On this episode of Good Guy / Bad Guy, light heavyweight champ Alex Pereira has shocked the world again with his KO win over …

oh my [Applause] gosh I think he spilled something on his shirt he did I love it hey this is beautiful listen I want to play I’m over here I’m doing absolutely nothing guess who I’m impersonating that is my Connor walkout [Music] what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode a good guy bad guy I’m Daniel Corby chill suned chill it looks like you’re still in Las Vegas is the vacation not over yet man what is going on yeah I’m sticking around I was jealous everybody got to have so much fun and I felt like there was some hustle I want to stick around maybe enjoy the pull myself a little bit later today it is unfortunate that you’re going to go there and take your shirt off all these gentlemen that are there with their women will have to be on the lookout now because the bad guy is walking around a pool in Las Vegas with no shirt on chill is an unfair world now let me tell you something sometimes the world can be unfair but sometimes the world can also just be beautiful and you know why the world is beautiful to me right now because Alex Herrera who not only is a fantastic fighter but an allaround good guy is absolutely ruling the light heavyweight Division and really all of mixed martial arts shill this guy continues to raise the bar my question to you becomes this because we all break him down time and time again the head kick we’re going to get into a long conversation in regards to the champ but my question to you is this show when you look at Alex Pereira is this guy one the face of the UFC and two the scariest guy in light heavyweight and possibly light heavyweight history Daniel he is going to be and hear me out on this I I believe his skills are there I believe what he has done is unmatched but everybody that has fought him so far has fought him like Yuri prosa did what Yuri should have done he fought well he looked good he was stoic he stepped into range he didn’t go for any takedowns but just so you understand that’s because he tried in the first fight and he realized that type of energy that squeeze isn’t worth the juice I tell you that the that Yuri went out there and fought he got caught it’s a it’s a power R end UPS getting knocked out not only once but twice right like people have short-term memories they think that uh Alex has now knocked out Yuri twice well he’s actually knocked him out three times but the reason I’m telling you that Yuri did go out and fight him so did Izzy and so did everybody else Daniel I will submit for you that in a very short order guys are not going to be fighting Pier I believe that Pereira has uh the same influence that Mike Tyson had when I was growing up or Anderson Silva had when you and I were competing where guys would leave their skills in the locker room they already was predetermined they knew they weren’t going to beat him and that Daniel is when he becomes the scariest guy in the UFC you know who I spoke to Tyrone Spa who is a world class kickboxer also and he was telling me he goes these guys are so afraid Daniel that when they go out there they can’t even P to get some M ja the only reason I bring that up is because you just mentioned Mike Tyson it was all about the fear that guys had dude Bruce Seldon was a tough man look Brothers back in the 70s big strong dudes 80s flat top Bruce seld if you saw that man walking on the street you would be intimidated but when he saw Mike Tyson he saw another person that he was afraid of so then when he got in there to fight him it wasn’t even competitive for a second I feel like now Herrera is starting to get to a point where he is striking so much fear in his competition that they don’t know how to approach him and we saw that with yur Pro Oscar in the first fight chill yur Pro Oscar was able to get a take down he won the first round on all the judges scorecards he was winning the second round doing really well last Saturday it was a complete wipe out he was not competitive he did not have moment he looked lost in there against Alex per because every time he even had a thought of starting perer was there to not only stop him but make him pay for even having the thought to start it was the craziest thing to watch him just tiny a guy that beats everybody else you know what’s most impressive about B is this he’s beating up on yur proska and yur proska beats up on everybody else and it’s not even close jaill that was what was most impressive from last Saturday the fact that he went from fight one to fight two against the same guy that beat him at moments on short notice with no trading C and he spread it he he opened up the space between them as competitors to the point that you’re for Oscar said if I don’t get better and they elevate to the next level I gotta walk away from fighting that is a f that’s a tough truth to accept as a former Champion yeah and I’ll tell you what I I don’t know that Yuri needs to get better I don’t know what it was that he did wrong I mean when you have that kind of power not for