Jim and Matt use today’s episode of UFC Unfiltered to welcome on a pair of first-time callers in UFC women’s bantamweight Kayla …
[Applause] concise and efficient in performance I want my title [Applause] next welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out [Music] it welcome to UFC unfiltered today Matt Sarah and I will be joined by uh Kayla Harrison what a tremendous uh first fight she had against Holly uh on 300 and um I mean I’m looking forward to talking to I know you’re a big fan we also have Shay Shay danana too uh who’s a comedian from uh British Columbia Canada uh he’s really huge on Instagram and uh he’s very unique guy just like you very oh I don’t know yeah it’s only one Jimmy well yeah luckily one one little creepy Jimmy so they’ll let us know when uh when Kayla gets uh she’s here now oh okay well you want to just uh I guess we could just bring her in we really don’t need to introduce her I mean uh everyone knows who she is and what a very it’s it’s weird to see Holly get so dominated like we’ve seen Holly lose a fight before but to see her so dominated strange yes let’s clap let’s clap let’s clap M Kayla Kayla we are so excited to get to know you and first of all nice to meet you first nice to meet you too I feel like I feel like I already know well I feel like I know a younger version of you because I thank you for that I’m about to be 50 thanks for the gro shot right off the bat I appreciate Ray Ray could not say enough about your personality I’m in love with Ray I was flirting with him a little bit on the bus ride you know just BL eyes yeah I called him baby blue yeah I was said that he goes mat oh You’ love her your personality this girl long you put a spell on longo longo longo loves your personality he goes oh man he goes she’s right up our alley you you love so yeah you guys are like you guys are definitely right up my alley because I so I grew up in Boston and you know I think it’s very similar like the talking the you know like yeah just like I call them massholes so I don’t know what yeah your nickname is yeah that’s a such a great place Boston and there really is a beautiful underlying anger in every inch of Bost underlying ra like hey you Yankees suck you know like just like a little bit everywhere you go yes um when did you leave Boston um I moved down to Florida in 2018 so yeah I was there for like 12 years oh okay what was it to compete you moved to compete yeah I moved to Boston when I was 16 to for the Olympics Jim what is yes you want to go you want to go yeah I was going to ask because what is that process like when when you arrive there I mean it’s such a high stakes thing and people work for so many years to get a shot what is it like when you get there and what type of expectations do you have on yourself and what’s like the psychology of being in this place with all these other athletes in Boston no yeah no in the Olympics oh Olympics um yeah man it was such an amazing experience for me um I so my story is you know a little different I obviously um I was sexually abused by my first Judo coach and so when I moved to Boston um to say I was at Rock Bottom was kind of like it just doesn’t do it justice I was a car wreck of a human being and it took a very long time for me to kind of come out out of that rock bottom and through Judo through my coaches to Pedro through training competing being surrounded by people who loved me having a sense of community and a purpose um you know that saved my life the Pedros they saved my life and the Olympics um walking into the Olympics at 202 you know walking in the opening ceremonies with my best friend feeling the heat of the flame from the Olympic torch on my face like it kind of just symbolized everything that I had been through and everything I had overcome and um yeah it was one of the greatest one of the greatest moments of my life I didn’t I wasn’t even thinking about other athletes like I know you said oh what’s that like but I was like in my own little world just like this bubble of calm cool collected peace just like I just knew I was right where I was supposed to be doing it like I was living out my purpose yeah let me ask you how not to bring up that horrible situation how old were you when that Judo coach took took advantage of you so I um so the grooming began when I I’m I started Judo when I was six and then when I was eight I moved to a more competitive club and so from the ages of eight to 16 um I was sexually abused by that coach so yeah does it make when something like that happens does it make it hard because Judo and any type of martial arts there’s so much physical contact and so much touch does it change the way you view that does it make it feel like something else like and H how do you make that okay in competition when it was so awful when that person was doing that and you still had to train with him um I mean I think that it was it’s such a weird thing because Judo was my Escape but it was also my prison so I had a very weird relationship with Judo and and it wasn’t until I retired that I realized I never loved Judo I just loved winning yeah um but I think that because of mar like you understand martial arts you have to be so present you have to be so in your body like if you’re not focused on what’s Happening you’re going to lose or you’re going to get thrown or armbarred or choked or kicked in the head like something’s going to happen so for me it was almost a a practice of meditation and it was the thing I could do where like especially after the abuse H ended it was a thing I could do where like I didn’t have to think about you know everything that had happened I just focused on the person in front of me now when did you decide to try MMA now because you were already a Juda and uh you know I like say I like saying judica anytime judica I do it you know so when did you want to try when did you say all right I want to fight in a cage yeah was after my second Olympics 2016 I spent like six months on the couch like being the complete opposite of who I had always been like I went from setting an alarm every day and never hitting snooze to like never not setting an alarm at all like not getting out of my pajamas I had never never seen anything on Netflix to like having seen the entire Netflix collection in a matter of months you know like I was like the epitome of couch potato and I was depressed you know I I I had a little