With Jim Norton out for the day, it’s a Serra-Longo type of day on UFC Unfiltered as the great Ray Longo saves the day as guest …
[Applause] yeah that was a technically perfect performance on the ground he made really smart wise decisions on the feet he looked beautiful I’m amazed I’m happy guys I come out here and I perform for everybody I give you all a show B Beast Bo DAV welcome to UFC unfer please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a 2 00:00:34,159 –> 00:00:38,279 podcast that’s dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC unfiltered Jimmy bird is out traveling spreading his wonderful wonderful comedy and uh I have my good friend of I’m gonna say 30 years gez that sounds like a long time Ray Longo coach of Champions Champion Longo hold on how many people have three Champions what do you have you have three maybe listen Mor Rob’s on the horizon how many people have three let’s talk about that uh I’m gonna say the only guy probably is Javier Mendes we like we like jav amendes 100% great job we can’t hate on him we like him but does he have four I don’t know I tell you the key is uh I don’t know it’s all good they got nothing to say but uh we actually know each other over 30 years though that’s what I was gonna bring up that is Theo Whoever thought that’s horrible it’s it’s scary um you listen you know what’s funny though we’re doing this we’re doing pretty much besides some fun games like this we’re doing pretty much the same exact stuff you you start off a plane you were at the fights over the weekend people always like to hear you know the you know the the behind the scenes you know footage the the scenes what’s going on what’s going on there what it’s like there before the fight after the fight you were you cornering pomos now what is his full name for the people that don’t know or Greek I mean the the pronunciation is haralampos Gregorio don’t say G on we call him we call him pomos we call him pomos now that was officially his first fight because he won on the contender series no yes and it it didn’t it didn’t go great no this uh very disappointed you know that you know he got look he got compromised with the CF kick early and uh you know he just never recovered from it but uh you know by you know he’s he’s a lot better than what he showed and I hope we can get back on track track but hats off to to Chad who did a great job against him I don’t want to take one iota away he fought the way he was supposed to fight he was fighting for his job and I think everybody should go in there like they’re fighting for their job whether it’s for their job or not fighting for the job but have that mentality you know what I mean where you got to walk through a lot of pain a lot of times just ain’t an easy sport and everybody should be fighting like that so Chad and eliger that I kill his last name he listen hats off to him Longo yes he made he made you have a miserable flight home yes he did isn’t it weird dude like we didn’t have those calf kicks because you told me yeah you told me that pomos had an excellent Camp excellent camp now what are we talking about one CF kick it takes everything away does that how is that I don’t know I don’t know if it was one but I guess if you hit that nerve right man it’s you know you saw like the first time I think we saw it and I could be wrong on this was when I think it was Michael Chand and you know like again mentally he wanted to fight but he couldn’t even you know I think they called it drop foot he couldn’t even walk is just had no his his leg would his ankle would Buckle every time he put pressure on it so uh I think the biggest thing is if you all getting hurt you got to disguise it a little bit once a guy sees that it’s hurt I think it’s just the motivation is just goes through the roof that you you know you cause some damage but uh that I’m gonna say this in the last bunch of years that’s the biggest technique I think changed that those calf kicks can change a fight as far as a technique that could change a fight you know what I mean like some guys have power some guys have speed but those calf Kicks Will negate a lot and uh hats off to him he got it off and poos couldn’t recover it’s amazing that what like all those hours of conditioning your body like you can condition your legs somewhat like you know even your shins and class Shins but what do you do what are you doing what are you doing with that I mean it really is a new it’s kind of a like my my leg is been beat up I’m sure so is yours your your thigh like you know it was bad enough getting through that at the beginning you know what I mean you you were bruised from your knee to your ass you know you took a lot of leg kicks but it was people did adapt to that I’m I’m I’m somehow thinking that that’s what’s going to happen with this they’re just going to get used to getting kick kicked in the calf but like again you hit the nerve right it’s a it’s a major problem let me ask you something Longo taiu aasa now he lost is this his fourth in a row that he lost he was down three uh fourth straight loss yes that’s rough that’s rough for anybody but yet he’s so entertaining and you know what sucks he had his moment in that fight so it’s like oh he’s getting on the horse and man you know he’s um mar mar maren marcine I should say robell Des okay rois this paa verse Tai to aasa what is that D to you what what do you think about that I go with robell lasagna no no no but anyway no listen what do you think that’s listen if he’s gonna be listen I’m not calling him a gatekeeper but if you lose four straight you’re kind of lucky to have your job and he’s got to know that so why not if you want to hey if you want to give this robell some a kind of like FasTrack him so to speak so to say um what better way than fighting a guy with a name who likes to stand up let’s go huh how old is robell he’s 35 I know what you’re gonna say Longo wow is he look like robell is is 35 he look like young kid well they you know what they say you know they you know it does not crack holy L mango this is what I’m gonna tell you don’t bring up at 35 Me Knocking out Frank trick It embarrasses me but I’m trying to tell you is that Ro Bellis we got no time for this of starting with the how many rank get him in there with Tai to ofasa Let’s Fast Track him sink or swim yeah listen I think the thing with two of us is you could there’s