On today’s episode of UFC Unfiltered, Jim Norton and Matt Serra unpack the action from Saturday’s exciting UFC 299 card in a …

[Applause] what a performance on a massive stage for the 28-year-old out of Torrance California Tyler the [Applause] M welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast dangerous listen to me we’re out [Music] of Welcome to UFC unfiltered Matt you froze up for a second but you’re back um we have a lot of ground to cover we have Kyler Phillips uh joining us today uh really really impressive win of Munoz and uh we’re going to start off today with uh Brett okamoto who’s a good friend of the show he comes on relatively often and he always is really good at filling in the things that you and I don’t know uh which is a great deal but what an amazing fight card and um I would love to we can get Brett we can get Brett right in we can start with Brett but I would also love to get your take Matt on the on the uh the main event and on the fact um besides how good om Ali looked uh I didn’t really necessarily like his call out I don’t think Champion should be calling out people from other divisions before they uh fight the number one guy in their division uh how do you feel about that obviously with morab being your guy well I mean I feel it was I feel that you know Sean’s not stupid The champ is not stupid like he feels a a fight with h Ilia would be you know he’s he’s a sharpshooter he’s a striker he is what he is not gonna deny it morab you’re gonna be fending off a rabid dog for five rounds he he closes at distance that’s the thing you keep him at distance it’s one thing he closes the distance that is where his stature helps him now he’s harder to get off you need you need to make it’s harder to get that space because he’s just latched onto you he’s up to your waist it’s great you know what I mean and his long limbs that unless he’s got like triangles he’s throwing up uh it it works against him you know it’s harder for him to make space with his longer limbs with his shorter body I know being a shorter guy grappling taller guys you know right right right yeah I just uh I I don’t think that I guess I know why he did it’s also a big fight I mean toori is obviously the champion and and but it’s like you you’ve defended once and then to immediately avoid the number one guy and jump to the next Division I just didn’t like it I get it I understand I didn’t like it either Mor Rob didn’t like it but what I did like and I’m sure Brett’s gonna like this also I liked his performance I loved it I thought he was amazing I thought he did everything but put Cheeto away which any I think Cheeto is one of those guys where he’s just so damn durable and what about that LE not the listen I want to talk about sea just being so accurate and the different array of f of strikes that that knee from hell um it was like a master class of striking it was great but I’ll tell you that dog jeto man what about that body shot in the last round that was the last second was that as the fight was ending he hit him with that and doubled him over like literally as the fight was ending so it’s like he’s so he’s one of those guys where he’s dangerous to the end he could be losing that fight up until the last like second he’s dangerous cuz literally it was seconds where he landed that body shot I think that hurt Shawn that’s funny but all credit to uh sha Ali that was a really good a really amazing performance and how do you feel about that Brett like about about um about him calling out Toria and also he he was amazing which shows you how crazy om Ali is that he could have stayed away for the that fifth round and avoid him but he really was trying to put him away um which I was shocked that he did that it was a dangerous thing um what did you think about that and his call out I think he I think because you know Tim Welsh told him to to stay away and not try to knock him out but then I think he hurt him right he hurt him with like a kick or uh it was maybe a punch I forget exactly what it was maybe it was a punch oh and then Cheeto was blinking away you know you could tell his eye was really messed up so I think when Shawn saw that he was really hurt and he’s like oh okay this guy’s like kind of not a threat to me anymore that’s when he started to to look for the Finish cuz I think he probably would have stayed away as far as the call out I I think uh Matt’s right Sean’s smart but I see as Sean smart um being in a different way he knows that that fight is not next like there are call outs where you’re like give me that guy on this date I want him I have to have him like he’s setting the stage for something down the road I think he knows and that’s why he hedged his bet and mentioned Mor Rob um at the end like hey if they want me to face Mor Rob I’ll face Mor Rob although he’s usually smarter from the sense of like building his next pay-per-view so he could have like maybe dismissed Mor Rob or cut a sound bite Mor Rob he really didn’t do that um but I think he’s just setting the stage for Elia down the road I think he knows that that fight’s not next okay that that sounds that’s very smart and uh I didn’t even think of that like that but you’re right he should have put because morab is PR I mean it’s I believe it’s it’s not said is it said Mor Rob’s next he should be next he’s the number one Contender I believe I mean Dana never says who’s next and he said morav is next so that’s amazing that’s I mean it’s welld deserved and uh you know he should have knowing that that’s going to be the next fight it’s inevitable it’s good that he’s setting up a future fight with Ilia that’s smart but he could have put it a little bit more like all you want me to knock I think he said you want me to knock out Mor Rob I’ll knock out Mor Rob next if you want yeah all right listen all right you’re right Brett he he did it’s not as bad as I thought you know but I do feel morab morab wants the he wants that smoke man he wants that shine I he has he has to get it next I mean look UFC is a business and they have to put on the giant fights but there also has to be that thing with the business where you know that there is an order to it and that if a guy fights well enough and becomes the number one Contender that he does get the shot it can’t just be super fights or the or or whoever is going to bring in the biggest pay-per-view the number one guy has to get that shot Lon waited way too long uh and eventually got the shot and proved he deserved it and I just want to see Mor Rob get the shot um how about porier uh over St Den I mean how fantastic was that uh to see what I I love it when somebody is on such a role uh and then they just they they just run up against a veteran who just who puts a stop to it nothing makes me happier I I uh we had Dustin on the desk in Miami so he he came right up so I got to see him after the fight and I told him and I