bit of that post Olympic depression where it was like I had one goal my whole life and now who the am I and what the do with it what are you moving towards uh exactly what’s what who Am who is Kayla Harrison if she’s not Olympic champion um so I went to a striking class someone was like oh you should try Muay Thai like just to just to work out and um so I went to actually you I’m sure you know Mark deorr in umong yeah so I yeah so I went there and I did like a little pad session and I really liked it I was like I was a fat slob at that point like I had not trained I hadn’t been on the mats I hadn’t done anything so I was like out of breath in like 10 minutes and you know how if you are when you don’t know how to punch and you’re just like and I kept going and about a month after I went to my first barring session and this like little petite thing like front kicked me right to the face and that was it I was like oh I got to do this I’m gonna fight that’s it did you like it or did it did it piss you off so much oh you did okay I loved it I I just loved the aspect of being a beginner again yeah and like because I spent 20 years of my life I mean I’m I’m very much a master of the basics espe like in Judo I feel like in MMA I pride myself on the foundation you know like the basics are kind of who I am and so everything that I won in Judo I learned in the first six months so I spent 20 years doing the same thing over and over and over perfecting it over and over and over again adapting it changing it a little bit a little bit a little bit um so I just love the idea of being a white belt all over again and trying to find a way to implement my game plan against people who knew so much more than me with you I’m a fundamentals freak I’m right there I love the F yeah yeah see I KN see I knew we I knew when you were done with the Olympics because you kind of touched on it what I wanted to ask you too is like because you went into MMA but a lot of athletes like what do they do once they hit that like if you’re not like Mary L or somebody who’s on the you know the wedi Box what’s the next step is it coaching is it is it a lot of frustration or what are most of these people do um well I think for the most part a lot of sports because in the United States like well it depends on what country you’re from first of all like if you’re an Olympian from Russia and you win a medal they give you like a million dollars a house a car and you know um but in the United States um the Olympics isn’t is not a government funded program so it’s all sponsors and I think the majority of athletes go to college I didn’t go to college so Judo is not a college sport it’s not you know NCAA or anything like that so um I really had no idea what I was going to do a lot of some of my friends had gone to college like my best friend Marty um you know she has her Masters in marketing and she actually now works for the LA 2028 games um like she went to school and she pursued Judo at the same time but I was kind of Allin and that left me probably a little bit behind the behind the curve behind the wave after when I was retired from the Olympics uh Jimmy sir I want to bring up Kayla’s UFC debut because let me tell you let me tell you right now my bad I listen I saw the way Holly Holm handled some other um girls with a grappling background the way she handled Ronda Rousey and seen that and then either Mesa take caught her but up until then she was doing well so I was Kayla I was a little familiar with you I seen some glimpses but to be all honest I haven’t seen as much as I should have I listen my that’s all right coming clean I’m coming clean I picked against you I thought it’s okay I no I I know everyone who I can’t just sit didn’t know you didn’t know you know gonna give you one free pass no I’ll take it listen what a what an amazing debut there was no UFC was there any Jitters from going from the other organization to to the UFC was any first because it didn’t look like it or does the Olympics prepare you for that yeah I mean I think think it’s tough because first of all like I love the UFC I am like I’m a company girl now through and through you know very good the level of professionalism the level of excitement the the energy like everyone the employees enthusiasm their kindness like I was just like hell yeah like you know I was riding as you know I was cutting a bunch of Weights so I was kind of just riding that like energy High all week um and it felt a lot like the Olympics not as big because it was one sport and you know the Olympics is 10,000 athletes yeah yeah but it felt very similar like oh here I am this is like what I’ve been training my whole life for I every single part of my story led me to this moment and when I stepped in the cage man like it was just like again calm cool collected like very Zen very like yeah I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing and I think in what in pfl you can’t use elbows right like you seem to really be enjoying using your elbows I think it’s like a such a huge part of the game especially for someone who’s so topheavy like myself you know like I my my ground and pound is probably one of the things I’m known for and I couldn’t even use elbows for 17 16 fights or 17 fights so yeah I I really enjoyed it I enjoyed the whole process I was super like I was super punched to fight Holly not that listen like I fought a lot of tough Fighters but I think it had been a while since I had been excited to to fight like I don’t really fight for money I don’t like I wanted I wanted a challenge and moving promotions fighting for the UFC moving you know moving down 20 pounds fighting a legend of the sport like I haven’t weighed 135 pounds since I was 16 years old so I couldn’t be more Allin you know like this was me like okay I’m putting all my chips on the table like let’s go unfortunate oh sorry gohe I was gonna say how every you know people were worried about your weight cutting F me you know oh she’s strong man I don’t see much fat there I mean what are they doing there are they have to get rid of some muscle I mean how hard was how hard was that weight cut was it absolutely brutal was it better than you thought I mean it was intense you know it was like a 12-week process and um I was really disciplined you know um I have a great team around me my nutritionist my chef like my weight Cuts but like everybody like worked together and