With a fight card to recap and plenty of short-notice fights to discuss, Jim and Matt are joined by bantamweight Miles Johns fresh …

[Applause] big career victory for Miles Johns the new miles JNS let’s see what is in his future but the real new miles Johns is a miles John’s with the heart of a freaking lion you are going to have to kill me to get me out of this octagon miles Cho [Applause] John welcome to UFC unfer please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC unfiltered I was trying to start Matt while you were still eating I wanted to catch you with a full bite in your mouth but then you you asked uh our producer a question that kind of gave you a second interesting show today miles Johns who had a very deive wi over Douglas Silva Deandra and um it was a good decision win and um Mick Maynard um who put so many of those fights together uh it’s it’s really I would love to know um some more some more more of the behind the scenes stuff with what these guys do because I would love to know what fight he has put together that other people told him that wouldn’t be a great fight and it turned out to be amazing like there’s got to be so many people telling you do this don’t you do that like you know all these people and I don’t mean Sean Shelby and Dana I mean people that are his Barber just his friends Knuckleheads yeah yeah hey uh this is the um the Gourmet this is vanilla french toast what I’m drinking right oh how is it some good gourmet coffee I’m telling you right now it’s a oh what are you drinking I I’m having some gourmet coffee too I was hoping you’re gonna do the the Tarantino P fiction speech for what about the coffee about it about the coffee being that this is the Gourmet yeah this is the Gourmet and he was just talking about how good the good because he likes the good yeah that he wants to talk about something else which We’re not gonna talk about no that’s the speech but anyway T Kino’s me try to get me in trouble hey I buy The Gourmet stuff I think Jake writing the whole thing out but thank you Jake it’s a good whole fiction if anybody’s wondering yes um an interesting card but what’s really interesting is the fact that shamayev is uh had to drop out which is uh you it’s crazy the amount of bad luck UFC has had uh recently and now they’re like he’s had this ongoing illness I don’t know if it’s long covid um or exactly what it is but man there’s been some real shakeups uh Connor out obviously do you know what Connor’s injury is Matt are are you familiar do you know I do not know I don’t either maybe we’ll get we’ll find that out but uh Hey speaking of injuries man I kind of feel for uh Alex Perez in that main event the other night oh my God yeah to uh uh tetura tetur was um I mean he’s he’s living up to the height you know that was a tough test but Alex I me listen the injury was caused because took his back and so I mean it’s legit like I’ve never seen that before what was that called that the way he grabbed his legs and then lean back like that I’ve never seen someone do that oh um grabbed his legs and lean back with like with his legs like he was kind of straddling him he was like almost on his back but then he went to his side it was like the way you carry a kid on your side and then he like locked his leg and fell back and then just ripped popped his KNE I was I was well the way he fell was weird you know that kind of just happened yeah but the fact was he was on his back looking to strangle him I was very impressed with his not only is JJ his his grappling obviously uh it’s what he’s known for I like not his striking and his tie clinch they also call that the plum I don’t call the the tie clinch when he gets him anytime Alex was doing the getting close uh he would start to just take away his strikes by getting a hold of his head with that clinch and firing off some knees and just controlling him and uh I was impressed by that because you know it it’s in that in that range where he can get hurt if he’s just overis looking for the takedown but he just gets that head and uh but to Alex’s credit Alex was fighting really well up until he got caught you know I like the way he was going to the body and the head yeah coming in on different angles it was fun while it lasted yeah and that was a nasty nasty um like that’s just when when someone and I watched the replay obviously and you could see the second he went down he was in he was like it was just bad I I’ve seen so many like injuries like that over the years but like knees given out and stuff I like look away I’m like I know how that’s gonna as I said that belly made a noise I’ve just never just the takeown he did that that was just so I’ve never seen that before the way that went down yeah that kid’s got so much potential he’s only it’s like a scissors thing across the legs it’s like some kind of a scissor taked down speaking of scissoring that new acolyte show what a what a piece of I’m gonna watch it I can’t wait to see it you know why Jimmy you think like planet of lesbians would be kind of exciting sure it’s not you’re out a feminist rally they’re chanting want me to tell you to chant I know I’d never dine in Jimmy I could I could never get this chant out of my head me ready and this is in a Star Wars route right there’s a bunch of like alien space lesbians there’s no guys on the planet so sure and they’re going they’re doing a little um ceremony right Jimmy it’s so cringe it I don’t think so it ready yes power one the power of two The Power of and then they all go many Jimmy I like it a lot they do Power of One the power Power of Two the power power of many I love it first of all I can’t wait to see it my favorite Star Wars now the aculite is just hot dog do I have to see the other ones to watch this and our guest is in the waiting room our first guest miles do we do I have to watch this to the other ones are M I just jumped have to watch any if you if anybody ever seen this and go oh this is Star Wars that I heard about the thing with the the light saes yeah they look at that and go I can’t wait to watch the Acula is it on H Apple TV yeah let’s bring in Miles Johns and uh let’s let’s it’s on Disney plus but uh it is a piece of I can’t wait to see it I I feel very psyched about it I think you’re being