fights that they can make with him that are going to be super entertaining he’s a great guy I’m sure they love his personality you know he’s got the shoey thing going he’s a big fan favorite so they you know they match him up with Grapplers it’s gonna always kind of probably go similar but they can match them up with guys that like the bang and they’ll have a great fight on their hands did you yeah well listen he’s he’s one of those crowd fa he’s a fun guy he’s had a fun fun energy about him you know uh but hey Marson good job bro yeah the Maron did good hey Brian battle versus Angi L Losa what’ you think of that what you think of that you gotta know I’m not listen hey anybody gets hit with a poke in the eye it sucks we’ve seen it before we seen it before you know but Longo I know it’s one of your favorite Chun do techniques you know it you know happen sometimes I know it’s easier said than done but when a do is talking to you you can’t tell him you cannot you know we learned from Gian back cannot let him know I can’t see if you start telling you know you can’t see they have they’re gonna get sued they have to stop it so you know how about give me a second you know I don’t know so it was a weird thing and then I called Brian battle a for that if I’m correct no no battle called him a oh did he here here’s the thing with the with the like the headbutts and the eye pokes you it’s always different like if you’re winning it’s a different story when you’re losing you know what I mean that’s where I think battle’s coming from if B if battle was piecing them up and then it kind of looks even though it’s an illegal technique it kind of looks like you’re getting out of there you know like if that guy was winning he he’s he’s not getting out of there like that I think that’s the point battle was making which I think I think was gangster man he didn’t have no Mercy on the guy all he just they almost started when once he called the guy a M the other guy wanted to kill I’ll kill you you know and battle was like well you could have did that five minutes ago why why are you fighting now so battle I thought it was I thought he was he was pretty cool and how about this I like uh Big Mike beltron he’s the right guy to have in there to separate people yeah what why you just walking off what are you doing why you leaving those guys that you know it’s it just ended in a controversial way if you watch it watch when he lets go he just like all right I’m out he just leaves those two standing there looking at each other Mike I like you you’re a nice guy I love when you had that thing when you had your your braids in your in your hair you look like a a villain from a kung fu movie but hey man you dropped the ball you gotta stay there man you gotta anyway we got Mike Davis coming in and then we’re gonna get back to that little confrontation with Brian battle [Music] okay Longo I’m dude I I’m literally in my gee pants still I literally came from the school oh wait wait don’t tell me you taught the seven o’clock class that took a nap yeah you’re sleeping at that time sorry M Mike Davis nice to meet nice to see you man I’m sorry you had to see that now you’re good yeah you know why telling my friend 30 years that I I taught the morning class and I taught the noon class he cuts me off and he start fun of me oh you taught the morning you need a cookie you want a cookie because you taught the morning class I’m sorry Mike Davis let’s start right now Mike Davis nice to see you man congratulations on your thank you so much you can hear me right and unfortunately unfortunately you could hear us so I’m sorry yeah uh thank you thank you so much yeah Mike great figh and I know I spoke to you you know right after the checks in the mail Mike keep wait checks in the mail you’re gonna be a happy man I’m hoping I’m hoping is that a is that a private joke with the checks in the mail kind of why don’t you why don’t you let me and the whole unfiltered audience there you guys that against him or something what is happening Longo well I think he had a great performance he could have gotten the performance of the night but he’ll get something in the mail okay look look if if I were to look back onto the card and and to match up the fight I went against uh Natan Levy right a prospect coming up he’s on a two-fight win streak he’s never been finished before he’s amazing wrestler amazing Grappler he he finishes all his fight or sometimes not not all his fights but he takes down people he wins decisions which means that he is able to Showcase his a lot of his technique and skill I beat this man without getting touched I feel like that’s deserving of a bonus yeah hey speaking of bonus I heard you got you got 20% of his uh purse because he missed the uh weight that’s right I did so that also confused me I feel like I feel like something was off with him because I don’t know if he really wanted to fight me you missed weight by 0.5 pounds what is that that’s like 10 10 20 minutes in the sauna and he didn’t even want to do it he didn’t even try nothing uh the only thing I could say Mike is I saw him getting out of the elevator man they were they literally were carrying him so I think he was struggling okay yeah he didn’t he didn’t look I didn’t see that much yeah yeah going on the way to the uh bu I I thought I mentioned that to you when I saw you in the at the hotel that time but yeah he didn’t look good at all like I I didn’t even know who it was I know who it was now but I mean they because he had a hood on and they were just literally there was like a Weekend At Bernies they were just dragging the guy around so you know but whatever man that’s that’s the wrong you know and I think he kind of blame the weight cut on the pi too which that’s not that’s not gonna win him any any fans that’s not great hey I mean we both have the same we cut yeah 100% you did your job hey Mike you did your job and you deserve you deserve a bonus but that unfortunately a lot of times that’s not the way it works no I I know how it works I know how it works like you I’ll tell you man you’re doing something right four- one I mean Gilbert Burns how that did that was that fight just bring us back because that was a while ago Man Four how how did that fight come about was that that wasn’t a last minute thing just to refresher that was a very last minute thing that was a four day notice four day