I followed the plan you know like adding in you know walking six miles a day or swimming or biking and doing the long boring cardio and slowly bringing down my calories and doing the sauna sessions you know three times a week to acclimate my body like I just was like very disciplined and it was the most disciplined I’ve ever had to be and it actually made me more violent like it made me more do you know what I’m talking about where you’re just like dude like you’re not you’re not gonna like I’m gonna kill somebody you know like I’m gonna kill somebody and then I’m gonna go eat a Burger that’s do there something about those long uh about cutting that weight where you have to get to a certain weight where you it’s a necessity you need those long low intent like you said walking six miles you need that long low intensity um get know that road work in I get to 155 I used to have to start today every day besides my workouts I used to have to start with a 45 minute to an hour low intensity I should feel like I could do it again jog in the morning just to get that pbism going and it was like yo if I was fighting 170 I didn’t need to do that you know what I mean I literally would never yeah same I didn’t ever I never really cut weight I just don’t believe in it I’m not a huge fan of it it’s not something that I want to teach you know I want to teach my daughter or young young Fighters coming up yeah and so yeah it was a big lifestyle change for me and it really like like I said it made me very um like I spent a lot of time alone this camp like fighting is a very lonely Sport and very like you know you’re sitting in SAA alone you’re going for a walk alone you’re swimming in the pool alone you’re riding the bike alone like and you’re just it’s just you and your thoughts and for me it’s like it just became me and God kind of you know like I was just very like in line and like in my purpose and yeah it was just it was great are you a music person when you work out or or or like do you prefer just to like when I drive I I used to listen to talk radio where weird and not music do you like listening to music or would you prefer it to think sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I just yeah it just depends on what the mood is like if I had a if I’m in a good mood and I had a great sparring session then I might be rocking out and yes if I didn’t then I might be punishing Myself by sitting in silence 100% and we’d like to ask you too uh about Fearless Foundation your your foundation which I think is great that you started that because it’s also something that you can carry for many many years and work with for a long long time and and continue helping people um when did you start that and I I think that 10 years he got 10 years in jail this guy um and did how did that feel did you that wasn’t enough or did it feel like at least that was some kind of closure or or no yeah I mean well when that all you know I was very young still when like the FBI got involved he turned served 10 years in federal prison he play guilty um oh wow and that was really mostly my you know I was like I was still a car wreck at that point Looking Back Now I’m grateful that you know there was Justice and like I I’m not a judge I’m not God I can’t decide what’s the right punishment or not but like I’ll never have my childhood back like I’ll never that will never be a thing for me I’ll never be the same again and that’s what happens to victims of sexual abuse they’re never the same again because of that trauma and so my goal with the foundation is really to to help them through that to help parents through that to be a light at the end of the tunnel you know Fearless is all about like helping kids become not victims but and not survivors but thrivers um and we have a book I have a book that I wrote with two psychiatrists from McLean Hospital called fighting back and it uses my story sort of as a guideline like I I kept journals the entire time so it has my journal entries from the time I was you know nine years old 10 years old 15 years old and it has also the experts like kind of breakdown of like this is what grooming looks like this is why kids don’t say anything this is how you these are signs to look for these are ways you can approach your children like right kind of it’s not a textbook and it’s not a memoir it’s kind of like a combination of both and anyone who has kids or is around kids or knows people with kids like they should read it and they should learn about the signs because it’s still very prevalent in in our society and um yeah I think that by educating ourselves and by starting to have a conversation we can start to to reduce the number and hopefully you know I have a very good story I’m one of the lucky ones who went on to to have a good life but you know the majority of kids who suffer from sexual abuse don’t don’t go on to have a good life what’s a sign what’s something parents can look for that like that on the surface they may not know if they didn’t know what it was they wouldn’t know to look for it I mean I think the number one thing is like listen the these aren’t people in trench coats who like Drive white Vans and like offer your kids candy these are everyday people usually very you know predators are charming and charismatic and they groom not just children but families so not like that you need to be head on a swivel because you have to live your life and and you know you have to trust people but I think about it this way right like you would not give you the keys like you wouldn’t just like walk up to some guy and give the keys to your car to him and say all right take it for a spin you know right bring it back safe so like why would you ever leave your child with someone you don’t know UNS supervised and say hey make them the next Tiger Woods make them make them the next whatever Holly home like you wouldn’t like don’t don’t do that don’t trust people that much you know I’m listen I got three three daughters I’m with you on that and also put them in martial arts teach them how to whoop some oh my my daughter just had a match the other day 15 years old and uh it was a super fight versus another teenager at an MMA event in a cage oh it was so it lifted you would have liked it it was like a young Kayla Harris oh you gotta send it to me I wna see she won yeah I’ll show you a clip it was so great but I was so I was so happy about I’m so