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same can be said for Jared [Music] [Applause] caner caner comes out South Paul South Paul and already blast the calf of vtori which I promise you he’s not used to because normally he’s facing conventional Fighters now that CF kick defense has to be there against another southpaw [Applause] oh bad with the left that wobbles caner Marvin landed a big left around they go as caner is trying to hang on yeah not what we expect to see Canon air trying to do here shoot [Applause] early and now he waves him on and pumps a jab big early moment for the Italian dream it’s be another left hand and another slip bori looking sharp through the early going so it’s looking like there’s some openings from the Southpaw defense of koner when he’s Southpaw the openings are there when he’s conventional he goes back to Conventional he’s rocked on his feet that means his defense is probably better there and that’s often the case when Fighters switch STS the defense is the the thing that’s usually lacking yep great start here for vtori yeah so the cath kick was there caner game planwise but the defense wasn’t there and vctor saw [Music] it when asked where he’s making the best adjustments at this pointor said adjusting within the fight now it’s caner Landing a big shot oh man this is already off to a great start here both guys really hurting each other nice left hand again from bori both these guys have eaten more shots than they’ve ever eaten in the first round most their fights which is very peculiar to notice they usually don’t eat shots like this neither of them nice check there from Canon oh that one off the forehead it looked like not good for the hands caner appears to be about as recovered as he can ask him to be halfway through the first round that’s staying in the Orthodox stance and he’s got vtori back to the [Applause] fets tor’s boxing looking really strong here in the first just busy right and we talked about it that’s what vtori does so well yeah the power is there but even more important than that he’s constantly giving you something to think about and I’m noticing I mean koner every time he goes to Southpaw he’s getting clipped he gets hit just a little less when he’s in this conventional stance yeah it’s interesting that he’s going back to it so much he wants that oh he HT again left from vori gets through he’s only getting hurt in that stance I think if when he stays conventional his defense goes up and you can tell that’s a great Point Dom It’s Curious that he wants to fight from that stance so much I’m sure it was part of the game plan to attack that lead leg of the Tori so he stops pressuring but you know as best as I do that if something stops working you got to you got to [Applause] adjust cir getting busy with the kicks he seems to recover well man V Tori just constantly Landing great Combos and again from there he goes back when he’s in conventional or southp that’s when he’s getting clipped with the offense of vtori but when he’s conventional it kind of slows vtori down a little he can’t read it as well final minute of the first round VOR did a good job pretty much covering up on most of those shots there up against the [Applause] fence cir trying to close him down again yeah hasn’t really found the mark since that one good shot he landed earlier in the round I mean these guys have stayed in each other’s face the whole fight think what an awesome fight because the small octagon and then both of their Styles they’re pocket Fighters look at the output already what a main event another three- punch combination for caner mostly missed though Victoria showing some good movement yet staying right in front of him at the same time that’s watch the high kick from vori two seconds and one we’ll keep it here between rounds footwork and he said stop standing in front of him that was a problem through the first round we’ll see what the second round brings still a lot of fight left they trade kicks to start caner back in the Orthodox stance after getting clipped from Southpaw in the first round when vori gets that right hand going that lead hand he really starts to get ahead on his opponents he’s got really good with the jab and the right hook that right there when that hand gets going he really can get ahead with his offense when he doesn’t use that lead hand people start to get ahead on vori caner trying to walk him down and swing the right hand a few [Applause] times and now the first well they clinched for a moment [Applause] cir’s got to be careful throwing that inside leg kick without putting anything in front of it because Marvin is reading it really well and throwing that straight life straight left excuse me down the middle [Applause] get back switches stances just enough to throw the leg kick and then caner switches [Applause] [Music] back oh I mean that just missed the Mone that slid off the chin Dom wow the power caner I mean he’s finding these shots really nicely right now he starting on load here forearm shiv from in close and now Victoria escapes yeah but good job for Victoria again finding his way out of there but Canon stalking this is what I mean he’s so durable Tori is on weak legs he’s got an iron chin but caner starting to find the mark watch the fingers another high poke got to watch the fingers there caner Marvin’s okay thank God much better round here for caner can’t believe this fight supposed to go five rounds oh I hope this is awesome now he kicks him out perhaps vtori showing a little fatigue well the ground and pound from caner is one of his most dangerous weapons here he’s hurting him with these Hammer fists and jerek kir will pick his shots Marvin has got to try to get a hold of him oh he’s opened up a little bit in terms of the defense and caner starting to pick his spots I wonder if he’s hurt badly more from the shots on the feet he doesn’t seem to be quite reading everything right awesome posture from Canon he’s postured too high and so bori needed to get to the single leg to stand up but he’s tired he’s not using it he needs to Circle towards the ankles of caner but