nothing but Yuri never follows the basics of keep your hands up and your chin down he went out and fought like Yuri like I don’t really have an overly hard time with it like I feel like I’m his coaches are trainers I don’t feel disrespect or like he didn’t follow the plan Yuri has also never lost a rematch that’s a little cha statistic that I found but I only share that because he has proven a Dem demonstrated that he can learn from those first matches you and I had referenced the King Mo uh a couple of battles there just for example and the reason I want to tell you that Daniel is I’ve just never seen anything like Perera and I don’t just mean in our sport like his praise when Randy Couture came in they called him the natural he was 34 years old that was at a different time though when a dominant wrestler oftentimes came over and was very dominant our sport Pier at 36 years old 35 when he become the world championship I’ve never seen any body in football in baseball in tennis in hockey in swimming I run through the gears I’ve never seen anybody no matter what their background go into a different sport and become the best in the world it is truly a shocking thing and I’m trying to watch this guy Daniel and I’m trying to really figure out what does he do that’s different because there’s not a lot there he’s not overly like Dynamic like Jon Jones will hit techniques that you and anic and Joe Rogan are stuck going what do we even tell the audience that’s called like you know go out and do these new things I everything Perera does the lead kick is the distracted the rear kick gets to hurt you and then you got the hands you’re going to have to worry about either coming to the body or head I mean it’s pretty straightforward but Daniel he doesn’t Flinch and that might sound small but I got to get small I’ve studed this guys 20 times I can’t figure it out he doesn’t Flinch you get in there you’re in the fire you start fainting him you start raising hands he doesn’t move he doesn’t jump he’s very calm part of that stoicness does allow his conditioning it does allow him to go harder longer he doesn’t appear to be intimidated at all to go five rounds he knows right where he’s at he gets better as the fight goes on I’ve just never really seen anything like it but I want to extend that comment not just in our sport I’ve never seen it in sport I’m open to being corrected I’m challenging you and our fans in the comment section if you remember an athlete that did it this late in the in life 36 years old please tell me who it was CH you know what’s crazy when we talk about him doesn’t it feel like we’re doing it with disservice because we really can’t truly explain to people which is our job how special this is is like I always look I’m I’m we love to talk and we’re searching for words to explain what this man is doing I I I don’t know how you can praise someone so much but still feel like you’re not doing enough that is what it feels like when Alex Pereira fights and when the fight is over now chill I got a very interesting text message right after the fight that I want to get into with you as we get into what type of fight will give him problems but before we get to that every time one of these guys fight the argument of pound for pound is brought up because they look so dynamic they look so dominant they look so good same thing happened with M fought now Pereira fights and everybody’s like well is this guy pound for pound they bring it to Dana White Dana White has been steadfast in his belief that Jon Jones is the guy this is what he had to say last Saturday no matter what you think of John jnes he’s the best ever and he’s the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world and he’s the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world well except that he hasn’t fought in the last year so he’s not because he got hurt he got injured but if if you don’t if you if you were coming into a fight and you [ __ ] got hurt that means you’re not the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world anymore how does that even make sense it doesn’t make sense right if he was sitting out and [ __ ] getting arrested and running around or whatever and you’re like you know well Jon Jones is inactive I’d say h may maybe you’re right but as an educated adult who knows the fight business you cannot deny that while Jon Jones is active he is the greatest fighter in the world did I not say that yes I don’t know what you’re arguing about here I don’t even know how we’re in this conversation okay so here in a p rankings Islam AEV number one J Jones 2 Leon Edwards Alex Pereira in IIA Toria at number five chill I get D’s argument but ultimately what pound from pound means or at least by definition it is a style of fighting that regardless of weight class will translate Jon Jones has now proven by becoming the heavyweight champ and the light heavyweight champion champion that his fighting style does translate weight class but so has Alex Pereira he was the middleweight champ he’s the like heavyweight champion but make no mistake about it while they’re