really meant it that like you can almost feel it coming because you’ve seen this happen in DUS 4ier fights you know where the guy is his opponent’s really going after him he thinks he’s he’s got some momentum he’s got him hurt a little bit and then like a then he starts breathing out of his mouth a little bit and there’s like a scramble and it’s like they reset a little bit and and his hands are down and that’s when Dustin just like thrives I mean we’ve seen that over and over again we’ve seen like four or five examples of that so I thought St Denise in experience showed a little bit I thought it was drilled in in so much and maybe you know they were all talking about the staff um and what impact that may have had on the fight like that was kind of a topic all week it looked like he had staff in fiction and came out and said he was on antibiotics after so maybe he just felt he had to go cuz cuz he didn’t have the gas tank to go five rounds but he was just like he had it in his mind that he was going to go after Dustin no matter what and I thought they like dude you keep going after Dustin and you’re you’re getting a little tired and your hands start dropping like that’s what happens you know so but yeah I think everybody in the world was happy for Dustin to to finish it the way he did you think about how many fights he had in UFC how many stoppages has he had benois oh benois oh he had finished last five I think in a row hadn’t he he so you get used to doing that you start to feel like you’re doing that to anybody and I’ll tell you it’s not for lack of trying I mean he really gave it his he really I mean Dustin had to weather some really tough positions and had to really just weather some storms and he did that’s you know that’s the the the vet in him but when is it okay to have a built-in excuse I want to know hey Mr French Special Forces with all due respect I thought maybe when I lost the maybe I had a couple excuses I bit my tongue with all due respect you should I mean Brett the second is over I don’t even think the guy got back to the stage I that antibiotics really dude yeah how about you let the guy celebrate this thing you were you were G you were supposed to be beat this guy up I think he was the favorite wasn’t he yeah Dustin takes this thing he’s got the name that you’re gonna build upon he shuts you down I was on antibiotics there’s a time and a place hey what was the fight what was the fight that over won when he had food poison I want to say it was Mark hunt where he was vomiting and and no one knew he had food like he was really sick and he didn’t say it until after the fight but guys have to fight with injuries and guys have to fight when they’re not 100% uh yeah so you’re right I I don’t think that I don’t it was markon okay yeah I don’t necessarily want to hear that right after he loses but I but I get it like I get that mindset of even if that’s the truth like you could tell yourself that you knew it that’s what sucks about it I I I know what it’s like I get it and it’s like no but but I also know what it what it’ll sound like if you want to be that guy and that’s it’s not fair it’s not fair to your opponent where did he where did he say it did he just come out on his on his social media and say it that’s everywhere that he’s saying about the antibiotics Wonder was I had one round to give you I it you know the antibiotics I I was there my body wasn’t it looked like it was there when you were elbowing dusted in the head and you were dumping him on his back and you were nearly strangling him he weathered that no one else weathered it Dustin weathered it give him his due that’s all I’m I completely agree with you but I will play Devil’s Advocate if he was asked because like I said they were talking about it beforehand because you could see it on his face so it’s probably the first question he was asked like hey did you have staff or not you know because people were talking about it so maybe he felt a need to address it since it was already out there but I agree with you he could have he could have zipped it up and sat there and then maybe brought it up on his LA on his next fight you know like producer oh he shared a file you me and me and Jake the ginger the the mighty Ginger right here I’m pretty sure he’s sharing a file I’m not guessing but it should be the guy it should be his Instagram if it’s Brett’s if it’s not Brett’s if it’s Ben W’s Instagram you’re gonna see what he said let’s somebody want to read that J it says hello France uh unfortunately tonight I couldn’t fully express myself my body didn’t keep up after a week of antibiotics to fight an infection through uh throughout I was present but my body was absent did not react as usual I only had one round to give you sorry to disappoint you I’ll come back stronger thanks to Dustin for accepting this fight it was impossible for me not to seize the opportunity of such a fight thanks to everyone yeah he does mention everything about except how Dustin weathered uh the first round yeah you’re right he does give credit to the antibiotics for knocking him but no credit to porier I don’t know BR I can’t defend him now I can’t backstage they i’ be like ah let get off the guy’s back but no I feel like I feel like my cousin Vinnie and Yana I’m done with this guy I’m around no no I’m around but listen to me uh what I what I want to what I’m listen I’ll tell you right now I I and Jimmy knows I’m honest with this I don’t watch a lot of other organizations I don’t even know I don’t know when they’re on the Bellar and this and that and and the other ones I don’t watch them some if they’re on sometimes I but I don’t watch them I watch there so many UFC so U so many UFC’s every week I’ve seen clips of this MVP this Micha o Venom page before so I knew he was had some wild stuff wow man he was awesome he was so awesome there’s a lot of guys that don’t live up to the hype he’s I I heard him saying after they didn’t feel like he was himself in there and I was entered it takes listen usually people get annoyed with Kevin Holland because he doesn’t shut up and he does funny stuff and he he got Kevin Holland he got he did Kevin Holland to Kevin Holland Kevin Holland was getting frustrated I love Kevin but I don’t blame him I mean I was like yo he was because he was just all his style the only other time we seen anything like that a little bit of Le Macha but more so Wonderboy with Wonder Boy definitely yeah imagine not to get ahead of myself imagine that fight they’re both welterweights imagine that I mean anyway my point is I couldn’t be happier at this gu’s in the UFC I thought I thought that fight was it lived up to the hype to me I thought he was I thought Michael Ven and Paige was wild yeah guys what do you think I haven’t seen him really fight before I thought that was great I’m I’m glad you said that man because Matt I’m not you must not be I don’t know how