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thank you may have minus 5 25 the betting favorite at close against Gilbert Torino Burns [Applause] shamaya with the clinch [Applause] Burns expected a frantic Pace early he’s going through the Middle with those knees those went it looked like they went right to the cup yeah Gilbert gave the rough a look my heart’s uh yeah through my through my chest right now mine too this is the most highly anticipated matchup in a long time because we want to know what’s going on how how good is this guy and so far this guy Gilbert in a real bad situation [Applause] Hamza is an elite wrestler and he’s just dragging him around one of the things that’s so shocking about him is how big he is a big welterweight no doubt about it Gilbert who’s spotted 155 pounds and of course homside has fought as high as 185 pounds Gilbert’s Gonna Roll butterflies in full guard Gilbert does have an outstanding ground game though four-time World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion [Applause] Burns maintaining his composure and for the record as shimaya welcomes his back him back to his feet Burns has already landed two significant strikes more than anyone prior against shimaya I know Gilbert he’s not going to be happy with that stat unless he lands a whole lot more tonight Gilbert is dangerous he’s got to try to control himself there’s a lot of hype behind this fight a lot of pressure good cap kick uniforms very nice locating good right hand by Burns as well [Applause] she might have heard him body kick is there for burns nice job by Hamza to raise the guard [Applause] very nice jab and pure Gilbert Burns you take this start all day two and a half minutes gone by Gilbert’s got to settle in get his rhythm yes could have just caught him in the left hook that’s a big weapon for Gilbert that’s sweeping left hook oh good combination from chimaya yeah nice power shots there from shamaya Gilberto not being scared moving forward Landing his own shots this is crucial good right hand over the top by Gilbert [Applause] we’re already seeing shamaya have tested far more than any other fight so far in his UFC career this is him this is good we gotta fight right now yeah I mean it’s a giant Step Up to go all the way to the number two guy good luck look again and then the head movement on the back end for burns see if shamaya tries to go back to his wrestling whoa big Power shots but nice right hand there good defense by Burns you can see the power in those hands though from shamayev he’s cracking hard Tom Todd has left himself open to a couple counters under 90 seconds is that a slipper did he get hit with a shot I don’t know he’s coming over the countdown he over swung yeah it was a swing and a miss that’s made him fall good kick there byev oh straight right [Applause] here trying to swing from his back which is crazy looks like she might have mixed in an elbow there fainted hey welcome back to the feet what a jab [Applause] that’s a powerful jab sat him down 30 seconds left in round one how much is burns are covered he’s split open bad yeah looks like that’s on the top of the head though that’s a nice right hand connection from chimayev beautiful Burns that got shema’s attention he caught him in the middle of the kick we’re getting around too that’s a fight let’s take a look at what SAT Gilbert down here it’s just a beautiful right on the money perfect jab as Gilbert’s also coming into it stepping forward shamayev lands a perfect right jab right down the middle sat him down but listen Gilbert survived and he was fighting off of his back here’s a big elbow this is what split Gilbert opened but hey we’re in round two right now okay [Applause] let’s go let’s go all right round two here Henry hoof calling for some body work out of his pupil Gilbert Torino Burns 27-19 chimaya on the significant strike front in round one and listen he still looks unbelievable right we’re kind of like amazed that we’re in the second round that just speaks volumes to what people think of this guy look at that takedown temp by Burns I’m just so glad we got a fight right now that’s you want to see a young Prospect like this tested against a guy like dorino and here it is but Gilbert looks like he’s settled in now nice right to check right hook yeah that was a nice right hook and look at shamaya of switching stances when he wants so he’s finding shots from different angles which is confusing to the opponent yeah he fights very well from both both sides which is why that jab was so potent from the Southpaw stance yeah because it’s Powers he got stung Gilbert tagged him oh that right hook from shamaya that power side nice particular Body Beautiful kick to the body by Burns nice leg kick from shimaya [Applause] [Applause] Smith Gilbert and now a right hand for burns [Applause] through the guard I’m not even making sense right now I’m so excited she might have having a lot of successful dude that just showed his strength right there couldn’t even move that leg oh Gilbert cooked him to the left uppercut for burns backs up again Gilbert’s going in show here in the second he can’t empty the tank though no he’s got to save something he’s just got just got done himself but one two from Jamiah Gilbert’s got to be careful there’s a lot of time left in this round yeah and uh we got to remember we still got two title fights after this we have crossed the midpoint of round two John Anita Modelo [Laughter] lower leg kick is there for chimaya over around and a half those tickets will cash tonight okay Goliath is slowing but as is Gilbert Gilman’s got his mouth wide open yeah I mean these guys are battling right now oh my God [Applause] I don’t think we’re questioning either guy’s toughness at this point nice strange Gilbert off his back oh oh Gilbert with a jab hamza’s nose is leaking hamzat said hey I want a war I want to be tested well guess what dorino’s giving it to him right now listen to this clown wow