notice fight against Gilbert Burns so I was actually working on an oil change at Ty Kingdom when they called when my manager called me he was like hey uh UFC just called me they’d like they they’re willing to offer you a fight in the UFC now this guarantees you a four-fight contract the only thing is that it’s against someone I just I don’t think it’s the right moment for but again it’s for fight contract with the UFC so we’re gonna take it and I was like who who is it he’s like it’s Gilbert Burns and I was like I don’t even know who that is so let’s run it it was a it back then you know it was a while ago I mean that was back four five years ago four years ago yeah wow and I I remembered enough that it was that it was a short notice thing that’s why I short I had just fought three weeks prior at 145 all right so I mean listen seven that’s also a tough a tough wel them welcome them uh opening I feel like that’s the toughest you can yeah what is what do he rank like number he was was ranked like number five in the welterweight division yeah a title Contender he’s fought for the title yeah uh yeah man he’s a title Contender and look and he gave um coms out all he could handle you know yeah so that that fight didn’t go my way unfortunately the the weight difference and the short notice but honestly like today’s Mike Davis that’s a different story what’s interesting is you didn’t you didn’t know do you watch the fights you didn’t know who he was no man I don’t I don’t watch too much so I’m I’m one of those guys who I show up I do my job I perform I love training all that stuff but then when I am not doing MMA I’m I’m not doing MMA like I’m literally I’m not thinking about it I’m not playing video games about it I’m not watching film nothing I’m out living life traveling doing stuff so tell me what give me some that’s interesting first of all because I that’s all I do watch is the fights I can’t watch anything mind anything with a ball I guess but you know give me something so tell me some of your hobbies you’re doing all this other stuff some of some guys I ask what do you do all I do is train what do you do on your Earth Day I I do some other train I hike I don’t know so they’re just so fully engulfed when you’re not training uh what are you doing give me some um so I’m a big gamer and I’m trying to become I’m trying to become a streamer I stream a lot with Jen’s pver I actually have a game session with him after I get off of this with you guys so I’m a big gamer uh outside of gaming I do like to teach people so teaching like BJJ MMA wrestling um there are some D1 kids up in New York I go up and teach every now and again so that’s always fun to me but I I just feel like you you mentioned hiking I don’t think of it as as training I think of it as like adventure and freedom so I love to go hiking oh you go hiking is that like is that like one of those like hiking with the sticks like this or hiking like climbing like mountains and uh it’s probably like more sck I wish I could climb like mountains and stuff you don’t want to do that i’ would get Adventures yeah you like yeah I just I want to see more of the world I feel like I’m 30 I’m 31 now and I’ve traveled a bit but not enough so for me I’m trying to get out there more nice really nice like any any anybody we would know back in New York that you come down and train with or train um it’s a long island or it’s Upstate New York no it’s Upstate Upstate that’s a different yeah it’s a different area hey really quick because we can’t just jump in and out of it too quickly because I know what I’m doing after this I’m putting on my headset my meta Quest my new favorite game Longo don’t he’s a gamer Longo please don’t yeah I’m a gamer bring up something about cubert you don’t know that’s old school let me tell you this new game you like at all Mike Mike you like I have my meta Quest it’s right there listen I love I I was so into population one very good game that is population one is fun as hell right it’s almost it’s like a it’s a battle royale Ro Royale game where you know Squad up three people are you playing ghost of Tor I I’m gonna get that one I heard about yeah a lot of people love that one they love that one now look the next one they just got me in the the ba the beta testing or whatever the beta test whatever it’s called Uh contractors Showdown okay I played I play contractors now look I played that not bad it doesn’t really win me over it like I didn’t really put much time into I play the the zombie mode on it it’s fun that’s gota be Longo listen loo a few more minutes in this sorry he doesn’t know Mike you know what the difference is man you’re 31 this guy’s 51 I mean it’s a I hope when you hit 51 you put down the no don’t I’m not going to no I give you hope I give you hope listen contractor Showdown I I talked about when I was on The Joe Rogan I talked about population one Mike and this guy saw that so he he hit me up he goes try this this is my new game it’s gonna be out there dude he got me the early testing these are the perks from being on a i you I couldn’t even play population one and I’m a oh nerdgasm it’s like that’s the Battle Royale version of contractors know what it is it’s cont it’s um you ever play um Call of Duty war zone yeah I play it every day it’s like that is that where it’s like if that’s a battle royale isn’t it yeah that’s it’s like that bro God jumping out of a plane you got the parachute you I saw I saw the gameplay for it I’m gonna play it so good so good so anyway Longo we’re back to the fighting Mike I loved J Jitsu be you saw your first thing coming up your first uh discipline it was wrestling correct uh it was like kind of like a mix of boxing and wrestling I would say boxing more so interesting and then wrestling who got you into the uh into the uh boxing you Dad or um no I I think I took it upon myself a couple guys at the school there’s a guy named Victor he trained at custom AOS and he told me that the gym is like the best boxing gym to go around here uh so I rode my bicycle I was like 14 I didn’t have a car so I rode my bike over to custom a I think it was like 14 miles and I would train with him uh not custom a um Kevin Rooney Kevin Rooney said as long as I don’t fight at my school that he’ll train me for free and he trained me for I never fought I never did a boxing fight I just wanted to learn how to defend myself nice