he’s hurt this is as hurt as we’ve ever seen Marvin vtor as caner looking to tea off still two minutes left in the rounds Marvin showing some lumps all over this face he’s getting B here shared caner starting to hammer good work from caner especially since how badly he was hurt that first round Marvin trying to come back now see how much power caner has with the damage he’s showing on Victor’s face oh the left gets through for caner and now he’s starting to be an assassin here with 90 to go in the second oh straight right there from Canon ear gets through Marvin on weak legs here guys yeah it’s looking bad for Marvin right now let’s see if he can tough it out he needs something back he needs answer back knocked down oh just miss perhaps a couple of big shots away from ending it the body is very open for caner right now as well I mean he’s chopping him down Victor is just eating so many shots the durability that he’s using right now to stay on his feet is incredible his lifelines are running out caner poised and patient no quint in victori robt close eye on this thing he gets outside this round it’s going to be incredible to be honest Robert Whitaker set to join the post show on ESPN plus after we’re done here as caner sticks another right cross oh counter combination from vtori 30 to go in round two Marvin turns a lot of energy from caner to use to try to get that finish he used a lot of energy that round [Applause] oh just missed with that left hook man Marvin’s a Savage awesome fight stuck it out made it through the round cannot believe incredible chin it’s amazing that we got this far but then not only surviving but landing in the final minute was vtori We Begin round three of an action-packed fight all heart from bori so far between rounds was amazing [Applause] but man Marvin looks a little more recovered here kir looks quick in this round quicker he recovered really well Dewey Cooper wanted vtori to stop circling to that power right of caner how will look how well Canon’s recovered honestly I mean he ate that shot but he looks quick still and that was a heavy output that last round wonder how that is on his energy yeah he tried hard for that finish there’s another right hand good check on that kick as well this is not a terrible idea if kir can get on top because he landed just monstrous ground impound at the end of that second round oh good count counter one two from vtori tell you he looks pretty F fresh considering what happened to him in round two and still getting a kick up top have a Tori also recovered very well it shows you how great of shape these guys are in to recover like that in one minute after the amount of output that they [Applause] had and I mean Kenan with the output victori ate the output yes he’s still here proven why nobody has been able to finish him tor’s Landing here oh that one Wobble the mouth got pinned against the fence I think that’s the answer you got to go to the body on Victoria he’ll eat shots to the head all day and even if it’s just to get those elbows in tight so it can open up the strikes up top oh there it is again every time caner tries to go inside with that leg kick Marvin’s all over him with straight left oh there’s a right hand big right piston straight right from caner oh there it is again every time Marvin is landing that straight left man right in the schnaz caner had some pop on that last right hand and he’s just keeping victori guessing now yeah you’re seeing last half of each round kir just seems to Edge out the energy each time two and a half minutes left in this round same thing that happened last round right at the end of it good timing there for caner oh way to grab that wrist and pull out the base but Marvin hard to get back up man that was a big hook victoria8 Marvin starting to wear it on his face now as they work in the clinch caner credit for the takedown didn’t obviously hold him down but grounded pound has been one of his best weapons especially during his time in the middleweight division the pressure look at the pressure he’s heading him off he’s giving no space foror and he just stays right in his face right in his chin right under his chin oh good elbow from P personal best for Jer caner significant strikes yeah the significant strikes are way up now but again this is not this is cumulative it’s not round by round right now man vtori coming out to Rocky theme song never seemed so prevalent yeah oh how about vori gets him down nice work there from ptor still in it wow good air [Applause] there all right what an amazing fight the final minute of round three oh they trade Jabs and now it’s caner staying busy on the feet what a fight and if you’re not tuned in for this one how are you missing out still two rounds left for us I know and you know what both guys shown incredible hard too both guys have been rocked and hurt and battled back every time we think oh man Marvin starting to get pieced up he lands a big shot he finds his well back way back into this fight I mean it’s rock Sak robots literally like a Rocky fight and shots looking at two rounds to one with two rounds to go it’s anybody’s guess this fight’s up in the air it’s up in the air and I think that gave Marvin some confidence right talking to his Corner knowing that he got himself at least back in this fight that that was a much more competitive round even if he dropped it he took the first and there’s still an opportunity even to win a decision still time for vtori to get that lead hand going oh but that does not help no eating right hands does not help there’s just more lead in the pencil every time caner finds a home for that right cross just backs him up body kick from bori was effective God both guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they stand right in the center a chess match now as each looking to find a home for some offense coming up next a recap of all the action on the USC fight night post show it’s on ESPN plus Michael K and Alan Joe are here with Dan heli Charlie Arnold interviews the winners middleweight Contender Robert Whitaker will join the program as well CER sticks another jab cers