course game bre bar notle MMA this weekend Saturday it’s it’s a big one uh last time we spoke it was before the Colby Covington versus lean Edwards fight so I haven’t I haven’t asked you about this yet what did you think of of your your former friend slash current Rivals performance against Leon Edwards Kobe comington they like dog bro they like dog to me man you know that that that’s another dude the reason why I going to stay around in MMA just to break his face and it’s going to happen I just know you know we’re going to get the scrapping in I’m not saying today or tomorrow but eventually it’ll happen I’ll break this guy’s job in the in the UFC again you think you and in the UFC or you know parking out of KFC I don’t know it’s gonna happen brother that’s all I 39 00:11:51,919 –> 00:11:55,159 know by the way I I don’t think I’ve asked you about this in a while because you and Leon Edwards were at one point it seemed like you were destined to fight each other in the UFC and he’s done really well over the last few years like any respect for the guy now or how do you how do you feel about him now you know part of me always have respect for him because he was on a nice winning streak you know he was like I don’t know number 10 or something I got offer Darren till was number three and I was like if it wasn’t Darren I would have fought him in England instead of Darren but obviously I fought I I chose for the higher name the higher ranking so was Darren till he was like number three at the time in the world so it’s not like I didn’t have respect for him but that that doesn’t take away from I could respect somebody but you can’t come punking me dog you ju you just can’t it’s not gonna happen bro you know and then from there everything went sour and I’m like I don’t give a you wanted to you wanted to be like that it could be like that you know I don’t uh have any dislike for him as far as his skills goes he has skills he could be boring as at times but he has a lot of skills you know and he’s definitely doing his thing I can’t talk nothing but positive about him as far as his performances going in the ring he’s doing this thing you know beat two guys that that uh beat me you know so I can’t on a on a skill-wise level say anything bad the guy’s doing great bro you know it’s just on a man a man person to person thing like right now I’m doing this interview somebody comes cutting you off and saying no come do an interview with me master do and you don’t check his ass right then and there they gonna do that to you your whole life I just gave that little piece of wisdom out those listen you stop a bully right in the tracks no I see no no no it’s right then and there what’s the problem I’mma fix it bam you know and that’s what happened bro and he probably regrets it that he cut off the wrong at my interview time they’re interviewing me the you doing in here you know two last things I want to run by you one I did an interview recently with Seth Rollins from WWE and it it went a little viral because he I asked him is there anyone in the UFC who could cross over and and do WWE at a high level and he said there’s nobody he said there’s no one that exists that could do it because UFC fighs don’t have the stamina that Pro PR wresters have as far as the travel and the matches and everything you’re you’re good friend Val L Lola Vice in WWE she’s already kind of made that transition very successfully what do you think of those comments that he made who who made the comments Seth Rollins like one of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion like of this generation yeah yeah he’s current okay um I’m not trying to dis the dude because I’m know WWE like that you know but I have met a lot of guys that participated in that and a lot of guys that competed in that for like several several years you know um a lot of them are big fans of MMA and have come over to the gym and spend a lot of time with us so I Know It’s a Grind I’m not I’m not going to say what they do is not a grind because they’re they’re getting beat up every day they’re traveling they’re getting dunked on their necks on the shoulders you know it’s it’s it’s a ring that has a lot of spring and I’ve been in it numerous times I’ve done some some WWE stuff not like at a high level but I’ve been in the ring and and I’ve done it so I kind of you know got a feel for and they’re they’re hitting each other you know not always hard but it happens you know clubbing each other and stuff um so that being said no bro are you crazy stupid bro is that guy stupid has you heard of bro like a guy like Joel Romero like what the are you talking about you crazy Brock Lesnar is a wrestler that that got into pro wrestling you come from wrestling you know so it’s like a lot of these MMA guys come from wrestling so if Brock could do it of course you know you know and and though it’s like rigorous and a lot of you know you’re getting beat up it’s not like MMA beat up F you know their traveling is a lot though they travel like a but there’s nothing like you wrestle on the Monday morning for like two hours go all out then you go you know you do your pads at night you do some strength condition then you finish out the night with a nice run boom you go the next Tuesday Morning sping and now you get whacked in your knee and your knees pointed this right now guess what though you still got strength and condition at night and the r you feel me and then Wednesday guess what you got wrestling again in Jiu-Jitsu and somebody’s trying to wreck that same leg that you can’t even walk on you know so our sport I’m telling is contact every day I’m not trying to diss nobody else’s sport if we’re talking about contact and wear and tear look no further it’s obvious we we we’re you know the only way to sharpen the metals by okay I got one last thing for you this is an important one because the UFC is coming back to Miami in a few weeks actually it’s next week UFC 299 Shaun Ali versus chido Vera and you’re the you’re Mr 305 you know you you when people think of Miami and MMA they think of Jorge mazal does sha Ali does he get the Jorge mazal stamp of approval to headline this Miami card is he is he the right guy for this card oh both of them I I personally love Cheeto everybody knows I’ve been rocking early YC fights uh know him personally would call him a friend and uh a great human being man I really like this kid a lot he has a great work ethic he he is what you see you know getting after every day giving it his best to provide for his family you know and he’s a a proud Latin like myself he’s an immigrant so I love this man and um the Sean man Sean’s good bro Sean’s good so I definitely give these guys be approving Sean’s a showman he gets people doing this talking whether you love that dude or hate that dude he gets people talking about him brings B to the sport he has a great style that’s never born you know he’s always exciting great athlete that being said I I got my money on Cheeto That’s My Boy even the first time you know I know it was very controversial but I’m G put my money again I’m G stay right now on your show youc Miami Cheo do you think do you think the UFC kind of needs on Ali to become the next big star because McGregor is coming back this year maybe we think we don’t know what his future is going to be you you been coming back for like five years yeah and you’ve moved on like Nate Diaz we don’t know what his future is the biggest stars are kind of moving on do do you think the UFC needs M to kind of step into that spot and be one of the big pay-per-view draws for them yeah as far as like somebody coming through and and and doing that I could see Miley becoming that guy you know but obviously there there’s there’s there’s a lot of hurdles and those hurdles are beating big names getting out there he definitely has a personality for it man I think he’s a he’s a movie every time I’m watching even how he does his advertisement of products and like that it’s hilarious you know and he could fight which is the best thing you can back it all up so I definitely think he’s a star is just that to to remain you know winning and not get murdered by the elite of the elite that’s the real battle right there you know so if you can beat the Elite of the elite like Cheo right now guy that’s beating him in the pass and that is a top guy in the world you know after that still a Gauntlet of killers you know of animals out there this guy Mar problem get mother the Energizer Bunny H he just keeps coming and coming like okay you get you beat that guy that’s how you become a star you know what I’m saying you you get by tieto something happen and you beat head off your stock takes off now you’re you know people are buying that paper you left and right you know awesome B thank you so much man again speaking a pay-per-view catch my March 2 Orlando Florida Kia Center free as check my out perfect poor thank you so much man maybe the next time we chat it’ll be about your fight your own fight yes it will yes it will brother