proud um Kayla when you’re not fighting okay you I want to know what kind of what are you streaming are you reading books what what are you what series you’re watching some movies you like tell us what you what are you watching tell us please I’m a single mom of two kids I’m notsy there’s not like a lot of put them to sleep you have to watch this is it Shogun is it the latest uh I don’t watch TV nothing nothing I don’t really watch I haven’t turned my TV on in my room and I mean it’s probably got dust on it at this point the fight week I started to watch that show peeky blinders just because I I was like starving and I had nothing to do and so but I don’t really watch a ton of TV I have so I have two acres down here in Florida I have like 30 chickens emu Quail rabbits dogs bird like a bunch of animals so and I have like a little garden and I like to be outside you know I live summer so we spend a lot of time outside and when I’m not fighting I’m with my kids you know like we that’s more healthy than Bing Netflix I’m just that’s that’s way more healthy that’s that Kayla like yeah no I mean I stay busy like have little book clubs sometimes or Bible studies or book clubs I want to know what goes on in a book club you’re just talking about a book can’t talk about book club oh no ah the first rule of book club that you don’t talk about is that the first rule of book club is never go to one never most of the women just sit there and talk about their husbands I’m I’m kidding I’m kidding that’s hysterical you did do though an episode of Impractical Jokers I knew this was gonna get brought up I knew it I have to ask I knew it I like those guys a lot yeah you guys are in the uh age group any male from 12 to like whatever dead has seen Impractical Jokers they love it’s crazy dude they have a whole network like they literally would just run them in 24-hour Cycles repeating cuz those episodes are kind of Timeless so yeah those guys got a tremendous amount U what happened it was 2017 yeah they just so they reached out to my assistant and she was like oh I had never heard of the show and she was like dude you have to do this my kids are obsessed yeah all right whatever so we went to some party in I don’t know the Hamptons or something something some guy owned a house and the guy who owned the house was in on it but nobody else at the party was in on it and I just like there I mean literally they were like just beat the out of him and I was like okay not many notes that’s funny yeah no that was literally it there was no practicing there was no like he didn’t know what was going to happen to him they didn’t really know me they just like someone probably a producer or something found me online and it was fun they I they’ offered me like they wanted me to be in the movie they wanted me to come back they were like do you need a job and I was like well you know you didn’t do it I’m set but thank you well let me let me ask you when where do they put the cameras like were they were they all like hidden cameras or was the party being filmed just because there was a bunch of people no they were hidden cameras they were hidden cameras and stuff yeah wow you turned it down you’re like no I’m good here you have a career it’s very wanted me to be in the movie and they were like they were like begging but it was my MMA debut I was like I can’t do it boys like I got a dream yeah cause the movie comes and goes but I mean if you gotta fight you have to you know you gotta fight yeah you remember you remember Ronda Rousey the rumors of road house and then just fell apart you’re doing the right thing yeah thank you I about that I want to know when you’re fighting again I can’t wait me neither I actually um so I had hand surgery like two weeks ago I don’t know if you can see it oh okay I I hurt my hand before my fight so I tore a ligament before the fight and um it needed to be repaired so I got that cleaned up and um yeah I’ll be back on the mat I’m getting the stitches out today actually after I get off the phone with y’all and I’ve been like doing kicks throwing kicks on my jab stuff like that but I’ll be back soon well look it was uh it was good talking to you congratulations I mean what an amazing amazing UFC debut on a huge stage against uh you know Holly former Champion like you said a legend of the sport couldn’t ask for better you couldn’t ask for a better debut you probably made so many new fans these two guys included yeah I R will you give Ray a kiss for me I’m not kissing I ref but I’ll tell him that you you know follow that message for you I refuse that that young man just it was his birthday two days ago he’s gonna hate me for this he just turned 66 I don’t want to I it almost feels weird saying it no I know we were talking about it I thought he was 46 I was like R what do you tell me about the no wonder why he loves you I’ll tell you the wonder why you put what’s your diet tell me what your workout routine is right cuz I got to get on that looking I want to see the blue guy the the blue Mr Blue Eyes uh blush is what I want to see oh he I think I made him blush a little bit you know with this like jacket he was like Kayla like you know what are you doing that is phenomenal Hey listen so it was so nice to meet you yeah I can’t wait to see you fight again thank you guys so much for having me I’m excited you’re gon to uh the bantamweight champion of the world pretty soon so yeah I I have a feeling you’re right can’t wait till you get that shot and uh hopefully very soon thank you don’t forget about it your champ Kayla please we’re going to try to get you back I’m not going to forget that you bet you Kayla listen to me watch my next bet with you watch my next pick all in Kayla awesome Kayla thank you Kayla guys I appreciate it great J Kayla all right see you [Music] she’s awesome uh what a great story great personality great personality yeah and she’s a man what I was I was so she’s a great personality but not when you’re on the floor up against the cage and she is raining down punches I I wanted to ask when I forgot the the punch differential in that first round I mean she was so dominant in that first round and second round too but I mean just when you they they gave one stat during the fight I just don’t remember what it is um you know it’s like 50 to nothing punches like she was really really good significant strikes Jimmy um yes sir she just left so