close you’re following social media during the fights and everything people were disappointed with that fight man people were people were disappointed with that fight and I was I was on the desk I was on the post show I had sh and Anthony Smith on the post show they both said that they were not that impressed with him and and I was like you know really I was like it he hit with a lot of shots man I mean you’re you want to talk about a fight that like didn’t live up to the hype like there were a lot of highlights from that fight and he knocked him he cracked him a lot dude if Kevin goes down like we’re having a completely different conversation about MVP like people are over the moon about him I just felt like Kevin’s chin held up and the fight slowed down a little bit after the first round but I I I put that more on Kevin because I think he was getting a little frustrated yeah I thought he was good dude I I thought he kind of dominated in there and Kevin getting rushed Kevin was actually chasing him it was weird to see Kevin Holland lose his composure a little bit as far as doing what he wants to do in a fight and he was kind of lunging at him and uh and and Paige’s movement was so good fighting with your hands down is always amazing to me when a guy can pull that off like Bobby green like anybody who can hang their arms by their sides and still defend although I think you can only do that so many times until you’re going to get knocked out but uh him against Wonderboy yeah I would love to see that I think more than any fight it’s more so the little things I enjoyed in this fight for instance in between rounds I’m not sure if you caught Kevin Jackson’s talking to one of his Kevin Holland Holland yeah is uh talking to one of his his trainers and he’s like a little bit quicker than we thought like like yeah like You’ seen him realize I can’t I can’t find this guy d i when he said that to his corner it was the most realest thing he wasn’t like he wasn’t like panicking but he was he realized yo this gu this is different because it is different who else is fighting like that Bobby green with his hands down isn’t the same as this Bobby green is a good slipper and counter puncher this is that straight up Karate in andout that In-N-Out style used correctly is vicious yeah coming in with those elbows and what about that spin I mean I don’t know I I just I the only time you seen and I and I don’t even like the cheesy wart the the walkouts I like him I like his style I think it’s cool it just it seems organic uh oh the only time and you know we seen a little bit of panic is when he ended up on bottom his face was Panic wasn’t it oh yeah oh that was it was he was having a party from the second he was walking out of that thing during it when he ended up on bottom it’s the the right the so the wck stopped for a second got to his got to his feet the music went back on and but uh you know I listen man I am really I’m really excited for this I wasn’t I I was just naive before I I didn’t really have much experience watching this guy I am really happy I love that I thought the fight was great I don’t know what the other guys are talking about maybe they seen more exciting fights that he had I don’t know that’s because he’s known to be exciting I’m a big Wonder Boy fan I like I like guys who have their own unique style and how else do you listen what a nice guy he how can you not like these English guys I mean he was a nice guy you know on the mic very respectful yeah I like him man I’m happy he’s in the UFC and you know what I’m gonna throw something out there because uh and and I know that I I get some stuff um you know Pro ufco or you’re just a UFC guy like no d i watch everything I watch everything I’ve been to Bellator fights I’ve worked on pfl broadcast I like fighting you know and I like high level fighting Bellator had Michael page for like what five years and and you never got to see a fight of his Matt it just means like they don’t create storylines they didn’t and that’s why I think that they didn’t make it and they got bought out by someone else I mean they had an asset like Michael pagee for a long time he was doing that over there he fought for a championship over there and you and you don’t don’t know anything about him I just feel like they kind of wasted his talent a little bit and I I like the fact he’s here and I I got a crazy idea but I think he should fight Usman next because it’s just like why not I mean the guy’s not a prospect he’s like 36 37 why waste any time with him like he’s here to win a championship or not win a championship put him against Usman man I I think that that would be I think that that would that would draw a lot of eyeballs I think kamaru who does he have to fight at welterweight he’s already fought everybody it’s a fresh matchup I think that’s a great idea I think that they should put him against Kamar yeah and I don’t know enough about the guys he’s fought already uh but has he fought with anybody who can do what Usman does and and who’s the threat the ground that Usman is like you know again a guy who stands fighting a guy who stands is one thing but if you have a guy like Usman trying to press you up against the cage and drag you down I’m sure he’s fought guys like that before but I’d be interested to see how he did against them um my favorite fight of the night the the fight that made me the happiest was uh Curtis blades over uh Almeida I was really happy to see that uh to see him fight a guy who’s as dangerous on the ground as Curtis uh and to see what happened uh you can’t just lay on Curtis Curtis uh and and ride out the clock I really wanted to see Curtis win the fight and that was a great great win it’s amazing how much power he can just generate like literally from six inches away so congratulations to Curtis blades that was a great great win for him I mean ala strikes me as a well and this and this is what I se felt when I seen his last fight prior to Curtis blades uh where he got every position you could think of where the best positions for the fight if if this was a Abu Dhabi or ibjjf he’d be miles away ahead on points but it’s not there’s a reason why you get these dominating positions in a fight to do damage he’s a sports J jujitsu guy in MMA fighting like a sports Jiu-Jitsu guy just looking to get a position not knowing why you get in that position you’re doing it to get do damage and he’s not in he’s not being nasty in there so what and I don’t think he’s getting used to getting getting hit the way I mean the way he’s reacting that wasn’t one hammer fist dude you’re gonna wait you’re I mean are you you’re just not used to is this how how are you sparring you’re on his leg you’re getting hit two three four let’s I don’t know how many times you want should we count those hammerfists the first one that knocked him out I don’t know what was it the eighth dude you gotta know