negative uh Power of one the power to the power of many many Maybe I’m Wrong maybe it’s not the grow up that sounds like a great chant hi miles how you doing congrats congrats mil what’s up guys I’m doing well hey I appreciate it man I he miles hey man listen great great fight powerful I’m I’m happy for you you got to be on Cloud9 I don’t want to ruin your uh your party here but did you ever see the acuite on Disney Plus I haven’t seen that all right don’t see it it’s a piece of back to your fight congrats man how we feeling you don’t even look like you’ve been in a fight I feel good you know yeah I don’t look like I’d be in a fight my voice is a little bit messed up because the Dude punched me in the throat like two times but other than that I feel good I’ve never had that happen before kind of crazy wow I’ve never heard anybody’s voice affected uh after a fight like that did it was it immediately or was it like the next day you woke up and you’re like oh it was pretty quickly after um yeah and I felt the punches and I was in my head like do this effort just punch me in the throat but but it’s all good things happen he missed my jaw so it’s cool W so you went to the doctor right actually I never heard of that before I never SE I never I don’t have much but gez either either do you the doctor checked it out and um nothing serious but I’ll get it I’ll get it checked by t uh by a throw specialist soon okay well you had it looked at and he told you it was uh it was okay you looked really good they were talking a lot during your fight about your power and how it changes the way other people fight you now uh that people are just really scared of your power and and and a lot of like they said uh Silva Deon D would more likely be Reckless or or kind of come with a different energy but against you he was very cautious have you noticed that dude I have noticed that um I noticed it with Cody Gibson I thought that he was going to bring a war to me and he didn’t but I thought Douglas dra would for sure be the one to not worry about my power and bring a war but he didn’t so um for me I want to put on exciting fights I keep thinking these guys are going to bring a war and they’re not um so I’ll change things up to where I’m not I’m not so relying on them to bring it to me because I was like oh he’s gonna come Reckless I’m gonna be countering his ass like I’m G not like and I’m going to find my knockout but every time I punch these dudes in the mouth they stay on their back hill even these dudes who normally bring War to people so I am I am recognizing that I appreciate the commentary for recognizing that and giving me my props on that because that is I I do believe it’s a skill my timeing and my power is a skill um but I’ll start to add more to make the volume a little bit higher to make these dudes come in and that’s where the Antics came from that’s where like they yelling at him and like come on because when he was coming I would I would crack him I wanted him to come forward on me um but but uh but yeah we’ll change things up and I’ll add more volume to my game to make it exciting it it’s so great that you started I mean you’ve been wrestling since how old were you when you wrestl you started would you started thir thir grade so you started with the wrestling and man it’s so great that you got power in your hands and that you’re able to strike how did you transition into the Striking what did you start with with the Striking what did you start with boxing I just I just started in the street um I got in a couple street fights and I landed some right hands and I was like wait a second I think I think I got something there and um when I started striking it was uh it was with boxing you know I really I really love boxing I got a couple cakes but I just like to box these dudes up you know street I’m sorry Jimmy I’m sorry uh how old were you when you started the boxing um 19 oh okay man all right and so that transition so you knew you had power from from you know Landing somewhere in a in a street situation or two but uh so but when you had to learn the technical aspects was it difficult becoming transitioning from the grappling to the Striking it felt natural for me um I never want to go into a fight and feel like I have to wrestle somebody and so for me the boxing it I don’t know it just felt natural and it felt fun and wrestling’s exhausting dude exhausting I’m like if I can just stand here and strike that I’m H I’m happier with that but um I’m gaining confidence as I as I strike with these Strikers Douglas is a striker forever he’s a Muay Tiz Striker and he’s been that way forever so if I’m out striking these guys I’m happy it’s funny you talk about um how tiring it is I you I just I trained uh I’m just a white belt in Jiu-Jitsu and we were doing like uh just takedowns today and I’m like there’s nothing more exhausting than this I mean it just grabbing someone and a single leg and taking them down when they’re letting you do it it was a drill it wasn’t even really doing it’s the most exhausting thing having wrestling must make you more confident with striking uh because you have no fear of somebody taking you down and you know that if somebody’s out striking you that you have the ability to press them up against the fence and pull them down if you need to right exactly we always got that in our back pocket and um we’ll add it when we need to you know I thought I might need it a little bit more but um I landed one right hand at the beginning excuse me and uh and it landed and since that right hand landed at the beginning I was just looking for that knockout I was like oh I landed that easier than I thought I thought he was going to be a little faster so I think that was kind of a problem to where after that I was like I know this right hand’s going to land tonight and I’m getting my 50gs but I can’t focus on that you know what I mean I just got to focus I just got to stay in the moment and just focus on what my game plan was so um so I will say I was hunting the knock out a little bit um and I’ll I’ll be aware of that next time hey miles uh first of all happy Father’s Day One father to another I’m reading here the stuff about you we have a lot we’re a lot of life besides just being stocky bald