right now I Think We’re Alone Now the beating of your heart is the only sh Dana is in the waiting room I Think We’re Alone no unfortunately we’re not uh let’s bring Shay in uh I to be train but I never know what I’m starting a YouTube channel are you yes good why not you should what why not all right you did it I learned from watching you oh he Jay hey Jay hey how I love see I love the professional sounding audio that sounds great yeah yeah you need the good stuff you need the good mic you need the good like everything everything’s got to be cooking do you do a podcast uh I do uh we’re I think we’re kind of sunsetting it’s more streaming streaming is my big thing doing a lot of the twitch and stuff like that what do you stream like do you is is it games or you just talk and hang out games I’m games I’m I’m the whole like point for me is to get is to get paid to play video games that’s like the the motivation like that sounds sick that’s the goal yeah yeah yeah yeah and I was sorry wait you are getting paid to play video games do you do that yeah it’s it’s not the main source like touring and standup and that’s like all the main thing so we’re trying to grow the gaming stuff to be able to compete with the rest of the stuff we’re doing you know let me tell you I could relate so much to that I was just telling Jimmy I’m starting a YouTube thing and part of it is gonna be them watching me play contractor showdown in VR well what I’m seeing and then they’ll see me I love it what do you like what games do you like oh dude I’ll play anything right now we’re doing Elden ring again because the DLC is coming out for Elden ring soon uh and then what were we doing we’re doing hell divers that was big uh I’m pumped for the college football game coming out too it’s like the first time there’s been uh a college football game in like I don’t know it’s like 10 years or something like that what games are you not good at soorry what what you are you not good at anything oh I’m ass at most games I’m pretty ass at every dude I’m pretty ass uh but I I love games like I’ve been entrenched in video games since I was like a little kid and so it’s a big part of my like enjoyment my psyche my I know so much about the culture and the stuff in terms of the shooters uh I’m I like stuff that it has a like a lower time to kill so something like a Call of Duty is a little too quick like you get hit and you’re dead Counter Strike I don’t have that quick twitch reaction for stuff I was big to OverWatch Halo was like huge like Halo 3 absorbed my life when I was a kid um and then there’s this new one that just came out ex defiant that people are jumping on that I think I want to check out so you don’t get married to a video game like if you love something you actually like a new game to come and like kind of not know what you’re doing and just try it yeah oh yeah I’ll jump into new things all the time I’ve never been one of those people that is like uh oh I’m playing like some people play League of Legends like every day all the time constantly I’ve never been like oh I have one game and I just play it endlessly anytime I start doing something like that it starts to take over too much of my life and then I’m like thinking about it constantly and I’m like cancelling shows to like keep building my world in this thing and so that I that gets too uh consuming for me when people are watching um they’re watching streamers or people playing the video games it’s not always the people that are best at the games correct like you could no no a big a big appeal of it is just the the personalities it’s the the live aspect of it is really the hook it’s being in the room with the person at the time and can like this real time connection to them that’s what I think is separate streaming from a lot of other forms of media and you you started uh did you start doing standup in Mexico um and and you obviously speak Spanish because you were living down there right my Spanish is ass like I was living in a very touristy area so I got by with speaking English a lot I I had like conversational stuff like I could order at restaurants and like get directions in a cab like tell them where I’m going um but uh that is where I started I started in like I want to say it was like 2012 Maybe 2013 I started doing standup and it was like just for tourists uh and we do it like once a week at this one bar and then I really started liking it so then I moved to Toronto and like hustled in Toronto really hard in their comedy scene and then I moved to New York like all it’s it’s coming up on two years soon are you in New York yeah I’m New York based oh okay I I saw your website I was looking at your tour dates I see you’re doing I think Canada I could be wrong but then you’re doing Tokyo like uh or two after like a one nighter in Tokyo which I think is pretty awesome I’ve always wanted to go so will you just book a place that you want you’ll do the gig and then just kind of hang out for a week or two so Tokyo was just a plan to just I just wanted to go to Japan and then from being knowing I’m going to go to Japan I posted something on my story being like hey does anyone know of a comedy club there because anytime you go to a new place doing shows is one of the greatest ways to meet people cuz Comics are the same everywhere you go and that gives you a door open to people who live there and you can build this connection with them and then I’ll be like hey what so what do you guys do for fun in the city and then they’ll show me around and show me all the stuff they do um so that was my plan of booking the show and then the it went from me doing a spot to them being like Oh do you want a headline a night at the show and I was like yeah or at our club I was like yeah for sure it’s a little 60 Cedar in Tokyo and I’m like I probably got zero draw in Tokyo but I still I’m like I’m so excited to do a show out there you have a unique um your social media your Instagram where does this come from what made you start these uh these clips you have are pretty unique yeah they’re out of the norm where people do funny stuff all the time but the way you put these clips together on your Instagram it’s kind of hard to describe but it’s what made you even you have to really see it to understand what I’m talking about for the people listening uh what made you how did you start thinking of this of so it was it was all just um