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Kamar Usman buying to successfully defend his belt for a fifth time against the Challenger kobby Covington Covington in white Usman is in the black and gold be fitting a [Applause] champion already you see Covington a little more cautious not just rushing into Usman right as the fight [Applause] starts early land for Usman I think that is where Usman has made big changes his jab is so effective he may have he dropped Gilbert Birds to retain his title with the jab to finish it the right hand that he landed on Jorge mazal though that changed a lot of people’s opinions cuz mazal is a very skillful Striker and to see kamaro KO him with one punch Covington felt like at times in that first meeting with Usman he was fighting emotionally his hands were down he is vowed to have a high tight guard and maybe get back to the wrestling we’ll see I think the wrestling is if anything is going to drain the gas tank quicker than the first fight that’s probably going to be it another Factor could be let there goes trying to make CT pay for the first attempt got to hold the neck look at this and and honestly even that right Usman with a great takedown defense but even that for Kobe Covington is a win because it it introduces wrestling to the story of the fight Usman with the pressure that power advantage that Usman has is huge the fact that he can knock you dead with one shot and Kobe has power but it’s just not it’s not the same we have not seen that kind of one punch power from Kobe kamaru is very aware that he could shut the lights out and generally you want to sprawl that taked down Joe Kobe beat him to the leg so much that kamaro had to actually do a chest wrap to roll him through so that is a big victory for Covington but great job by the champion staying true to who he is pretty good left hand connection a moment ago by Covington who did not attempt a single takedown in that first meeting already showing some wrestling early tonight and much more patience and the champ Usman is doing a good job of controlling the center changing levels and fighting behind that beautiful jab that he has Dean Thomas what he got watch for Kobe to switch stances you see how he’s going Orthodoxy I think he wants access to that cap kick because he doesn’t have a good cap kick from his South ball stance but every time he switches watch watch for him to go for that c KCK good read Dean thank you three minutes gone by rman connects Kobe connected there with the left hand nice little left hand and tight right there by Covington he missed with the left the right hook behind it but that was the first time they came together and if you remember fight number one Covington had a lot of success in those close ranges oh beautiful take down there by user beautiful timing scramble Kobe gives up his back both guys have already attempted more takedowns than they did in the first fight great level change there by Usman using that power to take Covington down 50th career Tak down for Usman Covington already in that [Applause] club I was able to talk to both of these guys and the build up to the fight and Usman told me for as fun as the fight was he was in there smiling having a good time he doesn’t have many of those in his career so he has to be smarter and Covington same sentiment got to be more aware more cautious in my Approach and you see it [Applause] already the [Applause] power yeah seems to be a power and also strength discrepancy comington now cut underneath his right eye it’s that rare balance that Usman possesses where he he’s got strength but he also has cardio I he keep a tremendous Pace but still has that amazing ability to [Applause] explode [Applause] and that cut not getting any smaller Covington Landing just 23% of his offerings in this opening round good job good job all right round two you ready you ready let’s go fight [Applause] gentlemen the Covington Corner was repeating that he has to stay at a plan Don’t Stray continue to do what we train oh good left hook by [Applause] kamaru usan just seems so much more comfortable with his power now yeah it’s that jab man and when you when you develop it and you start to find that true confidence in it he’s willing to stand in there and we also talked about this before he knows he can take Toby’s best shot but Kobe wasn’t able to take his so he’s willing to go through one in order to get the [Applause] coven yeah I mean he is just teeing off when Kobe gets close and these are big Power shots and this is not the kind of pace that’s going to drain that no is they’re staying on the outside and Kobe has felt the sting of that power so he’s not willing to just Wade right into the fire not like he did last night right so every time he does close the distance Camaro’s waiting with some bombs one thing that we talked about on the way over here me and Dean Thomas was kamaro did a lot of body punching in the first fight and that allowed him to really dig and wear Covington down to this point he’s kind of been head hunting good KNE of the body by Covington there’s another one but it’s making Covington so much more cautious yes and you you don’t see this style of Covington from other people when he’s when he’s competing against other people he threw 541 strikes against Robbie law forward punch exactly and attempted so many take Downs oh see shots like right there it’s the punishing shots there’s just a big difference there smirks after up on her right hand kington landed a left hand in there and Usman acknowledged it but he also just threw a big shot right after it now here’s the danger Kobe wants to throw that outside cap kick but every time he goes conventional Usman almost Smiles because he knows that he can line him up and get to [Applause] [Music] him comington goes high but Usman once again raising That Right Guard another thing to take into consideration is that usman’s been more busy more active between those two years he’s had oh look at [Applause] this’s got his shoulder so he’s not allowing Covington to get his hands locked if you’re coming to me and you want to change that angle you got to rush to the opposite side now he’s got that shoulder clear he’s going to have to drop to a single leg there it is now he’s got the single now he’s got to get Usman moving but usman’s doing a real good job of making him