guys I’m with with heavy hands and uh being Grapplers I see you teach the kids class at at Marathon MMA is that right I do yep I love it my son is I have my oldest son is seven and my other one are is five and they’re both doing it right now it’s it’s even more fun when they’re in your class right isn’t it great because I got my three daughters I do the same thing I teach I teach the classes for the kids and when your kids are in there it’s a little it makes it not that you’re not involved it get you even more involved like you know you want to see them and I see them learning I’m just like oh my gosh it’s crazy I never knew an armbar that young he’s seven years old he knows all these submissions and I’m like dude it’s mind-blowing it’s really it’s really fun yo it’s funny miles I had my uh I was watching one of those like World St hip-hop fights whatever something on the Facebook yeah and uh and I had my my my 11-year-old watch she’s like and it was horrible they it was one of those that and she’s just not she just just a matter of fact’s like oh but Dad they can’t even fight they don’t know how to fight right you know she knows how to take people she 11 years old she’s taking them down strangling people you know they just they can’t understand like what do they doing like you know what I mean yeah so our kids will grow up knowing just how to fight better than like I’m older but as I did as an adult like you know it’s so crazy crazy it’s crazy what are kids good at when you train them like what’s the difference between training kids and training an adult because kids brains are so much different uh do they adapt faster are they less afraid what have you noticed about teaching them you know I’ve noticed I found a way to make my kids practice what I teach you know I’m not forcing them to but they do adults if you show them something they’ll practice it once if it doesn’t work they go back to Old Habits they have habits already instilled kids if it doesn’t work they trust you as a coach they’ll keep trying it and then it’ll start to work you know so um I’ve noticed that with the kids and I love it my oldest son is the type of kid that uh if he misses practice he cries I’m like hey I’m going to be gone for the week for fight week I don’t know if your grandma’s going to be able to take you to practice or not and he’ll start crying like oh but what am I going to miss my my son who’s 5 years old he’s really talented but he’s a tight he’s just a chatter boxing practice and he’s like H maybe I’ll go maybe I won’t you know and so we we just let them be them right now I’m just noticing how they are and then I got I have two more and the youngest one is three and he’s doing like a little PRI Jiu-Jitsu thing and uh he he loves it too he I mean he has a nasty right hand they’re always playing UFC in my little game room like fighter are you ready are you ready I mean it’s just like it’s it’s just wild to see man you let them watch some of your fights after the fact um or they’ll go to the other room during it and then um and my the my mother-in-law will tell them what’s going on and how’s it going but just in case anything I don’t want them like seeing it live but I don’t think my older son would even want to he’s the type to like kind of close his eyes and look he’s so involved so yeah it is crazy how dangerous all of these kids are going to be like you know when I was in high school in the 80s there was one kid who knew karate or a couple guys who everyone knew could fight um and they probably couldn’t even fight they were just kind of crazy and they did drugs now it’s like there all of these kids are training it’s terrifying yeah it’s awesome it’s terrifying and it’s just really cool because the better you know how to fight the less you have to fight you know if you’re that kid in high school that everybody knows that they really know how to fight what you don’t have to fight to for your respect you know what I mean maybe you have to protect yourself and in that case they’ll know how to protect themselves very well so um yeah it’s just cool what I notic with jiu-jitsu I’m sorry Jimmy is uh in these videos like I was just talking about the world SL hip-hop stuff Have you ever SE Jiu-Jitsu used at school it’s usually it’s usually a kid getting messed with and then you see use their JJ I never well I very I I can’t picture I don’t think of can’t think of any time where I’m seeing people aggressively taking guys down and breaking their arms in in CL at a high school it’s usually a kid getting mess with and then they break it out and then the bully’s getting a busted arm or something I love I love and if it’s if it’s the other way around first of all goes on to the coach like the first time look to that coach and be like yo you’re not telling your kids the second time it’s just a kid and that kid we’re g to have to do something we’re GNA have to fix this issue you know but but I’m telling my kids all the time like we’re doing this to protect oursel and to learn martial arts because martial arts is a journey you know and uh and they I’m sure you you know from your program too these aren’t the kids to go to school and just try to beat people up for no reason these are all like solid kids and their parents are solid that’s why they have them there like no not not a ton of parents really know about Jiu-Jitsu as a sport yet so most of the parents that bring him in are like solid parents who know the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu 100% and where is Marathon MMA where are you right now uh Overland Park Kansas City oh okay nice and you’ve been there a long time that Marathon MMA two years all right and you like it I love yeah I’m loving it man it was I love it nice man so uh what do you do when you’re done with a fight what’s the first thing you do like a lot of guys will treat themselves like they have a meal lined up or they have something that they want to eat that like they I forget who we were talking to Matt recently and and they were just saying that they’ll like look at at the food and they keep thinking of what they’re going to eat what do you do yeah man food is my thing right now you know I had to let go of some of the other distractions I remember after my bonus against