Rewatch the full fight between Justin Gaethje vs Dustin Poirier 2 ahead of Gaethje’s fight against Max Holloway at UFC 300 on …

for this fight crazy all right BMF belt fight underway Dustin porier out of that southp dancing black Justin gatei is in one good body kick early there from porier gatei said his last fight was a little bit too patient he can’t get behind porier like he did for porier is going to be in his face always trying to get at him Dustin does his best work with his hands O O J does great work with his legs and His Hands he was 50 of 5 seven on his leg kicks in the first fight Dustin has such outstanding boxing great defense a great High guard does a really good job of blocking punches with his elbows and his forearms his timing Dustin has great timing I asked Charles Olivera I say Charles Olivera of all the guys who is the hardest puncher he said gatei hands down I was very surprised because porier seems to have the more fling strikes he said poier had better timing but he said when gaii hit him it stunned him every time nice body shot and the land upstairs by gatei gatei acknowledged just how defensively sound porier was this week G she landed a very solid low kick there and that was a key to his success in the first fight until he got caught he chopped at those legs gaii now attacks the body Gate’s doing a weird I mean when he’s blocking those body kicks is almost taking his arms to his head and dropping it that’s why you saw porier try to show him the knee yeah twice twice he’s done that under three minutes round one beautiful straight right from gatei [Applause] oh continues to stalk his prey and that’s what he’ll be doing the entire fight walking forward trying to trap gaii make him oh good right hand by gaii gatei looks phenomenal right now you’re seeing a different gaii from the first fight you’re seeing a more patient more tactical gate you well and that’s what you said before right you said Justin was a little reckless back [Music] then here’s another good low kick by gaii he’s having good success with that low kick and he has wild flexibility in his hips where he can land those low kicks in tight quarters even in the clinch he lands oh good left hand Dustin does a great job of rolling with strikes so when he’s when he’s getting attacked he’s just kind of hit giving you his shoulders and they’re kind of deflecting the shots good straight left there by Dustin yeah that really bothered the left eye of gaii trying to Blink it out under 2 minutes round one of a possible five he got stoed he got done that left eye really bothering Justin Early in the fight nice jab from gaii beautiful jab for with a big moment and again a little duck down by gatei nearly caught that knee of [Music] [Applause] porier [Applause] oh another solid low kick by gatei he’s chopping away at that leg and that mirrors the success he had in the first fight yep and again you see that raiseed guard of porier that shot from gatei got through gai’s cut over the left eye another factor to consider just engage got his nose fixed he had a deviated septum for a long time and we saw what a massive effect that had on tus dupc it’s a huge factor to be able to breathe out of your nose well drink his dupc just finished Rober Whitaker I mean yeah everybody should have no surgery because nobody finishes Robin Whitaker I think there was a lot more to it than that but yeah for sure yeah but I mean it was a factor it was a factor Ki goes High porier able to defend final round strong low kick on that right leg and Dustin is heavy on that kick or excuse me heavy on that front leg oh oh right hand by G great round great round and what a treat to watch those power Corners Trevor Whitman and Mike Brown work between rounds round two Mike Brown certainly picking up on that duck down of gatei they believe the knee will be there Trevor Whitman loved what he saw at a gatei in that first got to be the only time in Justin Gate’s career he’s heard chance of the opponent left hand connection for Justin up top and again Dustin has really benefited from not only his fight style but those two wins over Conor McGregor you beat Conor McGregor man your level of starter really raises and Dustin porier with all the skills and those victories is a Bonafide star gatei fans being heard from now about a minute gone by round two oh just in Cas she head kicks Dustin into the stratosphere and wins the BMF belt oh my goodness oh my goodness Justin gatei has done it in Salt Lake with a h head kick wow wow wow and we thought that Justin was dipping into the head kick that head kick was nasty by gatei wow outstanding outstanding sir he just came over and said that was so sweet and it was Undisputed may be next but he’s the baddest mother eff for tonight get any better than that Utah does something for head kicks boy do I mean two years in a row two main events right it did like that that’s crazy crazy Dustin porier is now back to his feet but what a way for Justin gatei to even this series at one wow wow that is crazy I want to see that again let’s take a look at that again I want to watch it bad I mean I think that was the first high kick you through the first round but the guy blocked it oh that’s right he blocked it in the first round that’s right let’s see it here we go dipped oh he didn’t oh what a the arm it’s perfect perfect herd with the slide oh her look at this oh my good he actually got a hit it went around the hand it was perfect it was perfect look at this again Hey Joe cuz when it’s perfect you don’t have to get all the the foot can get him yep and that’s exactly what happened there and he did it behind the punch he stuck the punch out there and he threw the kick it’s reminiscent Le Edwards did yes let’s see it again did he throw did he throw his right hand out there before yes he threw his right oh my goodness let’s see it one more time I mean he literally did it exactly how Leon did it oh he did is the same exact kick same exact kick oh my good just on the other side oh my goodness amazing amazing wow drooling all over myself Justin gatei with the back flip to punctuate one of the biggest wins of his career and now following the fight against Charles Olivera he has strung together a win over rapael FIV and an otherworldly stoppage of Dustin porier ladies and gentlemen referee Herb Dean is call a stop to this contest at 1 minute of round number two declared the winner by KN and now the new BMF fin the winner J the high [Applause] a