pay for trying to get this Tak [Applause] down nice shoulder strikes there Clos by The Champ under 90 seconds to go in the [Applause] round front kick up the middle by The Champ more kicks this time from Usman Covington’s doing a much better job of being patient but he’s not finding nearly as much success as he did in the first fight he he also looks a little hesitant in these exchanges when he’s throwing the punches it looks like he’s worried anticipating getting fired back on very different than that first fight and when you fight a guy like Usman who has such great takedown defense a lot of those takedowns well nobody’s taking him down yet but if you’re going to take him down you got to catch him in the middle of an exchange whenever his hands up and he’s not prepared for you to change levels on it masss comington he hurt him bad Kobe’s in deep trouble deep trouble comington with a desperation shot late in the [Applause] [Music] round a huge close to round two for the champ massive shot to the body there too Covington though seemingly so present and so focused and so wanting this Championship that he responded immediately all right let’s go fight after both of those knockdowns but we’ll see the extent to which he has recovered after a huge huge round for R you know earlier we talked about the straight right hand of Usman becoming the key punch Southpaw versus conventional but when he throws that right hand he can drop that left hook right after it that same shot that hurt Covington in the last round and that first fight was such a grueling Affair but honestly Joe as you know Fighters only have so many of those in their careers and then you start to lose the ability to take the damage we never saw Kobe get hurt like that by kamaru till around five fight one we’ve seen him hurt twice now in the first two yeah but I I really think kamaru is better now I mean I think the the work with oh oh nice combination Byington I think the work with Trevor Whitman is paid off you see it in the way he’s moving deliberate faint of a shot and then yeah beautiful land over the top keeps changing that Target for Covington to he’ll go to the leg maybe touch the leg then he’ll come up with the right hand he’ll throw the jab it’s just also at this pace he can do this All Night Long yeah I mean he’s not getting tired at all from this and it allows him to have full power whenever these exchanges do take place and he gets the crank one off on kobby he’s not diminished at all kton is going to have to take more chances Joe even if I know I know the danger in this I know the danger in Taking Chances but you got to do it if you want a chance especially if he intends to try to steal takedowns in there because this right here it doesn’t work against this new kamaro Usman he’ll just pick you apart and he surprised that Usman wasn’t a touch more aggressive at the beginning of this round given the damage after the previous round guys I think he wants to feel it out and find out and I also think that he thinks that Kobe’s going to make those mistakes of winding up with like that winding up with those big shots and leave the big openings and in those big openings Camaro’s going to fire one straight down the middle there’s a shot again good top control by kamaro Usman takes a lot of Pride that 100% takedown defense that’s pretty C so how hard he’s I mean to be 14 fights into the UFC career never given up a take down is crazy coming him back to his feet greeted with the left hand about 2 minutes here to go in round three wearing it on his face now but this is where I believe that if you’re Covington you got to make Usman a little bit uncomfortable to make him start to load up we saw it in the mazal fight before he knocked him out it got a little hectic and he was loading up and he was throwing wild shots but when he’s composed when he’s going at his Pace like this he just sets you up he’s seeing everything in finding his opportunities to put this damage on ph C nice kick to the body there by the [Applause] champ Covington has had some connections in this round but they’ve been few and far between this has been his best round to this point where he’s gotten off the left hand a couple times he’s landed a couple Jabs he just hasn’t been able to get the sustained success we saw the first time these two fought and Usman doesn’t look tired at all doesn’t look fatigue beautiful jab there by C oh there they go jab it a straight right for rman if I was in K’s corner I would be really wanted to see some kicks to the legs especially when he goes back conventional [Applause] those outside [Music] kicks ooh couple shots from comington and now a right hand Usman rolls with it pretty well there it is you see it yeah there it is you saw what happened there it was in it was in The Exchange that he got the Tak down that was massive good job good job good job that was massive for C in the exchange he got Kamal think striking changed levels and got the take down good job good job good J good job so the two-time United States Olympian Daniel Cormier does not wield enough power to change with our statisticians I don’t know how to count a Tak down I mean it’s impossible I mean that’s a Tak down man so how is it possible that they’re overriding you I I I don’t know Joe they’re better they know wrestling better they want more are you hearing that yeah they’re saying he did not maintain enough control for it to count DC your thoughts when you’re behind somebody those two knees go to the mat that’s two that’s two that’s two that’s two kids uh Dean Thomas what do you have sir all I want to say is I think DC is right that was a take down that was that was a taked down oh oh my goodness picking up the pace here this fourth round this is different oh nice jab there by comington and how do you not admire the resolve of Kobe Covington after what happened at the end of round two to get right back in this fight mentally and he’s [Applause] smiled but he is throwing everything into these punches [Applause] too that’s one thing we’ve seen from tomarrow that we haven’t seen much he’s kicking much more tonight than he usually [Applause] does oh good jab but now the champion is more active right you always talk about Covington and his ability to push a pace right now he’s fighting a smarter fight but I believe that he needs to be a little more