asking the question no one is as adamant about Alex being number one pound as they are about makach and that’s because Alex doesn’t feel like he’s the number one p fighter in the world but with that being said chill how close is Alex Pereira to being considered the power B best fighter in the world especially whenever they start bringing up the idea that he could go and fight for the heavyweight Championship because if he becomes a heavyweight champ then not only is he powerful Power number one he’s powerful P of all time he’s pob greatest of all time shut down the PB rankings for always because he will always belong to Alex Pera we will stop talking about goat if he does win the heavyweight championship we will not talk about goat when it’s time to talk about goat we will just say Alex perara that that is true and that’s really remarkable because we love to fight about that I mean you saw Kevin ioli and Dana White just going and we played it here on ESPN we love that topic you were right without exaggeration it ends if he could do that now hold on Daniel I want to just back up partner because you had said something hey CH doesn’t it feel like a disservice when we talk about Pier we’re the experts here we don’t really know how to explain it hey I was in Bristol I was in the world headquarters hired to do a job I was gonna go out and explain to the audience Jon Jones had just got done beating OSP it is the worst John has ever fought it was ever got he won every single round on a bad night he was the best in the world all five rounds I was just about to go out and and I was telling Gilbert Melinda is what I was going to say I was going to go tell the world he is chosen by God I had no other explanation I had to catch myself and realize my God that’s not an analysis you can’t go and do it but D I just never seen anything like that you know why I love to bring up Jon Jones in this I went to him over the weekend I wanted to be the big hero of our show today I knew this topic was gonna be here I John what is it your scene when you watch this guy right like John is a brilliant artist there’s another brilliant artist and I can’t relate in all my time what do you see when you see this man I got bubbles but he never hit send I don’t have the text back I don’t know what John was thinking I don’t know what he was saying and I wanted to so badly so badly I just I like I feel like he typed it out you know the bubbles were there for and I just feel like he didn’t press Center maybe he got somewhere where where the connection wasn’t there and Daniel I I will tell you this I think that Pier is very serious I took him at his word at UFC 300 when he was offered to go up and take on Aspen off I do not think that’s a bluff nobody wants to fight Yuri proska particularly a second time particularly on short noce like there is just nothing there to gain this guy’s not joking around when he says I’ll always be ready and I will fight anybody he really means it is he good enough for Jon Jones and ason I mean look that’s yet to be proven but as far as what you’re saying about the one guy that we currently have even in front of Jon like John can’t go down to 185 the only guy that we have that realistically could even be given the opportunity to in the conversation of greatest ever is a guy that’s only had 11 fights from a kickboxing background that ws or I apologize that an age of 36 years old it’s unbelievable I’ve never seen anything like it in sport I’ve never seen anything like it is sp to chill we’re going to discuss his path to the heavyweight championship but I was telling you I got an interesting text message the other day because when I look at the head light heavyweight landscape look at the top five and he’s beating on Yuri twice he’s beat Jamal who is also the top five Rockit is a striker the um uh bovic is a striker Johnny Walker is a striker the only one that isn’t khil rer is a striker the only one that has any wrestling is that is an Goliath but an goath isn’t technically a wrestler he is a striker who has said he is going to knock Alex PA to Pereira out he said congrats J I’m very impressed but the boss always says this is sport of opportunities and all I want is an opportunity and I don’t need wrestling I have enough skills in Striking to test your chin I believe that I will knock you out chill the text message I received was this chill it said light heavyweight top five and it showed that and then it said light heavyweight top five from 5 years ago or six years ago chill the top five was me wrestler Jones wrestler B to jera wrestler Phil Davis wrestler Ryan Bader wrestler BL toera I mean uh Alexander Guston who had sneaky good wrestling six top guys in the world were all wrestlers I look at this weight class right now CH and I see no wrestlers I don’t see any wrestlers all the way to 10 number six gu the world is Nikita kall if nobody wrestles this guy chill how long can Alex Pereira r at Top This division because it feels like if you’re forced to stand with him and strike with him you really have no chance how in the world CH did all wrestlers