changing up the tempo changing up the Rhythm switching it up see what I mean he changed the whole approach of his offense he went to T kicks he went to cap kicks went back to the well on those and then switched up to the Tak down beautiful job by it up nice work there from vtori to pop right back up but good timing on that taked down just showing more levels to his game always evolving as jerro caner both guys tough as Nails in there we’re about halfway through the fourth [Music] round when caner goes southp he’s crushing that calf but as we talked about earlier the defense is lacking and like you said every time he throws that inside kick without setting it up he gets blasted with a left hand from the there’s certain things that have stuck out in the fight have continued to happen but just a second ago we saw caner change the wrinkle change the tactics he switched it up a little his timing his rhythm his weapons and he landed and got some fluent offense on vtori and now we’re seeing them back to the well what they’ve been doing bar burner sit sit in the well and Chuck [Applause] them nice Stutter Step there to a jab from Canon opened up the the guard there Victoria as he reached for the hands reallyy working behind his jab here in the [Applause] fourth you can see why vtori has not been finished a lot of other guys would be out of there right now I mean caner has been just Landing good Cal kick there from Jared caner oh caner exploding now into the fourth round and how about that caner setting a new significant strike record in the middleweight division wow and we’ still got another six minutes of action possible yeah there’s not too many people eating shots at this amount just not even really buckling notorious no even when Marvin has Marvin Victor’s been hurt he’s not going down he just kind of had a glazed look in his eye he didn’t even really wobble and on probably arguably the worst round of the fight he came back and won the next round possibly on the scorecards yeah at least had a much better round very close competitive round quick one two a windmill from caner trying to land a big right final 30 seconds of the fourth tonir still improving though that’s another thing you got to pay attention to me this guy keeps getting better he’s improving he’s not getting worse that’s for sure cardio stays up power stays up everything’s up cardio Dom I mean this man is 39 years old and has fought heavyweight light heavyweight and now middleweight and is’s in fourth round still throwing insane volume yeah just tells you the kind of preparation he puts oh how about vori sticking up been working with caner a long time and he’s one of the better Coach been in this game a very long time great advice knows his fighter well got to figure the urg will be there for victori I mean the footwork really has been a huge thing that’s made a difference The Stance switch the side to side movement the circling I mean a lot of the footwork that they’re asking for has made the difference but also the power cir not shying away from contact little Trash Talk coming from bori [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh counter right from Canon ear but then Marvin comes right back with a combination incredible maybe Victoria will take more chances in the final three and a half joner man he is Relentless with these combinations said he had the best fight Camp of his entire career at 39 years old in anticipation of this one and it’s hard to imagine him better over the course of four and a half rounds Tai clinch for caner now they break free and return to Center three minutes to go in what has been an epic main event for [Applause] Vegas yeah I think you got a kick T in the head in order to get him out or uh go to his body whatever it’s going to take to put him out nobody’s found it yet yeah and it appears that caner hasn’t yet either and it may not the toughness on display here for vori maybe a bat I don’t know I’m not sure thatat might break [Applause] [Applause] somehow we got over four and a half rounds kandir still looking really quick real sharp explosive in the fifth round looking real good theori on his heels moving back which is rare usually the one moving and marching [Music] [Applause] forward look at the Slick look how slick look at the footwork of look how he’s trying to stay out of the way listening to his Corner John Crouch moving being look SL sliding off the center line to stay away from the power shots and then coming back on the center line to land oh my goodness two three pivot out and then another two three I mean awesome good sliding around starting to stay up and now caner dumps him perhaps just a few big CR strikes from Victory he’s looking to get him out of here in this last round dude I mean it’s like you can’t you you can’t do it on the feet the the the right hook that he just landed on victori and he’s still just standing there just over a minute to go caner adding to his record setting performance so in that third round after he lost after he had had one of the worst rounds he came back and did good in the second to show how tough he is but now he’s still down this fight I don’t know if there’s any way he could win this fight on the scorecards but he is so tough look at that this is one the most significant strikes in middleweight history Brendon most significant strikes in middleweight history wow wrecked by a wide margin and we still got 40 seconds left that’s something to be proud of man oh I mean AB he’s still going forward the rounds that Victor’s eaten to come back and just stay alive because caner has been ahead in this fight almost every single round probably on the scorecards oh my gosh another right hand there from caner oh big shot from vctor final 20 247 significant strikes in counting 10 seconds to go previous record was 186 wow I triple the am how did Victoria eat that well there was as much atmosphere in the UFC Apex as there has ever been well ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the scorecards and here are the totals 49 45 4945 and 4846 your winner by unanimous decision the killer gorilla Jared kir