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[Applause] Dustin porier in the blue trunks out of the Southpaw stce Max Holloway is in the black and gold befitting a champion well Dustin clearly reached another level once we moved up to lightweight and many expect that this is the weight class where Max is going to physically be much better it was a nice leg kick right there by poier people a lot of people feel this is Max hollow’s weight class you know I mean obviously it’s hard to say he isn’t because he’s the champ but they feel like at 155 without depleting himself so much he may even be able to take that cardio to another level which is crazy to think about and he was saying how much energy he had during this Camp how much easier this cut was how’s he going to deal with the power porier porier has said now that he’s struggling to even make 155 he’s so big well he looks big he looks wide big old back yeah and that’s where all that power is coming from porier hadwood amounted to a 13-week training camp in Florida nice flurry there from Dustin we’re seeing some good leg work right off the bat by poier really chopping at those legs of Max [Music] Holloway poier closing a plus 200 Underdog tonight oh good Left Hand by Dustin p right off the bat he thinks he’s got Max hurt oh he got clipped oh Max clipped him but you got to be careful with a guy like poier oh oh my goodness Po’s in trouble poier resets about two minutes gone by here round one Holloway loads up on the left hand those are some good shots that Hollow got off on poier there nice left hand and then a right hand straight up the gut oh oh he’s hurt bad oh Po’s all over him Dustin’s got him hurt when you’ve been in fights like this with Justin Gates you know PO is com here oh my goodness these boys are going at it Hollow still firing offense back these boys are going at it my goodness holy [Applause] smokes oh big right poier with big Power jeez Max is in trouble Max is in trouble he’s having a tough time seeing he’s having a tough time seeing the strik of porier right now oh oh he heard him again another huge right holy smokes Max has to grab Max can’t just fight but his style is to do this he can’t just stand there in front of a big strong porier cuz Dustin’s not going to waste the technique he’ll find the shots but Dustin’s looking to close the show here and Max is trying to stay in the pocket and land counters oh my goodness oh that left hand that Dustin poier is a phenomenal boxer but how about the chin of Max Holloway he’s still standing incredible he’s been stunned more in this round than in any fight in recent memory including the Conor McGregor fight this is probably the most we we’ve ever seen Max hert big deep breath from porier who’s already landed 40 significant Str Hur him again BR him again every time he’s Landing he’s hurting [Applause] Holloway Max is struggling a little bit with the power Dustin porier well yeah that’s what the American top team guys were saying all week huge power Edge huge I mean we’re really seeing it here and remember these are two guys that fought the same weight class you know like Dustin was a 45 pounder Max has got to gather himself up to try to slow the Russia porier oh my goodness again that one bothered the right eye of Max Holloway nice Land by Holloway backing up he’s just getting caught so often and so clean we’re just not used to seeing this from Max Holloway he’s trying to get it back he’s got that Championship mentality but the way he’s trying to get it packed keeps putting him in danger and poier said he didn’t feel like Max had that one knockout one punch knockout power it’s always from an accumulation of him beating up on a guy and that right eye starting to well for Max Holloway [Applause] oh big first round for the underdog you ready that said he was not able to get Max Holloway out of there we’ll see how Holloway responds here in round [Applause] two the corner Max Holloway is asking for tight angles they said he’s moving too big as he’s evading but if you’re Dustin for as good as you feel right now you know that you got to do this for 25 minutes unless you get Max Holloway out of there yeah and we don’t really know how badly Max was hurt right how how much has he [Applause] recover hway pretty active yeah round two too [Applause] early again Holloway lands to the body now goes up top porier continuing to mix it up well on the feet hway splits the guard with a right hand it’s the activity of Max Holloway this going to be the power of Dustin porier I like how hollow is mixing it up to the body and again he’s really trying to take some of the wind out of Dustin poer [Applause] sail South Pawn now switches back and forth effortlessly Max does that really good he’ll be mid combination and he’ll switch he’ll switch stances Dustin just swing for the bleachers there but after hurting Holloway so much in round one if you’re poier shouldn’t you slow down a little little bit instead of expending so much energy because Max is always going to be there oh nice elb beautiful Mike Brown continuing to call for a level change out of the Dustin porier Corner Blake rce warning porier for spitting in the direction of [Music] Holloway ooh Snappy left [Applause] hand forier does a really good job with that high guard