started to get uh when it was when covid happened Co happened couldn’t do standup I was in Toronto for Co which was like the strictest lockdowns in Canada yes so we couldn’t do anything uh and so I had to take this energy and kind of push it somewhere else and I had a buddy who was making little Tik toks and getting like 3,000 views 5,000 views and I it just kind of dawned on me like how many live shows I would have to do to get in front of that many people even when it that’s not seen as like a great reach in terms of social media I was like that’s still so many more people so I just started cranking out content and at this time that’s when like Duets and stitches were like becoming really big on Tik Tok and I just kind of ran with that platform of doing this like reaction type content and just started to grow it more and more and more and just based on my sense of humor everything sort of leaned to like the sexual side uh and my philosophy on any not just like creative products but anything you do is like I’m always like focused on your strengths like if we’re talking like UFC like you if you’re a really good Striker you’re going to want to work on your ground game and your other stuff but you’re not going to lean away from being this like knockout power puncher you’re going to want that to be the backbone of a lot of stuff you do so I was like just lean more into this this sexual content that I’m making because yeah stuff like this hold baby this is perfect would you Jitsu please yeah yeah I’ll take the full year yeah that’s funny she was uh doing a bit of a North South yeah a bit of a North South that’s pretty I’ll take a year membership that’s great do you train uh I so I started doing um I started doing uh mu Thai for a bit but because of just like moving around and constantly in different places all the time I fell out of it I boxed when I was a kid for like five or six years um and I I I competed some amateur fights I I was 10 and two with my final record so I was like I was in it a bit uh but I just love mixed martial arts and MMA and everything like when I was younger was like the peak of like Pride Fighting and when the UFC was like really taken off with like the Chuck Liddell era and stuff um and I yeah I just was obsessed with it I mean I still am let me ask you let me ask you now because I like to ask comedians that could fight this question you’re in a situation let’s say you with a a lady friend and somebody comes up to you a little bit of a wise ass do you use your your skill as a standup comedian and you deescalate with some comedy what are you getting to kickass martial arts mode what route do you take I think I always go deescalation you always go deescalation first Jimmy you see yeah start training sometimes he puts his little chest Jimmy listen to well you know like you want to like yeah there’s a fantasy in your head about like some guy coming up you’re in front of your girlfriend you beat up this dude you look like a hot shot but I I have a buddy who’s like he trained a ton and he does all this different stuff and he’s and he’s well versed in just like a uh what could happen if something goes wrong like being approached he does like that kind of training as well uh I guess like the real world type stuff and he’s like your first course of action should always be walk away always walk away every time you’re in any situation cuz you don’t know the guy’s got a knife on him he’s got a gun on him he’s got whatever and then even if you’re more skilled than this guy or he’s got a buddy waiting around the corner like anything can go wrong um so yeah always deescalation first and if you can make it funny and like kind of quippy and like and make yourself look cool in the same moment that’s even better yeah if because matter I saw a video of a guy get like a security guard was wrestling with someone that had stolen something and you could tell the guard had trained and I us they going for a guillotine or whatever and the guy shot him like cuz the guy was getting his ass kicked so we just shot this like he was able to get to his gun and shoot him so yeah that’s really scary in real life like you forget like oh they don’t they’re not playing by Jiu-Jitsu rules like if they have if they have a bottle they’ll break it across your face or you know yeah so you’re probably better off walking away if you can and you guys have seen that Joe Shilling video right that uh where he yeah where he knocks that dude out in like uh just some bar somewhere oh yeah yeah he walks by the guy bumps into him or something yeah that every time I see that video I’m like what was that guy thinking like he he kind of like is he I guess he’s like kind of in his moment and he kind of he’s backing up and he bumps into Joe Shilling and Joe doesn’t like like shove him he just kind of like guides him to the side and then walks by and the guy clearly like set goes like yo who the are you or something he says something to the dude and Joe turns around and you see Joe Shilling he’s like a foot taller than the dude that’s like an exact moment where that could have all been avoided if that dude’s ego didn’t flare up in that in that moment um so yeah always always deescalate and I’m not super skilled in any means to be pulling stuff off yeah that it was I had mixed feelings about that video too because it was almost like did you have to punch him because you’re putting yourself at Great legal risk if you do that for sure if you’re a trained fighter I mean you know you’re not g to eat your ass kicked by that that guy was just every in a bar the guy he was dancing with a tie he was hatable um but yeah both of those guys um and then you like you say the other guy what are you thinking with this guy as he’s walking by read the room a little bit better you know yeah yeah absolutely um who are your guys like uh top guys to watch right now in the in the U or just in mixed martial arts in general well I mean I’m kind of biased I have some guys that close to that are in there whether it’s aljo Mor that I’m really tight with so obviously those are my favorite but I mean you Kayla Harrison on I’m a huge fan of hers now yes yeah she there’s so many that’s what I love I mean this is all I watch mixed martial arts so I mean I just there’s so many so many different Fighters with different skill sets and even the personalities I’m a fan of just the whole thing why is anybody