really niceo that’s a name you know do you have you ever met Kevin Rooney Longo no I met Teddy Atlas but not Kevin Rooney but uh where was that that’s in Florida it’s in cill New York oh oh so you were oh you originally I’m born and raised cill New York oh wow cool oh so you were at the the the real the real yeah I used to see I used to see Mike Tyson driving the limo around CCO when I was kid oh wow that’s crazy oh that’s that’s interesting Oh I thought you were from Florida no no I’m from New York oh nice oh that’s perfect man that’s great that’s wild man that’s I mean there’s some history there for people that don’t know custado the great custado was uh uh Mike Tyson’s trainer you know and that’s a story on it all in itself but Kevin Rooney was a part of that stable and he was one of I think he was like a secondary coach yeah yeah I believe it was Teddy Atlas and him and then Teddy had that fallen out with Mike or something so then Kevin Rooney stayed with Mike tyon at least for several fights I believe got the championship Rooney oh and he also worked with Vinnie Pas P there’s a movie did you guys ever see that Vinnie pen P Penza yeah sorry did you ever see his movie I for this really good I heard it was good he was a Wild guy that Vinnie Penza but Penza was crazy it was from Rhode Island but uh I think it was Miles tell played him too I’m not sure yeah it was Miles tell youo oh that’s I like it was great it was a really good movie you you would actually love the movie I’m gonna watch it hey hey Mike where’d you get the nickname Beast Boy ah that was um I was training at a gym uh ik iku it’s a a k karate gym in Saratoga uh that was my MMA School technically that was the first place I really learned Jiu-Jitsu so while I was training there because I come from wrestling and boxing when I was getting ready for my first fight under their name with them they uh were putting me with a wrestler um just random guys so one would be like proficient in wrestling and they would send them in and out out wrestle them so they then they would like okay uh you go in you go in and he’s a Grappler so uh instead of wrestling he would start like trying to Grapple me and out out grapple and like you go in and a boxer and a kickboxer and I just outdo these people in their own sport then one guy Eric I forget Eric Janks Eric something he was like Dam this kid just adapts to anything they throw at him he’s like Beast Boy and then that stuck ever since and people that don’t know Beast Boy I believe if it’s the same one is from the Teen Titans am I right from the Teen Titans yeah just he’s one of the the better characters he’s one of the more comical more downto Earth loving uh Happy characters but anything you put him in like you throw him in water he’s a fish you throw him in the air he’s a bird no matter what you throw at him he can counter he can adapt to it if you like that character now look I didn’t like the follow-up Seasons lost me but the first seasons on Max it’s on the streaming service Max and they have him in there the kid played him excellent I no it’s an adult version it’s a lot there’s sex in it hold up yeah I haven’t watched it he’s laughing loo that’s AO what are you gonna say think about what you’re gonna say what is it no keep this going because no no keep talking about uh Beast Boy or whatever you I gotta I gotta hit the bathroom I’m coming right back I gotta go yeah talk about talk about another video game all right listen Longo’s gonna go take is all right Mike Davis hey that head and arm choke it’s got to be is how often do you hit that in class is that when you get a submission and you’re getting them when I tell my guys when they fight don’t go for something you’re not going for every day when you’re not hitting all the time when you’re Mak guy because these guys in class aren’t letting you like make them say uncle you know what I mean they’re not letting you strangle them same thing in a fight nothing changes leverage doesn’t change physics don’t change inside that cage how often do you hit that in practice um so honestly the head and arm choke is something I struggled with until sorry until I spoke with hadalo Vieira who if if you don’t know uh if you watch his last fight we hit the exact same position exact same submission backto back in his last fight he hit the same exact head and arm choke uh mounted side and I hit the same one mounted side I learn my head and arm squeeze and choke from him interesting now how did he tighten that up for you I want to know um damn all right so shoulder shoulder placement in the fight you’ll see when I get the head and arm I don’t just start squeezing I I I keep my elevation to keep his shoulders uh planted to the uh canvas that way I can I can I shimmy down my shoulder underneath his chin so I can push his chin up once I pushed his chin up I sunk down and you’ll see my hips shift to his hips my my right hip shifted to his left hip to to drop my shoulder into his throat and from there it’s literally just I was not squeezing I was just holding isn’t it funny I wasn’t squeezing at all I was literally just holding and when I heard him start to like gasp I was like okay I’m just gonna hold let it settle in right that’s why when the referee uh tapped my shoulder I didn’t really feel him that he had to tell me twice um because I was literally I was just in my own world I just holding and just waiting oh yeah do I hear another why does another box just show up on the bottom of the screen no I got you isn’t it funny with that it’s almost like a it’s like a pitbull on somebody’s neck or something the choke settles in like like you feel it on it you feel the guy go to squirm I always ask with that head and arm choke because you know people it’s hard it’s hard to get people you know it’s funny though I used to get that when I’d spar with the 16 out boxing gloves as long as I had my head in there how I would distribute the weight and put that almost of like a like a sprawl where my head would go to the other side and and just put all the weight on that top arm as long as your arm is deep enough the for karate is gonna be getting closed so it’s really just that’s why they call also the arm triangle uh because it reallying your you’re choking with their own the same way so when all your weights on it it really is an effective choke so listen what something I noticed though in that