that weigh around 230 pounds just not end up in this weight class anymore yeah and Daniel I’m telling you please mark these words it is going to get easier guys are going to start folding the Mike Tyson effect the Cain Velasquez effect the Anderson Silva I I really can’t name any more in my lifetime it’s a really rare thing they’re going to start buckling now I will concede to Uncle and I don’t want to overly sell that fight I’m not convinced that Uncle is the right guy but you’ve either got to put anleia in there get Perera out of the division or find someone to beat anleia and believe it or not the one matchup that beats unle or gives him the biggest problem is raic who’s coming off a loss so they’re probably not going to put that together my point is this Perera has proven just about everything that you can do in such a short career 10 11 12 fights but he has not had a a dominant wrestler he he just hasn’t had that yet and I do think that’s an interesting challeng is not afraid of it they AR there aren’t any dominant wrestlers there aren’t any I’m conceding the young man from dagistan I I admit that he doesn’t have the background and I just think it might be one of those interesting things where there’s really not going to be much left for us to discuss he will go into that Michael Jordan type realm where you’re not watching him because you want to know the outcome you’re watching him for his greatness D I’ve never watched uh fighting for that I don’t like it and I’m just sharing for you I mean that is how unique this guy is he’s got some word called CH I don’t even know what it means I found myself saying it this morning I was embarrassed the guy’s cool man I’m buying into the gimmick like I feel he could go and represent his country in war and the other country better hope he doesn’t show up I feel like he he could get dropped into a remote Village somewhere and that Village will eat every day I don’t know where he’s going to get the food I don’t know how he’s going to do it I am buying into this whole thing man this guy has sold me he’s an 85 pounder excuse me he’s a big light heavyweight he was an 85 pounder one calender year ago he’s not going to be a small heavyweight when that time comes around like there is nothing about this that makes I’m not talking about a 17-year-old and then he turned 25 and his body matured the man is 36 years old when I was growing up down in 1992 had an Olympian one of the great athletes ever as far as DNA goes a wrestler for Dan Gable’s Iowa Hawkeyes his name is Chris Campbell he made the Olympic team at 36 and they called him Grandpa the entire Olympic team not just the US the announcers called him Grandpa he was so old that’s how old Pier is right now and he ain’t going nowhere partner he ain’t going nowhere chill you know Alex Pereira has done some crazy things and you know when you know an athlete begins to crossed over into a realm of something we haven’t seen much Yuri prashka has convinced himself chill that Alex Pereira is doing voal he is literally convinced that Alex is doing Voodoo and he’s using demonic magic CH he was he Yuri’s so weird but like I love Yuri man he’s the best Yuri Yuri actually when he left the scale after he was going Pereira Pereira shook his head chill he walked off it made a sign of the cross that he walked up the stage and he said here is that he was trying to do something I can see it in his eyes all I want is a fair fight he thinks that the gods are guiding this man into the Octagon chill and look at this sh when when yurri was in the octagon and Alex music is playing Yuri is literally at the middle of the Octagon jail reaching out like the Tim Warrior pulling in he’s pulling in the spirits and bringing it inside of himself it was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen dude Alex Pereira has now become a the stop of Legend and the only thing that could Elevate him anymore and we never would have thought it as he becomes a heavyweight champion because if he continues to beat the light heavyweights it’ll be like well now we expect him to beat the light heavyweights but what is the path CH should he try it should he I don’t think we’ll ever see anybody as close or have the opportunity to chase three championships should chill Pereira at least make an attempt granted we’re talking about a guy that never even defend the middleweight Championship jail he never defended it he lost it right back to Izzy but now we’re talking about a guy that defended the L heavweight twice and we’re wondering should this man go up to heavyweight and try chill to become a three Division champion the largest voice in entertainment is Joe Rogan and Joe Rogan got that started I mean not for nothing but this is how things happen it usually starts real small on the internet and then a fire girls they call that going viral well we started with the guy that goes viral so this is a real discussion today Daniel is it’s not just you and I and this is how these things become now if you look at the landscape of heavyweight it’s a little bit complex we we have a a heavyweight champion