when to get the hell out of there so this is something if you’re just intent on just on a leg and you’re not getting hit it’s one thing when there strikes involved it’s a different thing so he has very good Jiu-Jitsu he’s got to get it more gritty and EM MMA oriented if you ask I think I think he’s got uh a couple problems and I think that they were uh highlighted in this fight he is a little bit small for the division you know and some of the smaller guys that we’ve seen have success at heavyweight is because like yeah they’re fast but then they they crack they hit hard and they can I mean c Velasquez did it as to bigger guys Stipe did it to bigger guys where you can like kind of lean down and and but this guy’s fighting like I mean he needs to drag you down and and and get you to the floor and then the other problem that he has is he’s a little one-dimensional you know if he can’t get to what he wants to do you saw that he had really no uh confidence in his hands like to your point mat he he he had I think he Pro maybe he knew he should get out of there but he didn’t know what else to do I think he’s just kind of he’s he’s got one he’s got kind of tunnel vision and he’s got one way to win a fight right now and so when you’re undersized and you’re trying to pull that off against some of these guys like I mean he got Curtis blades down which was impressive in itself but then if he can’t finish him you can’t do that and you got to keep doing that against these big guys I just don’t think he’s going to have like consistent success at heavyweight guys are seeing that if they weather the storm even though positionally they could be in trouble it’s not he’s not hurting anybody I mean I mean these guys getting so it’s like all right I know I could just survive down there I’ll get you out of there sooner or later it’s not a good he’s got to switch some stuff up he’s gonna have to start really getting you know start you know going back to the uh draw board with some stuff if he’s stay that if he’s staying in that division for sure you know and he said blade says he does not want Cal Gan like apparently he tried to make a fight with Gan happen before and Gan was kind of dismissive uh and now that it’s being uh possibly dangled he’s saying he doesn’t want it so he said he doesn’t know if it’s not going to be Aspen he’s not sure exactly uh who it’s going to be but he doesn’t want serel gone but I wonder if he changes his mind if that’s the only fight they offer him I’d like to see them run it back especially because Aspen all it was a wacky did he what happen to his leg did he like do something to his leg during that fight it was a weird he tore his knee doing like a a punch or a tape what was it it was something weird but it was definitely more it’s almost like the fight didn’t happen type of thing you know right so I would you know I would like to see that Curtis is always that fight away from just being you know what I mean yeah you know and then then he he gets upper cuted by Derek Lewis not he’s right there that was the one that was one you lose twice to Francis like that’ll happen but he was set up and when he he was going to beat Derrick Lewis like he probably would have got a title shot I think and that was the one he couldn’t have lost and then recently pavlovich I mean you know Lo losing to pavlovich so yeah that that might have uh set him back a little he may have to fight gone they may say if you want another shot of aspal you have to fight gone let me let me tell you man I’m really impressed with that Jack Dela Melena Melena yeah I mean he I mean he’s I mean he’s just he’s always in in in in proper base in his in his in his with his um with his stance he’s very he’s tough he’s durable he’s athletic he’s good in a scramble I really thought that um I thought the jiujitsu would be the big factor the the you know um the Gilbert I thought that he could he could utiliz his jiujitsu but man he not only is his endurance because after these scrambles it’s one of those things where you get off those scrambles and then he’s back up right in your face again that’s a draining that’s draining and and and he’s and and man is he heavy-handed so I mean when he calls out after that performance versus Gilbert and it was upsetting I love Gil’s one of those guys you kind of even if you like the guy he’s fighting you kind of always rooting for he’s such a kind of a nice guy you know say the same upset and he always gives it his all and he’s always so dangerous but when he calls out nobody’s calling out shott I mean he’s calling out I’ve got Jack yeah I I think that would be a wild fight what you guys think about that fight with with Jack and Gilbert I I agree and yeah that is a fight that nobody else seems to want uh sh when guys are calling out guys like that uh yeah that’s a fight you have to see and Gilbert you know everyone loves Gilbert Burns so you hate to see him uh take a loss like that but again uh malen the next fight I want for him is definitely uh shop cut if they can make that happen yeah that was a huge win man I mean Matt if you were if you were that like Gilbert Burns is going to be up 2 on Jack de medalen and he’s going to be taking his back with like two and a half minutes to go like what chance would you give Dela Melena to win that fight like 2% you know I mean so the fact that he found a way to win that fight under those circumstances just I think tells a lot about him and again like like you guys are talking about who he calls out tells a lot about him he’s just confident in his skills he wants to challenge himself those guys tend to do well man cuz you can just tell he believes in himself there’s no confidence issues with Dela Melina you know so yeah I expect him to continue doing really well and a nice uh nice job really really impressive P Yan uh over over s Yong he really needed that fight after three losses and I’m happy he didn’t lose sometimes when guys start uh they just can’t seem to get back uh a win and I was really happy uh because P Yan I think is such a devastating fighter and such a good Fighter um so I’m happy to see him I think he lost the first right then he came back and won the uh the second too but Matt I know you you you you talked about your dog and I thought he was actually going to win that fight after that first round I was happy for pet Yan um I was I thought that Peter Yan was just phenomenal and I like the way he mixed it up he beat him in he he outfought him and he did it intelligently and but I’ll tell you but still gutsy he’s still in the fire he’s in firing range he’s firing back he’s leing his own shot he’s taking some shots but then when he started mixing in the uh the the the the shots the takedowns that was really impressive because it was clean it was well timed it wasn’t a striker trying to Grapple it was a clean this guy knows how to grapple it was clean it was boom put