in that fight is that after I dropped him with the the first punch okay he was in a fight ORF flight mode to not be submitted in the first round I can I could tell like the way he gripped my arm I couldn’t get my arm out even though his arm was like backwards and the way he was gripping my arm was like if he let go of my arm he was going to die that’s how tight and like panicky he was holding my arms interesting so I was like when the second round came out he he uh tried to keep the distance more I I knew he wanted to do more kickboxing because he likes the kick um when he threw the kick to my body I I don’t know if he just was afraid but he put no nothing into it there was no power I didn’t feel it I didn’t feel it at all so when he threw it again I just jabbed him in the face and he fell down from there after that he didn’t want to fight he didn’t want to fight I I instantly felt everything in his body leave when I went for the head and arm choke there was no defense there was no like grab your leg there was no answer the phone there was nothing he just accepted everything hey Mike isn’t it funny where uh you’re fighting somebody and there’s some guys you know that there’s no quitting them that you’re like man oh you maybe seen some of their fights you’re like all right I literally got to shut their lights off for the stop them there’s no quit and then there’s other guys they you know this some quit you you know you get them to the edge they might just be like all right I had enough I’m not I’m not trying to kick a guy when he’s down but you felt that in there I felt it I felt fear from him that’s a wild man hey Mike listen we have our next guest it’s really good to get to know you man first time on I would love to have you on again uh any name that you’d like to just mention I know you’re probably like whoever can get it but it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t hurt so I know everyone keeps asking me this and there is a that makes sense to me um so I am on a four fight win streak this guy is on a five fight win streak and he’s not that far ahead of me right if I beat him I kick him off I kick him off that leaderboard if he beats me he solidifies himself on that leaderboard there a good fight for both of us and it’s a a great matchup for the fans patty patty patty the Patty all right Patty pimpl man Hey listen look if I beat him I take his spot in a five fight win streak in the UFC he’s currently on five if he beats me he solidifies himself at six and kicks me off the leaderboard if you beat both of us how would you beat him any way I want it be just like this fight oh you think you strangle him I can I can grapple look I I’d hate to boast I can grapple there’s not there’s a one% chance I don’t submit you Patty’s Patty’s got some submission some real naked I don’t I don’t care there’s not a chance in hell he can beat me I like it Mike Davis listen congratulations congrats on your win and uh hey man we’re looking forward to seeing you again you’re as you’re entertaining as heck I love it thank you all right what a really well spoken young man I’ll tell you really was a was a pleasure I don’t get hit a lot so I still got it all up here man yeah you look good you sound great man going brother congrats Mike really thank you guys take care bro see you see you later [Music] that was fun I like to get to know the uh what a what a nice kid man what a nice well spoken kid wow and yeah he’s got a head on his shoulders yeah without 100% that was actually refreshing very well spoken does it remind you of a young me all right we got Mike Mike laser the comedian back on again he’s been on before and I like him I like him a lot let’s bring them in I like talking to the comedians man I think the Comedians and the fighters there’s a lot of similarities you know because there’s that fear of maybe not getting hurt but of getting embarrassed Mike what’s up man how are you bro good to see you Matt what’s happening man good to see you again your second time nice to see you it’s been a when were you on it was a while ago you were on I’m going to say like a year ago right when I recorded my special and now here we are promoting it thanks for having me back so great this is the great Ray Longo my trainer and more importantly Chris weyman and Alo Sterling’s trainer he likes to drop their names before me and then also Mor Rob’s trainer so he’s the trainer of Champions Mike how you been man what’s new oh dude so good I just heard you talking about the parallels between fighting and comedy and and definit right like fight or flight mode dig in dig deep practice how you play and you know what it’s more than that it’s I hear I hear comedians talk about traveling on the road their gigs and this and that it not only reminds me of traveling for fights but also as a martial artist traveling for seminars where you’re going I’ve heard I believe Louis CK and other fight and other Fighters other comedians they almost you feel like uh I’ve he it’s it could be the same exact thing they’re there to do a gig I’m there to do a seminar right you go and you don’t talk to nobody you got nothing going on until the seminar you go he like he says he goes to a mall he orders a soft yogurt he goes to a movie and then and then when he gets to the thing the first time he said anything to anybody all day it’s the comedy guy I don’t know you feel like a drifter in other words like you know what I mean that’s something that’s a little you know and then you you know you’re doing what you love and in the beginning there might not be money in it and then when you know I don’t know there’s a lot of parallels definitely also you make me think of like I’m chasing that flow State on stage every single time so I have to imagine like you’re doing jiujitsu you’re thinking three moves ahead you’re you’re kind of like in a flow state where you’re controlling not only your opponent but the crowd and your heart rate and I feel like in standup I’m chasing just kind of like almost like disassociating from myself and being like outside my body but everything is clicking on such a high level cuzz it’s what do when you were young like were you were you like in like say Elementary School were you you’re the class clown or no man I was a nervous nervous little fat kid eating nothing but Hot Pockets man I didn’t but I was a hockey goalie so discipline was really