Anderson dos Santos I had two kids at the Airbnb and one was sick and so I went back to the Airbnb and I didn’t go out that night some of my friends did my teammates but I didn’t and um I remember feeling like I should be like I remember being a little pissed off that um sure I was at the Airbnb and not out partying and I had to check myself real quick you know I was like man you just won the bonus you got a knockout you should be out partying blah blah blah and I checked myself and I’m like why why is that like what your desire is I was mad that I was like upset about it so since then since I made these changes now I don’t look for that stuff you know what I really want to do is I want to spend Saturday night and Sunday eating all the that I couldn’t eat before like you know I do eat a little bit too much and then Monday I want to get my dopamine from going back and not having to work out super hard just run just Jog and just hit the sauna and be light but that’s where I want my happiness to come from not from people in the club holding up bottles and this and that you know like it like forget all that man like I’m I’m here to make this last it is hard to like find ways to to get that high like you know going out after any big event but a fight especially seems like the natural thing and if you can’t do that all right what am I going to do do like cake or ice cream is is is a nice way to get uh kind of like you know it’s a dopamine Rush as well yeah it is for a little bit but work is the best one you know like now I can do a leisurely jog I don’t got to go and do a eight mile run and beat my last fight Camp self that that’s hard like I don’t have to do that I can just go and do a little two- mile jog hit a nice little stretch like make sure my body’s firing right because I’m working back in and then after that if I believe in that after that I feel so good like I feel happier than if I would have went and partied and ate all this crap and like done this mess like I’m happier and I want to do stuff with my kids because really that’s what I want that’s where I want to be after I’m away a lot during fight Camp so I just want to be happy to spend the time with my kids man that’s the way to be it’s it’s way more productive man that other stuff’s all superficial it is yeah and it doesn’t it doesn’t make for a long career I may I mean for some it does but for me when I was drinking heavy the alcohol was wearing my body out the weight cut plus the alcohol I was like dude after a weight cut this is the last thing your body needs but I I’d keep pounding it you know but that’s you raised a good point though about when you’re resentful of having to do something like stay in a hotel with one of your kids or something family when we resent stuff like that we’re like all right there’s something I I shouldn’t be doing if I’m resenting doing this is the stuff that I should be doing exactly that’s time to put yourself in check like don’t lie to yourself bro like that’s like those other things you want to do like that ain’t what you need to be doing you know so so yeah now now all I want to do is be around my family and my wife you know well you had a great fight man you looked really really good uh I mean very very solid 302 27 on two of the cards and 29 28 on one but a great fight against a very very tough opponent uh do you have anybody in mind for next or do you know who might be next um you know I did call out Ricky Simone if he gets rid of this uh Oliva kid who I I think that he will um then I think that’d be a good fight or um I’ve been calling out aan zahee for a while excuse me he’s on a four fight win streak so am I I think that would be a good fight yeah um people said Pedro Munoz and I thought maybe I need one more fight before that but if they gave me that fight I would love that fight um you know so there there’s a lot of options you know and um excited the B division is full of monsters so as happy as I am that little voice in the back of my head is just like bro you better be ready you got four wins stacked up can you make it five can you make it six like what are you GNA do you know and I think one thing about me is like um when I would wrestle sometimes I’d wrestle and I’d beat a kid by three points and then this kid would go wrestle somebody else and get pinned and then I’d wrestle the kid that pinned him and I’d beat that kid by three points too so sometimes I’m guilty of fighting to the level of my competition but making it look easy like Cody Gibson I mean easy no offense to these guys Doug Sil made it look easy like but that doesn’t mean that just because I’m finding at that level I can’t also make Pedro Munoz look just as easy like may maybe that maybe we can you know so um so yeah I kind of lost my train of thought there but but that’s something about you’re ready for if you think you might need one more fight before they give him to you but if they said he’s next for you you’re fine with that and you feel exactly just because I’m not knocking my way out all the way up which I wish I was I also wasn’t a huge Pinner in wrestling I was a guy that would beat you pretty easy but probably beat you by five or six points and um I am working on changing that but um but I understand that about myself and I believe that I can fight with the best in the world well miles uh yeah congratulations great fight man you looked really great I know you guys got knocked up on the card because of uh you know that last minute switch but uh you know you you looked really good I was happy for you and uh you definitely was a very decisive win so um looking forward to seeing you fight again me too bro yeah man congrats and uh enjoy a little time off and some you know ease back into it you know it feels good that pay Afters your body feels you just go off a camp if you don’t have any injuries you just you’re like oh man I can just do this when I feel like it compared to having to do it two times a day plus a run you know enjoy dude enjoy enjoy your appreciate it appreciate it all right miles John thank you buddy thanks a lot all right see you guys yeah [Music] bro hey man he’s got his head on straight he’s got his on straight to recognize hey I’m letting something interfere with enjoying my kids or even doing