he doesn’t really get hit clean he’s blocking a lot of the contact that Max is making the body shots are landing but up top he’s doing a good job of rolling and keeping his hands [Applause] high Holloway gets caught on the way in but he has started to close that Gap there’s the level change or at least a takedown attempt porier now over for two Hol clapped at [Applause] him both men just so in their element in a fight hway lands poier spended a lot of energy trying to get Holloway out of there in round one yeah he did good kick to the body by Holloway and you can never question the cardio Max Holloway he’s always going to be there fighting at the same Pace he melted Anthony Pettis just with his pace and pressure his the fingers let’s go we do have to remember that that was the only fight or one of the only fights where Pettis tried to make 145 and it was a brutal cut for [Applause] him nice counter from porier but Holloway certainly the more active guy in this second round yeah he’s having a much better round oh he just got clipped he got rocked again again every but again like poier hurts him and then he expends all this energy trying to finish but he looks calm now he’s being technical oh good right hook the difference in power is very clear seem to be a lot more sting on the big one there that hook was bad he’s hurting him bad man that right hook is nasty so some big Power shots late in the second round for porier in a round that Max was doing really well in [Music] and that right eye increasingly could become a problem for Holloway as we get deeper in this fight Dustin poier is a Savage both of these guys are just Savages holy smokes 99 have landed for Dustin porier for the first 10 minutes I think they’re the most significant because we’ve never seen him hurt like that before even though he might be have been hit more by Ortega there it was never this kind of impact no he was never roed this this fight he’s been rocked four times already in two rounds and so max Holloway had a lot of good work in the beginning of that round but the work that porier did towards the end in my mind eclipsed it well yeah when you get when you get hurt so badly clearly he won that round it’s hard to score around for you but meanwhile he had a significant strike Advantage up to that point oh a counterright hook Hall’s coaches recognize that they go he’s just counter it but Max can’t stay on the outside because that’s not his fighting style Holloway’s fighting style is to pressure and overwhelm you but every time he tries to incorporate that right now he’s getting stung and having to go on the defensive and he just doesn’t seem to have the same kind of power he just he’s an overwhelming volume Striker whereas jier is stunning him right with every Big Shot and porier most didn’t think he could match the volume he’s been the more busy guy 191 total strikes thrown by porier oo big kick to the body nice combination there by Holloway what even think about the two crazy fights that porier had with Alvarez the gatei fight he’s been in those dog fights at 155 pounds with giant punchers yes with big punchers and big men both Alvarez and and gagei are huge punches oh oh stung him [Applause] again nice head movement defensively there by porier oh again it I mean just boxing Dustin is just so crisp Dia Davis in his corner has to oh nice right hand by Max another good counter there by poier though poier is not slowing down and he’s long too he’s the shorter man but has the longer reach and has found the target with great efficiency here tonight you see the head strike picture 106 already landed for Poria I think that’s what it is John like at 45 Maxes long and he’s fighting a guy that has that same type of Long Reach and and he’s he’s Landing he’s just not Landing as effectively at this [Applause] point nice jab from [Applause] Holloway Holloway’s having a little bit of a hard time with his right eye yeah it’s hard to see both guys Landing right up the middle now under 2 minutes here round three yeah he’s swelling up that right eyes is closing there’s a right hand by hallway thing is even when he’s Landing he’s not stinging poier the way poier is hurting him no I know it just you just see the different effect the punches take even from the jab oh there was a good left hand but Max is landing see this is Max’s type of fight though going forward volume volume but he’s just not used to absorbing punches with this kind of power no for sure and Mike Brown is begging for a level change for whatever that’s worth volume now Holloway pouring it on oh beautiful knee to the body porier in on the legs of Max Holloway here for as good as Max fought he needs to avoid this taked down poier cannot finish this this was a great round for Max [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Holloway and if if Dustin po you don’t waste the energy trying to secure this oh oh hurt excellent [Applause] elbows Holloway tweaks the angle there to avoid the 12 to6 final seconds round [Applause] three looks like porier is going to ride out the rest of this [Applause] round wow already 125 strikes absorbed to the head by Holloway but if the DS or any indication DC he appeared to be the fresher guy after round three yes John poier did some good work but Holloway’s activity