important to me early in life and I ended up um being the best roller hockey goalie in the country and winning a gold medal with Team USA in the uh Pan-American game so you know being that little nervous kid who was stuck at the goal cuz he was fat you know I turned it around and became the best in the country at something so it all worked out that’s roll of hockey well you Mighty Ducks as a kid how old dude always man we were gonna be an Olympic sport but they took mixed doubles bad Mitten instead of roller hockey if you can believe it you got some stupid what about the thing with they they like cleaning the ice and they’re pushing a little globe that what is that curling you think curling you’re like oh maybe there’s some weight no that’s the that’s the stupidest I don’t know man to each their own yeah that it came it came down the roller hockey at Turtle racing wer really sure which one they were gonna take wait so how do you go from like that’s your that must have been your passion at the time but I mean were you ever thinking I can make a living out of doing roll h i mean no man no like there’s no you know you can only go so far but they’re not going to put a roller hockey goalie on a wedi box I don’t know where those brand deals are going to be coming from for roller hockey so you know it’s smarter to Pivot into comedy where the future is so safe and there’s just tons of money to be made as soon as you start it’s a it’s a real safe bet to get into comedy instead of roller hockey everything will work out all the time I mean if you’re funny if not if not that’s a horrible bet I mean GNA go up there I mean how did you know you were funny how old were you when you first went up to either an open mic or to a to to to a show how old were you yeah well like the very last joke in my special I just put out life rules it’s about the first time I was funny and that was for my mom because I thought I could keep my family together and keep everyone happy if I was funny and so it was like a big defense mechanism that ended up you know becoming a career but my first open mic I’ll tell you what I grew up in St Louis Missouri and I went up uh right after a comedian who was way performed way before me named Nicki Glazer if you’ve ever heard of Nicki Glazer not related to me Mike Glazer oh the girl yeah she’s she’s so funny so she goes up she’s back in town doing theaters already or something and she crushes and then I have to follow her and I can’t I didn’t even know how bright the lights are so my hand is up over my face I’m trying to see people I’m stuttering and stammering trying to talk about how weird clowns are it was a nightmare man I my ass off how how old were you you said man this was probably when I was something I don’t know like early 20s something like that right you was still very young yeah and when you were a child and that was like your first making your parents try to laugh to keep your family together did they stay together they stayed together but it kind of wasn’t my respons it wasn’t my comedy I’ll give him I’ll give him that they worked they worked hard to stay together I don’t think I was that funny that that would have been that would have been techically your first bomb if if they got divorced I would have been that’s a horrible bombing would have been your fault truly my fault when when the kids like it’s not your fault and they sit me down and they’re like no no no this is all your fault it it’s like bu this kid that’s that’s funny you use that to try to lighten up stuff at home and yeah I do sorry I do really love the idea of me trying to do comedy at my kitchen table and my dad’s just booing me and heckling me boo I’m still leaving your mother that’s funny hey this is something that’s gonna Bond you and the gentleman that looks like he’s an extra in The Sopranos okay I see here that you’ve done bamboo stick fighting yeah Mano what’s what’s it called a screamer bamboo stick fighting oh no you did you did klie I knew it as a screamer is that the same as klie yeah yeah same same thing yeah old same who was your who was your instructor uh this was a long time ago in St Louis I can’t remember his first name was Charles but I can’t remember his name but I just remember the six counts yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure nice longo longo loves the sticks man Longo could you please and I’m gonna put this to a video to this you it was a couple years ago on your birthday you had the sticks in your hand and move over Stephen Seagal because you I put you vers I three four thugs you were moving unless they put that in Fast Forward Longo you know what I’m talking about could you please send that to me after I want to show Mike yeah please I did more KN knife and pocket stick stuff on that tape but yeah there’s a couple old uh yeah I I trained with some really good colleague G but colleague guys back in the day or a screamer guys Dan inosanto and uh Paul vunak couple of those guys they were real really really Dan and Santo probably the best discre ofor that I’ve met for sure so shout shout out to Dan he’s still alive still in his 8 he still booking wow that’s incredible no no know what guys were awesome you know what I’m gonna say Longo because I used to do it too a little bit in the beginning like not a lot but a little bit you know what I’m gonna say oh yeah he’s a big Wing chunk guy no no I’m talking about the dog Brothers oh the dog yeah you remember the dog brothers from Cali or somewhere in in West Brothers in West uh the West Coast these guys was Stick Fighters and they used to hang out with the Machado Brothers dude they used to beat the out of each other with sticks and then when they then they tackle each other and they start putting the stick in the neck go for the Fang joke and it was I mean that was Reas there’s a reason why there’s no dog brother schools around it was brutal hey Mike are you doing any training now with anything else um I’d love to uh actually I’ll ask you this Matt because I have a little tear in my shoulder from doing dips and my orthopedist was like yo I think you need surgery but now I’m hearing all these things about blood and PRP or something like that and getting alternatives to getting my shoulder scoped and so I’m looking into avoiding surgery and maybe doing some kind of stem cell something or other to try and heal it m that I don’t know too much