in particular that you enjoy watching uh khil rry is the guy who I’m like dude khil like how he left and went to Thailand and came back like this vicious tie boxer and he’s just like he everything about him he’s got very like yel Romero Vibes to him like just this dude who’s a monster physically and is so well trained uh and just scary like I he’s fighting Jamal Hill soon I think TKO Anthony Smith he just unfortunately I believe that fight got cancelled oh did itong but yeah I believe it’s true fight called off our producer saying which we know why it’s something with khil oh maybe an injury okay okay because I thought I thought it was a fight fast fight for Jamal to take after he just uh lost Pereira with via out or TKO uh so I was like I it seemed like too quick of a turnover but yeah KH is the guy who I’m really watching who I’m like just seems vicious and with Pereira in that division now too he’s another vicious dude who’s like it’s it it makes it so exciting Carlos alberg uh another guy to watch uh I mean he’s a devastating puncher and by the way for C it was a suspension due to a tainted it was but it’s only a couple it got reduced to two months it was a tainted supplement um I’m guess there they’re figuring that he didn’t do anything purposely yeah uh and I I mean it’s really hard for Fighters if if if a supplement is Tainted I don’t know what you’re supposed to do wrong cre what’s that yeah he might have took the wrong Crea yeah I’m not sure um yeah but there there are so many go it’s crazy like it’s really hard to keep up no matter how much and I watch every weekend it’s very hard to keep up because there’s always somebody oh man this guy is great and UFC is so good at promoting guys because they have undercards they have the prelims they they have all of these fights once a week televised you get very attached to people very quickly yeah yeah and with all the other like the I’m I I I never tune in too much for the fights but I follow one on uh on what’s it called on Instagram and seeing kind of what’s kicking off overseas and stuff too they got some wild stuff going on over there I follow like everybody I even follow like Street beefs and stuff like that you do you just like you like fighting you like watch like fighting dude I’ve said this before I watch a dog fight a chicken like I don’t care man I’m just down to see a yeah it is crazy how many Clips like there are accounts just dedicated to guys getting their ass kicked and there really is nothing more satisfying like there was a video did you see that video recently of that bully choking out that kid and the kid goes you’ll stop if I ask you to stop right um and and this guy chokes him and and he lays him down but then the kid like hits his face in the dirt and even like who’s the guy that uh was going back and forth with Jake Paul uh Dennis uh what’s his name oh oh I know the Jiu-Jitsu guy you’re yes yeah he’s a really good Jiu-Jitsu guy oh what’s his name Dylan damis sorry but he even tweeted he’s like hey if anybody knows who this kid is I’ll pay for his Jiu-Jitsu where like the kid who got bullied it really hit people wrong um I don’t want to see it yeah I didn’t see this one he was the let the kid choke him and the kid was just a and held it too long like he was just bullied him and and he let him fall and hit his face it’s kind of a depressing video um you know every kid know JJ every kid should know Jiu-Jitsu should learn Jiu-Jitsu that’s it I just put a thing on my Instagram with Dana White talking brilliantly about ju yes I saw that with uh Sebastian Mancow whatever his name Sebastian mcal and and Pete uh Pete Coral yeah he Dana talked about it like he was a he spoke about Jiu-Jitsu you know I was very impressed with the way Dana summed it up because they were asking what should we get a kid in is a soccer uh martial arts right he was explaining you get your kid into Jiu-Jitsu and it will never leave them these other sports you play soccer they’ll teach you some teamwork and you take it to a certain point you know Jiu-Jitsu will never leave you you will always have it so I have three daughters they’re all training you know you have any kids or no no no kids no no no I’m uh I mean like maybe in the future right now it’s like it’s not in the cards especially like I got a little tiny one-bedroom place in New York City like there’s nowhere to put these kids if I to have them yeah what room are you in right now that’s a very narrow room you’re in right there or maybe it’s just the camera this is yeah this is so this is like the hallway so this the way my kind of setup is it’s like I need the natural light coming in so so this is the best spot where I just get the hallway shot behind me um but my sister has three kids and I know that at least two of them are in Jiu-Jitsu a lot of kids are in Jiu-Jitsu now um and yeah cuz it is like anytime you learn martial arts it’s a very applicable skill like you hopefully have to use it but it is something that will stick with you if you do have to use it uh and it’s also exercising at the same time you’re learning it’s like it’s a two like if you’re lifting weights of course you’re there’s uh a science at a Perfection to like weight training and stuff like that but this is like like I said it’s it’s your learning A skill that you could uh potentially use to help yourself in the future as you’re being Physically Active it’s like a two for one 100% you get in shape and you become more dangerous at the same time yeah exactly exactly I wound up uh I’ve been taking it for about a year and I’m the only guy who’s ever gotten fatter taking jiito but I can’t stop eating I just can’t stop eating my wife brings home food and I just keep eating it but I I do love it and you sweat and it’s like no other workout I’ve ever done like I’ve never been more tired after something I’m after Jiu-Jitsu yeah I had a buddy who competed for the first time recently and he said it was like insane because he’s like there’s one thing to Rolling when you’re in the gym and you’re training but then when you’re competing he’s like this guy’s trying to kill you like he’s trying like and Full Tilt he did I think he did one or two matches on the day and there was like a third one and he’s like I can’t like I can’t like I physically my body’s got nothing left in it so I think I should the place I was going before was incredible they were really focused on uh good