but we’ve got an inum Champion he’s not he’s gonna defend against somebody else but he’s defending the int Bel I’m just sharing with you like I don’t quite know where we would move perara and when would we move in there I think they’re real steadfast about stie and Jones is going to happen I think we all agree on that okay let’s push that aside it still opens up the inum opportunity but then it kind of feels like you’re doing two divisions so yeah I love the idea I do want to do it I think it’s too big of a risk I think putting him in there with Uncle Li and just on the mere fact that they could get up and switch shares isn’t worth it I’d rather take him out of the vision move him at heavyweight see how he does up there they run that risk and that’s not the way that that Dana and Hunter’s minds work I’m just sharing for you that for conversation I think that it it is relevant I love the idea that he has the opportunity he saved the last two uh shows in the fight capital of the world which is Las Vegas that’s UFC 300 and UFC 303 he’s owed something now he hasn’t come out and asked for it on his behalf but I think it’s because he doesn’t know who to ask it of do I ask it of asol or do I ask it of Jones J you know you know what’s you know what’s funny to me is like in the UFC when you are called on at times it grants you favor as in most businesses Herrera has a lot of good favor with the company right now and so if he was to go a I think we should do this I think it would happen especially CH I was going to ask you this but granted that that that you touched on it a little bit I tend to kind of agree I believe that anol is the right fight you test him against the best guy but there’s a lot of risk involved because he has got so much momentum right now that I if van beats him he loses a little bit of that Mystique that he has and an could beat him he’s really good but to move up up the heavyweight he’s playing with H’s money because if he loses he just goes back to light heavyweight and defends the championship but if he wins he goes to a world that we can’t even comprehend chill but uh I I was going to say that as a promoter do you do the analiia fight I would I would because I think you have to do what’s right for the fight game but if I’m giv an option and it’s ARB Aspen blades winner versus Pereira in New York City I think I’m doing that plus plus hey plus I’m doing it on the same night as Stipe versus Jones because if they fight in New York then you have two heavyweight championship fights on the same fight card and then you build your next fight you go step Jones Pereira versus blades Aspen all Whitner imagine New York City they say that the garden is the mecca of sports in heavyweight fights are born in Madison Square Garden Legends are made there as heavyweight Fighters imagine if the UFC went there with two heavyweight title fights on the same night essentially a bracket that leads to let’s go see so November that leads to that great March April card that the UFC always have in Vegas could you imagine that oh man oh yeah even even back up that’s matchmaking at jail go Super Bowl weekend hey I love everything you said I’ll just play a little bit of Devil’s Advocate for fun okay had you not said that that’s what I would have said but here would be the part B Pier is not by the book okay he got to light heavyweight by losing a middleweight so I’ll just tell you Dana White that does not like to take a guy out of his division now he’s gotten away from that a little bit more o over the last half a decade but he really doesn’t like that PCY you know what you put him against Uncle live let’s say the worst thing happens Pier loses that’s how you get him to heavyweight it’s the same way that he got to light heavyweight now he might have to fight somebody in between but if he gets a victory he’s already shown that path once one Victory and heavyweight that’s what draw him right into the heavyweight championship but it would still be a champ champ champ situation look I know that doesn’t sound right the guy loses dcle moves up but the guy that lost to Izzy went and moved up okay then then he had to deal with the guy that Izzy couldn’t deal with in Yan blov and he went out and found a way so I mean the rules don’t totally apply to this Alex Pierre and I can only imagine a 36-year-old body I got to imagine that he’s tired I got to imagine that he’s worn down I got to imagine he’s going to be tired of cutting weight I think we’ve got a heavy weight on our hands I think it’s sooner than later oh by the way there’s a little bit of something in my tone and I feel like your yours as well we’re saying that we think Uncle goath would beat him that might be a little bit disrespectful but there is something about that matchup and fairness that would make Pier fans a little uneasy yeah it would make you uneasy but to doubt Pereira is you know what’s sad to you the fact that it’s coming off that we might think that he’ll lose to Alia he will actually insist on fighting Aria yep and then with the way things have been going lately he would Finly destroy an