him down and then he then with his endurance he started laying it on him and you saw in that second round how he took that second round from him it started off with with um I Believe song uh taking him down in in the in the first in the beginning and then he didn’t ex I think he got back up or he didn’t accept it but I just remember him turning it fairly quickly then you saw you know the tide change you know what I mean and that was just it’s really exciting because you knew it came down to that third round and he was building Steam and you see you saw you know uh song starting to uh to fade some and you’re like could he pull it out it was W it was really I I I thought it was a great fight man great I was really I was happy for peon because you don’t want to see that guy leave the UFC I he’s too good he’s really good I mean he’s really good that’s the that you just said that that’s the only thing I was gonna add Matt because you were our thoughts on the fight were exactly the same and the division is just better with P Jan like being relevant in it you know and I mean I I think the world of om Ali but I do I had scored that fight against him I I thought that that Yan won that fight you know so he’s got a little bit of bad luck and uh you know then he fought Mor Rob and I just don’t think he was ready for like the the chaos that Mor Rob brought I think that the mor Rob is kind of catching a lot of people off guard with that lately you know that’s not a bad loss for him you know so it’s like it’s just good like if he had lost this fight then you’re really thinking like damn dude like where where’s he go you know and um so the division is just better when Yan is a a part of it you know isn’t it funny though really quick with morab I don’t want I don’t want to give these guys their shine but morab has got that X Factor you know I always say and it’s been said like endurance is just it’s another it’s another weapon it’s in the Arsenal it really is if you have very good endurance you could use that to your advantage and morab is like people the way he fights it’s just it’s if you look at him fight it’s you don’t realize until you’re in there until you feel it what you’re dealing with because it looks like well is striking I could do this or maybe you could outc grapple him here or he’s losing this position it’s just he just does not stop and like Henry shudo on paper probably thought that looked good for himself like looked good just like Jose Aldo on paper doesn’t get taken down but he’s got that X Factor something different that you don’t realize till it’s too late and I think sha around sha Ali is smart enough to to realize and kind of you know hopefully try to set up some other fights but I think he knows what’s coming and not listen I think he’s confident as well but I think he you know his better chances are always with a guy willing to strike with him you know do you think that anybody can get in the shape of morab they just don’t have the mental capacity to it or does that guy have like a Third Lung or something is it like a physical thing or like what what is it I know when the guys visit him back in Georgia there was like a stream by his house that he’s like swimming up stream like he’s just I he’s always ever since I met him like a decade ago he’s always been train he never parties you know he doesn’t smoke he does I never seen him drinking he just likes to train he he’s but I don’t I don’t know what’s in it man because I mean literally I felt it like just and it’s just amazing it just doesn’t just doesn’t it just it just feels the beginning of the match at the end of the match he just feels the same and it’s like oh my god oh it’s worse than a versa clima rolling with morab you know what I mean it’s exhausting but he’s but he’s uh it is it’s Unique it’s pretty unique to himself you know you got to be born with that too right like they obviously training and all that stuff but aren’t there guys from like a certain part of like I or whatever it is that they typically win Marathon or Kenya and it’s got something to do with the with with the the oxygen in the blood or something like so there’s some guys that just have that uh and I think that you’re born with that and then if you’re an athlete then everybody notices that you you have that but I I don’t think you can train because these guys all train hard everyone in the UFC trains hard and I don’t think you can train to just not get tired I mean and the guy just doesn’t get he’s a nightmare morab is a nightmare and I’m telling you nobody wants to fight him uh Ali is not scared of him but he doesn’t want to fight him om Ali would much rather fight anyone but morab it’s amazing hey Brett are you a science fiction fan did you see the new Dune movie uh I didn’t really like the first dune movie to be honest with you so I’m not talking about the one with sting in it the new one you didn’t like the new one I no no no no I mean like because the the the the Dune movie that just came out was the second installment of the you didn’t like you didn’t like part if you didn’t like part one yeah you’re probably not gonna like part two that’s what I mean I mean if I’m on a long flight or something you know it shows up on the on the library maybe I’ll check it out it was so good I feel like Jimmy’s happy you didn’t like it you have no idea uh how happy that made me yet have someone say that they seen it and they didn’t like it you’re such an evil little I’m sorry Brett cause I I seen him almost try to fight his smile because he sees me want to talk about Paula trades and he doesn’t want to talk about do to it look at the critics it’s such a good movie uh not you br I’m to Jimmy Jimmy give it a chance anyway back to the seen it it Jimmy what’s that you haven’t seen it or you saw it and you didn’t like it like I didn’t see it but I typically don’t like those kind of movies um but I may I would watch it if I had a few hours to kill but it’s like I have so many films on my list that I want to see I probably won’t get around to it um it’s not my style I don’t think yeah well listen it’s my style Macy Barber now Kaitlyn she took her husband’s last name serman yes Siro I like it Siro reminds me of Marin but K I know her husband too nice guy uh Caitlyn versus Maisy Barber that you know I like like Caitlyn was trying to get like get the fight to the floor maisy’s athletic man Maisy looks powerful doesn’t she like she she’s like for a girl she’s got like heavy hands she’s powerful athletic I I mean she just she’s out water I mean I she just had her she’s just like a step ahead you know yeah Caitlyn want I I feel like Caitlyn wanted to get her on top get on top of her she’s been you know Caitlyn’s ground game is better than you than well she showed it before you know with uh Chef Cho not not um yeah her sister of course Matt we have our guest in the waiting room oh shoot hey are are you