about this I I know that people leave they go to Colombia or somewhere to get the good stem cells I don’t know what goes on in the states I don’t know what they have but I don’t think it’s the he Mike no I’ll tell you Mike look up the guy was on Rogan it’s the company’s called ways to well in uh Texas really give it a shot man I think they have a lot of they have those peptide treatments that that seem to be people are raving about I bet you there’s certain injuries I think the shoulders one of them like the elbow and that the the the some of those peptides and the PRP the stem cells really work a lot I bet you could get away without getting surgery roog Rogan claims he had a tear in his shoulder by an MRI and he went for those treatments and The Tear was gone the doctor was kind of like baffled so I talking about man yeah there’s so many advancements but the company has ways to Well he seems like a great guy very conscientious passionate about what he does and I bet you get great results with that i’ give it a shot thank you yeah cuz I’ve always wanted to like just smoke some weed and try Jiu-Jitsu I’ve never tried rolling on the mat before and I feel like getting a little high and doing it would be the move yeah well it listen Not only would it be it’s the move for me da and I that’s my two of my favorite things you throw in the VR three of my favorite things sorry I I’m a gamer H 50y old gamer listen your new comedy special which you could find on the on uh it’s gonna be on your YouTube channel right it’s on YouTube and then at the end of this month it’ll be on Spotify Apple Sirius you know all the audio places to too it’s called life rules now it’s like with an exclamation point so it’s more like life rules not life rules well it’s both because I do think life is awesome but I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and I got some new rules about how to uh be a better human being so there’s definitely some Duality there this is your first special yeah now any when you’re shooting a special how is it like is it do you try to kind of treat it like any other gig because you don’t want to be too too uptight or anything how do you how what’s your because this is your first one so it’s how did you what was your mindset going into it just another day like me I’m going to a fight all right Longos tell me another day of sparring but with bad intentions you don’t I know what you mean what is your what is your thing I mean I treat it like a championship game like it’s game seven it’s game seven so I can even tell watching the special where I like sink in and settle and I’m just like in the pocket and those first like 10 minutes of it I can watch myself you know if I was to equate it to being a hockey goalie making those first two or three saves settling in getting comfortable feeling lean and then the last 20 of it I’m just cooking and uh I treat I went to Edinburgh Fringe Festival and just performed every single night for 30 days to lead up to it I was treating it like training getting ready for the championship really that’s that’s wild nice yeah you know you said you started around like 21 or what so you’ve been doing this oh I should be honest that was my first open mike but I took comedy serious like standup comedy serious this is like my sixth or seventh year I uh I did Second City Chicago for a really long time and was more into the Improv and sketch stuff and uh when I moved to LA it’s when I started taking standup seriously and wanting to make it a career so I’m I’m I’m not 20 years in I’d say I’m a healthy six or seven that’s and that’s a lot of history in that second City Chicago right yeah I got to work with a bunch of Legends I mean I I didn’t perform on stage with him I got to assistant direct a show that uh Tim Robinson was a part of and he’s on Netflix he’s one of my favorite guys if you have uh if you’ve never seen I think you should leave check it out on Netflix he’s incredible oh yeah yeah I will check that out let’s give yours a proper plug now because it’s called life rules it’s on your YouTube channel which is Glazer boohoohoo uh you know life rules like I got to smoke weed with Snoop Dog but I’ve Al you know made a bunch of mistakes and ended up on TV for him so you know it’s a beautiful disaster I got this I was smoking with Action Bronson you ever hear of Action Bronson dude he he’s on my like wish list how cool is that man that was very cool we shot an episode of f that’s delicious at my we did some jiujitsu we hung out in front of my place for just for it felt like an hour probably was an hour he was great just let’s get another flavor lighting up another one fuing making cannons and I’m like yeah you know hanging out with a Ganga rapper 40 something it was great yeah it was just nice but uh then we went we ate some drunken uh Sicilian what a great day Hey listen listen wait Mike we’re living the dream you know it’s so great Mike hey I want you to uh I want you to come back again when you got your second special or before all right guys the make the great Mike Blazer check out his special and uh really great to have you back on bro thanks man if you don’t mind me just plug in a couple more things here real love to um check out life rules on my YouTube or Spotify anywhere you listen to anything at the end of the month also I’m on tour all April Matt I think you’re like this I’m on tour with the Gateway show all April um so the first half of every show we do a sober set and then we get stoned out of our mind during an intermission and then we perform a high set to close out the show so I’ll be on tour with that all over the country all April and my Instagram and my YouTube is Glazer boohoohoo so if you want to come with me come with me I appreciate it my producer right just wrote if you want to see him perform live you can see him in California Colorado Minnesota Washington and Oregon or Oregon he says Oregon Oregon my bad on States this April hey man Mike thanks a lot dude come back again dude and congrats congrats on everything thank you all so much uh I’d love to come back anytime shout out to UFC Fight Night that was a great night the other night so um let’s goome about it what a night dude so many submissions it was wild wild I was talking about that did you see the fight with um before you go let me see where is she it was one with Macy that was great yeah yeah yeah she