Reckless just caused chaos as he did at the end of that round which led to a take down and oh big shot by Colby and the comington corner calling for him to follow it up move forward but look at those big exchanges right it’s a little more dirty a little less technical Gman lands over the top that’s the thing about Usman he’s gotten so much better at just staying composed in the face of the fire oh oh my goodness [Applause] oh beautiful body shot there by Usman nice take down a tip by Kobe Kobe’s corner is so worked up right now I I really don’t know how he understands him does Kobe speak Portuguese good probably enough that’s a good question they’re actually speaking English champ we have enough problem doing that under two minutes here to go round four it’s that beautiful accent oh good left hand there by Kobe beautiful Left Hand much more success on the feet from Covington [Applause] now but they’re like the strikes are land one and then wait a bit when in F oh [Applause] and Kobe Covington is as tough as anybody in the world so if he needs to go forward and and pressure he can but you can see him trying to be more calculated in his approach good kick to the body by KOB that was huge oh nice shot by C and now a short left dman returns fire good shot by the Challenger that’s what I’m speaking about the when I talk about Usman when he tries to load up it’s almost like his head goes down and he doesn’t see his Target anymore he’s getting tense yes he gets tense exactly Jo perfect word oh he stung him again Kobe stung him there oh again yeah Kobe’s tried to lead elbow three or four times and he’s come up a little bit short usman’s got to start to control the engagements again as he did early in the fight I think those kicks to the body hurt him too yep coming to a one point was landing at just 23% now 33% he’s really found that flow on the feet still just a one strike discrep here as we count it down with the final 30 seconds of round four Kobe really making the champ work now oh oh good shot [Applause] oh o oh my goodness Fifth and Final Round you ready ready go Final 5 minutes for the Undisputed UFC Welterweight Title and at least in some part the 10th round that these men have competed against each other in mixed martial arts and for a rivalry of this magnitude you want to see him fight over an extended period of time as they enter in the round 10 between the two of them and if you’re Covington managing risk will be key so two of the three judges that are scoring this fight did work that first meeting and they had dissenting opinions Derek L had a 3-1 for Usman salamano had a 3-1 for Covington going into that Fifth and Final Round Eric Cologne had it 22 he’s not working tonight soer there’s that jab yep there’s that jab [Applause] ofman oh right hand starting to touch oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh comington starting to land oh my goodness now he shoots the uppercut of Kobe Covington is giving tomorrow problems because it’s coming behind that looping left hand both of these guys have landed big shots in round five Covington leaking a lot of blood interesting decision to go for the taked down there I think he’s just trying to tire kamaru out just attacks him make him work yep it keeps it as an option Usman still behind that beautiful jab man look at him looking down the target popping that jab so in those empty spaces Rogan Usman throwing that jab under three minutes now to decide this fight significant strike numbers have tightened up considerably [Applause] oh Covington masked in blood but undeterred Kobe had some good success that last round with that left kick to the body from the Southpaw dance it’s open and [Applause] available when Usman throws that one he puts the jab on you and before he pulls it back he steps in range and then drops the right hand and as you said Joe Kobe was doing a good job with the body kick he needs to go back up under the elbow try to sneak it in the window there oh slipman athletically back to his feed under two minutes not to go that’s about four fights tonight in those big exchanges we’ve seen a fighter slip [Applause] cumington is landed a lot of big shots in both of these fights but hasn’t really landed that seminal blow to put Usman on the ropes yeah never had Usman in the the kind of trouble that usman’s had him Covington supporters being heard from late in the great job getting to the underhook by Usman did a good side of the Octagon that’s your fingers now it’s going to be a dash for the last minute as this has been a very close [Applause] [Music] [Applause] round what a fight yeah Gan back to work on the jab round by round numbers if you can digest them that second round of course in all likelihood a 108 given the two [Applause] knockdowns yeah it has it has to be oh I has to be at least a 108 yeah with two knockdowns that was really close to being over there was a fight earlier in the night that they had a couple knockdowns and he didn’t scored a fight 10 I I don’t know which one it was but it it’s hard a lot of times when it’s a stand up fight judges have relatively tentatively given 10 eight rounds they don’t score as as easily which is crazy cuz we see a lot of rounds when you see somebody get taken down and beaten up you don’t have the r but that you can see perfectly that had to be a he was really close to going out I agree get a do there’s only 40 seconds left and I don’t want you to make a bad decision you know just don’t well I can’t tell you what to say [Applause] but you have who’s M there’s only 40 seconds left please it was an accident but you got to keep your fingers up forward Point them up or close them okay is all right you sure everything’s perfect all right bro all right oh who who who [Applause] who time you ready fight let’s go final seconds of another classic between Usman and [Applause] Covington oh heavy kick late from the champ he threw that one with all of his power look like hington caught him on the way in a little bit Kamar Usman and Kobe Covington Go 25 minutes I like that good job good job much respect much respect ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision the judges score the contest 4847 4847 and 4946 for the winner by unanimous decision and still the Undisputed UFC welterweight champion of the world kabaru the Nigerian Nightmare w [Music] [Applause] B