something unpleasant like looking after when they’re sick to go hey wait a minute anything that’s in the way of that I should uh I I should stop doing it’s really good thinking dude unless you’re a single guy and you want to go out there and you look for a date after a fight like ah you know what are you doing you know of course it’s okay to celebrate with the boys a little bit celebrate with the gang your team but you know he’s got the right he’s got the right head can we also Matt talk about this sorry buddy can we talk about this uh this Conor uh Michael Chandler fight cancelled and against P 2o which again that’s a fight that I’m dying to see but um it’s exciting and yeah shamayev so now alasgarov is fighting uh uh Robert Whitaker there’s so many but MC Mander those guys man it’s every time their phone rings they must be like oh what the what’s now what it’s the fight game and they they uh roll with the punches you know what I mean they do but there’s also so many more fights now there’s so many more cards almost every week so the odds of something going wrong you also have more guys to choose from but Jimmy my wife made uh barbecue piz Pizza not barbecue Pizza Pizza on the barbecue yesterday how was it oh Jimmy I I said she goes want want a cauliflower I go you know what no it’s it’s Daddy day I don’t want cifl no cauliflower hey how’s it going good how are you sir good thank you Mick man good to see you dude I love how that shirt goes with the back where are you right now this is my I’m in my office at home man dude look at that shirt the way it goes with the background of your wall Ray Longo every time he’s doing something special he wears a blue shirt to go with his blue eyes I don’t know good good to good to see you man it’s good to see you also how are you how was Father’s day it was very good man we chilled out at the house you know I was just telling Jimmy my wife did Barb she made pizzas on the barbecue so oh nice I felt like Dave puto I’m holding up I go look look at that note Bobby that sounds delicious so good how’s your how’s the academy going good good you know I’m part of uh three now so you’re you’re you have three schools yourself yeah well I’m I’m a partner I’m a partner what is it henzo Gracie what I got henzo Gracie Lake Houston henzo Gracie Mount Belleview actually full henzo Gracie Austin and then it’s kind of the one downtown Houston so I used to when I was younger in my whatever I used to go to a boxing gym it’s an old school boxing gym downtown Houston and so they adapted and now they do MMA and they had jiujitsu room and so own a little bit little bit of that so it’s kind of cool so you’re more a passion project than anything so that’s why I forget about it all the time you love it man you love it and you are you teaching at each one of these schools or no I’m just teaching at the one up the road for me so it you know like tomorrow I’ll be teaching when I’m home when I can I I try to I’m not very good at it but I’m working on it is there a pressure when you’re in a school like that and you’re with Fighters are they on a level of people who are going to go pro and are they people who think that like well maybe Mick can help me and then you have to kind of go like look it’s you got to go through the process like everybody else to try to get a shot in the UFC do they think they’re going to shortcut with you question I don’t think so I mean I think mostly you know the mostly there’s one kid in particular that I actually think has a real good chance and um you know there may be more but right now he’s he’s gone pro but he’s a 145 uh 155 probably 145 makes it into the UFC and uh that’s not my weight division so I don’t have to worry about it um so for but it’s also more of a Jiu-Jitsu school you know I mean we do have MMA and there’s a special MMA team that we have and they’re very good but they’re small and they go to different gyms as well and train but really the focus is Jiu-Jitsu hey let me ask you now I’ve been around a long time and I’ve met all the matchmakers over the years from Little Joe Silva to um Shelby of course Sean Shelby and you Mick you never hear anybody bitching about Mick don’t get me wrong I like Shelby too but people you know people go about him a little bit maybe Joe Sila was a little towards the end but you know I know him I used to talk to him about comic books and stuff and then he got a little big for his little Bridges he became like an evil little Jimmy Jimmy’s like if you had a Bizarro no Jimmy’s not Jimmy’s a sweetheart but anyway Mick no you’re such a nice guy how’s ever like that Mick I mean how do you stay so you’re so calm I never seen the guy you know anything other than relax and nice and polite nice do you ever get hot-headed with some of these people or I do I do I mean not so much with the fighters the managers have can drive me nuts from time to time um but you know I mean everybody has their agenda I mean truth to be told that the managers are more like sales people if we’re being honest in many aspects and so you know they have their agenda for their particular fighter I have probably 320 330 athletes on my part of the Rosser um so my agenda is for all of them you know if you I’m I don’t have a dog in the race I want them all to be amazing I want them to be successful I want them to be the most exciting fighters in the world um so you know I like I said I don’t have a dog in the race whereas the managers are trying to sell me on something um most of the time so you know that can that can create some tension can you you think oh I’m sorry can you think of a fight that you pushed for that happened that people didn’t want to do that turned out to be an amazing fight like is there one you can think of where you’re like you kind of fought to make it happen or you pressed a little bit to make it happen and your judgment turned out to be right uh and other people didn’t necessarily think it was gonna be a good fight for sure I think but most recently is eg versus panta I think nobody could quite understand why we made that fight um he was he was down further in the rankings uh so there was a lot of people questioning saying it didn’t make any sense um and it turned out to be an absolute amazing fight yeah that fifth round