able to hang for a few minutes bread or do you have pressing things to do I can do like another 10 minutes and then I’m talking okay I say if you want to stay we have Kyler Phillips coming in if you have to if you have to jump that’s fine but I mean if you want to St I can do another 10 minutes 10 minutes sounds good okay sure minutes we Kyler yeah man yeah [Music] yeah hello can you hear us what’s up my man hey how you doing Kyler hi Kyler yo yo yo what up man hey man dude huge huge Win For You biggest name I mean that’s huge Pedro munz how’d it feel fighting him I’m sure you watched him fight before coming up no I mean I’m not aging him out I’m not throwing his age out there but I mean he’s he’s been around a while Pedro yeah yeah yeah he felt uh he felt durable man uh you know I know he had those leg kicks that Guillotines got one of the best uh Arman Guillotines in the game so even right off the bat I like missed a kick and he went to grab me and as soon as we were on the floor I knew he was going to wait for me to sit up for the single leg so I kind of went for a leg lock and then I just tried to use that to kick him away um but yeah he felt super durable he could take a lot and uh he was chucking leather he was throwing hard and he was in good shape he always comes in shape so uh we just had to be know couple steps ahead was he one of those guys that you watched uh as you were coming up uh and and a lot of guys I love when younger guys fight guys who’ve been around it’s always somebody that they’ve watched and that they’ve kind of admired then they finally get in there with him was that one of those guys for you yeah you know what’s so funny is I actually never brought this up but about I mean I think it was during the whole covid time he was fighting a lot um and then I had a dream or something one morning years ago that I was gonna fight him and like I got up it was like during the summer I just got up and started running and I just put in my head like what if I was just like what if I was going to fight like a Pedro Munoz like you got be serious that got you know and I just went running for some reason I just had a thought of that just kind of passing my head but it was cool to you know be able to share the Octon with such a highly skilled guy hey I know you like doing back flips after your victories tell me the Matrix is that or Matrix where’d you get that nickname from oh my dad gave it to me you know uh we started he started me at the Gracie Academy when I was a little kid and I was doing arm bars and you know in the arm bars since I was the baby baby you know and uh it was um The Matrix name I was more my nickname was the storm when I was like a kid because I would get I would kind of go crazy add like I would just like get on my dad and like you know just kind of go crazy and when I would get you know flustered and uh as I got a little older you know he never forced it on me and I was like 12 years old and I wrote down UFC world champion on a piece of paper and Jiu-Jitsu world champion and I’m still you know chasing the same exact thing and he basically he changed my nickname because it went from the storm he changed it to the Matrix because I was constantly going having to be against bigger people at places and being challenged and I had to like come up with and use Jiu-Jitsu and use U use leverage and try to find outside of the way out of the box thinking for things and I just had to kind of he just watched me and it’s kind of like a dimensional thing like he’s a step ahead like the dimension ahead kind of understands from a broader perspective you can kind of see there’s more more of a deeper understanding and you could you guys could saw that a little bit in that that fight where I leveled up and have ADD oh sorry M when you you said you had add as a kid was that one of the reasons your dad put you in uh to martial art like this is something physical he can do that will Tire him out and focus him uh no he just loved it a lot and he he liked to be around and I love to watch the UFC’s with him and stuff and we went to like some pride events went to Pride 33 we I was just always watching the fights and studying all these guys and stuff and um yeah that’s but the whole ADH ADHD thing I mean I it’s kind of like you have more tabs open and I feel like if you can have a lot of them open at like a certain time you you don’t have just one tab open you have a bunch so it kind of is like scatterbrain but it can be working in your favor in mixed martial arts because you can kind of take similarities from different concepts and ideas and then put them together and look through a scope where it kind of flows okay this makes sense like you can take the angles from guard passing um and then or getting to an angle in wrestling and then go to boxing and then learning oh I could do that same I can hit those same angles and so you can kind of just put Concepts together and ideas and just kind of think I mean obviously I feel like anybody can kind of do that but it helps like it’s a hyperfocus I get you man I I listen back when I was young they didn’t test us for anything but trust me Kyla I got I’m of L T of lettuce up in this headu ton of I don’t know what I got but I’m they like 10 tabs open on 10 different computers man ton of tabs ton of tabs my point is this I feel it helped me when I was fighting a lot of times where in Jiu-Jitsu especially it keeps me like in the moment like I’m constantly in the moment I’m not too far thinking ahead I’m in a in like almost a state of flow when I’m fighting or or especially in Jiu-Jitsu I feel maybe not I don’t know so maybe you’re you know you said you took to Jiu-Jitsu as well and I I honestly like man I love the way even the way you move you kind of like brought a new style of of striking was like off your grappling movements with the strike and it was hard to time those shots and I feel like that was kind of yeah I don’t know yeah you know why we that jiu-jitsu grounds and you coming from the Torrance Academy it’s a lot of that closing the distance and we you in the beginning I would hurt guys by accident just using my strikes to set up my takedowns it was 100% just to set up the takedowns and then I was blessed with heavy hands so you know more and you know but in a sport evolved where you couldn’t just get guys down but a lot of guys don’t do that anymore they strike they don’t blend it together as much you know which it really you know yeah and I see it from morab too he kind of has that up and down grappling striking it’s it’s a different playing field so it’s so hard to like read that when you go into a basic boxing this or a Muay Thai Tempo you can you know get reads off of that encounter so it’s a it’s definitely evolved way of of fighting for sure and that uh by the way just so you know that many tabs open at once is the best description of it that I’ve heard that’s