and then if he beats anive I’m serious man I don’t know with the state of the division who’s gonna get this stud crazy crazy crazy crazy stuff hey uh chill before we move on to topic too y roska shamanic Magic Drawing back into himself it was literally can you believe he that dud I don’t want him to be too hard on himself I didn’t like what he said I didn’t like when he came out and he said I’m either gonna get better or quit I said hey Yuri time out a second I’m sure you’re a little down you did a lot of things right not to mention youu a courage not to mention you took on a short notice like there wasn’t a whole lot of things in his favor you know how hard it is to go and fight a guy that just starts you he went and stood with him I mean Yuri did believe he did train the right way he did think he had it I don’t want him to be too down on himself there are mules out there okay there there is livestock that couldn’t have taken that shot not follow you know after it was followed up by the kick come on special guy special fight Yuri relax please he’s a yeah he’s a special fighter and honestly Yuri would be favored against most other light heavyweights in the division so there is still possibly that P to a championship for your broska well Michael Chandler was supposed to fight last weekend against Conor McGregor Michael Chandler was in attendance he was asked by Bren Kono does he regret anything in the build to the kyin McGregor fight this is what Michael had to say I think it has the potential to do that I mean we’re human beings we are we are prone to wander we are prone to have those um you know think about what we could or could not have done differently and do we have reget from it I can tell you I do not regret a thing about this process I do believe the way that I have responded to how how I have lived this out and how how I responded through every single aspect of this should be a blueprint um for a lot of people to look to um in how to handle uncertainty in your life so if I got to be that guy who’s got to climb this hill uh maybe die on that Hill we’ll find out um then so be it well I mean I got to say you get the enough enough enough enough we’re tired of it enough we don’t need the positivity we don’t need you to tell us that through hard things is good hey every R day the sun ultimately comes out guys if you put one foot in front of the other eventually you get to the Finish Line no no it’s not like the aspiring single mother singer that moves to Nashville and picks up a double shift as a waitress it’s not really like that okay you’re waiting for the biggest paycheck against a dude that hasn’t won a fight in six years I mean not for nothing K you’re not like trying to take the biggest risk and go out there now I do got to tell you as far as Chandler goes I think he’s doing a good job and I find Michael Chandler be very entertaining but the other side of what he just said right there while he was punching his own ticket and shine in those old wheels up look if you end up with the fight and it is an easy fight and it is a really big payday it turns out in hindsight good job but if you don’t you’re just unemployed and for the last two years Michael Chandler has been unemployed he’s showing up to work but he’s not punching the clock man if I’m going to UFC I am getting in that octagon and I’m getting paid I’m a priz fighter my wife’s not letting me leave town if I’m not bringing a check home I’m just sharing with you at some point we have got to get on with it and it’s not some kind of a cool thing to be out there on on bird side hold the sign you got if you’re Spiderman you got to go get that prize in my opinion enough chill I can’t I just can’t I can’t buy into it anymore I love Michael Chandler I love the positivity I love a guy that believes in something that is going to fight for that thing I love everything m stands for but enough right like you said chill man’s been unemployed has not far the man has would have made much more money had he fought instead of waiting I get it but like chill you and I both know this ain’t the the hardest fight because if you wanted the hardest fight you could have fought somebody else already would have happened this is a fight that you believe that you will gain from not only financially but you believe that your level of starting will raise because you beat Conor McGregor that’s a it’s not all this other stuff you want that fight because that fight ultimately will help to build your brain as you get older it’s simple tell us the truth Mike tell us the truth tell us why you’re still waiting for this man two years in and that’s okay that’s no knock on you why you’re waiting you’re waiting because you know that you can beat this dude and you’re waiting because you know this is the biggest payday you can get and you’re waiting because you know that ultimately it elevates you to a level without as much risk than anyone else in the division that’s simple we’ve never seen it really work out for anybody that Waits and we’ve also never seen anybody wait this long but I will tell you something the