crazy uh decision or said make I think to go to the ground right that was just a bad bad move but yeah that was a great fight yeah yeah interesting is it’s actually a pretty good takedown attempt you know he just got reversed um but yeah I think that obviously I think we all know in h side that cost him to fight and on that same question just a little bit more with that like let’s say was there ever one that you pitch to Dana and he was unsure of it and then it did deliver and you went to him you know and he went anything like this or no oh yeah all the time yes okay and that happened and he gets like all right you did a good job yes yeah I think the one that I remember that I really had the most fun with it’s always fun giving him hell if I get if the opportunity arises and he takes it well you know what I mean so it’s as you know better than anybody it’s always fun to RI a little bit 100% usually he’s scoping on me more than me on him but yeah I gu he could take it too he could you know he liked better it when I was fat though because he always attack me uh on the flip side of that is there ever one you pitched he wasn’t sure of and it did not deliver and you were like during the fight you’re probably like I’m in the doghouse or no yeah listen it has to happen it has to happen because as much as like I’m looking forward to a certain fight like everybody else is and next thing you know it does not deliver but you guys put that together you must be like mothered you know oh absolutely I mean look at you know everyone I’m not ragging on him let’s face it it is what it is but look at Derrick Lewis versus and he didn’t doubt this nobody doubted this Lewis verus in got nobody said that’s why you know when the people when the people in the crowd are booing and it’s my fight in particular um I take it personal it sucks I feel like I hate sitting there um but when everyone was Vie that fight I said everyone thought this part was going to be a bangers give a of course that was I that was a comain I think right wasn’t that uh comain I want to say in uh in the garden if I if I remember correctly or was that in Vegas um you know what that’s a good question I can’t sorry allergies in Houston oh yeah yeah um but um I can’t where was it that’s a good question maybe it was Vegas but no one can fault you for that one though that’s what everyone expected to be a knockdown just an explosion and you know it was just one of those ones where they canceled each other out a little bit I think derck Lewis C he had back problems if I remember uh correctly he said his back was bothering him if you ever get cornered by Angry fans just throw Shelby under the bus they don’t know who they don’t know who belongs was that little Shelby I didn’t want that fight yeah that’s cool I love it it’s good man so mick how many days a week are you rolling yourself man because we need our honestly I messed up my neck my neck’s been really jacked up for now for years so I don’t roll a lot what I do always make sure it’s with other black belts um so they don’t spaz out on me yes because when I you know the last time I rolled with a bunch of blue belts and it really was just being in the center you know they were taking to turns trying to pcot or whatever the case was and uh but you know they were going nuts and and so I couldn’t sleep for two weeks and it’s like it’s like that’s a quality of life issue when you can’t sleep yeah and um so I learn my lesson from that so I you know tomorrow when I teach I’ll probably do a couple rounds of the other black belt that teaches with me um but we don’t go nuts you know so that that helps it still keeps you sharp though it keeps you sharp you’re sweating you’re moving you’re stretching I do I do a lot of that lately I’ve been doing a lot of the same thing I teach in over 40s class and I’ll jump on those guys a lot and then I then I feel guilty I’m like a I’m beating up on some old men then I find out half the guys I’m rolling with are younger than me so I’m like ah what am I a bully now I just gotta you know but in my mind I still think I’m 20 but uh do do you find that like a blue belt is almost more dangerous because they as a black belt they feel like you’re fairly indestructible and that they feel like they’re going to have to go hard just to keep up whereas a black belt uh understands the right amount of pressure to not hurt something that’s really bothering you and I think you know a lot of times and Len it’s even worse with white belts I mean I don’t think in terms of skill level um I’m overly freaked out or worried but in terms of they don’t really have anything else so they just you know for for the most part just go kind of nuts Blue’s you know is of course better than white belt for the most part but yeah you know I’m the black belt they’re going to go nuts and they want to try to get a notch in their belt and so yeah you know they’re going to go particularly hard I think uh a lot of the time I am a white belt and my biggest fear when I’m training uh is that the guy who I I who I I drill with is a purple belt and he’s really helpful my greatest fear is that I’m going to hurt him being a Clum the like cuz he’s giving me positions I’m not earning the I mean like he’s giving me showing me how to do an arm bar how like I’m afraid that I’m going to do it wrong and hurt him because I’m stupid so that’s really scary is to think that I could do it too hard not knowing and and cause an injury yeah that and I think and that’s happened to me but I mean it just basically got cut in the head because you know the kid was spazzing out and headbutt me um and it split my my my wig a little bit but you know it is what it is it’s it’s know it’s all part of it 100% it’s a Contex but exactly pick your battles you you know for the longevity to stay on the mat you know even just the explosiveness with the newer guys they don’t know yeah it’s not usually malicious never is oh it really it usually is not you know now behind the scenes show let’s talk about that really quick because I want to watch it on Roku yeah it’s very interesting what where could we watch that tell me about that yeah it’s on Roku uh figh Inc uh it’s on Roku I I just watched it on my phone because I was traveling so it was a good