Was Michael Bisping’s 2016 the best of his UFC career? The future UFC hall of famer would meet the legendary Anderson Silva in …

oh he heard he again Michael B it’s the new that’s it UFC middleweight champion of the world oh my [Music] goodness well here it is Dan the main event of the evening Michael bisbing versus Anderson Silva top of the bill here in the O2 Arena enena London England Knights don’t get bigger than this in [Applause] London thisis Bing backing Anderson up to the fence good head movement again from Anderson Silva looking very confident again pushes Bisping back to the [Applause] fence oh they good shot of bis Bing Anderson look Rock for a second but he’s fired up bisbing found the target very nicely indeed Silva looking to embrace the counts having absolutely none of that things are hotting up here in the O2 very interesting John 60 seconds is far too long to wait for another [Applause] round oh and again Anderson goes down for a second good uppercut from Michael Bisping Michael’s pouring on the pressure really good work from Michael Bisping here this definitely puts him in control of this right so far bisbing is looking to hit the switch on Silva Silva seems to have cleared his head a little bit but bisbing is in the ascendancy here in London he certainly feels the momentum shift last 10 seconds good clean punches and shots landed good elbows from Michael bis this is exactly where Michael wants to be going into the third round good defensive work at the end there from Anderson Silva to stay in the contest very good spatial awareness there at the end of that round from Michael bisbing this Dan is not disappointing the crowds here in London not at all not at all this is a a fantastic contest between two really talented Strikers that are not not scared to exchange on the feet oh another good jab from Michael Bisping good head movement from Silva that time as he sets up that big head kick Anderson pushes forward looking for that head kick again he’s not let bisbing out of this space down Michael doing a great job though of of staying out of danger I mean I know he’s on the back foot right now but he’s Landing good shots as he’s moving there we go again B been trying to fight his way off of the fence Silva is looking to close a distance and I believe for a mo side clinch here comes the onslaught of Anderson Silva Michael’s lost his mouth guard but Anderson Silva does not care he’s pushing forward in typical Anderson Silver style there’s the tight clinch ready done oh jumping me Michael but that is the buzzer the buzzer has sounded Herb Dean is saying the fight is not over Michael bisbing I have to say Dan he needs to protect himself at all times and he was looking at his mouthpiece Michael was distracted then by the referee who’s asking for his mouse piece Anderson Silva is convinced that this fight is over but herine is saying it’s not well that’s Michael bisbing the fight’s not over Michael bisbing is on his chair his corner should be allowed [Applause] in the officials weren’t letting the cornerman in there was obviously some confusion but now bisbing has seen his cornerman Jason pillo he knows he is still in the game but now you’ve got to expect Anderson Silva to charge forward and try and get this fight win immediately Fifth and Final Round Here in London Anderson Silva versus Michael bisbing some urgency being displayed by Anderson Silva he almost took a couple of rounds off certainly for the Lion Share of a couple of rounds oh throw kick from Anderson Silva Michael Bisping was Rock but stays on his feet Anderson Silva closes the range 3 minutes to go figers hurts a knee from Anderson Silva another knee from Anderson Silva looks by the tie clinch Bisping his is in Retreat firing warning shots he’s coming back trying to fight his way off of the fence Anderson Silva once again sinks in that knee oh beautiful inside from Silver it’s so difficult to put any kind of combinations together for Michael Bisping right now he’s pushing forward with the jab but to commit to anything more could be too risky at this point in the fight 15 seconds to go it’s so difficult to know how the judges have scored it it’s so difficult to know which fighter needs to invest their time here and their energy in this last 10 seconds bis being revs up his efforts towards the final Bell and it is met by a huge cheer from the London crowd all three judges have scored this contest 4847 for the winner by unanimous decision Michael the counts F I wanted this fight my entire life because of you guys you give me the power I’m just a guy from a very normal background and you guys have been in my corner Every Time season 3 Ultimate Fighter 2006 it’s when we met Michael bising tonight the 26th time he enters this octagon 26 times and this his first chance to win UFC goal here we go the champion the southa in the black trunks the Challenger Michael bisbing the Brit in the white trunks rockold has this air of invincibility mentally right now as well never more confident oh he he again Michael bitman it’s the new UFC middleweight champion of the world oh my goodness oh my goodness that’s why this is a crazy sport ladies and gentlemen because anything can happen at any given moment and in any good moment any given moment you’re sitting at home watching this and you just go holy Michael bisbing is the champion wow that’s insane what a huge huge victory for Michael Bisping 26 UFC fight first title shot he says that was easy winner in round one he just said that was the easiest fight of my life and held up his mouthpiece incredible just incredible congratulations Michael Bisping we want to talk about a guy earning his way to a title he did it he did it the hard way and he’s the new middleweight champion of the world they are celebrating in England right now baby that brid is the best I got to be humble here even though I want to be an so first of all thank you all for being here obviously I am so happy right now I started fighting when I came out of my mother really I have always been a fighter it always got me in trouble but there’s nothing I do better in this life than fighting this woman here supported me every step of the way if it wasn’t for her my family my dad my mother the support of the UK everybody here I could not have done this I’m an average guy more than average this is my dream nobody was taking this away from me two weeks notice as I said two days two hours 2 minutes I’ll fight anyone any any can’t even speak the Rivalry began in 2009 it was the first time Michael bisbing had been knocked out at UFC 100 h b seven years later for the title here we go black trunks for bisbing white trunks for Henderson in the pocket Michael’s always been hard to hit at range but he has done a nice job oh he the right hand again Henderson looking for the Finish can bisbing recover big elbow he’s trying to get hold but he can’t and Dan is going crazy on top with that right hand binbing up for now wow look at his smile on the face of Dan Henderson Brian Henderson Landing the big right early in the fight how does that change the complexion of this rematch well you would think it would make Michael bising a little bit more hesitant but he just went right back to that lead left hook again which is the punch he got counter but remember when guys get rocked like that he didn’t remember would hit him so Mike doesn’t realize that it came off that left hook and look at the swelling under the left eye of Michael bisbing his Corner did not press that down and use the proper things to reduce the swelling his wants to start to put together those combinations that he has been so successful with over his career that he should stick with the jab stick with the left leg kicks get rid of the lead left upper or left hook instead look for the left hook after he throws the right hand it’s much harder to counter oh Rock again that body shot hurt him or did it go k backing up oh my again with the right and Henderson happy to just stay on top here [Music] yep five minutes remain back a little bit the corner screaming at Henderson wanting him to go after [Applause] it effective striking a key component to the judge’s score card and he’s got to be careful he doesn’t want to rush in and get dropped by hend 10 seconds remain they go the distance for the winner a unanimous decision and still the Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the world Michael the count be [Applause] SP