an a really accurate great way to describe uh what it is when when you have that with your mind going all over the place is there’s a bunch of different tabs open what that’s the best the most uh the easiest to visualize way I’ve heard described and Brett we don’t want you to feel like you can’t do you I know you have something you might want to ask or or comment on please feel free uh yeah well when you were talking about your dad is that your dad in your corner oh no no no no that’s looks like Jackie Chan nikai this martial art so nikai is KN is multiple he is universal energy do is the way or path and Kai is participant so the bonac tree is the representation how we all have a different we cut our bons Tre different so it’s kind of like how we train every person has a different body type and mentality so he’ll kind of help you grow your own style you know and not have to be that carbon cut and I yeah I’m the 14th black belt in kokai so right now I’m a Sensei I just got my second degree and we practice all types of things from weapons to even the mentality of Aikido I’m not you know super but the mentality and the concept of it okay you understand things a lot of Judo um and Sh and R style at karate so any weapons you’re good with huh any weapons that you’re good with yeah yeah I can use the tri staff you know you guys see me do flips and stuff I haven’t done a lot of the flips in octagon just because uh I don’t hav really gotta get get a knockout now Tyler I can understand stick fighting because you could get a stick and it could I used to mess around with that dog brother stuff on videos back in the day and grapple with sticks it was weird but at the col stick fighting at yeah man that was bad ass those dog Brothers at a cali California somewhere man ma brother too so I used to end up grappling with sticks early in the day it was weird but it was kind of cool but really dangerous but uh I kind of thought it was cool like kind of like like street fighting but that big trist staff thing what what’s going on with that thing is that just more for like ceremonial stuff you do that and then we cut a B on tree and I mean that’s not I mean I just like to mess around with different things I got a bow uh a compound bow I play music I’ve been playing piano my whole life basically so I see a lot of similarities in Tempo and music and you see like you know like even a boxing here’s like like a jump rope it’s kind of like the metronome it’s where you get your time or your speed bag you got your left hand right hand it’s like the base is like your footwork and your treble is like your upper you know and so you can kind of like almost write music and that’s you you just being you there’s times where you got to be more form you got to focus on you know your posture your form your katas your your you know technique and then there’s times where you kind of just turn the timer off and just flow you know you turn the timer off and you just shadow box and that’s when you kind of can really get connected within your in self and that’s that’s how you find that uniqueness for sure what do you what do you like playing on the piano do you play classical or or do you play uh you compose your own stuff or what do you like to play uh a lot of types of stuff I’ve been just I just have a lot of like songs that I’ve played over the years so I kind of just practiced that or I’ll kind of make some other stuff and I transitioned a little bit into DJing got a DJ set kind of pulled a little back from that but it would be cool to get a little bit more into that uh wait Kyler don’t go nowhere Brett let’s let you go because I want to talk to BR KY a little bit more I know you got a heart out they said you have a heart out in four minutes so thank you for sticking around at all yeah yeah for sure congratulations Kyler I want to tell you that we were watching the fights from the green room because I was uh doing the desk and I was doing it with ch Sonnen and Anthony Smith and uh at one point in your fight CH was like Brett is this Kyro kid always this good this kid is really good like is he always this good and I was like yeah man is very very very good and he’s been here a while so I thought you would appreciate hearing that CH was very impressed performance yeah I’m steing into my shoes so all right brother all right yes thanks Brett thanks for coming on we’ll talk to you again soon take care take care thank you Brett and Kyler so hey man you’re an interesting guy so let me let me ask you with your hobbies I mean shoot man I think we could do a whole hour on Hobbies it seems like you got a bunch of them is there any like do you watch any like stre do you stream anything do you watch any shows do you do you or is it books you’re reading tell me get turn us on to something that you’re into uh I think it’s about just living life man because there’s always a new there’s a new bag or a new bottle or something that’s you know shiny whatever but it’s just about like learning the the the whole ideas behind things and when you’re living life and you’re living in that ocean of energy you can kind of lift the veil in your mind and see that there’s so many more opportunity for things you know and that’s when you’re just loving life and just kind of riding dud it I I’ve been mountain biking late I just got a a fully Carbon Mountain Bike and that’s been giving me a crazy ass thrill because I’m working so hard getting getting better with my cardio and then also just hitting little jumps and stuff it’s so fun to get that type of adrenaline rush that’s one of the closest things I could feel to a fight you know so just you know little things like that and then I like to study movement and and and and sound and energy and you know it’s like kind of bring them all into one you know like where it’s just a feeling and it’s just that feeling that that thing that Vision you see that feeling that you have that that the sound that you hear and the beat of the Earth moving like you’re just living your life and making the best out of it and like all of your beliefs and convictions you can open like and see that there’s much more in your heart and in your mind with the people around you you can there’s just so much more to life you know and then we just get caught up in the same thing over and over again and definitely you need to have that discipline but you can use this discipline and make it stronger and better and grow out and just live a life of boldness and I’m trying to just constantly chase after that every day but it’s not I’m like trying to chase after it but it’s right there in front of you you know it’s not you try to get with something you need to be you know how do you turn your mind off like if your mind is going in 50 different directions what do you do to shut your brain off if you just want to like I can’t think of 50 things right now I just want to relax