opportunity to kind of to catch up with it and and I liked it you know I think it turned out pretty well it was interesting um and I knew you know they were following us around for a really long time not you know you know all the time but I mean they were filming stuff so they obviously had to do a lot of editing they cut a lot of it down uh because I’m sure they had just an incredible amount of footage um and it was cool it was cool it’s was fun to watch how frustrating oh so I’m sorry like you got you know Conor is hurt uh you know you have uh P has to defend against proska again like you have all of these things uh shamayev and it’s a part of the thing you know you’re going to have guys get hurt do you think does it happening more now maybe just because there’s more fights or there’s more uh opportunities for guys to get hurt it just seems like every week There’s a card now so the odds are greater that somebody’s going to get hurt and uh it’s just got to be very frustrating for you especially when one like Connor or Jon Jones one of those falls through yeah I mean I think I think that’s the key right I think last week was an absolute brutal week um it was exhausting and and frustrating and it just felt like bad news just kept on rolling in to the point where you know I was getting text from managers of people pulling out of fights and I just I was so tired I just said okay just I didn’t have anything I was emotionally emotionally done but you know it’s also people you know with Conor it’s a special situation obviously there is one Conor right I mean you can and so him falling out of a fight what two weeks you know two weeks out of the the event what do you do you know what I mean I think that what we what we put together is extraordinary but it’s still not Connor you know and um right so that I think that’s a special circumstance in many way so you know hopefully that never happens again at least not on the Conor level but it is going to happen again uh you know it’s the name of the game it’s the way it goes we just jump into action you know and like I said special with Conor it’s different um but you know we’re used to it and we just jump in there and try to get something done well it’s crazy what a star uh Alex Bea has become in this short period of time and he’s probably ready to go I mean again he isn’t on a camp really but after Jamal hill was a first round knockout so I mean he didn’t take any real damage in that fight but man has he become uh one of the bigger stars in the UFC and just I don’t know was he had five or six fights it’s crazy how fast he’s risen yeah and you know what that’s really the key there I mean I think if if you’re healthy you should fight you know and I think he’s he’s done it so often in a short period of time that he’s been with the UFC and obviously he’s had incredible results that helps as well um but that’s going to that’s going to increase your startom I mean we saw the same thing happen with Izzy you know when Israel came in he fought I think about every two months and so he just catapulted himself to the to the title Sean of course he won but it made him a star well and um you know if you can do that let’s face it that’s how you make money right if you if you’re healthy and you can fight I think you should stay as busy as you possibly can and um you know that’s the difference between Pereira um uh and I he and then you know some of the other guys are a little less active I like they show I’m sorry Jimmy they showed actually take the phone call of him accepting the fight I don’t know if that that was on embedded or what was that on I seen it I seen it in I saw it on his Instagram it might been on his Instagram Alex pere’s Instagram well you seen him in the car taking the when he’s accepting the fight and I’ll tell you he looks cool as a cucumber that guy yeah he sure does there’s no way listen I don’t give a there’s no way that fight’s not gonna be exciting yeah you know and pasas is nutty I mean he’s crazy he’s wild you know I mean you’re just gonna get all sorts of Looney stuff out of him yeah he’s a really fun guy and I love that he stepped aside uh and and he vacated the belt voluntarily at one point and then said I’ll come back and get it when the when I’m not hurt anymore um and I’d kind of like to see him get this just to to see a third fight between these guys like sometimes if the matchup is so good I kind of want to see a split just so I know there has to be a third fight osna against dupi that’s a great fight um you know people wanted that a while ago but I I think Strickland uh came in and just wrecked that for everybody uh by doing what people thought was impossible which was a winning a decision like that um what are you uh what are you hoping for for this year for the UFC obviously you want to have big fights but is there is there a particular goal you have or something that you think you guys you’d like to do better or you’d like to take further I mean I think we’ve we keep outdoing ourselves each year quite frankly and I think you know I do hope that Conor gets healthy and I do hope that Connor is able to fight before the end of the year I think if there was anything that I’m helpful is that um but everything else is kind of falling in line guys like Leon Edwards who we loved and pushed for for a long time some of those guys who are kind of just quieter they’re not really talkers quote unquote or or they’re not going out there and demanding this guy or that guy they seem to take a little longer to get those shots is that kind of a part of it too it’s the guys who just grind as as matchmakers you go we love this guy but it’s a little harder to sell this guy than it is to sell Colby or somebody I mean I think the squeaky whe usually does get the grease I don’t know if that’s in all that in everything right but um I mean that might play a part of it I mean obviously that’s maret ability you know I mean it is what it is you know Leon has been great um I think he would have fought more often I think some things fell through uh it wasn’t a matter of us not wanting it to happen and then of course you know there’s timing you know we got the Manchester show coming up July 27th fighting him pride of that doesn’t make any sense you know we