in that round did win the round and you got to remember it will not stop it’s the same face he’s going to fight with for the next 10 minutes he just tagged him a straight right yeah and if poer starts slowing down at all he’s in trouble yeah but he’s deep in on this shot deep he’s deep and he’s got it and this is what the great Mike Brown has been calling for for three rounds pushing down on the head and that will keep Dustin from building he cannot let him secure his legs you let him start stepping over and hooking the legs that then you end up in the position like habiib always has people in you can’t let them step over the legs but even as poier starts to slow down a little but how much energy does it take trying to get this Tak down right and this could slow him down apoll gets back up to his feet but a Holloway could be the fresher guy H’s looking for a guillotine here oh nice knee the body nasty nasty knee to the liver now porier with a pretty significant cut around that right eye [Applause] man Holloway just nonstop his cardio is off the charts off the charts at either weight class just the ability to push push push push push it’s crazy to watch look at that volume porier got to be careful here porier is trying to take a break Holloway’s not letting him he won’t let him breathe Dustin’s tired or so it would appear yes he is porier wants a break Holloway’s just pursuing he’ll just keep touching you keep touching you keep touching you he isn’t trying to hurt you with one attack he’s just trying to wear on the gas [Applause] tank oh my goodness porier fires back he’s got him hurt [Applause] poier does a better job when he’s the guy going forward good counter right from poier after Holloway landed the elbow we haven’t seen that right kick from hway that his Corner called for after round [Applause] three oh nasty Body Work by Holloway porier just took a big deep breath Holloway just have to be really careful when he’s just throwing all those punches not to get caught with a big right hook oh to the body now the right woo nasty jab by poier in a left [Applause] hand oh right cross from Dustin por a on the [Applause] switch Hollow away with a big deep breath oh that knee caused some damage oh it it cut him open it cut him open bad oh oh Holloway busted wide open Jo wide open oh he’s he’s spraying blood now wow oh he [Applause] smokes looks like a huge gash right in the middle of the forehead that patented Hawaiian toughness going to have to be leaned on by Holloway oh woo [Applause] guillotine [Applause] looked like porier just smiled at UFC president Dana White got to love it there it is again maybe he was looking at [Applause] chaq oh D easy four rounds down they will call the doctor in to look at the cut on Max Holloway or will Max Holloway exit with a belt over each shoulder Fifth and Final Round Here We [Applause] Go nice jab by Hollow yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Atlanta crowd trying to get behind Max Holloway here porier loads up on the right hand unable to land [Applause] o oh power discrepancy on display once again in that exchange also just the sharpness of that counter too perfect Precision if anybody doubted the cardio of Dustin porier it is on display here cuz this has been a fast-paced fight it’s so clear that the guy that’s going forward is the guy that’s successful if Holloway’s pressing Holloway is the guy’s Landing if porier is pressing he’s the guy Landing the jab but neither of these guys want to go backwards so it’s a war of attrition [Applause] this is such a crazy fight it’s crazy fight I mean jeez Louise look at the difference though in the way they look I mean Dustin porier even though he’s eating a bunch of from Max Holloway they do not have nearly the same effect yeah he’s big and strong man he’s a big strong lightweight even the frame right the big side the size of the back right look at poet’s arms Max looks good at 55 but he doesn’t look nearly as big as Dustin oh nice right hand yeah Holloway splits the guard beautiful left hand touch there by porier oh [Applause] Max Hollow puts those punches together so well man he’ll be head head head body body head it’s beautiful to watch but the jab of Dustin porier is just a piston that right hand has worked really however he’s thrown it as a jab as a hook under two minutes now to go [Applause] Dustin in on this single and I believe the corner Hollow is Right Dustin’s taking a break here he realized earlier that he can’t take a break in space anymore he has to get close and right here on the single leg he’s trying to rest and get ready for what is going to be a crazy last minute under a minute now to go in this UFC interim lightweight championship fight khabib Mago beckin for the winner poier has to understand that if Holloway gets space a minute to go he’s going to be coming guns are blazing but poier might not let him out of [Applause] here well we expected a classic and that has what these two men have turned in under 30 now to [Applause] go [Applause] final 10 seconds the standing ovation has already started here in [Applause] Atlanta what a fight porier and Holloway Go the Distance amazing fight and amazing show respect at the end and new interim UFC light great champion of the world Dustin the Diamond [Applause] for