and focus on one thing is there something you can do for that break out the b it around yeah the tri’s pretty sick it’s like kind of like a nun I could do double nun chubs too but uh yeah we do the size and stuff I need to and then yeah got some but back to what was I saying I was asking what you do to turn your mind off like yeah just breathing man because uh and not like some certain type of breathing it doesn’t have to be like a certain type of way or practice but just being in your breath because when you’re when you’re breathing you’re being in your your body and when you’re overthinking when you start to think and then you’re like thinking about fight what’s going to happen this or that this person’s CH and you’re holding your breath you’re like it’s like you’re drowning in life you know what I mean you don’t want to be you would rather be have oxygen in you and be able to to surf on these waves instead of be under you know and so yeah I tell you Kyler you sound like a dangerous hippie is what you sound like you sound like man peace and love the guy goes hey you hippie and then next thing you know oh my goodness KY you Kyla you have your eye on the prize but it sounds like you are enjoying the journey my friend and congratulations pedroo is quite the feather in your cap that guy’s a durable dude with a lot of dangerous weapons and uh you had a you had a great performance man so congrats on that appreciate that man and it’s so it’s so cool to talk to you guys you seem super down Earth dude for sure dude I feel like I know you it’s crazy yeah well you’re gonna be on again man this I can’t believe this is the first time you’re on the show yeah yeah and I’m sure you’ll crack the top 15 I think you know that I don’t know if it matters to you but I I mean it is it’s nice cuz it gets you closer to where you really want to go obviously so congratulations on that and again this is a huge win um over a pretty legendary guy so you got to feel great yeah I love it man every second all right we’ll talk to you again M KLA take care uh great job really nice talking to you all right peace guys bu take [Music] care yeah man Jimmy that was nice he’s a nice I like him man very deep yeah yeah yeah really interesting got ni guys got nice hair and Matt we should say also congratulations to Michelle paja uh that incredible uh that rear naked in the first round over uh Mika oluk is that how you say the name I believe it is I don’t want to butcher his last name I’m it’s a hard name to say uh and also roess to Spain uh what an interesting uh knock out of Josh uh perisian in the first round uh again in the heavyweight division it was his UFC debut wow I I don’t know how many fights you’re gonna win again arms down like that uh moving backwards in the heavyweight Division I think that’s a really tough sell yeah but he’s that guy’s got that karate back well he had I believe he had to take one do around right in and out kind of there’s a reason why guys like like um uh Michael Venom pagee there’s guys that have their hands up that are getting knocked out I sure sure sure of course it’s one of the golden rules hands up chin down I get it but the karate stuff’s a little bit different it’s a different way you’re striking it’s an in- and- out darting in- and- out but you’re darting in with vicious strikes uh it’s a different kind of style uh let me tell you really quick before I lose the uh spot here because we had them this week I don’t believe you were here when we had to gamad on and he fought RDA so oh what a win gamr and I like him a lot camrod he was very enthusiastic about this fight with RDA and man is he dude that guy we were talking about gas tanks he’s another onec incred coming he keeps coming and that’s a that’s another big one man I’ll tell you it would have been a night for the the young guys doing well like Kyla Phillips and and and Matos uh mat gramr yeah and then you know next thing you know Dustin porier put a sh all that with the Young Guns coming up but it would what a fight by uh gamrat You Gotta Be You gotta be happy that and listen man you know what a Joanne wood she went out with a great fight uh vers Mara morz and yeah you know it started off rough you knew it was her last fight going in and she came back she landed in the last she ended up winning the second and third round after a tough first round yeah and she was not going to be denied a victory in her last outing and I’ll tell you it was she landed a back Fist from heck I clean up my language at a weird time I know you do the whole FS there’s B’s this and this and hey what the heck I your heck in at the end yeah um that that backfish jimm I don’t know if you’ve seen it but yes you know it was it was something else and uh what a what a nice performance because you know if you would just went out there and won easily been a that’s great but she had a battle her last fight so that was fun yeah I enjoy also phip uh phip Linds over Caba again they beating up those legs oh those leg kicks were nasty uh uh Ian took quite a few uh hard leg kicks it was a great fight he’s very tough um but I it’s always interesting when a guy’s getting kicked in the legs and and like and Fighters just don’t really show how much hurt but then there’s always that one which just kind of sweeps the leg out and you’re like yeah that this guy’s in bad shape um great job by uh lindens beating up the legs of Caba yes sir I I enjoyed it was a great night of fights Jimmy it was an you know what it’s not great though the fact that this week they don’t put the how many wins each one of us has in the uh why don’t why ah I forgot that part that’s from our producer yeah I know how how how convenient I me I got I got a couple of them back well listen I guess we’re gonna find that listen we did that on purpose we want everybody to tune in in a couple of days I know you know hope a good for the kid this the deal Jimmy yes sir can I tell you something now and can I tell the wife and family’s going out of town I can go I can train with you sometime this week this week I’m leaving this remember we talked about I’m leaving son of a I fly out man I’m flying out are you on episode I am on the next episode yes good I’d miss you I miss you too but I fly out Thursday that whole thing about me being able to go into the City and train with you I take it all back well Wednesday night Matt I will be here in New York at the Fat Black Pussycat and uh Austin at Rogan’s Club all shows are sold out but then the following week I’m going to be in Oklahoma City and Dallas and Houston and there are tickets available for those shows so forget Austin but try to see me in uh Dallas Houston or Oklahoma City Houston where uh I think it’s the House of Blues in Houston no Houston where I won the title yeah Jimmy oh I’ll see you soon Jimmy yes buddy have a good one thank you Kyler and thanks to b okamoto goodbye bye [Music] everyone