obviously want to have him in in his Market um because it’s going to be a big deal there so you know there’s a lot of different things to play into it that’s a good point he did have some fights he had a run of bad luck for a while something didn’t happen he’d get hurt somebody else would get hurt he did um well look Mick I mean congratulations on the success I mean it’s uh I mean they credit you obviously with saving the flyweight division you must know that you get credit for that well that’s yeah that was a nice thing you said it has definitely become my baby I think that you know it’s it’s hard believe it or not well I guess you would once I say this it make sense there’s probably more I have more flyweight prospects by a ton than any other Division and you’ll have some guys over over there in Europe and some of the stands um they’re like 17 and0 18 and0 I mean there’s some really really good flyweights out there um I think but the division suffers from them being so small and I think you could walk up to somebody you can walk up to your local bar right now sports bar in the dude that doesn’t do anything but sit there on a stool and drink all day he probably thinks he can whip their ass you know so you’re right I mean he probably thinks I’ll kick that little guy’s ass he won’t by the way hey Nick and Jimmy you should watch this too one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time uh was uh Dem Demetrius Johnson um go going in the openweight brown belt division in the world I believe and he went versus a guy like 250 or something or or heavier 260 and he beat him he strangled him believe with a modified clock joke or a h bow and arrow joke but it was it was it was so cool to watch because you seen him throwing him around and he’s bing bing bing he was like a superhero but uh you you I’m sure you’ve seen that yeah yeah you know when you bring him up years ago I’d spoke to him about this and I guess you know and this makes sense right I mean think about your J I mean you know he’s got big guys coming there you’s got football players coming in and different people that he’s trained with and he destroys them you know I mean so you know there’s so many examples of that and these guys are so incredibly skillful you know I mean people lose that lose fact lose that and uh before oh sorry before we let you go what is the word on shmay uh I I meant to ask you that before um it’s you know they say it’s an ongoing illness is it one of those things that you think is going to prevent him from fighting again or or are you guys honestly optimistic or no um I mean yeah we’re optimistic you know but I mean it does seem like you know obviously you know we were talking earlier about you know Fighters that stay active and when he first started um Matt you’re probably there at fight Island yes I was there yeah yeah but he tce in like a couple weeks two weeks he fought twice in two weeks in two different weight classes yeah so this is a guy that wanted to fight all the time and then and then it just went away now he never does you know wasn’t it like that first time he got the co didn’t that hit him hard though yeah I think that hit him really hard yeah it yeah yeah that that messed him up big time um but yeah he took that fight I think he’d only I mean went he took two F he got hit twice in his first fight but him talking was like that I think I think he had he him I remember I remember Dana was going oh he’s supposed to be fighting a guy called they calling him the like the white m and this and that and then right right and then it was like boom that I’m like holy this he took him right out of there and made short work my oh this guy might be something something special yeah you know yeah yeah hey man great work Mick you know always to see you dude I’m surprised this is your first time on here I’m so thanks for having me it a great surprise man let’s do it again yeah come on again too I mean you guys never get the credit you get mentioned by Joe and those guys they all know who who’s doing it but I don’t know if the fans realize what you guys do um other than occasionally hearing your name mentioned but I mean the everything we see uh is because of what you guys are putting together so I mean you put together some amazing cards and I say it all the time the UFC’s ability to have like rivalry after rivalry matchup after matchup that you guys make the fights happen that people want to see it’s it’s crazy it’s what boxing does wrong you guys do perfectly well so great job well you know what go Watch Fight Inc I mean a lot of the stuff you’re talking about it’s it’s in the in that uh whatever you call it documentary or fight Inc on Roku so go check it out you you’ll get a lot of questions answered absolutely thank you Mick thank you guys have a good day all right talk to you again take care man see you soon all right see you later [Music] bye hey man let me tell you yeah such a nice guy this guy yes always such a nice guy every time I see just a mellow cool dude and awesome accent I I don’t know if I met him in person I met Shawn once yeah um I think that was in Vegas new Shelby death match in a cage sure yeah let’s go I’m portering you all right listen all right Jim Jimmy we have fun huh we certainly do all right listen man you know we’re gonna be on oh I’m not gonna see you you might I just don’t know yet you don’t know yet so you might episode you might not be I’ll be here but I might be on a plane I don’t want anybody to get nervous that I’m not gonna be here no no Matt will be here yeah Matt and his abdomen um next Monday by the way is episode 800 what did you just say to me I’ll definitely be here next Monday no wait did you just say to me that Monday is going to be our eighth 800th Y episode yep 800 hours with us together me and you here’s the 800 more thank you MC mayard miles John’s yes fun times MC Maynard miles John’s good times and hey man Jimmy fat black cat oh wait you’re not going to be there this no this Wednesday will not be there thank you for reminding me I got to cancel that um and we will talk you if we I might be here Wednesday but if not then I’ll talk to you Monday on the 800th I love I love keeping everybody in suspense we’ll let you know goodbye everyone bye bet by [Music]