it was deafening in here this is madness numbers burns with a huge round two he has now outstruck chimaya that least statistically as we come up on a minute to go in the round nice right hand over the top smoother now John he looks more relaxed he’s rolling with shots it’s still dangerous but he’s settled in and he’s clearly confident [Applause] this is where that body worked that Henry hoofed wanted from his pupil would come in handy who burns dictating the pace of this fight right now he’s throwing that beautiful right hook away from punches too look his head movement’s good now she may have still super dangerous oh my God still got power on those punches right now and Gilbert has to stand with him because it’s up to shamaya of where this fight goes yeah it’s been clear that Gilbert can’t take him down you saw that leg barely even moved from hamzaat oh geez good right hand by chebaya [Applause] [Music] [Applause] big elbows from burns on that was close whoa what’s this was that illegal the knee well we’ll take a look at it in the replay here’s the other round right hand oh my goodness right hand oh my goodness look at it again oh my God he looked backwards that’s how bad that shot hit him he went down afterwards let’s see it again oh my goodness I mean that is a picture perfect right hand by Burns now here’s the end of the round Gilbert goes to push him off and hamsad slaps him unappreciative Jacksonville crowd getting a third round and Gilbert Burns that round easily could be Gilbert Burns oh it is I think with that drive yeah I think so I mean you never know how judges score things but that looked to me like we’re not judges but yeah that could be the first round of his career that he has lost I mean he stung him rocked him dropped him he went from no strikes to getting hit a whole lot in this one longest career fight for chimaya coming in six minutes and 15 seconds but he’s still strong still marching forward he’s still loving it in there listen the guy says he’s about that life and he’s proven it well Gilbert just popped him with a nice jab and Gilbert’s full of confidence coming into this third now [Applause] you can’t he doesn’t can’t stay here against the fence with shamaya there he goes back to the Orthodox Dance Now might have gone by round three shot from Burns she might have defends well and lands a hammerfist he is so strong I mean I mean I mean Gilbert’s a beast and he can’t even nice work though good scramble as intense as any non-tuttle fight I can ever remember three and a half to go and is consequential is any non-titles foreign [Applause] ‘s trying to fire back as best he can [Applause] both guys and he’s taking some big big deep breaths yeah I think he’s gas Joe but Timaya just took a big deep breath himself I know but there’s there’s a difference in their physique right now another nice land with that lead hand for chimaya [Music] what a fight Burns cracks with the jab Gilbert still throwing anybody’s fight two and a half to go it really is I mean anything can happen we’re halfway through the Third [Applause] the lungs are burning right now yeah Burns trying his best to move laterally changes the level attacks the body oh still clubbing with that right hand boy you got to watch out when you’re swinging like that [Applause] [Music] has a nasty uppercut oh my goodness Gilbert Burns just when I think already he’s fading he’s out yeah comes forward starts Landing punches well if you’ve seen his grueling strength and conditioning routine that he does down here in South Florida oh yeah he’s big on that one oh Hamza tagged him pretty good counter right from Gilbert this is the craziest fight that I have ever called 100 Burns still throwing fire blood in that right eye causing issues [Applause] one minute to go [Music] get some of those still marching forward looking for a finish even here at the end of this third round and a grueling fight and oh big right hand by birth from Burns three in a row now she might have says bring it oh my God Gilbert’s sister Maya beats it though moves forward yo listen no matter what this is what she might have wanted and he’s a contender no matter what happens tonight Gilbert just took a look up at the clock you know oh there’s that uppercut oh my God all heart down the stretches again body kick for pounds [Applause] what a fight comes out she might have been Gilbert guern Burns go to full 15. and a nice display of sportsmanship their lives are linked forever now what a fight what a fight man that’s a close one she might have extended by Gilbert Burns and burns in terms of his star power and his status in this game goes absolutely through the roof with that performance tonight there’s that nasty jab by Hamza the drop Gilbert from the south boss dance he switched back and forth throughout the fight there’s that big elbow the cutfield would open here’s round two boom right hand by Burns that was a big one he landed several this one grazed him but there was a big one at the end of the round and here’s Gilbert fighting off of his backs with hammer Fists pushes them off with that side kick s back to his feet and here it comes boom right there I mean that is as hard a punch as you can land on a man and not have him go out there we see hamzat and round three popping the jab lands the right hand oh beautiful right hand a left behind it burns with the right hand catches him behind the ear with that one another big right hand for burns I mean what a fight and for those wondering whether or not Comsat she might have had the ticker to go with all of the dominating skills he has that and for Gilbert Torino Burns accepting this challenge thriving in it an incredible 15 minutes we’ll be talking about for years to come now the official decision here’s Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges score cars for decision all three judges score this contest 29-28 for the winner while you done this decision and still undefeated [Applause] oh [Applause]