theory of weit Sean Strickland’s going through it right now just to offer a recent example the theory of weight is I don’t want to risk getting beat I won and I did what I need to do Michael Chandler’s coming off of a loss he’s coming off a loss at a different weight class over a dude who may or not may be retired by now I mean it’s one of these what difference does it make we’re making up weight classes we’re fighting for no reason there’s no five rounds I have the foggiest idea why they’re doing that on the other side we can’t even get the guy to the ring and when you’re being positive and you’re being well if it’s just you you can do it but if you got to count on somebody else like if you’re living the disciplined lifestyle because it’s the right thing to do well does that really work when the equation to come together has got another guy that’s at the club at 3: in the morning it’s one of those things Cham here’s the message I spoke to the UFC McGregor I am your next fight but you may not be mine I’m going to go do whatever I do but when you come back I will be waiting for you the end and then just see if it holds up it might it might not like things change quickly well it has to be me if you’re Michael Chandler it just you just say it has to be me regardless when you come back it’s me but I’m fighting somebody else and guess what the only problem with that is if Michaels out there and he looks too good McGregor might not fight it’s it’s that simple and I think he does not want to run the risk of losing his fight now I said CH that you benefit from beating K McGregor another guy that benefited from beating K McGregor is Dustin porier Dustin porier this morning spoke about his fighting future and he said they should have never given this kid WiFi destruction and Destroy Uno M so essentially it sounds like to me Dustin wants to fight again chill what do you making this because honestly if I’m being completely honest as I look at my iPad I don’t even know what Dusty said I not cool enough to know what that statement was Jill what does that mean one more match or something what does that mean M yes Roberto Duran made that famous he stated no moss and they rematched him against Sugar Ray Leonard and that was called Udo Moss so I happen to know that from my time as an 11-year-old boxing fan now I will tell you this though who is he speaking to that’s the part that I don’t know who should have he not given Wi-Fi talking about himself is he the Kitty’s referencing or did he get a statement from Conor McGregor who is pretty busy on uh social media I mean I don’t quite know where that’s coming from if Dustin por was to come back I do think there’s a number of uh very interesting matches but to act like por couldn’t come in uh and swoop up the Chandler fight or steal the Connor fight or do a number of very exciting things I mean that guy’s a major player that’s floating around the division and uh Justin gate is out there I think we can have some real fun predicting what’s next for por but I do take that as a statement I spent a lot of time with po over the weekend did our show together got a work the post show and pre-show with him fans were coming around and they were chanting one more fight and I don’t know how they all knew to do that but Dustin b is a massive star even bigger than I knew that he was Daniel he just answered the question and he says Uno Moss he’s answering the question that he was asked all weekend and he’s confirming one more fight oh that’s what that is okay thank you so you see it’s good to have cool friends who are like in the because I’m not cool and I didn’t know what he meant but thank you Uncle chill I appreciate it if he’s doing one more chill I said put him in there with Justin gaty W more time they got one in one they fought for the BMF title Let them fight each other again both of them don’t have great Direction in terms of what they’re doing right now because obviously Justin lost to Dustin in the BMF title fight then Dustin lost to Islam I say you match him up again I don’t want to see p in there with one of the young guys FIV or suan or I want to see him in there with a guy that’s going to go in there put the show with him I know that him and Justin gatu will do that so I say match him up again chil I know it’s only been like two years match him up again let him fight again it’ll always be fun and that’s what I would like to see Dustin and Diamond do I thought I also saw him tweet something to Islam about a rematch I don’t know that that works right now but I do believe him and Justin gave H would be a fun fight as it always will be CH last weekend was fun great performance Viet Pereira the the the craziness that surrounded the co-main event but with great fight cards leads to breaks so CH and I get a day off oh my goodness chill we don’t have a show on Thursday but next week Jay and are back and we’ll go back to our normal schedule every Monday and Thursday you can catch us on SPN MMA YouTube and wherever you get your podcast for bad black Joe Su I’m Daniel Cormier until next time peace happy 4th of July guys