got a she got a strangle didn’t she yeah she did that was beautiful but it was no it was on the undercard where is it it’s McKenna vers jacken a Mormon a Mormon a listen I think she’s a whoa I’m reading from uh Jake here it was there was an armar in the first round beautiful beautiful arm lock so congrats to jacqu because cor poor Corey McKenna man and what’s up messed up with that uh you know the referee he was having a little bit of a rough night the other day Mike I think it was the same referee he goes all right stop no keep going worst thing thank God she got the arm lock because that was awkward as heck cuz what if she would have got out and then beat the girl’s face in I mean that’s that was that was bad but the girl looked like she was about to tap it that was tricky man I tell you they’re in a rough spot it is I listen I I don’t want to crap on them you know but it was it thank I’m almost saying thank goodness the girl was so skilled in Jiu-Jitsu so yeah was so you know I want to see her again and I felt bad for Corey McKenna because it’s one of those things where she’s so tough where I’m sure she she didn’t get to show anything you know I’m sure she had she’s seems like a sweet girl too I took the bus to the airport with her just very very nice very nice person man those refs are tricky man because you can you you got to be so decisive if you let something go on too long it it it’s it’s a bad look and a guy can get really hurt but if you call it too early just cuz the guy flips on his back or something like that and you call it like you might have not given him a shot to get out of something it’s a real hard gig yeah it’s a hard gig but it is the gig so I me you know what I mean listen they you know they’re there to protect the guys and you know listen so you got to you know give them a little bit of when they deserve it but he did you know he’s a great ref though Mike come back on again congrats on the special and all and all the success bro so awes thank so much this is awesome guys take care take good luck buddy thanks [Music] bud hey Longo a couple more fights all right let’s just go over a couple of things all right go back to the battle fight oh oh the Bri oh yeah back to the Brian battle fight versus uh uh Angie Angi Lo uh Luca and uh Luca looked like he was gonna luer this fight Brian battle was pissed and I I kind of don’t blame him let’s watch now look and then this is when the the ref leaves after so by you see Brian battle upset because things were looking like they were going his way let’s listen ladies and gentlemen at 1 minute of round number two on the doctor’s recommendation referee Mike beltron is called a stop to this contest this fight is considered a no contest all right now they’re both Vis now the best just leaves I was whooping your ass I like that though now he wants to go after that’s he looks okay to fight though now he’s not BL I I kill you I kill you all right we got the gist of it now look he had his chance to kill him let’s let’s just call it the way you know and suddenly he looked ready to fight again this’s the thing you’re caught up in the I’m not saying he took the way out the fight wasn’t going his way I feel bad for Brian battles things happen get you know next my my point on a lot of that stuff is if the other guy was winning then you’re 100% know that he couldn’t see that’s a guarantee but it’s always coincidental when the guy’s not winning that some but you don’t want to you don’t want to around with an eye poke you only got two eyes and you know that type of but uh I don’t think the ref did anything I mean the fight was over they it took like 20 can’t leave him alone my thing is he got you got bisbing in there he could take care of business well I like that you sticking off a beltron next time stay between the guys there was about about to be a riot what we never saw that before where a guy poked the guy in the eye it’s called you ever hear the name Paul da what are you talking guys and that one Dan brought him over hey look he wants to say good job and guy gives him a left hook anyway anyway hey props also to OSP got it done split decision but he got it done you know Kennedy was tough he was in there and but uh he got it done Christian Rodriguez also got it done congratulations uh Macy we said that she looked great who else and Gerald mot over Brian barbarena barbarena barara barena barara barara barena barena hey Longo barara so barara lost to Gerald and uh you know is a good night for Jiu-Jitsu I’d say yeah really quick Jacqueline’s Jacqueline’s last name because I want to pronounce it the right way producer Please spell that out for me because we don’t want me butchering these names they deserve to have their names say said correctly a more mem aore meme a more meme a more meme jackeline a more meme Longo we had so we have I gotta go man come wait a minute are you kidding me I can’t can’t take any more of this come on loo we’re done Hey listen man what am I going to see you what a nice show dude thank you to Mike Davis and you to Mike laser you know we had we had fun today Longo at least I did what was a ball Jose Aldo back I think that’s awesome man good listen he lost to moral but Mor I mean you know moral I mean before that he was doing great morab is morab and look at Mor Rob’s been on a tear you know it’s G be this be a great fight and he’s been keeping busy with the boxing so I expect a lot out of uh you know Jose Aldo in his home in front of his home country you know that’s gonna be a great fight the other kids’s tough and uh yeah can’t wait for that man I think it’s a smart move dude I’m excited about it hey man I’m gonna talk to you I’m sure I’ll talk to you later G give you a call what I like about this show when you’re on there’s no straight the voicemail there’s no not calling me back I got you I got you for an hour all right let me get out of here can’t you just say you had a good time yeah had a I had a great time you did a great job today I feel like I I stood here like a tree I’ll talk to you later take it easy you didn’t talk enough did I hug the mic are you leaving I gota go take it easy buddy I’ll talk you later I’m G hang up I’m gonna plug Laura yeah Jake uh my apologies take it easy that’s Longo apologizing to our producer Jake the mighty Ginger thank you everybody unfiled Army thank you so much we’ll talk soon goodbye [Music] everyone