technique and stuff with the MU Thai and they had Jiu-Jitsu as well you got like a two for one in everything um I’ve just canceled my subscription twice now and I feel like almost embarrassed going back back yeah that’s true I should just get back in there the Summer’s like a good l for comedy so I think maybe that’ll be the time I can be like okay let’s swing and get back into the swing of things hey man as a as a school owner I love people come back I never I never give them where you’ve been life Ki is up and I tell them look I’m just happy you’re back we’ll always be always they always come back they get addicted true true yeah yeah and it is it’s so good it’s so good like there’s uh and uh learning I think learning the MU Thai was uh it just it helps you have this perception of yourself before before you go in that you’re like yeah you know I’m going to like oh I know what I’m doing like I box when I got I got this and then you get in there you’re like yo I suck dude I suck my groin is so tight my hips are so tight I can’t get a kick up at all like and then just like you’re all these little mistakes you’re making constantly you have to be very humble with your own perception of yourself and really let your ego go because if you CU you’re constantly getting corrected and if you for one you can’t be like no I’m doing it right and not change you also can’t let the correction like hurt your morale and be like oh I suck at this you have to be like oh no this is part of the process is constantly being corrected and constantly sort of slowly being shift in the right direction well it’s better to have them correct you than to have an overhand right clock you like you know what I mean I’d rather have the but you’re right you you always get I get a lot of you drop your left you drop your like like I’m always dropping my and that’s what you hear probably most from a guy teaching you Muay Tha is you drop to your left you drop to your right and I just I throw a punch and then my other arm just goes by my side casually yeah yeah um and and it is like the I feel like it’s such a good exercise for your brain like learning all these like like keeping your hands in position and then like not leaning back while you’re throwing a kick and like bringing your kick up with your like oblique and like all these different pieces of your body working simultaneously that you’re focusing on that it it it’s so good for uh just like I think brain health yeah I think so too and Kayla Harrison was just on and she said something was talking about how like you’re very hyperfocused I guess when you’re when you’re doing MMA and when you’re training it’s all you can think of I don’t think about my wife I don’t think about problems at work I think about nothing but this guy trying to choke me or am I am I doing this right or why am I doing this wrong it’s it’s one second in front of you is all you’re thinking of exactly it is you have to be very present very very present and I catch myself sometimes when like the whoever’s running the class will be like okay we’re gonna work on this combo and it’s I’ve I’ve caught myself a couple times like okay you guys ready and then I’m like oh no I wasn’t paying attention at all I have no idea what the combo is and then so just to be constantly focusing on being present to never let your your mind sort of drift away because every moment you need to be in it well Shay look let’s promote properly um you’re really interesting guy man and and and I and I love what you’re doing I love that you’re going to Tokyo for I just think that’s so great um and it’s Dana is d r n a uh sh is C any does spell that um and it’s the same on Tik Tok Instagram uh YouTube and Twitter so if you want to follow Chay check him out on all of those and uh is it Shad r.com is that your website yeah yeah that’s it okay and you can see all these days because you’re not just going to Tokyo you’re also here in New York and Williamsburg uh you’re going down to Miami uh you got Leola out in California and of course Tempe the Tempe Improv which is a great room um at the end of September so thanks for coming on man it was really good talking to you really interesting uh interesting person I appreciate you guys having me on this is great man I love this yeah anytime you guys want to do it I’m down to come through sure we’d love to talk to you again awesome you guys have a good one all right have a safe trip be good bye that was fun man I like his Instagram it’s really yeah yeah he’s a very interesting guy he’s a great radio voice too yeah like me well Jimmy I had fun with you can’t believe I forgot Dylan denis’s name yeah get your together just I just forget my memory’s going hey I can’t stay mad at you what do you want to tonight 7 PM fat black cat 7 pm and then uh the 7th of June I’m gonna be in Idaho for the first time the 8th of June I will be in Portland Oregon so come see me in one of those places and uh yeah tonight fat black cat 7 p.m. Matt June 2nd I’ll be here and I’ll be 50 Jimmy oh happy birthday almost that’s weird Jimmy let me promote Fight Pass 50 you look great though you live you you act like you’re 30 or or actually you act like you’re 15 you’re built like you’re 30 act a child yeah I me you you have a great life stop it uh Jimmy you’re taking shots at me no no no no you have a great life Wow 14 Madrid this Saturday we if you want to support that um really really great card this Saturday from Madrid 1: p.m. eastern time on Fight Pass really nice and early so if you want to just check it out out and see this promotion uh support those guys because they just got on Fight Pass and we’re very very happy for them yeah man and at Otoro what a nice guy we had him on great yeah Oran very nice dude um and Matt we’ll talk before your birthday I oh Jimmy if you don’t call me on my birthday I will what day is that June 2D what does that land on what does that fall on I don’t know let me go let me know something’s knocking on the door it’s my my stomach it’s my oh yeah you got a log Brewing today is June 2nd produc so what does it fall on June 2nd is a Sunday oh so we’re not going to be on together but I no but we’ll talk Monday I’ll be happy birthday you made it I’m not against the FaceTime you know call my FaceTime broke that hurts the big one Jimmy I will talk to you by next week or before all right buddy I’ll talk to you soon bye Jimmy bye everyone [Music]